Tom Facchine – Minute with a Muslim #067 – Surah An-Nazi’at

Tom Facchine
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses the importance of including relevant information in the title of the book they are discussing, as it is essential to the message and not just a way to get out of the world. The title of the book is Surah, which is a book of human beings and is not a reference to a person or group. The title is a reference to a person who was afraid of going to work and faced negative comments from their employer.
AI: Transcript ©
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So let's uh Nazjatar is the first Surah You know, most people they memorize Quran they go from the back, right because the chapters are shorter. So the first mention of Musa is at the end of sorts of Allah right so hopefully Ibrahim Musa but the first actual kind of going into the story of Musa as and sorts of Nazjatar which is the second two is the second chapter in the Jews if you start from the beginning of the Jews, so it's another and so a lot of tells just a little tiny bit about the story of Musa and fit around and he mentions the purpose why does Allah subhanaw taala mention these stories in the Quran at all? And he says in the field elica neighbor alternately manufacturers like

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this has an era era this has lessons right for those who fear or for those who have or reverence of Allah subhanaw taala so a lot of people you know, they approach the Koran, where they are going to get out of the Quran what they're looking for. And regrettably, some people approach the Koran as if it's just a book of history and telling you facts about the past. That's not what Allah Spano Tata is putting those stories in there for. And that's why there's not necessarily irrelevant details. This is actually one of the criteria by which you can judge that the Koran is a genuine, authentic revelation of Allah and other claimants to Revelation are really the works of human beings because

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they have many irrelevant details, many sorts of things that are historical trivia, right things that don't really matter, they're not essential to the moral message, whereas the Koran is fundamentally and primarily a moral message. It's a moral injunction, here's what's happening, here's what you have to do, do it. And so like any good speaker, but of course, hola is is the best that you know, you're not going to put in irrelevant details, you're going to only include the details that are essential to the message are essential to getting the point across or the action that you're trying to evoke. And so when the last phone to Allah mentions these stories, sorts of

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nausea, it's a great example. It's extremely brief in this particular instance, in other places, like sort of, it'll cost us it's very long, right? Because Allah has found that I was trying to tell us something different. But the main reason that they're there it's not for just historical trivia. It's not a who was really the Fit Island was Why does Allah never even mentioned the name of the fit Island? You know how many rounds there were like fit Island was like a title. And he didn't tell us what's his name? Because it's not important to us. It's not important to us for our salvation. Right. The point of the story in the field, Erica Liberata Lima. Yasha. Is like it's, it's about a

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lesson like and Allah warns us and other places in the Quran such as Surah to the captain, not any sorts of Bukhara to not get lost in the details. Because if you get lost in the details, you're just trying to find out the little minut che or minutiae, you're going to miss the moral message. Like the real reason that Allah is telling the story is not for historical trivia or historical fact. It's not for and that's not to say it's not historical fact it is. But that's not the purpose that he's telling us. He's also not telling it to us. So we can just sit here and 2022 and so on 2023 now and say, I'm a Muslim, and I'm, well I'm not like that humbly, Allah, I'm way better than this guy.

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No, it's about a lesson, right? Allah wants something from you. When he tells you the story of Musa and fit out, he wants you to make sure that you're coming down on the side of Musa and not the side of fear out. And so then it leads the reader to need to question well, what is it that distinguishes fit out and from Musa in this particular story, and in this particular instance, it's that he's shown signs and he rejects. And that's the fundamental moral moment, right? It's like, when you're shown signs in your life, then you reject or you accept, and you get right, you know, I was talking with somebody in the community the other day, and they told me about their son, and they were afraid

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because their son is kind of drifting away, right from the faith, which is, you know, a typical sort of thing. And I think with either stocks or Bitcoin or something like that, you know, young 20, something year old, made $30,000 in a day, okay, and then lost it all the next day. And so, you know, I was kind of talking, it's like, okay, well, maybe this is maybe this is good. What does Allah want from him? And maybe the inroad to try to get him to think about sort of more spiritual things is to say, well, this happened just randomly, or is this a sign? And if it's a sign, what is it a sign of right? What does the Lord trying to teach you with this thing that he put in your life

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and any sort of benefit or blessing or calamity is the same Allah is trying to teach you something, right? He's trying to give you an opportunity. So what is the opportunity that he's trying to to give you what is he trying to show you about yourself? And what is the lesson that's why Muslims should always ask what is the lesson

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