Wael Ibrahim – Train your Brain Deen & Screen Finding Balance in a Digital World

Wael Ibrahim
AI: Summary © The speaker is providing tips for insha matter to avoid being addicted to technology and maintain a healthy balance. They suggest tune in and tune out, choosing wisely what you consume, and finding joy elsewhere away from the internet world. The speaker also advises to turn off notifications and designate specific times to check messages, emails, and social media accounts. Finally, they remind individuals to find happiness and fulfillment through real world activities like spending time with family members, with friends, volunteering in Islamic centers, and creating a healthy balance with technology.
AI: Transcript ©
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This is your brother Wa'ad Ibrahim and I'm

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here to teach you how to train your

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brain, specifically when it comes to screen time.

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How can we avoid

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being addictive to our screens? I bet you

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relate. Screens are everywhere but they shouldn't at

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all dictate our lives. They shouldn't get in

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control of our behavior. If your wife has

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already complained so many times about your screen

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time and coming from work, sitting on the

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couch, browsing your internet, then you've got a

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problem. If your wife is cooking

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your favorite biryani or whatever dishes that you

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like while she's browsing her internet and watching

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videos here and there, then she's got a

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problem as well. If your children are crying

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and screaming because you have taken away the

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devices from their hands then they too have

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got a problem. So here are a few

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tips for you inshaAllah

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to maintain a healthy balance when it comes

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to using technology

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and internet devices. Number 1, tune in and

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tune out. We are encouraged in Islam to

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be mindful of our time, our actions, and

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basically everything. Be mindful of Allah Subhanahu Wa

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Ta'ala. The Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Wa Salam reminded

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us, and Allah Subhanahu

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Wa Ta'ala will look after

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on. Be salah time prayers, family gatherings, dining,

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and so on. Be present at these moments.

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When you pray, focus. When you're with family

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members, pay attention to them and don't ever

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allow yourself to be pulled into the digital

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world that easily. Number 2, choose wisely what

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you consume. Just like how many of us

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are selective when it comes to what we

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eat and what we drink and our preferences

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when it comes to food and drink.

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Be selective too and be conscious of what

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you consume online. Follow accounts and pages that

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are aligned with your faith and values with

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Islam. Nicki Minaj fans, can you hear me?

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To use your social media accounts, technology, and

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to bring you closer to Allah Subhanahu Wa

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Ta'ala. Use them as tools to spread goodness

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and positivity among the people. But be careful,

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Those same tools can lead to your destruction.

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Number 3, scan your scrolling.

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Go through your social media accounts.

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Scroll down all you want. Get acquainted with

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what's happening around the world, but be careful.

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You must protect your eyes, your hearts, and

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your minds from harmful content that are also

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available on these same platforms.

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Be mindful of entertainment

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platforms on social media and on other platforms

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on the Internet. Be mindful of negative or

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excessive negative news that you get access to.

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Balance between being informed and preserving your mental

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health and peace of mind. Number 4, turn

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off notifications.

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Constant notifications

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will pull you away from that which is

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necessary from the remembrance of Allah Subhanahu Wa

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Ta'ala from dhikr, from Quran,

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from whatever else you dream of achieving to

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something which is completely

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completely useless sometimes. So turn off all non

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essential notifications

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and designate

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specific times to check your messages,

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your emails, and other social media accounts that

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you have. In this case, you will allow

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your brain to maintain focus

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and execute

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essential activities

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without any interruptions. Number 5 and the last

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on the list in this video is find

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joy elsewhere away from the internet world, engage

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yourself in actual activities in the masjids, in

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Islamic centers,

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outside your homes, build relationship with real people,

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friends, actual

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human beings not only hiding behind keyboards and

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behind screens on the internet. Seek happiness and

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through real world activities like spending time with

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your family members, with your friends, volunteering

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in Islamic centers and other activities

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like voluntary salah, reading Quran, memorizing a hadith

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of the prophet Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam, and

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sharing what you have learned with others. Remember

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my brothers and sisters in Islam, maintaining a

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healthy balance with technology is so essential for

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our well-being whether it is spiritually, mentally, emotionally,

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psychologically, whatever the case may be, it is

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absolutely essential. And this is how anyone can

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take care of their brain because if you

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don't look after them, if you do not

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control them, they will control you. And this

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is by definition is called

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