Tim Humble – Buloogh al-Maram – The Book of Zakah #19 – Hadeeth 521

Tim Humble
AI: Summary © The Hadith rules, including employment regulations, are important for wealth management. It is important to examine each situation in a systematic way and make clear rules and requirements for employment. Debt is an important topic, and records of income and bank statements are necessary for proper verification. It is important to be careful in the future and to provide proper information to avoid fraud. The importance of testing and finding a person who is willing to work is emphasized.
AI: Transcript ©
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pollun Rolo mi see one

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image color tune a little howdy Salwa enon

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Dini and Natalie mama

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Nabina Muhammad was

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so we just were at the beginning of Babel Cosmos sort of the chapter of dividing up or distributing the

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and we were just really I just mentioned it in passing the

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in Delhi Hamza the army in LA her, our module install our hobby marry our law remin. outdoors in FISA Villa, our miskeen and to suit de la him in her for Derman, Hurley, Ronnie row who made what I would Oh, there was no merger was aha Kim would have said

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this is the Heidi's of a bizarre either career or the allaahu. And, and this, Heidi tells us that it is forbidden for a rich person, person of wealth to take from the cap. And there are five exceptions that are mentioned within this particular Hadith we said this hadith is criticized or it has a criticism over its authenticity. But it seems that the it is narrated elsewhere with an authentic chain of narration.

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This Hadith tells us that it is not allowed for a person of wealth to take from the

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from the zeca.

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Now, there are some exceptions that are mentioned within this Heidi's

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and these are five groups of people, not five individual people, but five groups of people. And these five groups of people are allowed to be given from the SEC, even if they are wealthy.

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The first is the one who works in the within the zeca or works for there's a cap. So we said this could be a number of different people or number of different situations. It could be the person who is for example, the collector of the Zika the person who guards the Zika It could also be the person who is responsible for weighing and counting and sorting and organizing the Zika. All of these fall under

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Amylin LA

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and these are mentioned within the ayah in Masada Cthulhu fukada Well, Mr. Kane, will amin la ha those who work for a work within the field or the area of visicalc.

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And that person is given a wage from the money in return for the work that they provide and they do

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and they are not given it because they are poor. So for example, if someone works as as a car collector, it doesn't matter whether that person is rich or whether that person is poor, they are given from the zecca.

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The second one that is mentioned

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in the Heidi's a Rajan is Shara happy married a man who purchased it with his own

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So here what it means is you have a poor person who receives the second rightfully received as a car. And this poor person sells what they were given from the car to a rich person. And this is permissible, because it may be in times when this is not all money. As we know we've heard about the SEC had been what have we heard, we've heard about sheep. We've heard about camels and cows. We've also heard about trade goods. Even though the scholars differ about whether there's a car can be paid in the trade goods or whether it has to be paid in the

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as money, but it could easily be there are many things

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circumstances where a poor person might be given a physical object rather than money. But the poor person wants money for this particular poor person, what they want is money. So what they do is they sell what they received from the car, whatever object it was, it might have been part of trade goods in market might've been part of the cattle, it might have been

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that it was a kind of made golden silver, like a kind of jewelry or something like that. These are all possibilities that could be within there's a car that was collected, and therefore the person sells it to a rich person, the fact that it was originally from the zeca, doesn't prevent the poor person from selling it to a rich person. So a person might believe that this money once it is this object, once it becomes a car, it can never be in the hands of a rich person. And that's not true, because the poor person can sell it and then it goes away from being zeca. And it becomes a normal item which can be bought and sold, once it leaves the poor person's possession and the poor person

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sells it. So the poor person takes it into their possession, they have the right to do with it whatever they want. And that is a really important principle that once sadaqa azekah is given to the poor person and distributed, then the poor person has the right to do whatever they want with it. It is generally speaking, there might be some limited exceptions, if the poor person is from the suffer heart, from the people who are not able to manage their wealth properly. And Eliza Joe told us what to suffer her and while I come, don't give your wealth to the people who are not able to manage it properly and are not able to handle it properly. So if the poor person is a person who is not able

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to manage their wealth properly, they waste it or they gamble it or they you know, they they they are not they're not capable of managing their wealth for some reason, that might be a different situation. But here, we're talking about the an average person who receives it, they are poor, they receive the zecca. It is up to them what they do with that second, it's their choice, even if they want to sell it to someone who is rich ohare. Here we mentioned that a person in debt is off, do you remember we said we said two types.

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There is vitamin lien, F, C, E, and vitamin clear IE, there is someone who is in debt

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for themselves and someone who is in debt for others, as for the one who is in debt for themselves, then this person is not given those Okay, if they are rich, right, they have to be unable to pay their debt they have to be poor.

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As for the one who is take has taken a debt for others, ie to make a slap between people to make peace between people that are fighting, maybe two tribes are fighting. And the fight might be over some monetary issue like it might be over an issue of

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retribution, blood money, in some issue happen between people. And this person wants to make a slap between them and they take on a financial burden and say look

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for the sake of making peace between you.

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What about if I was to pay this amount of money, whether it's blood money or whether it's whatever it is to make the peace between the people, then this person even if they are rich, deserves to be given from the from this account.

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And this is what was called alohar remedy remedy he the person who has taken on a debt for the sake of other of other people.

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And this is only to encourage his law making peace between people.

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I will have Ozzie feasability law. The next one is the one who fights for the sake of alarm we mentioned this is the one who is a volunteer and doesn't have a salary.

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A volunteer and doesn't have a salary. They are given their weaponry and they need the things they need for the battle their transport from the zeca even if they are wealthy on the condition that they don't receive a salary and they are a volunteer in the army. They are not a

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conscript or a salaried member of the army.

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Army scheme to suit decarli human zeca Minh Holly honey or a poor person

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was given from the ACA. And then they give it as a gift to the wealthy person.

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And there is an example of this in Bihari and Muslim

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from in the story of barrier of the line

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with the Prophet sallallahu, it will send them in that barrier was given

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was given from the zeca

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rhodiola, who was given from the soccer and gave to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam accepted the gift, because the Prophet size and remember he accepted gifts but he didn't accept sada of any kind Zakah or any other kind of subtle the Prophet size and didn't accept it. And the Hadith is coming in below him on as well. So if a poor person received as a car, it is up to them if they wish to give it to a rich person. And the fact that it was from this card doesn't prevent the rich person from taking the gift. So the rich person is allowed. The person maybe is given from the SEC, I said, we would like to give you this gift, we

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like to buy something for you and give you a gift. He doesn't say I'm sorry, I can't take it because from the zeca instead, they can accept the gift because the poor person has the right to do whatever they want with the sucker. Once they have taken it and there is a story in behind a Muslim from the story of that era, in which she gave to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and we know the Prophet sighs never accepted zeca or sadaqa but he accepted a gift that came from the poor person even though it was originally from the southern

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our next Heidi's well and our lady like me, I didn't hear

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and Nora julaine had said who and whom at a Rasulullah sallallahu it who was sending me an email a sadhaka

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for caliber fee human caliber fee, human Basile, for whom gels day for call in sheet tumor. What have fi hi Lee honey, while earlier we in MCQ test a grower walk away with old when necessary.

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This Hadith

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is the hadith of two men

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who came to the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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And these two men came to the Prophet salallahu it he was selling them and they came to ask for the Zika any that they were deserving of the that they were deserving of the Zika

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and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam The first thing that he did is he looked at them,

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he examine them.

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And that is the first thing that we want to take from from this Heidi's

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the caliber female buffer the profit size and examine them. So it is the duty of the one who is distributing the car to examine the situation of the people who come before him.

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To examine to look at them, and there is no particular thing the person is looking for but we can mention what is in this hadith.

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He saw them gel Dane gel Dane kawi yang he saw them to be strong men. They were two strong men.

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He said in shape tumor in some of the narrations in shape tumor out a tumor, if you wish I will give you

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but there is no this is not allowed or there is no share for the one who is rich nor the one who is strong and able to work

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nor the one who is strong and able to work. Now this is very very important. Because of this last statement of the Prophet sallallahu radiocentre Hadith is Sahih inshallah Allah

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while the Caribbean potassium is not allowed for one who is strong, and who is able to work. So here, this tells us that richness as it relates to Zakat or poverty is not just poverty in terms of the person's possessions at that moment in time. But it's also their ability to work is also there

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ability to work and their ability to work is divided into two things. It's divided into their physical ability to work and the availability of jobs at the time.

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So what did we say richness or being rich is two things. Either it is that what they possess at that moment in time, or it is their ability to work. And their ability to work is divided into two things, what is it divided into, it's divided into their physical ability to work, and the availability of jobs for them at that time. So out of that, who is given the sucker, the one that is given us a car is the one who

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is poor in terms of their possessions, they don't have enough. And they don't have the ability to work either because they don't have the strength or the knowledge or the skill or because the jobs are not available at that moment in time.

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As for the one who comes and this person is well qualified, or physically strong, and there is work available, this person is not given from the Zakah this person is not given from this occur. Rather, they are asked to go and carry out that work that is available for them. However, as we said, there might be two different situations a person might be, and these men physically it was physical work, but it might be intellectual work, it might be knowledge work just as much as its physical work, a person is well qualified, there are jobs available, therefore the person is asked, can't take from the sucker, you need to go and carry out that job. However, they each of this person looks I mean,

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the person has to look at the situation individually. person might say, okay, but I won't be able to survive this month, I can go and take that job. But I can't cover my bills this month. The person might be given from this car, because in the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam people were paid, the admin was paid immediately. Now, we might have a situation where someone is paid at the end of the month, they could be given from the card until then. But what's important is if they have the ability to work, that is taken into account when they come to ask for this account. Now, here note that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam while he examined these two men, he did not

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go into microscopic detail. He said to them in shape tomorrow, if you say to me that there is no way you can get a job,

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I will give you from this account.

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You know, it's not for me to go around and, you know, examine each individual situation and to go to this person and this person asked has he come to you for the job has he tried to get a job here has he rather say to him, these are the rules, you must say before me now and say to me, I don't have the money and I don't have a job.

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And if the person wants to add the person giving up as a car wants to add some, you know, requirements, maybe some of the government's they have some requirements, paperwork, identity, the person has to show, maybe they have to show something like a bank statement. There is I mean, this is from the muscle hub, the people from the general benefit for the people, it's not a problem. But the person giving this guy doesn't have to examine each case in microscopic detail. But they do have to make it clear if they see something from that person, which indicates to them that the person may not be eligible, they have to clarify in front of that person.

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So sometimes someone comes to you this car, very nice clothing, you know, very, very expensive clothing. And I mentioned to that person who came to me to ask for soda candy pulled up in a nice brand new GMC with blacked out windows and, you know, huge big alloy wheels on the car and they pulled up and they wound down the window and the smell of perfume came from the inside of the car and he said you're alive. miskeen I'm poor, please, can you help me out? So when you see someone like that, you have to make it clear what the rules of the car

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like the Prophet sighs lm he said, Well, I have a fee handy honey, there is no right for a rich person to take it while early kawi and McKesson nor for a strong person who's able to work.

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So if the person then comes further and says that,

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no, I am not able to work and I might appear that I'm strong but there are no jobs available. I have tried. The person is given from the SEC. And like I said if the Will you I am not the one in charge of the Muslims.

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wants to put some additional tests and requirements, then this is from the general muscle had the general benefit for the people there is no harm in that the person wants to put some

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rules regulations, you have to bring your ID you have to bring, you know, something of yours, whatever, in order to prevent fraud and in order for people to prevent people taking what's not theirs. There is no harm in that particularly in this day and age when it is easy to determine these things and it's easy to ask people for these things. So inshallah we don't see that to be any harm in that if that is what the William armour wants to put down a certain rules and requirements that people have to bring, before they come to a charity to ask for the card they have to show their ID or they have to show a bank statement or they have to you know, at the end of the day, there is not

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nothing shout out to Allah.

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wrong with that. But the key thing here is that the poor people who deserve the Zika are not prevented from it. And likewise, that the Zika is not misused by going to people that don't deserve it.

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Let me see did I mentioned all of the points that I wanted to mention in this Heidi's

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Okay, we'll go to our next IDC shout out Tyler

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Wang copies ottaviani

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mosaic wine quote one copy is certainly more horrifying. And he really above the law one call corozo loisel Allahu Allah who will send them in elata Loretta Hello in the in a Heidi Fela

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Raja rune to hammer hammer Layton 400 level Miss Ella to what you see baja some music while children are saw but who Jay

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each Terre Haute murder who for Hamlet level Miss Ella Hector you see ba p wireman min. h

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one while Roger when I saw that hufa had a a coup methylamphetamine they will hate me and call me laqad Assad but phoolan and Falco for high level Miss ella hatay you see the key wireman

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for mercy Well, one minute Ms. lt yeah kabisa. So Tanya kulu has our Hebrew has

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Roma who Muslim? Well, I would I would welcome okusama we're going to head back

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in LMS, Allah led to Hello in Delhi aha detallada.

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Asking is not permitted, except for one of three

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except for one of three. Now this hide it has a story to it before that, which is that kabisa

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been harder, and Hillary are the one he took on board

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a responsibility for a debt in order to make peace between the people. So he came to the Prophet sallallahu it was send them asking for help in order to pay back this debt. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he said, stay with me or kabisa until the charity comes. Then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he mentioned to him the wording which is mentioned within this, within this hadith.

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So the first one that he mentioned is

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Rajaraman to hammer a hammer Latin for Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah had to see her from my home sick.

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A man who has taken on board an obligation of debt, any for others.

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It is allowed for this person to ask until they receive what they want, and then they must stop.

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This year,

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taking on board a Dane taking on board a debt.

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This can include the one who took it for themselves, the one who took it for themselves because the harmala here can be the one that the person took for themselves. They took a debt for themself and they're not able to pay it back. As for the one who took a debt and they're able to pay it back

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in installments, the one who took a debt and they're managing to pay it back before its time, then this person is not deserving of this car, but the one who is took a debt and is not able to pay it back,

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or the one who took on board a debt for others, as we mentioned, like making peace between people

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to conduct debt for this reason, then this is allowed for a person to ask to receive enough to pay back that debt. And then they must stop. And they must not continue asking after that, because this allowance is only limited to the extent of the need, and that is to pay back the debt. So if the person pays back this debt, then there is no further allowance for them to continue

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for them to continue to ask.

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The second one is a person who is hit by a jar.

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And this is a rich person who has wealth, but their wealth is set, they suddenly lose their wealth, they struck by a calamity.

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And the calamity here is what sometimes they call an Arthur a semer. We, sometimes in English, they call it an act of God. But in all, in reality, everything is from a quarter of a larger widget, but that's what they sometimes call it like

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that there was a flood that

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destroyed their wealth or a fire to destroy their wealth or an oppressive army stole their wealth from them.

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This is what is meant by it, they were struck by an unforeseen calamity.

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This person was wealthy and became poor because of this particular circumstance.

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So this person is allowed to ask until they receive p one minute h p wireman any what is sufficient for their needs, and then and their family

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to arm and mingle Ah, what is sufficient for their needs for them and for their family.

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And again, this person is only allowed to ask until they have fulfilled what they need for themselves and for their family. And we all know this principle that the amount that is given, or this principle that our rocks are generally allowances in Islam are

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according like the earlier my they say because they are according to what is needed. So you have an allowance up to what is needed, you don't have an allowance for more than what is needed. So this person doesn't ask him so that he can gather all of this wealth together, but they ask so that they can fulfill the needs of themselves and their family and the people under their care in order to make up for this

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calamity or this unforeseen circumstance which happened, which happened to them.

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Shear force on here he mentioned the Aya, Lisa at Wilma, who lives in Effie and Wiley him How could maloom Lisa, le Wilma, who? Those who have who in their wealth, there is a Norn right? For the SAT is the one who is asking I the one who is needy, under my home. And some of the scholars of Tafseer. Here they mentioned that the man room is the one who has wealth, but that wealth was destroyed by a sudden, unforeseen calamity. And this person is allowed to ask until they receive what they need and what their family need. And they're not allowed to ask anything more than that.

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The third is a man who is afflicted by poverty. FACA means a fucking poverty.

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And in this Hadith, it mentions that three people must testify.

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I mean, they will hijack people of intellect,

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who are reliable, and they must testify that this person has been afflicted by poverty.

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ie they say

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this is the person and he said this is

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a person who doesn't appear to be poor or isn't known to be poor.

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And they say that this testimony of three people, is for the person who doesn't appear to be poor, or wasn't known to be poor.

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Okay, as for the person who comes to ask for the Zika, and it's clear this person is poor and needy, there is no need for three people to testify. But these three people testify, the person comes and says, You you see from them that they appear to be wealthy, you see from them, that they appear to be wealthy, or they were known to be wealthy, and their person was known to be hiding their rich people. And they come asking for the Zika, we don't give them from the Zika unless three people testify from the people of intellect, the people of rely who are reliable, they come and they testify that this person is poor.

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This is what is called effect, and are sort of confirming that the person is in need.

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And this is known or these are known as shoe who do

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the witnesses to the fact that this person is in need.

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And this is for a person who is known to be rich, then claims to be poor.

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Right, a person who is known to be rich, and then suddenly claims to be poor. This person is not given from the zecca until it is proven through the witness of three people, that they are indeed poor.

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And this is something which as we mentioned, is it is there in order to protect the car from fraud. As for the person who comes and it is clear that they are poor. We know for example, they came from a place which is

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a place where they've suddenly landed in the you know, suddenly come to the country, there are people who we know them to be poor, they've been poor, or they were suffering last year, and they're still suffering this year. And this is something where we don't need to ask for shareholders, we don't need witnesses to testify to their need. However, when it's the case that the person is wealthy, or appears to be wealthy or was known to be wealthy, then we need to confirm and make sure that they are deserving of the zeca before we give it to them.

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And here they actually give an oath right? They say like, I saw that fool and then

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we say testify. Or we swear that this individual has genuinely become afflicted by poverty.

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And we will lie here we testify this person has been afflicted by by poverty.

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And at that point, the person is given what suffices them from the Zika, ie they are given until they have one minute until they have enough for them and for their family. And again, in each of these cases, the person is given what suffices them they are given what suffices them.

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So in this case, then, we can see that the people who are in the issue of who is given this occur,

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we can see that there are three categories that are mentioned.

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The first is the one who takes on a debt, and this person is given to the extent of they need to be able to clear the debt they cannot pay. Remember the condition was what was the condition for the debt to condition for the debt was that they must be unable to pay the debt unless they took a debt for a slap between the people making peace between the people in which case they're entitled to it even if they are

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even if they are wealthy. The second category mentioned here is the rich person who is afflicted by something an unexpected calamity.

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this this is something which you can see doesn't need a witness.

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Maybe they can see the fact that it's a fire or they can see that they lost their work through a flood or that they had their wealth stolen from them or so on. The third is the one who is known for being wealthy and claims to be poor. And this requires a beginner This requires a proof

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The next ahaadeeth all three of these ahaadeeth

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deal with the same issue

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which is the ruling of sadhaka for the Prophet sallallahu ala he was selling them for the family of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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will cover these a hadith now, it's worth covering them now we have a little bit of time.

00:36:03 --> 00:36:38

Does the rich person who lost their wealth because of an unforeseen incident need three witnesses? It depends on whether the incident is known or not. And along those best you can put on the screen. It depends on whether the incident is known or not. If it's known and the people can see that it happened there is no need for the witnesses. But if it is unknown huffy, it's something that isn't easy to see. You can't really see what happened. He says it was stolen from me. Okay, where was it stolen on the road? Who was a witness that it was stolen? Like who saw it gets stolen? No, like so this is where now you know you

00:36:39 --> 00:36:48

if it's not something obvious and known, then this is a rich person who is claiming poverty and they need the witnesses they need, show who they are.

00:36:50 --> 00:36:53

Our next Howdy, did we have any other questions on those before we continue?

00:37:00 --> 00:37:32

Okay, put that one on the screen. So cancer can be given to a family of a Shaheed. First of all, we should not be using this word Shaheed in reality, because this word Shaheed is a test gear. And in reality when you use the word Shahid, you're testifying gender for someone, you're actually testifying that this person is from the people of gender, and there are Heidi's from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, which indicate that it is forbidden to say that someone is Shaheed

00:37:34 --> 00:37:55

the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, when someone said this, he said, words to the effect of our hydrotech are chemicals for SLM. He said, perhaps this person is something else. Perhaps this person is something else, perhaps this person is something else. So we should be careful about that. But if we take it that a person who passed away

00:37:56 --> 00:38:42

can it be given to their family, you have to establish whether the family is in need, because there are some people who passed away Shaheed or other than Shahid they passed away. But in reality, you don't know whether that person is their family could have been left a lot of wealth. The family could be extremely poor. So the fact that the woman is a widow doesn't necessitate the car is, is in she's entitled to it. But it depends on her circumstances. It depends on the circumstances that she is in. Is she poor? Does she have enough does she have who is to is taking care of her. And so she might, it might be that the man who died left behind a son who is of working age with pain and

00:38:42 --> 00:38:52

taking care of his mom. So they may not that may not be entitling them to the zecca depending on the circumstances, so you always have to make sure about these things Allah knows best.

00:38:54 --> 00:38:54


00:38:56 --> 00:39:00

You can take the questions now because I just looked and thought well, while we've been doing it, how long have we been doing the class one?

00:39:02 --> 00:39:05

Yeah, that's too long. 40 minutes we will not do any more Heidi today.

00:39:18 --> 00:39:25

She has a debt before you can put these on the screen here. So debt before becoming Muslim.

00:39:27 --> 00:39:36

So the issue of a debt before becoming Muslim is not a problem. The issue comes as to whether the debt is halal or not. Does that that's more of a problem.

00:39:38 --> 00:39:41

That's more of a problem. I want to just have a look at something

00:39:47 --> 00:39:48


00:39:51 --> 00:39:55

there is an issue relating not towards when the debt king

00:39:57 --> 00:39:59

but to do with whether the debt

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00:40:02 --> 00:40:06

whether the debt is permissible or not.

00:40:15 --> 00:40:17

Let's see if I can find what I was looking for here.

00:41:19 --> 00:41:33

No doubt two scholars mentioned I'm from the conditions is that the debt must be permissible. It must be a permissible kind of debt. But there is a mess Allah was looking for I didn't find it, which is when someone has a haoran debt, but they've made Toba

00:41:34 --> 00:41:49

in when someone has haram debt, but they've since made Toba from it, and now they want to just get out from that debt in however they can. And then they come to ask for the Zika. This was the mess Allah that I was looking for.

00:41:51 --> 00:41:54

I don't think I had the notes easily available.

00:42:27 --> 00:42:33

Now I have to look, go back on that one and look up the notes on it. And definitely the general condition is that the debt has to be halal.

00:42:35 --> 00:42:58

And has to be something that was for the obedience of allies origin. But the issue of a person who made Toba they took it for something Haram. And since they've made Toba from that, and now they want the help to clear their debt can they be given from the cow? We have to look that one up? I had notes on it, but I can't find them. available, right? I can't find a fatwa available to you know, in front of me right now.

00:43:07 --> 00:43:09

This is interesting, very good question.

00:43:10 --> 00:43:13

A wealthy person who has

00:43:15 --> 00:43:57

thing possessions should they sell it? Before claiming this car, it seems to me that I'll analyze which one was best that this is the issue in which there is tough See, there is a distinction to be made. If the things they own are necessities, then there is no obligation on them to sell them. So a person's car, they might, it might be a necessity for them, they might need it, or they're unable to sell it because of the current market. You know, someone might own a house. But you know, in some situations is not easy to sell a house, they own a house, but they're not. their money is tied up, they can't do anything. And there is no market. So this is like the one who is able to work, but

00:43:57 --> 00:43:58

doesn't find a job.

00:43:59 --> 00:44:37

But generally speaking, yes, if a person has extra possessions that they can sell easily, then that is and that is how they can cover their debts or they can cover their needs. And that is what they must do. That is what they must do. And that is the one who is more competitive, they're able to do something, they're able to alleviate their own situation. But you do have to be careful because there are some situations where a person caught they might have possessions, but there is no one who wants to buy them. Or they might have possessions, but they might be need of them themselves, like in need of a car in order to be able to go to work or to drop their children at school or something

00:44:37 --> 00:44:38

like that. And along those best.

00:44:55 --> 00:44:59

So a person you're putting these on the screen right? So

00:45:00 --> 00:45:01

The person who

00:45:03 --> 00:45:13

doesn't know the money that they have, they don't know the money that they have. I think the person mentioned had money. I think it's important to note that

00:45:14 --> 00:45:25

Zika is jus upon your income, generally speaking, and I'm, I don't know what was meant by the word Hallo? Like, if does the person have haram money? Do they earn from haram?

00:45:26 --> 00:46:06

I'm not sure about that, I need some thought about it. But anyway, aside from that issue, and a person has to do their best to find out, generally speaking, they should have records of it, we have good records these days, there are statements of income, there are bank statements, there are receipts, there are all kinds of things. And if a person really genuinely lost that information, and they cannot find it, they can't go back and find it again, then the person should estimate the best that they know, based on the best of their knowledge, and they should over estimate a little bit in Sharla, and be the lighter that will be acceptable if they have no other choice they don't have but

00:46:06 --> 00:46:24

generally most of us would have, you know, to be honest, it's very rare that you don't have any record, it might take a lot of time to find it again. But you have bank statements, you have wage slips you have, you know, so on and so forth. At the end of the day, you can make at least an educated estimate, inshallah Tada.

00:46:26 --> 00:46:27

And Allah knows best.

00:46:32 --> 00:46:34

A person may help somebody to take money

00:46:36 --> 00:46:37

from the back.

00:46:39 --> 00:46:45

Back by putting his house as guarantee that she wasn't eating it. The person wasn't able to pay back

00:46:47 --> 00:46:49

at the bank to his house, and he said she

00:46:56 --> 00:46:57

the money that the bank?

00:47:05 --> 00:47:17

Yeah, I understood the question. A person put their house as a security for the bank, against the loan for someone else's benefit. And then that loan,

00:47:19 --> 00:47:33

the person didn't pay it and the house was repossessed. In all honesty, this is almost certainly I it feels to me like it was a haram transaction. Because which bank takes security of a house, which is halal?

00:47:35 --> 00:48:14

So I'm not going to answer this one because a person has to give we have to have the proper details, you cannot just answer like that. But I would be very concerned that was this a halal transaction in the first place. Because generally, when you talk about putting your house as collateral for a loan, it's often a river based loan, it's usually a river based loan. And that is, you know, someone put their house and then lost the house, and either has to investigate the circumstances, and what was the agreement between them? And what was the situation? And how did they get into it? Because you can't give an answer about specific situation, which might end up hurting people. And you might end

00:48:14 --> 00:48:27

up seeing that the person has to pay something they don't have to pay, or that the person doesn't have to pay and, you know, the end of the day, you want to make sure the reality of the situation, you can't you can't answer it, you know, in a simple way like this in a class.

00:48:37 --> 00:49:13

Okay, so what was meant in the previous question was some ones highlighted money mixed with other members harmony. I mean, first of all, that shouldn't really be done, right? That's really important that a person doesn't do that. They don't allow them money to be mixed up with that, which is haram. So there becomes a doubt over it. But in any case, I think the answer is probably correct in the sense of that a person estimates with the best knowledge they have available to them, and they try to find the most records and the most information they can, but at the end of the day, they estimate the best that they can analyze which animals best.

00:49:42 --> 00:49:43

Is that man for questions?

00:49:47 --> 00:49:59

Okay, so what we're going to do is we're going to stop there, and that's what allows Joe made easy for us to mention. Next week will be the very last class on the topic of Zika. We're going to be starting after that Kitab cm. I'm not sure

00:50:00 --> 00:50:45

I am tempted to pause a little bit for keytab cm to make it a little bit closer towards Ramadan and maybe to use this Tuesday night for some other lecture topics that we wanted to cover that we haven't covered for a while there were a few little topics we wanted to cover. So probably after we finish the chi next week, what I'm going to do is I'm going to keep this Tuesday for some general topics for a couple of weeks. Maybe work out how long we need so that keytab we'll see if we can finish it before Ramadan inshallah to Allah so we look at the number of Heidi's and if for example we need two months to finish it before Ramadan then two months before Ramadan will start inshallah I

00:50:45 --> 00:51:12

think that makes sense for potassium and that will be of the most benefit and also alive been I've got a lot of outstanding topics that I haven't done that a bad like backlog of topics. So what we might do after we finish GitHub as a case just pause Bloomerang just for a little bit maybe for about a month or so depends on how many Heidi's we have and we'll start keytab Cm so that we finish it before Ramadan inshallah tada that's what a lot Yes, we had a question

00:51:17 --> 00:51:36

that we'll deal with next we'll deal with next week and shut up because this we're gonna get into some some details in now. Okay. That's what allowed me it easy for me to mention all of those bestel salatu salam ala Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi h my Jessica malacanang for watching. Please subscribe, share and you can visit Mohammed tim.com

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