Tom Facchine – Tafseer Reflections #01 – Surah Al-An’am

Tom Facchine
AI: Summary © The importance of learning the Koran and the Surah Mattia in shaping one's life is discussed, as it is often discussed as a tool to motivate others and motivate shaping of one's life. The shaping of one's life is also discussed, including the importance of connecting with others and learning from the shaping of one's life. The segment also touches on the shaping of one's life, including the "one thing" that is impossible to determine and the "any human" concept for scientific theories. The importance of science and faith in reconciling human knowledge with reality is also discussed.
AI: Transcript ©
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Welcome, everybody, for the weekly program

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of Tafseer.

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We'll be doing tafsir insha Allah Tala. Every Sunday, with the exception of the Sunday in which we have our

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community potluck

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series is one of the most important things that every Muslim can study. It's not one of those things that is the realm of specialists. It's actually something that everybody should engage in. And a lot of times people are afraid of that and say, Wait a second, I'm not competent or qualified to engage of Tafseer of the Quran. And technically, that's true. But what you are required to do is to engage with the Quran and have a reading habit with the Koran, and attempt to apply the Quran in your life. You know, I was had the Sunday school class West last week. And I asked them, as anybody had told them, close your eyes.

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Raise your hand if you have read the Quran just for fun in the last week?

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No hands of course. Okay, what about the last month?

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No. But about the last year,

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one hand went up.

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Right. And this is where to blame for this, because we stress memorization. We stress memorization to our children more than anything, we throw parties, when they finish copper mill Quran and these sorts of things. We see some TestSuite. And all obviously, these things are good. But this is not how the Companions interacted with the Koran. Right, the Companions interacted with the Koran, they would not proceed past 10 verses at a time until they had understood them and implemented them in their lives.

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Right now, we live in a time where we emphasize quantity over quality. And one of the things I think that all of us, especially the parents in the room, and many of us are parents can try to encourage our children to read the Koran for fun, just like they pick up any other book.

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And to read it in a language that's your native language, a language that you understand, get to know it open from the middle, from the beginning from the end.

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And one of the best ways that we can encourage them to do that is to do it ourselves. Right, we can't really ask our kids to do very much of something that we're not doing ourselves.

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So in that sense, Tafseer is something that's for everybody. It's different, maybe than like Hadith and criticism, or even fuck, everybody needs a certain amount of Fick to worship and to live. But when it comes to your everyday life, understanding all the things that are going on in your, in your world, and understanding them through a lens of how Subhan Allah subhanaw taala

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would be happy with, then that comes back to tafsir.

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So what we're going to try to do with this tafsir is we're going to try to focus on that, you know, someone had asked before and the lead up to this class, where are we going to be going from a book, you know, robbery or ribbon cathedra? Or, you know, even our show or any of the classical books of Tafseer? And the answer is no, we're not. We're going to be going based off of what I've studied and my reflections on different things. Because there's two aspects or maybe two dimensions to Tafseer. At least one of them is understanding the text that you're reading. And the other is taking that text and using it as a lens to look out and to understand all the things that are happening in your

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life, through your understanding of the Quran, Allah Spano. Tata doesn't just tell us stories, for example, to entertain us. He's introducing paradigms to us archetypes, right? People who yes, they, they historically existed, but they also represent something greater than just themselves. And so when we live our lives, and we encounter somebody, it's like, oh, this person is like, fit. For this person. I was like seven, or this person is like, this other person, all these different characters that are introduced, or these types of problems that are introduced. That's one of the ways that's how we're supposed to interact with the Koran.

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So once we've established why it's important to study Tafseer, or at least engage in a reading of the Koran, or regular reading of the Quran, we're going to start this class was sort of an arm and salsa and it is a Surah that I picked for two reasons. One, because it's from the Meccan period, it says Surah Mattia, and then the other is because it's long.

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Why is it important to start or to focus on or to emphasize and to understand the chapters that were revealed during the Meccan period?

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Anybody who's present here, why do you think what could be a reason we do that?

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What's the difference between

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The Meccan period in the Medina and period

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Takeda Yes.

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salam, those are the things Allah subhanaw taala started with, right, too often we treat and this is forgivable because the Quran comes to us in a book and a completed book, because of the HD head and the jihad of all of the companions and their successors, right? But we forget the pedagogical aspect of the Quran, Allah subhanaw taala did not give us the Quran as a book. Right? He chose to reveal to he could have given it to he could have sent down a book with paper, they didn't have paper in seventh century Arabia. But if he wanted to, he could have sent it down as paper in a book all at once. But he didn't.

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He sent it down slowly, bit by bit, piece by piece, a very dynamic texts, a very

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flexible text that took into account the situation of the people that it was addressed to.

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And there are some things that are particulars about the people who are being addressed the pagan Quraishi, or the pagan out of the Arabian peninsula at that time, there were particulars, right. They had specific gods and specific issues that they were dealing with, that maybe we don't deal with, or people in our period don't deal with. But there are other things that are universals. There are other things that they had to deal with, that are universally applicable. And one of those things is that

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motivation and inspiration come before compliance. That is one of the things that Allah subhanaw taala teaches us, by the way, he revealed the Koran.

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You can't simply and this is a huge lesson for us as parents as parents, we get scared when our children are not complying.

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In the mess sheet. We get upset when we see someone not complying. Right, I'll never I'll always bring this up. When I first came, somebody suggested to me said, Hey, Mom, Tom, I'm so happy you're here, fresh off the plane from Edina, we need a clip ba about telling the women how to dress.

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So someone said to me,

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and I said to them, what's more important that they know how to dress, or that they care what Allah thinks about how they dress.

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Because if you take care of the second issue, you take care of the first.

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If somebody wants to know what Allah subhanaw taala has to tell them, then they will figure it out themselves. And our situation these days is not for lack of information. We have the information, we have everything online, we have everything, you know, that's why websites and this, that and the third, but we don't have the motivation. And we don't have the connection. They say connect before you correct, right? Reach before you teach. Right? These are things that we hear on the street, but they're their golden advice. And that's how Allah subhanaw taala dealt with us. Allah subhanaw taala dealt with us by trying to connect with us first, trying to convince us first that it was worth

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listening to convince us that the Quran was worth obeying, convincing us that he was worth obeying Subhana wa Tada. Well, yokley on that, like, he doesn't need that, right. Subhana he didn't have to do that. I mean, cutter me he will rock it. Right. That's just pure mercy. That here we have a perfect God Creator who doesn't need any introduction or explanation or doesn't need to convince. And yet he did. He did.

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And he was keen on trying to convince

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and trying to motivate. So that's for us too. Because if you look at our situation here, in Utica, 2022 Do you think we're in the Meccan period or the medina period?

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By the time they get to Medina, everybody knock knit right? They're completely convinced they're ready. So now well, Donna, they're ready to go. You say give up. Come up, fellas done. You say give up treba call us done. All right. So line, right. In Mecca. It was about me. It was about convincing.

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What situation are we in now in Utica?

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Yeah, you were in the Meccan period with that. Right? And that's not to say some people they say the same sort of thing. And they try to play games with the Sharia and say that, you know, maybe certain things don't apply anymore. No, that's not what we're saying. The Sharia is the way it is the Koran is revealed entirely. But when it comes to Dawa, and it comes to Tallinn and it comes to putting people hooked with a footwork right step by step you have to understand, deal with them the way that Allah azza wa jal dealt with taco

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Race. First it has to come even

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if you're able to build a man and a heart, everything else takes care of itself. Well acts, if you try to force someone to comply, they can be doing everything they can be in this machine five times a day, every prayer, every single prayer reading for and going to all the classes, but in their heart, they're not doing it for a lot as a gel. They're doing it because their parents told them to. They're doing it for some other reason. And what's it worth?

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So that's why we do we begin with the Meccan period, we begin with the Meccan period because that's what we need. And we chose a longer Surah because Allah subhanaw taala and so it's an arm he goes through many many many different things in solar cell and iron that are related to our theta that are related to belief that are related to EMA.

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So inshallah Tata will begin there.

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When you look at the first the beginning of Surah, Al Anon,

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Allah azza wa jal

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if you were to break it up into major segments, you take, for example, that I have broken up into different portions, the first 28 is more or less, Allah subhanaw taala begins salsa and I'm talking about his perfection.

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And then he goes to talk about in response to that perfection, the phenomenon of people's denial. Oh, as of a joke.

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After that, he talks about he talks to the Prophet alayhi salatu salam directly trying to console him because it hurt him, that people would reject his message and reject Allah. And that was from his sincerity. And then Allah subhanaw taala he deals with the day of judgment. So insha Allah in our short time here today will try to get through at least that much. Allah azza wa jal begins. That are the bIllahi min ash shaytani R rajim. Bismillah R Rahman Rahim. Alhamdulillah hilarya cada customer wealthy well

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no matter what Northam Molina Cafaro will be Robbie him. Yeah, they don't.

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Allah subhana wa Tada All praise is due to Him. Al hamdu lillah la flamme is still rockin gins, all praise, Nila. It belongs to Allah. The primary praise and in the fact that He created everything and the secondary praise derived things that we find if somebody's good Masha Allah he recites the Quran so beautifully Alhamdulillah Allah subhanaw taala is the one who enabled him to do that. We work together to build this beautiful Masjid Alhamdulillah Allah Spano Tata is the one who enabled us to do that.

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Allah subhana, Allah puts his praise here,

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beside something. And it's the most important thing that he brings up again and again and again to convince people that they should only be worshipping him, Allah the Holika sama. Well, he was

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the one who created the heavens and the earth. Because creation is unlike any other power or ability that anybody could have.

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If you were to go through all the C fats, and all of the abilities of Alaska and to Allah, the one that he references the most, in order to convince us is his ability to create, because his ability to create is completely unique. It's not like you and me. If I want to make something in the kitchen, I want to make food, I have to take something that already exists. And then I change it in some way. I cut it up into pieces, I mix it up, I apply heat to it, and then it becomes something else. Allah azza wa jal is the only one that can bring something out of nothing. That can create something that never existed before, and make it appear from absolute nothingness. Which is why

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Allah spawn to otter, he continuously challenges the sense of worships at the coloration his audience have, how can you worship anything that doesn't create? It's the simplest thing. It's the most fundamental binary that we have. If you create in the true sense of the word, then you deserve to be worshipped. If you cannot create, then you don't deserve to be worshipped.

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And Allah is bound to audit it says that he made the Vullo mats Well, no. And not many of them offer serine they say that there's a reason why Allah Subhana Allah He uses darkness and light. But literally, he says darkness is Buddha mats Gemma and he says no, no fret, which is singular.

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Many of the scholars of Tafseer they say there's a reason behind this because the truth the note is one

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as well. But when you go to the Lulu mat, the paths of misguidance the different ways that you can disobey Allah subhanaw taala are the mistakes that you can fall in. They're not just one. There are many. And there are multiple

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formula the you know, kefir or Vera be him. Yeah, they don't.

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Last fall to Allah says then after all of this, Allah azza wa jal, All Praise be to Him, He creates the heavens and the earth, He makes the darkness and the light then from the people who kefford Who who deny who reject

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they, they go astray. They reject Him. They don't acknowledge his right to be worshipped by himself SubhanAllah.

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The origin of the word Cafaro means to cover something.

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And if it's done with touch to align, Kafka, UK furutech Fear, it has to do with even more. So this is a deliberately taken habit. This is not somebody who is unconvinced. And this is something that's important to understand the level of Hajah that existed upon the outcome of the corruption. They understood. They knew that the Prophet Muhammad SAW Saddam was a solid. I mean, they knew it was true. They knew the Quran was true, and yet, and yet, they could not bring themselves to believe it was not an issue of information, or of not being convinced it was an issue of morality and virtue. Abu Lahab you have an entire Surah dedicated to him. Tibet, yada happy to have you on WhatsApp.

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All he has to do to prove all of Islam wrong is to become a Muslim.

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Allah azza wa jal promises him he says Tibet you have you would have said he's ruined. He's done, say Oslo not on that said I have.

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I will not have all he has to do he can disprove the entire Koran if he says that, you know, hey, Lola, Muhammad Rasul Allah. He can't.

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He can't why? It's not because of inflammation. It's because of the virtue or lack thereof in his case.

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To Campbell, he's too much pride in his heart. He can't do it.

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From Alladhina Kapha Ruby Robbie him yeah, they don't. After all of this, after every favor, everything Allah as well, Joe gave you after all of that. The people of cocoa,

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they lean away, they turn away, they go to something else, they resort to something else. So this is something Allah subhanaw taala does, in almost every page of the Quran, when he's trying to convince us and trying to bring us into bar he's trying to bring us into compliance, right? We said in the beginning to the reach of Allah Subhana Allah, He doesn't just get to do it because I said, so.

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He convinces you, your cloak, right? How does he convince you through your chakra, through your indebtedness, he reminds you of the neon he reminds you of the blessings that he's done for you this and this and this and this and this until you feel indebted.

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And then he says, if somebody realizes how indebted they are to Allah sponsor, I'll have the only thing left to do is to try to be grateful to try to be thankful.

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And the way that Allah azza wa jal wants us to be thankful is through worshiping Him and Him alone.

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But the people who reject to Medina Kapha Ruby, Robbie, yeah, they don't.

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What continuous hola the product of hoomin twin.

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Allah is the One who created you all, from clean mud. Clay, depending on how you want to translate this and there is there's something to be said here.

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For the information that Allah azza wa jal gave us about the creation of people, and specifically the creation of Adam Alayhis Salam,

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Allah's power to other could have left it with him, he could have not been so specific with how He created Adam.

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And he says other in other places in the Quran, Allah the product to be a day, right for Armada, he said, and we have in the Hadith even more specific information that the angels came down and they gather different parts of the earth and that's why I have this color and you have that color because it all comes from the different shades of the earth.

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If Allah subhanaw taala wanted to say that we evolved from monkeys.

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He could have said it.

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He could have said

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I was giving a presentation to a group of folks this week about evolution and evolution in Islam.

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And it's extremely difficult to make some of the claims of evolution square with what we have from

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around the sun.

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When we talk about evolution, we have to talk about science and the role of science in what we're able to know. And the role of reason and faith and all of these sorts of things.

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It's interesting, and someone pointed out to me, just today I was in a Zoom meeting with somebody, a colleague, they pointed out that the English language is kind of strange, because we say science in the singular, as if it's just one thing.

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In other language, they actually use the plural, right? In Spanish law CNCS, or an Italian she answer? Russia and SQL? And Arabic Allume? Are Luma. Right? I don't know in order to have a singular or plural.

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Plural. Yes, exactly. And there's, there's something significant going on here, or something significant going on here. Because there is no such thing.

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As science, singular.

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It doesn't exist, there is no one science that has the same man hedge that has the same technique that has the same conditions that have the same process. In fact, there are multiple sciences, there's chemistry, there's biology, there's physics.

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There's many, many different types of sciences. And each one has different presuppositions. Each one has a different method, each one has different criteria for what is evidence and what's not evidence, right.

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And so when we say, for example, that science says this,

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it's hiding something, it's hiding something that actually there are multiple sciences, and each of them is a tool built or constructed to find out a certain thing about the world and how it works.

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Okay. Just like anybody who does construction, you have a hammer, you have a drill, you have a saw.

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What happens if I use a saw, and I tried to put a nail in the wall with a saw.

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It's not going to work. What happens if I just take the saw, and I say, You know what, I'm going to build an entire house with just a salt.

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It's impossible. The tool is meant to perform a certain type of work. And if you elevate it above its proper status and scope, you might get injured.

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At least it's not going to do the things that you think it can do.

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Science is the same thing. All of the sciences are the same thing. People ask, is there any scientific proof for God?

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This is an impossible question. When science is made to discover realities in the material world, is Allah part of the material world? Evidence? How can science now we'll get to something different, which is scientific interpretation. Somebody could say, look at the structure and the order and the complexity and the regularity. And all of these things, it points to some intelligence that points to a design, yes, okay. But that's not scientific fact. That's not scientific data. That's interpretation.

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We would do better as a Muslim community to push back against this idea that science is able to determine all things, science is able to determine very specific things biology is made to be able to determine certain biological facts.

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Chemistry is made to be able to discover certain things.

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Different sorts of fields are designed for certain purposes, they're not meant to apprehend whether God exists or not, they're not meant to apprehend what's going to happen to you after you die. They're not made to apprehend which scripture or which religion is the true one, or if there is any truer.

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So instead of spending our time looking for the scientific miracles in the Quran, which we all love to do, right, and well, there's nothing wrong with that. But we're missing a point, when we fail to push back against this idea that science is the real truth. Science is the final truth. And everything else has to be judged by science. If there was such a thing in the first place.

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If you want to get into evolution, specifically, the evolutionary theory is based off of certain observations, and those observations are fact.

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There are differences of phenotype, right? This has to do with characteristics. Why are you different than me? Different color, different skin color, I'm taller, you're stronger, you're faster.

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Some of those phenotypical differences.

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They might make you more fit than me. More likely to live longer than me. More likely to even reproduce them me. Find yourself a spouse. Yes. Okay. observable fact.

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Some of those traits are hereditary. Many of those traits are hereditary. The things that you inherit from your parents or your parents, parents. That's a fact.

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To come to scientific observation,

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and then to interpret it, that's a different thing. So, evolutionary theory takes these ideas or these observable facts and interprets that from that. This process of hereditary fitness is the cause for different species. Right? speciation is called, as that single cell developed through natural selection, adaptive natural selection into this other organism, which developed into this other organism which developed and eventually we have human beings.

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Without realizing the irony, that it's human beings who came up with the construct of species in the first place, there's no agreed definition of what it is even to be a species. So we created the problem ourselves. We decided that, oh, there's these different things that are called species. Now we want to know, how did one come about and the other

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and yet we ourselves are not in agreement as to what even a species is.

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But to claim that this came about through this force, as opposed to what Allah azza wa jal has done. This is something that fundamentally contradicts our faith, especially when it comes to Adam Alayhis Salam because Allah subhanaw taala says in no uncertain terms in the Quran that Allah subhanaw taala created Adam Alayhis Salam directly, directly with his own hands Subhana Aza and there might be room for other people to say, well, maybe Allah subhanaw taala used evolution for the other creatures or different things like that. And then there might be room for that. However, we're giving I believe, personally, that we give science or the sciences too much credit, when we don't push back against

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its ability to know these things in the first place.

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Mercado agilon Well, as you know, Musa and from Anton temple,

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Allah subhanaw taala.

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appoints a term for each of us. And the term that he's talking about is the term of our death.

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And another term, he says,

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that's only known to him. Of course, the first one is only known to him as well. But even extra emphasis, what's the second term? The first term is when we're going to die, the second term is our resurrection. And the law says, then you still continue to doubt after that.

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Here's another intersection of science and faith, all of what we know. We can do amazing things nobody's ever been able to do before have we figured out when people are going to die?

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We've not. We have doctors in the room. You can see somebody smokes cigarettes, drinks, alcohol, terrible diet.

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And he lives. He lives, He lives in he lives. He dies when he's in his 80s Or maybe 90s. It happens. That happens.

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You find someone healthy, good diet, clean living, no alcohol, no smoking anything. And he dies young, in his 40s.

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We could say that this is an aberration, that this is an anomaly that this is just chance.

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Or we could say that Allah subhanaw taala is the only one who knows as the only one who gets to decide.

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If he's the only one that gets to decide that then min babble Allah, he's the only one that gets to decide when we're going to be resurrected. And when this all is going to end.

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And if it weren't assigned enough, he said, then even after that, even realizing the insufficiency of human knowledge, how little we know despite all of our effort, we still doubt when Allah is bound to Allah tells us things that are true about ourselves.

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Allah subhanaw taala goes on a who Allah fie sama well, it will fill out the animal cell Rocco wotja hurricane Maria, Alabama taxi boom, Allah Spano. Tata knows everything. He has perfect knowledge of everything.

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And this is an important answer for many of the youth or young people who come across this question. How do we reconcile Allah stone to ADOS creating everything and deciding everything with free will. How am I responsible?

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If Allah Spano Tata has already done everything, He created everything he knew everything was going to happen.

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Doesn't that mean? It's already decided? Whether I'm a man or a cafe? It's already over? What should I What can I do about it?

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Allah subhanaw taala stresses his knowledge and knowledge is not the same thing as Isabel. It's not the same thing as forcing you. Many of us have children. You have your child. You know your child pretty well. You know if you tell your child, okay, I'll have a reward for you. If you do this thing if you wash the dishes, we put in a load of laundry. I'll get you a game

00:30:00 --> 00:30:09

I'll get you an ex boxer, I'll get you a PlayStation. You know your child well enough to be able to say, yes, they're probably going to do it. Or no, there's no way they're going to do that.

00:30:10 --> 00:30:13

And there might be certain situations where you know exactly what they're going to say.

00:30:15 --> 00:30:16

And you didn't create him.

00:30:17 --> 00:30:43

I mean, you were one of the instruments in the process, but you did not create your son, your daughter, I lost found to auto created every single one of us. And He knows us more intimately than he knows ourselves. So if he knows exactly what we're going to choose every single time he knows what's in our hearts, He knows what we're able to muster. And what we're not. It's not the same as him forcing us to do anything. All of that information is a secret to you and me.

00:30:44 --> 00:31:00

When the situation is presented, do I drink this water and not drink this water? But I teach from the laptop or from the tablet? Do I sit here I sit in the back or I sit downstairs? I don't know what's going to happen. So for me, it's a choice. And the last point is going to hold us accountable according to our choices.

00:31:04 --> 00:31:21

Allah azza wa jal says what mattered to him and he didn't mean to be him. Illa can or unhappy Marlene, and yet, no matter how many signs came to them, while I was talking about the people he introduced in the first i Lavina, CAFO. No matter how many signs came to them,

00:31:22 --> 00:31:25

they opposed it more. I mean, they rejected it.

00:31:27 --> 00:31:39

This is one of the many eighths of the Quran that shows that kofler is not just simply disbelief is a pet peeve of mine. I don't like translating. Cofer as disbelieve. It makes it seem like it's the just the absence of belief.

00:31:40 --> 00:31:44

Call for something much worse than that. Liliana? Cafaro FEA tech the

00:31:46 --> 00:31:59

belly levena Cafaro. You can the moon. Right, the people of Cofer are people who know that it's true. And yeah, they're very lean. They oppose it. They can't handle it. They can't bring themselves to believe because of a moral default.

00:32:01 --> 00:32:20

Well, the ephah Hamza ca will kind of harbor man, the Sangha Allah says and sort of shrimps, this is a muscle this thing in here the heart, if you take care of it, if you polish it, even if you're wrong, you don't know the truth. You're not a Muslim, you're out here trying your best. If you keep it pure, Allah azza wa jal is going to guide you someday.

00:32:21 --> 00:32:22

But if you neglect it,

00:32:23 --> 00:32:26

like a car or house, you don't change the oil.

00:32:28 --> 00:32:40

You don't clean it. You let it go and let it go and let it go. Five years 10 years? What's the situation? Can you expect it to start off right on a cold day?

00:32:41 --> 00:32:49

Hey, you're gonna need to get out the, you know, the syllabus, you're gonna have to jump in, you're gonna have to call your friends, aaa, all these sorts of things. It's not going to work anymore.

00:32:51 --> 00:33:10

That's like the act of Allah, Allah subhanaw taala. Send signs and signs and signs and your ability to receive those signs and submit to those signs has to do with the state of your heart. If you have taken it upon yourself to purify your heart, the sign is going to come and it's going to be yes, that's exactly what I've been waiting for.

00:33:11 --> 00:33:19

If you neglect and neglect and neglect and your heart becomes hard, your heart becomes covered. It doesn't matter how many signs are lost power to other sends you.

00:33:21 --> 00:33:28

He can give you why he can give you a book. It's not going to matter anything. You're never going to be able to follow it

00:33:33 --> 00:33:44

a lot emphasizes the next verse about the cat double cat double bill Happyland Murgia a home for Sophia T him Amber's Alma, Ken will be here yesterday.

00:33:47 --> 00:34:03

They knew and yet they lied. They knew it was the truth and yet they deny the truth that came to them. And so Allah azza wa jal will inform them. He will inform them when the time comes when they are resurrected. Exactly what they were doing and exactly what it is that they were making fun of.

00:34:06 --> 00:34:29

Let me come back Nemean popular him call me McKenna homefield out of the Maryland new Makela law calm. Allah subhanaw taala says, Okay, if you're not going to take this style of being convinced if you're not going to take this argument, just look around. Right here we are. America, USA, red, white and blue. How long is the USA been around?

00:34:32 --> 00:34:33

Couple 100 years.

00:34:34 --> 00:34:36

How long was Baghdad around for?

00:34:38 --> 00:34:43

You know, over 1000 years. Right? other civilizations come and gone been

00:34:44 --> 00:34:49

way more powerful than this one. Way more powerful than other ones before. Where are they?

00:34:51 --> 00:34:59

Last found that Allah gave them their time and he took away their time. When he saw it fit. He gave him an opportunity to see what they would do with it. Fine.

00:35:00 --> 00:35:06

And here, have your power, have your solta have your risk, how are you going to respond?

00:35:07 --> 00:35:10

And then when the time was up, he took them down.

00:35:11 --> 00:35:13

He allowed them to be forgotten.

00:35:14 --> 00:35:33

So Allah subhanaw taala says to the kuffaar Qureshi says Haven't you guys thought this look around you people who used to live and this is specific to the courage to because of courage for the third Karela to rule over Mecca. Okay, you have the facade right? And then who was before the facade

00:35:36 --> 00:35:37

Teddy colada

00:35:40 --> 00:35:41

anybody know?

00:35:43 --> 00:35:59

For like, I forgot. I forget. There were three tribes and they came up from Yemen. Okay, the first was I said so far Camila Sarika Allah the state of Allah Mecca. For Allah here was a woman

00:36:02 --> 00:36:02

in a seat.

00:36:06 --> 00:36:06


00:36:08 --> 00:36:20

So homework for today. I forgot. But there were three right the first people to be in Mecca. Where is Marian and has it right? And then after that, and Allah is bound to honor the miracle of zamzam and everything the very first tribe came.

00:36:23 --> 00:36:28

And then they were there for a couple 100 years. And then last bound to Allah replace them with another one, I believe it was.

00:36:30 --> 00:36:42

And they ruled for a couple of 100 years and then Allah subhanaw taala replaced them with Quraysh. So they don't have to go far. Well, that's fine to Allah saying, We there were other tribes ruling over this exact land and they were stronger than you.

00:36:43 --> 00:36:50

They were more established than you. They had more impressive monuments. They had more money, they had more power.

00:36:52 --> 00:36:54

Don't you think that Allah can do the same thing to you?

00:36:58 --> 00:37:07

We'll have some next summer or lay him with Aurora, or Anil and Harold says me and talk to him for lack now whom we don't know be him. But we destroyed them for their sins.

00:37:09 --> 00:37:14

When shutting them in bow to him on an F 14, and we replaced them with others.

00:37:17 --> 00:37:18

This should make us very worried.

00:37:20 --> 00:37:28

Because we live here in a time and we have our fair share of sin. Right? And alas, bound Tada at any second, he can replace us,

00:37:29 --> 00:37:36

replace us in two ways. He can replace us as Muslims. He can make us all on our children just stopped believing in this faith.

00:37:37 --> 00:37:53

And then all these people who we had three converts Friday, Juma Hamdulillah. We have for this whole week another person came in a couple of days before Juma. Maybe you and me and our children aren't Muslims. It's possible. Maybe they're the one and their children are going to continue this Deen as possible.

00:37:54 --> 00:37:59

That's the first way. The second way is the last pounds out. I can destroy it with something that's more mad, do something more physical.

00:38:00 --> 00:38:05

He's done it to other people before. And he sends the mornings so that they turned back before it's too late.

00:38:09 --> 00:38:36

Last part was all that emphasizes the nature of exactly what they're denying here. Well known as Zelina alayka keytab, and future orthos Salama su Hu B. Ad hem, la kala La Vina Cafaro, in hada, Illa, several movie, even if we gave you a book, just like we said, a physical book so that they could touch it with their hands, the state of their hearts, they would still not accept it. They would say this is magic. You're making this up.

00:38:37 --> 00:38:52

And therapy people like this. And we ask a lot for protection from a closed heart because these types of people this is the nature of kufr. Allah says in surah baqarah. So why on earth are they him? And under Nahum, I'm doing the wrong.

00:38:53 --> 00:38:59

Let me know. It's the same as talking to a wall. You tell them you try to convince them.

00:39:00 --> 00:39:04

It's all the same. And that's because it's not about information. It's about the state of people's hearts.

00:39:07 --> 00:39:16

Allah subhanaw taala then gets into people's false excuses because people are not just going to come out and say that they deny. They're going to always make an excuse.

00:39:17 --> 00:39:23

Or call the Lola on Zillow or they hematic if only he were given an angel, then we would believe

00:39:24 --> 00:39:29

it's the Prophet Mohammed alayhi salatu salam was given an angel, then we believe

00:39:30 --> 00:39:35

ALLAH says hello and Zelner Milliken la COVID el Amro from Mala Yun barroom.

00:39:36 --> 00:39:40

If we had sent down an angel, the whole thing will be over

00:39:41 --> 00:39:51

the whole affair would be done. It would be too late for belief. And this is a very very important lesson when it comes to the nature of certainty there's we're coming full circle and I think we'll end it here.

00:39:53 --> 00:39:59

People say where's the scientific proof for the for God, existence of God? Where's the scientific proof for

00:40:00 --> 00:40:13

Have faith, the scientific proof for life after death, Heaven and *, all these sorts of things, we have to ask ourselves, what type of evidence are you looking for? And how certain of something can you actually be

00:40:14 --> 00:40:18

that people have COFA in this area, they're asking also for proof.

00:40:19 --> 00:40:22

They're asking for the type of definitive physical proof

00:40:23 --> 00:40:26

that makes faith pointless.

00:40:27 --> 00:40:33

If we had every single physical proof that without any dispute, nobody could have any argument,

00:40:34 --> 00:40:36

what would be the point of belief?

00:40:37 --> 00:40:38

What would be the point of faith?

00:40:40 --> 00:40:43

Because faith is a test of what's in here.

00:40:45 --> 00:41:05

The whole reason that we don't have 100% certainty. And that's not to say that trying to make ourselves more certain isn't a worthwhile, worthwhile task it is. But there's a reason that Allah made it, something that's not possible to have 100% Scientific physical certainty, because that would show you nothing about the state of your heart.

00:41:07 --> 00:41:12

A person who is virtuous, a person who has a virtuous heart, they will want to believe

00:41:13 --> 00:41:18

if they have 60%, proof, 70% Proof, they're gonna say, You know what, that's good enough for me.

00:41:20 --> 00:41:36

And the person whose heart is dead, the person whose heart is covered, it's to cover with desires in the dunya. And the things that they're attached to in their likes, and their wants, they don't want to have to do anything. They want to have to live a different way. They don't want to have to say no to their desires.

00:41:37 --> 00:41:41

And even if they had 100% proof, they still would find an excuse.

00:41:43 --> 00:41:45

The test of faith is a test of what you're made of.

00:41:46 --> 00:41:49

It's not a test of evidence, not always.

00:41:51 --> 00:42:08

And so Allah azza wa jal reminds me is that if that we gave you this type of certain proof, there's only one time when that's going to happen. And that's when everything is over. And I'm about to establish the day of judgment upon everybody. We ask a lot for success on that day.

00:42:09 --> 00:42:14

Does anybody have any questions or comments before we wrap it up for tonight?

00:42:25 --> 00:42:29

Don't have an accent? Mashallah. Jordan Koza and grayish?

00:42:31 --> 00:42:31


00:42:35 --> 00:42:41

hamdulillah share Google stuff Edna. It's a feminine sadaqa Wahaca do.

00:42:46 --> 00:42:47

So the

00:42:48 --> 00:43:02

room for like the evolutionary part when it comes to animals. Can you clarify what you meant by it? Yes. Okay. So when you talk about contemporary art and their positions, when it comes to evolution, you'll find various things. There's some people that say that

00:43:03 --> 00:43:41

evolution was the process by which Allah azza wa jal created Adam. And so as long as we believe that evolution is guided by Allah subhanaw taala, then this is permissible. And I don't buy that. Sorry. I think there's too much specific information about in the Quran and the Sunnah about the specificity of how Adam was created, that that's a very, very weak position. In my opinion. The next level down from that is people who say that evolutionary theory accounts for everything except Adam, right, that the creation of Adam himself was an exception to this otherwise force. And there's some people that even say that, okay, at the very moment that evolution would have, again, we talk about

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evolution as if it's God, right, we attribute to it the ability to act, when in reality, it's just a theory about sort of a blind random force, supposedly, we, at the moment that theoretically, this blind Random Forests was to produce Adam a lot, then stepped in and created. Adam, right? A level down from that is that a large it's kind of data just created Adam, as he is, regardless of evolution, but maybe evolution, it could have been responsible for speciation going below that.

00:44:13 --> 00:44:19

I think that's giving the theory of evolution too much credit, personally. There's too many gaps. And there's too many

00:44:21 --> 00:44:59

interpretive leaps of faith. Ironically, when it comes to the sort of mainstream idea of evolutionary theory for us to I think, bend our face to accommodate it just yet. Maybe if one day, they plug up all those gaps, and there's a lot, you know, defining what is a species in the first place is an important one, right? There's the idea of irreducible complexity, right? So it's like your eye is an extremely complex organ. And for evolutionary theory to be valid, then that AI as it was evolving, every stage of the way would have had to have not just been useful, but

00:45:00 --> 00:45:16

provided an evolutionary advantage to you. Right, which is something that's very, very hard to conceive of, even if it might be theoretically possible in some sort of way, practically speaking, very, very unlikely that we can account for all of the extremely complex organs that people have in that sort of way.

00:45:17 --> 00:45:29

The Cambrian explosion, right, even in the fossil record, we have a sudden explosion of all these sorts of different life forms that a certain period of time. There's statistical arguments, there's statisticians who say that there hasn't been enough time.

00:45:30 --> 00:45:44

That has existed like since people are saying, around 13 billion years since the universe has been around as saying that that's not enough time statistically to provide for the amount of random mutation that would have had to occur in order to lead up to where we've gotten to.

00:45:45 --> 00:45:55

There's various then there's others. There's other sorts of criticisms, the fossil record, we don't all have these intermediate species that were supposed to have existed between various species we don't necessarily find in the fossil record,

00:45:56 --> 00:46:30

proof of these intermediary species, we see jumps, we see gaps, right. And all of this is again, to say that it's an issue. It's an issue of paradigm. Right? It's not an issue about the specific details, it's an issue of paradigm. We shouldn't feel so starstruck by science, right, and scientific knowledge that we're ready to jump ship on our faith and the apparent meaning of what we find in our Scripture just yet, significantly in Arabic. The only time you know we still call sciences Allume, plural. But if we say the singular Alerion

00:46:31 --> 00:46:46

it's Surya, and it's Aqeedah. It's still understood in Arabic. If we make it singular science, they use the word Arabic in Arabic, they use the same word for sciences. And they like, how would you translate knowledges? Right.

00:46:47 --> 00:47:25

But they use the plural for what we think of as the natural sciences, and they use the singular to reverse to, to refer to religious knowledge, specifically, that's extremely significant. Which one gets to account for the other? Which one gets to judge the other? Do we judge our religious knowledge based off of scientific methods? Or do we judge scientific methods based off our knowledge of that's come from a loss of our data, if we truly believe in the Quran, and the Sunnah of the Prophet, salallahu, alayhi wasallam, then we judge any human endeavor, based off of empiricism based off of our senses, what we can observe, then we take that with a grain of salt, and we prioritize

00:47:25 --> 00:48:01

the understandings that are in our religion. And this is a mistake that the Christians made historically, as well, because the Christians were too ready to jump ship on some of their beliefs. And they pinned their hopes on some of scientific discovery and miracles, only then for this, the scientific discoveries and miracles to be reinterpreted in a different way later, or to be understood as false later, and then that undermined their position as people of faith with Revelation and things like that. Right. Science is always changing, and that's a good thing. That's actually how it's supposed to work. Right. So it doesn't necessarily make sense to tie our horse or

00:48:01 --> 00:48:16

camel to a changing thing. Right, at least until there's incontrovertible incontrovertible evidence right? They say whereas knuckle Asahi they are added like a little Asahi something like that. Right.

00:48:18 --> 00:48:19

That address your question

00:48:21 --> 00:48:23

Yeah. Any other questions thoughts concerns

00:48:27 --> 00:48:29

any that came through the zoom? I didn't see anything

00:48:33 --> 00:48:33


00:48:37 --> 00:48:40

i All right, thank you very much everybody. So panic alarm will be handed

00:48:41 --> 00:48:43

over to you like back I think which is like okay,

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