Tim Humble – Seekers of Knowledge 001 – Tafseer Introduction

Tim Humble
AI: Summary © The title of the new program, "PhorGeneration" is being taught in various locations across the United States, with a focus on the " tip seal of the Quran" and the "taper seal of the Arabic language." The program is designed to be open for everyone, with a first part focused on the tip seal of the Quran and a second part on the "taper seal of the Arabic language." The importance of understanding the Quran and following its teachings is emphasized, and the need to practice values and avoid harming one's behavior is emphasized. The transcript discusses the benefits of following the teachings of the Quran and avoiding harming one's behavior, and provides a schedule for the upcoming week.
AI: Transcript ©
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bow nappy Alhamdulillah europian alameen

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wa Salatu was Salam ala Abdullah he was Saudi Nabina Muhammad wa ala the he was I mean he edge Marin.

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All praise is for Allah subhanho wa Taala alone.

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And we ask Allah azza wa jal to send peace and blessings.

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And to exalt the mention in grant peace to the messenger, Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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And likewise to his family and his companions,

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I would like to start by welcoming all of you to this brand new program, seekers of knowledge.

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And this is a program that is being put together and hosted by Jamaica data, we're

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the database society.

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And it's a program that is being taught in various different locations all over Dubai.

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And Alhamdulillah, I'm going to be the one who is Sharla huhtala.

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Taking care of this particular area, or this particular Masjid, in delivering this program, seekers of knowledge,

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and the program is broken into two parts. And this very first part that we're going to be doing is relating to the tip seal of the Quran.

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And it's related to the Tafseer of the last two Jews of the Quran, and particularly,

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along with the last two Jews of the Quran, Surah 230, as well.

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And it's going to take place over 16 weeks in sha Allah, Allah.

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It's a course that is open for everyone.

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And the participants who take part and register, inshallah will receive certificates. And there is also going to be a

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series of questions that are given out towards the end of the course for the students to be able to take like an exam. So I want you to see this as a course rather than a class.

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So it's not just like a regular class or just a few words that we're just going to share every Saturday after salado, Asia. Think of this as a course.

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But in sha Allah, Allah, we're not going to make it too heavy, or too difficult for people to understand. We're going to aim you know, to start at the very, very basics, and try to make it enjoyable in sha Allah to Allah and suitable for a wide range of ages and also suitable for people regardless of their experience in studying Islam. Whether you've studied Islam to a significant extent, or whether you haven't studied Islam formally before you shot Allahu Allah. The aim is for this to be open for everybody, and to be enjoyable for everybody in Charlottetown.

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Over the next 16 weeks, we're going to be talking about the topic of THC.

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So before we start the topic of Tafseer, it probably makes sense for us to spend a few minutes just to talk about what type C is.

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What is the word type see it and what does it mean, linguistically, and technically,

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all linguistically and islamically.

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So first of all, in the Arabic language, is word tipsy. Where do we get it from?

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Most of the scholars

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they said that the word tipsy comes from a vessel.

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That's a fat nscn anara.

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And this word, l feser. It means l cash for well Bayern it means to uncover something and to explain something.

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So the original word,

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it means to uncover.

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to sort of bring clarity to explain something

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or to clarify the meaning of something

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This is what the majority of the scholars said is the origin of the word tipsy as

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it relates to Al cash. Well, they are

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uncovering or highlighting bringing out the meanings and explaining what they mean.

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How, however, others among the scholars said that it comes from a setup

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that is a scene and affair and Iraq.

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And they said it is Mako lube, that means that it got the word is the the letters are not the same way around, the letters are mixed up.

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And if it comes from a setup,

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then the meaning is, as we like to say, was so vague, either as for the morning, when it becomes bright,

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to bring light to something to shed light upon something.

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So, either it means to uncover the meanings and clarify and explain what things mean. Or it means to bring, you know, to shine light on something to show what something means. And those two meanings are relatively similar.

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So if that's what it means in the language, the Arabic language, what does it mean in a technical sense? What is Pepsi as we talk about it in Islam?

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There are many different scholars who have explained what Pepsi means.

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But personally, I think if we just choose one, and we focus on one that I think is quite comprehensive, let's take Alabama's or Kashi Rahim Allah Allah.

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What did he say that Tafseer means? He said, it is a knowledge or a science.

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So the first thing we're going to stop at is that Tafseer is a science.

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So Islam is broken down to lots of different sciences, right? You have the science of a key that deals with creed and belief. You have the science of Heidi you have the science of fifth you have the science of the Arabic language you have the science of Sierra and history. Islam has a lot of sub sciences.

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One of these is elimite. FC of Tafseer is one of the major branches of Islamic knowledge.

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What is the purpose of this science? Alabama's are crushy

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he said Rahim Mahalo to Allah, Al moon, youth ham ob Hickey tabouleh. It is a science by which we understand the book of Allah. It's a science by which we understand the book of Allah that was sent down to his prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam.

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There's more but I just want to stop there. Because I think this is a nice point to stop. This is why we came. This is our This is what we want from this sitting on every Saturday night for the next 16 weeks in sha Allah, we want to understand the book of Allah that was revealed to his messenger Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam. that's ultimately what we want from a tipsy.

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And since a large zoa gel has commanded us to reflect upon the Quran, Leah de Beauvoir, it so that they may reflect upon the ayat Allah has commanded us to act upon the Quran and implemented.

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But how can we reflect upon the Quran if we don't understand the basics of what is being said to us? And how can we furthermore act on the Quran if we don't understand the basic meanings that are being said to us?

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So the first purpose we have from Tafseer is that we understand the book of Allah that was sent down to his prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and to explain its meanings, whereby I'm Annie. So now, Oliver mazurka. He went into the details, he broke it down into different parts of Tafseer.

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So the first one that he mentioned is

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the annual Nirvana, to clarify the meaning of the words the meaning of the sentences, the meaning of the ayat.

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And that's one part of a tipsy, but it's not the only part of Pepsi. He's going to continue with others as well. By just the first is

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Just that you understand the what the words mean. Because remember, the Koran is the most rich and eloquent and beautiful language

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that can ever be.

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And so there are going to be words in there that we need to stop with those words. And we need to ask what does that word mean? And how do I understand this word?

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And is this word the same as that word? Or is it different from that word? So that's one part of activity.

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What's the Roger camii where he came in,

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and we want to take out the rulings and the wisdom

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we want to extract to benefit from the rulings. So Elma, tafsir is not just the knowledge that tells you what the words mean. Tafseer is also the knowledge of the atom the rulings that the Quran is is explaining or is

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or has been revealed to us these rulings or these, you know, sort of laws and and what we're supposed to do and how we're supposed to act and what is halal and what is haram, that's part of Tafseer as well taking out the rulings. But it's not only rulings.

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It's also about taking out the benefits and the wisdom

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and understanding more about this religion of Islam in a more general way outside of that come because not everything is about halal and haram. Not everything is about this is wajib and this is followed and this is Mr. haben This is macro and this is how long the whole Quran is not about that.

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Rather there are

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points of benefit.

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And elements which come under adhikam any wisdom points of wisdom points of benefit that you take out.

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And then remember is our Kashi. He says how we do this, he said was steamed do daddy come in Nova tea when we were three, if you will, by anyone will feel he will karats.

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He said

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we're going to support this.

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We're going to this this purpose. We're going to explain the meanings and take out the rulings and the benefits.

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We're going to be supported in this by the knowledge of the Arabic language, grammar and morphology.

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The knowledge of

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the of Albanian any, you can say to do the eloquence and how you know the way that the Quran explains things and conveys to us the knowledge of solid filk and the knowledge of the different clear art the different ways of reciting the Quran.

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He said Also,

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while you're attached to it is Bobby and newzoo were nurses, Lee Wellman. So and also what is needed is knowing the reasons for the ayat being revealed. Why was this particular Ayah revealed.

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And also knowing the ayat which have been abrogated, those rulings no longer apply, and the IRS which replaced and abrogated them.

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That's a lot of explanation right there. But the main thing I wanted you to take from this is actually is that our our primary goal with tafsir is to understand the book of Allah. That's our goal to understand the Quran. And that it is more than just meanings. It's more than just this word means this and this word means this.

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That's part of it. But also part of it is to take out the rulings the halal and haram and the worship and the minister had been a guru. And also a part of it is to take out the benefits and the points of wisdom

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that we can benefit from in our lives and we can implement

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and also to understand that type C is built upon all of the other sciences of Islam.

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And what I mean by that is that it can be said that Tafseer is the hardest or one of the hardest of the sciences of Islam because it requires all of the other sciences of Islam.

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How is that?

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For example? Tafseer is all

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Narrated to us in ahaadeeth, we need to know whether the Hadees is authentic or not authentic.

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Tafseer is sometimes from the different clear art, the different styles of reading. So we need to know those type series also based upon the Arabic language, and all of its different parts. So we need to also have some knowledge of that as well. It's built upon rulings and, and laws. And so we need to have knowledge of how to take rulings and laws out of say something is very complicated is something that has a lot of different parts to it. And you can see that tipsy or every other science of Islam is needed in order to understand the meaning of the Quran. So you need every one of the Islamic sciences to be able to make Tafseer or to be able to study the Tafseer of the Quran.

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We've talked about what Tafseer is.

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But I don't think it would be right for us to begin without talking a little bit about some of the virtues of Tafseer and all the virtues of learning the Quran.

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Because what we want to give some inspiration, we want to answer the question if someone said, why should or what is the benefit for me to spend the next 16 weeks every Saturday night after Salah to Asia? to study this particular science? What is the virtue of it? What's the reward of it?

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And for that,

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I'm going to start with a hadith narrated by an Imam Muslim. In which the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he said we're meant to Morocco Oman Phoebe timbu Tila, yet Luna? kita Bella Wyatt de rasuna who baina whom Elena's Ella? Tara you Sakina What was she at home? Oh, Rama, what have fit woman mela aka whether Cara Houma la houfy man and

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the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he said no people gathered together in a house from one of the houses of Allah

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reciting the book of Allah and studying together.

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Except that Sakina comes down to them.

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tranquility and peace

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descends upon the gathering.

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And our laws, mercy encompasses them

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or covers them.

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And the angels surround them.

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And Allah mentions them, to those who are with him, ie the highest and the most noble of the angels that are with him

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as four reasons why we should sit in the masjid and study tipsy.

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Number one,

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when we sit in the masjid and we recite the Quran, and we study it together, we get Sakina, tranquility

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and peace.

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Number two, it's a reason for Allah's mercy to envelop you, and to cover you.

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Number three, it brings the angels

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and when the angels surround you, what do you think happens to the shell,

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the shell team and the angels they don't come together any When the angels come and the angels surround you.

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Then the shell to a faraway

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pushes the shape Han away.

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And Allah mentions these people, to those who are with him. To Alma will Allah the highest and the most noble of the angels that are with him.

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And as we said the Hadith is in

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Sahih Muslim

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the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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He said in a hadith narrated by an Imam Al Bukhari. Hi eurocon mentor LML Khurana Allah,

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the best of you, all those who study the Quran, and those who teach it.

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So it's a reason to have that title of being among the best of all the people

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to be someone who studies the brand and someone who teaches the brand

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Last benefit that I'm going to mention and there are so many there are books on this topic alone you could write volumes just on the topic of the virtue of studying the Quran but I just want to mention one more.

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And it is a hadith narrated by Lima myblu manager and a chef Ll Bani Rahim Allah Allah said it is Heidi from sohei said authentic Heidi

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from the Heidi of nsabp Malik in rhodiola horn

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that the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said in LA LA he Elina minuteness. Allah has special people among his servants,

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called rasulillah men whom they said O Messenger of Allah, Who are these special people

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call him Hello.

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Hello law he waha Soto.

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He said they are the people of the Quran.

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Allah special chosen people

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the people who get the title,

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laws people

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the people who get the title that they are our laws people

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and our laws, special chosen servants,

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law hospital,

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lot of people and a lot special chosen servants.

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They are the people of the Quran.

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Now we have to ask ourselves a question now What is it? What does it mean then to be from

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the people of Allah or the people of the Quran?

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I'm gonna quote you some words from Mohammed Ibn Al Hussein and agile re Rahim Allah who to either in his book

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a Hello, Hamilton for

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the manners of the one who carries the Quran IE who memorizes the Quran carries the foreigner is hot.

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He said, Rahim Allah Allahu Allah, and I'll quote you in English. So we save time. He said for the one whom Allah has enabled to learn the Quran and favored him over others who have not learned the Quran. And he wants to be one of the people of the Quran, one of our laws, people and those who are closest and chosen to By Allah, it is essential for him to make the Quran

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Robbie Appleby he

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the joy of his heart,

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the joy of his heart, he has to make the Quran the thing that brings joy to his heart,

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so that he can cure

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the sicknesses of his heart through the plan. And he should follow the teachings of the Quran, and should take two noble attitude and behavior that will make him stand out from the people who do not read the Quran.

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He then said

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the first thing he should do is to have Taqwa of Allah in private and public, and to be careful about how he acquires his food, drink clothing and accommodation. He should be aware of the time and the environment in which he lives and the extent of corruption among the people of his time, he should be careful with people less they have a negative impact on his religious commitment. He should focus on his own self and strive his utmost to change what is wrong with his attitude and his behavior. He should guard his tongue and be careful in his speech, speaking on the basis of knowledge, if he thinks that speaking will serve a purpose, and remaining silent on the basis of

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knowledge, if he thinks that remaining silent will serve a purpose, he should not interfere in that which doesn't concern him, and he should be more fearful of his own tongue than of his enemies. He should laugh little at things at which people laugh because of the bad consequences of laughter. He should have a cheerful sort of a cheerful approach when meeting people and speak word of words of kindness, and he should not backbite anyone look down on anyone, revile anyone or rejoice in the misfortune of anyone or transgress against anyone or envy anyone, for he has taken the Quran and the sooner and the understanding of Islamic teachings as his guide. In order for him to acquire every

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single good aspect of manners. He should guide all of his physical

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faculties against doing what is forbidden. If words of truth is spoken to him, he should accept them. Whether they come from someone younger or someone older, he should seek prominence from Allah not from the people. He should hate arrogance and fear falling into it. He should not earn a living by means of the Quran or try to use the Quran to meet his needs, and he should not use it as a means of establishing connections with people of authority. He should not sit with rich people to recite Quran for them so they may honor him with gifts. He should be content with little and it would suffice him he should guard himself against worldly adornments and anything which would make him

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transgress the limits and follow the teachings of the Quran and the Sunnah. When he eats and drinks and clothes and sleeps, or when he engages in intimacy with his wife or interacts with his brothers and faith and visits them, he should do so on the basis of what he has learned from the teachings of Islam. He should commit himself to honoring his parents. If they seek His help in doing something that is pleasing to Allah, he should help them. But if they seek his help, in doing something displeasing to Allah, he should not help them. If he disobeys them with regard to a simple matter, he should still treat them with kindness, so they might give up the intended evil deed which was not

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right for them to do.

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He should uphold

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the ties of kinship and dislike severing ties and if someone cuts him off, he doesn't cut them off in turn. If anyone disobeys a law with regard to him, he should obey a law with regard to that person. He is gentle and kind in all of his affairs. patient in teaching good. The one who is learning from him will feel at ease with him, and the one who sits with him is happy to do so because sitting with him is beneficial. He refers to knowledge and understanding as a way to guide him to everything that is good. When he studies the Quran he does so with focus of mind. His main aim in doing so is to understand what Allah made obligatory for him to follow His commands and heed

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his prohibitionists. His concern is not When will I finish the surah? Rather, his concern is, when will I realize that a lie sufficient for me and I need no one else? When will I be one of the pious? When will I be one of the doers of good? When will I be one of those who put their trust in Allah? When will I be one of those who fear Allah, when when I will I be one of the patient, when will I be able to understand the words of Allah, when will I will be able to understand what I'm reciting? When will I be able to gain control of my neffs and restraint its desires, when will I truly strive in a lost cause? When will I pay heed to the warnings of the Quran, when will I be focused on the

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remembrance of Allah so focused on the remembrance of a lie that I will not be distracted by anything else, whoever is like this, or close to it, then he is truly reciting the Quran as it should be recited and paying proper care and attention to it. The Quran will be a witness, an intercessor, a comforter and a protection for him. Whoever is like that will benefit himself and his family, and will be a source of goodness for his parents and his children in this world and in the hereafter

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as a very long quote.

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But the reason I quoted it in full is I wanted you to really understand

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that this knowledge that you gained from the Quran is supposed to have a profound effect upon you.

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It's supposed to change everything about you, every kind of behavior, the way that even the way that you dress, even the way that you appear, the way that you speak, the way that you laugh.

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Every single thing that you do is supposed to be changed by your study of the Quran.

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And it's not about finishing the surah and it's not about being a half is

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it's not about

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being someone who has read so many books of Tafseer

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but it's about your own actions

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and acting upon the Quran in the way that a last panelist Allah

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wants you to do and loves for you to do.

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So with that being said,

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we're going to begin in sha Allah who to Allah with Surah 230.

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We're going to begin with Surah 230.

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And particularly or starting off with

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the name of the surah itself

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a little bit of information or a little bit of background

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as to the surah

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Surah Fatiha

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has a number of different names

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from the names of Surah 230

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is that it is called alpha, you have already schooled 30 hatoon kita the opening or the opening of the book

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and that is because

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first of all that it is the first surah

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in the order of the Muslim

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So, when you open almost half the First Solar that you see is sort of 230

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and so, it is the opening chapter of the book.

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But there is another reason also why we can say that solar 230 has its name

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and that is because it is an opening or an introduction to the Quran

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and this also leads us to another of the names of Surah Fatiha which is that it is called own model Quran.

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Omen Quran

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the word own usually we say we translated as meaning mother. But here What does own really mean?

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own it means us rochet the origin of something or the core of something, the heart of something.

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And the thing which everything goes back to. So for example, if you have let's say 10 siblings

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10 brothers and sisters,

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all of those 10 brothers and sisters

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go back to a single woman, that's their mother.

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And so all of her children go back to her.

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Likewise, anything that you can see that everything goes back to it can be called on

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and that's why maca is called omo Cora, the mother of the towns

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and the most important also another meaning of the word is the one that has the most important the most important one.

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So what can we understand by sudo su 30 have been called omokoroa. And

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we can understand from this, that Surah Fatiha is like a summary or a if you like

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it, the whole of the meanings of the Quran, come back to Surah two fattier or sort of Fatiha is like a summary

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to the whole of the whole of the Quran.

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It's actually said by some of the scholars of Tafseer that the Quran itself is brings together or gathers together the knowledge of all of the previous revelation. So the Quran is like a summary or it brings together all of the knowledge of everything that was revealed to the prophets and the messengers Alia masala to set up.

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All of it is brought together and summarized within the Quran.

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Likewise, Surah Fatiha is like a summary or a guide to the rest of the Quran.

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The most important messages the most important themes, the most important points of benefit are found within Surah Fatiha and then are expanded upon in the rest of the Quran.

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And it is said that sort of the Fatiha

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the surah or it says it was the surah that was revealed

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completely or the first one to be revealed completely.

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This is also one of the things that they say about it being unfair to the opening that it was the first to be revealed in

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complete form from beginning to end.

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And according to the stronger opinion it is so rotten

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Yeah, it's a Maki surah it was revealed to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam in Mk.

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From the names of sola to fat had his elk or an out in

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Surah Al Fatiha is the great Quran.

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Again we ask the question, why did the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam describe one surah as being the Quran

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because like we said it contains a summary or it contains a guide to the rest of the surah or the surah of the Quran.

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From the names of Salatu Fatiha is a several masani the seven oft repeated is the seven is that we repeat again and again and again.

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It's called a cyber el muthoni because it has seven IX

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and all of the scholars of tipsy have agreed that sort of 30 has seven if they disagreed on where exactly those I'd break up the lines with or the within the soda, but they agreed that there are seven is

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and it's cool they'll masani because it is something that you recite in every single prayer.

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The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said in an authentic hadith narrated by Al Bukhari and Muslim laughs Allah tele men lamea hora de Fatiha till kita

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there is no prayer for the one who does not recite 30 How to Get up.

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There is no prayer for the one who doesn't recite it. So that's a unique quality of Surah 230 that makes it different

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from the other sources of the Quran, because there is no other surah of the Quran that you have to recite in your prayer

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except Surah Fatiha

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and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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He said about sort of 230 ha here are vamos Swati filco and

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it is the greatest of all of the chapters of the Quran, all of the sources of the Quran.

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So it is the greatest of all of the sutras of the Quran.

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There are actually lots of other important benefits about sort of to Fatiha, but I'm just going to mention one of them. That Sora to 30 hat is a means to seek Shiva from Allah azza wa jal. It's a means to seek a cure from Allah subhanaw taala the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Why am I would read an Rokia What made you know that Sora to Fatiha was a Rukia

00:38:30 --> 00:38:32

Well, now you Derek and Tia

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called us up to You did the right thing. So the Prophet sighs have described it as a Rukia as a means of reciting the surah in order to seek a cure from the illnesses, whether they are the sicknesses of the heart, or the sicknesses of the mind, or the sicknesses of the body, or the sicknesses of the paranormal or whatever it may be

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to recite Surah Fatiha for that purpose.

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And when the Sahaba or one of the Sahaba did this, the prophets I seldom said to him had a sub tomb You did the right thing.

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When they found someone that had been bitten by a snake or a scorpion, and they recited sort of fatty how over that person, the prophet sighs lm said,

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had a sub term You did the right thing.

00:39:22 --> 00:39:33

These are just a few points as we introduce solar to fat, otherwise, it would take the rest of the 16 weeks just to finish certified.

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But we just wanted to highlight some benefits and some points and some things to make you think.

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And to make you reflect, I'm only going to do one more thing this evening because I'm conscious that we said that the class will be between 45 minutes to an hour. So we don't want to make it so long that everyone you know feels tired and feels that it's burdensome. We want to make it easy inshallah, I just want to start with Bismillah

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Rahmani Raheem

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Bismillahi Rahmani Raheem

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is an introduction to the Quran and to Salatu. alarms Virgil began the Quran with Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim. And allies so gel began or introduced sola to Fatiha with Bismillahi Rahmani Raheem.

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The scholars differed over whether it is an ayah or not.

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from Surah 230 but they agreed that it's a part of an ayat of the Quran because of the statement of Eliza origin in human Sulayman. We're in Bismillah Ar Rahman AR Rahim. So Bismillah Ar Rahman AR Rahim is part of an ayah for sure. But the question is, is it an ayah in Surah 230? Or is it an introduction

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or an you know, sometimes they call it an introductory idea, or something like that isn't an introduction to the surah.

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When we look at solar 230

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and we look at the Hadees, which is one of I believe, very important Hadith which with regard to sort of two factor, which is how Allah subhanho wa Taala

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divided the prayer and it's the hadith of abhor a lot of the a lot of mine,

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that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said called Allahu taala Allah, the Exalted set, for some to salata, benei, verbena abdeen, his fame, I divided the prayer between me and my servant in half.

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I divided the prayer between me and my servant in half.

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either call Alhamdulillah iraq bill al Ameen call Allahu taala hamadani Abdi. When Allah says al Hamd when the when the person says was praying and hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen Allah says, My servant has praised me.

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When the servant says alright man Rahim Allah says ethna Riley Abdi, my servant has

00:42:21 --> 00:42:23

glorified me through praise.

00:42:25 --> 00:42:32

When the servant says Maliki Yomi Deen, call Allahu taala magetta de Abdi

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when the seven says Malik el Medina, Allah says, My servant has glorified me when Alonso when the servant says he cannot or Buddha canister in a large zoa just says how the bay new Urbina abdeen his fame This is divided between me and my servant in half.

00:42:55 --> 00:43:08

What do you call a dino sera Tomas de creme de la. Call Allahu Allah had the abdiweli Optima Sal. This is for my servant and my servant will have what he asked

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this Howdy. We're going to go into it later in next lesson in more detail because when we learn what the meaning of sorbitol Fatiha is, inshallah to Allah next lesson, but what we wanted to talk about here is that when the profit sites lm said that our last split sort of two thirds in half, he began with Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen and he made the middle part er cannot go to what he can assign. So this indicates to us that Bismillah Ar Rahman AR Rahim is not the first ayah in sort of society. The first ayah is Alhamdulillah he or bill al amin and the Bismillah Ar Rahman AR Rahim is an introduction to the surah or it is an an introductory iron that is not part of the ayat of Surah

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Fatiha, but it comes before it as an introduction. And then Surah 230 begins with Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil aalameen. This is what appears to be from this hadith.

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So what about Bismillah Ar Rahman AR Rahim very quickly.

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The first thing we're going to ask ourselves is this bath that we say the letter that Bismillah be here, when we say Bismillah this letter back here, don't worry, we're not going to do every letter we're not going to do sort of 30 letter by letter, don't worry. But just here we have to ask ourselves this bar What does it mean?

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You know, prepositions in Arabic, like ba and fee, an ILA and Allah. They have lots of different meanings, right? Um, maybe you noticed if you learn some some small Arabic phrases that it means a different thing every time. That's why we have to stop and ask ourself What does the bar mean? Because

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The bar has lots of different meanings. Here the scholars they say that that it is lil is Tiana. It means as a newbie, aka Allah, Oh Allah, I seek your help.

00:45:18 --> 00:45:23

That little bar just about nothing else big. We didn't even say Bismillah

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just that but bit it means I seek your help or Allah.

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And whenever you ask Allah for help you make dua to Allah, you try to

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come near to Allah subhanaw taala.

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And the greatest way that you can come near to Allah is through his names and his attributes.

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So there are two reasons why there are more but just for here, we mentioned two reasons why we say Bismillah In the name of Allah.

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Number one, we do it out of our soul, to seek a means of neediness to Allah, Allah, Allah, I'm begging you to help me.

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I'm begging you to help me.

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And I'm doing so by mentioning your names.

00:46:28 --> 00:47:01

I'm using your names as a means to get my daughter accepted as a means to get near to you. When he left, he is now with her SNA federal rule will be to Allah belong the perfect names. So call upon a law by those names, use our last names in your da. So that's the first reason we say Bismillah to use our last names in our do as a means of tawassul to get near to Allah to get our da accepted.

00:47:03 --> 00:47:07

The second is a tabarrok seeking Baraka

00:47:08 --> 00:47:24

that all law I am asking you to bless my wrist citation to bless my Tafseer to bless my study, to bless my action to put blessings by your names by mentioning your names.

00:47:26 --> 00:47:29

What's the evidence for that? taboc a small a big

00:47:30 --> 00:47:32

blessing is the name of your Lord.

00:47:34 --> 00:47:40

Soldier olallieberry crom bless it is the name of your Lord Allah as names come with Baraka.

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Allah's names come with Baraka.

00:47:45 --> 00:48:12

So we mentioned the names of Allah to get Baraka in our citation. And we mentioned the names of Allah to get our da except it is two reasons why we say Bismillah. Now this word isn't here. Name. It doesn't mean one name. It means all of the names of alliances origin, it doesn't mean one name. It means all of the names of a lively mama Sadie,

00:48:14 --> 00:48:22

Ryman Lolita either he said I begin with every name that belongs to Allah the Exalted

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and then he mentioned that there's a grammatical this Arabic reason why that's the case. But we're not going to go too much into that because we don't want to get too much into Arabic grammar. But there's a reason why the word Islam here it means all of our last names fail our own more Jamie as Jamie is not a prisoner. It covers all of our last names. Every single one of our last names. Among them, we're going to single out three names for special mention. Allah R Rahman. R Rahim.

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So when we say Bismillah we asking Allah as help. We're asking Allah to put barakah in our action. We're asking Allah to accept our duty by mentioning all of his names, and we're going to single out three special names to mention and they are Allah. R Rahman r Rahim. I'm going to cover the meaning of those names next week when we do al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil, aalameen or Rahmani Raheem so we'll leave that aside for the moment.

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But I have a question that I want you to think about. Just for a second.

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If the meaning of Bismillah Ar Rahman AR Rahim is all Allah I seek your help.

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by mentioning your name seeking the blessings of your names out of which I'm going to mention three special names Allah All right, man, Rahim.

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What are we seeking a lot of help for?

00:49:59 --> 00:49:59

Or what do we seek

00:50:00 --> 00:50:01

Our laws help in

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there is a reason why nothing is mentioned

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after Bismillah For example, we don't say Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim apara. In the name of Allah I recite, and we don't say Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim. Officer, In the name of Allah, I perform tipsy or icon I carry out tafsir. And we don't say Bismillah he

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I do this I study. Why do we not mention any of these things

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so that the word can or the phrase can cover everything that we do.

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Because in Surah Fatiha, there's lots of things you're doing. You're reciting, you're thinking, reflecting, studying, understanding, implementing, acting, making lots of things you're doing at the same time. So you want to cover all of them. And for that reason, there is no verb mentioned with Bismillah Ar Rahman right. It's left open

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to cover every single thing that you need from Allah subhanaw taala, in Surah Fatiha and in everything else, but there is one small thing that we mentioned right at the end, which I believe is important. And that is be careful that that Sunnah is sometimes to say Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim. But in most of the actions that we conduct in on a daily basis, apart from reciting the Quran, the Sunnah is to say Bismillah and stop there. So for example, some people make a mistake when they eat, they say Bismillahi Rahmani Raheem before they eat.

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We don't know of any sooner for this. The Sunnah is to say Bismillah and stop. As for Bismillah Ar Rahman AR Rahim, there are certain situations in which this is the correct form of the best mela to use. And of course, the most obvious of those is in reciting the Quran. Bismillah Ar Rahman AR Rahim.

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So we need to distinguish, you know, when the daily things you do when you go into the masjid out of the masjid, and you know that these kind of like, when you eat and drink these kind of daily actions you do, the sooner is to say Bismillah and stop there.

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That's enough for us to ensure a lot of good thinking. And so enough for us this week in Charlotte to either be in the law, we're going to have to go quite quickly through the Tafseer. So in Charlotte Island, the plan is to finish sort of 230 by the end of next week, and then inshallah to start from Sora to NASS. And to go through Joe's ama, and just about backwards. And the reason for going through it backwards is, first of all, this is what my chef told me to do.

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It's what I saw from my shift, the way he taught me is that he also for the first five, or for four and a half, five years, he went backwards from the back of the Quran. And that makes sense, because it starts with a very small Sutras, and it gets harder, progressively harder. Whereas if you start from Tabata kalindi via the hill milk, then it becomes yours. You're getting easier as you go along. You starting with the hard sources and getting easier. So I think it makes sense to start from sort of NASS and to go onwards until we get to the end of or the beginning of just about a controller. So that's the plan. As for the recommended reading material, I'm primarily going to take the Tafseer

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from three sources in sha Allah.

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Mostly three sources. The first is the Tafseer of Alabama Saudi Rahim Allah to Allah. And this is available in English and for the Jews that we are doing. That is Jews tabarka Jews ama and sort of 230 it's actually very easy to pick up you can pick it up from data Salaam in Sharjah, they have it in I think just one volume or two volumes, small books, you can pick up the Tafseer of William msrt. I think they spell it as a de

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la mama said.

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We also going to be taking from the tip See, have a shake a bit of a mean Rahim Allah to Allah.

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And likewise, finally, and in fact, we probably should have started the other way around but the tipsy of Alibaba we call out to Allah. This is a classical Tafseer remember about how you're allowed to enter and it's also one of the shorter books of Tafseer shala. So from these three books, we're going to be dipping in and taking the Tafseer

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As far as I'm aware, only tip sera Sadie is available out of those three is available in English. As far as I'm aware, only tafsir Sadie out of those three is available in English, you're more than welcome also to read from Urban cattier as well in Sharla. But I think that even Kathy will be too complicated for the time that we have time that we have is too short to cover even crazier because even caffeine is a very detailed Pepsi has a lot of details in it. So that's how we're going to do it. shala today was just an introduction to Pepsi and the virtues of learning the Quran and the very very beginning of Bismillahirrahmanirrahim and inshallah Allah next week will be the Tafseer of soil

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to Fatiha proper. And then backwards as we said from saltiness analyzer General's best for salatu salam ala nabina Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi edgeline Jazakallah Heron for watching, please subscribe, share and you can visit Mohammed tim.com

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