Tom Facchine – Beginning Classical Arabic Lesson 35

Tom Facchine
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the use of "encies" in Arabic writing, including the use of "encies" to describe words and phrases. They stress the importance of keeping track of different parts of sentences and the use of words and phrases in relation to the meaning of "encies." They also discuss the use of "IT" and "IT," and the relationship between words like "IT" and "will" in relation to situations. The speakers emphasize the importance of understanding the meaning of each word and how it relates to the situation.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim hamdulillah Alameen wa Salatu was Salam ala Ashraf, the MBA almost serene the vino for Latina Mohamed Salah was good the Sneem Allahu Allah, Allah wa and found them and found I mean that island was even their own money out of that. I mean, I said on Monday from rock to rock, MacArthur everybody welcome to beginning Kruskal Arabic. I like to start today with something that was bothering me from last class. Okay, so let's go to one example

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I had explained in a way that was incorrect.

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And I felt somewhere in myself that the way I explained it was not correct and I returned to the books and sure enough

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there's actually a really educative point here going on. In

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Example number three. So remember last class we had Lee Madden muda Reserve or the Banu Alia, Oma. Okay. And we puzzled for a second, okay, we learned that this pattern, this phonetic pattern, cast learn, all right, if we making a pattern, we're going to call it found learn. That's the name of the pattern, because we always use the iron and lamb in Arabic to make phonetic patterns.

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So this pattern, we said is monotonous off. Right, it is in the cleanable. Alright, and we came to this

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right here.

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And we had a question. One of the questions was, Why doesn't it have le flam?

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We know we know why it doesn't have 10 ween

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because it is not going to solve why doesn't have addicts, ma'am? And I had said, because I'm not going to solve prevents it from having a lay flat as well. And that's not correct at all. That's not correct at all. And what had

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confused me when I was looking at this example, is that everything that we were doing in this lesson was in pairs of system ozouf. Right. And so the CIFA had to follow the most often for things and had to follow it in gender it had to follow in number had to follow in grammatical case and definiteness. Okay. But none of these examples here are civil MASU. They are a simple move to that. hubback Anna Joanne Anna, move to that. Joanna cupboard?

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Right. There's no simple mouse move going on. So there is no requirement that Joanne who follows them up to that in Definity. In fact, it won't, because it's the cover, right. However, if it's as simple as some which is in this case, it's going to be neck and neck kit. In normal circumstances being indefinite. We'll demonstrate that fact with a 10 week. However, this particular adjective Joe, I know, anything on this phonetic pattern is called Memnon. Minnesota. And so it's not going to be possible that it has 10 we Okay, so this is going on in every single one of these exercises in this example, and Joe Anu again looked at our cover la Anna out shadow, mocked it up about Lee

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Mather and this even more so even though it's got a couple of bells and whistles, it's got lumada, which is a question and Al Yama, which is part of specifying the time but the base of the sentence is simply moved to the hub of Al muda reseau of that battle. Right? That's the basis of the sentence if we're going to strip it to its most essential meaning the teacher is angry, move to that club. So about the ban is the hubbub. It is Nikita, but it is monotonous off. And so it will not ever have a 10 week. It doesn't have an Elif lamb simply because it's covered and cover is Net Zero. Whereas the mother just as a question a young it specifies the time

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and I so I I went back to a thematic which is one of the standard texts of Arabic grammar and was reading as to what makes this particular phonetic pattern not minutes, minutes off what makes it in reclinable. Remember that the definition of no no I'm going to solve means no 10 Wien and no kestra

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Won't happen

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And the reason behind this class of words is because there are some times when a

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when a word resembles a verb, or resembles another type of word. Okay? And this led me to answer inadvertently one of another question that had been asked in the classes. How do you tell the difference? How do you tell the difference between the dual let's say key tab then

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which means to books

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and something like this, which is Joanne

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and then what makes it different between a dual form of a verb like yeah, Falange

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they both did something and if this is a little bit this is going to be a little bit advanced for some of us and that's not a problem. Just enjoy the ride and then we'll go back to the normal lesson.

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So this is the verb that it resembles so just like a

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if an essence

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resembles a huff

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it becomes what we say mob knee

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right means it's in decline of will such as for example, or ISA

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these sorts of things, okay, I'm not meant to sort of is something similar when we have an ism that resembles affair. It resembles

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a verb. So this is the verb that these phonetic forms are resembling you can see keytab then and Joanne resemble yet fala

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or even better yet, past tense fadlan

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Or you go right there, it looks almost exactly the same. It is exactly the same from our pattern that we made up here

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Okay, so what distinguishes them all? Okay, one of the answers that I came across as that

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second letter Sakinah fat land. Yes, it is. And here it's not fat Island. Sorry, I just saw your question.

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One of the answers is what happens when we go to the feminine and we haven't learned that yet but we will learn that

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if we go to the feminine let's Okay. keytab is not feminine, but let's take something

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okay, I'm not finding an example right now, but we'll just go to Joe and if we go to Joanne the feminine is not we do not make the feminine by adding a timer buta, we have an entirely different phonetic pattern

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we have what is it here?

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Pardon me because we don't really use it very often. Or at least I don't

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write it's going to be Joe.

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So basically, because this type of word Kassala No, Joe no outshine. No, it has an Elif and endure.

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And because it's feminine form is very different. This is what makes it many more minutes off. If that's the only thing that you take away from this. That's that's what I'm trying to get out. Okay, we're wondering what is it so specifically about Katelyn and Joanne are channel these words, that make sense and I'm not I'm gonna solve two things, the alpha and the noon that's added on to it. And the fact that it gets even crazier once we make it feminine.

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Whereas a dual object has very, very regular even if it hasn't anything new, it has a very, very regular pattern of becoming feminine. Okay.

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So I climbed down the rabbit hole for that one because it was bothering me. The most important point to get is that Elmo who bought the Banu is moved to the

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Alamo gallery so is moved to that. And so it's Marisa Advan, who is cover and so it's neck era and the only thing preventing it from having 10 ween is that it's no no middle self is in decline.

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Okay, thank you for indulging me with that aside.

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We cover

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But most of the and I asked a question please, please do.

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I'm sorry. So cuz law no if we go an example number three, we just did you re explain number four. But if we do number three, there is fair Salone Taleban because Landon or it should be Khosla new, we will always be cas9 Oh, yes, it is. And I think I think there was some, I might have misspoken before, when we first began this, it will always

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it will never have a second

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than we will never take over.

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All right, thank you. Thank you for the question. How do you explain the question? Before the exercise?

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The question God says, keep in mind the rule pertaining to adjectives ending in eight in on so that means these are adjectives. I don't understand.

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The instructions right here, but Metallian? That's what we're talking about.

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No, no. Below this, the one that excites you just walked us through? No. And there is the alief. Unknown. That's what they're talking about. Yeah. And so it's actually the the question is read keeping in mind the rule pertaining to adjectives. So they are saying that these are all adjectives. So if these are adjectives, then why why do we think that they are?

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Because there isn't an adjective, and CIFA is what we call like they are CIFA in how they function in the sentence.

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In Arabic,

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how we break up words CIFA is an example or a type of Assam.

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Okay, okay. But I think what's not clear to me is that we just spent a whole lesson talking about how the adjective had to follow the noun every time it had to match the non match the norm. And so we kept doing that. And then there was nothing to indicate that this was going to change, except suddenly this exercise gets thrown at us. And they change but there was nothing in the whole lesson. So it was like a local volume. And so I have to confess that everything you've done so far, I, I didn't understand I'm sorry. No, no, no, that's fine. Here's here's maybe one of the points of confusion. Before Okay, before we were getting

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a pair of CIPA mo Su, that was always part of the same part of speech. Right? We they made it so easy for us it was almost lulled us into a false sense of security where they gave us every surfer and masuk was part of the hover. Right? That's like so, Mohammed, Mohammed didn't move to that. Bali Bon Voyage that he doin. Okay. Right. But then what they did here was they split

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it over them up to the end.

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So we have in these examples,

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we have what's technically a CIFA Yes, which is a type of Assam in Arabic. This led to an uptrend,

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but it is alone in the hub. Okay. And in English grammar, we would say, okay, easy. This is Stefano. So this is an adjective and what it describes is No, I am hungry.

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But an average grammar, we wouldn't say that, we would say that this is milk did not cover

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because the Muqtada. Now the CIFA isn't following the mill sweeping all those four things, right? If the if the move tonight, here is Marisa

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if we call this CIPA.

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If we call the CIFA. And this MyLSU, then this has to follow in

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being modified, which it doesn't.

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Why doesn't it because it splits over them up to that uncovered neither is it both part of the Motorola or both of them part of the phone. Okay, so let's talk about this. Let's talk about this. Maybe this is a useful way to think about it.

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When we say the word suffer,

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okay. We can be talking about a category of Word, something that describes

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In which case, in which case, we've had these types of words before, we said for example, very early on, we said Mohammedan

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for Edom,

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And this is technically what we is a CIFA. If we're talking about the type of word is

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right, it describes Mohammed. However, however, within a sentence, it isn't

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Not of construction of CIPA most who?

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Does that make any sense at all? Because it's not paired with it in such a way that the rules of agreements apply to it, you have to agree with the four things. Why don't they apply because this is an is statements there the difference between the Malta and the hover you put a big fat is right there Mohamed is tall. And that is or that place where we cross over from the Malta to the hover basically means that all bets are off. When it comes to set the most who were not dealing with CIPA most hoop anymore such that the sofa has to follow the most from the four things.

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So whereas the wheel is technically a sofa, in that it describes something, and it specifically describes what's in the book today. It's not part of the pairing construction of CIPA mo su

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where the rules of agreement apply.

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If all we do is add a word to the sentence we say Mohamed, don't Roger roger loon for wiener Oh, then we have CIFA but we're Roger masu

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both in the sense that the wheel is a stiffer as in the category of word it is and grammatically in the sense that we have a pair a construction here

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where there are certain rules of agreement that apply between these two words

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Okay, so I'm going to now connect this to like a long time ago when we were talking about the this something is sweet that is to sweet or whatever the apple is sweet like goes examples. So this is like basically this is this is like the earlier we did a long time bar which was the apple sweet and the tea is hot or whatever those this is like that. Okay, so is there a logical process by which we can examine the sentence so that we can spot what what the differences are? Because now I'm I'm not here because

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if you if you go up now to face to face on the one with the facing who's the lazy student

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so according to me now, Facebook is the move to the

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student. Yeah, so So then it will be based on

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Polly boo.

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And then so this will be concerning.

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will be posted it on Bali. Boone Caslen. Why would it be only one because it's covered.

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If we're drawing our line here by saloon is the name of a boy. Right or the name of it. So Bali, whoo. Right.

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Without 10 win, yeah. How could it not have done we? It's Nikita, it's covered.

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The only possible way the only possible way it could have neither le flam nor 10 win is if it's one I'm not going to solve like Caslen or if it were part of a with off with off relay if we had like for example Paliwal madrasa it

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right, but if it's going to be by itself here the relationship between these two words that's what we have to account for. What's the relationship between these two words it's CIFA most

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Okay, which means that body bone has to be nephew it doesn't the the relationship of CIPA Mosel doesn't do any work upon the most

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right. As opposed to most often with awfully well off with awfully that will not be late does work on the box but it loses its anytime.

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However, set the most of the CIFA does no work on the most so all the CIFA has to do is follow the MO soup and for things unless we get something weird like this as well we don't mess up

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Okay, so I guess I'm just trying to see what I would what I would do if I was not

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you know,

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sitting with a book open and if I just came across and I no Quran and I'm just wondering how I would approach it. So I guess I have to always begin with is this sentence

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is this a nominal sentence or will the sentence then the next thing I'll say is okay, where's the line because I'm often on the cover. Like I literally always have to do that.

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or if we if we lose track in Arabic grammar, if we lose track for a second of where the movie ends and where the cover begins, or what are the appropriate parts of the sentence, then yes, the whole thing gets lost.

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Right? So that's why I tried to drill it into your heads when we were doing it before. where's the where's the public? What type of sentences is, okay, what are the parts of the sentence? Right? Because

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I'm so sorry to interrupt. Go ahead.

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Oh, so I'm guessing I guess now I'm trying to distinguish between, you know, the the previous exercise where we where we said, for example, ibis, intogen shahidul, where we did the whole CIFAR masu thing. Suddenly now with face volume Caslon, we changed our mind. What was the difference between those two examples? There is no difference. No, you're right. This is the same example the only exam the only difference is the type of phonetic pattern that Kassala know, exists within. Okay, impossible for it to take a 10 week. Okay, so the reason for the reason for not being not having a can mean is not actually anything to do with.

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Um, okay.

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No, this is actually safe. I'm also the

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polygon Caslen is set the most. But the reason focus on will not having a convene is not related to sci fi. Also, it's related to Monroe. Manasa. Yes, exactly. Okay. Purely phonetic. Okay. And I think Al Hamdulillah that I understand that. Okay. Anybody else? Any questions? And I apologize for the confusion about this. I mean, it's, it's, I think I'll take responsibility for it. It's mostly my fault. No, I think actually, we learned a painful and important lesson, which is that we should never forget that we have to begin from nominal info. So we should never think we can skip that step. Because now we're advanced or anything, right? No matter where you go. And especially when you

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get into the Koran, because when you get into the Quran, Allah azza wa jal is not using usually, usually very, very simple sentences like this. He's often using complicated, like sentence structures and looping back to things that he said before, and putting things in interesting places that are purposeful, right? He's putting the hover before the move to that to give emphasis to this. And he's, you know, delaying the question, all these sorts of things, right. And so it's even more important when we go to the court and to be able to keep track of the, what type of sentence is this? First of all, second of all, what are the parts of that sentence? And third of all, where can

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I demarcate? Where can I draw the line between the different parts of that sentence? And if you can keep that straight in a sentence, then the meaning becomes clearer. Right? Because how those parts of the sentence link up.

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That's exactly where the meaning lies.

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I think I think then, if, if everyone in the class is okay with it.

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I wonder if maybe just for some time for future exercises, whenever we work on an exercise if we could, if we could always do that stuff, just so that we sort of train our minds to never approach anything without having to without having identified

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that I don't mean to I don't mean to slow things down. Oh, no, no, no. If everybody's comfortable with it. Now, that's a good suggestion, or at least or at least I'll pepper it in more, you know, it's always a balance, you know, making sure we bring it along with us so that the lessons are cumulative.

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Very good. We worked through it comes up.

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Anybody have any other questions about that? Before we continue, we had halfway finished the the examples

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I think we're good to go.

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Let's go to the shape family. Could you let's see, read the next four lines. So I'll write a line here, right here and alternate between the two of you.

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nimasa Tilka sejahtera. Jeremy jameelah. To

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look at the very, very first word again. What's that? No.

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I knew I was just testing you.

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value investing yeah

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yeah living with the real

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God the good yep keep going. Lehman has ill kita boo

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Hua lil moody no model received

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without a receipt Yep. Mother receipt

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law for late

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labor this the that the

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line but you didn't you read it well you gave it a customer even though despite the drama here. Yes Judy that did Edie

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but you did well, great job. So let's translate first Okay sister. So what's the first line?

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To who does this?

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Jamila TV beautiful car? Yeah.

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Whose is good? And the answer is pretty obvious. Okay. And then

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what's down here? What's this question? And then Lehman to keep

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could be a

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great book.

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It could be great. It could be big, depending on the context that they understand. And, Dr. Zia, what's the last line translate to? No?

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No, it belongs to the new student. Yes. Very good. Okay. No, one's asking does it belong? Is it teachers Madidi. There's a principal who and who are returned to the book because book is masculine. A whole allele model. recei is the teachers

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who well it barley beans add? No, it's the new students. Very good. Now, okay, let's take what system was recommended. And this is useful, especially with these questions. Let's go back to this first line here.

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What type of sentence is it? First of all, second of all, where's the milk to the and where's the honey?

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If some because it asks you would belong to a noun dinner. Yes.

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And then

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tricky. The,

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the Yatta two is the hubbub.

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So Jana Jamila, is the the mock that I think, and then the No.

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It's difficult. It is difficult, right? Like especially with question, okay. Um, I think it's the car to Jamila to is the cover. Okay. And the other part is,

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that's a great guest. It's completely backwards, but it's a great guest.

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So how can we tell? That's the question if we don't know, how can we tell the way where you can state the answer, state use the same words of the sentence? And imagine that you're not asking a question anymore. But imagine, imagine that you're making a statement, we would say Tilka say Allah to Jamila to Lille, moody, relativi. Right.

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In which case, this, all of this is them up to that

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Tilka say out to Jamila to and Lehman is the Hubbard Wait a second email? Why is it in the beginning of the sentence because as we said, in Arabic, we always put in the beginning, the part that we're asking about? So if you're if you're confused about what's melted out what's coming, what am I dealing with straight and out the sentence by making making it into a statement, and it will become clear. Here, it's easy. Here. Later, we'll do real GDD easy Mattila cover stuff. I'm also

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right. No problem here. Tricky. If we're going to write out the whole thing, it would be Telc SAR tool Jamila to that smoke to them. That's what we're asking about. Lehmann.

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Is who's literally is who's right. So all of this, all of this is or I should say, what we have here is we have an Israeli shower. We have a demonstrative pronoun. And then we have Stefan also.

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And Ella Jamila, two follows SAR two in the four things that follows it and number two,

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engender feminine singular,

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metaphor and Marisa and if man, and if not,

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right, and the same thing holds for down here exactly the same thing except this is a masculine example.

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If we wanted to say, in a statement form Lehman huddle keytab will Kabiru, we would say how that a key tab will be a row little modality, or in this case, lip, Foley been Jedi.

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And so that reveals that the mantra is actually, these three words have an Kitab, we can be

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very good.

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Not easy. The questions, the questions may get tricky.

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Let's keep rolling it. Can we do?

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Say it family? Can you do the next four lines are the remaining four lines?

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Alternating? I'm sorry, I actually.

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Yes, I mean, just just last week, or whatever, you know, less than one. The everything we did was that the demonstrator pronoun is the move to that. And then the object is the hover. Right. So

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so this lemon was confusing me. So I said, Okay, tell us the same as have a hierarchy, Darwin. So that would be the move that up. And then the beautiful car would be the hover except it's definite.

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So that doesn't make sense. Fantastic. Thank you for asking that question. I'm glad that you did. So. Two things here. First of all, you're right that it should alert you. bells should go off when you notice that a say auditory Jamila two has a listener. So it's Maddie. Okay, so that should clue you in first right away that Okay, wait a second, this might not be covered. Okay. Second of all, think about philosophically, what is the hub? The hover is information about the subject?

00:32:05 --> 00:32:18

Right? What's the subject? Okay, here we see tilde we know with certainty that's tilde because part of the subject. Our question now is, is what follows tilde?

00:32:20 --> 00:32:23

Is that information about Tilka?

00:32:25 --> 00:32:36

I as in we're saying an if statement. Is this? Is that? Or is it the the self same noun that tilaka is referring to?

00:32:37 --> 00:33:12

And the answer is the latter. Okay, that makes sense. That makes sense. So, so really, this is not about this is a car this is about whose car, that's that's what it's about. Okay? And if you want a very, very simple way to discern, you always have to ask yourself, Where does the word is, Paul, if I'm going to translate this sentence into English telecasts, AR to Jamila to Lehman, or Lehman, healthcare Sciarra to Jimena to where does is for, say that's

00:33:13 --> 00:33:17

beautiful car is who's

00:33:18 --> 00:33:52

why it's different from everything we did again, because previously, everything we did was very, very simple sentences. We dealt with CIFA mo soup only in the hubbub and only in very simple you know, this is that this is that statements. Now we're seeing similar masuk pop up in them up to them. If we straighten this whole thing out, both of these lines will get will get SIP mo soup in both the motera and the hover. If we say for example, kilka say Ara to Jamila to Li Mo D or in jdd.

00:33:53 --> 00:34:00

That's the full information that they're giving us here. We have a motor that we have a separate muscle for muscle.

00:34:01 --> 00:34:04

So in the past, we said for example,

00:34:05 --> 00:34:13

we said till till sejahtera tune, okay. And that was simple. And then we've also said,

00:34:14 --> 00:34:17

till Casa Yara tune jammin. Yes.

00:34:18 --> 00:34:24

And so what changed? Here is the question the question came in and so, okay, everything basically.

00:34:25 --> 00:34:36

Okay, good. I think I know very good, very good, ya know, the level of difficulty from this lesson to the previous examples. It was ramped away up, you know, like

00:34:37 --> 00:34:53

to give you now Okay, now you're seeing all of the variables that they had kept constant in the previous lesson. They're changing all of them at once. Right? Like now they're, they're changing where you're seeing the sofa, most pair it used to be just the Hummer. Now, it could be the Hummer. It could be the most of them.

00:34:54 --> 00:34:59

You're not just dealing with statements anymore. Now you're dealing with statements and you're dealing with questions.

00:35:00 --> 00:35:11

So when you have questions that question or word creeps to the front, and it kind of throws off your orientation of what type of sentence we're dealing with here, and so on and so forth. So it's not

00:35:12 --> 00:35:14

it's challenging. It's challenging.

00:35:15 --> 00:35:21

Okay, so let's go back to the ESPYs. For last lines of this part, this exercise will save families

00:35:25 --> 00:35:27

up to cerebrate to

00:35:33 --> 00:35:33


00:35:35 --> 00:35:37

Cool. Cool. Cool. Be Yes.

00:35:40 --> 00:35:42

Hey, Nicole seal bokksu.

00:35:44 --> 00:35:44


00:35:45 --> 00:35:46

Who? Oh?

00:35:50 --> 00:35:54

Yes. Excellent. Fantastic. Now let's translate line for line.

00:35:56 --> 00:35:58

Where is that small spoon?

00:36:01 --> 00:36:01


00:36:02 --> 00:36:03


00:36:04 --> 00:36:10

Oh, it's in the it's inside the cup. Or in the cup? Either way, either way, right.

00:36:13 --> 00:36:18

And where is oh, sorry, where is that broken chair? Or where is broken chair?

00:36:20 --> 00:36:27

Over there? Yes, exactly. And the only minor thing. So I like to pick on Dr. Wilson. Yeah.

00:36:28 --> 00:36:33

But instead of that, there's no evidence for that in the sentence. However, there is evidence for that.

00:36:36 --> 00:36:50

But that's fantastic. Great job. Okay. Now the tricky questions. Okay. Edelman, aka to Savio excuse me, Sylvia, to? What type of sentence? Where's the most? Oh, okay. I just gave you the answer. Where's the move to that? And?

00:36:57 --> 00:37:01

It's July is Mia. And Mocha is milk?

00:37:03 --> 00:37:50

Yeah, very good. And the hover is Aina Haina. Good. Let's see, this makes sense? Because what are we talking about? Subject is the small spoon. Right? What do we want to know about the small spoon the information? The predicate of the subject is where is it? Right. So if we're going to untangle the sentence and stray in and out, it would be L Milaca. To solve era to Bill Kobe. Right? And Milaca to servera to is the mantra that is the subject. Feel Kobe would be the answer and the hunger if we're all making one sentence. Very good. But we don't have just one sentence like that. We have an independent sentence. He feel cool. So break that down for us system Syrah. Where's the what type of

00:37:50 --> 00:37:53

sentence and what are its parts? And where are its parts?

00:37:56 --> 00:37:57

Yes, good.

00:38:01 --> 00:38:02

He Yeah.

00:38:04 --> 00:38:08

Good, there's a mold to that. And your cover is just the rest of it.

00:38:09 --> 00:38:29

And this, we should recognize it as a prepositional phrase, job, and Metro. So B is a fixed preposition. It makes alcovy Just like Dr. Syra had read with a Castro. And that's what it's going to be this entire thing is the is the, and the second example is the same.

00:38:32 --> 00:38:44

Okay, we have run out of time. And we took up a lot of class, explaining and working through some stuff, which I think I think I hope was beneficial, I hope it was

00:38:45 --> 00:38:52

beneficial to wade through the weeds and go through that stuff, just so we clearly understand what we're going through. Um,

00:38:53 --> 00:39:27

yes, we had a suggestion from one of the students, if we wanted to make any sort of either Whatsapp group or telegram group or any sort of thing that would send out reminders to people, or if you would prefer reminders for email for the class time, because sometimes the class time ship and things like that. So if there's any interest in that sort of thing, you can either reply in the chat box right now, or you can send me an email. You all have my email.

00:39:28 --> 00:39:32

And if there's enough interest to warrant it, then

00:39:35 --> 00:39:41

I see. Okay, I didn't realize that. I didn't realize that telegram didn't show numbers. Mashallah.

00:39:43 --> 00:39:47

Okay, that's good to know. So, if there's interest in that, we can do that.

00:39:50 --> 00:39:51

And it seems like

00:39:52 --> 00:39:53

it seems like there might be

00:39:54 --> 00:40:00

so we will keep you posted on that. Inshallah. And if there, I guess we'll start we'll start a tele.

00:40:00 --> 00:40:00


00:40:02 --> 00:40:05

and also try to maybe send out reminders to email as well.

00:40:07 --> 00:40:11

And are there any other questions about anything that we've covered?

00:40:14 --> 00:40:24

I have a question other than this contest about Ravi, are we having a turabi online? Um, we will have an official announcement about that inshallah.

00:40:26 --> 00:40:27

The classes

00:40:29 --> 00:40:37

will keep it to Arabic. But, um, but the question we're, we're in the process of making it official, we will let you know

00:40:39 --> 00:40:49

about a call. Okay. Thank you very much everybody does. Excellent work. Great job. And thank you for all your questions as always, and I will see you soon inshallah.

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