Minute with a Muslim #026 – WHY does The Quran have multiple interpretations

Tom Facchine


Channel: Tom Facchine


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The speaker discusses the issue of multiple interpretations in language, which is a mercy and has negative consequences. They argue that while interpretations are fine, it is important to avoid confused language and avoid false positives. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of understanding the rules to interpretations in order to avoid foul play and achieve fair play.

AI Generated Transcript ©

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One doubt that some people have they say, Well, if Islam was the truth of the Koran was the truth, then how come there are different interpretations? How come there are multiple interpretations, and this has an unreasonable expectation and an unjustified expectation, because anything that's communicated in language is going to have the possibility of multiple interpretations. Okay? The very fact that we have to mediate meaning through words, words have multiple meanings. As soon as you say a word, it's got the possibility of at least a couple interpretations. And so this is not a reasonable expectation to have that something should only have one interpretation that every single

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word, every single verse, every single, you know, directive or order or command or prohibition in the Quran should only have one clear interpretation, one clear meaning that is not human. Okay, that would assume that we're all robots. And that's not true. That's not how language works. That's not That's not how human beings work. What's the difference? What makes us lamb special, not that there is no interpretation, but that the rules to interpretation, the interpretation of Revelation are cohesive and coherent and are organized and structured to prevent foul play to prevent manipulation to prevent people who are misinterpreting it due to their narrow personal interests, or due to some

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sort of ulterior motive, right, you are forced and not politically forced. But I'm saying that the rules of the disciplines themselves compel the interpreter of the Koran to follow a coherent model to not contradict themselves and not be way over here in one scenario, and then way over here on another scenario to use the same process the same time, and then to follow the results. And there's nothing more fair than that. So multiple interpretations is actually a mercy, right? Because multiple interpretations is something that is a feature of human language. It's an inseparable feature of human language. But the real important thing is what governs and structures those

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different interpretations.