Tom Facchine – Beginning Classical Arabic Lesson 46

Tom Facchine
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the importance of writing in Arabic and emphasize the need for clarity in writing. They also discuss various topics related to translation work, including "frustrated" and "fr oneself" in Arabic, "medea" in English, "order" in English, "will" in English, "will" in English, "will" in Arabic, "will" in Arabic, "will" in English, "will" in Arabic, "will" in Arabic, "will" in Arabic, "will" in Arabic, "will" in Arabic, "will" in Arabic, "will" in Arabic, "will" in Arabic, "will" in Arabic, "will" in Arabic, "will" in Arabic, "will" in Arabic, "will" in Arabic, "will" in Arabic, "will" in Arabic, "will" in Arabic, "will" in Arabic, "will" in Arabic, "will" in Arabic, "
AI: Transcript ©
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I shuffle MBI almost I mean the you know Lieutenant Muhammad Allah here for Salah was good for Sneem Allahu Allah and NWA and pharaoh now in fact I mean that I limped in I was in and out a lot. I mean, so don't want to come on up too late. But together everybody, welcome Saturday morning to beginning classical Arabic. Let's keep it rolling. We're almost at the end of this lesson.

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Then we get to Newt move on to something new. Or slowly nope, that's not the right thing.

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don't want to see me clean my C drive. We want to see that

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all right.

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Okay, so we're almost at the end of this lesson.

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And the next lesson is very much the same thing with just one little additional wrinkle, which is we're going to be start to be introduced to

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past tense verbs in the feminine, okay, and we're going to be working a little bit more with feminine forms. So that is exciting stuff.

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Okay, let's go. So, our exercise here is what to read and write. Okay. And that's a perfect segue for the reminder, that writing is so beneficial, especially at this stage, to have a notebook and to literally just in your spare time. 10 minutes before you go to bed. Keep it next, you know, on your nightstand 10 minutes of just writing copying what's you know, in the lesson, that sort of stuff. It's going to bring everything together into your head. And it's going to cement it and make everything can be on a really nice way. So let's start with the side family. Could someone do number one?

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Okay, I'll try that.

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B has had the bat. Good. Okay, read the last

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be he Hamadan. Good. Okay, now translate that for us.

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Whose house is that?

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Oh, who's in the house? Sorry. Oh, good. Good. Well, that was okay. I mean, they're very close. Yes. Goo is in this house. Yeah. And so is it men are men.

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One, good. Excellent. Good. That's awesome. And then Hamid.

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Inside? Yes. Yes, exactly. Literally, in it is handmade, which we would never say in English, we would say Hammington say?

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Okay, excellent work. Good job. And that brings us back to our question from before that we've come across many many times, which is how on earth do we tell? Oh my Lord, they took away our small bowels. We don't know if it's mean or men or whatever. But if you kind of go ahead with your eyes a little bit, you can tell from the context that it can only be one of them mean see how the baits wouldn't really mean anything right from in this house

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is nonsensical. So that is a process of elimination. Has to be met. Good.

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Doctor must interview that number to

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feel happy but to

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peba are people

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people to

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fear Kitabi will call me whether three

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translate for us.

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What is in the bag? Yes.

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pen and notebook is in the bag or is in it? Okay, that's good. Any notebook? Any pen? Any? This

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in my book at

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my book my Yes. Very good. I book my pen. My notebook is in it right or you know in English is like my book. my pen and my notebook is in it. Right?

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Very good. Okay, my only correction for you a beat feel happy but t instead of feel happy but to be

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because it's after fee, it's a prepositional phrase and anything that's after a preposition has to be measurable.

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Oh, great.

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One thing that we notice here oh, sorry, I just don't have a question. Yes. So is it then they should or they would have written with the the

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UI in it. Like instead of this. The last word of Akiva? Oh, good, good. Good. Excellent. Excellent. So this is our difference between a casserole and a Yeah. And so this is important for the meaning You're 100%, right? If we had Mather theater,

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have the BA,

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short Kassala. This is

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what is in the bag.

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Right? Because it has added lamb, right? And so Alif lamb is the definite particle, meaning that and it simply has a casserole, because it is in the genitive case, we're talking about relationships of place here. And so it that's communicates that for us in Arabic, if we had Mather fi

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have P, T, with a Yeah. And I see the confusion because I was kind of emphasizing the e sound. And so I made it sound probably like a yeah, this would be what is in

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my bag.

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Right, do we see the difference there? Now note, note that if we have a possessive pronoun, we cannot have a definite article.

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It's a seesaw. Right? They both can't simultaneously be present. It has to be one or the other. Why that is, is because each of them render that noun definite, right? If I say, Happy Batoon

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How can you Batoon is an indefinite noun, literally a bag. Right? If I say, the bag, I've now specified it, I'm intending by what I say just one. But

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the same thing is achieved. If I say my back, happy, but see, I've made something indefinite definite, right? So we have two different ways here to make something definite, if I add the le plan, it means the Bay, which makes it definite, and if I add the, I make a definite by referring to my bank, which is also why they can't both be present. Because we only have one or the possibility of one of them. Making it definite. We can't have the my bank.

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Right? It would be redundant, because my bag already implies that it's definite, it implies that we know which one I'm talking about, just like the does. Does that make sense? Yes, thank you. Yes. No? Good question.

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Great. Okay. So one of the things they have this highlighted and a different color, which is they want us to understand that

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we are not repeating the nouns in the answers. In this particular exercise, we're simply relying on the possessive pronouns. Instead of if we were to respond in an extremely formal way you were talking to your your teacher or your professor, right? Men fee handle Beatty. The full sentence that we would require in school from our children will be fee had the Beatty hammy doing right? In this house is happening literally, in English, Hamid is in this house. But most people don't actually talk that way. They use pronouns of various sorts to refer to the noun that was just mentioned a second ago. And we generally, you know, operate under the assumption that the people we're talking

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to are smart enough to be able to figure out what we mean. So min fie had on Bates had on Bates is the noun that we're talking about. Fee he had me doing

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habits in it, or homins in there.

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The possessive pronoun being used here is who

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which is the masculine third person, right? And it's only changed to a cassava instead of a Bama because of a phonetic concern with B. So fi who violates Arabic phonetic rules, and so they simply made it fi so that it was easier to pronounce himself

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down here and the second one that we have now the feel happy buddy, I'll have fever as you can

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NOTICE is a feminine noun, it has a talent Bucha on the end. And so it requires a different possessive pronoun to refer to it. Fi ha kita V will call me what the three, right so we have V and V ha.

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Yes, system setup.

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I can understand why it should have done well because it comes up with acquisition.

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Why What should have gone? hoo ha.

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Yes, because it's fixed. Because prepositions are maddening. Right? So preposition TO THE How comes after a preposition to it? You

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know, it would not have a customer because the prepositions are fixed there me. And the definition of something that's been me is that it's not going to change its ending to reflect grammatical case. Right? So the who is fixed, the HA expects, it's not going to change for grammatical case. Right? It's not going to, it's not a bummer, because it's more

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it's a bummer that the other bomb it's fixed upon. Or in this case, it's fixed upon a that's

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the only reason that it changes here. It does not change because it's after a preposition

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for a phonetic reason, and not Did you mean koonunga? Movie?

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Oh, I'm misspoke. I'm sorry. Yeah.

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Pronouns remembering Yes. And, and T. Right. It's never end to. Right. And like, because, like, let's imagine if it's in the case in the nominative case of metaphor, right? It's not end to you. Because it's more for No, it's enter always, whether it's subject object after preposition, whatever have you because it's fixed. The same with the possessive possessive pronouns. The Yeah, for E key Tabby, key, taboo, cat, key taboo, who they're all fixed in the sense that they do not change to reflect changes in grammatical case. But however, we there are phonetic concerns to take into account as we see here.

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Good stuff any other questions

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we'll go to number three and your system set up from the three

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men to seniority. See her we were only working

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very good. Who isn't

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in it

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my father and my mother on my

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on my brother on my sister. Fantastic very good. So like we said last password elementary level conversation here we're saying and I was I wasn't trying to make it good. I couldn't English Oh, no, that was that was exactly what's on the page. So no harm

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I get criticized a lot actually for in translation work because I you know, there's different philosophies or schools of translation right. And some of them prefer

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more literal translation that stick to exactly what's on the page whether it sounds good in the target language or not. And I'm have the kind of the opposite school where I'm much much prefer to preserve the meaning but to make something

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sound eloquence in the target language. And there's room for difference in that No, problem number four.

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Um, okay, number four, we're on brother sigh welcome back.

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Thank you, thank you. Psychopath number four

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min fie Muncie Muncie. mesothelial Jeremy I

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will N

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mafi I had I had one very good Oh nice. translate for us or give it a shot.

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Monte Monte magazine must get in the hole is in the masjid.

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Who is it in the masjid?

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And gammy is

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like gamma or groovies in the masjid. Remember what the word Jammie I mean Zambia means university.

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University Okay.

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So what's the sentence trying to ask?

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Who are in the in the in the universities? Majid? Good. Excellent. Okay.

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And the universities machine is there what's the what's the relationship between those two words? Is the relationship one of adjective and noun or is it possessor and possessed with off with off eBay

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one is addictive and when is known okay. If one is adjective and one is noun that means it has to agree if SGD you said FIM STD then

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has to be the Gavi, it No. Okay? However we have a problem, we have a problem we also said when we learned about adjective and now pairs right there's a noun and adjective describing the noun. It had to agree in four things. Everybody remember that? Can we recreate what those four things were Saturday remember some of them

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one of them I just gave you. So it has to agree in grammar. They have to agree in grammar grammatical case has to agree a number. Okay. So if one of them is singular, the other one is singular. If one of them's poor, all the other ones before it has to agree in gender. One of them's masculine, the other one's masculine. And it has to agree in whether it's definite or indefinite. Okay, mesh, okay. Okay. Okay. You're all going.

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Yes. Now I see. Because Masjid is is not is not definite. It does not have an early famine, right? Yes.

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No, it's not CIPA MyLSU. It's not an adjective noun pair, it's actually mobile philadelphi. Like it's possession, which you said in English, the universities mesh feed, meaning that the university owns the machine.

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But the result is still the same, right? So this is I'm really glad that I made the mistake instead of Jamya, too, because if he had said mosgiel, Jammy it, maybe he was thinking that this was sipping MyLSU. Maybe he was thinking this was a noun and it's adjective pair. And he would have been wrong, even though it would have led to the same result. The actual relationship between these two words is one of possession mobile for both LA and so Masjid just happens to be measured road with a customer due to it's coming after a preposition.

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Okay, but l jamea. has to have a customer because it possesses Meski. Remember our rules about mobile with off the label the first part of multiple coffee lay, it does not have a fixed grammatical case. It could be metaphor, it could be monsoon, it could be measurable. It could have a domino effect on a casserole. But what is fixed is the grammatical case of the second word, the Boffi lay the one that is doing the possessing, has to be in the genitive case module, in this case with a castle. Right. Everybody clear on that?

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Good. So we have men V. mestizo, Jeremy it. So who is in the university's Masjid? What is an ensign?

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Yes, just by

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means right now.

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What's the response mean? says can you translate for us the response?

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Sorry, you're muted.

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Okay, Mafia he hadn't. What does that mean?

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In a

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way isn't.

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There is one person. There's one person in the messy system. It's not about government.

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None, zero. Absolutely. No one.

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No one.

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Why? Why? Because this is what we learned. I think earlier this lesson to the previous lesson. That man we learned how to negate Joomla is mean. Right? So Joomla is Snia. Let's take the affirmative statement. We said there's if we want to say there's one person in the machine V. He had one.

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Right? If we want to negate that. We said mathy. He had one. There is not a single person.

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And if we wanted to make a question, we would substitute the math for a like a Hamza or have

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a fee he hadn't. Is there a single person in there?

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Right now, what's going on with arrowhead as system was mentioned in the chat that there's a difference between Whitehead

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and I had and if any of you followed along with the 99 names of the last series that we did for the kids, you would know that well I had means one, whereas I have means unique single

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are one, right? And so the meaning here is emphatic. Right? If we say mathy he was like there's, there's, you know, not there's no one in there maybe. Maybe we translate it like that. But if we say mathy he had two ones like there's not a single person in there. Yeah, not a soul. Exactly. So it's an extra emphasis and this is why Allah subhanaw taala uses this word in total who Allah who I hadn't.

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He didn't say call who Allahu wa had done that why don't That would be correct, but it's not as emphatic it's not as significant like the single unique math means no, there is not fi inside it in this case that it refers to the MSG which is masculine. I have done a single one.

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Is everybody clear on that one?

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This is a very useful phrase mafia he had

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it comes up a lot.

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Okay, and sister so how can you do number five for us?

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munchie has the Halo or fucky fee. Fee *, moody. Very

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good for us.

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Who is in the room? In this room?

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Fee Hellmuth at the minute the minute and it's the manager good okay, now I'm going to pick on you a little bit fee have the answer here break it down for me what type of sentence is Jonas meow or Joomla fairly

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that's me a fantastic okay. What are the two parts of a Joomla is ME

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TOO FAR parts meaning

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it okay. You mean because of the number five? No, no, forget about that. Just any Jimena Izmir it has to have two parts. You remember what the two parts are?

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The first part

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and cover Yeah, exactly. Well, today is the subject but hover is the information about the subject. Okay.

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What is the verb to in this sentence?

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Then the subject, so what are we

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talking about? That who is in the room? Okay.

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So subject is gonna be

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But we don't have room right. We have v hat and we have automobile. Oh,

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okay. So

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what is the subject? Fantastic. Good job. Yes, you're right. And FIFA is covered? Fantastic. Very good. Which is tricky, right? Because they switched the order, because we're responding directly to the question. Men fee fee. Right, we took the form and we spit it right back out. Now. Last question.

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What is the grammatical case of the Muqtada and the father? They're both the same grammatical case

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it's often about you know, my grammatical case mean isn't a lot of poor

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it it's Maduro. It's Maduro okay. That you're saying you're telling me that the move to that is mental

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yes the yeah the

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Mercy Health

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300 Why versus the heart have Khasra is it is

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what's happening the heart the has memory Yes. The has memory

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has not going to change

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he has a DD Why is more dealing with a Kessler if Medea you just told me?

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Because it's

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because of the pronoun

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because you use a pronoun or because of the half no fee. Yeah. Yeah. That's the that's the confusing sentence. That's why I'm picking on you. Okay, let's have

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it should be it should be.

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It should be a Marine. Correct.

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This is why we were building our Arabic grammar like a like a palace, right from the basement up. Right. So we deal with the defaults and then we deal with anything else that comes like the window trim, you know, and the little flourishes here, some French doors over here, right. Those are the the non essential thing, essential things Joomla is Mia, two parts

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looked it up and cover most of it and cover our model for model four. Always, always. Except there can sometimes something can come into the sentence that can be introduced in the sentence that takes a word away from that grammatical case,

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into another grammatical case. Okay? So, Elmo de rue.

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If we're going to straighten the sentence out, it's Elmo do we have, right Elmo? Zero is motera V has the public.

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But the doubt that comes into your mind.

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And everybody's mind because this happens to everybody is Wait a second, I know that fee. I know that b is a preposition.

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And I know that everything that happens after a preposition has to be Mujuru. So why isn't it Elmo? Dhiru?

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And the answer to that is because and will do has nothing to do with fee.

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The HA

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receives the action of fee, okay. And since her is met me it does not change, then that means nothing in the sentence is going to be measurable.

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At least that we can see.

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Okay, think about it as a dead end, right? Or think about it as like, you know, we're all getting vaccines or maybe some of us are for the pandemic, right, the idea of getting the vaccine is that the virus kind of dies with you, it doesn't spread to anybody else. If you have something that's met me, like huh,

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and it is actually tied to this,

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this preposition, then that means that the work of the preposition which is making things Medjool dies right here, with the with the pronoun

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that means it doesn't carry over to the words that come after. Okay.

00:27:00 --> 00:27:25

So be Ha, done. l moody RU. Because then Maduro is Matera and looked at it as metaphor and metaphor here is with a Bulma. On the end, the HA or if it were who or if it was cat, any of the possessive pronouns cuts off the the work of the fee or any other preposition and that work of the preposition does not apply to anything else.

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And if we think about it from another angle, it's because what is the, like fee means in, okay, in what we're saying in the room? Okay. We're not saying in the media.

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If we were to make Elmo D,

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it would almost be like we will be saying in the media, in the principal or in the manager, whatever. Right? Because, in order to receive the work of the preposition, it would have to have the correct meaning right, the corresponding meaning that the preposition was

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specifically tied to that word, which it isn't actually as well deed is actually the one that is inside and not the thing that is

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being inhabited. Okay, so there's a couple different ways to look at it. Does that make sense?

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there's three different ways to look at Way number one, is that you disentangle the sentence, you put it back in its proper order. Okay, if you put it back in its proper order, the proper like, we'll say, original order, the original order of the sentence is an MO D, it'll be here. And in that situation, it's clear, there's no possible way that it could be Elmo theory, P here. Okay. So then, if we're going to chop up his ends, and just rearrange the parts, stick beha in front and put and we'll do it behind. Why would it be any different?

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That's the first way to look at.

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The second way to look at it is that fee is attached to HA

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and HA is a pronoun and a pronoun is fix. So if the hair for example, the hat, what does it stand for the hair stands for workbook, and the workbook.

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So what if we, we said we wanted to be a little more clear, we don't want to use the pronoun. We'll go back to feel the Waterford T.

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Right, let's substitute the actual noun for the pronoun that's supposed to reference to it to refer to it. Feel a lot of Fateh al moody rue.

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It wouldn't be filled water Fatima moody eerie.

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Because what we're talking about in is the waterfall.

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We're not talking about something that's inside the Medina.

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And that's the third and last that's a segue to the last way to look at it perhaps

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that, what's going on? What's the actual preposition talking about? It's talking about being inside of something, what are we inside, we're inside the room, we're not inside the movie,

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which means that the grammatical work or the grammatical effect of the grammatical action is going to

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occur to the thing corresponding to its meaning, right?

00:30:24 --> 00:30:29

It's talking about being in the room not in the manager or not in the media. And so

00:30:31 --> 00:30:36

the grammatical work of making it mature is only going to apply to that thing that corresponds to that meaning.

00:30:38 --> 00:30:52

In this case, it happens to be a pronoun and the pronoun is fixed and so it does not change at all. So if you change it to be Waterford, we would have a till modality then you're saying that this is in the teacher the principal's room.

00:30:53 --> 00:31:14

Exactly saying the principal is in the room you're just saying that this is the principal's room and now you need to add something more because friends exactly that's not a complete sentence right if you say fee of water Fatima more theory, this is saying something entirely different a saying in the principal's room, dot dot dot you still haven't completed the thought Exactly. That's exactly it.

00:31:15 --> 00:31:20

And we'll Dhiru is the subject that's what we're talking about and so alimony it has to be more for with Bama

00:31:24 --> 00:31:26

well tricky, right.

00:31:36 --> 00:31:38

Any other questions, anything not clear?

00:31:39 --> 00:31:42

Anyone want to go over anything a second time

00:31:48 --> 00:31:52

this will keep coming back to us. So, we will we will see it again.

00:31:56 --> 00:32:03

Part of the confusion is that Arabic the flipping of the cover and looked at that and we will learn

00:32:04 --> 00:32:05

soon inshallah.

00:32:06 --> 00:32:10

The situations in which the hover is allowed to come before them up to that.

00:32:11 --> 00:32:11


00:32:12 --> 00:32:52

It doesn't change the meaning of the sentence at all. It changes a little bit the emphasis, but it doesn't change the meaning. And so, English what we're running up against is that English is a an analytic language is that word order is everything. All meaning is attached to the word order. So if you chop up the word order, oh boy, you've changed the meaning entirely. Arabic No, no, no synthetic language. It's not nearly as dependent on word order as analytic languages. And so yes, very often, you can take the different parts of a sentence, whether it's moved to the oven, or whether it's fair, fair in the food, and you can rearrange them,

00:32:53 --> 00:33:09

put them here, put them there, tack them on at the end, throw them up in the beginning, and the meaning still stands. So there's a little bit of foreignness or familiarity that needs to be developed with kind of this logic of a different type of language.

00:33:12 --> 00:33:17

Okay, shake family lead us off here. We're just going to read someone do number one.

00:33:22 --> 00:33:28

Or Hibou or be good or hippo is a present tense verb that means I love from help.

00:33:31 --> 00:33:36

Bah bah means to have hub we have Habib, right the famous

00:33:37 --> 00:33:39

Dagestani fighter, right, Habib

00:33:41 --> 00:33:49

or we say, Habibi, my beloved, right? You hear that probably from the Arabic speakers in your life a lot. Habib, it all has to do with love.

00:33:51 --> 00:33:59

So hippo and honestly, this verb is of a morphological pattern that is well above what we're capable of

00:34:01 --> 00:34:26

explaining and teasing out at this point. So just take it on faith that this is I love, or Hibou. And now you have another word in your toolbox. You can say, Hey, boo, call me you hit booze OG or Hibou or Hezbollah or hibel Khurana right and now you can say a couple more things. So we have a hippo Abbi. Whoa me. Very good. I love

00:34:27 --> 00:34:31

my father and my mother. This is a Joomla fairly

00:34:32 --> 00:34:39

or Joomla fairly and we're going to break it down into its parts after we get through the reading. That is what can you do number two

00:34:51 --> 00:34:58

Okay, we're good. Number three. Back to this a it's one song from the sad family

00:35:04 --> 00:35:16

Very good. I love my classmate Dr. Masha number four go ahead boo, boo Estelle steady good it was dad as a teacher so so it was Daddy my teacher very good

00:35:18 --> 00:35:20

sister saw her number five

00:35:25 --> 00:35:33

Cymbala very good or headbutt law hat. Let's talk about that in a second I love a lot system was a part number six

00:35:43 --> 00:35:45

sister Masada number six

00:35:51 --> 00:35:53

I'm sorry, I was distracted for a second

00:35:59 --> 00:36:01

to go after the number five, number six

00:36:04 --> 00:36:08

should be achievable. Nabi SallAllahu, alayhi wa sallam

00:36:10 --> 00:36:16

I, I love the Prophet send me along. These

00:36:19 --> 00:36:21

are nice. Number seven brothers.

00:36:23 --> 00:36:23

And let's have

00:36:27 --> 00:36:57

him or him we'll look at an IV Yatta. Very nice, very nice. I love the Arabic language. Okay, let's break this down. So, this is a different type of sentence. This is the second main type of sentences in Arabic it is a Joomla fairly verbal sentence. We said that a verbal sentence has to have two parts often has three parts. The first part is the fair. And fair means the verb is by definition.

00:36:59 --> 00:37:04

What distinguishes a Joomla? Fairly? Okay, customer.

00:37:06 --> 00:37:12

Okay, then comes the burial. Burial is the doer of the verb.

00:37:16 --> 00:38:08

And then comes the method rule. And then the fall is the object of the verb. Now, not every verb requires an object, just like in English, we have verbs that are transitive, and verbs that are intransitive. And what that means is that some verbs require an object and some don't. I say I sat, right sitting does not require an object. There's the person who is sitting, and you just leave it at that, right? But if you say I hit hitting requires a, an object, or I saw seeing requires an object, what did you see? I saw a child or something like this, right? So we have two essential ingredients. And we have one ingredient that's not absolutely essential, but as often there as well.

00:38:11 --> 00:38:43

This is the default order, just like the default order of Joomla Ismailia is melted up covered. Right? But however we have seen because now we're at Masha Allah moving right along for the book that there are times where the cover is going to come before the move to that. Well, there are also times where this sentence order can get chopped around and mixed up the netherworld can come first. Yes, if Allah says Allah in the Quran, for example, wants to emphasize the object of a verb that can happen,

00:38:44 --> 00:38:45

and so on and so forth.

00:38:46 --> 00:38:51

So looking at looking at these examples that we have here.

00:38:52 --> 00:39:01

Okay, last thing I'll say about the defaults with Joomla Veolia. Okay, we have verbs and the grammatical case of verbs.

00:39:03 --> 00:39:11

Some grammatical, some types of verbs are Mevani, meaning that they are fixed, they do not change

00:39:14 --> 00:39:15

according to grammatical case,

00:39:17 --> 00:39:19

and some are more Arab.

00:39:22 --> 00:39:34

Meaning that they do change more or others the opposite of me, they will change their ending according to grammatical case, which ones are which, how do I tell? Quite simply put,

00:39:35 --> 00:39:40

all verbs by default are many, except for present tense verbs,

00:39:41 --> 00:39:42

present tense verbs or

00:39:44 --> 00:39:46

they will change their endings to reflect

00:39:47 --> 00:39:49

grammatical case, and we'll get into that.

00:39:53 --> 00:39:56

So, if you have a Joomla fairly,

00:39:57 --> 00:40:00

you're most likely going to be dealing with a verb that has no grid.

00:40:00 --> 00:40:18

medical case it's maddening if you happen to have a present tense verb and these are present tense verbs Hamble then it will change according to a grammatical case and the defaults grammatical case is not for just like the month that just like

00:40:22 --> 00:40:24

in this case we'll have BU

00:40:25 --> 00:40:28

has an EU at the end it is metaphor with Adama

00:40:31 --> 00:40:36

easy enough, Pharrell is always going to be more for

00:40:39 --> 00:40:41

just like Malta and just like

00:40:43 --> 00:41:01

and then the third rule is going to be the different one. So in Joomla is MIA we have something called an A drawer, which by definition is talking about the relationship between two objects. And that the rule is going to be a different case that we have not really formally learned yet called min sube.

00:41:02 --> 00:41:11

Which is the accusative case in English. It means the object of a verb and it is usually going to be demonstrated by a Fatah.

00:41:14 --> 00:41:18

So we have for example, or have both law ha

00:41:21 --> 00:41:24

Yes. Oh Hamble law have

00:41:25 --> 00:41:31

or have been b Yeah. Where the Fatah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

00:41:32 --> 00:41:35

Allah is the object of the verb.

00:41:36 --> 00:41:48

And Nabi SallAllahu. alayhi salam is the object of the verb, or himbo logo tell RRB at a lower TA is the object of the verb for all man sube.

00:41:49 --> 00:41:53

And a lot of beer is an adjective describing

00:41:54 --> 00:42:05

a lower which is why it has to follow a lower in all the four things we have definite definite Min Soo Min sube. Singular singular feminine feminine.

00:42:06 --> 00:42:07


00:42:10 --> 00:42:13

Everybody with me? Oops, sorry.

00:42:17 --> 00:42:22

Okay, everybody with me so far with that? There we go.

00:42:23 --> 00:42:23


00:42:25 --> 00:42:49

Is it always takes that's hard because it's not Oh, no, just like we learned with one four. There are certain types of words that are more for With Adama. And there are the majority. But there are other types of words that show that their model for through other ways, such as with a while. Okay. Same thing applies here. The method rule is monsoon no problem.

00:42:51 --> 00:43:07

singular nouns, certain types of florals are going to show that it's monsoon with a Fatah. Other types of words that we have not learned yet are going to show that it's been so but with a different in a different way, either with an ally, or a Yeah, or something else.

00:43:09 --> 00:43:09

But we're not there yet.

00:43:10 --> 00:43:25

Right now, just like you learned that Bama is the typical sign of being more for nominative nominative case. Now you're learning that that's Ha is the typical sign of being non zoob accusative case.

00:43:27 --> 00:43:27


00:43:29 --> 00:43:34

Oh hamdulillah or hymnbook Nebia or himbo logo tell RB Yatta.

00:43:36 --> 00:43:48

Okay, why don't I start with the last three examples. Why didn't I go with Bill Hybels? Me Lee? Oh no. Where did the feds have go? Somebody explained where did the Feds go with him was Amelie?

00:44:04 --> 00:44:07

Are you volunteering Saira? He is yes

00:44:12 --> 00:44:14

get on like those like Okay, listen.

00:44:18 --> 00:44:21

You're telling me to speculate.

00:44:22 --> 00:44:23


00:44:24 --> 00:44:59

speculate, cuz it's like my father is a needy. Oh, my classmate. Yes, you're right. And there's something particular about that construction. My the possessive pronoun, we say that it's fixed. It's 70. Okay. The pronouns are fixed. That's the big thing to take away from this lesson. Pronouns are fixed. It's not going to change its ending to show gram. And so because we have my father, my mother, my classmate, my brother, my, my teacher, it's going to be fixed. It's not going to change

00:45:00 --> 00:45:26

Okay, same thing if it was kept, like yours or key, yours feminine, right? It's not going to change, because it's a pronoun pronouns are fixed. Whereas these down here are himolla or hebben, Nebia or himbo, legata and other be a TA. There's no possessive pronouns there. Right? And so the endings are going to reflect the grammatical case. Brother, sorry, the question.

00:45:29 --> 00:45:45

No, I just wanted to answer the question, but somebody answered, no foul. Thank you. Thank you. Okay, last thing, because we're overtime, is that we talked about mithral. Very good. Let's just identify where is the file and where's the fit here? Because if you're smart

00:45:48 --> 00:45:50

come do come. Well, yeah. Dean.

00:45:51 --> 00:45:52

Dean. Well, yeah.

00:45:55 --> 00:45:59

I don't know. top my head when the I need to look windy.

00:46:03 --> 00:46:03

I don't know.

00:46:05 --> 00:46:06

I'll need to look.

00:46:07 --> 00:46:11

But but I'll say off the top of my head. And this is not an answer to your question.

00:46:13 --> 00:46:18

When it comes to No, no, I won't even I won't even say that. I don't know if that man off to look that up.

00:46:19 --> 00:46:37

Let's just quickly identify where the fit and where the fat is here. Because if you're smart, you're like, Wait a second. There's only one word here. Oh, Hedberg. How is it that you're telling me that Juma? Leah has to have a bid on it has to have a button. And yet I only see one word, okay? This thigh and

00:46:38 --> 00:46:39

it can be

00:46:41 --> 00:46:52

stated with a noun directly. Or it can be implied, exactly, with the conjugation of the verb. So the verbs are conjugated, right? Oh, Hibou.

00:46:55 --> 00:47:05

Literally means I love because of how it's conjugated. This letter right here, oh, means and we're not going to learn this now. Because we haven't.

00:47:07 --> 00:47:50

This is like jumping onto a bicycle before having training wheels. So we're not going to like actually learn it. But the UI here means I and the head, Boo is the verb. If it were he loves, it would be you Hibou. Or if it were you love to him, right? The verb is going to be conjugated to, according to who's doing the action, right? So it comes up as a pair here. Who Hambo I love. It's all contained in that one word. So we don't need to have a separate word here. So we have all three parts of the sentence. Go ahead. Well, we have we have XYL and we have no fool Allah, in this case on the other ones. Anyone have any questions about anything?

00:47:55 --> 00:47:56

So is that your hand up?

00:48:04 --> 00:48:05

Okay, there's no,

00:48:06 --> 00:48:28

not anymore. No. Thank you. Yep. Thank you. Okay, a lot of information. Those are the important things important things are that pronouns are fixed. Okay, number one, and number two Joomla thelia. What are the parts? What are the default grammatical rulings for those parts? And we will be in the next lesson, talking about

00:48:29 --> 00:48:45

learning a little bit of conjugation. So now the only thing that's left for us now that we're we've got our feet wet with verbs. Now we have to learn how to conjugate those verbs, right? How do we say I sat, he sat, she sat, you sat, they sat, we sat, etc, etc.

00:48:46 --> 00:48:52

So that is exciting. And good work to everybody. If there's no other questions,

00:48:54 --> 00:48:59

then we'll end it here. I've already gone well over time. Thank you very much for your attention and participation.

00:49:00 --> 00:49:03

That if we looked at Adam, I said I'm lucky enough to get

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