Tom Facchine – Who is Allah – Understanding Allah’s Names and Attributes #30

Tom Facchine
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the various laws and characteristics of Islam, including the Moore's Law and the god's throne. They also touch on the meaning of big and small things, such as the cost of inflation and the complexity of life. The "meditation on" and "meditation about" moments are considered strong and powerful, while the "meditating on" and "meditating about" moments are considered practical and rich. Finding one's own happiness and forgiveness are also emphasized.
AI: Transcript ©
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wa salatu salam, ala Ashoka and Lena watching the Muhammad Ali here for the sola scriptura. It's been a lot

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better now than

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it was in there and then yeah, like

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I said, I'm like in the category right? Welcome Saturday night to who has a lot to pounce on.

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Going over explanation of the laws beautiful minutes

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and we're just

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a couple days away from on the run. And so everyone's busy preparing and keep it short and shallow and to the point.

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check us out.

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I think that Allah

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has next chapter is an Majeed,

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Allah's Name and Majeed and this occurs twice and

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once in Surah, hood Rahmatullahi about a cattle

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alikhan and Beatty in the whole hog Nealon energy.

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And then the second time in sort of barrage we're all off all right, dude, go Laotian Maggi.

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Now, you might say wait a second, isn't an NG describing the offset?

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And the

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answer to that is that there are two different digital ads.

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One of which hasn't Majeed is with a customer. Measurable

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rule allows you to add,

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which means that the

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adjective and Majeed describes the off a loss throne. But there is another good ah, get on, there's another Aggressive

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Mode of recitation. That is my full

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dual out of shield my G do. And in this era

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elmen G do

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describes a lot and not his throne. And both are correct. Obviously, mean?

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What does big the mean? It means that a lot is expensive, and has grand characteristics.

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It means

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if we're going to try to capture it in one word, maybe we could use robust

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means that a law is not just great, but that he has a multitude of qualities.

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A law is not simple or thin, right? Even though if the oneness of a law is intuitive and simple to grasp.

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The nature and reality of Allah contains multitudes is vast is expensive.

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It's not a

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simple thing in the sense of

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something being

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almost like you know, we would say something is too easy.

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We say somebody is a simpleton, right, we use this term. And it's not a nice thing to say about somebody, but it communicates an idea that someone is overly simple. Something being too simple is not a praiseworthy characteristic,

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unless it has to do with somebody working to make difficult material simple for others to understand as a service. Right. But when it comes to an actual being, being too simple, is something blameworthy

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is something that is associated with a lack of intelligence, or a lack of complexity or a lack of robustness. Allah subhanaw taala says many times before I will call Elam, you know.

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And there's a couple different ways to translate this. It could be understood as

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you know, they don't believe very much. It could also be rendered as and few are the things in which they believe. Right? Because if you really pin someone down, who has false ideas about a lot,

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whether it's Christianity, whether it's idolatry, whether it's the new age, religion, religions and you know, sort of modern quote unquote, New Age spirituality, if you really boil it down

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to what what do you actually believe you'll find that there's very little there, Finn concepts. It's kind of vague, ambiguous notions of you

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You know, being yourself and following your heart and living life to the fullest these kinds of mantras that we have in our modern society, right, they don't amount to very much. They don't give you very concrete guidance or guidelines for how to live your life, they don't tell you what's going to happen to your soul after you die. They don't tell you

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what to do when two kinds of imperatives conflict, right? You want to be good to your parents, but you also, maybe they're committing some sort of wrong, right? You, you have two things that are

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kind of at odds, and you need to figure out how to balance the two imperatives, each of which, if taken alone, by itself is good, doesn't give you

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enough refined or concrete guidance to deal with those sorts of issues.

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You know, we take pride in and the Companions took pride in having many things to believe in some of the idolaters, they used to mock the Muslims for following a certain guidance for how to use for, you know, how to use the bathroom.

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And this was something that the Companions took pride in. Yes, we have guidance for everything, even how to use the bathroom, even how to wipe ourselves, even how to,

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you know,

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be intimate with our spouses, every single thing we have guidance for. And we also understand the more about Allah, and more about the hereafter and more about the day of judgment than any other community of faith.

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Right. So this is something that is about robustness. Islam is robust. It's more robust than other faith traditions. The theology is more robust, a concept of Who is Allah, the information we have about Allah.

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And perhaps a useful

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area to contrast is one could say, well, Christianity has a lot of things. There's this mystery. It's the Trinity. It's kind of like there's, you know, Transubstantiation, and all these sorts of doctrines that are very difficult to understand. Okay. So that's like a blameworthy complexity, because it's counter intuitive. It is condemned by, you know, the

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kind of inherent disposition of people it's, it doesn't make any intuitive sense.

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And it doesn't really give you anything at the end of the day. Okay, what does it matter to me whether a lot is three, or is one in Christianity, right, within Christianity, it doesn't really have much to bear. Except for kind of just a doctrinal point, it's like, Well, okay, so you have to believe in this. And that's it. Whereas with Tauheed, Tawheed is simple in the sense that it reduces all those, quote, unquote, complexities, which are really confusions into one a lot as one. But who is a lot.

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And we get into the names and the attributes, we find that it's very robust, it tells us much if it's both more

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simple or clearer,

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and less intuitive, and also more robust, and gives us more practical information about who Allah is.

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And this is a really, really interesting thing, because a lot of people these days, when they're coming back to, you know, they realize that modern life, in its atheist kind of rendition is soulless, and they feel something missing, missing from their lives, spirituality and things like this. And this is a real thing that many, many people feel, and they reach out for some sort of religiosity, it can seem, at first, that getting involved in for, you know, Saint worship, where like, for example, the Catholic tradition, where every single day has a saint, and every single saint has a feast, and you pray to the saint for this, and you pray to the saint for that, you know,

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polytheism, really idolatry.

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And then other self described,

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traditions of idolatry, where you have this God for this, and this feast, this and this, it seems, at first, that there's a lot there. And that this is a robust, rich tradition.

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But if you boil it down to the information about the information about

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what's going on, in the world of the unseen, and what's your duty towards it, specifically, and what to do when certain imperatives collide and contradict each other, and you'll find that actually, these these traditions are very thin, they don't really have a lot to go off of. And in fact, what's underneath of them is a lack of accountability. And a fineness that betrays the human interest or the interest of the ego was behind these sorts of systems. So LG does the opposite of LG does that Allah is robust.

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Okay, simple intuitive to grasp in the sense that the INS

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The likes that Allah gave us, doesn't reject it.

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But robust in the sense that there's a lot there. There's a lot of information there's a lot of practical takeaways things to meditate on and to chew on and to come back to and remember

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a lobbying Majeed means that he has great ownership and authority

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and scholarships, even though claim pointed out so that's like in the verse and sort of who did that we recited

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and Majeed is most suitably paired with Al Hamid.

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Just like in that ayah. And also,

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when we make the show when we say Allahumma Salli, ala Muhammad Ali Muhammad, can I saw later I don't even know he was early running in the car. Have you done Majeed?

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Because these two names are very, very close to one another. Okay. Majeed being robust, having many, many qualities that are meaningful and important,

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which leaves us with a sense of all and hope and trust.

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Trust because Allah is so robust and so significant and so powerful, that

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any sort of task or issue is nothing in front of him, Isaiah.

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And then Hamid, because he has also his sheer number of qualities of bounty and

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is all exceedingly praise worthy, deserving of all praise? So the robustness of Allah Majeed, we could say results in his name Al Hamid, the one who is deserving of all praise the most praiseworthy which was the previous chapter.

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The next chapter

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we have two names a Shikou.

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And a chef, both of which mean the thankful

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Allah subhanaw taala as the thankful

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a shareholder occurs four times in the Quran

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first and sort of felt that

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blue Wi Fi at home, who drew Rohan way as either home mean family in the home of Warren Shaku again and sort of out there later on. I'll call hamdulillah Hilary and her husband

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in our own banana lover phone shack who

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also in solar Shura while may or may not Terry

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has an attend

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that's it in the goofy HyperSnap in the law have a fallen shadow and then in solid Robin

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Yeah, totally the law half federal on Hassanein your bar eighth hola como oilfield como la who should go Don't hurry. So we have four times three of which they're paired with all four and one of which they're paired with Hadith which as we know from before, they all of those have to do with forgiveness different types of forgiveness. So we have support there with forgiveness and then we have Shakti which occurs twice in the Quran. Woman so don't wanna play it on the in the law has shattered when I mean sorts of data. And then a sort of a new set. May if I will law who we either become inertia cut up some momentum, what can a local sheriff get on it, man? So this is both times

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paired with his knowledge. I mean, so we have a cool have a full on Chateau Sharecare Ari.

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What does it mean that Allah subhanaw taala

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is thankful.

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It means that Allah has power to either.

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First of all, keeps track of all of our good deeds.

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And this is an amazing

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blessing that fills us with hope and gratitude. Because

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to know that, the things that you do,

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the good deeds that you struggle

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to perform,

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and the sins that you struggle to avoid all of that knowing with certainty that will also pounds Allah is going to reward you for it.

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He's not going to forget it. He's not going to lose track of it. He's not going to

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compensate you meagerly

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think that's an enormous blessing. It's extremely encouraging. And it gives us the strength to carry on.

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And if we want to understand the reality of this aspect of this name, then consider

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how we look to the creation,

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or affirmation and thanks.

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And how that affirmation and thanks that we get from the creation is never enough. And it always leaves us disappointed.

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Think about married life. For those of you who are married.

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If you work on yourself, or you do chores, or you help out at home, or you anything that you do, if you're doing it in a transactional way,

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where your intention is to receive

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thanks, and appreciation from your spouse than most of us,

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most of us are going to be disappointed time and time again.

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Because human beings

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have a quite a bit of ingratitude built into them.

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What ends up happening is that

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the spouse gets frustrated that they're not being recognized. And thanks for what they do.

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And so they tend to act out, maybe they stopped doing it all of a sudden, in spite.

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Maybe they remind or nag the other one.

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Or they get into an argument and they bring up all those things that they do kind of kills it. That ruins your reward in the hereafter. If you had been doing it for a loss about data all the time, hoping for a reward from him who is a sugarcoat, he kept track of it, he noticed

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that your reward would be safe. But if you seek it from your husband, or your or your wife, or your parents, or your children, or anybody else in this dunya, they're going to disappoint you.

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Partly because human beings develop expectations.

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If you perform at a certain level, people are going to get used to it. And they're going to start to take it for granted. Vast majority of people are like this.

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We judge things relatively, right. Here's a

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What's the Shakespeare play? I can't remember I can't remember but one of the characters.

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He lives a life of

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debauchery. He's out partying, this and that, whatever.

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But it's all with a purpose.

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This is the humor of it. Because he's preparing himself for the day when he's going to become king. And he's going he's planning on making a transformation.

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And his logic is that and he's has a point that if people have come to expect this sort of

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behavior, reckless behavior, squandering behavior from him, then when he kind of sobers up and, and comes to and starts to do things, right, it's going to look like a magnificent transformation, even if he just doesn't, you know, stops the bat.

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Yeah, actually, he does have a point.

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Human beings build expectations.

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And they often judge people

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in a relative sense. So what those expectations are, so if you're performing at a high level, and you develop that reputation, some people are going to be

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expecting that from you

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and then

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aren't going to be as appreciative of it not not, Allah is not like I lost

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his sense of

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and reward is absolute.

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Right? The scales aren't tipped by bias or ingratitude. No, this is exactly what Allah's name is. Sure, quarter means a lot is great. A lot of strength.

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He appreciates those things that you do those things that you struggle with, and it's never going to go on unappreciated, or on thanks.

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If we want to see an example of this look at how Allah promised us

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that he would remove from the fire of help

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anyone with even a specks worth of faith?

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Doesn't that show that even the smallest bit of good?

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A lot is appreciative of it and will not let it be extinguished and will

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not let it be overcome or drowned out or erased by

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even the iniquity and sin that someone else has done.

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So reflecting on the fact that allow us to cool, check it.

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It teaches us to have appreciation and to be thankful because this is a quality that we want to embody. This is a quality that is attainable in some degree. We don't want to be like those average people who take things for granted. We want to be appreciative. We want to be thankful the prophets of Allah holiday was still on he said, Whoever does not thank the people he doesn't thank Allah are transferrable skills that go hand in hand.

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So we have to make sure wherever we are, that we are not taking the people in our life in our lives for granted.

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Whether it's the janitor that cleans the toilets, or

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the people who are your co workers, your parents, your teachers, the people who set you up for success, the people whose shoulders upon which you stand.

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We have to be grateful for them. And we have to be appreciative to them. That's a reach out into Thank you. We also have to be unassuming. We can't expect anything, because as we talked about earlier, developing expectations can actually lead us to be ungrateful.

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Right, we can't expect anyone to do anything for us.

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We can't expect anyone to give us any respect.

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Really, it's hard. But it's true.

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The more unassuming we are,

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the more we will allow ourselves to be surprised by the goodness of others. And the more appreciative we'll be

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that eCola hotel in Ireland and that's all for tonight. bid you good night and farewell somebody from the line

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