Ibrahim Hindy – The Two Gardens

Ibrahim Hindy
AI: Summary © The importance of the "fitna" of Islam is discussed, as well as the struggles of crops and protecting against them. The success of Islam's harvesting of wealth and the importance of individuals being the ones who make it happen is also emphasized. The "fitna" of the man who gives birth to a child is also discussed, along with the "fitna" of the man who gives birth to a child and his claims to have wealth. The "fitna" of the man who leaves a garden is also discussed, while the "fitna" of the man who leaves a fruit is also discussed. The importance of working hard to achieve goals is also emphasized.
AI: Transcript ©
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Both his servant and His messenger.

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We are encouraged as Muslims to recite Surah Alkaff on every Friday, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said mannakkara Surah Alkaff vo mille Juma Allah Allahu Amina Norina. banal Juma attain. One Hadith The Prophet said that whoever recite Surah tell calf on the day of Friday, that Allah will give him a light that will enlighten between his two Fridays, Allah will give him a light between that week from Allah subhanaw taala. Likewise, our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, when he met me and asked her a calf, have you rewired him in our in sorbitol calf, but also human fitness at the gel at the Prophet sallallahu sallam said whoever recites 10 verses from Surah

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Hellcat, meaning he has memorized them will be protected from the fitna of the jungle.

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Now someone may ask the question, what is the connection between fitna and between Surah tell calf, what is the connection between light and between Surah till calf. This surah has four stories. Each of these stories is about fitna.

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And if you understand the lessons of the stories who are gifted lights, the first story are the youth running to the cave, running to protect their Islam. It is the fitna of being tested in our faith in our beliefs in our religion. The second story is the fitna of wealth with the man of the two gardens. The third story is the Pfitzner of knowledge, Musa and Alexandria. And this concept of knowledge and not knowing why bad things happen sometimes in the world. And the fourth is the fitna of power and authority. And it is the story of Little coronation. And previous multiples we've talked about the first story the youth running to protect their faith, and we spoke about the story

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of Musa and and today I want to comment on the story of agenda 10 of the two gardens and the man who has given to gardens before Allah tells us the story. He says something in the Lavina Amman while I'm in Saudi hottie in general, the gentleman is an amateur that indeed those who believe in do good deeds, we will not waste the reward of those who do good hola cada hum Genet were, they will have the gardens that are permanent. I didn't means permanent, the permanent gardens, meaning Paradise, and Allah subhanaw taala continues to describe the pleasures and the beauty of paradise. Then he speaks about the story. It's as if Allah azza wa jal is setting the stage in our mind of the

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difference between this world and the next world. The Jenner of the next world that is genetic, the permanent Genet the permanent gardens, and then the gardens of this world. Well do they bloom methanol Raju, rainy Jana, Jana teen, give them the example of two men. One of them we gave him two gardens manera NAB, these gardens have grapes. We have now Houma Bina and we surrounded them with deep problems, which are unnerving. You know, Houma Zahra, and we gave them many crops in between.

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This man had two gardens. And what is Allah mentioned about these gardens, one that it has grapes, and grapes historically is the most expensive, the most luxurious, the most difficult of the fruits to cultivate the most expensive of the fruits to sell. And then Allah says what has now not be enough. And we surrounded these grapes, these crops of grapes with nothing with the date palm trees, and date palm trees are incredibly strong, incredibly sturdy. And so if winds come, the date palms can protect against it. So Allah subhanaw taala, saying not only did I give him of the best of crops, the dates and the grapes, but I protected the delicate crops, his grapes with the strength of

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the date palm trees around it, so he arranged it perfectly. And then Allah subhanaw taala says, Well, John Boehner houmas And between them we gave him so many crops. He didn't only have the grapes and the dates, but there were many other crops that were given to him. Many other fruits that were given to him as well. Kintel Janet Haney artichoke Allah. Allah says both of these gardens, they gave their full amounts, they produced all of its fruits, meaning they always yielded the maximum output. There was never a shortage. There was never a spoilage there were never the trees that just don't produce as sometimes is the case. There were never incidents or

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have animals are pests coming in and eating all the grapes are eating a good portion of them? No, Allah says they gave all of it. All of the fruits were given. Contingent contain acids Aquila, when I'm talking to minutiae, and it didn't fall short in any respects, there was no loss. There was no falling short whatsoever. Well for Jonah Hill, Allahu Allah. And Allah says, in between all of this, we gave him a river Subhanallah the man barely had to raise a finger. He didn't have to, you know, do irrigation to bring water to his crops. He didn't have to have, you know, those huge pails where they're collecting the rainwater, and then bringing the rainwater to his crops, no, between his

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crops. Allah sent a river so the water is coming automatically to all of these crops within his garden. Allah gave it made it super easy for him. There's a river all between it, what can I do with them? And Allah says, and he had fruits, somewhere here means fruits, but reality, Allah subhanaw taala means by this he had luxuries, beyond fruits, meaning he had the gardens, and he had the dates and he had the fruits here when he says, well, Canada with lumber, it means he had even more than this. He had horses. He had gold, he had silver, he had money, he had everything. Anything that a man at that time would have wanted. This man had it. Well, Canada, who somewhere. But what did the

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wealth due to him? How did the wealth change this man? What effect did it have on him?

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For all that he saw heavy. So he says to his companion, he speaks to his friend his companion and tells him something for calling Sahibi he Well, who are you how widow who, while he's arguing with him, and conversing with him? But a federal newcomer Alan watt Adzuna fraud, I have more money than you. And I am mightier in the number of men in my men and my children.

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And so

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what is he really saying? I have more than you. And I'm better than you.

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As like, not only do I have more than you a bigger family and more money, but even I have more nobility than you, My children are more noble than your children.

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And realize in the previous verses what Allah subhanaw taala is speaking about his gardens, Allah says what you are and what you are, and we gave him we gave him we made for him this, when he speaks what is he saying? Another UK federal new commander, I have more than you, I have more money than you, I

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he is ascribing nothing to Allah subhanaw taala. And he's ascribing everything to whom, to himself. I did this, I made this, I have this. This is how feeble men are, that we assume. It's my intelligence, and my degree, and my hard work, and my creativity, and my genius of why I have what I have. And the reality is with all of your work ethic, and all of your degrees and all of your creativity, you would have nothing without ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada, you would have not even a morsel of bread to put in your mouth. We're not for Allah subhana wa Tada. And so this man assumes a number of things. The first assumption is that his grand jury of money makes him a better person. I'm

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better than you. I'm greater in possession, and therefore I am greater than you. Well, I assuming

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an ACC settlement canal and we're gonna follow up. And then he says, Well, that's gonna janitor who have already won enough, say NFC. Allah says he entered his garden while he is unjust to himself. So Allah is describing him walking through his garden. And you can imagine this man is walking around with arrogance, feeling like he's so amazing. Like he's better than everyone else. I have all of this under my power. All of these men I command all of this wealth comes to me. And so what does Allah describe him as volume one Nene FC? He is unjust to himself. He's wronging himself. Because what does this arrogance do? Except destroy yourself? He thinks I'm better than everyone else. In

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reality, he hasn't harmed anyone else. He's only harmed himself. And then he says, Call him out I wouldn't know and to be the heavy. I think that this will never go away. This will never ever perish. So he makes another assumption that just because he has wealth now today, that he will always have wealth. But remember, Allah begins this

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story even before this story by talking to us about what? Jana to the permanent gardens, because what is permanent is in the next life, coulomb and Alia, fan, everything on this world will perish will go away. What will remain, we apologize when applicable generally will occur on the Face of your Lord full of honor and mites. And so Allah subhanaw taala. And what he decides will remain, the next life will remain, but this life will all perish. But he assumes because I have this today, I will have it tomorrow. And so he puts all of his hopes on the dunya thinking that this world will stay forever. Well, not as a Noosa attack or Emma. And I do not think that the Hour will occur,

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meaning the Day of Judgment will eroded to Nairobi. He didn't know Hi, Robin Herman colada. And if I were to be brought back to my Lord, than I will surely find even better in return. So he makes yet another assumption

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that he denies the Day of Judgment. He denies the hereafter. Someone may feel like these things are disconnected. Money is disconnected from this idea of the Day of Judgment. But it's not. You see, he become so engrossed in this dunya in this world, that he doesn't care at all about about the next life. And he dismisses the next life, so much so that he says, I don't think that there is an hour, I don't think that there is a day of judgment. And then he makes an even bigger assumption. And if there is a day of judgment, and if I go back to Allah, I'm sure he will give me even better than what I have right now. Now, why would he think this? He thought that if I have these gardens, and if

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I have this wealth today,

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it must mean that Allah is happy with me.

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He thinks that because he has wealth, it must mean that he's a better person. It must mean that Allah loves him. And this is one of the pinnacles of delusion.

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Allah subhanaw taala describes this mindset and other verses in the Quran for instance, in sort of Infigen Fenneman insan either my patella Hora boohoo for a chroma when I'm a who fail cool or be a common. Allah says As for men, when Allah when his Lord tries him, tests him, and is generous to him. So if you see the test is he gets lots of money. This is the test. So his Lord tests him and is generous to him. Fairphone Robbie a common? He says, My Lord has honored me when men inside who either never tele horrible. And as for men, when his Lord tests him for cuddle, or are they he does call, and so he restricts his money? See, both are tests whether you're given money or not given

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money, these are both tests. The second one, if he restricts his money, what does he say? Fair call Robbie Hannon. My Lord has humiliated me. This person's mindset is if Allah gives me money, power fame in the dunya it means he loves me. And if he doesn't give me these things, it means he doesn't love me. This is the mindset of many people. In fact, there's a name for it. It's called the prosperity doctrine. And it's very popular in Christianity. And sometimes you see these pastors and they have their private jets and they have their mansions and they're making all this money. And they say this is a sign that God loves me. So the people give them even more money. This is a very

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corrupted mentality.

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What does Allah say? Kela? No, he rejects all of this. Bella to Cremona, Leah team. Allah says no, rather you do not feed the orphan.

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What not to have do not miskeen nor are you striving to feed the hungry and the needy. What is Allah saying is that you want to know the sign of whether Allah loves you. The sign of whether Allah loves you is not whether he gave you money, the sign is whether he allows you to do good deeds. If you're feeding the orphan, if you're feeding the ones who are in need, if you're doing good things, that's the sign that Allah loves you. He's enabling you to do more good.

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And so And Allah says in the dunya, is not worth much and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, No authentic hadith in Allah Yachty dunya Lehmann your head PolyMet Allah, Allah gives this dunya to whom he loves, and to whom He does not love. This dunya you will give to everyone what Kula nama Doha Allah, Allah, even Allah, Allah Subhana Allah, Allah says we give to everyone from the gifts of your Lord, from this group in that group, the Muslim, the Catholic, everybody gets from the dunya

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that's not the sign of Allah's love when you're out till an era of you rewire whether you're in Eman in

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Let him in your head, that he does not give the asker or one narration he does not give Eman faith except to the ones who he loves.

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But this man thinks Allah gave me these gardens, therefore He must love me. And therefore he will bless me in the next life as well. We'll call it a who saw who was who you have widow who a comfortable lady hello for coming to Robin from them and look for them from Misawa Corolla. But his friend, his companion who is speaking with him, he tells him echo thoughts have you made cover? Now, notice something the man was insulted from the very beginning. The first thing his companion said to him was what? An act settlement canal and what Asuna for I have more money than you, and I have more dignity and more power than you. Imagine somebody came up to you

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and said, my car is better than yours. I have more money in my bank account than you. I earn more money than you. I've got a better house than you. You would get upset your ego would feel this person's insulting me. The man didn't say anything. When did he speak up when he started to speak against Allah subhanho wa taala. Then he spoke up. And what did he say? A comfortability halacha Are you disbelieving in the One who created you?

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This is the character of our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam as well. I saw the Allah who were Anna she said man Tacoma Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam the NFC he, the prophet never ever took revenge for his own sake. But if the rights of Allah were transgressed, then he would get upset Sall Allahu Allah, he was right. And so the man didn't you know, His ego was not the issue. But when he heard the man speaking against Allah subhanaw taala denying the Day of Judgment. Then he spoke up a comfortability, Hello, how are you doing Khufu? Now Cofer can mean two things. It can mean disbelief, and the opposite is Iman is faith in Allah subhanaw taala Oh ALLAH the Halacha confirm

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income. Calf here on one income movement. Allah is the One who created you and as you are those who are caffeinated disbelieving, and of you are those who are movement believing. So Catherine and the opposite is movement is Eman. But also it can mean ingratitude being ungrateful. They in Chicago Tula as he then Nico wala, in Catholicism in

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Russia did. Allah says if you are grateful, I will increase for you. And if you do, Khufu, ie if you are ungrateful than indeed my punishment will be severe. So here are the primary meaning us of this verse is, are you being ungrateful to Allah? A Catholics have been loving? Or are you being ungrateful to the one who has created you? And then what does he say? The One who created you mean to rob He created you from dust from dirt? So me not far then from a sperm, a drop of sperm from muscle Wacka radula then he made you into a man. What's the point of saying all of this? He's trying to humble him, to bring humility to his heart to remind him of what he really is. There's a story of

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one of the setups he sees one of the kings or the princes, he's walking with arrogance strutting along. So he tells him Allah does not like this walk. This walk of walking with arrogance, Allah does not like it. So the man shows back to him and he says, I'd say roughly Do you know who I am?

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Do you know who I am? Who's my father? What My rank is what my nobility is. The man says yes, I know who you are. He says who are you? He said Uh, well, Luca, North Sutton. Matthew Ron. Well, Heruka g fat and Avira. He said your beginning was a drop of sperm. And your end, l Heruka. G fits in called The Rock your end will be a rotting corpse will enter the you know, daddy catecholamine era and between that between being a sperm a drop of sperm and between a rotten corpse. You are a vessel carrying impurities, the impurities that we relieve ourselves of. That's what you are carrying. So why is he saying this? He's bringing the man down. He's giving him some humility. Why do you think

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you're such a big deal? So he's doing the same thing in this verse. He's telling him Allah created you from dirt. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Could you come in Adam, Adam willing to rob all of you are from Adam. And Adam was from dirt. I don't think of you as being so great. If some dirt comes on your head, you feel disgusted with it. You feel bothered by it, but you were made from that dirt. So don't lift yourself above people like that.

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And then he says,

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like you know who Allah will be? Well, I wish they could be harder. But as for me, Allah

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is my job He is my Lord. I don't follow this path. I recognize that he is my Creator. He is my Sustainer he is my provider Subhana Allah to Allah, wa ala ocena COVID Robbie. And I do not commit schicke with my lord with anyone. I do not associate anyone with my lord Subhana wa Tala. Now what Schilke is happening

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when the man was speaking was Was he worshiping other than Allah? No, he wasn't, there was no idle, he was bringing rights. But why does he tell him I don't do shit.

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Because the ship the man was doing, was lifting himself up, was his own ego. Was him ascribing all the things in his life to himself, all the good things, ascribing it to himself. This was a form of shift the shift of his own ego his own knifes. So he says I don't do Shift. Well, if the hunter genetic, masha Allah Allah Quwata illa biLlah he said, Why did you not when you entered your garden? Why did you not say Masha Allah? This is what Allah has willed now Quwata illa biLlah there is no power other than Allah. First of all, there's a point here that even when he's criticizing him,

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he doesn't just you know some Muslims when they want to criticize someone, it's all bad.

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Because like you did this you are this you are that you were even while he's criticizing him, you see he's giving him solutions. He's giving him no see her. Why didn't you instead? You know, say Masha Allah hula Quwata illa biLlah. When you enter your garden, why didn't you feel humility and say, This is what Allah azza wa jal has willed, and that there is no power other than through Allah azza wa jal La Quwata illa biLlah hola Coachella sing our Prophet sallallahu alayhi salam encouraged us to say often in our lives that he called a door from the doors of Jenna. Right. And so this is a powerful phrase, why it reminds us we have no ability other than through Allah subhanaw taala when

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the President says hey, I just saw that, Hey, I didn't come to prayer Come to success. We say that how knowing that quality level love, why? To remind us even our prayer standing up for getting up, you're sitting down, you hear that to get up, even standing up, you can't do it without Allah azza wa jal allowing you to do it. Everything comes through Allah subhanaw taala. And so we realize Allah subhanaw taala in our lives, in Toronto, and upper lemon, Canada, whatever, even if you see me, so this is your perception, not the reality even if you see me as being lesser than you, and wealth and in children, for us out of being at any hiraman genetic, I hope, or perhaps my Lord will give me

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better than what he has given you, in your gardens. Even if my garden is not as big as yours. I have faith in the next life. Allah subhanaw taala will give it to me. But as for you, aren't you worried that your arrogance will bring your destruction he says,

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I settled being at any height I'm in genetica we always say, Spanner that your Lord might send upon you a calamity from the sky and it will become a smooth and dusty ground. And just as the two of them are arguing, just as they are speaking this exact thing happens. Oh used to be metal hallowed on financial stuff. Yeah, the whole thought about all your water will become sunken into the earth and you will not be able to seek it. And just as they're speaking the destruction comes what were hated the family He, Allah says his fruits have been encompassed by ruined.

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Notice Allah spent verses describing his gardens.

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But when he described the ruin, he said two things, two words. Well, he probably 30 His fruits became ruined. Why? Two reasons. Number one, Allah is indicating how quickly the garden was destroyed, versus how long it took to cultivate. It took him a long time to cultivate it. It took a short time to be destroyed. So Allah spends versus talking about the garden and just in two words, it was destroyed. The other reason is Allah subhanaw taala is indicating to us how little the dunya means to Allah subhanaw taala it means very little

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well, we're Heath will be familiar he for us value a liberal Cafe began to ring his hands out of regrets. I learned that I'm thinking about all the money he puts all the effort he put into his garden now it's all gone. Way Hall we had to allow Russia It's a phrase it means literally the roof has been collapsed. All of it has been destroyed. What was at the top is now at the bottom totally collapse. Well cool. Yeah. Later Neelam oceanic. And he says, Oh, how I wish I did not associate anyone with my Lord. When I'm tackling atonium Soluna hoomin Duni been doing Allah wa Americana Montasio era and there was no company or aid to defend him other than Allah, nor could he defend

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himself. In the beginning. He's saying I have all of these men as winner for all I have all the strength all the smite all this power

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work what did it fail him in front of Allah subhanaw taala it did nothing for him What did all his money and his children and his men do to him? Nothing, who had who now he can rely on Allah and Allah says this is we nya here. Sometimes it's Miss translated even in the translation I have since authority, we lay a Kenyan authority. But in this context, it means protection, when added to what I actually learned. This is the protection of Allah and truth, who are hired when silybin will hide on an oracle that he is the best in reward and the best in outcome. And so in times of ease, everybody has Allah's blessing, Muslim or non Muslim. When the punishment comes, we need the will, of Allah

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subhanaw taala, his guardianship and his protection. And so this man, in times of ease, is arrogance, but he doesn't have the protection of Allah in times of punishment. And then Allah says, who are higher and fell over the protection of Allah is the greater reward and the best outcome, the best end result? The man is arrogance when he has money in the dunya. How do you know you will have money at the end? How do you know you will have blessings at the end? And the man does not know this. The real winner is the one who gets it at the end. The Muslim says yes, my garden is modest. I don't have a garden like you. But in the end, I have faith that Allah will give me better than even

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what you have. And so the end reward is what the one who believes in Allah Felco inequality whether or not you'd have to suffer through in order for right.

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Bismillah Alhamdulillah wa salatu salam ala Rasulillah, who are the earlier Saudi women, voila, I want to address one thing, I don't know how much time I have. I don't have a clock on me. But I assume shorts, not enough time. Later. Inshallah, let me I want to mention one thing. Because I do think it's important.

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There's a prominent feature in our culture, this culture called the hustle culture, the idea of hustling, working hard to earn a lot of money. So you have a side hustle a side business, or a side job or something that you're doing to earn as much money as you can. And on the face of it, there's nothing bad with this. After all, as Muslims, we want to have a work ethic, and we want to work hard. And we want to earn for sure. But as you dig deeper, you start to see how this culture can be very damaging for a Muslim for different reasons. The first is expectations. The person has this expectation to be incredibly wealthy. And they put all of this work to attain the expectation. But

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as we know, this provision is in the hands of Allah. Work ethic is a means to attain that provision. But If Allah doesn't want us to have it, we're not going to have it. If Allah has not written it, for us, it will not take place, you will only have what Allah has written for you. So the Muslim has to live between ambition on one hand and working hard. And on the other hand, being content with whatever happens for him is the best. But when you have expectations of wealth, and then you work really hard, and you still don't achieve it, because it's an expectation, the person starts to feel broken inside. So many young men in our community, they feel broken, insecure, self hating, because

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they're not millionaires at the age of 30. Like they expected that they would be not hoped they expected they would be. And this story, both of the men have gardens, the Muslim and the cafe, the Muslims garden was not as impressive, and we can presume he worked hard on it. But he was content with what Allah subhanaw taala gave him. The second point is Muslims should not make wealth, their goal, our goal should be Baraka. Our goal should be the blessings of Allah subhanaw taala and Baraka is that you have a Ziad, you have an increase, it's not necessarily about having more, but it's that what you have gives you more right? To have Baraka is that you earn it through Allah subhanaw taala,

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either by turning to Allah and having your life centered around the Creator, Subhan Allah to Allah, but in the hustle culture, you center yourself, your ego, your desires, just like the men in the story. The Hustle culture teaches you that you eliminate relationships that don't help you attain your monetary goals. So it will spend so much time working and ignoring their kids and their spouse. Whereas if your life is centered around Baraka, you're going to work hard, but you're also going to give time and rights to your children, to your parents, to your spouse, right to your community. And this gives you internal relief, and comfort and honesty and the hustle culture as well as based on

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personal success. It's about me, me, me. Whereas if we focused on Baraka, we would be focused on our impact. We would have purpose, that purpose. Yes, might include earning money, we put food on the table, we feed our family, we have some pleasures in our life, sure, but also to build the Mossad agent like to build this Masjid in sha Allah, to have purpose that we also want to strengthen the Dawa, to protect the Muslims. So we're purpose driven, whereas the dunya culture the hustle culture,

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Sure, it's all about me, me, me my money, my fame, my ego. And so this man measures his worth in his gardens. But the Muslim man says no, my worth is more than this. My worth is with Allah subhanaw taala. And even if my garden in this world is small, Allah might give me even more when I please Allah subhanaw taala. So those are two things I wanted to say. Another thing I wanted to say is today's the day of, you know, truth and reconciliation. I gave a lot of about this before recently, so I didn't want to mention it again. But as a reminder for us to learn the history of this country that we are in and the atrocious atrocities that occurred, just today I was reading about something

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called the starlight tours, which is when police would take indigenous people, Indigenous men drive far away in the middle of winter, they would do this in Saskatchewan, leave them there and drive away and leave them to die. So there's a lot of oppression that occurred in this country and we should be aware of it and we should make sure that we are not perpetuating oppression. And finally, I also want to mention before I conclude shucking, so for Qaradawi who passed away, we ask Allah subhanaw taala to forgive his sins, we ask Allah subhanaw taala to accept his contributions to enter him into Jannah. When our scholars pass away, even if we might have some differences of opinion with

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them in one manner or another. There are scholars they contributed to Islam, they tried as hard as they could they live their life for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala and to serve this ummah, we should respect them, we should make dua for them, we should ask Allah subhanaw taala to accept them with the prophets and the righteous and the truthful and to ask us to benefit from the best of their work. We in the Quran already had in Aloma activism going on in the * was sitting with Seema along with Saudi was sent him and said, you know, whatever, you know, heavy Mohammed along with Saudi Arabia, Mohammed Makarova, Kiruna abroad, or Saudi Arabia or Panama to the Wharton School of

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fat suddenly, a little bit of sweat


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