Wahaj Tarin – Final Messenger Muhammad, Perfect Role Model For All Mankind

Wahaj Tarin
AI: Summary © The importance of being close to one's profit is discussed in Islam, including the need to be close to one's profit and the difficulty of working in drought situations. A woman describes the physical appearance of the Prophet's face, including his hair, eyes, and body, and describes him as the best of three to behold. The success of the Prophet's vision of becoming a woman and a woman that can live in a distant universe is also discussed, with the importance of projection and the use of words to describe him. The upcoming conflict between Islam and the United States is also discussed, with plans for the future and success of the Prophet's vision of becoming a woman and a woman that can live in a distant universe.
AI: Transcript ©
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Respected elders, mothers and sisters

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a lot of bullets are created the creation

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and from the entirety of the crazy creation he has our judges selected honored preferred and trolls in son in law has puffer mean unhealthy Bernie Adam, was tougher mean Bernie MMB and from amidst the children of Adam have louder Bula is exalted on preferred and chose the unborn.

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And in that regard he azza wa jal sent 124,000 messengers and prophets to teach lead and guide mankind and from the galaxy of

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these best sons of

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Allah Buddha chose the Rasul

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the messenger messengers whom were given a specific revelation or new Sharia.

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And from amidst these chosen category of the Rasul, he has selected five as the only love mimin or Russell as the Great's emits the messengers. And they are chronologically from the time of new new Holly his solemn Ebrahim Moosa and Muhammad Ali him of Paulo Salatu, automata, slim, and then from the select group of five,

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the life of which humankind have never seen nor will ever see again imagine amidst them is the person who spoke to Allah direct amidst them is is de la his Salam who would get a piece of clay make it into a bird and breathe in it, and it was fly off, he would call the dead rise and the dead would rise by the permission of a lot of bullosa these are the best sons of

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the princes, and the greatest and the grandest admits the messengers. Yet when he azzawajal from amidst the Select five, chose friends, he azzawajal chose Holly lane explain to friends, Ibrahim one Mohammed.

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What's the kazama who Ibrahima Allah and Allah selected Ibrahim as a colleague and Allah and Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam chose Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam as a friend. And then he has our journal from these two friends, elevated on a chosen preferred our Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam for the seal of prophethood and he honored him with the Makarem of mood. And a lot of bull aza completed the age old religion of Islam through him.

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As such, today I stand to speak

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on the best of Allah creation.

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And I feel insignificant, inadequate and evil. How can words of a media individual ever be able to accurately conveying the characteristics of Allah's best creation

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and as the Arab side for mahama ot amin hosted by an automatic tibia and Ratan Bulava to fossa hottie Listen, how can with all the linguistic capabilities and capacities man ever be able to fathom

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the awesomeness of this individual.

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So I will with my limited vocabulary and my immense inadequacy try to convey to you as accurately as possible within my sphere to convey to you what this rasuluh was

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Salalah Holly who was selling them

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and it is important from my perspective, that you feel a sense of proximity to your profit, and in that regard you it is important to become intimately close to your soul. So I want to give an incident to you. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is

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going through the Hydra, the migration from Mecca to Medina

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and with him is Abubakar Casa de an era

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and it is obviously hot

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and 450 kilometers across the rugged terrain of Arabia, dry as a bone and the profits are low.

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Harley, he was seldom and his blesseds companions are making this journey with enemies behind them chasing them. And in this difficult situation, they they see a tent.

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They see a lone 10th in the desert.

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So they are hungry and thirsty, and in need of help. So they approached this tent for food or provisions or shelter. And they see

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at the door of this tent, a lady,

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a strong lady. And these are women of the desert, women that face the elements, women that are able to overcome the difficulties and adversities that life seems to throw at them.

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These are strong women. So she's sitting in her tent, and she sees these three people approaching.

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And when they come near, after introductions and greetings, they asked her, your own mama bird, do you have anything for us to eat?

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And in an eloquence befitting the lady of a desert.

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She says Maya to be sacrificed for you. If I had anything, of course, I would have presented it to you. They were a hospitable breed.

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So there are so looks, it's the drought time there's nothing in sight to eat. She has a little goat tethered at the door of the tent at this tide.

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And the Prophet says What about that?

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Can I milk it?

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So she said,

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that creature that little goat is so frail, and so we can so tired and you know, in such a situation, it couldn't even go to graze with the rest of the sheep over the rest of the goats. It has nothing but try and whatever you get is yours.

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So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam came to the others of this animal, and he said Bismillah

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and the others became full with milk. He Salalah Holly he was selling milk that in a pot and gave it to her to drink. She is amazed. She drinks it.

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And then he sallallahu alayhi wasallam gave his companions and then he drank.

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And the pot finished. So he moved again until it was full, and left that pot for them and asked for the others to dry up again. And then after having rested he sallallahu alayhi wa sallam went on his journey

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the whole time could have taken from 15 to 30 minutes.

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In the afternoon, her husband comes back bringing the sheep and the goats from grazing.

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And understand these difficult times it is the time of drought

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that you know what is available and they know what is not available. Nothing is available. There was nothing at home when he left. And when he comes back. Surprise delightfully, there's a pot of milk.

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So he says, Man in a lucky hat.

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Where did you get this from?

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Where did this milk come from?

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So she said

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in Houma, rabina rajala mobarak

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a blessed man came to visit us today.

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In this half an hour interaction, a blessed man came here today.

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So a boomer about her husband says sci fi unlimited. describe him to me and Muslims. Look at the description of your soul. And for some this would be the first time you hear what your prophet looked like. And I guarantee no Harvard Graduate nor Oxford graduate nor Medina graduate could ever outdo the eloquence of this bedwin in the desert.

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So she decides to describe him the highrock hultin la Muhammad Mustafa. He says she says

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a Torah jolin wa he'll

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Alibaba, I saw a man of striking appearance. Wha here Alibaba, a legend

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radiant face. This says after the difficult journey in the desert His face was radiant Chablis. Allahu Allah says I was Sewing with the needle. my needle dropped in the dark. I couldn't find that. I said Yasuo I can't find that he moved his face close and I sweat bout of the radiance of his face. I found my needle.

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A legend

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has an alcohol beautifully created lambda who said Sheila his belly wasn't protruding. It wasn't defecting him he didn't have a gut 123 be his Salah. No was his head disproportionate and small was * passim proportionate and delicate find the made a specimen of a creation fee IE he died and his eyes There was a contrast. The dark was immensely dark. The White was excessively white. Can you imagine that? How observant This lady is. And this has just been a few moments in in a glance at the Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam fee dodge Wolfie Ashford he was and his eyelashes were long. The inside was dark, the outside of it immensely white eyelashes long Wolfie sold Wolfie Sol de la

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*, and in his voice was a natural echo what we all know who he is. And his neck was elegant, like not over long, but elegantly long.

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While feeling yet he kasasa his beard was full and thick as

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a Quran. His eyebrows were arc, but they will not join it was separated in summit for LA helluva car when he was silent dignity covered him what in kalama summer who either will baja and when he spoke it was all doable in clear almost commanding and overtaking a Jamal and nurse what are the her whom member from afar The most striking and outstanding in appearance what I sent her home to home in corrib. And when he came near the best of them and the most handsome of them at in closeness, but

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mantech so such an exalted and sweet level of logic, like when he used to speak at was so coherently logical, it was smooth and easy to understand. First loan, Nazran wala hazard he was to the point not excessive nor too short. He wouldn't flirt and just talk I've got nothing to say but let's just, uh, you know, just let's just talk until he was accurate to the point not excessive.

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And commentator who has a ton of miniata had darna his logic his utterances his words were like beads like jewels coming out of a necklace calculated worked on prepared polished one after the other it was flow magically or a baton he was medium and high. Your eyes didn't have to strain to look up at him nor was it tedious to look down at him he was a comfortable sight to look at.

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was known baina hostname in a branch amidst two branches, as in Abubakar in America for Iraq, and you must be in the desert to understand this little metaphor or horseman Vayner was nine I went to the desert to Arabia and

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I traveled for 140 kilometres out of Medina

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and God like barren land, just the same color rocks and it just goes and goes and goes colorless, you know, just dry and I am telling my driver hold on I need to take pictures. So that the driver You know, he was fascinated What does this guy want to do with these pictures? And I wanted to bring it for my students. So that's what I'm discussing. See if I can explain this is this is the the terrain and then the driver pulled you know, slow down and it goes

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They're there. There's a tree, take a picture.

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And I said, I said no, I want to take the picture of the rocks. He goes you're a strange people. I said Why? He goes we take pictures of trees. You guys take pictures of the mountains. I said where we come from? There's a lot of trees there's no mountains. Do you see it as such a refreshing site in Arabia, like out in the desert when you see a tree Wallah, it makes you happy just that site. So she says all snon Bay in our home whose name a branch admits to branches refreshing is just his glance.

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For who unlost LSAT Mandara he is the best of the three to behold, Sano home Katara and they are best in proportion. Lahu Rafa foon Abbe de had friends, the people that were with him, they were working around him to try to serve and protect him in pyla. Semi earlier cola when he used to say something they used to hearken to what he used to say was in Amara,

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Ella Emery when he commanded the youth to compete to fulfill the command

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and this is the this and the husband says

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the husband says one law he This is the one the coresh are seeking. This is Muhammad Rasul Allah. This is Mohammed Rasul Allah. And if Allah give me a chance to see him, I will go and pledge allegiance to him.

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And as if mnemonic says, He says, I came out one night on him, I came out one night that was the full moon night.

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And I looked at the moon and in the desert, understand the moon is is an awesome sight, at the smooth, it is radiant, it is clear, it is gentle compared to the scorching sun at which they are used to. So the moon was the epitome of beauty. So he says, I came out at a full moon night and I looked at the moon, and I saw it beautiful, handsome. So I said, let me go see if the moon is more handsome, or my prophet is more handsome. Let me see if that is more beautiful, or the Prophet is more beautiful. So I went, and I saw him standing afar. So I looked at his face. And I looked at the moon. And I looked at his face, and I looked at the moon. And I looked at his face, and I looked at

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the moon, and he said, what law he he was more handsome than the moon and its entirety.

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That that is just the look of your soul. And I understand, and I get tired of the nonsense. Don't describe the Prophet concentrate on his message. You don't describe him I will.

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The great scholars spent time describing the raw soul. How can you create proximity, love and appreciation until unless you know and how can you know unless you know, unless you become acquainted intimately with Dora soon.

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And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was mind bogglingly handsome, but his handsomeness was covered with Waqar in July and Hiva

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the Sahaba say, when we used to sit at his feet,

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two feelings conflicting with Come on the heart. The first one you wanted to look at him. You want to behold the majesty of his face. And when you wanted to look up shyness used to overtake you so used to look down at the same instance to conflict. Ahmed Abdullah says I sat with him many times. But if you asked me to describe his face, I can't describe it. I wouldn't be able to look up to him a July Island without him and I couldn't look up at him.

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And that is why he didn't have the problems that use of alayhis salam had

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because it was difficult to penetrate the oh and the splendor of the soul.

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And whilst he was that, you know, a handsome handsome man, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was not flirty. He was not the toying type. He wasn't easy. Muslims. Learn from your prophet be grand

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Have an O and an aura around you.

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This the spontaneous flirtation is not in our culture. It is not in our Deen. Be respectful your male and your female.

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Your prophet alayhi salaatu wa Taala automata Salim was the great man? No, he was the greatest of men, a man with a huge vision. Listen to the story. This is in the early years of Islam, and visions are the seeds of reality. visions are important, have great big dreams and chase them and life dreams of Hail the prophet in the early years of the dour. They have he was in sajida. In the harem, they came and took the Enter signs of a camel and place that on top of the blessed back of the soul. Imagine the feeling of embarrassment. Imagine the feeling of having filth on top of you. You just get called names and you change your name. You're just showing a little bit of difficulty and you

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lock yourself inside your houses. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, the best of Allah creation was physically abused.

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That was pulled on his blessings back and he is in such a dire and he didn't lift himself up from the sajida he stayed. Someone went and told Fatima to Sahara they have just pulled dirt on the back of your father. She can cry and young girl at that stage and she's cleaning the dirt and cursing them and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam says Don't worry Fatima. Don't worry my little daughter what your father has brought we'll go to every house on the planet. Do you see the vision?

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At what time where he can't protect himself? But what am I working for? That this Dean enter every house on the face of this earth?

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The Battle of Zod can

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10,000 plus have come a dose of Medina with the single aim to annihilate Islam. The Muslims at this stage fully grown adult fighting men 1400 if you took the youth in the youngsters 3000 1400 or 3000 against 10,000 plus was suicide.

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And the Quran describes it. What is Zelda till a Bizarro world bellava Tila kulu ball Hannah. Remember when your eyes grew wide and panic and the heart started to Thumper the throat? Remember the days of fear

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at that instance, where everyone is afraid, and the hypocrites come in.

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Our houses are unprotected. Give us permission to leave the battlefield.

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At that instance, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that big rock comes in the middle of the trench. sodaro still comes? Yeah, they call him your rasulillah help us out. The Prophet struck the rock and a shadow a spark went through the entire city of Medina. So he said Allahu Akbar.

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Allahu Akbar. The palaces of Rome.

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Yah, yah. Subhana. Allah rasulillah you're here on the verge of annihilation. They are standing over the trench 10,000 Plus, and you are talking about the palaces of Persia, and the cities of Rome and the cities of Yemen. Do you see your assume that the most difficult hours was pulled up and pulled the nation up through this awesome vision? I want to ask what is your vision young Muslim, old Muslim, male, Muslim, female Muslim. What do you live for?

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Do you have a vision?

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Harvard University as part of their MBA spends hours doing what they call visioning exercise. Let's figure out what you want to do.

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Do you even have a vision Muslim?

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Have a vision and the vision of the Prophet was contagious. Omar Abdel hapa Brody Allahu anhu Oba

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and the days of jaha Leah Imran alas came to him. Jamar, what is your dream and life? What do you want to achieve? He said I want to have a herd of camels that I can tend to that I can milk that I can, you know, take off springs from and live nice and comfortable.

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It was a very localized small dream a lot like our

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Dreams today. If I could pay off that house, get that job, buy that car, small dreams.

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And then Omar came in contact with the rasuna and Omar became a Muslim and Omar became faru faru, Paloma and Omar became ameerul momineen Ah, and I'm reppin alas cam to him. Yeah ameerul momineen I asked you in the jar helia What was your eye and what was your mission? What was your vision? What do you aspire towards? And you told me you wanted some camels? I'm asking you today. What do you want? Yeah, Omar. So he says, I want to strive the deen of Mohammed reach every corner of the globe. Do you see it is that vision that made them work night and day?

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visionless, directionless, aimless. You walk around like a kid with a soccer ball and without a goal.

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Just going in circles.

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And online, his prophet gave you your visions and we brought your people all the way from Sydney to talk to you about visions. My Allah blessed me out of

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the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam was brave,

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brave and in following his vision, and brave and nature

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and they have named Kim

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and her name was a difficult day.

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The Muslims are coming from Mecca, the tribe of gotta find the bed one tribe has a master huge army, we will go and annihilate Muhammad, that is it. And they are so determined that they even brought their women and children with them. That one sweeping attack and let's finish them. And the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam is riding into the valley, and for nine is camped up on the hills on the mountains. And just as the sun is coming from behind the mountain, and the prophet and US have have reached this low point for the tribe of otter fan unleashed, and the Warriors came down, and such an overwhelming attack that the Muslims who are at the front lost heart and they started to turn back

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and they started to flee backwards. In that confusion, a stampede happened and they're pushing the Muslims back like that.

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And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam and I have seen stampedes where men become heedless and unaware and they're just running without any idea. It is a difficult time. It is a time of fear.

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So everyone is afraid. And what does the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to

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the US hub say he stood on hysterics and he said, an LA healer. And no Abdulmutallab. I am the Prophet of Allah is an ally. I am the grandchild of Abdulmutallab. Yeah boss call out to the people of the surah baqarah Yaga call out to those that pledged under the tree of who the BIA and then from this defeat.

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Through the courage and bravery of the Rasul Allah turned our last campaign into a victory.

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The rasuluh was brave.

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There was a big bang in Medina, a rock or a meteorite had hit from the sky.

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And it was in the middle of the night. And those people who are not like us they didn't hear explosions regularly. You watch Hollywood, anytime something goes you know, you think you know that explosion. You're used to it. You've seen it somewhere. You've heard about it

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at design the fireworks or something else.

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But for them explosions and Big Bangs were not heard of so it was very scary. And the US hub site in that fear we woke up and everyone's looking around, and then we saw him salatu salam Whoo hoo la on a horse *. Not what the saddle. He's just jumped on it. He saw it hanging off his neck. And he goes, I check that out. It's okay. It's okay. I've checked it out. It's okay.

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The rasuluh was brave.

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But whilst he was brave, he wasn't arrogant.

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bravery means to overcome your fears. Though it doesn't mean to be cocky and arrogant. You understand the difference?

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The rasuluh was humble. He conquered Makkah. 10,000 men have come into the city which tortured him and hurt him and kicked him out and killed his companions and imprisoned him. He is walking as the conch is comes in victorious. But how did he ride into the city, the US hub site, he lowered himself and humbled himself so much that his beard was hitting the back of his camel to show that I haven't come in arrogancy are up.

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Learn humility from your soul.

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Learn modesty from your soul.

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You see today,

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and I don't want to talk in a negative It doesn't suit me. But you see a youngster today. Just reach maturity and his work changes.

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I saw one his chest was stuck out so much. I told him sweetheart, have you had an operation?

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He said No, sir. He

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said has someone hurt you?

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He got he goes wild. Who walks like that?

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But we forget the balance.

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Learn from your Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam who la

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de la Sol was good to his family.

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The Prophet said sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. The best of you are those who are best to his wives in his family and I am the best of you.

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He was the Rasul of Allah. And look at his relationship with his wives and with his family.

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He used to play with them, entertain them, laugh with them, joke with them. It was

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