Wael Ibrahim – Ramadan 2022 #09 – Expecting the Best From Allah SWT – He chose you to be a Muslim

Wael Ibrahim
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses various scenarios that the Prophet Muhammad Sallall inflation has reached out to the people of Islam, including his brothers and sisters who have left the religion of theirs the message of Islam and have become the most powerful believers in Islam. The speaker also discusses the the importance of Islam for the the importance of Islam for the the importance of Islam for the the importance of Islam for the the importance of Islam for the the importance of Islam for the the importance of Islam for the the importance of Islam for the the importance of Islam for the the importance of Islam for the the importance of Islam for the the importance of Islam for the the importance of Islam for the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the
AI: Transcript ©
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Salam Alaikum Warahmatullahi over a cat, my brothers and sisters in Islam I want you to imagine with me the following scenario imagine with me if your own son, your own daughter, your beloved children have decided to leave the fold of Islam to walk away from the teaching of the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam and become disbelievers. Imagine with me this scenario, how will you feel? Not only that but I want you to imagine with me that your own children who left Islam have died upon that condition. How will you feel imagine with me my brothers and sisters in Islam and I want you to pose for a moment and imagine your own parents deciding telling you that they are no longer Muslims.

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They have walked away from the message of Muhammad Salah lines and they have walked away from Islam and decided to become disbelievers. Imagine with me your feeling how would you feel not only that but they have died upon the condition in front of your very eye How will you feel imagine with me that scenario my brothers and sisters in Islam your own beloved relatives, your uncle's, your aunties, they have decided to walk away from Islam to leave the fall of Islam to walk away from the message of Mohammed Salah Salem and his pure teaching and decided to become these believers. Not only that, but the died upon the condition they died upon this belief. Imagine with me that

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scenario. Imagine with me my brothers and sisters in Islam, your own beloved wife and husband decided to become these believers to walk away from the message and the teaching of Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam and become this believers imagine with me that scenario not only that, but they have died upon the condition my brothers and sisters Islam I want you to pause for a moment and imagine this scenario and tell me how will you feel my brothers and sisters in Islam the best of mankind, the prophets of Allah subhanho wa Taala have experienced the same exact scenarios. Look at the Prophet knew Harvey Salem when he was begging his son to come on board to board the Ark and

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leave behind these beliefs and come with those who acknowledged Allah subhanaw taala as the Lord and no Holly salaam as the Messenger of Allah subhanaw taala but he rejected is son of a prophet had rejected the message of Islam not only that, but died as a non Muslim. I want you to imagine the feelings of Prophet no Holly Santa, he was telling Allah subhanaw taala he's my son, don't let him die like this, but Allah subhanaw taala tested the Prophet Nurhaliza Lam, and the Prophet knew, passed the test look at the Prophet Ibrahim Ali Salam when he was begging his father calling him again and again to submission to Islam. And the father rejected the message of Islam. In fact, the

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father punished the Prophet Ibrahim Ali salaam, his own son, because he had left the religion of their fathers worshipping idols and stones he was calling them to purity, yet they have rejected I want you to imagine the feeling of Prophet Ibrahim alayhi salam, when he saw his father dying as a non Muslim, I want you to imagine the feelings of Prophet lute Alayhis Salam and the Prophet North alayhi salam seeing their own wives dying as non Muslim Subhanallah I mean, this is very difficult, because they were the wife so probably they married them because they have feelings for them right? Yet the died as these believers imagine with me the feelings of our beloved Prophet Muhammad

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Sallallahu Sallam when he was calling his uncle, in his final moments on the deathbed come to Islam, say the shahada, c'est la ilaha illAllah. Perhaps this is the word that you need to be with me in Jannah. The Prophet SAW Selim was begging him and he rejected the message and died as a non Muslim in front of his very, I imagine the feeling of our beloved prophet Homosassa because he's uncle are so dear to him. He supported him throughout the message, even though he was a non Muslim. Imagine the impact of this incident on the heart and the mind and the life of our beloved Prophet Muhammad SAW Selim at that time. Imagine with me, my brothers and sisters in Islam, yet he had chosen you to

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be a Muslim. This is why I want you to imagine all these scenarios that the children have prophets, the wives of prophets, the relatives of prophets, the parents of prophets died as non Muslims, Yet Allah chosen for you, Islam to be your religion. Appreciate that. And despite all the trials, despite all the difficulties that our beloved prophets have gone through, they remained steadfast. They knew that Islam is more important than blood relations.

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stood firm. They stood the grounds. Yes, they felt sad. Yes, they felt bad. But Islam for them was the way until they breathed the last Allah chosen you, my brothers and sisters in Islam appreciate that. And this is an evidence that he loves you. This is an evidence that he wanted you to be in Jannah and he's testing your faith through these trials and tribulations so that you can come closer to him again and again and supplicate ya Allah helped me that's what Allah wanted. He wanted you to come closer to be nearer to him. Subhanallah love Him. Many times when we go through trials and tribulations, we wanted to talk to a friend. We wanted to talk to a counselor to a coach, talk to

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Allah subhanaw taala during these times, but the bottom line is, Allah had chosen you to be Muslims, and the Olmec Mel to lecom Deena calm will attempt to ally communality, what are the two Leko Islam Medina this day I have perfected your religion for you completed my favor upon you, and chosen for you Islam to be your religion. Atmel to at mem to oral D to complete it, perfected and chosen Islam for you to be your religion. Subhan Allah, Allah subhanho wa Taala had perfected this way of life for us and made it whole and complete and he called it favor blessing. This is the greatest gift Allah subhanaw taala had given us Islam thank Allah subhanaw taala that you not worshipping idols

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and stones in the creations of Allah subhanaw taala praise Allah for being a Muslim and there with patience when trials strike what are the two Leko Islam Medina and I have chosen for you Islam to be your religion? Subhanallah you are not so intelligent for being a Muslim, you're so blessed that Allah had chosen this religion for you my brothers and sisters in Islam, Isn't this enough to expect the best from him? May Allah subhanaw taala grant us the right understanding Jazak Allah Hi Ron as Salaam Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

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