Shadee Elmasry – NBF 118 Affairs of the Umma
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back doing a service for people who are a lot of them are on the
edge, right?
So we have to, if we get, like the word of four or 567
people affected, then you know you're on the right track
we're on.
Rahim Alhamdulillah wa Salatu was Salam ala Rasulillah. One early he
was so happy when Manuela welcome everybody to the Safina society
nothing but facts live stream where we are here to talk about
the affairs of the OMA every Wednesday and close with a DUA,
which is the dua of Yeoman RBI. The hurry will also come over at
the onset in a job in Abdullah Sahabi al Jalil and then the via
some Allahu Allah He was a lemma cut da Yeoman is Nene.
So masala will let me start with a sama di Yama RBI a bein authority
while also very valuable job.
Where NL Beshara fi wedge
or al Bushra fi YG he sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that the Prophet
peace be upon him was praying for salvation of the his people, the
city, the Muslims, the OMA from the enemies that have surrounded
the Muslims to kill them.
And he prayed on Monday, no answer Tuesday. No. And then he prayed on
Wednesday between Doha and Austin, and he received the sign of that
answer. And the Beshara the Bushra the good news was seen on his
face. So
he then said that Jeb and Abdullah said anytime that I wanted to had
a need, I would wait for that time. Because if it happened to
the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam once we knew that it is
that Allah will not cut that off, that if Allah extends something
and Kareem, the generous Jesus cut something off. If he gives
something once, he will always give it and that jab at him and
Abdullah said many times I prayed at this hour and I saw the I got
an answer
that that I would that my daughter will be accepted. It doesn't mean
that you get your actual answer right away but it means that you
will insha Allah to Allah
get assigned that this job has been answered.
And that's really what we're looking for. And most most most of
people's religion, I mean, the Prophet peace be upon him said dua
is vocal about it for a reason. It's the source it's the essence
of worship for a reason. Because human beings love themselves. Hey
Billa Lee may have looking behind me now I'm in love a love for what
he gives you a blessings. Okay? Love Allah for what it gives you a
blessings. So when Allah to Allah gives you something, you love him
And your body moves because you're excited. Now I'm going to have
something nice the nature of human beings is that we love ourselves
and are we anyone out there going to clean not on paths that I don't
love myself? All right, then empty your wallet, then giving your all
your money to somebody else. But you don't love yourself, go live,
go live
poor and destitute. With no money, or we could say FEMA calm azote,
right, go live in in the mahkum of Zod and give your money to all the
other people in your family. You're not going to do that. So
you do love yourself. Everyone loves themselves. And people love
sins, too. So I don't want to attach to the dunya well, not
second, you're right now you're attached to sins. So go for the
lesser of two evils. If you're smart. At any point, you want to
decrease your deficit. You don't can't eliminate your deficit right
away. So decrease it. So instead of being attached to sins, I'll be
attached to something that at least and that that will motivate
you to be away from your sins. Because we're in a day and age now
that were
Subhanallah the
temptation that youth face the temptation that people face. It's
just insane. You wonder how is anyone ever going to overcome
this? Right? So we have to have a strong sense of a belief that what
we're really looking for can be attained to us in the head, not in
the Haram and the one who is going to attend to us is for Allah
subhanaw taala. So
this is what we need to do. And youth have to learn how to wash
away their sins. So it's one thing to repent. That's mental in your
mind, in your heart that Oh ALLAH.
I did this. I'm responsible. I want to I seek forgiveness. For
human beings, you'd say you're sorry, with Allah you seek
forgiveness, but that doesn't mean the effect of the sin is gone. So
the gunk is still there. Had he washed that away? That's how
that's why you have a lot of people with a great heart. But
there's no spirituality whatsoever because it the gunk of the sin is
still there.
She has a great heart and a challah likes upset from him. But
the sweetness of faith in the love of Imen cannot settle because
there's too much junk. So he's been taught how to repent, but he
hasn't been taught how to how to wash away his sins, how to wash
away the effects of the sins. That's what we mean by that washed
away the effect of the sins by intensive remembrance of Allah
subhanaw taala. How you gain the the, the, the good standing with
Allah is by helping others. How you get forgiveness is by seeking
forgiveness. Being humble, put your head down and seek
forgiveness. You want a good standing with Allah seek help
other people.
You want to wash away and clean your heart make intensive. That's
why whenever people say well, what's better vicar or helping
people. And that's like saying, What's better steak or ice cream,
the total different courses of the meal. Okay, there's no comparison
here, you need to have a protein and you really need to have some
sweet at the end of your meal. It's actually a Sunday, by the way
to have something sweet. And back in the day. They used to have, for
example, honey, and they used to mix honey with nuts and make
sweets out of that. So they used to also take milk and make yogurt
and mix that with honey. And then in Iran, Persia will as it was
called, alright, they used to freeze that and that was like the
first type of ice cream. It was almost like they made it really
cold. And they mixed up this butter and yogurt with honey and
some rose flavor and they made a beautiful like a type of ice cream
that it's what is it called again? I can't remember the there's a
name for it and no, no that you know that. I don't know if you
know it's negative. I
can't remember what it was. But it's a Persian ice cream. Right?
And said now it was given it and he ate it on nodos which is
Persian, the Persian New Year get Persian New Years called Nowruz,
or whatever it's called.
And then there's an ice cream that was given to say Nadi, and he
liked it so much every day is Nowruz, right. And so that's
basically what they had after dinner. So the prophets of Allah
when he was setting them
has taught us that each a Betta has a different impact on life. So
if you want Allah to forgive you, all you need is humble forgiveness
in your heart and in your mouth. But if you want to wash away the
effect of the sin, you need to be taught intensive that how to do
that intensively. It's not that complicated, right? It's really
not that complicated. You just have to put in the time and the
easiest form of this is to listen to the Quran.
All day and all night listening to the Quran, you will feel that your
art is getting cleansed. That's the easiest form. The next easiest
form is to repeat La ilaha illallah over and over, repeating
it all day and all night. Constantly non stop. And if you
want Allah to Allah to to hold you in a high MACOM with him, then
help people
be a helper of people. Okay? Be somebody who helps people and if
you can help people in their Deen
If you have people in their Deen that's the best if you help people
in their, in their in their emotions, that's like second best
like mental health emotional health. If you can help people in
their bodies that's also absolutely critical. You got to
help people in some way in their finances giving loans all that
stuff. So got to help people in some way shape and form soon
tomorrow probably I'm going to release
a large good campaign to send three youth to almoner this year
and I tell them straight listen is ombre we're targeting you so you
can go there and wash away all your your nighttime internet
sense. Let's not play games here and pretend we don't know what's
going on. All right, wash away all those nighttime internet since
make Toba make the intention ever to go back to that. But for the
time being, I gotta wash it up. Making that to off you're gonna
get washed out and so watch out and you're gonna be clean again. A
minute then be commended lot of them. In the sight of Allah the
one who pennant or repents from a sin is like someone who has no
in the sight of Allah in terms of his behavior, but we still have to
wash out the effect of those things. That's the difference and
that's why they could in a bad is needed not just Tober
All right today is the affairs of the OMA what are the affairs of
the OMA? Okay, the affairs of the OMA is that Saudi Arabia starts a
woman's soccer team, whereas Afghanistan bands tick tock I
would probably maybe not ban tick tock in spirit. I would love to
ban tick tock but pragmatically, you're gonna have a backlash,
obviously. So I would probably do
has worked the algorithm to remove all the lewdness nakedness and
just promote things that are that are productive. Because it's Can
you guys check if this is a rumor? Or is it true that China, China's
algorithm for tick tock is different from America's where
America is promoting everything, just like silly. But for, for
China, they promote their out the Tick Tock algorithm promotes,
like useful things, like how to make a table or how to paint or
whatever, right, or a neat mathematical riddle or something
like that. Have you guys heard that? Yeah, I've heard that. So is
it a factor? Or is it just something that is definitely true?
Okay. So I probably would do that. Right.
I was just in my class,
whatever politics class or something, I forget what it's
called. Yeah. We were talking about this. Your mic is on, right.
Yeah. We're talking about this thing, basically. And I had
everyone in the class because I was just debating this because I
was bored. Yeah, I was throwing some opinions. And
I had everyone basically thinking I'm a libertarian. Okay. I'm not,
that's not what I am. But like, the micromanagement of trying to
ban tick tock for every single person, it doesn't work, you
create the opposite reaction. Exactly. But But what I was
telling everyone is like, you manage the system, so you manage
so that social media doesn't become * industry, you
have to manage the system, and people will have no problem with
that. Yeah, if you manage it that way, logically, because you're not
directly addressing them. You're not the one with the problem. That
system needs to be Yeah, exactly. No one wants to feel like like I'm
being almost like, attacked, restricted because of a potential
thing that I might do. So attack the system. That's a great idea.
I heard the crazy stat, that worldwide *
is a more profitable business than the NFL, the NBA,
Major League Baseball, and NASCAR, and UFC.
All combined, combined, right? Combined, right? Even worse than
that someone told us one day, it was here like
on average, it was some ridiculous percentage of 9.9 like It's like
90%. Gosh, and he can't even Yanni
it's it's as they said in the time of profit new La Silla. Well, I
really do love your uncle Farah from birth, these corrupted
traffic new I says they don't give birth to anyone except he's a
surgeon and a Kaffir. So clearly, a baby does not come out of his
This is my jazzy right? A baby does not come out of his womb as a
catheter. We know that right? Because he obviously can't even
think to make a decision. What he means is that we don't even Oh
Allah, I don't even get a chance to talk to him anymore. Right? I
don't get a chance to even address him. Because by the time
he has, has his brains developed, he's already corrupted. They've
corrupted the kid before his brain even develops. Well, in the time
of saying no, no, who was not was not that the last straw before the
flood. Why? Because
if if he cannot even talk to the kids anymore, then what's the
point of the doubt? Right? What's the point of dough? Right. There's
no point of doubt. So ended. And we have to worry, when children
are attacked and assailed like this, and the society is looking
on and accepting this.
Saudi has a woman's football team. Okay, first of all, is there
anything wrong with women's sports? No. What? Why wouldn't
women want to play sports? The question is,
don't we have a responsibility also to obey Allah? subhanaw taala
in in dress, so what are the women? What are Saudi women? Are
they supporting this? Or what are they saying about this? Okay, they
did not observe any Islamic norms. Good.
And they played Bhutan in the three three tie on Saturday. Okay.
It was the team's third game
formed in October. All right.
And they have previous matches, and they're known as the Green
Falcons. All right.
And the coach is German.
So I guess the notion here is that the person was not a big fan of
the idea of Saudi being the people who went around chopping our
ankles off because their thought was too long.
And where are their shoe? So let's say forget the issue of the
Women, right? We've got the women, because people get very sensitive.
You say anything about what? Don't leave us alone in our bodies?
Yes, you custodia
Oh, Saudi shakes. You went around whipping our ankles, because our
pants are too long. Why don't you speak out against your kink? And
don't be and whenever you come after us for our ankles because
you know, we're not gonna say anything, right? pants are too
long lashes boom. Right? Well, they didn't lash anyone I'm just
being sarcastic just because I know that somebody's gonna try to
use that against us. But in spirit that went on about this issue,
right? Did they not go on about this issue. And for too long, the
law is not valid, blah, blah, blah,
et cetera, et cetera.
But then this is going on.
I'm telling you folks, your downfall is when you're is because
the state that sponsor you your secret staying silent. Okay.
That's why a religious order, it's very dangerous to ally itself with
the state. Because the moment that state goes rogue, or does
something that contradicts you, and you have to stay silent. You
look like a hypocrite and you are a hypocrite. So resign your posts,
all those 100,000 rial salaries that they get to make sure that
they are keeping the country under control with their Fidella return
that money and resign. Then you mentioned one time that this was
one of the wisdoms but I have a bait being spread out there 100%
During the omega times, because inevitably when you rule there's
going to be corruption. And Allah does not want the corruption
associated with the family of the prophets. Is this better for them
not to rule? They did rule later on when it was less significant
when it was like not the whole room was looking at you. Right?
And so when all that wealth came about, okay, Arthur Mancuso now
comes from the land of your ancestors Why come Saddam
mashallah, you have Wi Fi in Egypt? That's good. We need to
update by the way, we need to automatically give us an update.
Yeah, give us a video update. Tell us where you are. Wizard of Oz is
in Egypt studying Mashallah. Becoming a fucky. So Wizard of Oz,
you need to send us like a video update that we can air it
tomorrow, just with the cell phone. This is what Egypt is
looking like blah, blah, blah, whatever. Okay, so
the nomads everyone hated on the nomads with, like, reckless
abandon like there's no Hadith, what how to speak and without any
concern, you know, this phrase had death. Well, how much talk however
much you want. What? No, it's almost like domains, we know that.
They're like, these rich and the elites and they're corrupt. No one
ever really gets sensitive about the omegas because there's hardly
any religious, or Hadith or text that like praises them or defends
them. We know that they're the traditional rivals of Benny
Hashem. And you can line it up Abuja and the prophets of Allah
where he was, okay. Then I was then
more i Oh, yeah, sorry, I will Sophia and the Prophet, then why
are we and say, nollie? Okay, they're Muslims. All four, of
course, was Sophia and, and said, No more. We have Muslims on the
head and on our eyes, as the Egyptians have a saying on our
heads and on our eyes, which means they're more valuable than our
heads and our eyes, which is true because there's a hub. So you
can't talk about them. But they did have moments in which they
rivaled the Sofia. And we know, as an enemy of the prophets, I said
them before he was a Muslim, let's say tomorrow, he had his clashes
on political matters would say naughty. And then now we have
their son Yes, eid and say that Hussein, it's an unmistakable, it
doesn't take a genius to recognize this chain of transmission of
rivalry. So with the Romanians, we know where they're coming from.
Imagine now if l Bates had ruled the OMA, all this wealth had come
in, and had Bates are human beings, right? They're gonna make
mistakes. There's going to be corrupt people. Amongst them. It's
inevitable facts we don't it's not part of our theta. All right. To
say that elevates our infallible people. It's not part of our
opinion. So we'd much rather not have them have a target on their
back and do all those acts of corruption. Alright, so
that's the idea here. And that's why you don't want to tie your
Altima to any corrupt political party. Right. And the Saudi, the
Saudis are in that situation. Now, to be honest with you. It's a bad
situation for them. And not all of them are like immoral and corrupt.
We might differ with them in their op ed. Right. But it would be
unfair for us to paint them all as a brush because a lot of them are
in jail.
like cinnamon and Oda. Well, he's from from those, you know, the
scholars of Saudi
who suffered it how early before him
Okay, suffering Sandman was the big fitna in the 90s. There are a
lot of people who are there genuinely upright. Okay, one of my
favorite reciters Mohamed Adeline Kilbirnie. I tried to separate in
my mind because I like to listen to his recitations. But he has
some naughty things, right? Truly naughty things. Here was the Imam
of the Haramain a shitty fame. He got himself fired. I don't know
he then goes to become on he joins a bloat tournament below. It's
like a game. It's like a type of
I don't know, it's cards or dice or whatever. How could you be the
shake of the karma? Right? How could you remember how Domaine and
join and attend and play in a book tournament? Okay, so whatever.
Next thing, he goes on a Game of Thrones, commercial, Arab Game of
Thrones debates.
And he goes, he takes his a mammal off, he puts on the costume of,
you know, the ancient times and holds a big stick and there's
smoke around him and of course, a green screen behind him. And then
they put the image of, you know, whatever. They're the kingdom of
their imaginary kingdom of Game of Thrones. And he's got afor you
know, in that big beard, like, look, people, the Nordic people
that ancient times, okay, except that he's black. Right? So
is that a new kingdom? In the Nordic lands? Because, you know,
Game of Thrones is supposed to be like the Nordic countries, right?
and he's black. He's an Arab, but he's a black guy, right? So I
don't know what Game of Thrones is doing. They're having a new type
of character. Fine. But you're emammal How to mean? What is your
business acting in a taking a picture? For a show? That
the show? It's somebody * if not fully
*? Right? Am I right or wrong? Right. So
it's not you guys be up people doing this. And of course, your
enemies are going to take full advantage of this and say your
ottoman ethics. But I think it's not fair to put fully put it put
it that way. It will be their downfall, their association with
EDS, oh, it will be their downfall. They'll be finished
soon, right, by public perception. But it's not fair to every single
set of your Wahhabi Sheikh who actually is trying to stick to
their principles. Right. And we have to be fair about that. So
even though Yeah, we have their optic they have we have our
operative differences. But nonetheless, they do have their
people who are trying and fighting this. And they have to keep it
secret, because also go to Joe.
The Ministry of Communications of Afghanistan, has announced that
Tik Tok
and the pub G Gaming app, I don't know what it is. What is it? Huh.
pubg Which is what exactly? fortnight for
growth? roadblocks, basically.
It's what,
what exactly is roadblocks.
Many games on it, right. Okay. So, yeah, I see that on my daughter's
history. Sometimes I'm like, that's supposed to be doing your
homework. What is this roadblock stuff?
It's huge. Right? Yeah. So
leading youth astray. They say, it's gonna be blocked soon.
Is the old fashioned way of doing things. Yeah, I love Afghanistan,
I believe in you in this action, but you're just gonna make people
go and find it in another way. Right. So
you are better off if they could, then to
find a way to redo the algorithm? I don't know if they can do that.
Can they do that? Can they put an algorithm filter? Or no, I was
just reading they're saying that tick tock has the best algorithm
for censorship, which obviously, it doesn't. Yeah.
It's the opposite. They're the biggest sensors, right? Anyway, I
can see where they're coming from. And I personally don't mind it
myself. But I just wonder if that's the best way are you gonna
get a backlash of all they're going to do is find a way around
it. Right. And so you want to win the hearts of people and the end
of the day, when your enemies the internet, there is no route of
victory except winning the hearts of the people. Right? Get their
heart to love Allah and His messenger and decrease it as much
as possible. Fine, I get that. But and maybe they are trying to win
the hearts of the people are like with Dawa and sending preachers
out and stuff like that.
The decision was taken under Najib Allah Haqqani, to be honest with
you. I love the Afghani names. They're very like mystical names.
Acting Minister of telecom and technology.
A spokesperson Anya Tila Alekos. i He told five pillars. They're
misleading young people. 100%. It is. tiktoks is a Chinese company
one of the most popular apps in the world. Short
form video hosting. And it has prank stunts, tricks, jokes, blah
blah blah nonsense.
Pub G, known as the players unknown battlegrounds. It's a
battle royale game
published or produced by South Korea, and it is essentially also
getting shut down in Afghanistan.
Alright, so the FT you know the Saudi they had a thing that would
not allow in the old days. But when it was magazines, you the
Saudi had to make sure that no one was smuggling *'s into Saudi
right. So what they would do is
every luggage that is coming from a foreign country
they would have to open it up and you have to check your magazines.
Right? If it was a regular, let's say a Time Magazine,
but it had a woman on it. Then they had a guy marking it up
covering it up in black, right? And if it was a *, you throw
it out right. Then I'm thinking to myself, but what about the sins of
the guy who's doing that right? The guy who's doing the checks all
day is you're not getting right. What about that guy?
All right, let's go next. Reg up to you air to God is the most
popular leader amongst Arabs. That's the next thing in the news
before we get to Leicester, again, been talking about Leicester for
like two months now, by the way they took they did exactly what we
said two weeks ago. And they just had a bunch of guys storm walk the
streets. You saw that? Okay, there they did.
There's an Arab barometer organization. And they took a
survey and found that in six out of nine countries, Aragon is the
most beloved leader and these six countries are Jordan, Mauritania,
Morocco, Palestine, Sudan and Tunisia. Yet despite his relative
overall popularity or attitudes towards Aragon are not as positive
as they used to be. Approval of his foreign policy towards the
MENA region, which is Middle East North Africa,
has dropped 23 points in Sudan 16 in Jordan, 12 and Palestine 11 In
Tunisia, while Aragon's popularity is the highest overall his
regional rivals, Saudi Prince Prince Mohammed bin Salman and
Emirati Prince Mohammed bin Zayed are the next most popular like
opposite sides of the spectrum. Bin Salman and Bin Zayed its
popularity are statistically equal, but bin Zayed is a little
bit more favored than bin Salman. Bin Zayed is the most popular
leader in the two of the three countries that did not favor
Erdogan, which is Iraq and Lebanon, overall 66% of Iraqi
citizens savings aids policies are good or very good. All right, so
Well, we do have a sense that said no matter did say that the ruler,
the governor cannot rule if he is if he is hated, right? The ruler
can only functionally govern if the people love him. Right? A
critical mass has to love this person, or approve of him as their
leader. And that's the way of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam is that the people all put up their leaders. So my tribe, my
group puts up a leader, your group puts up a leader, their leader
amongst those leaders, they choose one of them.
And they and they they give him the burden of ruling them. Once
they do that, though, they must obey him. No. Right? And there can
be sure but he has the last word and they have to obey Him. They
can they can break it up.
All right. So
yeah, to me, he comes off as the one who is most
in touch with the way that Muslims think.
You know, sometimes I see when I see his
when I think of him, I just think see he's like he's an uncle as a
Muslim uncle, right? He's a pious mustard uncle. That's what I see.
Right? Like someone who like he calls it as he prays. He does
stuff that we all do. And it feels like he really cares about the
All right, Lester is in a state of unrest. And there were pictures
the other day of the Muslims going around taking a March, which is
what, that's what we said before, right? You don't rely on
institutions will take a long time. They have to institutions
are not bad. They just take a long time because an institution, it's
a humongous machine that has hands in everything. So if there's one
movement here, it's going to trickle everywhere. So they must
put every decision through
through the gamut and make sure it doesn't affect everything else. So
that's why they're slow so the police will eventually there
they'll X but it's going to be slow.
So in the meantime, you just get the brothers. Right. And walk on
the streets, right? Just walk the streets. I'm not a fan of masks.
So if you're doing something noble, take your mask off, right?
You don't need a mask. Just walk the streets in a big crowd. I
think they went all they were all black and they walk the streets,
so no one's gonna mess around. Just walk the streets to say in
hospital alone. Amarok Allahu Akbar, right. walk the streets. No
one's gonna mess with you anymore.
And if someone starts a fight, then you just self defense.
All right now
in East Leica sir, or as they like to pronounce it Leicester. Last
Saturday 20 year old man was sentenced to 10 months in jail.
After disorderly behavior, his name was Atmos neurona
of Leicester. He appeared at the magistrate court and he pled
guilty to possessing an offensive weapon. He was arrested during the
police operation in East Leicester an additional 18 people arrested.
Okay. In total 47 people were arrested. The investigation into
these offenses is ongoing, temporary Chief Constable look at
these names Chief Constable. He's a cop. Right. Bob Nixon said this
quick charge reflects the hard work of the officers.
Sense is reflective of the fact that this was a serious offense.
Well, what weapon did you have? Adam use of 21 received suspended
jail sentence, a suspended jail sentence after admitting that he
had a knife.
Rob Nixon told the BBC that
he had that
that social media had played a huge role in fanning the flames.
There are significant things on there which are false. He said
that you know that there's always actual actors who just love seeing
casts. They'll just enjoy it. Like the Joker. There are real people
were like the Joker movies. Not as good as the Joker but they just
love chaos. And then you have all sorts of people here that were
arrested for having weapons. So as Len Ibrahim He is charged with
making a threat to kill. Rahul Monacan
drunk driving. What does this have to do with that? Like I have
nothing to do with these riots. He's just drunk driving. They call
it drink driving.
We got drunk driving San cat den Koosh Dentsu, possession of an
offensive weapon Peress Praveen
drink driving has nothing to do with this. Okay.
Akshay Jeeva having an offensive weapon. See, this would never
happen in a place like Somerset because everyone's so far we all
live the way we live. We all live far apart. Like there's no
something called the High Street. They have high streets over there.
Right which is where like all the shopping is right? And the train
station here train station at the other end, a bunch of bus stops.
These are called the high streets in England. And that's where all
the drama happens.
Okay, what else is next? All right.
What else you got? Right? Anything good on the comments, because this
is just affairs of the OMA. Now the next affair of the OMA is
that in England. Some really crazy Iranian protests in England that
ended up with a guy getting smashed hard, right? With a bottle
on his head
What do you got Ryan while my thing loads up.
Tchaikovsky. Tchaikovsky is giving is talking about she she is on the
chat. Right. You can open your channel and speak about she has an
all you want. free country. Okay.
Tchaikovsky. So he's he's a Russian.
You got a Russian name, but he is telling us that it is greater than
Omar. Is he saying save 90 and said no. So then we have to ban
you then.
Dino says it's noteworthy that there is a policy in place in
China where government regulated content can be shown on any
platform and any other content cannot get any desired promotions
by the platform Tiktok runs by the name of duty in China and it is
owned by by byte dance all right.
Package Pakistan recently won the fate female Asia Cup and were
heavily criticized for playing in shorts.
I'll leave the Muslim women to criticize that because I
know that people get very sensitive over these things we
know the rulings of out is not like a lot of these the guy soccer
players are exactly some angels right? But
how's the film says speaking of Saudi Nigerian President Buhari is
cozying up with MBS they have to
he's powerful
He's a gangster he's a mafioso the guy chopped T chopped up another
guy in front of the whole world and got away with so Game's over
now that's it. He's proven it the game is over on putting any limits
Ben this guy can you even ban a guy I'm not into this stuff
sorry for the viewer doesn't know what I'm talking about. I'm
looking at the screen of a guy putting up nonsense on the chat
All right, I said
I don't know what he said but Jolla, avid Ryan will get his own
mic. Ryan, you your mic is on right. Okay.
I legitimately had a good question yesterday and then I forgot during
the q&a. Then I remembered it and now I've lost it again. Okay,
write it down inshallah. It's my Erica team. Now ours is just
visiting Egypt and it's coming back in a month.
Is settled the maturity of the Maliki method? Yes, it is.
Okay, Sophia, why are you going to choke on your dinner?
Mohanad saying good Kenny. He used to be che and now he's a Sunni.
One Mohammed Mohammed. Oh, it's Mohammed. Mohammed sain Gorgonia
Why don't you give us some words of Torah Hama Sahaba as you used
to do because the rehabilitation the rehabilitation is continuing.
Let's hear some today our home and say now we're back at an
All right, let's see if this came up. Violence.
Why is it that seems like the news is always England, the affairs of
the OMA. It's like a hotspot right. Now, this is some drama
here and some guys got really smashed, got bottles smashed on
their heads beaten to a pulp. All right in clashes between
protesters and police. Alright, that regarded the Iranian
protests, good. London detectives have released 13 images of people
they don't need to identify regarding the Sunday September 25.
Protests and according to eyewitnesses, the crowd outside
the Iranian embassy was 1000 people that consisted mainly of
pro Shah reaches previous this the secularist
and IRENA secularists, LGBT activist, feminists and Kurds.
It's funny how Kurds are like LGBT activists, secularists, feminists
and Kurds. I'm sure there's some good Kurds. Okay, they all want
regime change. The investigations started on Sunday night following
what police called unacceptable scenes.
Commander. I love these these these British police names. Chief
Constable commander, Karen Finley, she said that everyone who plans
to seek unlock, seek lawfully lawful means of protests deserve
to feel safe.
We won't tolerate members of the public
injuring and destabilizing order, injuring others in destabilizing
order. Alright, so we need the public's help and support to find
these people. There was a 22 year old Kurdish woman that had been
visiting the capital Teheran on September and she was arrested by
the morality police for not observing the hijab and therefore
taken into custody she collapsed and this is the basically the lit
the fire of these around you know what the prophets I said and told
that Iran the Persians do have a big
they have a big role in attitude as the man on the side of the jet
I don't know if this is I'm just saying
yeah, anytime anything political comes up, we tend to just look at
what are the signs of the end of time? Who knows if this has
anything to do with it but
so there are a lot of images here. Oh, they basically gave you the
images of these protesters. They don't give you the image of the
crime they committed but but there I did see the video and it was
pretty bad.
Ottoman AQ, is that our ottoman? Yeah. Did you see the Reddit post
about the MSA President secretly trying to liberalize the MSA? I
didn't see it and I'm surprised he would keep it secret because it's
basically what's this? It's essentially there. A lot of them
are openly like that, but is it what what? What MSA
Are you MSA Ruckers? MSN.
Some other university.
A Pakistani female politician got heckled for being corrupt and
shopping at Selfridges in London.
Selfridges is like a shop I guess. I remember seeing it.
People are saying it's incorrect but other sides saying insulting
our humiliation in public is justified for corrupt politicians.
We love drama and there are forces out there that want to find any
drama related to the Muslims. Mohammed go to Connie wasn't
kidding. Where's your posts? Tara Hamada Riverclan Walmer with
Amanda Lee we rehab this brother out of his Shiism
well, he's not here. All right, this
Ben read it, we're gonna ban you.
Tchaikovsky on Instagram causing problems and Misaki let's go to
the q&a.
That's the affairs of the OMA for today, which was I would say not
so juicy but whatever. There it is. Bismillah karo he's from
Sydney, Australia. I recommend
a reading to understand how Grenada dropped morally to deserve
to be conquest. Oh my goodness. We will get to that. When we do our
stories of the LDS last Islamic history stuff. They deserved
conquest. They were so
corrupt politically forget morally and moral and political always.
Always combines so.
Chekhov Czajkowski if you do not
desist from blaspheming the companions the way you are, then
we will ban you go. You have one more chance. Give them one more
chance. Okay.
You know, these these these kids, oftentimes there's nothing else to
do so come and bother us. Okay.
Shed is greater than check. I'm telling you just kids Oh, they
want to bother us. They'd like to see a reaction right? They'd like
to see a reaction. That's what it is. Okay.
The NYU MSA As Salam aleikum from NYU MSA When are you coming to NYC
I want to come to the NYC I want to come to the NYU. What is Tandon
what is tendon MSA? Could you please explain what is tendon?
Okay, what's in Brooklyn? It's not the one in Manhattan. So it's
different from the one that's NYU.
we got to find to come and we'll find a way to come to them to go
to them.
Maybe when there's a gap when our classes are over?
Right? And their classes are still going? Because we have like packed
schedules so much. It's almost like crazy. We've packed up
because there's like a kitten cannot go through our schedule.
Yeah, we could go we could come do a Saturday morning event.
How does Ryan have his own mic but still sound so quiet? Sometimes
it's not close to his mouth? Or maybe it's not on? Is it on? No.
Which sometimes?
Like studio effect, I keep it off. Okay, some messages more? Yeah, it
looks like it's you know, the studio effective when a guy talks
from the back. That's that's effect.
Ibrahim Ahmed, is it permissible for a woman to share her picture
with a marriage suitor?
I believe that it is. If it is, if it's very close, right? That In
other words, there is a potential then inshallah there should be no
problem with that. But as long as like whose hands it gets it gotta
get into that's the question because that's like the dating
site thing. It's basically like window shopping. Yeah, we have all
these pictures and you're just looking at every single page.
That's not good. That's not the way that marriage in Islam should
be good. Some somebody says somebody has seen sounds Egyptian.
I nephew is 14 years old. He uses Tik Tok. He says it's better than
YouTube. How should we stop this addiction? Well, firstly, he's
your nephew. You don't have authority over him. Unless he's in
your house. Then you
Do have authority of everyone in your house, you have the authority
with your own hands and feet.
When I go into class and I see one of these teenagers on their phone,
and they're taking Ryan's class,
I, Allah gave me hands and feet, I use them. I just take it, right
and throw the phone. Okay? If it breaks, it cracks. Well, luckily,
we have rugs, but they get a little heart attack a mini heart
attack when I throw but I don't always know where I'm throwing it.
Right, but
you have force, you have hands and feet. Okay? So use it
and blame yourself. I'm the bad guy. All right, I'm a bad guy. You
call me whatever you want to call me. At least you can at least
maybe get a little bit of sense of fitrah by not being on your phone
or something like that. Right? And she's saying he's in my house.
Okay, now you have to see if his mother you have to tell his
parent, which is your sibling. So you say to the parent, listen,
in my house, I have rules. I'm not having addicts in my room. And I
saw my dad do this. There was a guy these to visit our house. We
did not have a lot of Muslims in the area. So there's anytime there
was a Muslim come in. So we'd become invite them to our house
and be friends. Right?
This one guy, we get up for Salah. And he said, I don't pray that you
guys pray. I'll just wait in the foyer.
You don't my dad said he's like, Wait, if you don't pray, my son is
watching this, right? I'm approving of a Muslim not praying.
So if we're praying, I can't force you to pray. But I can kick you
out of the house. So I'm going to open the door, you step out of the
house, right? Like
you're out of the house. Until we pray you can have that's your
choice, so that I stepped out of the house, you want to have a
cigarette outside the house. But the message was clear. He got
kicked out. Right. So it's not forcing but it's also not
approving of the wrong. So you can't force him to pray. But he
kicked him out. It was sort of funny, though, like that did it in
a funny way. Right? I'm kicking you out of the house. But
so the thing is with with these youth is that they we got to set
for them certain rules, so that they could experience some fitrah
and some better parts of life. Right? They're sort of losing out
on life just scrolling, scrolling, scrolling. And we can't lie and
say that we've never scrolled before, okay.
We scrolled before, and I feel like oh my gosh, right.
I just what just happened in the last three hours. just scrolled
for nothing. Waste of time. So
use your the authority that Allah gave you.
That's that's my advice.
bellus White Daisy, if I sign up for ArcView plus, would I be able
to attend it? At MBSE? Yes, of course. You can. 100%
Tchaikovsky got himself bent for bothering this. The sister wants
to sign up for our class. Right? Of course, we're gonna sign with
the sister who wants to sign of her class bothering her and
telling her to change her name to black Daisy. I'm telling you, what
is it Rashanna today why did the kids off from school? Right? Oh,
is that what it is? It's Rashaan or something. Kids are off from
school or what? Jewish holiday
Mohammed Gurney still waiting.
Lilly says I was wondering
if there was a way to make a one off donation to Safina other than
the platform? Yes, there is.
Is there it's you go to Safina G backslash Foundation.
And there is a form you could do so backslash Foundation, ma'am. Says I saw a video of
Molino doody from Pakistan, possibly one of the greatest
scholars from Pakistan.
His clip which set which said Saudis massacre Turks from the
Ottoman era when in Mecca and Medina, that is true. They didn't
do that, under the name or the justification that they were
pagans that the Ottomans were pagans and witches thanks for
us to Westwood Rasul or is to Gaza. Right? And they've opened
fire on Muslims who were singing the Buddha out loud. The Egyptians
said Muslims in the West to a halal prenup before marriage well
we do in this video have there is a contract. Before you get
married, you have a contract you can put what's what you want in
that contract provided it does not make haram valid or not.
Let's say I don't want him to do something, but it's hard for him
to do. The way you you word that is, if you do that, which is your
God given a right to do that, then this marriage is over. Right? So
you cannot prohibit the halal, but you can pull yourself out of an
agreement with somebody. That's how it works. Glitter Z says
listening to witness allottee first reciting it. Do we get the
same level of protection? No, you need to recite it with recite with
it. And after a while you'll get used to it and you'll recite with
Bushido bag, if a woman before dies verb before before death, I
guess before she does, verbally says all the goals that have given
equally to my children. Is that valid? Or does it need to be in
writing? No major distribution of wealth is valid on the deathbed.
Get that, when you're on your deathbed, major distributions of
wealth are no longer valid. Why? Because you are essentially
altering the inheritance. That's the purpose. If you did that in
your lifetime, then yes, that is valid. But what is not valid is
for you to say it's yours. But you can only claim it after I die.
That's not acceptable. And it happened in the time of the
province. I said when he forbade it. It's called a null, which is
this, but it doesn't have this house over here, it's yours. But
you can only claim it after I die. You're cheating the inheritance.
Okay? If it's yours, give it to him. Now. If you're distributing
your gold to your kids, distributed now, right, divide it
up, maybe even when he wants to sell it, he wants to do whatever
he wants with it. That's his choice. But you cannot say it's
all equally yours. But a you cannot be on your deathbed to do
that deathbed sickness, a deathbed sickness can last up to a year.
Number two,
it cannot be you cannot say okay, it's all yours evenly distributed.
But you guys can claim it after I die. That's also forbidden.
Because in both cases, the person is just it's a way to cheat the
inheritance will have to be written or it can be a horrible
thing that everyone was present to you. It should, the verbal enacts
it. But the writing is afoot. If not a sudden right to write it
down as the Quran states.
Can you give us tips on self control says the random user self
control? Well, self control is that you have an impulse that you
want yourself not to do, or you have an assignment that you want
yourself to do.
And so
if you tell yourself don't do something, all you do is you
inflame it inside your mind. So you have to constantly remind
yourself by different ways by writing it down every day, or by
having it written down and you look at it, of what you should
write, and it'll just, you're jogging, you're reminding
yourself, right, that I need to do these things, focus on these
things. And then you have to also entice yourself emotionally,
almost, by thinking about the benefits of these things. Right?
that's the difference between a task and a goal, a task, take out
the garbage, right? There's no way to motivate yourself for that,
right. But a goal is getting make 50,000 sales this year, which
amounts to let's say x amount of month, which amounts to X amount a
day. So you got to always keep your your your your I physically
seeing that written down somewhere. Because we're bombarded
with distractions bombarded so you we literally have to fight back
all these bombardments, by having our own advertisements, ourselves,
our own billboards. That's really what it is. You got to have your
own billboards. And I like to use my car, for example, like cue
cards with, with what I need to know in my car and just look at it
every traffic light, look at it, get in the car and look at it just
keeps my mind focused. And remembering because I would start
a project. And it will be all fun and good. And then next project
starts next project starts and then all of a sudden, I forgot the
first product totally forgot about. And I'm like, why? How do I
follow up? Well, very simply advertise to yourself. Like how
does Coca Cola stay on your mind?
They advertise. Everywhere you go, you see it? So you got to
advertise to yourself. That's really what it is. You're doing
marketing to your own brain. So that's one of the ways to keep
self discipline because you're you do never want to get into the
thing of stop doing this. Stop doing this, stop doing this and
then counting the times you did it versus you didn't do it. No. You
want to put yourself on what to do. And then you have to entice
yourself by remembering
the reward of it.
And the reward of it is what's going to motivate you like the
results. All right.
Can you explain why insurance is haram says Mohammed the dean. Well
the answer to that is
that insurance. First of all, as a contract, it's not valid. That
does not mean that there are not circumstances that we live in,
that would render the haram to be had. And I'll discuss that in a
second. But the as a contract there, it contains a lot, a lot of
other means.
In unknown
on one side, or both sides of the deal.
And the shitty to protect us does not allow this so that nobody
could sell
any motion. For example,
what is the emotion of insurance, it's security, like, I feel secure
now, right? So they, they sell you by scaring you, and then they sell
you security. But in reality, you don't know what you're gonna get,
or how much you're gonna pay.
So when I get
person gets insurance,
you know you that you're going to make these monthly payments. But I
don't know what I'm gonna get back. Am I ever going to actually
get make a claim? Whatever. So you don't know what you're ever
getting back? Although I know that I am paying them. So look what
happened, how they do it on their side, they're absolutely certain
what they're gonna get. But on your side, you're uncertain. All
right. So when do it ever become halal for us to do this thing in
which is haram,
it becomes hunted for us in a situation where the expenses are
actually impossible and would put you on the street, or when it is
legally binding upon you to have it. So home insurance and health
insurance, for some people may literally put you on the street.
So one leak in a certain type of home could be $20,000.
Or a childbirth could be 40 $50,000. Depending on the
complications. Who can pay that in cash. There can be a few people. I
mean, I personally don't think it's a lot of money. But not a lot
of people have that money, right? 4050 grand to give birth.
What happens if there's a complication? What happens if you
any other surgery? When you have 567 kids, or people in the family?
Someone's having a surgery every year, every month someone's in the
hospital? Someone's at the doctor's, the expenses are through
the roof. Good. So that becomes permitted because otherwise you'd
be on the street. And that's what we call hija dire need, you're not
going to die. But you would be on the street.
How do we do this in the huller? That's a question. In the halal.
You do this in the halal by having a pot, you are an investor in this
pot. Okay. And the perk of the investor is we take care of your
Right? And if you want to pull out the moment, you say, Okay, I'm
I don't want to invest anymore, you get whatever percentage of the
pot you now own. If they gain money, you get money back. If you
lost money, you get less money back, it's a business, right? And
then you they said they can subtracts from you the cost of
your, of what we took care of you.
That is the way in which it can be done in the halal way. So you see,
it's much less lucrative, right for the insurance company. So I
put in, let's say $400 a month.
And that gives me 2% of the pot, or point 2% of the pot because
there's got to be a huge problem. And then, after 10 years, I got no
sicknesses. I never used this insurance, right. Except for like
little things here and there.
I get my percentage back minus administrative fees minus the
amount of money they spent on me. That is the way in which it can be
done in the
specific insurance companies in the Arab world. I think there are
but not here, of course,
is taking steroids for bodybuilding haram. I believe it
would be haram if it's certain that it can harm you.
Right and I believe that most there I guess, I guess we could
safely say that all steroids are extremely harmful side effects.
There are major side effects. So we're not allowed to harm our
bodies and shit. Yeah, so that's one of the reasons why like
smoking for example, for Zilla, I'm just Salam
o or have the semi if sorry, if a sister is married for 23 years,
then she gets a divorce is C entitled to property share only if
the property is was in her name in the marriage. So a guy buys a
and he puts his name and his wife's name on it.
Then she is that 50% of the house is hers because he put her name on
the deed. If only His name is on the deed then
either share the note, she was never the owner of the house so
she doesn't get a share of it.
Lily Poppy says I'm kind of shocked by the shift dismissing
and downplaying what happened in Iran. Men are forcing hijab on
women. That's crazy. Do they do the same to men who don't have
I didn't downplay it. I just never looked into it. I guess that is a
form of downplaying it. Right. But
yeah, I didn't I didn't look into it. Why is it not a country that I
have interest in? Right? Iran is not a country that ever took
interest in Persian.
Right. So
I, if I want to take issue with it, first, I take issue with a lot
of things that person, right hijab being one of the hijab forcing the
hijab? Is that what they do in Saudi too? Is it forced? I don't
know. But getting into their laws, and stuff is useless for me
because I don't even believe in their general religion. Right?
That's what that's that's why I don't believe in their general
religion. So to to, for me to worry about the, their their
execution of their religion, they're saying, you're executing
your wrong religion incorrectly. Do you see how that doesn't make
any sense? Right. So I don't believe in the root. That's why
I'm not talking about the branches. The law, their their law
and how they execute their law is the branches. I don't even believe
in the roots, right? Or the trunk. That's why I never really got into
it. But of course, as a general statement, any type of voting is
Sophia says Remember, regarding addictions, alcohol, el Moqtada.
Al Qadir and mokdad. It's so important because what is truly
the the shaitan wants to achieve through addiction is that he wants
you to become hopeless, in Allah's power to believe that Allah does
not have the power to change this, okay?
Does not have the power. That's what he really wants you to get.
Even if you technically say yes, Allah has power but internally and
emotionally you don't believe it? And that's really what Satan wants
to reveal.
Latif Illa. He is asking about the programming October 7 at mbyc
October 8 at mocassin in Allentown, October 9 at MC GP,
Khadija Asif Are we allowed to pray photos of Fajr before the
if we are afraid of running out of time, yes, you are. Then you pray
that sunnah of Fajr
as Doha, you pray Doha instead,
Chief Latif, by the way, which is to you can pray it into Phaedra
time by the way, if you didn't pray, which she flips, if you
overhear a conversation of a few Muslims saying things that are
wrong in the city, are you obligated to step in to correct
them? It is men, Dube,
it could be men, Dube, it could be obligate or it could take all the
five rulings depending on
the nature of the Wii wrong
and the perceived result that you would get out of it.
So for example, if it is elders who would dismiss you, then it
decreases from obligation
if it is youth who would definitely listen to you, it may
become an obligation. So you have to also measure the nature of the
thing that was uttered
and the nature of the people were ordering it and three, the nature
of what the expected results you were allowed to use that as a
judgment, the expected results like if I expect that things are
gonna get really ugly, if I say something, then you may not be
able to get it to say something.
So you have to consider that will the gel come from courtesan he
comes out of yes there is a Hadith that the gel he has great support
in horison How do you do TM mum
TM mum is tap Firstly, when can you do Tamil when water is out of
reach? When you are sick and you cannot touch water or when you
water is in reach you are not sick
in other words you can get wet but you have some kind of barrier
between that the water and yourself such as
a dog a wild animal. So I'm perfectly fine. That would be a
reason to make to me because I can harm I can get
attacked by a dog or that there's a water shortage so none of that
is the case but there's a water shortage and we need to save it
for drinking. Then you can make Tamil with what do you make
Anything that rises from the earth
Anything that rises from the earth
the source of tambem
as long as the human being has not altered it to him then consists of
or went when should it be done right before the salah
Tamim is not will do but it just permits prayer. How do you do to
mmm you tap the Earth once you symbolically like rub your hands
and rub your face that's it that's the end of TMO
as soon as you find water then your demo is broken you and you
cannot use the emblem later so you cannot make once emblem for the
then pray the same
with the same Tamlyn for us no it has to be right before every
and any other acts of worship that you want to do you can do it right
then in there let's say touching the Quran requires will do right
in that case you may Tamil you pray or obligatory prayer
and then you can do any other acts of worship that you want to do.
Okay so that's how you make TM
Who is it
oh that's more genuine names when you when you see names that you
can't really pronounce
those are more tenants
can you how do you play it? Should you share the screen or what
Ryan is pulling up a video of someone to make TM when you and he
uses a rock to make the TM by the way can a source can a source be
the internet in this software? CD bro says to the Mexicans have
different rulings when it comes to buying stock stocks. I'm Shafi by
the way
yeah and from the general of what I know if the company is permitted
then the stock is permitted if the business of the company is
permitted than the stock is permitted
All right, let's see what we have here
the hack night
so everyone can one do to severe while listening to somebody. If it
is a speech of FIP
a class then it's bad. If it's a Holika it's bad. I saw people
doing that. And have you buddy got very upset.
Lily promises are these morality policemen perfect angels. We
should all be shocked by a way a woman being beaten to death for
wearing a scarf to us. That is ridiculous. For someone to do
that. If that's that's what happened. I guess it's absurd.
There's no doubt about that. I don't condone that type of stuff.
Um, who is the one who's always here? Is it Lily Rose or Lily
Okay, both. No. I mean, I don't condone that just because I didn't
talk much about Iran. But I don't condone that.
It could have been your sister, your aunt, your niece, your
daughter. And if it was I wouldn't know how to react I probably
had, I'd have to hire somebody.
A hitman.
Because I don't really trust these institutions to get the job done.
Right? Someone's gonna say, oh my gosh, so irresponsible for you to
say you're gonna hire a hitman.
That's what I'm saying. Right? When push comes to shove, we'll
see what happens. But how could I sleep with myself? If my kid got
abused by somebody? Right? How could I sleep with myself? Just
being like a passive? Oh, let's worry about let's get the let's
write a letter to the Senator. I don't believe in any of that
stuff. Right? I want a physical reaction there. I need a physical
reaction. Like that person shouldn't be feeling some pain
right now. That's what I
and quick, not 510 years later, like sometimes you see this movie
gets justice 30 years later. I personally find that weak, like it
frustrates me. But then again, it's talk because I've never been
in such a situation and will hamdulillah and I hope I don't
ever have to be in that situation. Okay, but that's the concept here.
That's the idea of of how I would feel about it. I would feel like I
would want there to be done something to that specific
officer. I don't care about reform down with the government. No, that
specific officer, I would really pray to Allah to allow me to
witness the same amount of pain that he's brought up on me and my
upon my kid, and I want to see it. I want to enjoy seeing him
squirmish that's what I would. My sentiment would be
to mmm video, is there audio on this demo video. All right, give
me just pull this up because I liked the way to shake me to you
yeah me me and Ryan are on me cut out of the same cloth Look at this
beautiful chef. So we want to look when we grow up
there rubs the rock rubs his face.
This is the second rubbing his sunnah, like that. Look how he
does his hands on the four, four side and then up and off the
thumb. You see this beautiful more genuine shift?
Or Algerian maybe? Yeah, I think he's Algerian. Yeah. The between
the fingers sunnah?
you hear that? Moroccan accent
so no, between the fingers
see that beautiful, beautiful
presents just makes you like, I'm telling you, the newest of these
shields hot a lot of them the note of this year. Dino says shit by
Cydia, if it's not allowed to enforce the hijab, how is the line
drawn? Obviously, this is this is the same thing. I'm telling you.
My philosophy, the philosophy, what is correct in terms of
execution, is that if you have a law, a moral law,
okay, if you have a moral law,
and you try to implement that moral law, upon a majority of
people who don't want it, you will fail. And you'll end up with
marches like this, you have to get the buy in, not legally have to
know like, you don't have legal if you're the king, you could put the
law that you want, as long as it's a valid law in the sight of Allah.
But if you want to succeed,
you need to buy in from your people. And then you don't even
need to push so hard. So there needs to be a heavy amount of
preaching the idea first and getting people to buy into it,
then they will come the you won't have this this reaction, you won't
have this disgust of their lot people cannot be disgusted by the
love of their land, they will eventually repel it, okay, they
will overthrow it. And the prophesy centum said you your
rulers are what you
are a reflection of yourself. Okay? cometa Kuno, you will learn
as you are, that will be your ruler, the prophet is telling us
that's not the ideal, that is the reality of things as you are is
how you will be ruled. So the basic principle of life on that
principle of society on that is that people will not accept what
they don't believe in. So if we as Muslims, we have a law and a
morality, the question is not first, how do we implement it? Or
should we implement it? The question is first, have you
convinced a critical mass of it, so that if you ever did implement
it, they also want it? No one will object except for a minor
insignificant minority you'll always have an insignificant
minority objecting.
Muhammad Daniel Hassan in
the chef he mentioned the prohibition of riba is merely to
Abu Dhabi we obey out a purely worship of Allah but there's no
alliterative Lily Rose says To be honest, I thought he would come
from an island in the Indian Ocean. No, no, he's not Hindi for
sure. The dead jungle it comes from his capitalist Jerusalem he
comes from the hood and he has great support from Iran
that the land of Persian s from the Hadith this is all from the
unseen that we believe it
Lily Poppy says I don't think the protesting women what they're
doing is wrong. Life is sacred the poor girl was occurred just
visiting Iran in that era, Joan, I mean, in terms of the out the
reaction of the girl Yes. What are the protesters doing? Again? I
didn't follow except I know they're burning hijabs. Sophia My
son has questions again, I'll pick one why can't we eat chicken from
Christians? If they cut the chicken's throat like we do, you
For we do know says Should we have a goal to convince our kids to
marry young to prevent fitna? I don't know if it's always a good
idea to be honest with you because if they marry young and they
realize after 510 years and they have one or two kids, they made
the wrong decision. They acted too quickly. They still have like 50
years of marriage to go.
That's that's the downfall of choosing Young. Right.
So it goes both ways.
to women law when to minister
bathroom and, man well Angela tuna shaytaan Thank you very much for
bringing this up.
Go slowly marinate. Like I always look at it the way of Allah is
marination and rotisserie chicken, right? The way I've shaytaan is
fried chicken, right? That means quick, unhealthy, quick, tastes
really good, but it's very bad for your health. The rotisserie
chicken is slow, the spices come in. It's juicy, it's perfect. And
it's very good for you. Right? So the way of Allah subhanaw taala is
that you see the sun come very slowly up, the light comes up very
slowly, before you hit the hood and it's really hitting on you.
That's the way of Allah in slow Allah created this dunya in six
days to show us he could have created by sanquin phaco. Right?
Boom dunya is existence as it is perfectly. It's not how he created
things to show us to teach us so go slow in all important matters.
If there's a matter that is not important, like
there's no harm. If I fail, there's no harm. It's I've
calculated that my harms are then then there's no problem. But if
there's a long term issue, let it slowly come into your world and
into your mind slowly then you get to see the positives and negatives
let's see what else we got here.
Islamic rules can only be enforced in a true Islamic State. So this
is exactly why I said that. I don't even bother looking at their
situation. Yes, of course the victims. Yes. But
the branches when the route is corrupted. Dottie does not even
right the Prophet in his petition here.
The rules only came down after the people loved God and His Prophet.
Some of the law when he was
right, then the rules came down beautifully. Right?
That's the right way to do it. Okay.
When said now ISA and signal mm and Maddie come down. The people
who believe in them will love them so much. They won't have to tell
them what to do. They will willingly do
what should I beg them?
Saying that they rip their hijabs off and cut their hairs?
Again, forget the full use of force in this day and age.
That stuff, it may have a positive effect true. But if you don't have
the buy in from a critical mass it will get overthrown. Based on the
Hadith the Prophet commits Hakuna you Olalekan as you are, that's
leadership you're gonna get a question from Maddie click magic
like is it haram to have a Norwegian? gelato? Gall horn? A
Viking horn and below it. Is it an imitation of the Jews?
Yes. I wouldn't know about haram but mcru Why you see anyone
holding a horn like that? This looks like a Jewish thing, I
guess. Right? But wait a second, or it's a Vikings game. Right?
It's one or the other, right? It's either a Jewish horn, you think of
that, or you think it's a Vikings game. But anyway, blowing horns is
probably from the wind instruments, which would be
forbidden in the majority opinion of the medical school and
permitted in the chef a school. So it would be floating around the
camera here the discouragement if, if it seems that it looks like the
way of the juice, but
funny thing is that we in the northeast, we know a lot about the
ways of the food because we have a lot of Jews around here, right?
But in the middle of America, they don't have a lot of food. Right?
So they might not know, as much as we know on the East Coast. Hawkman
says Can the Muslim government force a woman to wear hijab in
public? All right, we talked about this essentially that. Forget that
can they do it? And the question is what's effective? What's going
to work? What's human nature like? And why go that route? go the
route of doubt of preaching.
I'm telling you, this is important. Because when you ever
manage people, the use of force is something that should be very
You're gonna get a bad reaction.
Go raise a family and see for yourself.
Is Hawk can a Muslim government force? Again? Same question
all right.
Midnight moonlight? Is it justified to berate someone who is
committing a sin as a way of looking down on them?
If the person is trying to keep their sins private, and then you
shouldn't do that, you should try to help them rehab themselves
through tobacco through tequila, and you should pretend not even to
see it. But if the person is open and public flaunting their sins,
then you should also it shouldn't be met with some reaction of some
sort. But
he berating and humiliating I don't know how that's gonna go
down. But there, it should be met with some reaction. He's bringing
it in public right? So why don't we bring in the forbidding wrong
and public?
Is haka Hamid? Will the Khilafah be back before the Mati? No, he's
the one who brings it back.
Can one do Tim when traveling and the only water source is a filthy
public restroom? No, because you could bottle that water from the
tap it's valid water to use and go make would do somewhere else. Like
in the in the parking lot.
Bismillah karo says Pakistan's new transgender Bill X Act allows for
self perceived gender identity. Will you please share your
thoughts on this?
Nothing surprises me. I don't expect anything from any
government that is in an economy where their money and their bread
and their water and their food and other TriCity and everything is
all wrapped up in the modern system.
I don't expect anything from any of these countries. Okay, and
nothing surprises me. Right? Because the reality is, where's
your money coming from?
That's how you're gonna behave. You have a massive world bank
We know what your laws are gonna be in 10 years. Right? If you have
a massive World Bank deal, or you're you're involved with deals
with other countries will tell you what your laws are going to look
like in 10 years guaranteed.
By the way, today is Joe. Chef a FIP? Yeah, you're a chef. Yeah,
yeah, Anthem. You sign up for our few basic to study chef and you
FIP tonight with Chef with Sam was on here. And then for those who
want to study, hardcore, you're ready to study, you sign up for
ArcView plus, and you join
the class of Sheikh Osama also, which is after chef a fit that is
tonight at ArcView dot O R G. All right. We need to study we need to
learn we need to put in the work, study, use the internet for good
and I'm Jamshed I'm interested. Good. Sign up. Okay. She's also
interested in reading stories of the zodiac. I purchased the book
signs of the rise and it's a good book.
Good. So go to art fi dot orgy and sign up and put in the work.
Sickle cell missile here.
I want to share something else with everybody. Someone today sent
a picture of a storm and said Look how amazing the storm is. And the
storm looked exactly like a lot of other things in nature. So right
Can we put that picture up?
Yep. All right, folks, look at this picture here.
You have
a plant, a snail, a flower, another plant
a storm underneath that. And then all the way in the bottom left.
You have like the solar system.
You have the same design.
Good. So what does that tell us? The designer is one. These things
did not communicate with each other to make themselves like
this. It's upon a lot of them. Okay.
Amazing. So, the creation, you find commonalities between the
works of artists, right? Likewise, you find commonalities in the work
of the creation, okay. And from one of the is the spiral, the
Subhan Allah Allah loves the spiral as a theme of creation, and
he also loves what else
The concentric circles, like what is the Kabah?
The people going are walking around the cabin. It's concentric
circles. That's one theme. What are Adams? concentric circles? The
spiral is another theme of Allah's creation, the spiral. Look at the
i, what is it? It's concentric circles. You know what else is one
of the themes,
jagged, random seeming lines, the, the veins of the eyes, lightning
in the sky, they all have that similar theme. These are artistic,
like what we would call them artistic motifs, right by an
artist. And we see this in the Hulk. We see this in the creation
of Allah subhanaw taala, that there are these motifs, the same
motif in the tiniest scale, which is like a little snail. And then
the biggest scale, which is the entire universe.
It's about a lot of them. Right? So
look at that maybe they did do a good job after all up a logo, but
it's it's the same ratio, whether at the scale of light years or at
the scale of a snail. Right inches of a snail. It's amazing. It's the
creation of Allah what can we expect
let's now go to
what we talking about next.
Let's now go to
a couple more questions before we have to go to our Da.
The Hitman now I would I would I would love to do so. Right. I
There are experienced people you have to get the reviews. Okay.
The Russian mob they're on the ascendancy Italian Mafia sloppy
there. They're losing their touch. But the
huh. Yeah, the lost the appeal. It's the Russian mob. This Russia.
The Russian mob. Now that get the job done for you. Right. I
wouldn't maybe not kill the guy. The hospital, not the morgue.
Right? And there are plenty of places where I'm sort of saying
this tongue in cheek, but I'm sort of not at the same time. There are
plenty of places that are like abandoned little warehouses. Okay,
where it you can go and make a lot of noise.
And nothing would happen.
But there has to be justice in these places. Because if there's
no justice, that injustice that's in people's hearts, the bitterness
it spills out in other ways.
What about women? Is tam on the same? Yes, it is. Remember, it's
the hands only that is fun. It's he gave you the suddenness to
okay. But the hands because let's say a woman is out in front of
everybody. She can't roll up her sleeve. Just the hand is fucked.
didn't ever bucket a wage war against those who didn't give
Zika? Yes, though he had the buy in from the whole community first,
then some tribes. It was an act of that was akin as well to a either
a POS stating out of the religion saying that guys not fought some
in some cases. In other cases. They It was almost as if they're
seceding from the nation. It's like secession. Like we're not
wrecking. We're gonna pay for it. We believe in Sikka, but we're not
giving it to you. We don't obey you anymore. So it's seceding from
the union. Right. So on that count, he pulled them in. Howard
says do you plan on teaching research and Abizaid on our
interview? Yes, we do.
Okay, what didn't hiring a hitman be haram?
It would definitely be against the law.
But let's say a guy, just think about this. A guy rapes her
daughter, right? You know, the guy. There's no evidence except
that, you know, you believe that he did it based on her testimony.
Okay. He's walking freely. There's nothing to do.
How does the person react to that? Right?
Now, you know, who doesn't have this problem of holding in an
injustice? The Russian mafia, right? They get the job done.
I'm not saying that this I'm saying this because I'm just
thinking out of control. My thinking is probably out of
control now, but I'm thinking
out loud here. What I would love
to do, okay, because to me,
you got to get the job done. You want your daughter to respect you?
Right? You want your wife to respect you. Okay? That's on one
side. The other side is okay, I did something against the law.
What did I do? I beat him up. I'm not killing the guy. I don't want
to face murder charges. I don't want to have that on my
conscience. But we can implement some amounts of pain. That is
tactical, right?
I'm not pulling out nails. Right? I don't want a blood trail, but a
decent beating for the god. This is not a big deal, right? We're
not saying murder, a beating a decent beating, it's only gonna
cost me about 100 bucks. I think it'll cost only 100 bucks. Right?
Maximum 500 bucks.
So I'm just thinking out loud here. And I knew Rob says I'll
take care of it myself. Maybe? Maybe it depends. It depends.
Yeah, and
his daughter got raped by another man.
And after being raped, like the daughter, like testified like,
this was a guy that raped and the guy
think he should kill them or like beat him up very badly. Yeah. And
they sentenced him to life. Like they sent they sent the guy that
beat up the other guy life in jail life and just see I'm not done.
That's the thing, right? I'm not done. I'm not going to jail for
this guy. Right? It can be done cleanly, smoothly.
Elegantly, right? It can be done. Right? It can be done nicely.
Okay. And with justice.
I can't do it through the law. But we got you here. And this and
you're lucky. By the way, you are very lucky that this is me doing
it. Because I'm going to use the limits of the shittier. I'm not
going to pull teeth though. I'm not going to pull eyes out. You
will get a commensurate beating to what you deserved. Right? I need a
lip says he's going to take care of it. Okay, maybe defense? Right
what I'm wearing. Maybe I don't want to get my shirt * or
wrinkled. I want to watch. I might bring her to watch theater now.
Okay. Yes. Bring popcorn. We tie him up. Like in the like in the
movies. Tie him up. I'm telling you. You learned so much from the
movies. Liam Neeson. Tie the guy up in the chair and watch. Okay,
daughter. Are you satisfied? Yes. Okay. Hamdulillah. Let's go out.
Let's go to Douglas pizza.
We're sitting there, it feels like we're mafia.
Like people walk in and out. can even come in and get some money or
something. Yeah, go pick something out.
I want to buy that restaurant. I really want to buy that
restaurant. Someday I'm going to buy it. We pitched into buy it
with some guys, but they said is charging too much. Now check this
out, though.
Anytime I see one of these dudes. I tried to become friends with
them. I was driving on route 130 On a hot day and I saw this
security guard looking dude, like a bouncer walking in the heat. I
was like, this is an opportunity. Right? I had some pineapples. I
pulled over I said hop in.
And he said what you take me where I'm going? I said yeah, I'll take
you and we became like acquaintances. His name is Romeo.
We texted he come in might come to the soup kitchen one day. Right
name is Romeo. He's a bouncer. I gave him some pineapple. He said
air conditioned pineapple arrived. This would have taken me an hour
to walk. This is a great deal. Right? I'm thinking to myself, I
know. Right? Because this is an opportunity. Now I have a friend
who is a bouncer. Right?
I have this contact on my phone, Romeo. So you never know when
you're going to need somebody. And you can't just rely on on rules
and laws. They don't work. Right? They take too long. They require a
lot of evidence. And sometimes you know who did something wrong?
Okay, you know who did something wrong? But there's just no
evidence, but you need some justice.
What's up somewhere on the comments, you have to find Juliet.
Okay, yeah, Romeo and Juliet. But no, this guy was no Romeo of that
of Romeo and Juliet Juliet would run the other way if she saw this
I do have that stuff in my back pocket. I've never used it. 100
I've never used it. And
I am saying to myself, That's what I would do. We'll have to see if
when the situation occurs, because you can get nervous, right? You
can get nervous and you can't tell anybody. You can't go tell like
your friends. Hey, this is what I'm gonna do. They'll talk sense
into you. That's the problem. So you have to keep it secret to
yourself. And I'm saying that I don't know in the city.
tuition if I would. What am I really made of?
And I hope Allah doesn't put me in that situation but what are we
truly made out of? All right, are you just going to talk the talk
and then buckle I'm not interested in those people. I want someone
who's going to do it. But 100 We never had this situation. What
about psychological damage? Can you get someone beat for justice
and SAS solace?
Allahu Allah, maybe not be in but maybe you can put out the equal
psychological damage.
On Iran him says there was a dad who disguised himself and waited
at the airport for his son's molester. When authorities were
walking him through the airport. The dad waited for the perfect
shot the guy in the head judge gave him three years probation.
Wonderful judge my love bless that judge
these things, I think I've watched every single one of these videos
to like the court had some like terrible case killed his son or,
you know, like abused his daughter or something. Yeah. And the guy is
like giving his testimony or the criminal is being heard in court.
Yeah, that just comes up behind him and he
jumps over the table.
Because what,
what it what is the pros and cons the cons is I'm suffering day and
night. And this guy will go to jail and never feel physical pain.
Right? And he's going to eat and sleep in the jail. Versus okay,
this guy gets three years probation. What's probation? Is it
Is he in jail for three years, or that he's just on probation
meaning he has to report yes report for three years. That's
nothing there's no penalty for that. Right. I'll do that. If that
was the situation. Hey, Ryan, let's see this video. Right he's
gonna put this video of a guy taking a pheasant isn't we need
more people like this? Right. Put it up. Right. I know. I know.
The guy didn't even get in trouble because he did. Yeah, it was fine.
Yeah, because I think they sympathize with the guy. I mean,
you're in court watching like watching the guy who just raised
your kid what the heck
yeah, he's in the air.
He's in the air condition. He's eating three times a day What is
we're gonna watch this and then we're gonna say Are they gonna
make our da
probably not gonna be able to have to copyright this video. That's
let's see
All right, here we go. Look at this guy.
Dad jumps over table to detect daughter's killer he killed them.
Oh, wonderful. Well done. Well done. Well done. He molded them I
don't did I don't know if he got a good punch. You got a punch? I
think they throw that but it's satisfying and it sends a message
to the to the mom or the daughter while the daughter is dead but if
it was like a * for example
Let's see it again.
Can you put it in slomo positive put it put it in slomo yeah there
you go. Playback Speed put Islam there 25 Now let's go to the
actual part where he
was there audio on this
don't worry about if it's take too long. Yeah
don't worry about okay let's go he turns his head
he's looking at him okay
he probably said something
going here we go. Here he comes
and here he's off. No Yeah, she's not getting him. His lawyer tries
oh what a dive with the body slam he missed he missed him Yeah, he
missed a missed cop like caught him and I think the cop got more
of the brunt of it than anyone else I look at the other cop goes
hey you got hurt too?
Yeah chaos, but hey, it beats the pain of sleeping having gotten
messed up like this right. All right. Let us turn to our daughter
and our
smaller amount than la la,
la la la la and multiple movie in La la la la and medical Huckle
movie in line medical happen will be in La la la la and medical
hoppin will be in La La La and medical movie in La ilaha illallah
Malik will happen will be in La Isla in Milan medical happen will
be in
La la la la medical help movie and lolol medical movie in La la la la
medical hub couldn't be in La ilaha illallah medical happen will
be in La la la la la la medical aftermovie in La ilaha illallah
medical Hopper movie in Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim in laka tam bien,
the author of like alone, Academy and then Baker one or were you to
an amateur while at the ICA serata massage therapy in
wion Soraka la hornos Rana Aziz wacana And Allah who are Jia Jia,
Daniela curato to Milan mokara been what Joshua here lady if
you will Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim anos from you know Allah He
was at Hong Kong he was she didn't want meaning. Yeah your La Nina
and Okuno Slidell LA he came up on a seven who Maria Manuel Hawaii
naman and sorry you know more color How are you in an animal for
Allah? Allah Allah Allah Allahu Allah European letak with the
husana to Loma for Samoa Jonah Malaviya Shiva window, Ellerbee.
jamoma Vayner ad him or microphone while I hate on me che in me he
was he I could see you somehow it was while I Oh, do I for the Houma
Wahoo Allah Allah you know the Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim Allah
another Quran Allah jobelan Lara eita Okasha moto Satya
what will kill me? In si la la mia terrific rune, who Allah Allah,
Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah, shahada to Rama no Rahim O Allah
Allah de la ilaha medical code dos As salam ala McMahon en y
mineralizes All Jabbar remotes I can there Subhan Allah I'm usually
whoo hoo Allahu qualico Very almost so weird level as
you said the hula hoop if it's summer what you will all do while
he's on hiking, or you don't have civil law HRM and colonize now we
will do an A and we will see Rubia in YMCA be rigid as well. This
will be a day where it's a Kela movie shafa and Hassan Turnipseed
Allah Allah Allah Akbar Mishima aka genuine ncwa Lauren as a jar
or Jonathan. Does that asthma
Illa viral. Allow me any caffeine. Oh, the other evolved to become a
juror in which a username or mccreaney Monica ultimate nadelman
Arada big with a mineral genuine INSIA half of the coffee. Yeah,
coffee. More coffee.
Yeah, coffee. Yeah, more here. Yeah, coffee. Moorhead Subhanak
Yara Allah Masha tonic, Dasani will be asthma low Biya to know
melodica lo Ambia. Allah. Saleh Abdullah Hassan Turnipseed Mila
illAllah Muhammad Rasulullah sallallahu anywhere new Salam,
Allah Mahara CBI, Nicola de la McNiff. Naevi Kenefick Allah de la
you were how many vehicles erotica I like to entertain a party where
you have a mystery to the earth and mystery thing. Via third
mystery is the year that I can highlight Kenya that I can earn a
in a finisher luckily Tada Kenyan trophy laden Omaha Ella Tara Kenya
through cobia higher in Ocala coalition Kadir Bismillah AR PNF
seeming Colima The Omen Kalia has it along with Shiva in Bismillah R
La Mara bananas at double bass HP Anta chef de wifey and
thermography la Shiva Illa Shiva Oka Shiva and yoga guru septum
Allah Allah. Yeah, coffee to Alfia Hamid Yamaji Irfan Nicoletta I
mentioned I did a 20 minute video on Hadid when Mara they shared it
with Jason
which I leaned over a minute, guys a minute is gonna cover her I
remember her girl but I'm in our bike. Well how right we're here I
sat down and Eros attic with a Edom into EDIC yeah there Jalali
Keira well my husband and as long as you can take Fini mentioned
adequately the shore in Naka Anta Laurel fallible Akbar SallAllahu
ala see, you know, Mohamed and what he was up to he was a limiter
Sleeman Kathira anti-urban Mubarak and he will hamdulillahi rabbil
Alameen Nava him about and Anwar Aquila Haley are hamara in the
scene. So it took a few minutes for dua
Why was
sunny hamdulillah Bella and me in?
a call