Tim Humble – Seekers of Knowledge 018 – Tafseer of Surah at- Teen

Tim Humble
AI: Summary © The speakers emphasize the importance of following principles of being at the beginning of a class and not going away from what is clear. They stress the need to implement the principles and not come away from "hasn't been seen in the world" messages. The "slack" concept is discussed, with the use of non Arabic words and the "less than a point" concept. The "essembled to point" concept is also discussed, with the use of "less than perfect" in relation to sex and the idea that women have a shorter lifespan.
AI: Transcript ©
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mean wa Salatu was Salam ala rasulillah Nabina Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi edge mine. So we're continuing on with Tafseer and we reached the Tafseer of solid a team. Now it may be the case that some of you are wondering that this is normally the time that we do Bulu Homura and that's true. It is normally the time that we do, boo boo moron, but this being the month of Ramadan, then we hope inshallah to Allah to complete more Tafseer of the Quran. So we temporarily pausing the below Home Alarm classes in sha Allah, and we're going to be continuing with Tafseer inshallah, on both the Tuesday and the Friday classes be in Allahu taala.

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We reach the Tafseer of surah a teen sola to team and another point to mention inshallah, just before we begin the class is that we are live streaming the class today because we're a little bit late in getting the video out but we're also recording the video at the same time so we'll have a high quality version to upload later on. But for now, we'll just suffice ourselves with the live stream in sha Allah. So after praising Allah and asking Allah to exalt the mentioning grad piece to our messenger Mohammed Salah love while he was selling them and his family and his companions, we begin with the Tafseer of surah A t albula. As a rhodiola why in Houma, he narrated Canon abeo

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Salalah. While he was seldom he Acorah goofy setup fee, the fee, the rock it in between he was a tune Fender semi auto ahead and center solten Minh who sold a lot more and he was lm. This head is narrated by Al Bukhari and Muslim and it's also narrated in the

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the Sudan and out of the four books of the sunon. accelerated fall, but I've been asked that he said that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in one of his travels he recited what tiene he was a tune in one of the to look at.

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and Albert, I'd know as if he said I never heard anyone with a more beautiful voice than him. Some of the narrations mentioned that this was Salatu Aisha and others they mentioned it was salaat alma harappa.

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So the first question is what teeny was a tune? The wow here is a cousin. So Allah subhanho wa Taala swearing an oath and Allah azza wa jal only swears by an oath for something that is more aven something that is great in the sight of Allah azza wa jal. So it tells us that a team and as a tune, or something great in the sight of Allah subhanaw taala.

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But the question is what is intended by a teen was a tone.

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And when you read some of the statements of the scholars of Tafseer, you would be very surprised by the different statements that it refers to the most general axon that it refers to all the different any the messages that are built, when the when the ship landed on top of the mountain, and all different kinds of opinions. However, the correct opinion here and the one that is consistent with the principles of Tafseer is the statement of majapahit Rahim Allah to Allah He said, it is to come that it is the well known team, the well known fig that all of us know the fig that all of us know of that fruit that we're all aware of. And we know what it is. That is what is intended and likewise

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as a tune what is intended by as a tune is also there's a tune the olive that we know that the olive and that we that all of us know.

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and remember Okay, m Rahim Allahu taala. He found a way or he mentioned in some of his in the in, in, in his commentary on this idea. He mentioned a way in which it is possible to kind of reconcile or bring together some of these opinions in a way that is consistent inshallah, who Tyler

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and that is that first of all, we start by seeing a team and as a tool refer to the fig and the olive that we know about.

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That's in the first instance. Because there is a principle of Tafseer, that it is, you are obliged in tafsir, to make the Tafseer of the ayah, according to what is commonly understood and normally understood, and you shouldn't go away from what is apparent. And what is clear from the from the idea to a strange and a rare and a difficult Tafseer. You shouldn't go away from that without an evidence. So it's important that we implement that principle is very important that we follow that principle, that we don't come to an idea and make a Tafseer. That is very far away from what is apparent from the statement of Allied soldiers what to say to a teen is well known as a tune as well

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not teen is a fig and a tune is an olive. So it's not right for us to go away from that. And then to say the teen it refers to the Mount of the masjid where no prayed and the ship and all of this is going way way away from what the clear words of the Quran mean.

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So it's not right for us to do that without a delete, without deleting. However, at the moment, we know him or him aloud to Allah, He brings together a beautiful way he brings this together in a beautiful way. He starts off by telling us that the teen and there's a tone refers to the fruit, the the olive, and the fig.

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And then he says that,

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by sort of when we when, by by definition, or when we expand the meaning out, it also includes the tree from which those two things came or the plant from which those two things came the tree from which those two things came.

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Those two things came from a particular kind of shed or a particular kind of tree. And if the fruit is something which is blessed, and Kathir or Baraka, it has a great deal of Baraka in it and a great deal of benefit in it. And we know that because Allah swore by it and a lot only swears by something which is hugely significant in the sight of Allah. So this tells us the greatness of a teen and as a tune and it tells us the benefits the many benefits that the teen and there's a tune have

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an alliance with Joe told us elsewhere in the corner annual cartoon show ga T Mobile aka z torn at leisure creating what are called obeah. Allah told us that the

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the art of it comes from a Shara which is more Baraka, a tree which is blessed. And the Baraka that comes from a Lost Planet Allah that Allah has placed in the teen and there's a tune is not just in the fruit, but also in the tree.

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And then, if we've established that the Baraka, Allah is placed in the fruit that comes from those trees, and in the tree themselves, then it is also possible for us to say that the place which has a lot of those trees in it, and a lot of those fruits come from it is also by definition, more Baraka. It's a it's a place which is which is blessed.

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And there is

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there is there any evidence is there evidence it's from the Quran from the Hadith, which indicate some of the places that Allah has blessed and these are places which are for example, known for the olive, for example, some of the scholars they mentioned that the word zetonna refers to Al Aqsa Masood Azhar. And even though the words a tune doesn't refer to Mr. X or the words a tune refers to the olliffe, but it's it is possible to say that Allah has already told us in the beginning of school cholesterol, that he blessed elestial Xr, so panda the SRB Abbe de lado, Mila mystical harem msgid x I lead ledi bochner hola that we blessed all around it. And it's known for its olives, and

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olive oil is that the tree is shedule rotten, is a tree which is you Academy shedule rotten mubaraka It's a blessed tree. Therefore,

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it is possible for us without going into weird and strange ffsc that don't have an evidence, it is possible for us to say that the fruit, the tree and the place of that tree are all places which are included within the blessing and which are intended here. And from the evidence that shows us that the place is also intended here.

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The place of those trees is also intended here is the statement of Eliza gel waha Bella dill me

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what teeny was a tune

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waturi seen in waha Bella deal I mean

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by the fig and olive

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what teeny was a tone?

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What are you seeing and the tool which we're going to talk about the mountain to tool have seen in the tour. Some of them said the tour of Siena where Alonzo just spoke to more sir were higher they'll ballad in me so the team is a fruit there's a tune is the the olive the grows on the tree

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and then Allah mentions two places he mentions a tour

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and he mentions MCQ

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so from this isn't so far away for us to say that you can also link a teen was a tune to the places where the teen and does a tune grow

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and from this is what is alluded to by illuma Maven okay am Rahim Allah, Allah with regard to the prophets and that is that if we

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if we look at

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these four things that are mentioned, there is an indication of the prophets, the the major prophets and where they came from Allah hemos Salatu was Salam. So, as for a teen and as a tune, then some of the scholars they related this to a sham, they related this to the land of a sham and we know that this is the land of or from which or to which a seven omarion at a Salaam he was sent and a tour we know it relates to Moosa and it's famous in the story of masa.

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What Tina was a tune, and it said that a teen said as a tune refers to a PSA and the teen some of the scholars they related it to more Elisa Lam

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and so, we have an indication we have an indication which kind of gives us a benefit that there is an ishara here, there is an indication of oral as we may not Rasul the major prophets nor

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Isa more sir Ibrahim and Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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and that's an Sharla and any Sharla or an indication is not the same as a

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a tipsy or as such. Because the Tafseer of it is as it says, What Tini was a tune the fig Allah swears by the fig la swears by the olive.

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What already seen in Allah swears by the mountain

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in Siena, which, in which Allah upon which Allah azza wa jal brought or two which are lies, which are brought more sat and spoke to him.

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And her the ability, I mean, it refers to MK as the Tafseer of the Iet. But there is an ishara there is an indication or kind of like

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some like a point that you can take from this word, something which is indicated within it. That is an indication that kind of alludes to the prophets and messengers aleikum wa Salatu was salam, particularly more and more, sir, and Isa

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and Mohammed Salallahu alaihe salam aleikum, WA salatu salam and also Ibrahim, who went between beta democritus and between mcca. So the old asmin Rasul, there are places where they came from, there isn't a shout out to them. And the reason I use the word ishara an indication is, there's a difference between an A Sharla and an FCM. And this we could also say, even when we spoke about the Steven of Eliza, which I now see it in karate betting haltia we said that there is no way that you can claim that the Tafseer of the ayah is that the nasiha is the place where lying happens. You can't claim that it's the Tafseer of the ayah because there's no evidence in the language of the

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Arabs are in the statements of the scholars of Tafseer which would support that allies or jealous statement now seating caddy abetting Hartley is a proof that the nasiha the front of the head

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is the is the place where someone lies from. However, you the most you could say is there isn't any sharp, is it just indication like there's just a reference to it, or an indication of it. And that's, that's, I think, perhaps the best way that we can bring the Tafseer together from all of these different statements of the scholars of Tafseer. And how some of them said that it refers to the masjid of nor the masjid of where Isa prayed the Mossad and so on. How do we reconcile these together we say the Tafseer of the eye

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is the fig, the olive, the mountain, maca. That's the Tafseer of these ayat. But there is an A Shara an indication or the ayat allude to

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the places where the Prophet alayhi wa Salatu was Salam came from. And that's different from saying it's the Tafseer of the ayah. That that's what this ayah refers to the Tafseer the Tafseer of it is that this is the place where it came from, and this is the place but there is an A Sharla is an indication, or the ayah alludes to the places of blessings were those prophets. aleikum wa Salatu was Salam they came from and they resided in. So there is a mention of the team and the place of the team. There is the mention of this a tune and the place of the zaytoun. There is the mention of poor as a place and it's said that tour as we're going to come to is a mountain which contains those

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trees that bring bring out those fruits. And there is a mention of maca, and that alludes to or indicates the oral Azmi may not Rasul the major prophets, Allah hemos Salatu was Salam. And I think this is the

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safest, and the most

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the safest and the most balanced way of bringing these different opinions together without getting into strange TFS you

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which is sometimes you know, it does happen, people get into the habit of really, really, you know, strange tifosi that are Bader. They're very far away from the language used in the Quran. They're not, they're not in line with the language that the Quran uses. And they don't seem to have any basis for them. Perhaps they might be based in Israeli at the statements of Benny Israel, but they don't have a real, you know, they don't have anything substantial to make it a tip syrup. And it's not befitting for us to come to the statement of Eliza gel in a clear Arabic language and then take that statement away from it's apparent, clear meaning, however, there may be a Charlotte there may

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be some indications or some alluding to and some benefits that you can take from that. And there is certainly an indication here of oral as women are also an indication of newer, and Moosa an indication of Risa and Ibrahim and Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, in terms of indicating the land of the fig, the land of the zaytoun the olive, a tour, the place where Moosa was spoken to by Allah and Makkah, and that gathers together the place of all the places of Lula Azmi Mina Rosso.

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And that's why this Tafseer is reported from some of the seller for him on belong to Allah. It's not a tip see of that not none of the cell offset. That's why we gather it together like that we bring it together like that in sha Allah, this is the balanced way of making the Tafseer of these ayat inshallah huhtala.

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What Tina was a tune Whirlpool he seen in Allah azza wa jal swears by a tool. And a tool is a mountain

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tool is a mountain igloo jarier Rahim Allah to Allah, he mentioned that it is jevelin Lucia it's a mountain covered in trees. And it said that it is a mountain which is covered in trees that bring many fruits. That's a statement that's reported from which I hate

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that it's it is a mountain that is covered in many trees that bring about or that bring that have all that bear fruit.

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And it said that it is a beautiful mountain or a blessed mountain. In any case, a tool

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here to waturi scene in this world scene in brings us to an interesting question. And that question is, is what to do there exist in the Quran? non Arabic words words that

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are not Arabic.

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So this is something in which there's a lot of discussion in the science of aluminum and the science of Tafseer. And a lot of going back and forward and a lot of heated debate. So it helps to break the issue down into

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to break the issue down into parts. So first of all, as for sentences, or

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parts of sentences,

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sentence construction, you know, things like that, either sentences or partial sentences, then there are no non Arabic sentences or partial sentences within the Quran. That is something which there is no doubt about.

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And as for people's names, people's names, then the names in the Quran are the Arab ised versions of those names. And this is inshallah to Allah something which is clear that the Arabs when they came to foreign names, the Arabs prior to the Quran, when they came to foreign names, names that were from another language, they are advised that they brought them into an Arabic pronunciation.

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They brought them into an Arabic pronunciation, ie they brought them in, then they brought them into the Arabic pronunciation of the name. And they didn't leave the name as it was pronounced in its original language. So it said, for example, regarding Moosa that in Hebrew, it would be something like Moshe, Moshe or something like that, or motion,

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something like that.

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The Arabs never kept it like that.

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They never kept the name in the way that it was pronounced in the original language, they, they immediately brought it into a proper Arabic pronunciation of that name. And they gave that name in Arabic form and the Arabic form was more set. Or, more say,

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these two are the proper or this Moosa is the proper Arabic form of that name. And that's how the Arabs that was their tradition, and that was their language. That's how they dealt with foreign names, they brought them into Arabic pronunciation.

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And the Quran, maintained that tradition. And Allah subhanaw taala, Allah azza wa jal, he

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kept these names in the form that was known by the Arabs.

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And he didn't refer to these names in the pronunciation of the original language. So these are Arabic versions, or Arabic presentations of the names that were originally in other languages.

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So in that sense, these are also pure Arabic, because they are they have been brought into Arabic, they were known in Arabic before

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the revelation of the Quran to the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and the Arabs that was their culture, their tradition is that when this name had there was a foreign name like that, especially a well well known in that way that became famous they had in an Arabic pronunciation of that name that they would pronounce. And the real difference of opinion comes into individual words are their individual words

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in the Quran that are not Arabic. So we're not talking about names because the names are all converted into Arabic form.

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There converted into the proper Arabic pronunciation of that name. And that's consistent with the statement of Eliza gel regarding the Quran, release and in Arabic in mobi, in a clear Arabic tongue. So the names are converted, if there are foreign names into a pure Arabic form, the pure Arabic pronunciation of that same name, it is the same name. It is truthful, that's really what the name was. But it is given in the form that was known by the Arabs be listen in Arabic and Moby. So that leaves us with the question of whether there are

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individual words in the Quran that are not of Arabic origin or that are more Arabic. They've been brought into Arabic they've been loaned into Arabic.

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And of course a lie. So Joe told us and is in a clear Arabic language be the son in Arabi and will be, so we have to be very careful here that we don't attribute something to the Quran.

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And that is not true or say something about Quran that is not true. And in reality, this issue is one where there is

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there are other possible answers to it, you can say that the words are shared among different languages, or what's to say that those words were not Arabic first and then brought into the other language, and they became famous in that other language, and so on. But the Quran is purely signing out or being will be in a clear Arabic language, in a clear Arabic language. So all of the sentences, partial sentences, clauses, whatever you call those bits of sentences, all of those are in pure Arabic, all of the names that are foreign, are pronounced in the way that is pure, the pure Arabic pronunciation of those names. And all of the words that are within it, the individual words,

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those words, there is no no clear evidence to say that those words are foreign, rather,

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some of those words, and it may have been shared among different languages, or they may have become famous in other languages. But in reality, there isn't really a clear way that I can see we can emphatically say that the word seen in for example, is not an Arabic word, or that it's a word that was loaned into Arabic or brought into Arabic. So this word see me, then, what does it refer to this word scene in? It tells us that we're talking about a specific mountain, because poor could refer to any mountain with with many trees, that bring about fruits as even a God. He said, and Roger had said.

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So in that case, that could refer to any mountain but when we say well, Tori, scene in the word scene tells us we're talking about a specific mountain. And there is a clear law, which is not mutawatir. And we have to be careful here that that and I don't want to get too much into a little too deep into it. But there are real citations of the Quran

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that are reported authentically from the early generations, which are not consistent with the Quran, as we know it with the standards that have been set. And those are known as clear Art shahzada. They are known as non conforming re citations.

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For example,

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an extra word or a change in the word that doesn't match the most half that was agreed by the Sahaba of the Allah and the most half of Earth man, it doesn't match that most half. Now, we're not talking about the different pure art here that are famous, like, for example, half's and ausimm, and watershed nerfed. And so on kalu, we're not talking about things like Hello, and Hamza and soy, we're not talking about these clear art, because all of these match the standard for being a proven part of the Quran. They all match the standard, but there are some things that are authentically reported, but they don't quite match the standard of being from the Quran. So they are citations

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that people individuals used to recite, and they are authentic from those individuals, but they don't reach the standard of being from the Quran. They don't reach that standard and we call these killer art, Shantha, so in some of the karate shots that some of the clearer art which are non standard karate. Now the non standard karate there's difference of opinion about how we deal with them, do we consider them to be from the Quran or not, but broadly speaking, the minimum we can say about them is that they are at least at a minimum, they are

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any equivalent to an explanation of the ayah or Tafseer or like the Hadith of the messenger sallallahu alayhi wasallam and they are, they are at least a minimum there are Tafseer so you have a benefit from them. So in some of the karate styles of reading, which are not they don't match the standard to bring them up to the standard required to consider to be considered from the Quran. It is recited well, Tori, see now

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not seen but seen. And that tells us that the word seen it means seen it. That's that's the benefit that we take from it because these people are at these different risk citations which don't match the standard. They don't meet the standard of being from the Quran proper, but they still give us the benefit of being explaining to us and making the Tafseer of what the words mean. So here singing it means Sina the mountain in Siena.

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Which is the mountain to which a lot so Joel called Mussa war Kingdom a lot more setec Lima and Allah spoke to more sir, with allies, which I spoke to more so with clear speech and he also spoke to more said directly. And again that I think is that with regard to si Nene is the safer opinion and the stronger opinion as opposed to those people who said the word seen in that it's, it's an it's a word that isn't originally Arabic And it means beauty, or it means this or that or the other, and is better and safer that we like we said, we shouldn't go towards that opinion without an evidence. Rather, what is safer is to say that seeing the meaning of it is the same as seeing that

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it is the it's a specific mountain, and it's the mountain upon which Allah azza wa jal spoke to more so directly

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waha del Bella delicious I mean, and I swear by this city, which is I mean, this is pretty far ahead Tafseer by consensus of additive see a ballot, I mean is

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there's no difference of opinion among the scholars of Tafseer that I know of in that they ballot and I mean, it is maca, but the word I mean, it can have to

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it can have two meanings to it, like the word carry, you know this whole thing over seeing Ramadan Kareem and so on, but the word carry him can have two meanings to it. The word carrying it can mean Kadhim and macroom, it can mean file and rough road. So, all of these words that are like that carry him and I mean, they can have two meanings, one as a subject and one is an object.

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it can either mean el bellet el amin el Balaton army, any a city which is safe, or a ballad which is moon, which is moon, I mean on that moon and the word I'm in this is the opinion of Nigeria, grandma loud to Allah. And he took it from the statement of Allah azza wa jal Holloman Amina, we have made a haram which is

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we have made a haram which is, I mean, a police of safety. So either it's a place of safety or a place that brings about safety for the people in it. The two opinions are not so far away from each other in that sense,

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where they'll validate I mean, la casa Hala canal in Santa Fe Sangeeta aqui here laqad Holla Holla inside is the answer, or, or the, or the the thing which is the response to the oath. Allies are just swore by a team and as a tune by the fig and the olive. And Allah swore by the amount of assigning or seana

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and allies which swore by the city of Mecca, the city of safety.

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Then Eliza gel explained that the reason for that oath and in that sweat the swearing that our last ones I swore by the team and is a tuna 40 seen and how that Bella del amin, la catalana inside. Because of this, we have certainly created mankind

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as any tackling in the best

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talk, we were going to come to that in a moment. Before that I had written a note from among the things that came. And I just I wrote this note, I don't know why I wrote it on this page, probably I was.

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I was busy writing the notes on the Tafseer. And I just made a note of it. Because I found it from the statement of claim I'm allowed to edit that he said from the Baraka of the team of the fig is that it is an antidepressant. And I found that very interesting that he said this Rahim Allahu taala that

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it the the the team, the fig is an antidepressant. And he said even looking at it, and eating it both of them it brings about it removes you know, like it acts like an antidepressant. Like the word used is alma 30 heart the things which cause a person not to be sad, any they basically like an antidepressant was a very interesting statement that there are even some foods a person can eat that can remove a feeling of doubt feeling down feeling depressed. There are some even foods that a person can eat and we know the blessings of the fig Olive are numerous in Islam, and that's why Eliza gel swore by them in this sort of I just made a note of that because I think I was I came to

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that court later on and I just made a note of it.

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laqad has

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Lacuna Coil in Santa Fe Sani Tarquin.

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We have certainly created man in the best of Tarquin. So the tuck wing refers to

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the column that the man mankind has been created in a in an excellent in the best, or we have an SQL related dialect balance his balanced and the best shape. And that he's he stands upright. And there is nobility in that. And from it is that for example, if you look at the other animals that crawl around on four legs, or the snake that slides through the earth on its belly, and you look at the animals that eat by rubbing their face in their food and they swallow their food like that. Look at how Allah has honored Benny Adam, that they stand upright. They stand upright, they eat with their hands, and they bring their food into their mouth. They have honor like that. Well I've had Karana

00:36:07 --> 00:36:53

Benny Adam, we have certainly honored the children of Adam. So the accent eater Queen here refers to the way that they stand upright. And the way they carry themselves, the way that man carries himself in the sense of the fact they stand up straight, walk with honor on two feet, the fact that you eat by bringing the food up to your mouth and you don't rub your face in your food, you don't crawl along the ground. This is from the queen, the Queen that Eliza gel created mankind with welaka Rama Benny Adam and we certainly have honored the children of Adam. And this Tarquin is one of the ways that the children of Adam have been honored over the animals and other macrocarpa other things which

00:36:53 --> 00:36:55

allies or gel created.

00:36:58 --> 00:37:51

And here it's worth noting that the gym whole facility in the majority of the scholars of Tafseer they refer this is a critical aka insane fers anytime we've created man in the best form, in the best way standing upright, standing up tall, honorable in the way that he walks the way that man eats, the way that man carries himself. That's what the majority of the scholars of Tafseer they took it to be the appearance of the person and the physical nature of mankind. But also it is possible to also talk about the internal nature of mankind here, even though this is not the most apparent Tafseer of the ayah we can include it we can include it within the ayah that from the X and

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or from the son of the takim of Benny Adam how Allah has given them the balance and the fact that they stand up tall and the fact that they have the excellent form.

00:38:03 --> 00:38:18

From this also is that a lot is the is the nature that Eliza gel created the internal qualities of mankind, like knowledge and intellect and will and

00:38:19 --> 00:39:09

the natural inclination to worship Allah the fitrah. All of these things are or can be included within lacquered Hala canal inside fers anytime, in the best fashion, even though the best fashion and the best form, the apparent meaning and the opinion of the majority of the scholars of Tafseer is that it refers to the outer aspects of mankind, the outward physical aspects, it can also refer to the internal and inward aspects as well. There's no harm in including those like knowledge and intellect and will and the intrinsic desire to worship Allah the fitrah all of these things are from the things that Allah has perfected and given to the children of Adam and honor the children of Adam

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with over many of the other things that are law created what are called cut ramna Benny Adam and we certainly have honored the children of Adam

00:39:20 --> 00:39:24

Lockard hollow canal in Santa Fe Sangeeta aqui

00:39:26 --> 00:39:30

fumo data now, as fella surfing in

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then we return that same man that we created in the booth the best form, standing upright, walking with honor,

00:39:43 --> 00:39:48

behaving with honor carrying themselves with honor, eating with honor.

00:39:49 --> 00:39:59

We return them back to be at the lowest of the low as well as at the lowest of the low. And in fact here if you look at the fact that look at how

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lacuna inside of your accent into queen. It indicates that Allah has preferred many Agame over many of the creation, different creation that Allah has created.

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And hear from Mara deadener, who is fel acetylene, it indicates that Allah azzawajal can make that man that he is on it so much he can make that man lower than the animals, lower than all of the rest of the creation. That man started off at the highest position of honor,

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that a lot honored him in the way that he behaves, the way he carries himself the way he walks the way he eats a lot on at him and then along lowers him down lower than even the animals lower than the even the most filthy of animals, he becomes even lower than them as fellow men at the high lower than cattle, lower than the low, the lowest of the low. Look at what a fall from grace, that is what a fall from grace, that mankind starts off with so much honor, and becomes s filosofi, the lowest of the low and the worst of the worst, even lower than the bar higher than the cattle, even lower than the animals even lower than the you know the animals that are dirty and and have a low status lower

00:41:25 --> 00:41:32

than all of them, that person went from being so high and fell to be so low, as well as happy.

00:41:35 --> 00:41:36

Now here

00:41:37 --> 00:41:46

is philosophically in the scholars differed about it and there are two main opinions about this word as philosophically

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the strongest opinion the opinion which I believe is is the correct one. And remind me of you know, I am he defended this opinion to the point that he brought 10 evidences that this opinion is correct and the other opinion is not

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that is that s filosofi lien refers to the Hellfire

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that s filosofi lien it refers to the Hellfire

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and it doesn't necessarily have to mean the lowest part of the hellfire. There is the Hellfire in itself is as well as her feeding into the Hellfire is the lowest of the low because some of the the scholars they mentioned here because we are told that the one up in our in the lowest part of the * in Oman, a Filipina Fiddler kill us fairly men enough that the fire is not a cat, it is levels going down. And the worst of the worst is the more than 15 I mean, first of all, there is no there is no reason why along with them won't fit. There cannot be some of the some of the other disbelievers and some of the worst of them or whatever. But also, generally the reference here to as

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far as 17 it doesn't have to mean a smell. And not it doesn't have to mean the lowest part of the fire. But just generally that the fire is the lowest of the low.

00:43:12 --> 00:43:40

And that is reported from Alabama, Vitaly brought the alarm and that he said he had not bow spell min bow, it is the fire some of the fire is lower than others. All of it is low. It's it's the lowest of the low. But within the fire, there are direct cat There are levels going down and not Dada jack Gara jack goes up like agenda, dada, dada cat, like downward levels levels going downwards.

00:43:42 --> 00:43:49

And all of the fire is as far as feeding, but within the fire There are levels going worse and worse and worse.

00:43:51 --> 00:44:23

So, if that is the correct opinion, and that is the initial the opinion that I said Alexander will not claim he defended it to the utmost. This opinion is the correct opinion. What is the other opinion other opinion is mentioned by Lima progeria of poverty or a Mahalo to Allah and others. And that is that is philosophically in reference refers to the weakness of old age and harem. Being so old that you become like a child.

00:44:24 --> 00:44:55

You know, you can't even go to the bathroom. By yourself anymore. You can't feed yourself anymore. You don't remember the people around you. And you become like Allah subhanaw taala after he gave you such honor and you walked on the Earth Stood up right. And you carried yourself with dignity and honor acts anytime in the best fashion. Then allies or takes you back as though you were a small child.

00:44:56 --> 00:44:59

As though you had all of that honor and all of that

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dignity and all of that, if you like,

00:45:06 --> 00:45:17

sort of not pride, but all of that all of the dignity that you had all of that dignity goes away from you, as well as fit that was the opinion of imagery.

00:45:19 --> 00:45:20

Raymond on low tide.

00:45:24 --> 00:45:38

However, this, it has, it has a problem. And the problem is with the subsequent ayah in levena, and why I'm you know, slightly hot except for those who believe in do good deeds.

00:45:39 --> 00:46:05

So, here, how do we, if we take the opinion of Evangelio that as philosophically means old age, and the, you know, a person losing all of their dignity in all age, then how do you explain in levena M. And what, why millo solly? Had except those who believe in do good deeds? Does that tell us that those who believe and do good deeds will not suffer the

00:46:06 --> 00:46:09

lack of dignity that comes with

00:46:10 --> 00:46:47

with old age? And he like does is that is that the case? That was the opinion of some of the scholars, they said that no one who memorizes the Quran will be afflicted by out of ill will be afflicted by the indignity, or the lack of dignity, from old age, they will get old, there's no issue about people who memorizing the Quran getting old, but that they won't lose their faculties they won't lose their dignity in old age. That was the opinion of some of the scholars. Some of them said you hear them saying statements, the one who memorizes the Quran will never lose their dignity in college.

00:46:48 --> 00:47:34

Like that principle card. That's the opinion of some of the scholars, others, they said no, that's not the case. They said, the meaning of Enlil levena. And it doesn't mean except Illa. Here it means while I can or it means lacking the levena ama, but those who believe in do good deeds will have an unlimited will have an unending reward, a reward that never ends or never ceases. And they linked this to old age. They said there's a difference between the believer in old age and the disbelieve in old age. Because when you reach old age, and you and you suffer that lack of dignity, because not everybody, I mean people reach old age and and not everybody has that out of the norm of that, that

00:47:34 --> 00:48:24

situation where they reach old age and they lose their dignity. And they become like a small child once again, and they you know, they lose all of the abilities that they had. Not everybody experiences that. So here, the difference is that if the believer experiences it, what happens for the believer, the reward of everything they used to do is written for them in that time. So let's say we have a believer and that believer reaches old age and loses control of their faculties and loses their you know, the same that dignity they used to have the all of the acts of worship they used to do are written for them while they are in that situation. So the Illa here, in the opinion

00:48:24 --> 00:49:05

of interior here, that Li this this aspect of self healing refers to the indignity the loss of dignity from old age, the here in levena M and why masala had some of the scholars said enlight means lacking it means but it's not talking it's not connected in there here is not connected to the previous statement. So it's not the case that the believers won't reach old age or the believers won't lose their, you know their faculties in old age. But here there's an opinion that it is it is it's connected, the two are connected. It's the same thing. But what it's saying is the believer will have their reward written for them in old age the same that they used to do when they were

00:49:05 --> 00:49:05


00:49:07 --> 00:49:34

And even though I don't believe this is the correct Tafseer of the idea, and I believe that opinion rebuttal is correct. Unable to pay him he brought evidence upon evidence why this cannot refer to old age or should not refer to old age. But even if it does, one of the benefits you can take from this that even if we take this opinion that it refers to old age, that this is true that the believer continues to have their reward written for them that they used to do when they were young.

00:49:35 --> 00:49:59

And that's you know, suppiler reminds you of the Hadith tell you to you know, bad pill, rush to do good deeds while you have the opportunity. So Paula, look at this issue of COVID-19. Right now we all stuck in the house. We can't go to the masjid in many countries, many places we can't go to the masjid. Those people who used to go to the masjid five times a day. What's been written

00:50:00 --> 00:50:40

For them in the whole time, their home in this COVID-19 is written that they went to the masjid, went to the dojo went to the home, went to went to Madrid went to Asia, somebody got sick and they got afflicted by the virus. They used to read the Quran, these to read one just everyday, what's written for them when they're in intensive care, one just per day, one juice per day, one juice per day. Because what's written for you when you are sick is what you used to do when you're healthy. And what's written for you when you old and feeble and infirm, and you're not able to do the things anymore is what you used to do when you were young. And what's written for you when the restrictions

00:50:40 --> 00:51:05

are put on you is what you used to do when those restrictions were not upon you. So ultimately, this tells us the importance that we have to rush to do good deeds, why we have the opportunity, because if the opportunity is taken away, then the reward of those will be written for you let him as your own right euro mamnoon they will have

00:51:06 --> 00:51:51

a reward that will never cease. And if you see now the connection between that and between what even Jerry has said about old age 11am and while I'm in a slightly hot fella home, agile Coronavirus, unknown, except those who believe and do good deeds, they will have a reward that doesn't cease, meaning that both of you will get all the cathode gets old, the Walkman gets old. But when the milkman gets all their awards don't stop. As for the catheter, when they get old, there, they never had any good deeds, that they could fall back on that could be written for them. So that's where the difference is, in old age. As we said, though, the correct opinion and the opinion that we take to

00:51:51 --> 00:51:55

be the stronger opinion in the eye is the S philosophy in refers to the fire.

00:51:57 --> 00:52:04

And therefore illa levena. And what I mean by the heart is an exception to mankind, who,

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after a lie give them so much honor, and so much inability, and so much dignity. Allah is so much has stripped mankind of that dignity and honor and put them into jahannam except for illa levena am and why I'm so sorry, hat, except those who believe and do good deeds fell at home agilon hydro mamnoon, they will have a reward that will not cease. What is the reward that will not cease? If it doesn't refer to their old age being written for you what you did when you were young and the ayah to talking about the fire than the reward that will not cease is gender the reward that will not cease fellow home add your own value mamnoon tour will not be cut off from them, their reward will

00:52:53 --> 00:52:54

be everlasting.

00:52:56 --> 00:53:11

And it's also said that it means man close. And that was the opinion of image area, our award that doesn't decrease. So it can be say a reward that doesn't get cut off, it doesn't stop or it doesn't decrease. And it doesn't.

00:53:12 --> 00:53:19

It doesn't stop or it doesn't decrease. And it's also said lay euro

00:53:20 --> 00:53:40

muscle and it can't be it can't be counted or It can't be that no one will no one's going to count or you've had this reward you can't have anything else just wondering for you just one for you know not not to for you, just one for you. And it will be an unlimited and without any hisab

00:53:43 --> 00:54:01

like allies, which are rewards Bihari his app without any reward without any account sorry allies with your rewards, without any account without taking any without there being any account of what allies with gentle gives Allah subhanaw taala gives from his unlimited bounty subhanahu wa taala

00:54:02 --> 00:54:25

and these are all three opinions regarding this word of Pharaoh mamnoon. And the most common is later McDowell that it will not be cut off clear among course that it will not be decreased with that it will nobody will be counting the rewards that are given out and that you've only had one of these or one of those you can't have more than one and it will be an all an unlimited reward.

00:54:28 --> 00:54:31

For now you get the book back to be Dean

00:54:33 --> 00:54:36

firmer UK Viehbacher back to be Dean.

00:54:38 --> 00:54:47

Here again, there is a lot of discussion among the scholars of Tafseer as to whom this ayah is addressed to

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00:54:53 --> 00:54:59

broadly speaking, we're going to look at three different opinions as to whom this idea is

00:55:00 --> 00:55:10

Dressed to. The first is that it is addressed to even add to the children of Adam firmare you get the vocabulary to be deep

00:55:12 --> 00:55:27

meaning a man here meaning a Yoshi, what thing is it that makes you deny a law or deny makes you a denier or a disbeliever?

00:55:28 --> 00:55:44

after, after, after seeing this in a deed, let me go through that again one more time. Further effect au Shea in what is it that causes you to become a

00:55:45 --> 00:55:48

any, someone who denies

00:55:49 --> 00:55:53

the religion or denies a dean Al Jazeera?

00:55:54 --> 00:55:57

two opinions about a dean so we break it down a dean.

00:55:59 --> 00:56:20

It's said that a dean is Elijah Wood ASAP and that's the opinion of imagery that the dean here it means Al Jazeera well hyssop it means the route the recompense and the accounting jamoke Leanna. So how can you What thing is it that makes you deny the resurrection after this?

00:56:21 --> 00:56:22

And after what you have heard?

00:56:23 --> 00:57:05

After a lot I told you about the teen and there's a tune and authority scene and maka, the city of safety. And after ally xojo showed you how he created Benny add them and honor them in the best fashion. And then how some of them are returned to become like the lowest of the low and the reward of the believers everlasting reward of the believers. So after all of the evidences you have heard in the solar and in the other revelation that preceded it from the Quran, what is it that after that makes you What thing makes you deny the resurrection after this has come to you after this Quran has come to you?

00:57:07 --> 00:57:22

And you back there Heather Cooley after all of this has come to you this core and this evidence these as the surah after this has come to you what makes you deny the resurrection for now your kids they will come back it'll be dead.

00:57:24 --> 00:57:39

It's also said that the word Deen it means the the ruling of Allah azza wa jal and this narrated from the Ibis, viola and Homer that it means hook MOBA and perhaps that relates to the next as Elise Allahu Akbar came in, how can you?

00:57:41 --> 00:57:45

What is it that makes you after this deny our laws?

00:57:46 --> 00:57:50

Or laws? How can any what a law has ruled and what Allah has judged?

00:57:53 --> 00:58:08

And that's probably the same whether it refers to the character or whether it refers to even add them in general, whether it's referring to mankind in general, what makes you and if you're not from those who believe and do good deeds, what makes you deny the resurrection after this evidence has come to you?

00:58:10 --> 00:58:44

But there is another opinion and this opinion will, when you first read it will surprise you. That this ayah is directed to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Hold on a second How can this ayah be directed to the prophets? For me Okay, they will come back to be deep. They said that here the ayah those people who held that the ayah is directed to the prophets Iceman among them even with God or poverty or I'm allowed to Allah they said that ma here it doesn't mean what thing it means men it means who

00:58:47 --> 00:58:51

so who is it that denies you all Mohammed

00:58:52 --> 00:58:57

AF who denies you? All Mohammed after this

00:58:59 --> 00:59:46

and he for menu kept Viehbacher? Yeah, Mohammed Bardo. biddin. who denies your what you tell the people about the resurrection? What you've informed them about Yama, Deen The Day of Recompense and the rulings of Allah and His judgments. After you have informed this to the people who can deny you or Mohammed who can deny you or Muhammad and it's very important that when we say this ayah refers to the prophets by some what refers to the prophets it is not the tech VM is not denying the resurrection because our profits that you cannot, you could not imagine to say such words about the profits are excellent. That's not what's intended. What's intended here is how can a person deny you

00:59:46 --> 00:59:55

all Mohammed? Any what you tell about the resurrection and what you inform about yamaki armor? How can a person deny you How can a person

00:59:57 --> 01:00:00

reject what you are seeing

01:00:00 --> 01:00:02

about the resurrection after this

01:00:04 --> 01:00:13

and a tech lead here as it relates to the Russell's or any denying the messenger is of there are two meanings of the word tech leap

01:00:14 --> 01:00:15

that come in the Quran.

01:00:17 --> 01:00:33

There is tech VB meaning accusing someone of being a liar. And this is what is found in the statement of Allah azza wa jal for inner home law, UK vi warnick. All Mohammed they do not accuse you of being a liar.

01:00:34 --> 01:00:37

But the other meaning of tech VB is,

01:00:38 --> 01:00:57

is jaql Huk, rejecting the truth, and being obstinate and full of pride and arrogance, and and turning away and saying it's not true, even though the person in reality knows that it's true. This is the tech of VB, that kurush, head of the Prophet Mohammed center,

01:00:58 --> 01:01:33

because they didn't accuse him of being a liar. They didn't actually say, oh, Mohammed, you are lying about this, because they knew of his truthfulness. But the meaning of lying that they hide here, or tech, deep denying is that they knew him to be truthful. But they turned away from the truth after it came to them. They knew that he was truthful, but they denied it. So there's lying and there's denying the meaning here is denial and not lying. Because our lives which are safer in the home locates the bunich, they do not accuse you of being a liar.

01:01:34 --> 01:02:12

They don't accuse you of being a liar. However, what they do is they deny what you say. They say, We don't believe it. But they don't say you're a liar. And that's a distinction which is subtle, but it's a distinction in the way that the Quran dealt with the Prophet size and they never said to them to him or messenger of Allah or Mohammed, you are a liar. Instead, they say we don't believe we deny what you say. We don't accept it. We don't believe in it. We don't believe in it. But they never said about him. For him normally, okay. They don't accuse you of being a liar and he was known for being

01:02:14 --> 01:02:17

for being truthful solo to lie. You said I'm already

01:02:22 --> 01:02:57

and that's how we hold the words lying when it comes into the corner and in relation to what the Qureshi said about the prophets. I said that there are two things there is denying there is accusing him of being a person who is known for being a liar. They never said to him that you are known of being known for being a liar, but when they accused him of that of lying, it's denial and we don't accept what you say what you're saying is falafel Walker, and that's why the word credit in Arabic It can be used to mean deliberately lying and it can be used to mean that what you're saying is just not true. Even whether you whether you mean it or not whether what you're saying is not true. Christ

01:02:57 --> 01:03:07

said about the Prophet Mohammed sighs and what you're saying is not true. What you're seeing is not true. But they never said to him that you are a liar for enamel Okay, people think they do not accuse you of lying.

01:03:08 --> 01:03:12

la sala will be our coming hockey mean, isn't Allah.

01:03:14 --> 01:04:08

Allah Hakeem in the most in a camp it tells us the most and academic relates to two things the most in what the most in a hokum and a hikma because here, a common hacky mean refers to a hokum will hikma, that in judgment, allies or jealous act and will hacky mean lies, which is the most fair and the best in judging among anyone who judges analyzer gel, also as it relates to an hikma law, as though gel is the most wise of all those who have wisdom. So Allah azza wa jal, his hokum there is no hokum after the hokum of Eliza, there is no ruling or judgment after the judging of a Lost Planet Allah, when the judgment of allies with gel comes there is nobody that can refute that, or go

01:04:08 --> 01:04:34

against it or repel it. And likewise, a las panatela has hit metal belly her infinite wisdom. So this refers to the judging of a lot the ruling of Allah and it refers to the wisdom of Allah that Allah is a camel hacking in that of all those who judge and all those who are said to have wisdom. There is none like Allah subhanaw taala Lisa chemisty shade is nothing like him. What was semi Obasi allies act camelhair came in

01:04:35 --> 01:04:40

and he had the scholars they say that this is an indication of the Justice yomo keanna

01:04:41 --> 01:04:59

because allies hotel here he mentioned how he created money Adam and he indicated the blessings that he gave them the blessing of the team of the tune the fig and the olive. The blessing of sending messengers to them. What What do you seen in what has helped

01:05:00 --> 01:05:44

Did I mean the blessing of safety and security, the blessings that they gave he gave to them in Makkah, the blessing that he gave them in creating them as an inside as a man or mankind with that nobility and dignity and honor. And then allies which I mentioned, a Latina woman wearing a little smiley heart those who believe in they do righteous deeds and allies, which Ellen mentioned, those people who they deny familiar kedzie will come back to redeem those people who deny the Day of Recompense. Eliza gel then indicates the Justice and the fairness that Allah will judge between the people with Yamaha piano Elise, Allah will be coming hacking me nobody is going to judge more fairly

01:05:44 --> 01:06:19

than Allah. Nobody is going to judge more accurately than Allah. Nobody can judge more justly than Allah subhanaw taala between all those different people when they come in front of our eyes, so jelly Yokoyama, and they asked about what they did with those blessings. And what they do with that honor and dignity that are like give them in their life, then either they will have agile and clear on them nor that Allah will judge for them to hook them up Allah for them. The judgment of Allah will be agile on layer mamnoon will be a reward that doesn't stop and doesn't decrease and isn't counted. Or

01:06:20 --> 01:06:45

it will be or isn't taken to account for or it will be as well as having the lowest of the low in the fire of jahannam will ever be. That's what allowed me to mention And along those best was salatu salam ala nabina Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi edge might just come along later on for watching. Please subscribe, share and you can visit Mohammed tim.com

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