Wahaj Tarin – The Power Of A Mother

Wahaj Tarin
AI: Summary ©
The power of a mother is discussed, including the use of a mother to establish success and build greatness. A woman named Robbie gave 30,000 coins to help her son and later went to see a man named Mr. Mallika from the royal family and gave him 30,000 rupees to help her son. A woman named Hope advises parents to bring up children with good character and history, and she used to tell Alexander the Great to leave his room and go to Mr. Malik in medina. A woman who bought clothing and used to wash him and put him in the bath.
AI: Transcript ©
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Salam Alaikum dear brothers and sisters, press the bell icon on the YouTube app and never miss another update from the 360 Bismillah wa salatu salam ala rasulillah

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my topic is

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the power of of a mother.

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And in our time especially certain challenges or increasing divorces, increasing family, breakups are increasing. It is increasingly putting women and families in very vulnerable situations, especially psychologically where they feel that they are, you know, in a position of weakness, what do I do and so on and so forth. So,

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I want to tell you that perhaps one of the most powerful individuals

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on the face of this earth is a mother.

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I have a, I have a knack for searching great people in history. I like biographies.

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And I study their lives like a puzzle. You know, what made him become that? So how does he did something great, what made him become that one of those people that I came across as Alexander the Great,

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hands up those who have heard that name, Alexander the Great.

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Alexander the Great is great, not by the definitions of his friends or his posse or his great by the definitions of history.

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You know, he left Macedonia, conquered Asia Minor, went to Bella the Shang, conquered the Levant, came to Iraq, took over Babylon, came to Persia, took over our lands, went to India, semi conquered India, and then made his way back to

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to Macedonia and died on the way.

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you asked yourself, what drives a person relatively young, for a conquest as big as this?

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Because it's not an ordinary thing? You know, I don't see you getting up to conquer the world. Yes, it's not an ordinary thing. So I rewind and search, you know, what was it that made this person this great Alexander, and the secret is, is an utterance of his mother, according to my humble analysis.

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His mother used to tell him this.

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She used to say, You are the son of Zeus.

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Zeus in Greek mythology was the God of gods. He was the biggest. And obviously, I don't encourage you to do this for the Nile ham, we are Muslims. And this is you know, issue of, you know, this is just to to establish my point.

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And she used to tell him the story that when you were in my womb, I had this extraordinary experience and You're the son of Zeus.

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So can you imagine a child feeling growing up with such a self efficacy that I am not in the realm of men, I am one of the gods. He was 10 years old, they bought a gift to his father, a horse that was untamed, the Father Himself Philip was a king couldn't go near it, but this young Alexander sighs I will jump on it and time it in it will become my mount. What made that child so confident, such a degree of self efficacy that I can it is the utterance of that mother. So to myself, the most powerful being is the mother.

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And don't think this is just Alexander the Great go search the annals of human history where there's greatness, there's a mother that made it

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and a lot of times these mothers was single mothers.

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And some, although they were married, but their life situation was still single.

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Robbie autorai he was one of the big scholars of Islam but his father was in the army of the Son of Man have now found he went towards our areas for our son.

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And then he lasted for many, many years, and by the time he came back, younger, young Robbie

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You know would have been grown into a man. But before he left, he gave the mother 30,000 coins. You know he has this look after yourself to like come back for our sons a long way off.

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When he came back as the son that he went to the masjid first.

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And then the masjid he saw.

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There is a young man sitting in a huge multitude around him. He is one of the seven fuqaha of Medina.

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So feelings like what a man with an achievement he came home, the young man is still in the mud. He doesn't know it's my son.

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So he came home and talking to the wife, he goes, What did you do with the 30,000?

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So she said go to the masjid, you will see your son.

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So he went to see some Han of mine. He said you spent it well. Do you see the one that might that ordinary? Robbie Yang to one of the giant of the scholars was the wisdom in the fourth and the planning and the strategy and the vision and the outlook of that or some woman who could have gone and bought shoes but instead she bought an education and a life for us to look look up to Tiamat COMM

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The famous man Mr. Mallika, Holla Holla Holla Holla. Mr. Malik, the scholars say in in Mr. Malik is a giant of the underline.

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They say the young man wanted to be a singer. Did you know that? Malik rahima Malik wanted to be a singer. And Malik's father is paralyzed. Did you know that?

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Mr. Malik father is paralyzed.

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He was very limited. So he used to make arrows. That was his way of living used to make arrows and sell the arrows.

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So Young Malik

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told his mom I want to be a singer. singers were looked after and you know, there was pomp and ceremony around them. So this this intelligent, intelligent, intelligent creature that is this mother of Imam Malik Rahim Allah Allah tells him says Malik

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singers of good looking

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and this is to just sow doubt in his head although Mr. Malik is very good looking. And then Korea on the last one stay young and good looking.

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And instead, she directed his attention towards you know, how she went and bought him clothing of the allameh you know, the the turban and the Bish and, and she used to wash him and perfume him and sit him up and then ask him questions on the sofa. Malik how many Raka isms or so Malik used to feel like a scholar and say four

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she changed his projectile towards the end and understand this Muslims. You don't need money to create greatness. You don't need resources to quit all resorts research stays the same. It has the capacity of the mother in the capacity of a teacher that builds greatness.

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So interest sparked in the heart of Malik and then the rest became just mechanics. So one of his famous shifts is not the molar abnormal

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you know the student of abnormal

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and the freed slave of abnormal and this is called the Golden Chain of narration and Hades for those who who study Howdy.

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Mmm Amanda Shafi family from NAFTA from Abner Omar from the Prophet of Allah they call this the golden chain

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NAFTA was a strict man he you know he didn't have time for people all the time she can ask questions you know time wasting NAFTA.

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Rahim Allah Allah, Allah Han used to go to the mosque at a specific time. His Doris was from this time to this time if you have questions, ask them one time home you do not intervene and interfere I have to do my research in my study.

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So Malik knew that knew this and is sitting in a gathering where there's huge scholars he would never get the chance to ask. So look at the in genuity of demand a product of the thirst for knowledge that the mom has instilled in him who used to go and wait outside the house of NAFTA.

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And then he used to walk with him to the mosque. just pretending This is coincidental, and when they used to take their shoes off at the door manly

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used to take his shoes off and look at the chef and say Salaam Alaikum. And then they used to enter after the dogs in the Salah used to finish, you know, because chef my shoes is next to your shoe. I'm not stalking you, you know this is coincidence. He used to walk back with him and now they had acquaintance they knew each other. So he used to say she asked what about this hadith And what about this hadith and Malik became Eman Malik at the hands of this lady.

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Amen. Mohammed dibny Elisa Shafi Rahim, Allah wa Taala go search history.

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He was some scholars say when he was in the womb of his mom, the father passed away some say a couple of months after his birth, the father passed away who made

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Mohammed Idris, a chef, a mama chef.

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And what did she have? financial issue was very poor.

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But she designs the whole curriculum of this young lad more than any scholar of our time could she took him to Makkah go learn the Quran now. She sent him to this Roberto right? go learn his manners before you learn the deen from him.

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He became a high office started to study howdy then she said you need language. So go to the desert near Makkah and gone stay for years with the Arab tribes. So that your language you become master of the language. Go to Mr Malik in Medina and studied the mawatha and shafia you man, you know became as a mama Shafi at the hands of this woman.

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My sisters they have talked that you know that time is very limited to speak but

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you make or break the future generation.

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In you brothers have a responsibility to build and educate and honor and respect and make mothers and sisters who have the capacity to bring about greatness or you can keep them you know the backward and educated immaterial and matted individuals who will bring generation after generation of failures.

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Understand this and you know so far my evidence is from history. Look at the Quran because you will say your stats what is deleted for this you go look at the Quran.

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When the mother was good, look at this man alayhis salam, single mother brought him up in the desert from a father who left him there since young and came back at old You know, when he had reached manhood, had she been a poor mother, a weak mother, and you know, an unfaithful mother, she would have poisoned his head with way was he for your second birthday? Where Why didn't he buy you this? Why didn't he come for your celebration? He didn't even give me a Valentine's gift. Instead, when he comes years later, a prophet of God seeing this man alayhis salam he utters this proposition, my son I have seen in a dream and knee as Bachrach that I am sacrificing you from your mother Tara then see

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what is your opinion and the upbringing of a righteous mother is this Yeah, effort if I

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said that you do need insha Allah or my father do as you have been commanded, you will find me by the grace of Allah of those who will bear it patiently. That is an upbringing of a righteous Mother of an intelligent mother of a farsighted mother. And when you look at the other side, the wife of a prophet Barack Obama, whom is a Latina, former attorney,

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can Canada

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in Australia, hi, Nirvana Tahoma, two wives of two prophets. No loot, Allah him of Nolo salatu wa tamata slim and the father is a prophet yet the mother is a disbeliever the son became a disbeliever and the fact the Quran recorded yagoona your command, my son come with us and don't be of those who are left behind. He says I will go into the mountain I will resist the punishment of Allah Allah. So Allah destroyed him new holla his Salam says, He was my from my family and you promised the protection of my family. A lot of Buddha says he wasn't from your family in your family. He was an unrighteous deed. Do you see the mother? My sisters? Perhaps for some The time is too late. The

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children have already grown. I give you an advice. Laura acaba from the depths of my heart. Bring up your children to become

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successful parents and successful

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upbringings of the next generation

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otherwise the graveyards will become filled with capacity and jewels that never reached the flourishing

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generations will come and generations will go for your time and patience. I thank you. I have I have taken I have trespassed on your patients yet again. My goal is to reward you and guide you and guide you. Keep your brother in your day our son Mr. de como Rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh

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salam aleikum, dear brother and sister press the bell icon in the YouTube app and never miss another update from the 360 Bismillah wa salatu salam ala rasulillah

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my topic is

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the power of of a mother.

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And in our time, especially certain challenges are increasing divorces, increasing family breakups are increasing. It is increasingly putting women and families in very vulnerable situations, especially psychologically where they feel that they are you know, in a position of weakness, what do I do and so on and so forth. So,

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I want to tell you that perhaps one of the most powerful individuals

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on the face of this earth is a mother.

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I have a I have a knack for searching great people in history. I like biographies.

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And I study their lives like a puzzle. You know, what made him become that So Carlos, he did something great. What made him become that one of those people that I came across as Alexander the Great

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hands up those who have heard that name Alexander the Great.

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Alexander the Great is great not by the definitions of his friends or his posse or his great by the definitions of history.

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You know, he left Macedonia, conquered Asia Minor, went to Bella the Shang, conquered the Levant camp, came to Iraq, took over Babylon, came to Persia, took over our lands, went to India, semi conquered India and then made his way back to

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to Macedonia and died on the way.

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you ask yourself what drives a person relatively young for a conquest as big as this?

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Because it's not an ordinary thing? You know, I don't see you getting up to conquer the world. Yes, it's not an ordinary thing. So I rewind the film him and sit him up and then ask him questions on the sofa. Malik how many Raka isms are so in Malik used to feel like a scholar and say four

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she changed his projectile towards the end and understand this Muslims. You don't need money to create greatness. You don't need resources to quit all resorts research stays the same. It has the capacity of the mother in the capacity of a teacher that builds greatness.

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So interest sparked in the heart of Malik and then the rest became just mechanics. So one of his famous chefs is NAFTA Mola abnormal

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you know the student of abnormal

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and the freed slave of abnormal and this is called the Golden Chain of narration and Hadith for those who who who study Howdy.

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Mmm Amanda Shafi from him family from Napa from ignore Omar from the Prophet of Allah they call this the golden chain

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nothing was a strict man he you know he didn't have time for people all the time she can ask questions you know time wasting Nadia

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Rahim Allah Allah Allah, Allah Han used to go to the mosque at a specific time. His das was from this time to this time if you have questions ask them one time home you do not intervene and interfere I have to do my research in my study.

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So Malik knew that knew this and is sitting in a gathering where there's huge scholars he would never get the chance to ask. So look at the in genuity of demand.

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a product of the thirst for knowledge that the mom has instilled in him. He used to go and wait outside the house of Napa.

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And then he used to walk with him to the mosque. just pretending This is coincidental, and when they used to take their shoes off at the door, Malik used to take your shoes off and look at the chef and say Salaam Alaikum. And then they used to enter after the dogs in the Salah used to finish you know, because chef my shoes is next to your shoe, but I'm not stalking you. You know this is coincidence. He used to walk back with him and now they had acquaintance they knew each other. So he used to say she asked what about this hadith And what about this hadith and Malik became a man Malik at the hands of this lady.

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Amen. Muhammad Ali Elisa Shafi Rahim Allah tala go search history.

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He was some scholars say when he was in the womb of his mom, the father passed away some say a couple of months after his birth, the father passed away who made

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Mohammed Idris, a chef, a mama chef.

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And what did she have? financial issue was very poor.

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But she designs the whole curriculum of this young lad more than any scholar of our time could she took him to Makkah go learn the Quran now. She sent him to this Roberto right? go learn his manners before you learn the deen from him.

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He became a high office started to study Heidi, then she said you need language. So go to the desert near Makkah and gone style for years with the Arab tribes to the gelang who you become master of the language. Go to Mr. Malik in Medina and studied the mawatha and shafia human unit became as a mama Shafi at the hands of this woman.

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My sisters, they have taught that you know that time is very limited to speak but

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you make or break the future generation.

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In you brothers have a responsibility to build an educate an honor and respect and make mothers and sisters who have the capacity to bring about greatness or you can keep them you know the backward and educated immaterial and matted individuals who will bring generation after generation of failures.

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Understand this and you know, so far my evidence is from history. Look at the Quran because you will say your stats, what is the lead for this, you go look at the Quran.

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When the mother was good look at this man in his salon, single mother brought him up in the desert from a father who left him there since young and came back at old You know, when he had reached manhood, had she been a poor mother, a weak mother, and you know, an unfaithful mother linen and in search, you know, what was it that made this person this great Alexander. And the secret is, is an utterance of his mother, according to my humble analysis.

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His mother used to tell him this.

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She used to say, You are the son of Zeus.

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Zeus in Greek mythology was the God of gods. He was the biggest. And obviously, I don't encourage you to do this what the * happened? We are Muslims. And this is you know, issue of, you know, this is just to establish my point.

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And she used to tell him the story that when you are in my womb, I had this extraordinary experience and You're the son of Zeus.

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So can you imagine a child feeling growing up with such a self efficacy that I am not in the realm of men I am one of the gods. He was 10 years old, they bought a gift to his father, a horse that was untamed. The Father Himself Phillip was a king couldn't go near it. But this young Alexander sighs I will jump on it and tame it and it will become my mount. What made that child so confident, such a degree of self efficacy that I can it is the utterance of that mother so to myself, the most powerful being is the mother.

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And don't think this is just Alexander the Great ghost

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searched the annals of human history where there's greatness, there's a mother that made it.

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And a lot of times these mothers was single mothers.

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And some, although they were married, but their life situation was still single

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arrabiata right. He was one of the big scholars of Islam, but his father was in the army of the Son of Man of NAFTA and he went towards our areas for us and

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and then he lasted for many, many years. And by the time he came back younger, young, Robbie,

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you know, would have been grown into a man. But before he left, he gave them other 30,000 coins. You know, he has this look after yourself to like come back for our sons a long way off.

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When he came back as the son that he went to the masjid first.

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And then the masjid he saw.

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There's a young man sitting in a huge multitude around him. He is one of the seven fuqaha of Medina.

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So feelings like what a man with an achievement, he came home, the young man is still in the mud. He doesn't know it's my son.

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So he came home and talking to the wife, he goes, What did you do with the 30,000?

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So she said go to the masjid, you will see your son.

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So he went to see Subhan Allah and he said you spent it well. Do you see the one that made that ordinary? Robbie and to one of the giant of the scholars was the wisdom in the forth and the planning and the strategy and the vision and the outlook of that awesome woman who could have gone and bought shoes but instead she bought an education and a life for us to look look up to Tiamat COMM

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The famous man Mr. Mallika, Holla Holla Holla Holla. Mr. Malik, the scholars say in in Amman Malik is a giant of the headline.

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They say the young man wanted to be a singer. Did you know that? Malik raha Malik wanted to be a singer. And Malik's father is paralyzed? Did you know that

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Emma Malik's father is paralyzed.

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He was very limited so he used to make arrows that was his way of living used to make arrows and sell the arrows. So Young Malik

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told his mom I want to be a singer. singers were looked after and you know those pomp and ceremony around them. So this this intelligent, intelligent, intelligent creature this this mother of Imam Malik Rahim Allah Allah tells him says Malik

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singers are good looking.

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And this is to just sow doubt in his head although Mr. Malik is very good looking. And they Korea on the Last Waltz, they're young and good looking.

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And instead, she directed his attention towards you know how she went and bought him clothing of the allameh you know, the the turban and the Bish and and she used to wash him and put

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