Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al-Quran 2010 – Juz 21 – L210B

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary ©
The negative impact of adversity on people, including loss of perspective and distrust, is discussed in various ways. The importance of gratitude and thanking people for their actions is emphasized, as it is their obligation to support them financially. The speakers also emphasize the importance of maintaining relationships with family members and helping individuals grow.
AI: Transcript ©
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From the Billa human the shadeland regime Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim lesson number 210 Soto to Roma Ayah number 33 to 40

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ye there must senesce love rune and when adversity touches people, what is the some kind of adversity? Some kind of harm, some kind of detriment loss that people suffer, whether it is in their physical being, or it isn't their knifes, like emotionally they're hurt or it isn't their well or it isn't their circumstances. So whenever people are struck by some difficulty by some adversity, what is their reaction? There are a little boom, they invoke their Lord Mooney, Vina la he as one stirring in repentance to him

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as one's turning to Allah, only. They forget everything. They forget everyone. And in voluntarily, what do they do? They turn to only Allah.

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They ask him for help. They forget everything. And they only remember Allah.

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What is this a sign off? What is this an evidence of the fifth law, right? That the search for the Supreme Being is something that is in every single person. And this comes out at times of need.

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What happens is that when people are surrounded by blessings, when they're surrounded by the favors of a loss opponent,

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they kind of get lost. They lose perspective. And what do they think, I have this because of my knowledge, I have this because of my job. I have this because of such and such reason. They forget the last parameter. And as a result, they have this cloak of false pride and arrogance. But when a person is going through difficulty, that cloak, what happens to it? It tears apart, and the reality comes from

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and then a person realizes that I am weak.

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And when he realizes his weakness and he looks around himself, who does he find? weak people helpless people just like him. And then he realizes that there is some being who can really help me.

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And even though a person has lived a life of heedlessness of a loss of data, what will he do at this point? He will ask a lot for help. And so many people, at times have difficulty with returning to our surprise.

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So many people who don't regularly pray, what happens when they have exams?

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They pray they make there are

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so many people who don't regularly talk about God think about God what happens when they're about to drown?

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when they're in a car accident? Who do they remember? Who did they think about? A loss of tangletown?

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What either must senesce burdwan? There are a baja Mooney, Vina la

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but then what happens? Some either Cabo minha Ramadan, then when he makes them taste men who find himself right and mercy, when Allah makes them taste or mercy from himself, how that he gives them some blessing. He takes that door away from them, he removes that hardship, either for you coming home or being emotionally cold. And all of a sudden, a group of them, what do they do? They begin to associate partners with their work.

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At that time, what do they say?

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So and So help me if it wasn't for that doctor, if it wasn't for that friend of mine, if it wasn't for my mother, if it wasn't for this degree that I have, if it wasn't for that resume I have if it wasn't for that guard that I have,

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I would have been ruined. But what do we see that Allah subhanaw taala is the only one who takes people out of difficulties.

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And people when they are in difficulty, they do turn to Allah. But afterwards, some people instead of thanking Allah, the one whom they called on to, Who do they think the means the S Bab.

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Remember that alasa panel data, how does he send his help to us?

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through us bad through means, right? through a person through an opportunity.

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But many times what happens people get lost in the means. They are so impressed by them, that they begin thanking them and they forget who have lost.

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Now, it's not wrong to thank people. Like for example, you were extremely ill. You were trying to figure out what the problem is. You go to one doctor, you go to the other doctor and finally go to one doctor who tells you Okay, this is what your problem is. This is your treatment. This is what

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You're supposed to do. You're so happy. What do you do? You thank the doctor and you start praising the doctor you tell everybody about that doctor? Yes, that's good. Because the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said that whoever does not thank people does not thank Allah, you do have to thank people, but more than thanking people who do you have to thank Allah subhanaw taala.

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When a person gets lost in the means, then that is a kind of shift.

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That is a kind of shift. Though he is that if at times of difficulty a person is calling upon Allah alone, then at the removal of difficulty, upon receiving a blessing, who should a person thank the most

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Allah soprano?

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Who should a person humble himself before the most Allah soprano.

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And when a person relies on others, when a person turns on others, then that is as though he is doing shake.

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We see that once the Prophet sallallahu Sallam he led the morning prayer in Abu Dhabi, and it had rained the previous night.

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And the prophets are the loudest and when he finished the prayer, he faced two people and he said, Do you know what your Lord has said? They replied, alone is messenger know better. The Prophet sallallahu Sallam said Allah says in this morning, some of my worshippers remained as true believers and some became non believers.

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He who said that it had rained with the blessing and mercy of Allah is the one who believes in me and does not believe in the star.

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And you said it had rained because of such and such star is a disbeliever in me and is a believer in the star

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you understand that a person says I got this, this happened, I was saved, because of such and such thing because of such and such person because of such and such situation.

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And that's it he stops there.

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We must understand that any good that comes to us is from who? Allah soprano.

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Now, believing in the star, this is something that we should have believed in, this was what their belief was.

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But this has manifested today as well

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that sometimes people say that Oh, because of you such and such has happened. Right? Like for example, since you have come, you have brought cold weather with you.

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Right? You have come and you brought spring with you. Right? You brought so many good things with you, this is what we say. But is the coming of a person, source of cold weather hot weather, no, who sends cold weather hot weather Allah subhanaw taala, who sends rain Allah subhanaw taala the coming of a person, the going of a person has nothing to do with it.

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It's quite possible that because of their righteousness, because of their goodness, Allah subhanaw taala has increased his blessings on that place. And as a result, you are also benefiting, but you cannot just say that

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you cannot say that person is the source of rain is the source of that good weather.

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So this is also a kind of ship. So we have to be extremely careful, in our words, in our statements, because we say a such thing, sometimes unconsciously,

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without even thinking people say such things. Whereas these statements, they're like shit, so we have to be extremely careful.

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We have learned earlier that Amelia Jubal, Matata Eva da, who were actually for so who is it that responds to the mythos The one who is afflicted and removes the evil from him? Who is it? It's only a loss of power. So when a person is in difficulty, he asks Allah, Allah removes the difficulty. And when the difficulty is removed, what does a person do? He gets lost in the means. This is not right.

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Leah kfuo Bhima Athena home, so that they will deny what we have granted them the extra lamb over here is of consequence, that as a result, what are people doing? When they do shake? When they begin thanking others instead of a loss of personal data? What are they doing? They're denying they're being ungrateful of the blessing that we have given them.

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As a result, what are they doing? being ungrateful of the blessing that we have given them? So Allah says Fatima, Taro, so go ahead, enjoy for self authority and would soon you will know.

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After receiving the blessing, instead of thanking Allah, what do you do? You get lost in the means. As a result, you're being ungrateful to Allah.

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Now, go ahead, this blessing that you have received enjoy it, but how long will you enjoy

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for so far? Soon you will know the consequences of your ship.

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So what do we see over here, that some blessings they become a means

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Have gratitude for a person and others, they become a means of in gratitude.

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That sometimes when a person receives some blessings, he is grateful, he comes closer to Allah.

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And other times what happens?

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What happens? He's ungrateful. And he goes farther away from Allah, just like cotton. What did he say? I received this well, because of my knowledge. Likewise, a person might say, I received this blessing because of my intelligence, because of my skills, because of so and so.

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So we have to be extremely careful that at times when we receive the blessing of a loss of panel data, what is our behavior? Who do we think? Who are we thinking about?

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Because you see, when we are in difficulty, we become emotionally drained, isn't it? It's an extremely difficult situation.

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And after that, when things become normal, then immediately you begin to review what happened, isn't it? It plays back in your head, the entire situation? You think about it for days and days, isn't it? Like for example, you were extremely ill you were going through an extremely difficult situation, you don't know what happened. Finally, you got through.

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Now, what will you do for the next few days, you will keep thinking about it. Now, as you think about it, you think of people what they said, you think of situations, you think of what helped you what came in use what did not come and use. Now at that time, a person must also remember online

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and if a person forgets a lot completely, and that is extremely ungrateful, the UK for will be mad it now. They're being ungrateful for what Allah soprano data has given them.

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So Allah says, Fatima, Thoreau, enjoy herself with Darla Moonstone, you will know. So what do we see over here? That receiving a blessing is a test as well.

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That what does a person do and receiving a blessing? Does he become grateful to Allah? Or does he become ungrateful turning away from him forgetting him?

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The Prophet sallallahu Sallam said, authority was Shakeel gosau, immiscibility. That the one who eats and is grateful is like the one who fasts and is patient.

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You understand?

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The reward of both the persons is the same, who the person who eats and is grateful.

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And on the other hand, the person who fasts and is patient, because both of them, what are they doing? They're being patient. They're turning to Allah, the One who ate he was grateful for the blessing and the one who was deprived of food. He did not complain. Both of them remembered Allah. And both of them get the same reward.

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So a man or lesson when he realized his blessings, what did he say? LEAH? Bologna, Ash, Kuru. Kuru, I'm being tested, whether I am grateful, or I'm ungrateful.

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So these situations are a test. How do we react? How do we behave? How do we respond and remember that the stronger relationship a person has with his Lord, the more he will remember, the more he will think of,

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the stronger though he is in a person what will happen at such times, he will turn to Allah even more.

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He will remember Allah even more, he will thank Allah even more.

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And a person who still hate this week that will be manifested in these situations.

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einzelner lay him so fun and Or have we sat down to them and authority?

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What is the mean by soltana? Over here,

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some kind of proof, some kind of evidence of what of shake for Jolla, Taka llamo. So it speaks meaning that salt on it speaks Bhima can will be usually cone of that which they associate with him. And yet the column over here, it doesn't literally mean that that Sultan is talking that that evidence is speaking. But what it means by speaking over here that it states clearly it tells them it commands them to do shake. So basically what this means is that what evidence do they have for sure?

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Have we given them some kind of Soufan some kind of evidence in the form of some scripture in the form of some messenger telling them that you should think so and so and you should worship so and so instead of Allah?

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And that's on that book that scripture get a column will be McCann will be usually when he tells them it commands them to do shit.

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This is a rhetorical question. And the purpose of it is to refute the machine

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that you have no evidence whatsoever, for sure.

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So what does it show? That show cannot be proven with evidences Why?

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Because there is no evidence for ship, neither in the universe, there is no county evidence, and there is no shutter evidence. You understand? No county evidence and no shutter evidence for ship

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and photo hate. On the other hand, you have any evidence will mean it will mean IoT, and also shattering evidence.

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So like, for example, all the messengers from the first messenger to the last What did they teach, though hate, they never promote a chip, all the books that Allah subhanaw taala has revealed, what's the main message? worship Allah not chick, all of the signs of the universe, what do they point to the oneness of Allah not ship. So in other words, shape is irrational. It does not have any basis, any foundation,

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any evidence whatsoever?

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And what's the lesson in this for us?

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that whenever a person is doing anything, he must look at the evidence behind it.

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But what's the evidence behind it? What's the proof? Or

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if I'm doing this, why should I do it? Is there anything that supports it? Is there any evidence behind it? Because the Quran teaches us that anything that you do there must be some some fun, some reason behind it. And if there is no endosulfan, then that is not worth following.

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What either a ducklin and NASA Ramadan. And when we make people taste mercy,

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on the other hand, when people are made to taste some mercy, from who, from Allah soprano data, and this could be in the form of health, in the form of wealth, in the form of happiness, but in particular refers to that blessing which people want.

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You see, for a person who wants health wants to become healthy, no matter how much money he has, when he considered money to be mercy.

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No, what would you consider mercy, health. So what either a nurse or a hermit and when we give people a taste of that which they want some mercy, funny who we had, they become so happy with it.

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What in disable him say, you atone. And if some say he reaches them via email, or they're mad at him because of what their own hands have sent ahead, either homeo Conoco, then at once the despair of the mercy of Allah.

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What do we see over here?

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extreme reactions,

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that people, what happens to them when they receive something that they want? They're elated with joy.

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And on the other hand, when they suffer from some difficulty, what is their reaction?

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depression, despair, you understand? But this is the case of who?

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This is the case of who

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the one who still hate is not strong, because the one who believes into hate, who's the hate the strong what will happen, when he receives a blessing, you will come closer to Allah.

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When he suffers from some difficulty, he will not despair, he will remain positive.

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No one thing that we notice over here is we're into superhome say you don't be mad at him.

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There is some difficulty reaches them because of what they have done. And on the other hand, how was Rama mentioned? As elkanah we make them taste.

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So Rihanna is directly attributed to Allah and say, it is attributed to what to the deeds of people

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because many times not always, but many times when people suffer from some difficulty. Why is it so

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it's because of what they have done themselves.

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Instead of the Shura AI authority we learn well ma Saba mimos libertine Furby Mikasa, but a vehicle where foreign Cathy and whatever strikes you have disaster, it is because of what your hands have earned.

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And he pardons much.

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You understand many times the difficulty that a person experiences it's because of what he has done himself.

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Now, when a believer is in difficulty, he considers it a test. And he accepts it as a loss upon his decision.

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And this is why he does not despair.

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Because he takes it as a test. And he takes it as the decision of Allah He will never despair.

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But on the other hand, a person who does not believe in Allah, who is not grateful that good times, what will happen at bad times,

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he will become very upset, he will become depressed, he will despair of the mercy of Allah.

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So, over here, that person is being mentioned,

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who will react in extreme ways. And why does a person do that? When is the haters weak,

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when he does not have conviction,

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that whatever comes to me is from Allah and there is some wisdom behind it.

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lm euro Have they not considered Have they not seen anila high up so the risk premia shot way up

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there. Indeed, Allah is the one who expands the provision for whomever He wills. And he also restricts

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that this is completely in the hands of

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Allah subhanaw taala.

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If a person has something that's from who Allah, if a person does not have something that's by whose decision of loss

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if a person has something, what is it a test? And if a person does not have something, what is that?

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A test.

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Both situations are addressed

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in the feed ellika, if the Camino indeed in that are surely Signs for those people who believe in what,

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in the fact that risk is increased, and it's decreased by the command of Allah,

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there are many signs, what signs that first of all, the magic provision is only in the hands of Allah.

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Secondly, that whatever situation a person may be in,

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whether he has a lot, or he has very little than what is it, it's a test, having a lot is not a sign of success.

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And having less is not a sign of loss. This is just a test, this is just linear.

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And also, I add that whatever a person is going through, if he has a lot, he should be grateful, if he has less than he should be grateful for the little that he has. But who will do that live call me me for those who believe believe in who

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in their Lord, the oneness of Allah, the power of Allah, the knowledge of Allah, the wisdom of Allah, He will have sukoon he will have contentment, even in the most difficult circumstances. recitation

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on APU

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is calling me

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comi Miu.

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Let's continue on lesson

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number 38.

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For accidental corba have coho so give to the relative his rate and to Who else? Well, Myskina and also the needy, webinar, Serbia, and also the traveler.

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Why? Because then ecohydrology Latina Yuri, do know what you have law that is better for those people who desire to see the face of Allah, what Allah aka whom will mostly who and those people, they are the successful ones.

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In the previous ayah, Allah subhanaw taala mentioned that risk is completely in his hands, in the sense that he extends it for whomsoever He wills and he restricts it for whomsoever He will.

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So when a person has been given provision, regardless of how much ever it is, a lot or a little, what should he be concerned about? Not just about using it himself, consuming everything for himself, but he should also be sharing whatever Allah has given to him with others.

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And all those people that he must be sharing that wealth with, at the first is who close relatives for de Ville corba have come.

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Then pourover the possessor of near relation the

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possessor of close relationship? Who does it refer to? The closest relatives of a person and of the relatives of a person, the closest one to him is who? His parents first of all. So our little Koba, first and foremost are who are persons, parents, and after the parents, then other relatives such as, you know, siblings, uncles, and so on and so forth, whoever is closest to a person.

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So for at the corba, hacker, who, if you notice over here at D, this command is singular, and it's been given to primarily the Prophet sallallahu the center. But remember, the Prophet sallallahu Sallam is also has center for his oma and his oma, his people are to follow his way. So if the prophets on a lot of time has been commanded to give the relatives their right, then what does it mean for us?

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What does it mean for us, that we should also give the right of our relatives to them?

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And healthcare who is right over here, the right is primarily with regards to wealth, that whatever they deserve of your wealth, give it to them. But this right is not just limited to giving them monetary assistance, but it is other rights as well.

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Because relatives, they have different rights upon one another. Isn't it? So?

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Like, for example, what kind of rights do relatives have on one another?

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visiting one another,

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being kind to one another, what else?

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caring for one another, being there for one another, at times of happiness at times of sadness, at times of grief, at times of difficulty. So basically, the relatives, they have this rate of Serato, for him

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that the relationship must be maintained.

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And how do you maintain a relationship with someone when you visit them regularly, when you help them when you accompany them when you support them? So for me the Oba hacker will give to the near relative his right, which ranked our first of all slid out over him. And secondly, have also financially assisting them.

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For adult Cobra have

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noticed the way it has been said that it is his right. It is the right of the relative. You know, sometimes people say that, can we give the cards to our relatives?

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The thing is that your relatives you're supposed to spend on them anyway. Regardless, it's not just when you have to give the cat but otherwise as well. What do we learn from here, that it's our obligation to spend on our relatives.

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And it is said that if there is someone for for longer relatives, then it is an obligation upon the entire family to help them.

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if let's say there are seven siblings, one of them is struggling financially, his children can hardly, you know, afford schooling. So if one of them is struggling, then it is the obligation of the rest of the siblings to help him to support him financially. You understand?

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And if one of the relatives is, let's say struggling financially, then it is fun to fire on the rest of the family to help them further clarify what does it mean that at least some people should be supporting him.

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Because if no one supports him, then all of them will be held accountable.

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Because it's quite possible that you on your own cannot help him or her. But let's say your brother can, let's say your uncle can. So whoever can they must help them. Because if they don't, then all other relatives will be held accountable.

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So for an evil Cobra hacker who will miskeen and also the needy person who is miskeen. miskeen is the one who cannot fulfill all of his needs. So the needy person, also give him his help. It's quite possible that he's not your relative because their attitude has been mentioned in the corba. And miskeen. is general that any person who is needy, whether you know them or you don't know them, you're supposed to give him his help. And what is his help that he should be financially assisted. And after the miskeen, webinars severe and also the traveler

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and the traveler, it includes someone who is passing by your city, someone who is traveling, and it also can apply to a guest. Because if you think about it, a guest is who he is a traveler. He's left his home, he's left his country, his city, and where has he come to your city? So it's quite possible that they are financially very strong. They're more wealthier than you, but a guest deserves his help. And what is his help, that when he comes you offer him food when he comes in stays

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You offer him a good place to live in. You provide him a good and comfortable accommodation.

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And you see, sometimes, you know, the person may have a lot of money, but what do they want, just a nice home cooked meal

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isn't just a nice Vetter restaurant, just somewhere where they can wind down where they can relax where they can be, they can have this feeling of being at home, that's all they want. So this is the hub of the traveler, whether he's in the form of a guest or someone who is passing by

00:30:34 --> 00:30:39

their legal hierarchy that is better. For who lilla VENA you reduce

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those people who wish to see the face of Allah, what is better, giving the hug to the relatives, the poor, the traveler is, helping them financially and giving them their other writers Well, that is better for those people who want the face of Allah meaning who want to see the face of Allah, whose goal is the pleasure of Allah?

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What Allah aka who will mostly hold, and they're the ones who are successful.

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We learn in Serato piano, I number 22, that would you agree Oh, man, even now, in our behalf, NASA, that some faces that day will be radiant looking at their Lord.

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So on the Day of Judgment, some people will be given the honor of looking at a loss of data.

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So if a person wants to be given this honor, if a person wants to get this opportunity to see a loss of data, what does he need to do, then?

00:31:41 --> 00:32:20

What does he need to do? He has to give the help of the relatives. Sometimes it happens that let's say you're traveling back home, and you find it such a burden to take gifts for relatives, isn't it? So sometimes people think, well, what's the problem? We find everything everywhere? Why do we have to take stuff? Isn't it people complain a lot. The fact is that when you're traveling, when you're seeing someone after so many years, don't expect something from you. Of course, don't look at them. Don't look at their well don't say oh my god, they're so wealthy. They're living such comfortable lives compared to us. That's not your goal. Your goal is to give them their health so that you can

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see the face.

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And many times it happens that when it comes to giving, we think we should only be given to those people who are extremely poor, those who who are needy, yes, miskeen is mentioned. But along with the miskeen, who else has mentioned relatives, as well as travelers. And it's not necessary that these two people are poor. You understand? It's not necessary. They have a heck, they have a right. Wi Fi and while you have gone, Lisa le walmartone.

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So the people they have a right in your wealth, those who are close to you, those who are related to you, those who come visit you. And it's your obligation to spend on them, whether they are poor or not.

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And when you're spending, what should you be thinking that I am giving this so that I can see a law?

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If I want that honor, then I have to give something up today?

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What do we learn little levena Arsenal hustler was the other those people who do accent those people who do extra good for them is hustler, gender, and also was the other and more than that, and what is that? Seeing a loss.

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So what do we see over here? What's the main lesson that a believer he does not live a selfish life.

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He does not live a selfish life. He lives a life of being concerned about others, those who are related to him, those who are around him. Because many times what happens? What do people tell others that you know when you have this money, and you should be spending that money and buying expensive clothes, spend that money on buying this and that, you know save up so that you can buy a house. But what happens if a person wishes to travel to go see his relatives? He has to spend a lot of money, isn't it's a traveling these days is not something that's easy. Sometimes costs a lot of money. And for people who are trying to save up to buy a new car, we're trying to save up to buy

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something new for them spending a lot of money on travel means a big deal.

00:34:33 --> 00:34:37

But why should you spend because it's the right of the relatives that they should see.

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Think about it. Those relatives, those uncles and aunts who spent so much time raising you don't have a right to get to see you after every few years. They have a right. So when you travel and you spend money in order to see them that is what giving the Huck of the relatives and when you travel and you take a lot of gifts for them. That is what

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Hello, relatives. I'm not saying we should become extravagant. But when it comes to spending for the sake of our relatives Remember, it is their right it is their health.

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And a person should think that if I do this, I will get to see the face of almost.

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So believer does not live a selfish life. No, this is my money. I'll spend it on myself. I'll buy this. I'll buy that. No, he's concerned about those around him.

Ar-Rum 33-40 Word-Analysis and Tafsir 33-38

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