Tom Facchine – Beginning Classical Arabic Lesson 41

Tom Facchine
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss transitioning to hybrid learning and emphasize the importance of practice learning through practice. They go through a series of questions to identify pronouns and their effects on speech, including the use of pronouns in different context and the rule for pronouncing pronouns. They also discuss the use of pronouns in writing in Arabic and English, including a "monster" or "monster" or "monster" or "monster" or "monster" or "monster" or "monster" or "monster" or "monster" or "monster" or "monster" or "monster" or "monster" or "monster" or "monster" or "monster" or "monster" or "monster" or "monster" or "monster" or "monster" or "monster" or "monster" or "monster" or "monster" or "monster" or
AI: Transcript ©
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man asleep probably

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let's see what we got here

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I was just saying to everybody

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I apologize for being late. You do pray Yasser here 530 And I moved it up a couple of minutes but just a couple minutes late will probably be the norm for the month of June until the prayer time starts to slide back

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as you can tell, we're also trying to transition to being hybrid. Alright, so we have we will have the zoom

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this class on Zoom

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and we will also have it on the live stream, but I'm no longer in office as you can tell.

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So we are trying to encourage people if you're able to come down to the masjid inshallah and also

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participate in person

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this one I don't mind that our Haman hamdulillah head up Alameen

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wa Salatu was Salam ala shuffler MBA one more saline Marina de Blasio, Mohamed Allah here through saliva Tasneem. Allah Houma La Molina and founder one Patna, Bhima alum, Tina was eating that. And then yeah, I don't believe it. I mean, so don't want to come off the lucky to get to everybody. Welcome back. After a long break from Arabic

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Insha Allah, hopefully, you had a little bit of opportunity to review something over Ramadan, and eat break. And if not, no problem, we're going we are going to pick up where we left off. So I'm not going to do a proper entire review. However, we'll be taking it kind of easy. For the

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first couple of lessons as we kind of ease back into

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familiar familiarity with our book, familiarity with the lesson, the lessons that both we are learning currently. And the

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lesson that we had left off on.

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See here,

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you've got the share going on. And please, if somebody notices any technical difficulties, then like, make me aware in the chat

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trying to live stream and also do zoom at the same time, sometimes it's a little bit more than the connection can bear.

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So if something starts glitching, I tend to prefer to sacrifice the live stream at the expense of the zoom.

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Because obviously, that's where you all can see

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the book and everything else.

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Okay, so everybody is able to see now, B.

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That's interesting.

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Just a second, I'm having a little bit of an issue here where when I start to

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manipulate what's going on on the screen.

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All my other controls fall away such as the chat and everything like that.

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Everyone's seeing the screen clearly.

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Everyone's seen everything.

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Very good. So, we had really left off at this lesson.

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And lesson 10 was a step up or two in difficulty.

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hamdulillah the author of this curriculum has made everything cumulative. So things are building upon each other. Right? We're bringing along pretty much everything that we've learned before in every subsequent lesson that we're doing, okay? So simply by advancing, you know, doesn't warrant and

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Tire review. Going back to the beginning, we're going to be going over some of the things that we have learned previously, in this conversation, this conversation is very long.

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And it's only going to get longer. As you'll notice once we get into the lesson a little bit once we start describing

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our house and where it is, and we're going to be saying, We completed everything in less than 10 even.

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Okay, let me just double check because I remember we did the, this and this and this.

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And then we were doing the exercises did we get as far as

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this exercise going from Allah moon, how the economy how the color mocha or the column? Whoo hoo, ha, the color Moo ha. We did all that. Is that true?

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That was the one thing I didn't do. I was reviewing the book. And I thought, you know, I should go back and look at the last video

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to see exactly what was the last lesson that we covered in there.

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I think we just did this page. We just did this page. Okay. Because then after what comes after this is again, another step up

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of things that you're trying to show me on a video, which is

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so yeah, actually, we also did we did the fill in the blank. So we had to do the next one, which is hottie hum, Seta, whatever this is, oh, I guess you have to give five nouns or something like that.

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Okay, so this actually comes with them? Oh, I think my book is different.

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My book doesn't match this. No problem.

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So most and I'm unable to see exactly what's written on your, on your book.

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Are we able to pin down whether we did this exercise or not where we basically changed nouns to reflect different

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people possessing it. Learn things when we did this. I don't recall doing this either.

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So for example, we're taking palemoon A pen. And then we are making it mowdy. For we are making it definite by making it possessed by different types of people have the color me, this is my pen, Heather otter. muka. This is your pen. Heather, Allah Moo hoo, this is his pen. Have a column Whoo, ha, this is her pen. I don't recall doing that.

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Does that sound?

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Yeah, I think we didn't do it, because I haven't written the answers here. But I have written feminine next to a couple of the nouns. So I don't know whether you went through it, maybe? Because I'm, I put an F next to a couple of very good well, I don't think there's any harm in in backtracking just a little bit to start this lesson from the beginning.

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It will kind of be it will serve as our review. And I'll point out things along the way in sha Allah. So let's start back at the beginning of a data set Asha, the 10th lesson, a conversation between Hamid and Mohammed.

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Let me look at let's see, let's have the say IDs.

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Here we go. Let's have the say IDs. Let's have Dr. Motion be hammered. And Dr. Syra B Mohamed and I'll interrupt you along the way just to point out a couple of things here and that as a little bit of review

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my agenda

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Bala when

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Bill Bill Jamia the good

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and the Taliban gelida.

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Now under the law to the

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good now, Bobby Boone Jedi Dawn and look at how Mashallah. So it's still there. Very good. Let me just ask a couple questions. Okay, so let's translate these four lines. Okay, go back now and translate them to English and let's see, let's see where we're at.

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Who are you? When I'm the

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I'm a

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student at the university. Very good. Excellent.

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Are you new student? No.

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No. Oh, yeah. Sorry. Yeah.

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You're not a new student but have it on the other hand?

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Yes, I'm a new student. Very good. Okay, good. So let me just point out a couple things. Okay. So, one of the things that we're focusing on in this lesson is pronoun, okay. And we talked about how there are different types of pronouns. There are subjects pronouns, okay? I, you, he, she, we, right subject pronouns are going to be doing actions that are going to be the subject of sentences, they're going to be the ones possessing things right. Then we also scratch. Yes.

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And then we're also going to have possessive pronouns, okay, so excuse me, I misspoke. possessive pronouns, they are the ones that are going to be possessing things, his jacket, her pen, our book, my class, right. And then finally, we're going to have object pronouns, which in Arabic are not very distinct from the possessive pronouns. So when we have men enter, we realize that we're dealing here here with a subject pronoun, and being you. And we had learned in the course of our previous lessons, all of the subject pronouns, who are for singular masculine

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for singular masculine third person, home, for plural,

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third person here for feminine third person, or a second person, meaning the person we're talking to pronouns and, or N T, depending on the gender, you and you respectively, and Tom, you all collectively for plural. And then for first person talking about either us individually or a group we belong to Anna, I, or nephew, we, and will soon be seeing the other types of pronouns such as possessive pronouns. So that's very good.

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Let's continue going you too, with Hamad and Mohammed.

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Min 18 Min aina. Under

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I mean, in the

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is my E is mean.

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If me, oh, sorry. It's my smoker.

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So it is it

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is me, Mohammed. Very good. I'm going to stop you there because now we've got a couple of new things as review. Okay, so min aina. Now, we're going back to our question where it's right Aina was simply to say, where min Aina literally, from where? Okay. This is an archaic construction in English, we don't say From where are you are from? Where do you come? We say,

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where are you from? Right.

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And again, subject pronoun Anna subject pronoun mean, l Hindi, very good job making sure that the word or I should say the noun after men is in the genitive case with the customer. And then we come to Hamza tawassul. So we learned about Hamza tawassul, our fine friend here.

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And the rule for pronouncing Hamza tawassul, is that we pronounce it if it's the first thing that we say, and we do not pronounce it, if it's not the first thing that we say. So we have those two examples right here in front of us. With Hamid. He's saying mess smoker, because the handler tawassul is not the first thing we are pronouncing. So the elephant that connects directly to the scene. We completely skip over that mess smoker, which is okay, well, we'll talk about that in a second. And then the response of Mohammed because he's beginning with a Hamza to the muscle is, it's me, it's me, he now is pronouncing it like it were a normal Hamza. Because we have to, quite simply,

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Arabic does not have consonant clusters like straights or strict or construction, like we have in English and Germanic languages. And so in order to avoid consonant clusters, we give the Hamza to the muscle a vowel, when we're starting on it, and which vowel we give we're going to talk about later. I'm not going to go into that detail. Now.

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The second important thing to notice in this little part is the second type of pronouns and the most important type of pronouns for where we are in our curriculum.

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which is possessive pronouns? Okay? So we have the same, we have the same noun here ism. ISM means name. Okay? And what we're doing to it is we are making it possessed. Okay by a possessive pronoun. Here, it's possessed by cat, which means your name, right, the corresponding possessive pronoun for you or yours we should say is simply a calf that is attached to the end of the word is smoker, keytab Buka. All M Oka, Bay to car and so on and so on and so on. Until infinity and beyond what we have in Mohammed statement is the Yeah, which is the possessive pronoun for mine. My, my name right so here he's saying my name is Mohammed. This is a moped at hubub ismi Mohammad doin, okay, so here

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we have the same noun ism is smooth, but it's now with an attached possessive pronoun, here for your name here for mining. And if you are curious, or if you recall the relationship between these two parts, we have kind of the bare

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noun here is some. That's alright for me.

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And then we have the possessive pronoun. Okay, the relationship between these two things is move off, move off. Really, it's a possessive construction. Which makes sense if you think about it for a few seconds, because it is a possessive pronoun, my name, your name. So if you're a grammar nerd like I am, and you're wondering, what position is ism in the sentence, SM is moved off and the calf is moved off LA.

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Someone would then ask, why is the modal filet not key with a casserole? And the answer to that is because that subject and

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object and possessive pronouns are MEB knee, they are fixed, they do not change their endings to reflect changes in grammar. So even though the CA is measurable, yes, it is in the genitive case. It's not going to show that because the CA here indicates that it is masculine. Who that was really, probably a little bit too much. For the first lesson, getting back into the swing of things, but hamdulillah for those who are interested, there it is. Good. Can you keep going Hamad and Mohammed? One question? Yes, please. Oh, you said Allah is i? Yes. It's me. So it's wrong to say unless me Mohammed? Correct. Why is it incorrect? Because in what it would literally translate to an English

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is I, my name is Mohammed. Right, which, just by ear, we can tell that that's not correct English. Why is it not correct English? Because what's the subject of the sentence? is the subject of the sentence? Me? Or is it really my name? And the answer to that is that it's actually my name, what we're talking about. Subject is my name, which is a separate entity from me. And what we're taught the information we're giving about that subject, which is the hub or the predicate is the what is that name? In this case? Mohamed?

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Yes, okay. Great question.

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Because when I taught your children this in Sunday school, every single one of them said that every single one of them wanted to say, Anna is me, Mohamed, because we're thinking about English word order. We're thinking my name, right. But an Arabic word order. What we're literally saying is name my right. name my Mohamed, right. And so we're kind of feel cheated. We just have a Yeah, hanging out the end and we're like, Wait a second. I didn't really save my name is we want to say another pronoun in the beginning of the sentence to keep the English syntax but no, the Arabic is different. The possessive pronoun comes after the noun in Arabic, whereas in English, the possessive pronoun

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would come before the noun My name

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very good.

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Yes, so continue on.

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Women hurdle further further lady Mark Monica.

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So difficult.

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will be one. It is men. That's correct. I was going to let them go and later but yes, you're right. That is men. Oh, I sorry. No, that's okay. No problem at all.

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That's the chase.

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Somebody finished IRA?

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Who was the zombie? Me?

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Yes. Family, correct? Yes. Correct. Two more lines.

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Oh hoo, hoo hoo hoo. Yeah then Meenal him

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LA who?

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Know? Yeah, Bernie. Very good. Excellent. So let me pause and we'll we'll look at this. So we have Wha, and sister Massara brought up a very good point.

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She says it is not men, it is men. And so we would ask the question, how do we know? They did not give you a casserole? Or if that's huh. So how are we able to tell?

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Whether it should be men or men?

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You know, what they're talking about may be able to, but I have no idea what they're talking. Okay, good. Okay. So if we're sorry, yes, continue. I think one is context, right? Because it's like this. But then also, if it says this boy, then it's like, men I come from?

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I don't know. It doesn't make sense. Good. So you're right. And this is an important point. It's not completely incorrect, ever, ever, ever to say men. However, there are certain scenarios where you could say men had from this, you know, if you're making an argument or stating your case or something like this, but the problem like system is not about set is the context. Right. Tracking the conversation. Okay. Hamad and Mohamed are talking about something, what are they talking about? They're kind of getting to know each other. Right? So we have Where are you from? What's your name? Okay. And now we come to this sentence, which is an additional question. Okay. The key to

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understanding the sentence is understanding this word, which was a new, new vocabulary word for this lesson, fatter, and fatter, as we said previously, is a young man.

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Right? That's a young man and Mac, we had learned a new preposition Ma, which means with so Maccha means with you. Okay? So if we're kind of scanning the sentence,

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we have to conclude that we're asking the identity of a person. Right?

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If we didn't scan the sentence, and we didn't cheat, and like, look ahead a little bit,

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we have another clue. Another clue is wha?

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Right? Because he just asked what he just asked, What's your name? And that's Mocha, he asked for the identity of the person that he was talking to? Woman. Right? Does it make sense? Does it make sense to put where to put? And if he's going to now ask something completely different? Like where? No, he's also going to ask about the identity. So same question, but from a different person, or the identity of a different person who happens to also be their presence. One, then how had the fatality marker? And who is this young man? He who is with you, or who is with?

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Good stuff, right? So Arabic, much more than English, much more than English, is dependent upon context and expects you to read between the lines. One of the crazy things like if there's a whole genre of literature in which our Mozart's

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they're basically like, people who are writing flipbooks, as densely condensed as possible, as succinctly as possible, and the way that they do this is they're using pronouns and they're not going to refer back to the nouns that they refer to. And so, in Arabic, they expect you to keep track of these things in your head. What's the difference between this and that? Well, this is feminine, and that's masculine. And so we don't need to state the noun again, because the possessive pronouns will reflect that, right? For an English speaker, I still find that very difficult to keep track of, to be honest. Right? So.

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is this young man? Oh, who is this?

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Yep, you got it, right. So it's something to keep in mind going for that Arabic is very, very context rich. It assumes that you're going to be keeping track of all these sorts of relationships, maybe a little bit more carefully than you would have to in English.

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response was was me Lee, and the meal we had learned previously, is a new vocabulary word for a colleague or a classmate. And so

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Now Zemi Li, that's a possessive construction. Right saying my classmate. He is my classmate.

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Then Jaime asked a hula. He's asking a question about him. Right, hula. And this is a very good for Dr. Muffins. previous question about differentiating between the subject pronoun and the possessive pronoun. Now, he's going to ask a question, not about something that belongs to this young man, which would require a possessive pronoun, he's going to ask something about him directly.

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Who Hi, Yvonne. I, Yvonne meaning also mean that a Hindi is he also from him? And just as we recognize that this has to be men up here or Indian? Middle Hindi Yes. Correct. Thank you.

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Then it will be what am I saying? We recognize that it's min l Hindi. And it couldn't possibly be min l Hindi. Right? Because of the context. Excellent.

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Very, very good. And the response LA, who I mean, you have done excellent work, lets you to finish out the page. And once we cross over the page, we'll get some. So you can tell something. What if you want think,

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you know?

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Go ahead. Alright.

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no, it's meant because

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if there was no honor here, okay, if there was no pronoun, and you just all you had was mineral hint. Yes. Then you wanted to say someone who is Indian, would that word be different? Yes, it would be then it would be Hindi. And right. We haven't gotten there yet. Uh, yeah. At the end? Yes. And that's a different. That's a different Yeah. Then possessive pronoun. So there is a yeah, that we will learn later on. Not learning it now at all. Okay. That will be

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indicative of

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let's say we use it for nationality. We use it for someone who is from something, right. So in the embryo, things like this, but yes, we'll get into that later. That's

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different ways to say something.

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Good. So let's go back to Hameed with asking about this particular person's name

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SMA Hamza? Okay.

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Sorry, I don't know that correctly to say, It's okay. No problem.

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And I'll go over

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my Luca Mohamed. Very good. Okay. Let's stop there for a second. Okay. So, here we have the same sort of thing that we had earlier, in that we have

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Hamza tawassul, one of them in the beginning of our speech, and one of them not. So you guys did a great job, jumped over, knowing that this had to connect directly to the scene in essence, okay.

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And you also correctly said that this is is Islam as well.

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Because it has to have about now the the question we have to ask is, what

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Hanukkah is the mean going to get?

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In both of these? We have ipsum. And we know that the scene has a

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coupon? What is the meme going to have? And why? Is it going to have a bomber? Is it going to vote them up with a fence?

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Is it going to have a Fatah? Is it going to have a customer and why?

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It wouldn't have a customer it would have

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why would it? This is the first letter. The first letter isn't have a demo. So it'd be mess me.

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Sorry, in this one, and this one here, and then this one here?

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You're saying that the meme you're talking about? Sorry? If it's if it's me,

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then it would be

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okay. If it's just it's me, but if it's Miss Mu okay, why is it miss Mulholland not mess me he sounds right to me.

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That's good. Macho. Hey, if we're at that level of Arabic No hamdulillah

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I can probably laugh. Okay, I guess I can take over. Yeah, that's right. You

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know humbly that you're half right. And you're half wrong. Okay. So this is with a Bama mess Moo hoo. Okay.

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Were we have to ask ourselves what type of sentence is this? Okay?

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Or, you know, even questions, they still fit within the Joomla Ismailia Joomla Palia.

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dichotomy, right? This is a Joomla SME.

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And we know that the default

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status ruling, whatever you want to say,

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state of the parts of the Joomla is Mia is that they are metaphor,

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which is usually expressed by a bomb, unless there happens something else to a word that moves it away from that to something else, such as a huff job, a preposition mean, or a possessive relationship with off with off date or something like that. Okay. If we wanted to tease out and I think Previously, we had, I had tried to stress that with questions. It's tricky, because questions

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they don't

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it's hard to look at them and recognize the same looked at a cover that we had done so well, when it was an affirmative sentence.

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If we want to tease it out,

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we have to rearrange the parts. And we have to look at what it is we're trying to say here. So the question is, in translation, what is his name? Okay. If we were to make a statement to answer that question, then it would be his name is x, right? We actually we have that in the next line is mobile Hamza? I just gave away the answer.

00:31:54 --> 00:32:02

So the proper order of this if it were a sentence, it begins with a small or Yes, is smooth.

00:32:05 --> 00:32:13

And pardon me, I forgot my mouse. And so my writing is very writing with one of those pads, those finger pads, and so the writing is very bad,

00:32:14 --> 00:32:15

is smooth. Now,

00:32:16 --> 00:32:18

this is the original

00:32:19 --> 00:32:48

question. This is the multi gizmo because it's the subject is what we want to know. And now, what is the was the information about that subject? That is the predicate that's the hub. Okay? However, as we've said, time and time again, in Arabic, we put the part that we're questioning first, which is why men jumps ahead to be muscle. But this has to be a bummer on the meme. Because it is moved to them.

00:32:49 --> 00:33:02

Because it is part of the Joomla is mean is smooth. Secondly, secondly, the WHO HAS to be with a vonleh because this here is a possessive pronoun. It is fixed.

00:33:03 --> 00:33:11

So even if, even if, hypothetically, we were in some sort of situation where we had Isma, like if it were the,

00:33:12 --> 00:33:14

the object of a verb,

00:33:15 --> 00:33:22

it's possible that we could have Isma who write it is if this were the object of a verb.

00:33:23 --> 00:33:59

The meme would have a fence Hmm. But the hat is always going to have a bone. Always, always always, because it is a pronoun. And pronouns are fixed. They are give me the same reason why earlier. Excuse me, we can't change cat to key, right? For reasons other than gender. Because cat is fixed, that means you masculine. It's never going to be key. If we're talking about a male, the same thing down here. It's it's never going to be her. It's always going to be who, whether it's is mu or is Matt who.

00:34:00 --> 00:34:12

That's another thing entirely, but who is fixed. Okay, that brings us down to the second part. Does everybody understand that just from Messman before we get into Israel Hamza?

00:34:13 --> 00:34:36

Yes. Okay. Is smooth Hamza system has not brought a correct rule in the wrong place. Okay, so she applied the rule of Hamlet's a muscle, that specific to verbs, and she applied it to say now, okay, if we have a verb that begins with a hassle, Hamza tawassul.

00:34:38 --> 00:34:40

So for example, there's a

00:34:42 --> 00:34:46

if to Allah, okay, this is a verb.

00:34:47 --> 00:34:50

Kind of like a nonsense verb. Okay, what did we use?

00:34:52 --> 00:34:58

F Tada. Then we look at the third letter, right? We look at the third letter and we work backwards.

00:35:00 --> 00:35:25

We work backwards and ascertain that this has to be a customer. Because it's not a VM. However, we're not in that area of Arabic grammar, we're dealing with nouns and nouns. The default is that it's going to be with a customer is some, if main, remember to him for a woman, right, and so on and so forth.

00:35:26 --> 00:35:29

I'm sorry, I did not hear what what the reference disorder you support.

00:35:32 --> 00:35:40

Sorry, I thought you were looking for a word that began with Sudan. Yes. I see. I see. Right. Like oh, to call right. On Hold.

00:35:43 --> 00:36:12

Yes. Talk to right from Katella. Yeah. To write up tool. Right, exactly. This would be an example because now we're talking about verbs, right? So that is correct. How do we determine how to pronounce the 100 tawassul. With verbs? Correct. This is not a verb. It's an it's a noun. And so the default is going to be Castile. Good. If mu because this is our subject, this is our mob to that this is what we're talking about is smooth, and the hoop is fixed again. Hamza, to

00:36:13 --> 00:36:30

Hamza to that's the information about the subject that we're looking for. We wondered what his name was. His name is the subject, the information about that subject? Meaning what it is, is covered metaphor with a vonleh Hamza, too.

00:36:31 --> 00:36:36

And finally, we have met Lulu to care. Yeah, Mohamed do

00:36:37 --> 00:37:28

and we have learned before, if there is a name that is after the Yeah. Which is how often need that the vocative particle you're calling out somebody? Mohammed, then it drops the 10 week instead of Yeah, Mohamed Dune, normally it's Mohamed dune. It becomes Yeah, Mohammadu and Luca tone is the original word Lula tone meaning language. And so we have Lova to care. What is your language? Oh, no. And that takes us to the end of the page. That was a nice, invigorating review session. I think for the interest of time, we will stop here and continue on with the harder page two on Saturday morning at 11am Eastern time in sha Allah does anybody have any questions?

00:37:48 --> 00:38:09

Okay, good to get back into the swing of things, mashallah, everybody's doing great. You, it's still with you. It's still there, Masha, Allah that wasn't so painful, and it will come back with more and more practice. So keep at it and show us data. And I will see you Saturday if not sooner, in sha Allah. Attica a la Hotel on an item listed on why they come after

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