The Deen Show – Witch burns Quran while holding a Cross – Christian Reads the Entire Quran Gives a Shocking Response
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I read the entire Quran in one sitting
as a white boy,
Christian, and
I was shocked. Even if you burn every
Quran on earth,
will bring it back
cover to cover.
Greetings and peace, everybody. Let's go ahead and
share some breaking news with you
from a new source, Mario Nafael,
atheist burns Quran while holding the cross. Get
this. Let's go ahead and get into this
video, and then we'll go ahead and unpackage
It says here in Sweden with police protection,
the woman held a cross over the Quran
on fire as she took to the microphone
to speak about her hatred
of Islam. Another source here says that fanatical
terrorists are burning Quran in Sweden
under the protection of the police. The scumbag
is an atheist,
the source says, and abuses the cross in
order to cause tension between Christians
and Muslims. It's a 100% funded by Israeli
government. This is what the source says. We
will never burn a holy book. Neither would
we as Muslims. We would not do such
such a depraved evil act as this person
who they're saying is not a Christian but
is holding up a cross?
Is it, as the source says, someone funded
by these Zionist organizations?
Is this something that Christianity
condemns or condones? I like to get your
thoughts guys.
Let's go ahead and but I can tell
you one thing. I really encourage we encourage
people because you're not doing any harm
Islam by burning the Quran. It's a big
And even if you were to burn, as
we've repeated this over and over, you probably
heard it, but those who are tuning in
for the first time, if you didn't know,
this is one of the miracles of the
Quran. If you were to take all of
the Qur'ans
and you were to burn them all.
If you were to take any other religious
text out there, burn it,
store it somewhere that nobody can get to
it, throw it in the ocean, you would
not be able to bring these texts back
because none of them have been memorized like
the Quran.
This is a very important point. Now I'm
not here to talk about all the signs
that are in the Quran. Embryo in the
cannot be based on scientific knowledge
in the 7th 7th century.
Mohammed could not have known these facts about
human development in the 7th century
because most of them were not discovered until
the 20th century. These facts could only have
been revealed to Mohammed by the one known
who knows all about us. You can hear
from me as a Muslim and you say,
oh, he's biased and whatnot, but
we encourage you not to burn the book
and do something depraved and evil like that,
like this person, to me, it seems like
this is some kind of witch.
all I heard here was that I understood.
If somebody can go ahead and translate what
the person was saying, it'd be interesting to
find out, but we heard hallelujah.
We heard hallelujah
and we hear a lot of people take
advantage to the point when people
are out there. Are they also
funded false flags, whatever you wanna call it
and they're screaming Allahu Akbar and everyone jumps
on the bandwagon.
They forget about people with mental health issues.
We forget about people who conspired to kinda,
you know, cause this division between Christians and
It's real. It's not fake. It's happening and
this Christian is calling it out.
And we commend you for that. We need
more Christians to stand up, to go ahead
and disassociate
from people like this who are obviously holding
up the cross, saying hallelujah,
is synonymous with Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar means
God is greater. God is the greatest. Praising
God. Hallelujah is the same thing. We would
agree. So if someone says hallelujah
and does something evil like this to go
ahead and cause tension between Muslims and Christians,
Muslims are smart enough to know this does
not represent Christianity. We need the Christians to
know when some nut job goes into a
and attacks a bishop,
this is not something that is
condemned. It's condemned. So be smart enough. Don't
go ahead and jump on the bandwagon of
hate. That's easy to do. We gotta check
our hearts. Now look,
I'm gonna give you a gift
after we conclude, but I wanna go ahead
and let another Christian speak. So we have
a Christian speaking here. Great.
And the Christian is right on,
I believe that
this does not represent Christianity,
but I wanna go ahead and
look at another Christian. Let's watch this video.
This is a Christian who actually didn't burn
the book. He read the book, and it
blows my mind. We have so many people
out there who have read so many books.
A book a day, they promote intellectuals
who are really into geopolitics,
who can add, subtract
better than most people on the planet because
they're intelligent. But when it comes to this
they are in the negative, not even in
the 0 here.
They are they have been fed much of
the talking points from the Islamophobic
This Christian here that's next, coming up next.
Watch this video. Amazing. Look what the Christian
here has to say after
the Quran. Let's have a look at this
I read the entire Quran in one sitting
as a white boy,
Christian, and
I was shocked
because, and I can prove that I read
the whole thing because you cannot see the
video right there, but I was shocked because
I thought it was gonna be, like, really
and about
I don't know, terrorism
and it was actually,
the most peaceful thing I've like after finishing,
I was just like, wow.
I feel like I've
had some questions answered about life.
It literally says, ward off evil with good.
Where did this notion come from that
people think
is very, like, evil and aggressive and angry?
Maybe it's because the news. I think it's
because the news. Everything that's from the news
is fake.
The news is fake.
We gotta stop watching the news. Wow. I'm
blown away. That's what he was saying. He
was shocked, blown away, questions of life answered
in the Quran,
warding off evil with good. That's in the
Quran. That's our model. That's our way.
Where did this? It's for you to think
about. Where did this come, this notion, Islam
is violent and aggressive, da da da da.
This is something again. It's funded just like
maybe the people they were saying in the
sources who are funding this person who is
possibly acting as a Christian. We just ask
our Christian we ask our Christian friends and
neighbors out there when you hear someone because
this lady was screaming hallelujah synonymous. That's praise
We would agree with this. Same thing Allahu
Akbar means god is the greatest. So if
you hear someone,
also give the benefit of the doubt because
Islam doesn't go ahead and and promote many
of these things that people are attributing to
Islam. That's why you gotta read the book.
So the same way we don't blame Christianity
or this nutcase
or this possibly a witch, looks like a
witch, who's doing the burning of the Quran
the same way and saying hallelujah and holding
up a big cross. So it's pretty clear
you would say this is a Christian. This
is not Christian behavior.
This is not endorsed by Christianity.
This is not something that we would blame
Christianity for, that we would associate
with someone who we love, Jesus, peace be
upon him, who is dear to Muslims' hearts.
You cannot be a Muslim unless you love
and revere Jesus, a mighty messenger and prophet
as the Bible called him. We affirm this.
No doubt about it. We can agree to
disagree on that he being the god, little
son of god, but that doesn't have to
go ahead and turn into
and division. You have some people now who
are calling him the most disgusting, disturbing names.
There is a special antagonism between the Talmud
and Jesus.
The Talmud attacks him everywhere it can, even
his mother.
Mary, the Talmud says, was a whore who
mated with carpenters.
But it's interesting. The the certain Christians are
supporting people like this and holding their hands
and funding them. But, at the end of
the day, you have Muslims who revere and
love Jesus, but they're somehow the enemy. It
doesn't make sense. It goes back to the
Who is behind this?
Think about it. Be a critical
And with that said, I was amazed to
hear this Christian talking the way he's talking.
So I just encourage you, whoever you are
out there, to pick up the Quran, read
it for yourself. I'll give it to you
for free. You have any questions, 1800
call us. 1-800-662-4752.
We don't shy away. We're an open book.
Come and talk with us. Say you wanna
visit the mosque, we'll arrange for you to
visit the mosque. You can see it's not
a bomb making factory.
You can go ahead and sit with the
Muslim, break bread with the Muslims,
come and make the human connection,
and read this book. Read this book. Don't
let them dupe you, fool you. You've been
lied to. And and and a majority of
these things that are pushed out there, they're
to go ahead and divide instead of unify.
And at the end of the day,
I think you're smart enough after listening to
this and listening to this Christian that you
would probably say, I gotta read this book,
the Quran. I gotta read it. So read
and we'll see you next time.
Until then and and and one more thing.
After you read the Quran, go ahead and
send us your reaction. I wanna see some
video reactions just like this Christian made. Send
us some video reactions
to our Telegram page or email it to
us. Go to the deen
Email after you read the Quran. I wanna
see and we can go ahead and react
to these
as a not yet Muslim, a non Muslim,
who's read the Quran like this Christian. I
wanna hear your your responses after you sat
down, read it, what you took away. Like,
his takeaways, I wanna hear your takeaways.
And thank you very much. Again, subscribe, hit
that notification bell if you haven't. And if
you wanna watch more, watch this video here
or this video here. We'll see you next
time. Until then, peace be with you. Assalamu
Here in Florida at the Zine Center. A
dream coming to reality by the will of
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala. Something amazing. My first
tour, I just went through. This is something
needed for America. A place that is dedicated
to dawah. Yes. There's a masjid. We're gonna
make salah. We're gonna have the Ibad of
Allah's panel dawah. So you have the masjid,
you have the school, you have the dawah
center, and you got a gym. Well, we're
gonna welcome non Muslims to come in and
see, have exhibitions
to show the beauty and the art of
have questions and answers, have recordings, a center
like no other in the history of America.
We as Muslims are breaking ground. You need
to be a part of this, insha'Allah.
Use your zakat money. Use your sadaqa money.
Use your sadaqa jariyah and get going. Help
the center open so it can be a
means of sharing Islam with the country in
a way that hasn't been done.