Mufti Menk – Children’s Series – Why do we read Surah Fatihah?

Mufti Menk
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the title "the beginning of the day" in the Bible and its use in various parables. They explain that the title is the beginning of the day and is the title of the day when the creator gives guidance to pursue our
AI: Transcript ©
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Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato. My beloved children Mashallah tabarrok Allah today I want to talk about some verses of the Quran that we all read so often Mashallah, it is known as Surah Al Fatiha, the opening verses of the Quran. We always read it in Salah, we always read it in every unit of prayer or every record. So why is it so important? It's important because Allah mentions in it so much of goodness, it's known as Al Fatiha, which means the opening surah it's known as omole keytab, the mother of the book, which is the Quran, which means it's very, very important. It's also known as a sub Alma Thani, which means the seven verses that are repeated so often Alhamdulillah here have

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been Allah me, All praise is due to Allah, Lord of the worlds, we're so we praise Allah for everything he gave us. Allah gave us everything we have. Look, if you were to think what Allah gave you, he gave you your hands and your nose and your face and your feet and your tongue and your voice and your taste buds and your eyes and everything together with that has given you a family, a home food, whatever else it may be. Some people have less and some people might have lost a few things but Allah still has blessed us in so many ways. We must always say Alhamdulillah All praise is due to Allah. I've been al amin, Lord of the world. So this is the first verse and hamdu Lillahi Rabbil

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alameen when we say our Rahmani Raheem Rahman and Rahim are two qualities of the mercy of Allah. He forgives us when we do things that are wrong. Allah subhanho wa Taala forgives us He is merciful. He is kind. So our rock man is a mercy that encompasses all creatures. And Rahim is a special mercy for those who believe so these are the qualities of Allah subhanho wa Taala Al hamdu, lillahi Rabbil alameen Rahmani Raheem, then he is the Owner of the Day of Judgment. Maliki Ahmed Deen. Maliki Ahmed de means when I die and I get back to Allah, Allah is going to judge between all of us in those matters which we disagreed in which we didn't, perhaps fulfill whatever I've done on Earth, Allah is

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going to judge so Rahmani Raheem Malik el Medina. Allah is the Owner of the Day of Judgment, and I am going to give all my records to Allah. So when I've done something wrong, I need to seek the forgiveness of Allah because when I say Oh ALLAH forgive me, Allah forgives me. I must not doubt that when I say Oh, Allah forgive me for what I did. I regretted I don't like it. I'm not going to do it again. Allah says, no problem, I forgiven you. It's wiped out. But he is the Owner of the Day of Judgment. A year cannot undo a year Ghana staring you alone, we worship you alone, we ask for help. So when I want help, I asked Allah alone, when I worship, I worship Allah alone. Now, what if

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Allah has given the capacity to someone to give me something I know, and I can see physically, this person has the capacity to give me this? Can I ask that person for that, for example, I'm sitting on the table. I need, for example, the ketchup from the other side of the table or the pies on that other side of the table? And I say, Please, can you pass me the pies? Does it mean I'm asking someone besides Allah for something? The answer is no. You know, you can see with your eyes, Allah has given them the capacity to pass it to you. But if Allah wants, he can stop it, maybe that thing can break, maybe this person won't be able to reach it. So still, when we ask, we ask from Allah and

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we know that Allah alone will give us so this is something amazing iya cannot abou alone, we worship because when we worship, we only worship he who made us We will not worship anyone else. So whoever made me that's who I worship, Mashallah. I worship Him alone, because I'm going to return to Him whoever made me before I was born I was somewhere when I die I'm going to go back to wherever I was back to the same Allah Who created me in the first place. So this is Maliki omit Dean a year can Abu a year can assign then I asked Allah for guidance, because guidance is the most important thing I could ever have Subhanallah in a setup, almost Akin, Guide us to the straight path, show us the way

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show us what to do what not to do. Help us to walk on that path. This is amazing, because it's the most important to add the most important supplication call to Allah. I want to ask Allah something. What should I ask him for first, before money and before my toys and before my things and before passing the worldly tests and school and whatever I need to say Oh Allah, guide me to the straight path, the path of those whom you have favored, whom you love, whom you have gifted, not the path of those who

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have earned your anger, nor the path of those who have gone straight. In the previous nations. They were those who knew the truth. Allah sent them what to do what not to do. They didn't walk on that path. So Allah says, Those who knew the truth and went away from the truth, Allah was a displeased with them. They earned the anger of Allah and those who are astray Subhana Allah they will not even interested in the truth. May Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us goodness. So then at the end when we say right Mr. looby, Allah him Allah Pauline,

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we say Amin. So remember in between, we say Sara Lavina, and I'm telling him The path of those whom you have gifted or favored May we be from among them, my brothers, my beloved children, my sisters, I tell you, this is the reason why we repeat this verse so much and this is the reason why we repeat the surah so much because Allah loves it. He wants us to be focused on this particular surah so learn it and repeat it and when you read it, you must know its meaning. And whenever we start off we say Bismillah Ar Rahman AR Rahim In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. I explained to you the difference between Ar Rahman Al Rahim I hope you remember and inshallah I look

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forward to seeing you guys again. This was a short explanation because we in the month of Ramadan, we are doing Tara we every Raka every unit we are reading al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen Ar Rahman AR Rahim, Maliki omit Deen. We need to know what that is all about. So I thought I'd explain to you My beloved children. what's being said? Allah bless you all. salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

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