Waleed Basyouni – Magnificent Seven 11

Waleed Basyouni
AI: Summary © The Magnificent Seven discusses various aspects of Islam, including the worship of Islam, rewarding individuals for giving to others, and the history of abuse and abuse of money. The speakers also touch on the importance of donating for Islam, especially for those in need, and emphasize the need for support for Islam, particularly during the pandemic. The segment ends with a recap of upcoming episodes and a recap of the upcoming episode of the show.
AI: Transcript ©
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hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa salatu salam, ala MV mursaleen Nabina Muhammad Allah Allah He was such big man in all praise due to Allah and His praise and blessings mpsp upon our Prophet Mohammed and his family, and his family and his companions and his followers until the day of judgment, mighty brothers or sisters, welcome to a new episode of The Magnificent Seven. The great seven men and woman with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam described them in his Hadith seven, or whom Allah would give them protection, by his shade, will put him put them in his shade in the Day of Judgment, whereas no shade except Allah subhana wa attalus shade, they are a just ruler, a youth who

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grew up with the worship of Allah, a person whose heart is attached to the massages, to person who love each other, meet each other, depart from each other, for the sake of Allah, a man whom an extremely beautiful woman seduce him, he rejects her efforts by saying, I fear Allah, a person who gives him charity and conceal it to the extent his left hand side will not know what his right hand is giving. And, finally, a person who remembers Allah in solitude, and his eyes will a

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mighty brother and sisters,

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we will continue

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talking about the sixth category, the one who gives for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And gives to the extent that his left hand will not know what his right hand is giving, either because he conceal it, or because he gives a lot and a lot to the extent that his left hand will not know how much he's giving by his right hand.

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The Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told us that a man one night decide to donate for the sake of Allah, or give in charity. So he went outside of his house, and he found a woman. He gave her his setup to his charity. Then in the morning, he found out that that woman who took his soda last night, she was a prostitute. What did they do? He found out that she was a prostitute. Then he said, I went last night to give for the sake of Allah to give a poor person, and it ends up in the hands of a prostitute. I will try this again tonight. And he went in the next night. And he found a man in the street. He looks like a poor person. He gave him the donation. The next day in

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the morning, he found out that that man was a rich man in the community. A rich man. Yes. He said, I tried to give the donation to the one who deserve it. But again, I gave it to somebody who doesn't deserve the money is rich, our try one more time. So in the third night, he went outside looking for a poor person. He found a person in the street and he gave him the money. But again in the morning, he found out that that man he met last night was a thief. So he said La quwata illa Billah. One night, I went outside and I gave it it ends up in the hands of a prostitute. Then it ends up in the hands of a rich man, then it ends up in the hands of a thief. But guess what? The Prophet sallallahu

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Sallam told us that Allah Subhana Allah accepted from him, and he rewarded him for the three times. And

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he'd been told that that money he gave to the prostitute, it might be the reason for her to stop doing what she's doing. And maybe that money he gave the rich man, it will stop him from going outside to the street, asking for people's money by his rich he doesn't need it and might also prevent that person from taking people's money.

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The thief and he will repent to Allah subhana wa to Allah by that.

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It's not about how much you give. It's not about you have to know exactly in details what is this money is going to, when you give it with sincerity, when you give it to the people you know that you deserve it or you think that you deserve it, you're adger you will receive your ledger, Allah Subhana Allah will reward you for that.

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Abu Dhabi Allah and said, that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said, three people Allah loves and three people Allah Subhana Allah hate. The three people also panatela love them by Julian Coleman fussa Allah humbler Allah Allah Hamza, Karrada, a man came to a group of people, and he asked him by Allah, only, not because he is one of their family members, not because he's a member of their tribe, no, he's a stranger, but he asked him by Allah to help him to support him after he finished his presentation, and he asked him after everybody left, and man came in secret, and he said, This is my donation, that person who came in secret and donate for the men, not because he knows him, not

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because there is a relationship between them. No, just because he wants to please Allah subhana wa tada because he knows that this person is his brother in Islam, he gave them that person, Allah subhanaw taala loves and another group of feet and another the second person, a person who, in a caravan traveling with a group of people all the day, when the night comes, everybody is tired with the touch the the with the

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head of the bed or touch the floor, everybody just go to sleep immediately because they're tired. But that man that didn't do that. He stand up in the night praying. He didn't sleep, even though he's so tired. That person Allah subhanaw taala love the most. And the third person, a person who fought for the sake of Allah until he brought victory to the Muslim army. And the three people that Allah Subhana Allah to Allah hate an old men, but he's a fornicator

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a poor person, but he's arrogant and rich men, but he's abuser. He is abuser. This has been reported by a bit Jose Ma and inhibin

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bokep shell and Marriott or the Allahu Allah said three things I swear on them that they are true. Why are those swear on them? And I heard the prophets of Salaam swear word on them. That is an oxymoron, a hidden amandla oxymoron a hidden, hidden not a sort of law. So what are these three things? The first one the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said monaka semeru abdomen sadaqa no one will donate for the sake of Allah and His donation will decrease his wealth. While walima Abdul Malema sobre la ilaha illa de de la who Bihar is no one will be abused in this studio, then he will be patient. I was Allah subhana wa Taala will give him or raise his station. Well give him dignity in

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the studio.

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And no one will be will ask people for money unless Allah subhana wa Taala will make him in poverty. While Fatiha. abdon Bab Ms. Ella tiene en la fecha de la hora de Baba faac then the prophets of Salaam said, I'll tell you something, remember it and memorize it. So remember and memorize it. There is four kinds of people in this life. There is four kinds of people in this life, a man who Allah subhanho wa Taala blessed him with wealth and knowledge. So he used this knowledge to manage his money in the right way. So he feared Allah subhana wa to Allah. And he used this money to donate for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala. This is the best men in this world. And the second person,

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a man who Allah subhanaw taala blessed him with knowledge, but he didn't give him money, but he has a pure intention, you always say, if I have money, I will do I will do such a such things like so and so person who Allah gave him money. So the prophet SAW Selim said, That man who has the who has the intention, who has the knowledge, but he doesn't have that he doesn't have the money, he will be with the one who has the money, equal, equal, for whom he saw that third person, a man Allah subhanho wa Taala gave him wealth, but he didn't give him money. He doesn't have any money. So he

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mismanaged his money, his missed, he missed use his money, he uses money in their own way, and things which is not beneficial. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, such person is the worst person. Then the last one, a person who Allah subhanaw taala didn't give him any money, or any knowledge, or any tax law, no knowledge and no money, but he still had bad intention. You always think if he has money, he will do such a such evil thing. like so and so person, this person, and the person who's doing their own doing the wrong deeds are same, are equal, because that person has a bad intention.

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This has been reported by rocky mahoma in his Muslim mighty brothers and sisters.

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If you have the wealth, and if you have the knowledge, you have the wisdom to put this money in the right source. You're among the best, you're among the best. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, when the loss of Hannah with Allah created the earth, the earth were shaking. Then Allah Subhana, Allah created the mountain, and the mountain made this earth subtle and come their way you see it now. So the angel said to Allah subhanho wa Taala, ask Allah subhana wa Tada, mountains are mountains is the greatest creation you created. Then Allah Subhana Allah said, No, they are not the greatest creation, you know, the iron in the mountain is the thing which is make this mountain

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subtle of the earth. So immediately the angel said, Oh ALLAH is that means that the iron is our The, the mountain or the iron or the greatest creation that you ever created. Last month, I said, No, the iron will be melted by fire. So immediately again, the angel asked, Is that mean the fire are the Greatest, Allah said no, far will be taken away by water. Then they said, so the water as the greatest creation, Allah said, no water would be carried by the wind, by the wind. So the said is that man the wind or the the greatest creation you created? Allah Subhana Allah said, No. The greatest creation and the loss of power without his eyes, not the mountains, not the earth, not the

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fire, the create the greatest creation, Allah subhanaw taala said, my slave, when he donate, for the sake of me, my slave when he gives, for the sake of me, this is the greatest creation. This is the real hero, the donor, the giver, the supporter,

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my brothers and sisters, the prophets of Salaam told us in the Day of Judgment, you will be in the shade of your donation. If you donate a lot, your shed will be wide and thick, and you will be protected. May Allah subhana wa Taala make among those people who donate for the sake of Allah will now we'll take a break, then we'll come back.

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Amazing Stories.

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As well as the stories that were told to us by our beloved Prophet Mohammed Ali salatu salam are not fairytales. They are not stories that were made up to convince us of something. They are true stories that actually happened. They said in the message the Prophet alayhi salatu salam is talking they said Subhan Allah because Allah they said, Subhana Allah, a cow that speaks a last panel that Allah has created this universe, my dear brothers and sisters, in such a beautiful way, that everything is balanced, that every creature has a specific function, that they do not go outside of that frame seas to Panama the Prophet alayhi salatu salam is telling us about the story that

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happened before us. And this reminds us of the fact that Islam is a universal religion.

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In this program, we will know about peoples from different times and places whose stories were mentioned in the Islamic tradition. All of this with Sheikh lotfy will relate to their stories and extract the lessons and wisdom behind them.

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Welcome back, to continue our discussion about the importance of donating for the sake of Allah.

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When you look around us, my brothers

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Sisters, we see that the Muslims word in Greek in great need of reviving this spirit of donating for the sake of Allah, and the charity of Muslims, as well needed in the Muslims word we hear about Muslims in Africa and Palestine, in Iraq. So many poor people in the Muslim world, look around you look around the community that they live in, you will see a lot of people who need your help, need your donation, need your support. It's so sad to know that the poorest in the world are the Muslim, but in the same time, which is sounds very weird, that the most of the rich people in the world also from the Muslim world, we are the richest country, but in the same times we have the poorest

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community in the word that shows you that is something wrong, we have the concept of donating and giving and supporting. So this concept is so clear and shittier there is so much so many ahaadeeth so many verses in the Quran, encourage us to donate for the sake of Allah. So why we see the situation of Muslim like that, why we see that so many members if you are of our families are so poor, while other members in the same family are rich and wealthy and Allah Subhana Allah providing why you hesitate to give from what Allah subhanaw taala blest you way,

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way So currently, one of the great scholars among the tambourine used to say, Oh Allah, I apologize for you. Because some days there is because in the night I know there are so many people asleep in my town hungry and might not have something to cover within the night. But all you are my witness that I don't have any extra food other than the food I have in my any food other than the one I have in my stomach. I don't have anything to wear, except this clothes that I have owned right now. I can't give them I can't help them. And they feel sad and feel bad that they go to sleep, while other people are hungry or have nothing to cover themselves with it. Use of the Prophet Yusuf Ali Salam

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had been writing that he never ever filled his stomach with food. When he was asked why you don't eat until you feed until you be full.

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He said I've I'm I'm afraid if I became full, I will forget about the hungry people in my community, or forget about the hungry people in my community.

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If you want an example, the best example I can give you is the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. The Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam never said no to anyone. The Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, whenever anybody asked him something, he will give it to him. He never said no. He never said no to anyone, once the prophets of Salaam was giving, Buddha was giving like a long rope as a gift from a woman, and he loved that drops analyze it, and he liked it. And he needed Salallahu alaihe salam, when he put it on,

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because the prophets of Salaam needed and the process and like and he put it on immediately one of his companions said, you know Salalah would you give it to me as a gift?

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The Sahaba tell that man, why don't you ask the process on this question. You know, he wouldn't say no. And you know, the team needed he liked it. And he just put it on. The prophets of Salaam immediately took the robe off. And he gave it to them. He gave it to the person. He gave it to him. He's a generous man sallallahu sallam. He was very generous sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. The man said nobody should pay me for that. I want that drop after the prophesy solemn word because I want to have it with me in my grave that people will use it as Kevin to show my body with it. When I will be replaced in my grave. In Nabhi. Salah Salam will not save anything for tomorrow, whatever he has,

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he used to give to people.

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And I saw the alarm and described him. He said the process lm used to be the best man, the most beautiful one, the most generous one sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and the most brave, as Janice reported by Al Bukhari Muslim

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in Nabi sallallahu Sallam in the day of Mecca. When the Prophet sallallahu wasallam about to enter Mecca. One bad word or a bad woman came to the prophet SAW Sunday. And he said, Oh Mohammed, I see there is a lot of sheep that you have is all the sheep belong to you.

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There are so many shapes that they cover a valley next to Mecca. So the Prophet Salim said like this, the sheep's said no doubt everybody will love that it's so many of them. It's so good that the prophets of Salaam said it is for you.

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What? Yes. All slog number of sheeps for me You said yes, it's all belong to you now you can go take it

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in Ibiza, Salim just earned that amount of sheep, but he gave it away some of the men went back this people saying all of you should be Muslim. They said Why? He said because I saw a man he's so generous. He gives so much as if he not afraid ever to be a poor, ever to be poor.

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Sometimes your donation can be a very good tool for dollar for dollar to slim.

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In Nabi sallallahu, alayhi wa sallam

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used to give Sephardic noumea so for him he was not Muslim in that time. He said, I used to hate the province of Salem the most, and the provinces seldom gave me money. Then he gave me again and again until I realized that he's so generous, and he treated me so good. And that money changed my heart toward the prophets of Salaam and the prophets of Salaam became the most beloved person to my heart.

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And Nabi sallallahu Sallam told his companion once I'm not a miser, whatever I have, I will give no matter how much I will have. I will give it to you, and you will never find me and you will never find me miser. You know before the prophets or sunlamps death. He had sallallahu Sallam in his house 17 hours, seven small pieces of gold, the currency of that time, it was either gold or silver, gold codina and silver coldren. Anyway, Nabi sallallahu Sallam send it to Ali, to donate it to distribute it to the poor people in his community.

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But after that, I shall

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send her servant to look around to borrow from any house next to her house, some oil, so she can light up a candle on the night light of a candle on the night, because the prophets of Salaam was so sick, and she said I'm afraid that the prophets of Solomon became more sick, and I wouldn't know or notice that because it's so dark.

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He just donate seven Durham's and now his wife looking to have some small amount of oil, because in Nabhi, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to give and to give and cares about others more than he cares about his own self.

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Once the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said, Nobody ever has wealth benefited me, except the wealth of abubaker except the money of a backup of the Allah and whatever. his money helped me a lot and several occasions. When the prophet SAW Selim said that Abu Bakr or the alarm start crying, I start crying, and he said, Yasser, Allah, me and whatever I Oh, I own belongs to you your Rasul Allah, mighty brothers, sisters, the companions of the prophets of Salaam are great examples for those generous one who will give and give until the left hand will not remember or recognize or know what the right hand is giving.

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For instance, Earth commando the alarm and what are the donate a 300 camels in the day for a surah to support the Muslim army, not only 300 camels, 300 camels, and whatever that ride there of this camel needs, whatever the warrior will need, whatever the soldier will use in the battle. It's all from one person from Kathmandu or the Allah and whatever model the law and law, the one who purchase a world called Rumia. And he donated that well, for the sake of philosophy the Muslim can drink from it for free, and they don't need to pay tax to any owner of this world.

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Manage Now, another great example. Just in one incident he donate 400,000 piece of gold to to to the profits of salams wives after the profits of solemn death because the prophets of Salaam said the best among you are the one who will take care of my family after my death. trollhattan faryab Paul had to hire Paul had the good palha the general

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restyle her, the one who donate his money for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala Abu Mohammed, one of the 10 people that the prophet SAW them give them that light guiding agenda together in one Hadith. He donated his garden for the sake of Allah subhana wa tada in one day again he donate more than 400,000 piece of gold for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala

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Jaffa Vitaly, the cousin of the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to feed the poor people in Medina used to carry the food to them and to deliver it to their homes and to their houses.

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In O'Meara de la and free over free over 1000 slave for the sake of Allah who used to purchase the slaves and the and he will free them for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Tada.

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Now, that said, once I witness my father had been Omar, when he received 20,000 piece of gold

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have been aeromar received 20,000 piece of gold, his son, Nuff said. While law he he distributed all before he leaves his position. He said this is take it to the poor people take it to the Misaki and took it to the people who need to be free, some slave to free them use this money, he distributed the whole money 20,000 piece of gold, and we talking about the society is not that rich, and they're not born. They were not born rich people. But they were rich in Amen. They have trust in Allah subhanho wa Taala Adam, so the question here, how can we be? How can you be among those people who donate for the sake of Allah, who use this power, which is money, to be utilized to support the

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message of Islam, to support the religion of Allah subhanho wa Taala and the religion of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, how can we use that? How can we apply this in our life? First of all, my brothers and sisters, look around you. If you have a family member and they are poor, donate to them. Make sure that you take care of them. If you have children, if you have children, they deserve your sadhaka more than anybody else. If you have a son or daughter want to get married, help them donate your money to them, but not from the cat. But from your donation. If you have a brother or sister, give them make themselves sufficient. also support the message the Islamic centers, the Dow

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activity, the colors to Allah, they do at home, all Islamic activity and held that projects that would care about spreading dour, like if there is a project about and

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project to propaganda Islam in one of the countries support such project if there is a Dahlia, a scholar need to be supported, support them.

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Always think about the people next to you. Always given Don't hesitate. Remember, Allah's promise that whatever you spend for the sake of Allah, He will replace it for you in the dunya by another amount of money better than what you get but better than what you gave. And in the Africa with the excellent to work with Jenna, what wider than the heavens and earth May Allah Subhana Allah make us among the multiple sub detain the giver, the donor for the sake of Allah and I will see you in the next episode inshallah Tada.

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He stand up in the night praying, he didn't sleep, even though he is so tired. That person Allah subhanaw taala love the most. And the third person, a person who fought for the sake of Allah until he brought victory

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To the Muslim army and the three people that Allah Subhana Allah to Allah hate an old men, but he's a fornicator

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a poor person, but he's arrogant and rich men, but he's abuser. He is abuser is headed reported by Evan hoceima and inhibin

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blue cup shell and Marriott or the Allah Allah said three things I swear on them that they are true. Why are those swearing them and I heard the prophets or sanlam swear word on them, tell us an oxymoron a hidden amandla oxymoron, a hidden, hidden or a sort of law. So what are these three things? The first one the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said monaka semeru abdomen sadaqa no one will donate for the sake of Allah and His donation will decrease his wealth, while walima Abdo Malema sobre la la la casa de la who Bihar is, no one will be abused in this studio. Then he will be patient. Allah Allah subhana wa Taala will give him or raise his station will give him dignity in

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the studio.

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And no one will be will ask people for money. Allah Allah subhanho wa Taala will make him in poverty. While further how abdon Bab Ms. Ella tiene Illa Fattah Allahu la Baba Fuck, then the prophets of Salaam said, I will tell you something, remember it and memorize it. So remember and memorize it. There is four kinds of people in this life. There is four kinds of people in this life, a man who Allah subhana wa Taala blessed him with wealth and knowledge. So he used this knowledge to manage his money in the right way. So he feared Allah subhana wa Tada. And he used this money to donate for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala. This is the best men in this word. And the second

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person, a man who Allah subhanaw taala blessed him with knowledge, but he didn't give him money. But he has a pure intention, you always say, if I have money, I will do I will do such as such things like so and so person who Allah gave him money. So the prophet SAW Selim said, That man who has the who has the intention, who has the knowledge, but he doesn't have that he doesn't have the money, he will be with the one who has the money, equal, equal, for whom and he saw the third person. And then Allah subhana wa Taala gave him wealth, but he didn't give him money. He doesn't have any money. So he mismanaged his money, his Miss, he misused his money, he uses money in their own way, and things

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which is not beneficial. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, such person is the worst person. Then the last one. A person who Allah Subhanallah didn't give him any money, or any knowledge or any taqwa, no knowledge, and no money. But he still had that intention. You always think if he has money, he will do such a such evil thing. like so and so person, this person and the person who's doing their own doing the wrong deeds are same, are equal, because that person has a bad intention.

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Because Have you been reported by rocky mahoma in his Muslim, mighty brothers and sisters,

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if you have the wealth, and if you have the knowledge, you have the wisdom to put this money in the right source. You're among the best, you're among the best. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, when the loss of Hannah with Allah created the earth, the earth were shaking. Then Allah subhana wa Taala created the mountain and the mountain made this earth subtle and come the way you see it now. So the angel said to Allah subhanho wa Taala ask Allah subhanaw taala mountains are mountains is the greatest creation you created, that Allah Subhana Allah said, No, they are not the greatest creation. You know, the iron in the mountain is the thing which is make this mountain

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subtle of the earth. So immediately the angel said, Oh ALLAH is that means that the iron is our the the mountain or the iron or the greatest creation that you've ever created. Last month, I said no, the iron will be melted by fire. So immediately again the angel asked, Is that mean the fire are the greatest

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Allah said no far will be taken away by water. Then they said, sell the water as the greatest creation. Allah said no water would be carried by the wing, by the wind. So they said is that man the wind or the, the greatest creation you created? Allah Subhana Allah said no, the greatest creation and Allah subhana wa tada his eyes, not the mountains, not the earth, not the fire, the create the greatest creation, Allah Subhana Allah said, my slave, when he donate, for the sake of me, my slave when he gives, for the sake of me, this is the greatest creation. This is the real hero, the donor, the giver, the supporter,

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my brothers and sisters, the prophets of Salaam told us in the Day of Judgment, you will be in the shade of your donation. If you donate a lot, your shed will be wide and thick, and you will be protected. May Allah subhana wa Taala make among those people who donate for the sake of Allah will now we'll take a break, then we'll come back to sha Allah.

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Amazing Stories

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as well as the stories that were told to us by our beloved Prophet Mohammed Ali salatu salam are not fairytales. They are not stories that were made up to convince us of something. They are true stories that actually happened. They said in the message the Prophet alayhi salatu salam is talking they said Subhan Allah because Allah they said, Subhana Allah, a cow that speaks Allah subhanho wa Taala has created this universe, my dear brothers and sisters, in such a beautiful way, that everything is balanced, that every creature has a specific function, that they do not go outside of that frame cease to handle the how the Prophet alayhi salatu salam is telling us about the story

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that happened before us. And this reminds us of the fact that Islam is a universal religion.

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In this program, we will know about peoples from different times and places whose stories were mentioned in the Islamic tradition. All of this with chiclet V will relate to their stories and extract the lessons and wisdom behind them.

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Welcome back, to continue our discussion about the importance of donating for the sake of Allah.

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When you look around us, my brothers and sisters, we see that the Muslims word in Greek in great need of reviving this spirit of donating for the sake of Allah, and the charity of Muslims, is well needed in the Muslims word. We hear about Muslims in Africa, and Palestine, in Iraq. So many poor people in the Muslim world. Look around you look around the community that they live in, you will see a lot of people who need your help I need your donation, I need your support. It's so sad to know that the poorest in the world are the Muslim, but in the same time, which is sounds very weird, that the most of the rich people in the world also from the Muslim world, we are the richest

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country, but in the same times we have the poorest community in the world that shows you that is something wrong, we have the concept of donating and giving and supporting. So this concept is so clear and shittier there is so much so many ahaadeeth so many verses in Quran encourage us to donate for the sake of Allah. So why we see the situation of Muslim like that, why we see that so many members if you are of our families are so poor, while other members in the same family are rich and wealthy. And Allah Subhana Allah providing why you hesitate to give from what Allah Subhana Allah blessed you with

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a waste of money, one of the great scholars among the tambourine used to say, Oh Allah, I apologize for you. Because some days there is because in the night I know there are so many people asleep in my town hungry and might not have something to cover within the night. But Allah you are my witness that I don't have any extra food. Other than the food I have in mind any food other than the one I have in my stomach. I don't have anything to wear, except this clothes that I have owned right now. I can't give

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I can help them and they feel sad and feel bad that they go to sleep, while other people are hungry or have nothing to cover themselves with it. Use of the Prophet Yusuf Ali Salam had been rated that he never ever felt his stomach with food. When he was asked why you don't eat until you feed until you be full.

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He said I've I'm I'm afraid if I became full hour, forget about the hungry people in my community, or forget about the hungry people in my community.

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If you want an example, the best example I can give you is the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. The Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam never said no to anyone. The Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, whenever anybody asked him something, he will give it to him. He never said no. He never said no to anyone, once the prophets of Salaam was giving, Buddha was giving like a long rope as a gift from a woman, and he loved that drops allies and he liked it. And he needed Salallahu alaihe salam when he put it on,

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because the province of celeb needed and the process of like and he put it on immediately, one of his companions said, Yara Salalah would you give it to me as a gift?

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The Sahaba tell that man, why you ask the process on this question. You know, he wouldn't say no. And you know that he needed he liked it. And he just put it on. The prophets of Salaam immediately took the robe off. And he gave it to them. He gave it to the person. He gave it to him. He's a generous man sallallahu sallam. He was very generous. sallallahu alayhi wasallam the man said nobody should pay me for that. I want that drop after the prophesy solemn word because I want to have it with me my grave that people will use it as Kevin to show my body with it. When I will be replaced in my grave. In Nabhi. Salah Salim will not save anything for tomorrow, whatever he has, he used to

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give to people.

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And I saw the alarm and described you. He said the process that I'm used to be the best man, the most beautiful one, the most generous one sallallahu wasallam and the most brave as China's reported by Al Bukhari Muslim

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in Nabi sallallahu Sallam in the deaf Mecca when the Prophet sallallahu wasallam about to enter Mecca. One bad word or a bad one man came to the prophet SAW Salim and he said all Mohammed, I see there is a lot of sheep that you have is all the sheep belong to you. There are so many sheeps that they cover a valley next to Mecca. So the prophets of Salaam said like this. The sheep said no doubt everybody will love that. It's so many of them. It's so good that the prophets of Salaam said it is for you.

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What? Yes. Also a large number of ships for me. He said yes, it's all belong to you. Now. You can go take it.

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in Ibiza, salaam just earned that amount of sheet but he gave it away some of the men went back to his people saying all of you should be Muslim. They said Why? He said because I saw a man he's so generous. He gives so much as if he not afraid ever to be a poor ever to be poor.

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Sometimes your donation can be a very good tool for dollar for dollar, too slim.

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In Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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used to give Sephardic noumea so funnily was not Muslim in that time. He said, I used to hate the prophets of Salaam the most, and the prophets of Salaam gave me money. Then he gave me again and again until I realized that he's so generous, and he treated me so good. And that money changed my heart toward the prophets of Salaam and the prophets of Salaam became the most beloved person to my heart.

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In Nabi sallallahu, Sallam told his companion once I'm not a miser, whatever I have, I will give no matter how much I will have. I will give it to you, and you will never find me and you will never find me miser. You know before the prophets or sunlamps death. He had sallallahu Sallam in his house 17 hours, seven small pieces of gold. The currency of that time was either gold or silver, gold codina and silver coldren. Anyway, Nabi sallallahu Sallam send it to Ali, to donate it to distribute it to the poor people in his community.

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But after that I shadowed Allah and

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sent her servant to look around to borrow from any house next to her house, some oil so she can light up a candle and the night light of a candle on the night because the prophets of Salaam was so sick and she said I'm afraid that the prophets of Salaam would became more sick. And I wouldn't know or notice that because it's so dark.

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He just donate seven Durham's and now his wife looking to have some small amounts of oil, because in Obi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to give and to give and cares about others more than he cares about his own self.

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Once the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said, Nobody ever has wealth benefited me, except the wealth of abubaker except the money have a backup of the alohar and his money helped me a lot and several occasions when the problems are seldom said that Abubakar, the alarm, start crying, I started crying, and he said jasola me and whatever I Oh, I own belongs to you your Rasul Allah, mighty brothers sisters, the companions of the Prophet SAW Selim are great examples for those generous one who will give and give until the left hand will not remember or recognize or know what the right hand is giving.

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For instance, Earth America, they allow and donate a 300 camels in the day for extra to support the Muslim army, not only 300, camels, 300 camels, and whatever that ride there of this camel needs, whatever the warrior will need, whatever the soldier will use in the battle. It's all from one person from Kathmandu or the Aloha and whatever amount of the land larva, the one who purchase a world called Rumia. And he donated that well, for the sake of philosophy, the Muslim can drink from it for free, and they don't need to pay tax to any owner of this well. I'm the romantic Now, another great example. Just in one incident he donate 400,000 piece of gold, to to to the profits of salams

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wives after the profits of solemn death, because the prophets of Salaam said the best among you are the one who will take care of my family. after my death.

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Metal faryab Paul had to hire. Paul had the good, the general style he's the one who donate his money for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala. Abu Mohammed, one of the 10 people that the prophet SAW them give them that light guiding of Jenna together in one Hadith, he donated his garden for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala. In one day again he donate more than 400,000 piece of gold for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala

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Jaffa Vitaly, the cousin of the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to feed the poor people in Medina. He used to carry the food to them and to deliver it to their homes and to their houses.

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Bin Omar or the Allahu Anh? Free over free over 1000 slave for the sake of Allah who used to purchase the slaves and the and he will free them for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala

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Nuff said. Once I witness my father had been Omar, when he received 20,000 pieces of gold.

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Bin Omar received 20,000 piece of gold. His son Nuff said while law he he distributed all before he leaves his position. He said this is take it to the poor people take it to the Misaki and took it to the people who need to be for some slave to free them use this money. He distributed the whole money 20,000 piece of gold. And we talked about the society is not that rich, and they're not born. They were not born rich people. But they were rich and they have trust in Allah subhanho wa Taala. So the question here, how can we be? How can you be among those people who donate for the sake of Allah who use this power, which is money, to be utilized to support the message of Islam to support the

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religion of philosophy

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What to add and the religion of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, how can we use that? How can we apply this in our life? First of all, my brothers and sisters, look around you. If you have a family member and they are poor, donate to them, make sure that you take care of them. If you have children, if you have children, they deserve your sadaqa more than anybody else. If you have a son or daughter want to get married, help them donate your money to them, but not from the socket. But from your donation. If you have a brother or sister give them make themselves sufficient. also support the message the Islamic centers, the Dow activity, the colors to Allah, they do at home, all

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Islamic activity in held that projects that would care about spreading dalla like if there is a project about and

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project to propaganda Islam in one of the country's support such project if there is a Dahlia, a scholar need to be supported, support them.

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Always think about the people next to you. Always given Don't hesitate. Remember, Allah's promise that whatever you spend for the sake of Allah, He will replace it for you in the dunya by another amount of money better than what you get but better than what you gave, and in the afra with the excellent reward with Jenna, what wider than the heavens and the earth? May Allah Subhana Allah make us among the most adept in the giver, the donor for the sake of Allah and I will see you in the next episode inshallah Tada.

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