Women And Their Role In Dawa

The Deen Show
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the role of women in Islam, including their role as members of society and their church community. They touch on equal rights and equity in Islam, as it provides a source of wealth for men and women. The host goes on to discuss deeds and personal experiences, including the deen Show and a question from a Christian about why they should change their religion. They also touch on the importance of finding one's ownity and not being God.
AI: Transcript ©
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Islamic law well Allah Allah He was a big in a Chateau La ilaha illallah wa I shall Mohammed bin Abdullah so was Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

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It's a good chance for us to be together today and talk about one of my favorite subjects, which is Islam. And actually a topic within that which is dour. And particularly today we want to talk about the role of women

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in downward.

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And before we go any further, we got an Arabic word here, it needs to be straightened out, we need to know what is that an English Cz, what is the hour. And we find that there are two words that the Muslims are using very frequently, every day one is dour, the other one is dry. And these are related to each other. Now Tao we consider it is something we're doing with non Muslims. And there is something we're doing with a law. So what is this verb? What is it? What's this action we're talking about? If you're doing it with somebody that's not even a Muslim, but you're also doing it with a law? What is that, and we find that the word in fact is call ca Ll call. Because in the day

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you are calling the people to something and at night, you're calling upon Allah subhanaw taala to fulfill your requests and your needs. And that's how we understand this word dour, in the simplest form that we could find in English. Of course, we know also that it's often associated with the word invite, to invite people to something as you would invite to a meeting or invite them to a feast or ceremony of some kind. So this is also interchangeable. But you wouldn't say you're inviting a law to something. So therefore, we wanted to find is closer, so we could a word in the English language for these two coming from the same room. Now, what is the role of the woman in this, we have to

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define First of all, the general idea of calling to Islam. And then we want to find out the role of the woman specifically, Islam

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treats women and men differently.

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Often we hear people use the term equality, they would like to have equal rights. Islam provides the first true source documented in history to give women proper equal rights, although Islam does not treat a man and a woman equally. So if you were thinking in terms of equal rights, it means that everything's exactly the same. It's not. Because Islam also provides another mode of dealing with people, it's called equity. So there is equality and there is equity, where the condition is such that it demands equal rights Islam has provided it, but where the situation and condition is such that it's demanding equity, Islam also provides that, let me give you an example. Before we go any

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further, whenever someone enters into the fold of Islam, they are required to do their first step, which is to testify what they believe in. And if they believe there's only one God, and they want to serve him on his terms. This is called the Shahada to say that out loud to bear witness to that fact.

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The Shahada is to say, I bear witness, there's none to worship, except the law.

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And I bear witness Muhammad is His Messenger. Now, when someone has done this, they've taken their first step. The requirement is exactly the same for the woman as it is for the man, there is no difference, because this is an article of faith.

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But the articles of faith are not like the pillars of action.

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We'll take an example here and I think you can see this even more clear, and that is when we Next take the next step in Islam, we pray we do what's called Salah. This is a physical type of worship. A ritual which is performed on the same orders has been for centuries to stand, bow and prostrate. Okay, this is something again, for men and women the same when they do it.

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But because Islam recognizes the equity in the gender, it mandates that the men and women pray until there's a condition where they can't and then this case, they don't. So the

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Women have a monthly cycle. During that cycle, she must not do this ritualistic worship, she continues to pray, she can interest supplicate she continues to ask her Lord, yes, but she doesn't perform this duty, and she doesn't have to make it up. Now we'll come to another one we'll talk about when we have material wealth, and we hold on to it for a year or longer, then it needs to be purified according to Islamic teaching. And it's done by taking a small portion of it and distributing it out to the poor. This is called the sokar, the purification of the wealth. Now, this is exactly the same for men as it is for women. Whatever wealth she holds, or whatever wealth he

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holds, this is measured and then distributed accordingly. Why? Because there is a demand here for equality.

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Now we'll come to equity again, in another area, we talk about the Ramadan, this is the month of fasting when we don't eat or drink during the daylight hours. It's exactly the same for the men and the woman during the days that she's able to. But again, when her monthly cycle comes, this is a physical restriction, this is something different. So Allah has already mandated for this in advance, showing that the women don't do that. Not in those days, they can make those days up when it's easier, and another time of the year. So we found now there is equality, and there's also equity. So these are the differences right away. So if you see conditions, for instance, in the

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Hajj, the pilgrimage to Mecca, you see the men are wearing these two white towels, but the women are just wearing the regular clothes. Why is that? And the reason for this is simply because a woman is different than a man. A law recognizes this because he created them, and he's already shown you what the woman should do. But

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the things are still the same when it comes to the areas where it's equal.

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Now again, if a condition comes up or monthly condition comes up during the Hajj, then there are certain things she doesn't do, she could make them up at another Hajj in another year. This helps us to better understand

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the difference between men and women in Islam, because when we start talking about doing anything, Islam, we have to know exactly what the prescription is before we open our mouth and start to say, well today is modern, we can do this, we can do that. Because we may be overlooking some of the very basis of Islam itself. And we need to check that. Now having said all of this, what I'm going to do now, we're gonna take a little break, give you time to digest what I said and make some notes about that. And we'll be right back. You're watching the deen show. You're watching share Islam, and you're here with us. So stay there. We'll be right back.

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I said I want ECOMOG was Allahu Allah cattle. Welcome to another episode of ours from the mailbag. From the deen Show. I'm your host, Dr. Ali, and today's mail.

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We have a question from a Christian who says, I was born a Christian, I was raised a Christian, why do I have to convert to Islam? If God made me a Christian, if God made my family a Christian, then why should I change that way? Because God is the one who created me in that way, or he made me basically be raised by a family of Christians being born to Christians. Why Then should I think about changing my faith? This is a very deep and profound question. And it goes back to divine destiny. It goes back to predestination, it goes back to cosmology, it goes back to God's power. A person says, I have been born in this way, why should I change? And the response is, okay, you were

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born in a certain family in a certain time in a certain place that is beyond your control. But now who you are and what you make of yourself, that is within your grasp and power. God has given you an intellect, he's given you a mind he's given you common sense. The same excuse is used by murderers and rapists and thieves. So they say, I was created this way. I have this inside of me, I can't change. If a murderer says to you, it's not my fault I murder. You know, this is just the way I am. I'm a serial killer. Don't get angry at me. We respond. No, God created you with the freewill. He created you with common sense. You can control it, if you're too weak to control yourself. That's

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not my fault or the fault of anybody else, you will be punished for your crimes. Similarly, you now as a rational, sane human being, you can say it was beyond my choice, who I was born to my parents were beyond my choice. My family was beyond my choice, my society, my culture, my ethnicity, but your religion right now as you speak is not beyond your choice and you're confusing the two. You're confusing the two because who you are now your identity, your values, your morality, your theology, all of these factors.

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Jews are well within your grasp. And God does not call you to account for who your parents were. But he will call you to account for who you are and what you've done. God will not punish you, or call you to task or even reward you for that what your parents did, or your society or your culture did, but he will call you to task for what you have done. Now you are a rational and sane human being, you need to make up your mind, what should I do with my life? Who is the God who created me? What should I do towards that God? This requires common sense and rationality. And these are things you have been blessed with the fact that your family is Christian is not an excuse for you to be a

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Christian, the fact that you have relatives who did, for example, sins and crimes, suppose you have a relative or a distant cousin, or even a friend, or even a person, that's a parent or an elder, who has done a crime, can you say, this person has done a crime, I should do one as well. Not that I'm comparing Christianity to murder. I'm not saying that what I'm saying. These are things beyond your control, don't use them to justify what is in your control. Okay, simple, common sense and rationality, that your parents have done something, they're responsible for it, and God will judge them based upon their intentions, you are a different person, you are a different human being, you

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have a different mind, a different rationality. And therefore you are required to think and reason out all of these things. Now also realize that you can never use the fact that God has decreed something, you can never use it as an excuse for what you do. If a person does a sin and said, Oh, well, God knew I would do this, don't punish me for that. Well, when you did this, and you did it, rationally, you did it knowing fully Well, what you're doing, and the implications of what you're doing. The fact that you did it, and God also knew you would do that is not an excuse for you, or else no human being would have any problems doing anything. If somebody comes and steals your

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wallet, don't get angry at him, because he can say, well, don't get angry at me, God knew I would steal it. If somebody comes and takes your property or damages you or hurts you or abuses you, you won't have the right to get angry at him. Because you could you he will use the same excuse that you're using now. And he will say, Well, God knew I would do this. Yes, God knew. But that's not an excuse for you to do what you've done. You had the power to do what you did, and you chose to do it. God has infinite knowledge, he knew you would do it. But when you did it, Nobody forced you to do it. Now right now, nobody's forcing you to be a Christian. Therefore, you have to think and if you

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choose a certain path, whether it be Christianity, or Judaism or Hinduism, or whether it be Islam, that is your choice now, and you have to be responsible for that choice in the hereafter. So to conclude this question, we say the fact that you're equating your current state with the state that's beyond your control is not a fair question. Certain things are beyond your control. God will not call you to task for that. God will not ask you why were you born to Christian parents, but he will ask you why did you die as a Christian when you had so many years to think about the various religions? Did you reason it out? Did you research and if you honestly and sincerely concluded that

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a certain religion is right or wrong, you are responsible for that decision on the day of judgment and that is your decision that you have made

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