Waleed Basyouni – Our Relationship With Jannah Hilal

Waleed Basyouni
AI: Summary © The title "Game of Thrones" is a story of Hannah losing everything and losing everything to the Spanish Church. The agenda is a hellfire and the language used in Islam relates to the agenda and the loss of Hannah. The holy eye is recognized as the weightless], and praying for Allah's success is crucial for personal success. The relationship between men and women is discussed, with a focus on the importance of men in relation to their roles. The digital experience is emphasized for those who want to enjoy their daily life. The segment ends with a reminder of upcoming events and a potluck dinner.
AI: Transcript ©
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To copy him the Napoleon was former committee and used to be our emcee we

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also Leo Salah mala

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Modena Mohammed wala he was a big man was had

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a lot of work the whole day Jerry Keller was shadow no Mohammed Abdullah he was a pseudo wash had one and another one another one is Abdullah sudo we're killing Meadow haha Illa Maria Mara min Eva de la OC C'mon FC ritacco law is to highlight passivity or failure within the heart, while mo Angela Halla de la jolla. Semi YT Rama Rama La Jolla taco taco the hiring manager, Allah. Allah has the nakatomi de la la hora

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eighth la Jara La Jolla community back in

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a moment how can Heidi Alicia

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and Abby hurry ratar o de La da da da da da call Allah Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam the Messenger of Allah sallallahu Sallam said Mr gela nomina nerissa mcgrattan la Cala t narrow, Europe the inhabitat careful and Mr. JOHN Romita Jr. who was

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Mr. Ratan la Cartagena to Europe in Africa, Poland and salani Jana, the Prophet sallallahu wasallam said no one will ask Allah subhanho wa Taala and seek His refuge to protect him from the Hellfire seven times.

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Indeed, the Hellfire will reply and will say Oh Allah, oh my lord in Africa, your servant philon and will mention your name, son of who also your father's name is Dr. Amin if he seeks with your refugee from me, so Allah protect him from me. That's the hellfire. We'll talk to Allah and we'll pray that at that time, and then no one would ask Allah Subhana Allah to grant him agenda seven times, a laconic agenda, the agenda will reply and we'll talk to Allah and we'll say, My Lord, Your servant and will mention your name. He asked you to grind him me so Allah let him come in me. This is the agenda. We'll talk to Allah Subhana Allah and another Hadith Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam says,

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narrated by us how sunon whoever asked a lot this thing three times, so three times or seven times when we ask Allah subhana wa Tada. And that's the beautiful thing.

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All you say a lot of manias a local agenda. What are the we came in and not? Well, I asked you to grant miljan and protect me from the not from the Hellfire right away the agenda and the Hellfire they hear your voice. That means the agenda and the Hellfire they can hear.

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And not only that, they recognize your voice and they will know where this voice came from.

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Six panela that means we are so familiar to the gender and the not. They know us very well better than ourselves. Let's one talk and then can you recognize who speaks? It's very hard sometimes right or wrong. Sometimes people they call you your friend and then it takes you a second to figure out who's you talking with. And you talk to them more often. So this is more for loss of Hannah hautala the agenda and the Hellfire, they know your voice and they can recognize it. And not only that they know your name

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and your father's name.

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And also they talk

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to Allah subhanho wa Taala

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and they say Oh Allah Your servant, and they know who you are as a servant of a lot. This is the dough heydo Virgin and the knot.

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They believe in Allah subhana wa tada and they will say they pray for you. And who prays for him when someone prays for someone that means he loves him and cares about him or not.

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So the agenda when you pray for you, prays for you, and the Hellfire prays for you. That means the agenda is the place where where you will receive more of Allah subhanho wa Taala and the jinn loves you to be there.

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And the Hellfire is the place of the anger the God of Allah subhanaw taala the law, not the law, the law.

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It does not love to see you there. Even it is the place but it doesn't like to see the believers there. Doesn't want to see that. So that's why he prays for you right away and see. So this is Dr. mercola. And this is the heart of a lot, how the agenda and the Hellfire they know us and how the agenda and the Hellfire they can recognize us.

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This is this is this is something deep, and it's something amazing from Allah subhanho wa Taala. Remember so loss of loss lm he taught us that every one of us has two seats reserved, reserved in his name,

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one seat in agenda and one seed and the hellfire. That's your that is your seed since Allah created you, that is your seed under your name. No, I'm going to take that one. And that is your another seed and that will fire no one is going to take so that's under your name. So that's why we are known and agenda. And we are known by the Hellfire as well. That's your name, you see. So here it is your choice after that you want to go to that seat or to that seat. So you grieve for the loss of Hannah with Allah every time it's a beautiful little loss of the loss and I'm told us to save a lot of money as a local janitor who became a knob while I asked you to grab me agenda, protect me from

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the Hellfire and then you will receive the Baraka, you just say this seven times and then the agenda will pray for you. Now the question is that how often accepted by Allah or not? It is accepted by Allah for sure why? Because the agenda is the place of His mercies.

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So when the agenda prays for you, that means it is something especially from Allah subhanaw taala

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the Hellfire is the same thing, that the offer is accepted.

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And these things creation of Allah subhanaw taala. Sometimes we look at the things we think it is object, it is object, but if you go inside it there is no objects because Allah say to enrich a lo and behold, everything is remembering Allah subhanho wa Taala and what goes under everything, everything goes under everything. How many times Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam he saw he hauled the rocks, the hustla in his hand, and then they start making the speed.

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And on in his hands on the lamola he was alone. And how many timeless la la sala La Silla mentioned that he said to his companion, I know a rock in Mecca. Every time I used to work before he receives the message from Allah, I used to work from that road in front of that rock every time I wrote there, that rock would say Assalamu alayka you and maybe that rock would talk to me and we'll say a seller maleic or profit that's preparing. There's no magic bullet there. How sought when Allah gives the Bushra to the messenger before he received the message before he meets Angel gibreel alayhi salatu salam, Allah subhanaw taala preparing him for that moment. So he knows he that's rock here

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recognizer, so the loss of lives. And that drug knows the Prophet sallallahu wasallam. And that drug, made the salon to Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. It is an object, but it's not an object. So that's how Allah created things. Do we understand the language or not? This is the question. But are they praying for Allah or not? Yes, they do. Are they remembering Allah or not? Yes, they do. Mr. Mallya have a lot of detail on what he said. He said when the believer dies, two spots, they'll cry after him.

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The first one is his spot on the earth, where he used to pray for Allah and put his face and making the sujood and cry and remembering Allah and making the speech for law. That is what will cry after him because no longer that believer will be there will have that peace of earth with love of Allah subhanho wa Taala when you make a scheduled for a loss of Hannah data, it's not only as good as we acted, it's deeper than that. The earth hugs you like that? And you have in the earth. That's why the earth will enjoy your words when you say Suppan ally will be handy here. Or when you say sapan Subhana Allah organisiert Alhamdulillah or I say, Allah, that's the connection. It creates a

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relation between you and the earth. Look how many years you pray for a lawyer but in your face down for Allah subhanho wa Taala what kind of relation will come here between you and the earth? So that's why when you when you die after that this piece of earth will cry after you.

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The other is what Mr. Malley said is what is your door and the heaven because each one of us has a special gate all you do, and prayer will go to Allah subhanaw taala throat, the heaven throw that door and then after you die, that will close so it will miss you too. So these two places Emiliano de la la noir bus, a B

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I will cry after the believer.

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The agenda of Allah subhanho wa Taala loves the believers and the agenda, it comes to you.

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Before you go to the agenda,

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you may do something on the earth. And once you look, you're doing it right here. But if we have the 3d glasses, glasses and we can see behind, we would see ourselves inside the journal and look Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam what he said to be led, or the Allahu Akbar when he came after the recolor of lesser our marriage the journey when he wants to the heavens sallallahu Sallam he said or below Birmingham and tell me about something you do something as Bishop? What is it? And then below he said, What is the last lesson and there are some last lesson and told him when I went to Jenna every time I walk somewhere there, I hear your your sandals that when you walk in front of me be

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like he has a sandal in Medina and when he walks in makes special sounds nice that that that's not that's balanced shoes are the Allahu sopressata he hears that and Medina when someone walks out that that VLAN so you say I hate same thing and agenda wherever I am. I hear what you're doing an agenda. So Bilal is still in Medina.

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And there are also lots of us and told him, tell me what is the special things you do. And then bill Allah said, Now I have to tell what I do is I I commit I took a promise myself and Romans Allah subhanho data to do something. Every time I break my window I make I don't stay one minute without auto stayed in order and bahara all the time. And after I make every window, I pray to God for Allah subhana wa Tada, this is asuna Hamad Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam he rented and he did that below the law. And there was an associate Oh, that's why.

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What that means, that means below when he used to work,

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to go make the work

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and then comes back to pray in his heart. That is there was when he used to work all the time. He used to work were in Medina, but actually he works were inside the gym. And that's approved by Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he doesn't know. So the gentlemen came to be learned about the love of Thailand down to him. And the agenda below his walking inside agenda, but he can see same thing when you go visit the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam and you go to the masjid, you pray in area, what we call that?

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the roles of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam or Radha Sharif and the Prophet sallallaahu Selim he said Nabina coppery woman barrier OData Maria Medina, between my grave or another Why am I being a bat woman barrier between my home and my member Rosa Maria the agenda, it's a garden from the garden agenda. Allah subhanaw taala brought it down on the earth. Man Salafi have a support Salah lack of gender, when you pray in that robot, you are praying inside the gentleman has no doubt in that now you are sitting inside the agenda.

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We believe in that because he is the Messenger of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And he told us that we believe in that you bring inside the robot, but you don't see it. But let's feel it.

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So the gender the relation between the gender and the believers, it is a special relation. Allah subhanaw taala made

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the Prophet sallallahu sallam, Allah Subhana Allah blessed him putting that robot. Do you know why?

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That's between his grave between his home and his help. That's the most area Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam he used to step with his foot salatu salam from his home to the Maharaja when he leaves the salon, and then go back again. And then back again and back again. But this is the most area he used to step on it. So in his tips, or the last element, that area that area, it became what, Jen? Remember Bella Bella when he used to work for his widow and has nothing to record what happened. The agenda came to him. Right? That was only for Bella. But now this is Rasulullah sallallahu. ala how digital is going to wait until Rasulullah comes and walk in there cannot wait. So what did the

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agenda the agenda came down and not only for profit for her for everyone goes there. Look at the Baraka none of it

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comes from Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam to everyone. When you go Hajj or Umrah and you want to pray there, what will happen? The people they fight for it, you will be lucky if you get to just test by the aroma. And you'll notice that you just came from you'll be lucky if you get to, to just walk through the road. And you see the people there waiting there

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and sometimes they make secure

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on their back on each other because it's packed.

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So this is the work of the relation between the believers and the agenda. It is something great Allah subhanho wa Taala blessed us with and Allah subhanaw taala wants us to feel that because if we if we move these dividers from the heart and from the eyes, we will be able to enjoy our a banter with Allah subhanho wa Taala we will be able to enjoy our obedience to Allah subhanho wa Taala we will be able to enjoy the remembering of Allah subhanho wa Taala and so many opportunities came from Allah subhanho wa Taala came to us Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam he said most of them are not common. He said there's a lot of them either either Morocco, the Rio de Janeiro de facto if you best buy the

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gardens opal Jana, then sit and join. And then there is however they say what is the godless of agenda? And there are so lots of lots of them, he said majelis and our Hill upon Vicar, the gathering of seeking knowledge or the gathering of remembering Allah subhanho wa Taala. So it is a remarkable agenda. That means at that moment when you sit in it and remember of law or seek the knowledge, where you are sitting now, you are sitting inside the agenda. And remember the agenda comes and hugs happens between them. You see, so this the relation between you as a believer and all the creation around you, everything Allah subhanaw taala created, loves you if you are a believer,

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didn't Allah say the biography that would when he used to walk and remember Allah subhanaw taala what used to happen around him?

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Well, can he borrow? The mountains used to repeat after him?

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The Earth, the clouds, the sky, everything, share and join prophet alayhi salatu salam, his remembering of Allah subhanho wa Taala look at this connection happens between the believer and the other creation of Allah subhanho wa Taala. If we do that,

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every time if we become a true believers, as strong believers, our hearts full of love of Allah subhanho wa Taala then we must start feeling that connection between us and the loss of Hanauer to Allah, because everything is belongs to Allah subhana wa tada Apollo holy * there was the federal law Holly welcome. They oppose federal law in the hawala for him alone

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hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa sallahu wa ala alihi wa Salatu was Salam ala COVID mursaleen Sayyidina Muhammad wa ala early he was up the hill in May amin about the law in the la sala Habibi Mustafa was Nana Malaika Dr. Shay rockets a

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call in Allahumma salli ala Nabi

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sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Otis Lima, the baker Allahumma salli wa sallim wa barik ala Sayidina Muhammad Kamal Salatu was Salam ala Sayidina Ibrahim Ali Ibrahim Philip Filomena in

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robina. Tina Fey dounia Hassan bofill filati Hassan walked in a hot oven not robina it no for Santa taqwa was actually her antihero. Monica, Bella Hannah and Tony Romo La Habana Sangeeta mana para que la mina Mina Daniela ilaha illa Allah say the NA Maulana Muhammad Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Allah, he was lucky to be here a Germany when hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa Salatu was Salam O Allah Habibi, he said he did it. Before we go to the salon Shall I just remind you again, our hotel bar every Friday at 1230 till 1255 and from 12 to 1230 we have imagelist that was sent out reading and study heading to forestall the loss of a lot in

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salon. From next week inshallah, we will have a better Friday between Muslim and Aisha

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and this is a list of Ischia the purification of the horse and of the self and we will have in Saturday inshallah, from etc. They will have a mentalist every Saturday after that will be about the life of the Sahaba another thing inshallah we will invite everyone to our potluck dinner, the next Saturday and that will be after moderate inshallah. every third Saturday we are having a potluck dinner. Everyone is welcome. Also we are having in December 31. The New Year night we have an alternative family gathering together. We will have a special program for that for the kids and adults and everyone that we have a ticket for this program $25 bill family and that will be support

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and donation to the center and

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Please also we need to remind you for your support to the center, may Allah bless all of you, and shall accept from all of us deserve a rock. And

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so that's under your name. So that's why we are known an agenda. And we are known by the Hellfire as well. That's your name, you see. So here it is your choice after that you want to go to that seat or to that seat. So you pray for Allah subhana wa Taala every time it's a beautiful little loss of the loss and I'm told us to say a lot of money as a local janitor who became a knob while I asked you to grant me agenda and protect me from the hellfire. And then you will receive the Baraka, you just say this seven times, and then the agenda will pray for you. Now the question is the origin accepted by Allah or not? It is accepted by Allah for sure why? Because the agenda it is the place of His mercy

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supernova data.

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So when the agenda is for you, that means it is something especially from Allah subhanaw taala.

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The Hellfire is the same thing, that the offer is accepted.

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And these things creation of Allah subhanaw taala. Sometimes we look at the things we think it is object, it is object, but if you go inside it, there is no objects because Allah say to enrich a lo and behold, everything is remembering Allah subhanho wa Taala and what goes under everything, everything goes under everything. How many times Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam he saw he hauled the rocks, the hustla in his hand. And then they start make the speed

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in on in his hands on the law while he was alone, and how many times will have lost the license. I mentioned that he said to his companion, I know a rock in Mecca. Every time I used to work before he receives the message from Allah. I used to work from that road in front of that road. Every time we were up there, that rock was a Assalamu alayka you and maybe that rock was talk to me and we'll say a salam alayka or prophet that's preparing that's the magical that our house sought. When Allah gives the Bushra to the messenger before he received the message before he met Angel gibreel alayhi salatu salam, Allah subhanaw taala preparing him for that moment. So he knows he that rock, he

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recognize Rasulullah sallallahu sallam, and that drug knows the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and that drug, made the salon to Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. It is an object, but it's not an object. So that's how Allah created things. Do we understand the language or not? This is the question. But are they praying for Allah or not? Yes, they do. Are they remembering a lot? Yes, they do. Have a lot about what he said. He said, when the believer dies, two spots, they'll cry after him.

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The first one is his spot on the earth, where he used to pray for Allah and put his face and making the sujood and cry and remembering Allah and making the speech for law. That is what will cry after him because no longer that believer will be there. We'll have that peace of earth with love of Allah subhanho wa Taala. When you make a salute for a loss of Hana data, it's not only as good as we acted, it's deeper than that. The earth hugs you like that, and you have in the earth. That's why the earth will enjoy your words when you say sapan ally will be handy here. Or when you say Suppan, sapan or bl Allah, or Alhamdulillah or Allah. That's the connection. It creates a relation between

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you and the earth. Look how many years you pray for Allah but in your face down for Allah subhanho wa Taala what kind of relation will come here between you and the earth? So that's why when you when you die after that this piece of earth will cry after you.

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The other is what Mr. Malley said is what is your door and the heaven because each one of us has a special gate all in and prayer it will go to Allah subhanaw taala throat, the heaven throw that door and then after you die, that will close so it will miss you too. So these two places Emilio de la la said they will cry after the believer.

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the gender of Allah subhanho wa Taala a lot

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Believers, when it comes to you,

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before you go to the gym,

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you may do something on the earth. And what you look you don't get right here. But if we have the 3d glasses, glasses and we can see behind, we would see ourselves inside the agenda and look Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam what he said to be led are the Allahu Akbar when he came after the regular of our marriage, the journey when he went to the heavens sallallahu Sallam he said oh Bilal, Mohammed, tell me about something you do something as bishop. What is it? And then below that, he said, What is the lesson and there are some lots of us and told him when I went to gym that every time I walk somewhere there, I hear your your sandals, when you walk in front of me be like he has a sandal in

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Medina and when he walks in makes special sounds noise that that does not that belongs shoes, or the Allahu sopressata he hears that in Medina when someone walks out that that belonged. So you say I heard same thing and agenda wherever I can. I hear what you're doing an agenda. So Bilal is still in Medina.

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And there are also lots of us and and told him, tell me what is the special things you do? And then below he said, Now I have to tell what I do is I I commit I took a promise myself, I'm wrong, Mr. La soprano data to do something. Every time I break my window, I make a motto. I don't stay one minute without auto stadium auto and bahara all the time. And after I make every auto I pray two rakaat nothing for Allah subhana wa Tada, this is asuna he made Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam he rented and he did that below the law. And there was an associate Oh, that's why.

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What that means, that means below when he used to work,

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to go make the lotto and then comes back to pray in his heart. That is when he used to work all the time. He used to work were in Medina, but actually he walks were inside the journal. And that's approved by Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he doesn't know. So the jinn came to be learned about the love of Thailand down to him. And the agenda below his working inside agenda, but he can see same thing when you go visit Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and you go to the masjid. You pray in area, what we call that?

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the roles of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam arousa sharifah The Prophet sallallaahu Selim, he said Nabina Muhammad berrier OData Maria Medina, between my grave or another rewi anabaena at a woman buried between my home and my member, Rosa Maria Jenna, it's a garden from the gardens of Regina, Allah subhanaw taala brought it down on the earth, man Salafi ever supports a lack of gender. When you pray in that robot, you are praying inside the gentleman has no doubt that now you are sitting inside the agenda.

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We believe in that because he is the Messenger of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And he told us that we believe in that you bring inside the robot, but you don't see it. But let's feel it.

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So the agenda, the relation between the agenda and the believers, it is a special relation. Allah Subhana Allah Allah made

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the Prophet sallallahu sallam, Allah Subhana Allah, Allah bless him putting that robot. Do you know why?

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That's between his grave between his home and his help. That's the most area Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam he used to step with his foot sallallahu sallam, from his home to the Hara when he leaves the salon, and then go back again. And then back again and back again. But this is the most area he used to step on it. So in his tips are the last element that at that era, it became what? Jen? Remember Bella, Bella, when he used to work for his widow and has nothing to record. What happened. The Jenna came to him, right? That was only for Bella. But now this is Rasulullah sallallahu sallam, how digital is going to wait until Rasulullah comes and walk in there cannot wait. So what did the

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agenda the agenda came down and not only for profit for her? For everyone goes there. Look at the Baraka of it

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comes from Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam to everyone. When you go hand your arm Ronnie want to pray there, what will happen? The people, they fight for it, you will be lucky if you get to just test by the robot. And you notice that you just came from Hutch. You'll be lucky if you get to, to just walk through the robot. And you see the people there waiting there.

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And sometimes they make a joke on their back and each other because it's packed.

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So this is the work of the relation between the people

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leevers and the agenda, it is something great Allah subhanho wa Taala blessed us with and Allah subhanaw taala wants us to feel that because if we if we remove these dividers from the heart and from the eyes, we will be able to enjoy our abanda with Allah subhanho wa Taala we will be able to enjoy our obedience of Allah subhanho wa Taala we will be able to enjoy the remembering of Allah Subhana Allah and so many opportunities came from Allah subhanho wa Taala came to us Rasulullah sallallahu sallam, he said, Mr. mahatama, he said there's also a centimeter in diameter, monotone, the real agenda for them. If you best buy the guardians agenda, then sit and join. And then there

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was However, they said what is the godless of agenda and there are so lots of lots of them. He said majelis and our Hill have been thicker the gathering of seeking knowledge or the gathering of remembering Allah subhanho wa Taala. So it is a reliable agenda. That means at that moment when you sit in it and you remember lower, seek the knowledge where you are sitting now you are sitting inside the agenda. And remember the agenda comes and hugs that happens between them. You see, so this the relation between you as a believer and all the creation around you, everything Allah subhanaw taala created, loves you if you are a believer, didn't Allah say the Prophet that would

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when he used to walk and remember Allah subhanho wa Taala what used to happen around him

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wahconah jivaro berroco in the mountains used to repeat after him,

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the earth, the clouds, the sky, everything, share and join the Prophet alayhi salatu salam, his remembering for lots of panels have a look at this connection happens between the believer and the other creation of Allah subhanho wa Taala if we do that,

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every time if we become a true believers and strong believers, our hearts full of love of Allah subhanho wa Taala then we must start feeling that connection between us and Allah Subhana Allah because everything is belong to Allah subhanho wa Taala

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there was the federal law fair for us and Mr. Minister for Allah in the hawala for him alone

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hamdulillahi Rabbil alameen wa ala alameen wa Salatu was Salam ala COVID mursaleen Sayidina Muhammad wa ala early he was a amine about the law in the la sala Allah Habibi Mustafa was Nana Malaika Dr. Shiva could say for call us call in Allah, Allah. Allah and Allah Nabi yeah you are Latina. Amen. Oh Sala Riley it was Hyundai Motors Lima. The bake Allahumma salli wa sallim wa barik ala Sayidina Muhammad Kamal Salatu was Salam. ala Sayidina Ibrahim Ali Ibrahim Philomena

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Ravana Tina Fey dunia Santa Clara de hacer una joaquina Dabba not rubbing it in for Santa taqwa was actually her antihero. mazurka ella Hannah and Tony Romo La Habana zinfi terminologia para que la mina Mina de la la la la say either now Maulana Muhammad Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Allah. He was lucky to be here in Germany, when hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa Salatu was Salam O Allah Habibi. He said you did it before we also launch our largest one remind you again, our kotoba every Friday at 1230 till 1255 and from 12 to 1230. We have a mentalist that was sent out reading and study the headings of Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam from

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next week inshallah we will have a better Friday between mother and Aisha

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and this is a list of Ischia, the purification of the horse and of the south and we will have in Saturday inshallah, from etc. They will have imagelist every Saturday after this will be about the life of the Sahaba another thing inshallah we will invite everyone to our potluck dinner, the next Saturday and that will be after Madrid inshallah, every third Saturday we are having a potluck dinner, everyone is welcome. Also we having in December 31. The New Year night we have an alternative family gathering together, we will have a special program for that for the kids and adults and everyone that we have a ticket for this program $25 bill family and that will be support

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and donation to the center. And please also we need to remind you for your support to the center, may Allah bless all of you, and shall accept from all of us deserve in law hereafter.

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So on

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