Waleed Basyouni – Magnificent Seven 12

Waleed Basyouni
AI: Summary © The importance of remembering Allah's teachings and actions is discussed in various context, including the use of Vicar, protecting something, and the importance of the body. The speakers stress the importance of remembering these teachings and actions, emphasizing the need to use the body to remember them. They also mention the use of the tongue in worship and the importance of not getting tired of using it. The speakers stress the need to remember these teachings and actions for future reference.
AI: Transcript ©
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hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa Salatu was salam wa salam ala

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nabina Muhammad. While early he was supposed to be in a bad old brace due to Allah, and his praise and blessings mpsp upon our Prophet Mohammed and his family and his companions and his followers until the day of judgment. My dear brothers and sisters Assalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu Welcome to a new episode of The Magnificent Seven.

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The seven home the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam described by saying, seven our

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Humala will put them in his shade in the Day of Judgment, adjust ruler,

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I used to grow up with the worship of Allah, a person whose heart is attached to the masjid

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to person who love each other, meet each other, depart from each other, for the sake of Allah, a man whom an extremely beautiful woman, seduce him, who rejects her offered by saying, I fear Allah, a person who gives in charity, and conceal it to the extent that his left hand will not know what his right hand is giving. And finally, a person who remembers Allah in solitude and his eyes, wallet,

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those seven great kinds of people, the prophets of Allah mentioned them in this hadith. We've been studying them and trying to know how can we apply this into our life. And last time, we talked in details about the sixth category, those who give for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And today, we'll talk about the last category. The last one, the person who remembers Allah subhanho wa Taala. in solitude, alone, there's nobody watching him. It's not in front of people.

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So he's showing off. No, he did that alone where nobody else sees him but Allah subhana wa Taala except his Lord, except the one that he is calling except the one that he is worshiping and seeking His blessings and seeking His

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When he remember Allah subhanaw taala in that situation, he couldn't control his ear, his eyes, his tears, and his eyes well up. My brothers and sisters,

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remembering Allah subhana wa Taala, which we call Victrola. Nicola is the sweetest things ever. The moment can have in this dunya is the sweetest things in this dunya You know, when you love somebody, you remember him a lot. When you love somebody, you remember that person a lot. You talk about that person a lot all the time. That's why one of the clear sign of a man that you remember Allah subhana wa tada all the time. Because the philosophy kanatal is the one that you love the most. It means you will remember him the most. If Allah subhanaw taala the one you love the most it means he's the one you will talk about the most. If somebody loves his work, he will talk about his work all the time.

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If somebody loves this dunya he's always talking about dunia. If somebody loves his wife, he will always talk about his wife, or she talks always about her husband.

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But if you love Allah Subhana Allah the Most, you must be among those people who always remember Allah subhanho wa Taala that there is no time will pass by a long time or short time will pass by you. And you're not aware of philosophy.

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You're not remembering Allah subhanho wa Taala you're not mentioning him. You're not thinking him. You're not praising him.

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You're not glorifying him. That's why Allah subhana wa Taala order the believer to remember him so much. Yeah, lady in

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the Quran, la hadik Ron kathira was a big boo boo

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Otto, sila, oh who you believe? remember Allah so much? remember Allah subhanho wa Taala so much and glorify Him in the day and in the night, in the early time in the day, and in the end of the day, and this one the sunrise, when the sunset, Allah subhanaw taala ordered us to remember him so much, and to glorify Him subhanho wa Taala during the day, and during the night,

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Allah subhanho wa Taala also said,

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federal law, the man waku, then well Allah do become remember Allah pm and while you're standing barudan while you're sitting, and while I do know become why, while you are laying down, what that means, you know, you either either standing up walking, or you are sitting, or you're sleeping is no any other situation if you think about anyone, let me know. But if you think about your security, you either standing, walking or standing up talking to somebody, or you're sitting or you're laying down. So Allah subhanho wa Taala order us to remember him in all situation, in all positions, while we are in our daily activity, standing and walking, or while we're relaxing at home, sitting with

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our friends, is sitting in a public place, all in domestic, we also remember loss of habitat or when we go to bed, or we woke up from or when we wake up. The first thing we say the first thing remember, Allah subhanho wa Taala.

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You remember Allah Subhana Allah in all situations, while you're traveling while your residents while you are

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in your home, outside your house. Also, if you're rich, if you're poor, doesn't matter. You're old, you're young, you're male or female, it doesn't matter all of us we should remember Allah subhanho wa Taala in day and nights. Even if you are traveling in the sea, or by the airplane, or in your car, there is some supplication there is some dirt you've been asked to say and you'll be asked to.

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You've been asked to say and practicing mighty brothers sisters, we're remembering a loss of how we remember Allah subhanaw taala when we are in East time, and when we are in a hardship, when we are healthy, and when we are sick. We remember Allah subhanho wa Taala in secret and in public while I'm alone or when I'm with my friends or with my family. Think about it. When you woke up in the morning. The first thing is that hamdulillah the ohana vida mattina you thank Allah Subhana Allah that He brought you back to life after your death, because sleeping is a form of death. Then after that, you go to the bathroom, there is a supplication to say before you go to the bathroom. There is

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another one when you exit from the bathroom. There is another one you say before you eat and after you eat. There is something to say when you meet somebody you say Salaam Alaikum. And this is a form of Vicar. And when you walk out of your house that is another throughout the prophets of Salaam taught us to say when we leave our homes when we meet people, actually when we gather in any gathering the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, if some if you attend any gathering, you must, you must remember Allah subhanho wa Taala in that gathering, if you want Allah Subhana Allah to bless this gathering. And if you don't remember Allah subhana wa Tada. The prophets of Salaam

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said this is will be in the Day of Judgment, Terra, which it means something you regret, you regret you attended that gathering without remembering Allah subhanho wa Taala.

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And Islam taught us also what to say in civil, different in different occasions and different positions. He told us to say certain supplication when we see the Christians of Islam also the prophets of Salaam told us what to say. When you see somebody sick, or somebody going through hardship in front of you. When you hear a good news what to say. When you hear bad news, what to say. When you hear somebody sneeze, what to say when you yourself sneeze what to say and it's not ordinary to report on an oral you to pray five times a day. And all this a form of Vicar, a form of liquor to Allah subhana wa tada and remembering Allah subhana wa tada what Kuta la Hakka de la la la

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lune remember Allah subhanho wa Taala so much so you might

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To be among the successful one, remembering Allah subhanaw taala so much will lead to success will lead to success. No doubt. Allah subhanho wa Taala also said, what that Kitty in Allah Hakka hero was deck a lot, I feel rotten. What a john alima and the men and the woman who remember Allah much Allah has prepared for them. forgiveness and a great reward, forgiveness and a great reward. The moment to remember Allah subhana wa to Allah, you ask his forgiveness, Allah Subhana Allah to Allah will forgive you. And Allah subhanho wa Taala will give you what you request.

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That's why in nibi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was described as Anasazi, Allah and described him that he said, Can I just go to law Allah?

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Allah Allah sallallahu Sallam used to describe us to remember Allah subhana wa tada all the time, all the time. As I just told you, just the moment you woke up until you go back to sleep, there is a certain lick that you say, over the day and the night

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and if there is nothing particular to say, you've been encouraged to say Subhana Allah Alhamdulillah La La La La La La, La La La La quwata illa Billah. When before I go deep in this, I would like to share with you the meaning and the definition of the word Vicar.

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This word Vicar has several meanings, liquor and Koran been used in different meaning first meaning liquor it means remembering Allah subhanho wa Taala. Like what you just heard what that Kadena like a theater or the coup de la Gani, remember Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah are those who remember Allah Subhana Allah so much. They could also been mentioned in the Quran, and it means I'll call and Sunnah. Allah says international zelner decra in Allahu Allah Hafiz. We have sent down a vicar and we are going to protect it. So this verse clearly talking about addiction which is alcohol and and as soon as the scholars said, which it means basically the D religion. Also a vicar

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means the son of the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam specifically.

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Allah subhanho wa Taala told us in his book that he have sent down a Sunnah to explain what you have revealed to Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, when zelner yreka decra little bettinelli nurseryman Zilla Elohim we have given you a vicar So will you will explain with it what we have revealed to them. What Allah subhana wa Taala revealed to people is Oh come on, and what explain a call on a sinner. So here we see clearly that Vicar means remembering Allah subhana wa Taala at liquor means alcohol and a sinner, the religion a vicar mean, it means also the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam specifically, a vicar also could means their knowledge or the scholars

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as Allah Subhana Allah to Allah, the people of knowledge, or the scholars basically, as Allah subhanaw taala said, First Allah Allah decree in quantum law kalamoon asked the people of Vicar it means asked the scholars. So now we realize that Vicar has several meanings, but we are here, focusing on the first meaning, because that was related to our subject, and Vicar, which it means remembering Allah subhana wa Taala we'll have a break, then we'll come back. To continue our discussion

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strives to bring you

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the best in Islamic programming. Please send your comments and suggestions to feedback at Buddha dot

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welcome back brothers and sisters to continue our discussion about the meaning and the importance of Victrola remembering Allah subhana wa Taala. You know what's so unique about this act of worship? It doesn't have a time doesn't require the specific time you any any act of worship. It has a specific time to be done in it for instance, a lot. There is specific time for you to pray five times a day. There are certain times you're not allowed to pray and there are certain times you've been recommended to pray.

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And so on the cat, there is certain time for you to give Zakat and also fasting. You fast sometime you fast look for eggs from Niger all the way to Muslim and you fast in the month of Ramadan but the crolla all the time, liquid Allah all the time, all situations. No matter what

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you're involved in or where you add, you can practice this active portion. And also one more thing about it that you need to use your tongue to remember Allah subhana wa tada and Allah subhanho wa Taala created your tongue in a such unique way. This muscle that you stretch it and you using it never get tired. Have you ever heard about somebody who said, Oh, my tongue hurt me today? I use it too much today? No. Can we use our time, we can use it and keep using keep using it without even break and will not get tired. This is the unique This is a very unique muscle that you can stretching it and using it without getting tired. Imagine if

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you're stung like your hand. If you use your hand a lot, you feel tired. If you use your tongue a lot you feel I'm tired. I can't talk anymore. No, maybe your jaw will get tired.

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But your tongue will never get tired. And your tongue is the tool that you use to remember Allah subhana wa to Allah beside your heart as well. But mainly use your tongue to remember Allah subhana wa Tada. So if Allah subhana wa Taala have blessed you with this. You should utilize it in the best way. You should not ever let a moment pass in your life. And you can remember Allah subhanho wa Taala in it. You can pronounce Allah Subhana Allah to Allah, his names and attributes without saying it. Don't ever let any time goes by without remembering Allah subhanho wa Taala and Wu sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, and this hadith reported by a Muslim, several Colombo family Dune, elementary

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Dune, they will come first. The prophet SAW Selim was asked who are the majority do then the prophets of Salaam recited this verse at the Kadena la Hakka theatre with those who remember Allah much male and female, those male and female who remember Allah subhana wa tada so much. In nebby sallallahu alayhi wa sallam also told us and this head is reported by Jeremy the manager at dounia, to meluna to meluna mafia in LA Nicola, Alamo metallian that Allah subhana wa Taala curse this dunya this word except

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those who are learning and those who are remembering Allah subhanaw taala if anything, these two things involve in it, it will be blessed. And in nebby sallallahu alayhi wa sallam also said the Hadith reported by Urban huband that the prophets of Salaam said humble early in Allah and tomato Elisa knew karate boom Billy karela the best thing that you die while you remembering Allah subhanho wa Taala as a matter of fact, the prophets of Salaam said if the last thing you say before you die, La ilaha illAllah you intergender if this is the last word you pronounce before your death, that means you among the people off gender

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in ob Salallahu alaihe salam also told us that the house elbaite Allah the youth Corolla houfy one lady live with Corolla houfy method will how you will make it that the house were people in that the people of that house, remember Allah subhana wa Taala much in that house and another house where people will not remember Allah subhana wa Tada. The example of these two houses, the example of somebody who is alive and somebody who's dead, the house where Allah subhanaw taala will not be remember, like it did like a cemetery and the house where a lot of parents are live remember, it's like somebody who's alive or a house full of life.

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My brothers and sisters, it is the life of the heart. You see how beautiful garden we have here, trees and roses.

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Imagine if this place or this garden flat, there is no trees in it. There is no roses in it. There is not just a flat place, flat like a pancake. If he imagined that he will not be attractive to see or to stay in such garden. What make it beautiful, these beautiful flowers and trees

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In this

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lesson the Prophet sallallahu Sallam told us that in Jenna, the gender, they also have the trees of Jenna made off the speed and delille entecavir and whenever he says Subhana Allah or hamdulillah Allah Allah Allah Allah, Allah will put in your garden in general a tree for you, or a rose, or a palm. So every time you make Vicar you make your garden replacing Jenna. More life more beautiful.

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If the land of Jenna will have more live by the Corolla, I guarantee for you that your heart will have more live in it. If you remember Allah subhanho wa Taala. What will purify your heart is the Corolla. The same way the Corolla purify the gender that you will shall be in Indiana, that the garden that you will have in general in paradise. Also the Corolla will make your heart pure, and will let you taste the sweetness of a man and has an imbecile vehement about Alison. If you want to taste the sweetness of Eman, you will find it in three things in prayer in the crolla in remembering a law, and the third one

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in reading Quran, but if you couldn't find it in any one of these three, you have to know that you're lost, that the doors close that you're far away from realizing or tasting the real taste of Amen. My brothers and sisters, remembering Allah subhanho wa Taala is not something you do it occasionally it should be a habit. It should be something that you are used to it that you always remember Allah subhana wa Tada. All the time. Lions Julissa, new carrot, Bambi decorilla always make sure that your tongue remembering Allah subhanho wa Taala with with the remembering of Allah subhanho wa Taala. Yeah, Hayabusa Korea Prophet, a prophet john told the children of Israel, a great

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example, explained to them as our Prophet Mohammed Salam told us that once he addressed his people and told them that the example of those who remember Allah subhanho wa Taala like the example of a person who's running away from his enemy, then he approached a castle and he entered the castle, and he locked the door. And this castle has a very high walls, that people cannot enter the castle.

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Yeah, the prophet john prophet john said, this is the example of person who remember Allah subhana wa tada you all in this dunya your real enemy is the shape on his after you to get you. The moment you start remembering Allah Subhana Allah to Allah, the moment you enter the castle and he cannot reach you. But the moment you don't remember Allah subhana wa Tada, the moment he will be able to take over your mind, your heart, and he will make you forget about your Lord. Make sure that you remember this example, which is given to you by great prophet, Prophet alayhi salam.

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In Nabhi Salallahu alaihe salam told us also, three people allow will always accept the draft or accept the request, always will accept their publications at their Kadena lockira. Those who remember Allah Subhana Allah so much, but that what will loom and the person who have been abused

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which injustice has been done to him, and the third one an email with the just ruler, and this head is reported by a man with very happy

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my brothers and sisters.

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The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam also told us mermin amyrlin leibny Adam and jela who mean either Billa mean decorilla the prophets of Salaam said and this hadith reported by nothing the son of Adam will do and this action or this deed will protect him from the Hellfire as much as the crolla in as much as you make Vicar. Tell us remember Allah subhanho wa Taala as much as you will be protected from the * fire. Allah Subhana Allah said and this is Hadith bootsy the prophets of Salaam said that Allah subhanaw taala said and in destiny industries on the app DB will no matter who either the company for either the company for NFC, the car to houfy NFC were in the car on a

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female in

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The two females in Hiraman this hudy, which the prophets of Salaam told us that Allah subhana wa Taala said, I'm always will be there for my slave, whatever good you will expect from me, he will find it or she will find it. I'm with him. When he remember me. If you remember me

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while he is by himself, I will remember him also. And if he remember me, while he's in gathering while he's in public or with people pronounce Allah subhanaw taala his name mentioned a lot smarter his name glorifying a lot thanking a lot praising alarm public, Allah subhanho wa Taala also will praise such person will remember will pronounce that person's name will mention him in a gathering better than your gathering and no doubt because your name will be mentioned.

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And the appearance of the angels of the angels.

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My brothers sisters, in nebby salam once told his companions, I just had to come and yaxha Bakula to alpha Hashanah. If you want to receive 1000 reward every day, do you want to receive 1000 reward every day? They said yes, Yasser Allah. He said, If you make the speed 100 times you say Subhana Allah 100 times.

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Allah subhana wa Taala will reward you with 1000 to speak not only that, also alone arrays 1000 sin from your sense.

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In NaVi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Enough vollen SEOmoz tiama Alhambra Dune the best people in the day of judgment or I'll hammer dude. Yeah and he will be reward the mystery word. What is a hammer Dune means Alhambra Dune, Allah Nina Medina la those who always say Alhamdulillah the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam also said whoever would say so panelo BMD 100 times a day, Allah will forgive his sins, even if it is as much as the form of the sea. And this has been reported by Al Bukhari Muslim in Ibiza Salam also told one of his companions that La La quwata illa Billah this statement La hawla wala quwata illa Billah which is a declaration from you that the only power you

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have it is because of a loss of Hannah, what are Allah, this word this statement Allah subhanaw taala ascended down from a treasure underneath his throne and all the prophets of Salaam said fekola Aslam. abdeslam. Whenever you say La quwata illa Allah, Allah will say, my slave, have submit himself to me. My brothers and sisters, have this is the case, we should take advantage of every moment of our life, to remember Allah subhanho wa Taala as much as we can.

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I will stop here, and I will see you shala in the next episode.

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Also, if you're rich, if you're poor, doesn't matter, you're old, you're young, you're a male, female, it doesn't matter all of us we should remember Allah subhanho wa Taala in day and night. Even if you are traveling in the sea, or by the airplane, or in your car, there is some supplication there is some that you've been asked to say and you'll be asked to.

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You've been asked to say it and practicing it. My brother and sisters, we're remembering a loss of how we remember Allah subhanho wa Taala when we are in the east time and when we are in a hardship when we are healthy, and when we are sick. We remember Allah subhana wa Taala in secret and in public while I'm alone or while I'm with my friends or with my family. Think about it. When you woke up in the morning. The first thing is that I've hamdulillah the ohana vida mattina you think

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Subhana Allah that He brought you back to life after your death, because sleeping is a form of death. Then after that, you go to the bathroom, there is a supplication to say before you go to the bathroom. There is another one when you exit from the bathroom. There is another one you say before you eat and after you eat, there is something to say, when you meet somebody you say Salaam Alaikum. And this is a form of Vicar. And when you walk out of your house that is another throughout the prophets of Salaam taught us to say when we leave our homes, when we meet people, actually, when we gather in any gathering, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, if some if you attend any

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gathering, you must, you must remember Allah subhanho wa Taala in that gathering, if you want Allah subhanaw taala to bless this gathering. And if you don't remember Allah subhana wa Tada. The prophets of Salaam said, this is will be in the Day of Judgment tera which it means something you regret, you regret you attended that gathering without remembering Allah subhanho wa Taala.

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And Islam taught us also what to say in civil, different in different occasions and different positions. He told us to say certain supplication when we see the Christian on Islam also the prophets of Salaam told us what to say. When you see somebody sick, or somebody's going through hardship in front of you. When you hear a good news what to say. When you hear bad news, what to say. When you hear somebody sneeze, what to say. When you yourself sneeze what to say and Islam ordinary to read Koran and ordered you to pray five times a day. And all this a form of Vicar, a form of liquor to Allah subhana wa tada and remembering Allah subhana wa tada what Kuta la Hakka de

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la la la lune remember Allah subhanho wa Taala so much so you might be among the successful one. Remembering a lot of parent data so much will lead to success will lead to success. No doubt. Allah subhanho wa Taala also said what that Corinne Allah Hakka hero was accurate, I feel rotten, or john alima and the men and the woman who remember Allah much Allah has prepared for them. forgiveness and a great reward, forgiveness and a great reward. The moment to remember Allah subhana wa tada Allah, you ask his forgiveness, Allah subhana wa tada will forgive you and Allah subhanho wa Taala will give you what you request.

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That's why in Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was described as Anasazi, Allah and described him that he said, Karen is Kudo. La Allah. ohana in Nabi sallallahu Sallam used to describe us to remember Allah subhana wa tada all the time, all the time. As I just told you, just the moment you woke up until you go back to sleep, there is a certain lick that you say over the day and the night

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and if there is nothing particular to say, you've been encouraged to say Subhana Allah Alhamdulillah La ilaha illa Allah Allahu Akbar La La quwata illa Billah when before I go deep in this, I would like to share with you the meaning and the definition of the word Vicar.

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This word Vicar has several meanings, liquor, and Koran been used in different meaning first meaning there could it means remembering Allah subhana wa Taala. Like what you just heard what that Kadena like a theater, or the coup de la gente. remember Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah are those who remember Allah Subhana Allah so much, they could also then mentioned in the Quran, and it means alcohol and a sudden, Allah says in Nanana zelner decra in Allahu Allah happy Lord, we have sent down a vicar and we are going to protect it. So, this verse clearly talking about addicted which is alcohol and and as soon as the scholars said, which it means basically the D religion. Also a vicar

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means the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam specifically.

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Allah subhana wa Taala told us in his book that you have sent down a Sunnah to explain, what do you have revealed to Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam when zelner yreka decra lit up in La nursey man who's de la la him. We have given you a vicar so we

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You will explain with it what we have revealed to them. What Allah subhana wa Taala revealed to people is Oh come on, and what explain oh come on as sooner. So here we see clearly that Vicar means remembering Allah subhana wa Taala at Vicar means alcohol, and a sinner, the religion a vicar mean. It means also the son of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam is specifically a vicar also could means the knowledge or the scholars

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as Allah Subhana Allah to Allah, the people of knowledge, or the scholars basically, as Allah subhanaw taala said, First Allah Allah decree in quantum law kalamoon asked the people of Vicar it means asked the scholars. So now we realize that Vicar has several meanings, but we are here, focusing on the first meeting, because that was related to our subject at dicker, which it means remembering Allah subhana wa Taala. We'll have a break, then we'll come back in Sharla. To continue our discussion.

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TV strives to bring you, our viewers the best in Islamic programming. Please send your comments and suggestions to [email protected]

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Welcome back, brothers and sisters, to continue our discussion about the meaning and importance of Victrola remembering Allah subhana wa Taala. You know what's so unique about this act of worship? It doesn't have a time doesn't require a specific time. You in any act of worship, it has a specific time to be done in it. For instance, salaat there is specific time for you to pray five times a day, there are certain times you're not allowed to pray, and there are certain times you be recommended to pray, and so on Zakat, there is certain time for you to give Zakat and also fasting. You fast sometime you fast look for eggs from February all the way to Muslim and you fast in the month of

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Ramadan. But Victrola all the time, liquor law all the time, all situations. No matter what

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you're involved in or where you add, you can practice this act of worship. And also one more thing about it that you need to use your tongue to remember Allah subhana wa tada and Allah subhana wa tada created your tongue in a such unique way. This muscle that you stretch it and you using it never get tired. Have you ever heard about somebody who said, Oh, my tongue hurt me today? I use it too much today? No. Can we use our time we can use it and keep using keep using it without even break and we will not get tired. This is the unique This is a very unique muscle that you can stretching it and using it without getting tired. Imagine if

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you're stung like your hand. If you use your hand a lot Do you feel tired? If you use your tongue a lot you feel I'm tired. I can't talk anymore. No, maybe your jaw will get tired.

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But your tongue will never get tired. And your tongue is the tool that you use to remember Allah subhanho wa Taala beside your heart as well. But mainly use your tongue to remember Allah subhana wa Tada. So if Allah subhana wa Taala have blessed you with this. You should utilize it in the best way. You should not ever let a moment pass in your life. And you can remember Allah subhanho wa Taala in it. You can pronounce Allah Subhana Allah to Allah, his names and attributes without saying it. Don't ever let any time goes by without remembering Allah subhanahu wa tada and abuse Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, and this hadith reported by a Muslim, several Colombo family doing

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Alma forbidden they will come first. The prophets of Salaam was asked who are the majority do then the prophets of Salaam recited this verse at the Kadena Lucha Cathedral with

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those who remember Allah much male and female, those male and female who remember Allah subhana wa tada so much. In nebby sallallahu alayhi wa sallam also told us and this hadith reported by telemedia and imagine a dunya Tamil Luna Tamil Luna mafia Illa de que la parada mo metallian that Allah subhanho wa Taala curse this dunya this word

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those who are learning and those who are remembering Allah subhanaw taala if anything, these two things involved in it, it will be blessed. And in Nabhi sallallahu Sallam also said the Hadith reported by Eben headbang that the prophets of Salaam said, a humble family Illa and tomato Elisa, new carrot woombie decree law, the best thing that you die while you remembering Allah subhanho wa Taala as a matter of fact the prophets of Salaam said if the last thing you say before you die, La ilaha illa Allah you intergender if this is the last word you pronounce before your death, that means you among the people off Jenna

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and Obi sallallahu Sallam also told us that the house elbaite and let the youth Corolla houfy one lady live with Corolla houfy method how you will meet that the house where people in that the people of that house remember Allah subhana wa Taala much in that house and another house where people will not remember Allah subhana wa tada the example of these two houses, the example of somebody who is alive and somebody who's dead, the house where Allah subhanaw taala will not be remember, like it did like a cemetery and the house where Allah subhanaw taala remember, it's like somebody who's alive or a house full of life.

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My brothers and sisters, it is the life of the heart. You see how beautiful garden we have here, trees and roses.

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Imagine if this place or this garden flat, there is no trees in it. There is no roses in it. There is not just a flat place, flat like a pancake. If you imagine that you will not be attractive to see or to stay in such garden. What to make it beautiful, these beautiful flowers and trees in this sarong lessen the Prophet sallallahu Sallam told us that in Jenna, the jinn, they also have the trees of Jenna made of the spear and delille entecavir. And whenever he says Subhana Allah or at hamdulillah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah, Allah will put in your garden engender a tree for you, or a rose, or a palm.

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So every time you make Vicar you make your garden you place in Jenna, more life more beautiful

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in the land of Jenna will have more live by the Corolla. I guarantee for you that your heart will have more live in it. If you remember Allah subhanho wa Taala what will beautify your heart is the Corolla, the same way they could Allah purify the agenda that you will shall be an agenda that the garden that you will have an agenda in paradise. Also the Quran, Allah will make your heart pure, and will let you taste the sweetness of Eman al Hassan inversive, AHIMA, Walter Allison, if you want to taste the sweetness of a man, you will find it in three things in prayer in the krola, and remembering a law and the third one

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in reading.

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But if you couldn't find it in any one of these three, you have to know that you're lost, that the doors close that you're far away from realizing or tasting the real taste of Amen. My brothers and sisters, remembering Allah subhana wa Taala is not something you do it occasionally it should be a habit. It should be something that you're used to it, that you always remember Allah subhanho wa Taala all the time, like Elisa knew karate, Bambi decorilla always make sure that your tongue remembering Allah subhanho wa Taala with with the remembering of Allah subhanho wa Taala. Yeah, Hayabusa Korea Prophet, a prophet john told the children of Israel, a great example, explained to

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them as our Prophet Mohammed for Salam told us that once he addressed his people and told them, that the example of those who remember Allah subhanho wa Taala, like the example of a person who's running away from his enemy, then he approached a castle and he entered the castle, and he locked the door. And this castle has a very high walls that people cannot enter the castle.

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Yeah, the prophet john prophet john said

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This is the example of a person who remember Allah subhana wa tada you all in this dunya your real enemy is the shape on his after you to get you. The moment you start remembering Allah subhanho wa Taala The moment you enter the castle and he cannot reach you, but the moment you don't remember Allah subhana wa tada The moment he will be able to take over your mind, your heart, and he will make you forget about your Lord. Make sure that you remember this example, which is given to you by great prophet, Prophet Alayhi Salam

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inbee sallallahu alayhi salam told us also, three people alone will always accept the drought always accept the requests always will accept their supplications at their Kadena lockira those who remember Allah Subhana Allah so much what our Totem of the loom and the person who have been abused

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which injustice has been done to him. And the third one an email with the just ruler and this hadith reported by a man with very happy

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my brothers and sisters.

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The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam also told us mermin emaline leibny Adam, and jela hoomin Billa Min decorilla the prophets of Salaam said in this hadith reported by nothing the son of Adam will do and this action or this deed will protect him from the Hellfire as much as the Corolla. In as much as you make Vicar. Tell us remember Allah subhanho wa Taala as much as you will be protected from the * fire. Allah subhanaw taala said this hadith bootsy the prophets of Salaam said that Allah smart Allah said and in the history Vanya AB DB will no matter who either the Karani for either the common if enough see the car to hoof enough. See we're in the Karani females in the car

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to female in

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this heady which the prophets of Salaam told us that Allah subhanho wa Taala said I'm always will be there for my slave. Whatever good he will expect from me he will find it or she will find it. I'm with him. When he remember me. If you remember me

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while he is by himself, I will remember him also. And if he remember me while he's in gathering while is in public or with people pronounce Allah subhanaw taala his name mentioned a last name glorifying a lot thanking Allah praising alarm public Allah subhanho wa Taala also will praise such person will remember will pronounce that person's name will mention him in a gathering better than your gathering and no doubt because your name would be mentioned

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and the appearance of the angels of the angels.

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My brothers sisters in Nabi saw Salam once told his companions, I just had to come and yaxha Bakula to alpha Hashanah. If you want to receive 1000 reward every day do you want to receive 1000 we work every day. They said yes jasola He said, If you make the speed 100 times you say Subhana Allah 100 time

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Allah Subhana Allah will reward you with 1002 speed. Not only that also allowed arrays 1000 sin from your sense.

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In Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said enough vollen SEOmoz tiama Alhambra Dune the best people in the Day of Judgment are l hemudu. Yeah, and he will be reward the mystery word. What is a hemudu means Alhamdulillah Allah Nina Medina Allah, those who always say Alhamdulillah the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam also said, whoever would say so panelo the Hamdi 100 times a day, Allah will forgive his sins, even if it is as much as the form of the sea. And this hadith reported by Al Bukhari Muslim in Ibiza Salam also told one of his companions that La hawla wala quwata illa Billah this statement La hawla wala quwata illa Billah which is a declaration from you that the only power

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you have, it is because of Allah subhana wa Taala this word this statement Allah subhanaw taala ascended down from a treasure underneath his throne, and of the profits are seldom said fair por la. Aslam Abdi was teslin whenever you say La hawla wala quwata illa Allah Allah

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I will say, my slave have submitted himself to me. My brothers and sisters have this is the case, we should take advantage of every moment of our life to remember Allah subhanho wa Taala as much as we can.

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I will stop here and I will see you

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in the next episode.

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