Tom Facchine – Community Code – Direct Confrontations and Just Peace

Tom Facchine
AI: Summary © The physical conflict between Muslims and Muslims is discussed, including injuries and punishment, and the potential consequences of actions and actions. The importance of Islam is emphasized, including the use of the phrasehasim" to describe the role of the Prophet Muhammad in settling for Islam, and the default role of the believer, which is a greeting and peace-maker. The importance of peace and settling is emphasized, as well as the need for acceptance and compromise in relationships and the potential for conflict to wane. The importance of justice, peace, and fear in settling war is also emphasized.
AI: Transcript ©
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don't want to come off until.

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How are you

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all right

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how are you?

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In a humbling mathematical understanding you know when I started when I would have been learning and showed all the animals you know I mean say it out loud enough for me after he left alone well the LilLah were made up little fella the

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as well as Shadow Allah Allah illallah wa after hula Shetty Cara wa shadow under Mohammed in Antigua Zulu yeah you have an arena Amman otaku Allahu Akbar Takata he went out and more tune in to Muslim moon. Yeah you have NASA Topo rapa como la the Hanukkah home mean nothing wider. For color coming has Ojha our bathroom in Houma Regina and Monica here on one he said What's up hola hola Rita's Luna b He will have ham in Allaha Khanna alikoum nakida.

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Yeah, you had Latina I'm an otaku. La Hawa Bordeaux, Conan's salida userlist Macomb Nana American oil filter calm the Nova calm. What made you very low our solar who dumped for the 30,000 Alima. And the data in US local Hadith he Kitab Allah will ask some heavy heavy Mohammed in salAllahu alayhi wa salam was shovel mooring of data to have what called Luma data in the data, aka Bolla.

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One thing we will start to notice as we enter the heart of Surah 200 dots

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is how all of the parts are connected to one another. When Allah told us in the first verse, don't put yourselves before Allah's guidance. It wasn't simply a stand alone command that we have now left behind us know, it's meant to color every command in this whole chapter. If we zoom out for a second, and look at the structure of the chapter, Allah is taking us on a tour, a tour of hard hitting community issues and how to solve them.

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We are asked to bring along with us that first command don't put yourself as before Allah's guidance. For every single issue that Allah presents because a laws solutions to these issues might run counter to how we're used to doing things to how we're used to thinking about these issues. So putting a laws guidance. First over our own ideas in these scenarios might be difficult, it might take effort.

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The order in which a law presents these issues is not accidental either. Last week, we addressed our relationship to the information that's presented to us how to avoid misunderstandings how to take our time and verify things and investigate. This addresses our community at the level of process, which affects every single thing that we do, and because of that it came first. Today we're going to talk about resolving the most immediate physical conflicts between us in the Muslim community. This addresses our community at the level of its external actions.

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In later weeks in sha Allah, as we will see a lot then addresses us at the level of our speech toward one another, and finally to our thoughts and assumptions about one another as well.

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As for today's discussion, Allah begins by saying what you thought if attaching it or not me Nina called Tatsu the obstacle by unanimous

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and if two factions among the believers should fight each other, than make peace, make settlements between the two.

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The first thing that we should notice in this verse is that despite the great evil of Muslims fighting against other other Muslims, Allah refers to both parties as believers.

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This is based on a fundamental theological principle of Allah sunnah, that sin and transgression, even major sin. Do not remove someone from the fold of Islam. Allah Bukhari narrated by Hadith on the authority of Abu Dhabi, that the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, there is not a person that says La Ilaha illa Allah and then dies upon that statement, except that he or she will enter paradise.

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I will not then asked the Prophet Sall Allahu Allahu wa salam, even if he fornicators and scold. The Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam replied to him, even if he fornicated and Stoke

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Abu Dhabi was in such shock at this, that he asked him a second time, and he asked a third time, the same question and the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam continued to respond with the same answer. Yes, even if he fornicated and

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stole and he added on to his third answer by saying, despite whatever God thinks,

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no matter what you've done,

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no matter how many steps away that you've strayed,

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no sin, no mistake is too big for Allah to forgive.

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The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he said, in another authentic hadith, this time incident of telemovie shift that it

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meant almighty. My intercession is for the major centers of my nation.

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When the day of judgment comes, and everyone is resurrected from their graves, the dust of their decomposed bones brought back together and we stand before Allah in fear and shame and humility. There will be a group of Muslims on that day who deserve to enter the hellfire.

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The lies that they ruined the hearts that they broke the trusts that they violated,

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deserve punishment.

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However, after they are held to account after their reckoning with Allah subhanahu wata either and their admission of guilt and wrongdoing, and their sentencing, our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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will intercede for a group of them, saving them from ever having to enter the hellfire.

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Another group will be put into hellfire and they will be punished for what they did until they have paid for what they have done. But then the prophets of Allah when he was seven will intercede for them too. So that Allah will remove them from the hellfire. And he will take them and place them in a river from one of the rivers of paradise until he purifies them. They will come out charcoal and black because they're their burns. And after a lot of takes them out from the river, he will ask them he will say before he lets them enter into paradise, you'll ask them have you ever suffered one day in your life?

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And they will say No, we've never suffered at all.

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So far it in the cupboard I mean,

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these words are so important that they are actually written on the wall in the prophets message in Medina

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because everyone's lips, everyone makes mistakes. Everyone makes poor decisions from now and then. But as long as you hold tight to Islam, as long as you hold tight to your belief in Allah, as much as you are able to, you have Allah and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa salam in your corner.

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They are ready to forgive, they are ready to welcome you back with open arms to obedience and righteousness.

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The second thing that we take from this verse

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is that the default role of the believer is that he is a peacemaker.

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The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam himself praised and Hasim his grandson and singled him out for this praise because he was to be a peacemaker. He said in in the Hatha saving a leader. Certainly This child of mine is a leader. Well that Allah Allah and used to have been he's been a fee attorney have been attainment and most unique.

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Certainly This child of mine is a leader. Perhaps Allah will use him to reconcile and make peace between two great factions of Muslims.

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Of Hasson has this distinction over even his brother Al Hussein, may Allah be pleased with them both. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam singled him out for this praise because he would eventually make peace and stop the fighting between the supporters of ally and why we may Allah be pleased with them.

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This teaches us that sometimes leadership is sacrificed. So sometimes, it's not about getting your way. It's not about even enforcing what's most correct.

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But sometimes it's about compromise. Sometimes it's about what will bring everyone together and keep everyone moving forward. Can you imagine what our community would be like? What would it look like? If we applied the leadership style of a hassle? Can you imagine what our relationships with our family members and our spouses would look like? If we apply the husband's leadership style?

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So we are supposed to be peacemakers in our sacred law, the Islamic

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As rebates on the med actually reimburses people who use their own money to enter a conflict or a dispute.

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The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he said in an authentic hadith found in Sahih Muslim asking people for money is haram.

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Except for three scenarios. The first scenario is someone who's afflicted by a natural disaster that wiped out all his money. That person is allowed to ask for just what he needs to get back on his feet.

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The second scenario, someone who has nothing, no money, no food, and is physically incapable of working.

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If that person has three righteous witnesses testify to his situation, that person two is allowed to ask for just what he needs to fill his stomach.

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And number three, the province allies said I'm said

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someone who uses their own wealth to stop a conflict or a dispute between the Muslims he's allowed to ask the Muslims to be reimbursed for that expenditure. The prophets of Allah when he was said and then finish the Hadith by saying something, leaving it to no doubt. Other than these three scenarios. It's haram to ask for money, and whoever does so is consuming haram.

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If you compare those three scenarios side by side, you see how urgent and important being a peacemaker is. That reimbursing a peacemaker would be put at the same level as helping someone after a natural disaster

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shows us how beloved and act it is to Allah subhanho wa Taala and how all of us should strive to fulfill that role whenever we can.

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Akula Cody how that was stuck for Allah honey welcome what he said it must be mean and equally then as the Pharaoh who in the whole of.

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Bismillah Alhamdulillah wa salatu salam ala Rasulillah

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Allah Subhana Allah Tada he has said that our default attitude to conflict within the Muslim community should be that of a peacemaker.

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But sometimes peace is not just

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a lot of accounts for this possibility next, saying the M dot f dot Houma Allah O Prophet Kati Lula to each other, they had 30 years yellow umbrella.

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But if one of the two factions that are fighting each other is the oppressor, the transgressive, then fight against the one that oppresses until that party returns to the obedience an ordinance of a law.

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We have two principles that work here. First, that not every fighting between Muslims, is evil or wrong.

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Fighting against an oppressor even a Muslim oppressor, as it comes in this verse in the form of a command.

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That is because that leaving oppression alone by itself is often more evil than fighting.

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We have an obligation to set our own house in order. Because if we don't, it will not only hurt innocent people.

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It will give Islam and the Muslims everywhere a bad name.

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We need only look at today's dates on the calendar to be reminded of that.

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The second principle here is that the Muslims as Muslims, we do not settle for just any old peace.

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Many people use peace or the word peace as a pretext to maintain a violent status quo.

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Those who have been protesting the murder of George Floyd, and those like him, including those protesting the murder of Daniel prude, right next door in Rochester, understand this point very well.

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This verse tells us that peace cannot be established without justice. If one party is the transgressor or oppressor, even if they are Muslims, that we are commanded here to fight not for any old reason, but until we're able to stop the oppression if we have the ability to do so, in order to achieve meaningful peace. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, aid and assist your brother, oppressor and the presses. The Companions around him were confused. They asked him Oh messenger of Allah. How do I help an oppressor? He replied

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for them saying sallallahu alayhi wa salam, you prevent him from oppressing. That's how you help them.

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But Allah subhanaw taala does not leave this door wide open either. He doesn't give us a blank check, to do whatever we want, with even an oppressor just as Allah subhanaw taala he doesn't give us a blank check to cause chaos or loot.

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He qualifies this sacred duty He's given us by saying until they return to the Command of Allah.

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Allah is telling us here that being oppressed, or aiding the oppressed, has its own potential pitfalls as well.

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People can go to extremes, even in their desire for revenge.

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Allah warns us in Surah to Malita about not going overboard with revenge against Allah's enemies. Yeah, Johanna Lavina Amador Kunal Kawa, Amina Elahi Shoda a bit of test wala yesterday mana come Shana an omen Allah Allah Toledo de la who I've got a bullet taco What's up Allah in the LA hobby Don't be my chat my room. The relevant portion of the aisle translates to and do not let the hatred of a people prevent you from being justice to them.

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Be justice that is nearer to righteousness.

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If Allah forbids us from excessive retribution against people who are open enemies to Allah and his religion, then we need to heed this warning even more so when it comes to our fellow Muslims. To this end, Allah says next thought in our thoughts file sniffle Bina hula Nabila deliver opposite to

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and if the oppressor turns back, then make a settlement, make peace between the two factions justly and be just.

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Allah is pointing out to us here the role of redemption in a snap. Allah has enshrined redemption in our sacred law as a mechanism to end a fuse to end the cycle of revenge to prevent the oppressed from becoming themselves, the oppressors? How many of the prophets companions Psalm Allahu alayhi wa send them were stories of redemption. There are the famous ones such as Arma, who left his home with sword and hand ready to kill the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu ala he was only to have his heart conquered by the truth. We have others such as watching and such as caught it in Killeen, and I will Soufiane and Hynde, an extra man

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all of whom went on to repent, to accept this lamb and good faith and redeem themselves. These are well known stories. There are also a few less well known stories. Many of us are aware that after the prophets of Allahu Allah, he was sent and passed away, several false prophets sprang up at least at least five of them. What you might not have heard before is that two of them, returned to a smile, and went on living the rest of their lives as righteous Muslims.

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In our day and age, we have many individuals who become Muslim, or returned to Islam, in prison,

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many of them work very hard, trying to turn their lives around, only to be ignored when they're released and come back to the Muslim community.

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Even in Islamic law, once you've served a sentence, what's done is done. And what's past is past. There should not be any stigma attached to any individual because of their past mistakes, so long as that person is shows signs of repentance, and strives to live an upstanding life. Finally, Allah says in the law, how your HIPAA looks at, certainly Allah loves those who act justly.

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We learned from this verse and the many others like it that although it is true that Allah loves all of His creatures to a certain degree, he has another degree of love that has to be earned,

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that distinguishes some servants from others. Being just, and having your sense of justice, rooted and informed by your faith that makes you more beloved to Allah subhana wa Tada than someone without that sense of justice.

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The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, those who are just in this world will be in the afterlife, in front of the Most Merciful on platforms made occurs due to the justice that they upheld on Earth.

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Allah finally concludes the section by saying in the Melmac Menon for us the whole benefit of awaken the believers are only brothers. So make settlement and peace between your brothers. What's up a law that I will come to handle and fear a law that you may receive mercy? Meaning fear Allah when you regard your brothers when you deal with them, when conflict happens between them. If you do that, ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada will have mercy upon you.

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Allah humma I don't know how perhaps what is the kind of bow what Val de la Bella was gonna Chenab Allah homosexuality by Nina was that bought well available? Has it been

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mean what's your Allahumma Villa Islam I'm in hematoma in the army

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Yes, I mean,

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Allahu Allah and so if one another Muslimeen and Mustafa I'm

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feeling a bit of mid directement Boudhanath al Islam Allahumma Salli ala Muhammad wa ala Ali Mohammed kanessa Lita Allah Ibrahim wa

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Katara Ibrahim Ibrahim indica Hamadan Majeed, welcome Salah

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