Tom Facchine – Stop Overthinking…Unlock Your Potential

Tom Facchine
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses the importance of recognizing Allah's signs and potentialities in the process of developing and achieving a status as a supervisor. They explain that these tools are not just random, but are designed to protect the body, including the ability to see, smell, and sense. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of protecting these tools for their personal and professional lives, as they are the most important things in their lives.
AI: Transcript ©
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The next segment, Aragoul Aslihani, he talks about

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the 2

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or 2 other tools, we could say, that

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human beings have been granted.

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Kind of the nature of human beings and

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they are to begin this process of reforming

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the self and

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attaining to the station of a Khalifa

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or a steward or a representative of Allah

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his take on it is that human beings

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are have a dual nature. So one of

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the part of that nature is

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material, right, the body,

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and then the other part of that nature

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is not material. You can call it the

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intellect, you can call it the spirit, the

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the soul, whatever you want. And he justifies

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this by the

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the Right? And there are signs in your

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own selves. And his point is that, you

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know, all of these things are, again, capacities,

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they're potentialities, they're not yet realized, they are

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for you to use and he's gonna get

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to the importance of that in a second,

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how Allah created us different from everyone else

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we come into the earth not as a

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finished product. We come in as a potential

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or as a capacity. He gives us the

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and he, our job in this life, is

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to use those tools to bring it to

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fruition or to develop

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the proper end product.

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But in a general sense, so we have

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this one tool, which is the body. That's

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that's a tool. Right? We everybody knows

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everything that you do can be an act

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of worship if you actually put your intention

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through that. Right? So if you're sleeping, that

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can be an act of worship. If you're

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eating, you know, if you're being intimate with

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your spouse, if you're doing any of these

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things, they can all be acts of worship

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for you if you have the right intention.

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That's your body. Right? Now when it comes

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to recognizing Allah's signs, there's part of that

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which is also your body. Allah gave you

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eyes, right? He gave us the ability to

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see color. He gives us the ability to

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fragrance and sense. He gave us the ability

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to hear the birds singing. He gave us

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the ability to feel the different textures and

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then the plants and the animals that he

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created and all these sorts of things, right?

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All of these physical

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characteristics and qualities and capacities that we have

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are all tools

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that were given to us to use

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for accepting Allah's signs. Right? So they're not

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just random. They're not just an evolutionary stratagem

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just to secure

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resources and reproduce, you know, find the best

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mate or whatever and reproduce as much as

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possible. That's very very basic level stuff. That's

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the level of imara. Right? That's not the

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level of Chirafa.

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Things might have more than one purpose. Right?

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If you have that stuff for level of

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Imara, okay great, but you also have them

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to recognize the signs of your creator.

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So that's the body. And then the second

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aspect is the intangible

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and the inspiration, the insight. Right? If our

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eyes are foresight, then our intellect and our

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soul is for insight.

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Right? To be able to

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observe these things and put them all together,

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To recognize the patterns. To be able to

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in the creation

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and love

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and genius

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and beauty.

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Right? This is something that it's not, it

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might be tangentially related to physical forms, but

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it's not it's not purely physical. Right? This

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is something that is sublime,

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we would say. It goes beyond,

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the physical corporal reality

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and so these are these are the tools

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that we're given, which is why, which is

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why, and we're getting into now a little

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bit of the Maqaddi Mas Sharia, which is

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why some of the guidelines in the Sharia

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are geared towards protecting these two things.

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Okay. If you've been given

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a body

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to detect and recognize Allah's signs,

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then it stands to reason that there's going

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to be guidelines for how to protect that

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If you've been given an intellect

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that is designed to recognize Allah's signs and

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submit to Allah's signs, then it stands to

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reason that you're gonna have to protect that,

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but there should be guidelines

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that you cannot cross, red lines, consequences

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to keep that intellect intact because as long

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as that intellect is intact, you might still

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recognize a law of science.

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Maybe not until you're 50 years old. Maybe

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not until you're 60 years old, Sam. Maybe

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not until you're on your deathbed.

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But as long as it's intact, you stand

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a chance. Okay. What if I'm an alcoholic?

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What if I'm a druggie?

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What if I do things that just destroy

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the tool?

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Am I ever going to be able to

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recognize the signs if I destroy the tools

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that Allah gave me?

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It's not possible, unless Allah wills otherwise. It's

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not possible. And so many of the guidelines

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in the Sharia, whether it comes to intoxicants

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or whether it comes to substances or whether

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it comes to relations with other people, anything,

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a lot of it has to do with

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the preservation

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of these tools

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because the most important thing in our lives

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is the ability to recognize Allah's signs and

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any activity that we engage in that might

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damage these tools that Allah has given us

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to recognize the signs, it's not worth it.

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We would rather to go without

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these fun things that we think are going

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to bring us happiness. We'd rather go without

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them for our whole lives than damage the

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tools that Allah gave us to recognize his

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