Tom Facchine – Beginning Classical Arabic Lesson 08

Tom Facchine
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the pronunciation of various words in English, including phlegms, principle, and LLCs, and explain the use of prefixes and syllable. They also discuss common phrases and phrases used in Arabic, including "has been merged" and "has a great price." The speakers emphasize the importance of learning the nuances of Arabic and emphasize the importance of keeping up with the nuances of Arabic language. They also mention a practice where students take notes and share ideas, and emphasize the importance of learning the nuances of Arabic.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim

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at hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa salatu salam, ala Ashraf, an MBA almost in an MBA in watching that Muhammad Ali he got a Salah Wesker Tasneem a lot of them that I didn't know if I am fat or no on fat and I mean that island was eaten and Yarrow but either me.

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So last class, we left off with a question

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and I'm going to let's see, I'll pull up the share screen here we'll look at the book and I want to hear

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some people's thoughts. Okay.

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So, look, we have najman And then we've added Alif Lam to najman.

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Look carefully at these four examples

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and compare them with the examples that we had previous to this. Alhaji l como el Amin DL, L.

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L y Rocco Lebanon

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who notices something slightly different about these examples

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there is a shutdown

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there is something extra that is a Shabda on the letter following lamp huh Wait a second.

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How strange we wait. Oh, here we go. We have one right up here. Oh kamaru does not have a sender the sender is the little what looks like a W to us an English it's actually shorthand for A cian but they've taken away the the three dots which means should be either said that.

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We have El palmeral

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yet down here we have

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a Chanda on top of the noon and legend a shadow on top of the raw and Rajan on the thought on the debt. So what we need to know is what on earth is going on here? And how on earth do we pronounce this?

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I had gestured towards it when

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we had heard one of the participants say l Shem. Su

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l Shamsul?

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Well, this is going to be the answer to that question. Okay.

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There are certain letters

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in Arabic that we pronounce, and certain that we do not pronounce in certain situations. Okay.

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And this situation is one of them. When we're adding Elif and lamb to the beginning of a word, I'm going to

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switch the share over to

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we'll get back to some file in a minute. This is the concept of Sun and Moon letters. We'll get back to that.

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Now, whatever you study any language,

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any language,

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you're studying it at different levels, okay, at the same time. So there's a certain

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level of study that happens at the level of the entire sentence, right? This is what's known as grammar, wondering, what word do I put first? Or if I put this word at the end of the sentence, how is it going to affect the meaning, right? Those are grammatical concerns, looking at analyzing everything at the level of the sentence.

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There's also some things that we study in language that have to do with the level of the individual word, right? This is called morphology, or these are morphological concepts. How do we make a word that reflects someone who does an action we were getting into that last class and I'll review it in a second. How does the individual word change with prefixes and suffixes

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or conjugations? Right to reflect the different meanings? In English we say, I bake a cake. And then if I want to say I am

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As someone who does this action repeatedly or as an occupation, I am a baker, right? Er is what we slap onto the end of a verb in order to make it kind of a person who does this thing. Right? This is a amorphous, this is an morphology. This is a morphological concept. And then there's other things that third level, things that we do, or things that we study or learn at the level of the actual individual letters themselves.

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Okay? How do we pronounce this letter? Is this letter pronounced the same? Everywhere in a word? Or is it pronounced differently?

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Right? In English, we're very familiar with this because English pronunciation is extremely, maybe we'll call it unstable.

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There are lots of different

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footnotes and exceptions for how to pronounce things in different contexts, Arabic is much more stable, meaning that

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we're going to pronounce letters, which with much more consistency, however, however, there are times in which there are letters that we write, that we do not pronounce. Okay. And so here we have an example of this sort of principal and English. So we pronounced the first one, the first word here on the left, glided right, I glided over the, the icy road.

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But then the same suffix if it follows a different letter, we pronounce it entirely differently we say, talked as if it were a T.

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Right? This is a principle of or concept in phonology, how do we pronounce certain things in different contexts here in English, the D, and the K.

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influence how the IDI is pronounced? Okay. So that's the same concept that is going on here. When we introduce it phlegm.

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In on the front of a noun of common noun, it is going to influence it's going to influence how we pronounce the following letter, or the noun at all, what's going to

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what's going to be the determining factor? When do we pronounce the lamb.

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And when don't we write when we say as chefs instead of El champs, but we say L on of, instead of up, comma?

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What's going to influence this? Well, just like in English, the factor that determines this is where in the mouth, the word is being or excuse me, the letter is being pronounced.

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We have a really excellent

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diagram here of different parts of the human anatomy, and where the letters come from anybody who studied Tajweed, they should be familiar with this somewhat, we're only going to focus on three of them, because they're the ones that are relevant to us learning whether we're going to pronounce the lamb or not. And those three are the ones right here in the middle. The some letters are formed with the mouth, or the lips, rather, some are formed with the tongue,

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and some are formed with the throat.

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what we have here is

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a principle in Arabic phonology.

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That if there are two letters,

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the first one of which has a sukoon.

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And they're next to each other, and they're pronounced at the same place,

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very, very close to each other and where they're pronounced, then they are merged together.

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Okay, this print this idea or this concept is called ivam. It along translates as merging. Anybody who does Qur'an at all, you've probably already been introduced to the concept of ivam, especially when it comes to how to pronounce the noon. Well, there's other types of analog. Right? One of the types of ivam is ivam of the lamp. And Alif Lam to the word that comes after it. So I want let's see, I'm going to pick on somebody

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I wanted to pick on Ibrahim.

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Ibrahim, close your eyes and pronounced the lamp.

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And then tell me where in your mouth is it being pronounced

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At the front of my mouth, my tongue is stuck on the roof and the back of my two front teeth, and the bottom of my mouth. Okay, so the principal thing that's going on, I apologize. I had my sound on mute, so I caught the only half of your answer.

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The tongue, right? The tongue, biggest part, what part of the tongue the back of the tongue, the tip of the tongue.

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Excellent. Excellent. So if the lamb is pronounced at the front of the tongue,

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than anything else that's pronounced at the front of the tongue

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is going to be merged into the lamb. Or I should say the lamb is going to be merged into it. Anything that is pronounced close to that area,

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and adjacent area right next door.

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It is also going to have the lamb merge into it.

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Let's see. There's a diagram here. That is really, really nice. Here we go. Oh, yeah, this is what we're talking about. There's the land right there.

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Look at all of the letters that are pronounced very, very close to the land.

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Raw noon, border, Tasha, Baltimore, bad Zasa. All of those

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are going to have the lamb disappear into them, dissolve into them, merge into them. If we have a word that begins with early flap. So our first example was Neji moon, right. If we add Elif lamb to it, it becomes and legible and legible. We skip pronouncing the lamb entirely. Why? Because look at how close the lamb and the noon are to each other.

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It's easier on the tongue to just merge them together into one sound. Next, we have in your book Roger noon. Rajon a man.

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If we add Alif Lam to it, instead of saying L Rajan which is slightly difficult, we merge the lamb into overall.

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Out rodelle Out Rajul.

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The same for Champs shenstone Instead of saying el Zhenzhou.

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We say ash, Shenzhou ash, ganzhou.

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And so on and so forth. What DNA was a tool? Right?

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If you had pronounced every letter, and that if you would have said, well, teeny Well, zaytoun No, no,

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it sounds off. Right? It's more difficult. What Teenie was zaytoun

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because the lamb disappears, because the lamb merges into the following letter if it's pronounced next to it,

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this that second letter has to double in duration okay, it would not be clear, if we just said and measurement and measurement and measurement. It would sound like a question right? Remember in the beginning of class the first lessons where we added a thumbs up before a word nijman An original whether it would sound like a question. So we add an extra beat of duration which is represented or noted by the shutdown and legible out Raju

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and so on and so forth. Okay, if you look at all the other letters, all of the letters that are pronounced with the lips, that will mean

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those the land has not yet merged, they're far enough away at essential

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Al Bab al Well, the same with the ones that are pronounced pronounced in the throat, I will call

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and call

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and ha Alhaji

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right. And then we have the only two letters that are pronounced with the middle of the tongue Jeem and yet, they have other qualities that makes them exempt from merging with the left.

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So then we cover Okay, so basically all of your

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letters that are colored in red here, they are called the sun letters.

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Why are they called the sun

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letters because son in Arabic begins with. It's a shrimp with sheen, Sheen is a sunlit. And so it's emblematic or iconic of the rest of them.

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What's the rule? The lamb has silence. And the following letter will be doubled, represented by a sender.

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And we already explained all of this very good.

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What are the other letters? The others are called Moon letters. Why are they called Moon letters because the word for moon. And Alma begins with a cough, which is pronounced way far away from the lamb and the back of the throat. And so is far away enough to be distinct, to not merge with the lamp. And so they've called it the movement.

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Does anybody have any questions about this? We're going to practice this in just a moment.

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If we go back to

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let's see, let's go back to our book.

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Now, let's have Ibrahim. I want you to read for me this first example read the first one with its own wheat and then the second one with the Adi flap.

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Nudge moon

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and nudge moon and moon.

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What I hear you doing is I hear you putting a 10 ween at the end of this, which we have to get rid of the 10

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nudge mon ads nudge more.

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Yeah, I know. Yeah. Sometimes things get caught in the mouth and nudge more good and never more. So you hear how he sat on this noon, and extra beat a little bit longer than he normally would. And he also got rid of the 10 we because we have Alif Lam, nijman and Nigel. Good. Someone from the site family could you do the next example

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Raja Raja sorry Raju lOn.

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Are Raj julu are

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very good. Excellent job and we said that module one was man and man. And if we want to say that man, our Raju Very good. Excellent.

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If my son is there, could you do the following one?

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The gun Deke decal vehicle. Excellent. Good job. So D con is a rooster. I'm not sure if we have that word before. D Cook is a rooster and we're going to have a lot of new vocab today in sha Allah. And the cool the rooster. Very good. And you hear how he doubled the Dan sound. He did not pronounce the lamp. It's been merged into the debt. And we have to drop our 10 we

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because we have Ali flam. Last one is married. Can you do this? This one for me?

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Do you have the book with you?

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You are muted. You have to unmute yourself.

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Can you hear me now? Yes, I can. I don't have the book with me. I'm Charlie. Okay.

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good volleyball and good. Now slapping Alif Lam on there. What does it become?

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Of the booth. Excellent. Great job is now Yeah, that's exactly it. So you hear how he

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sat on the thought. An extra beat to give it that shed that balibo And he took away the 10 wind because it does have at the end of the day. It does have a leaf lamp.

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Excellent work. Well now we got a whole bunch of other examples to practice and some unfamiliar words. So let's keep going down the list. My son Ross, can you do number one?

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And Nigel, but I need on.

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Excellent. Could you also translate that for us?

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The star is far. Excellent. Very good. You hear how she doubled the pronunciation of the noon because the lamb merges into it. And najmul Very good.

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Very good.

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Let's see number two.

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Sister meow.

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Okay. Roger Lou was

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good. What does that mean? I don't know the meaning.

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That's why we come together.

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We can learn from each other. Oh Raju is the man.

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Wow, the phone is standing. Excellent. And this is a really good segue to talk about. I I misspoke the other day, when we were explaining someone had a great question. The question was

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why do we translate is standing, which is a verb. It's the present progressive of the present continuous tense in English, but here in Arabic, it's a it's an essence, while the full and

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how does that work?

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And without going,

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beating a dead horse or

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going into too much detail when we get back here.

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We said that literally anything on this pattern of Baa Baa live lib. Wow. Fifth is the doer. So like our Baker example, I bake a cake. who bakes the cake, the baker, okay, in English, we, we put that er, on the end of a verb to transform it into a noun to show somebody who's doing that action. Same thing in Arabic, it's on this pattern of barrier and we call it is some barrier, literally the doer, the one who does. So if we have the verb of wealth offer to stand. Well, the phone means literally a standard. Okay? Gela Saya, which means to sit,

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becomes jolly soon literally means a sitter. But in English, we would never say the teacher is a sitter, the teacher is a standard. And so we translate it with the present progressive or the Present Continuous test tense, in order to get the same meaning letter what it means to us and to them, the teacher is standing. And I'll just give a really brief touch weak point. Because there's doubt when it comes to this type of word and see where we go here.

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What's the correct correct pronunciation? If we have this word in the Koran? Is it walk if with the theme of the audio, or is it whap? If with some kid, can you hear the difference? Well, if well, if

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yes, that's correct. We have to keep this is something mirror I'm not picking on you. But this is a very, very, very common thing in the pronunciation of the Koran. People know that cough is coming. And they no path is dark, or B. And so they anticipate it and so they actually let it affect the letter that comes before it. Whereas in touch we every letter has to be taken separately when it comes to the vowel sound. So instead of law if it's actually where, where if

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the man is standing. Excellent work. Well, we're gonna get some new words here. Let's see who's next on our list we have I mean, can you do number three?

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So Carol, hello, one. Excellent job. What's that mean? You know,

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the sugar from the guests is sweet.

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Excellent. That's good. One is sweet. So you have a new vocab word. Holy one is sweet. A soup kettle is sugar as we said I think before we had that

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next we have the shahada family can you do number for someone from the Shahada?

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At valuable Marie Vaughn, excellent work, Maria means sick, ill, right not feeling well. Well, there's some more vocab Oh Foley, the students is ill is sick.

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And we heard how

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the extra duration the extra beat was given to the letter thought, because the lamb from Le flam merges with the PA because they're pronounced right next to each other out all evil, just like we say in sort of tonic, what body right what we don't say the lamb. We skip right into the bar and we thought

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I don't want to leave anybody out

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from the shahada family if there's somebody else behind that device can you do number five

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as the coal ldquo

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Give me alone. Yes. What does that mean? Can you translate? The rooster is beautiful. There are beautiful roosters I've seen from my time. Right and Decaux and listen to how he did not pronounce the lamp. He jumped right into the dial and he doubled it at D cool. Jeremy luen

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excellent work.

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Jumping right back up top to Ismar. You could you try number six

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that's already

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you're on mute. You got to unmute yourself. All right.

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have the

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other half so

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Jerry, Jerry, Jerry. Okay, I'm gonna you know what I'm gonna get you is now because this man sits with me ephedrine does. Is this a raw? This letter here? Is that a raw? That's, that's

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that that? Yes, that's a dead. Check out how raw, check out how the raw up here hangs down below everything else below the below the bar and the doll is staying up. Even with the so it does look similar to the rock, but it is a dolt. So go ahead read it one more time.

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Oh, oh, feet. Rule.

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J. D done. Very

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good job. Very good track. You did a good job. You're joining up with us late so

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you're doing a great job as def Tatel desktop is a notebook. It's a notebook you're writing. Okay that you take notes. So the word is def tattle and. But because we add le flam now we make it definite we save the notebook. Now we have this lamp which happens to be right next to the dead pronounced with the tip of the tongue. So we're going to merge the lamb into the dead we doubled the data add death tattle. Jedi doing Jedi don't means new.

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So the meaning of the sentence V notebook is new.

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Very good.

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I saw Ross Could you do number seven please?

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Do you only Yun the businessman is wealthy? That's efficient. Yes, excellent word. So we have one old word and one new word tells you the businessman the trader can also be a shopkeeper. Call me you call me. One of the attributes of Allah subhanaw taala. rich, wealthy.

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Allah is El Vani meaning he has the sufficient the one who is free from need

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and listen to how she doubled the tap. She did not pronounce the lamp she merged into the chat app. Do you have honey yawn

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excellent work. Moving right along me if give number eight a shot. Okay.

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Nuff to

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work great job. Kinda was a new word we have not learned yet. It means the shop or the store and listen to how she merged the lamb into the debt. And so she had to double that does sound do a dupe can?

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MEF two

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metal from means open. The store is open. The shop is open.

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I mean, could you do number nine for us?

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handled well. I do filter your own.

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Great. Do you know what that means?

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The boy is poor. Yes. Excellent. Up here is the opposite of Avani. So it's very helpful that we've learned a lot of these adjectives in opposites, right? We have one and its opposite. So bumpy road means for a little while I do. The boy is poor. Now, I'm going to pick on the mean because I know that he's a little bit more advanced than some of our students and to give everybody else a little bit of refresher of the grammar of the type of sentences that we're talking about. This sentence and what I do 51 Which word is the move to that?

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l Walla do excellent. Very good.

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What's a sign of it being? Like, how do we know? Other than it's the first word? Is there something about what to do that might clue us into the fact that it's melted up?

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One would be that it ends with

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like, otherwise I do at the name of development coming to me right now. I think Obama. Good, good. Good. Excellent. Which is a sign that it is not enough. Right.

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Excellent. So that's correct. And so by process of elimination, excellent work to me. Mashallah. So by process of elimination, the hubbub is the other word about the unknown. So just as a brief refresher, remember, I don't want to belabor the point. But it's helpful for your software, your bird's eye view, organization of the Arabic language. We are in, we are talking about Joomla is meow sentences that begin with ism.

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It has two parts, this type of sentence, the Muqtada and the hub.

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Both the moon and the Hubble are part of the same grammatical case, which is called metaphor. metaphor is represented by Obama. That's why it has a bomber at the end of Whelan and a bomb, some type of bomber at the end of the pier.

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But there are different than look to that in the harbor, in that the Muqtada is definite. And the hover is indefinite. In Arabic, this was Marisa and Nikita. And that is represented by the fact that the move to that here only has one bomber, whereas Pottier has a 10 when it has to nominals up the rune. Excellent work. Okay, moving down to the shahada family, could you do number 10 for us?

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To fahel movie then. Excellent work. Do you know, assuming you know what that means? Can you translate for us?

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To fat has an apple and V then I'm not sure but I think it's delicious. That's it is very good. Because we live in New York, and that's the apple, the apple capital of the United States. And apples are indeed delicious. So lovey, don't new word for everybody who hasn't been exposed to a previously delicious

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with Ali flan, and becomes the apple is delicious. And we heard she did a fantastic job. Not pronouncing the lamp. Yes, yeah, shoot your question. Okay. So you know, like, you taught as many meanings of the words, I forgot to write a lot.

00:32:54 --> 00:33:09

And it's hard for me to go back to all the videos and actually catch the words. So do you, like provide any hard copy for the previous study, like we did, like, I don't know how it's gonna work up a really good idea. Maybe, you know, and this is really where

00:33:10 --> 00:33:56

the students can come together, we could have some sort of like PDF, or even just like a, someone take a picture of their notes, who has made like a nice vocab sheet of all of the new words. And as written the definitions, maybe somebody who has done that can email it to me, and I'll share it to the group. This is something that we ran into time and time again, studying in Medina, where, you know, things happen, I mean, you miss a class, or you miss two classes or something, you know, comes up, or maybe you just didn't take great notes on one particular day, the more the students help each other, the more everyone's going to learn. Right? So we'll try to recapture some of that atmosphere.

00:33:56 --> 00:34:39

Somebody in sha Allah who's taking good notes, take a picture or a screenshot, send it to me via email, and we will share it here or I'll send it out via email Sharma. Thank you so much. Thank you for asking. I don't want anybody to sit and suffer silently. Alright. I don't want anybody to because then you're going to get you're going to get discouraged and you go like, Oh, I'm not gonna go to class because, you know, I'm behind and, you know, everybody knows more than me. You know, I mean, I remember when we went to Medina, they, there were some students in the Arabic program that already knew Arabic, like fluently. And it was very discouraging, right?

00:34:40 --> 00:34:46

There are some funny stories. We don't necessarily have time to go over to tell them right now. But

00:34:48 --> 00:34:59

if you just tried to everybody works together, don't worry about anybody's level. Who else is doing better than you or knows more than you or had prior study than you or prior experience?

00:35:00 --> 00:35:40

We're all here to help each other. And if there's somebody in class that knows more than you, then what we want to do is we want to turn that into an asset for everybody. Right? So we'll find whatever opportunities we can to improve each other and help each other in practice. And once COVID is over, you know, one of the things that I really want to do, especially in person in the masjid is to have like an Arabic conversation, our like, once a week or something like that, one for the brothers, one for the sisters, to practice what we what we learned in here and to try to strengthen our skills and bring it down from our heads and put it on our tongues. Excellent. See, we already

00:35:40 --> 00:35:47

have a taker, I can share some my notes from Saira, thank you so much, Sister Syrah. Okay, I will go back to the same family.

00:35:49 --> 00:35:56

For number 11, will that be question? Will that be live stream for those who are not in New York? We will have to see.

00:35:57 --> 00:36:17

This is uh, this is imagining, like post COVID? Which we're not there yet. But we'll see what happens inshallah we'll try to share the height. Someone from the say family, can you please do number 11? Actually, you can split this one up. Why don't you split down the middle? One of you do the first half and the other one do the second half.

00:36:21 --> 00:36:36

Be boo, that we learn. Excellent. That means the doctor is tall. Okay, so very suitable sentence of the doctor. But we don't means talk.

00:36:39 --> 00:36:40

Well, moderate,

00:36:41 --> 00:36:43

to proceed on. Excellent.

00:36:45 --> 00:37:16

Yes, exactly. So we have the opposite. The doctor is tall. And you heard how Sr. Syrah did an excellent job, not pronouncing the lamp merging into the bar, giving the thought it's extra little bit of duration. And then we have meme which is pronounced on the lips. And so is a moon letter, not a sun letter. So we pronounced that lamp. Well, Mother resume? Well, Mother resume perseroan. And Cassie is the opposite of all we

00:37:17 --> 00:37:23

excellent work. Okay, we're just about at the end of our time.

00:37:25 --> 00:37:29

So I would like you all to practice

00:37:31 --> 00:37:32

these, the next

00:37:34 --> 00:38:21

exercise in the interim, until next class, if you can do the one after that, that would be even better. So what they're trying to test you on here, or the skill that they're trying to develop? Is your recognition. All right, because it's easy to recognize the sun letters when you have an exercise where they're all Sun letters, and then recognize the moon letters when you have an exercise. And all the examples are Moon letters. Well, now they're going to mix them up. So you'll have L, who tagged you in Azure ML, l, D Gu L? All right. And so now it's testing your reflexes. So try to go through them once, twice, three times, even if you can, to kind of acclimate yourself to

00:38:21 --> 00:38:29

recognizing what are those letters that need to be merged with the lamp and what are the ones that are not.

00:38:30 --> 00:39:12

And the following exercise is similar to what we've learned before, which is where you're going to be filling in the move to that. That makes sense for the Hubble that is given. However, now you're given an extra thing to think about, right? So everything that the author is doing here, and the author has put this book together very, very deliberately. He's slowly adding things for you to have to consider. He's not overwhelming you all at once. The first thing that we had to consider was the ending of the hub. He gave us sentences that began with Yes, inshallah we can, can we share the PowerPoint with everybody inshallah we can.

00:39:14 --> 00:39:54

The first thing was the ending of the hubbub. He gave us sentences with Heather, so that we didn't have to worry about them up to that. All we had to worry about was the hubby. And then after that, now he brings in using the loop to that with certain words, common nouns as como el vous, right. And so now we have to worry about two things. Well, now he's added a third thing for us to worry about, which is the LE phlegm in the milk to that, do you pronounce the lamb or do you not pronounce the lamb? Do you merge it into the next level? So slowly, he's going to let you climb the ladder.

00:39:55 --> 00:40:00

Excellent work. Does anybody have any final questions before we dismiss for today?

00:40:00 --> 00:40:00


00:40:08 --> 00:40:51

did have a quick question. If I could, please, there's quite a few words that you bring up that are, let's call them traditional Arabic, which I'm trying to learn the definitions of. I know that people speak different dialects of Arabic all around the world. So what's hard for me sometimes is I'll hear a word that is, you know, Greek, and I'll try to learn it. But it's so hard to unlearn the word that I already knew for that. So is there a, let me call it a traditional correct if you will, quote unquote, Arabic? Or is it? I know there's a Quranic Arabic? And I know there's the regular dialect that's generic, if you will, is there a definitive word for each one of these items? Or does it

00:40:51 --> 00:41:02

really depend on the region of the world you're in? You have to look at language, the history, right? Even if you take a word like say, Jada, right, say Allah is in the Quran.

00:41:03 --> 00:41:33

Right? And obviously, there weren't cars back then. Right? So language naturally evolves or changes, let's say, because you've all kind of has a value to it like a positive value, let's just say it changes over time. Okay, there's nothing wrong with those changes. In fact, those changes are necessary. Those changes. They enable languages to stay relevant, because new things happen, things that nobody had ever seen before, or experienced before. Right. So

00:41:34 --> 00:42:22

how to compartmentalize between the two. Basically, the classical Arabic is something that is frozen in time, that is our anchor, it is the basis of all dialects, and is the basic, the basis of all slang. And so understanding the classical Arabic is going to increase your understanding of the dialect over time. There's things that you're going to find in dialect, that they're actually based off of things in classical Arabic things that even they were saying, at the time of the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam. So, you know, I don't have an easy answer for you. Everybody has to find a way to kind of compartmentalize it. It's not like necessarily, that one's good, and the other is

00:42:22 --> 00:42:25

bad. Right? They can each kind of

00:42:26 --> 00:42:31

help the learning of the other but it is a struggle. It is a struggle to keep them separate.

00:42:33 --> 00:42:36

I don't know if that helps at all, or not.

00:42:39 --> 00:43:16

No, does Aquila does? It's, um, it's hard because speaking, let's call it proper traditional Arabic to a general person who doesn't. It's almost it's almost like silly talk. They're like, What do you mean? No, it's like, oh, we have stories believe we have stories. Like for example, as students in Medina, one time, we got an account, we had to go someplace. And the cab driver asks us where he wants to go. And we only speak. We all eat classical Arabic. And we so okay, we need to go here and then turn left in the here. And he's just looking at us. And after he's done, after we're finished, he says sadaqa Lola, the,

00:43:17 --> 00:43:22

like, he thought that we were reciting Quran because that's the only Arabic that we knew.

00:43:23 --> 00:44:06

Right? So this is something that's well known. It's not something that's necessarily you know, bad, it's just, it's just the way it is. So you wouldn't want to necessarily use your classical Arabic and then go talking to people with that. But your classical Arabic is like a tool in your tool belt that you're using to understand the Quran and the Hadith, primarily, right? And it will also show you new things that you never thought about your, your dialect that you speak like a well as you alone, it's in the Quran, right? Like a lot of contemporary abbreviations and contractions are actually have roots in classical and classical Arabic. So language is just you can just keep

00:44:06 --> 00:44:08

studying it keep studying, there's always more to learn.

00:44:14 --> 00:44:30

Okay, we had another question in the chat box and one of the earlier lessons you mentioned how in a synthetic language, the order does not matter. So could we reverse the sentence? The sequence sorry, of the milk to the encoder? Very good question. Okay. I will qualify what I might have said.

00:44:32 --> 00:44:59

Let's, let's say to be technical order matters less in synthetic languages, first of all, okay. Secondly, could we reverse them? How about uh, yes, we can. In certain situation we will get there. Right now we're learning the, the big structure. There are certain scenarios where you have to reverse the move to the on the cover, they call it hover above them and

00:45:00 --> 00:45:00

hooked up.

00:45:02 --> 00:45:20

Right? No, no, you're not trying to run before he can walk. But but I'm answering your question because mashallah, there are many people in the class that they've, they've even just with a little taste of the Arabic grammar, they've foreseen where it can go. So your answer is yes. But when we change the order,

00:45:21 --> 00:45:23

the order does have

00:45:25 --> 00:45:35

small influences in meaning. They're not going to change the meaning entirely, like our example in English, but they can add emphasis. Right.

00:45:36 --> 00:45:52

And we'll see that very soon. Because I think in the next lesson, we're starting, we're going to start to go to colors that aren't. So I'm going to use phrases in the cover instead of just seeing single words. And so in certain scenarios, we can put that up in front of them up to that, and it gives emphasis,

00:45:54 --> 00:46:14

right, we're trying to emphasize one part of the sentence as opposed to another one. We'll see. We'll see all of that very soon. Inshallah. So very good question. basic answer is yes, we can reverse the order. And it will influence the meaning of the sentence but the the basic meaning that's trying to be communicated will still be intact. Well, la hotel another

00:46:15 --> 00:46:16

fantastic, great job.

00:46:18 --> 00:46:19

Anyone else?

00:46:21 --> 00:46:45

I thoroughly enjoy this class, and I hope you do too. And if there's anything that I can do to make this class more enjoyable, we don't want to leave anyone behind. We don't want to make anyone feel like they can't do it. Let me know in in person, email, any sort of way, and we'll do what we have to do, so that everybody benefits inshallah. Okay, thank you very much, everybody. I'll see you next time, on money from afterlife

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