Music Industry Exposed

The Deen Show
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the history and success of the drug drug drug group and its impact on their lives. They emphasize the importance of religion and acceptance of Islam in their lives, and the need to investigate and avoid certain activities. They also discuss the importance of remembering one's deeds and finding a way to live a life without fear and anxiety. The speakers stress the need for models and avoiding mis admit, and encourage people to follow their spiritual teachings and not follow too many crazy ways of living.
AI: Transcript ©
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Go make it hard to smile in the future

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Bismillah Alhamdulillah Salaam Alaikum. Peace be unto you. Thank you for tuning in to another episode of the deen show, where we're here at can TV 36 Wednesdays midnight midnight and Thursdays at 2pm. We're going to continue on talking about this week with our good friend from the former group, the outlaws, which his name is Napoleon. He was with Tupac Shakur, hip hop, which is a billion dollar industry. We want to kind of get to know the ins and outs of it and see if we can share his experiences. And we come back here on the show, you do not want to go anywhere.

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Jesus was his messenger.

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That maybe it's maybe it's just to break the ice. My name is moutoku most people know me as Napoleon, a former member of the two party.

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In my short life, man, I spend a lot of things I've flown on private jets. albums sold over 40 million copies worldwide. shootouts, street fights, club fights, whatever you name it. been there done that. Man I experienced the ups and downs of this fast lane. So I want to share with you my story. This is Napoleon.

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Here on the Dean's show with Napoleon from the outlaws went from selling millions of records hanging out with Tupac Shakur. Now you kickin it with Eddie from the Dean's show

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better than the Oprah show.

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Alright, so they can go to the D show calm. And there you have your section and we talked about in previous shows about how you actually came to this way, and the way of submission and surrender to the Creator of the heavens and earth fall in the same way of life of Joe, Jesus, Moses, Noah, Abraham, all the messengers of God, including the last and final messenger sent to mankind Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon definitely. Now. Tell us for those of the audience who don't know much about the outlaws or Tupac. Let's start off with educating them a little bit on Tupac. he's a he's a rapper that became one of the biggest rappers in the history of rap music. He's in the Guinness Book

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of World Records for selling over 16 million records worldwide. He also became an aspiring actor, he became he had an acting career as well. Tupac put a rap group together called the outlaws, which he was also a member of this rap group. It was myself and a few other members that most of the members of the outlaws are basically blood relatives to Tupac Shakur. So all the rap records rap records that myself along with the outlaws performed almost 40 million records worldwide. I think the outlaws is the only underground, I won't even say underground. We're the only rap group that ever performed over 40 million records worldwide. I don't think there's another group out there that can

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say the same. But that lifestyle, after the money, the cause and the fame, that lifestyle started to get depressing to me. And I started to search for true happiness, and hamdulillah all praise to the God is I found that due to religion, Islam, and most of the people don't know and living in America living anywhere in the world that when we look for some type of happiness, we usually turn to drugs to party in to womanizing, and we noticed that this type of happiness is a temporary type of happiness once you've once your drug Where have you back to sober your life you back to reality. But Allah says in the Quran, truly the hearts found tranquility and the remembrance of Allah the

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remembrance of God. So the only way that we can ever even taste true success in this life in the next life is following the religion of Islam because this is the religion legislated that to us, from the Creator of the heavens and earth. This is the life that he told us to choose. Now, did you get out? Did you have an opportunity to hang out with some of these other rappers like Biggie Smalls? Well, that was actually an opponent of Biggie Smalls. But it was a time that Tupac and Biggie was friends. They weren't out there was a time he was friends. I was on the same record label with rappers like Dr. Dre and Snoop Dogg was actually labelmate so we all it was a time we hung out

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with with both of them. It wasn't Yes, it was a time to drink.

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Yes with Dr. Dre Snoop Dogg. It was a time that every weekend Tupac and outlaws we will go to snoop dogg house that we had our basketball competition. So you know Snoop Dogg? Awesome. Yeah, we was on the same label. We did music together. You know, I did music with some of the biggest Snoop Dogg, Scarface. And Tupac. We did music with some of the biggest legends out there. What's this? Eric B and Rakim? Eric being rock killed. Yeah, that was before my time. Yeah.

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who are who are some of the big names right now? Right now some of the big names that you hung out with from before? Right now some of the new artists I really don't know too much of them. Ya know me. I don't know too much about Snoop Dogg, Dr. Dre, Scarface. These are the legends of harmony. These are the people in my time, I was rolling with touring with doing music with my time. Now do you keep in touch with any of them? Unfortunately, man, I fell out of contact. But that's my that's what I'm working on now is to get back in contact with these people. Because, you know, we want to call them to Islam. You know, I mean, we want to call them say smart. Did any of them to Park's

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family ever accept Islam, Tupac, he have a lot. He has quite a few members of his family that's Muslim. Recently, a few members of his family accepted Islam to park at a young age you know about Islam. One day, I was talking to a sister, sister, she's still alive. She's still alive. Like guided to Islam. I was talking to a sister she was telling me about, we were talking about Islam. And she was telling me how one day she was trying to go to sleep. And it was as if it was something that was on top of her. And she was telling me it wasn't as it wasn't a dream. She said it wasn't a dream, whatever it was, it kept trying to go to whisper to her. And she was saying that she started she

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just got saved as what it's so called save the claim, you see when you become a Christian or something like that. So she was saying that she started to say a prayer from the Bible. And she said for some reason, she started to say Allah fazzio, which is a prayer from Islamic prayer. And it's actually the first chapter of the Quran

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She said, when I sorted to resize our file to whatever that was, it disappeared. She said, whatever the feeling, I was going through whatever it was, it felt like it was holding me down, disappeared when I started to recite the Arabic prayer that the Muslims pray five times a day, so may have started talking more about Islam. And she recognized that you know that this is a religion that she told me she said, I'm gonna die as a Muslim and I'm only Allah knows best. And we pray that she do accept the religion and some, but also you got most of them all the members of the outlaws became Muslim, and big G's. Uncle Tupac, he just became Muslim. He had two cousins to pocket two very close

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cousins, which is Bill and Kenny, they've been Muslim for years. So Islam was so he was surrounded by Muslims. What do you think now when you see people like,

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on the corners, selling the drugs, listen to the hip hop, emulating a lot of these famous rappers. I mean, what advice do you give people like, try to give people advice were

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one that this type of lifestyle only lead to destruction. You know what I mean? Even the rappers are smart enough to stop selling drugs. This is the reason why they become musicians. Even the rappers are tired of living in the ghettos and hanging on the corner. This is the reason they put out rap records so they can get away from that life. And most of the rappers once they come out with records, you notice that they leave the hood because they know that that life is sickening. They know that that life only gonna have an end that's gonna be destructive form if they stay into that lifestyle, but unfortunately, like I mentioned earlier, is the people that are behind the scenes

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that try to make the rappers continue to put that music up. So it's like, it's confusing to the kids. They say, for one reason, the rappers are tired of that lifestyle, but they still talk about it in the music. You know what I mean? And I think that most rappers more rapidly to come out and educate the kids that this is an entertainment. They should tell the kids Okay, man, this is how I make my money. If you come to my house, I live in the biggest house on the east coast of America. And I'm no longer drug dealer if you want to listen to my music know that this is entertainment. Yeah. So I think one thing is that we forget about death. And we get caught up into the tantalum

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nation of this world. Tell us now. You Were you there when Tupac died was the name of Tupac? But actually, matter of fact, I was there when he died. I wasn't there. When he got shot. He got shot at six days late in the hospital. And for me, one of the things that hit me is how does he feel apoc was 25 years old, 2025 years old. And what happened and one of the things that hit me is when it made me start to think how hot it was a time that he's always speak about death. And he's to speak about how he don't want to live anymore. And it was when he started to make

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A lot of money when he went to DEF records. And I remember his conversation started to talk, he started to speak about how he want to live now, so he can enjoy his money and enjoy the way that he live in his life. And unfortunately, a few months later, that's when he died. So I started to notice right there started to think that we don't have no control over when we're gonna die. You know what I mean? Most people think that they know when they're gonna die, but we don't know when we're gonna drop dead. So it's about time that we should start investigating what's going to happen to us when we dead, because this life is temporarily and the next life is forever. And it's real, you know,

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either * failure, or even paradise. It's no other option. I mean, that makes sense that you're going to have accountability. When you bring the render call back and they do an inspection. You're gonna be accountable if you've done it up, definitely begin to err, you've been giving your eyes your health, and you think you're just gonna run around this life and, you know, do what you please. There's not someone who orchestrated this who put this together who designed it, and now you're not going to be accountable. Exactly. We got courts of law do certain things man wants to held you accountable? What about the creator? What about the creator? Yes, a lot of sense. He definitely

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Yeah. What about that something that the people need to think about why they created maybe we should all x ourselves, sit back and say, wait a minute, why am I creating what's gonna happen to me when I'm dead? Most people, we so busy with this life that we never even sit in accesses while we create it. Now, I know certain people I used to throw it in other people's ears that you know, what? A, all we're gonna have when we get older is stories to tell. Life is short. Let's get it while we can. What about this way of thinking that we think is man, that's a dangerous way of thinking a dangerous way of thinking is a misguided way a misguided way of thinking because one, we're not promised that

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we're gonna live tomorrow. So if you know that you is a chance that you could die any day, you should start thinking about the next night, you should say, well, this life is wandering away from me. Let me try to stack up something that's gonna help me in the next life. Even if you get it in this life. You never seen a person going to his grave with a u haul truck? Yeah, that's a person, everything he accomplished in his life. He never said meeting him in the grave. So it's very important that why would you get something in this life and stack up all the stuff of this dunya in this world, and when you when your grave, it's not gonna come to come with you. The only thing

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that's gonna follow us in our grades is our deeds, ya know, to me, that's the only thing we're gonna take with us. So the Rolls Royce, the Bentley, the Ferrari, the Rolex, all these things, compared to that we're chasing def that's gotta stay behind, it's gonna stay behind, and you're gonna be surprised with the people gonna do with it when you leave. You know? I mean, most people might fight each other kill each other over. Yeah, so it's best to sort of stack of something that's gonna come with us and pay attention to what's going to come with us. And that's our deeds. You know what I mean? Yeah, that's amazing how it's kind of like a mirage. It's an illusion, then we think if we

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just attained this amount of money, this kind of car, maybe with some details here and there on it, that I'm going to have some solace. I'm going to have some comforts in life. And as the crazy part about I thought the same way. I mean, I thought that if I get a big house and cars and money in my bank account, man, this is the ultimate happiness. Yeah. And when I reached that level, man, I was so depressed. And if that's the case, how come you have millionaires and billionaires committing suicide? They have all the money, but they still murder themselves. They still commit suicide, because money is not gonna bring you happiness. Yeah, money. You cannot buy happiness. Yeah, people

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might say that, well, I have money. I can buy happiness, but the type of stuff, it's not going to bring happiness, you can make you depressed. You can see a lot of these celebrities actually actually deteriorating in front of our eyes. Exactly. You know. Exactly. So one thing I want to just note that obviously in Islam, there's nothing wrong with money. Nothing. Yeah, no, but if you're making that money, your God, if you're putting that money before everything else, and that's it Money, money, work, work Money, money, and you forget about the one who created you. And there's a problem. It's a problem, because as long as we make money, yeah, loans is permissible, according to

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the Sharia and the way that Allah prescribed for us to make our money. Yeah. But we should always remember that we shouldn't get to the point where all we care about, like you just mentioned is money. And we forget about the next life because money comes and go. I have so much money in my life and a lot takes it he gave to whom he pleases. So the main thing is that we should always remember that one day we going to be in that grave. Yeah, one day, we're going to be in that grave. two pockets there. He was 25 years old. There was another one who just followed him. Did he die afterwards before Biggie Smalls. He probably about 23 2023 adcb was kids man it was young. So that

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person that's saying like, I still got time because that's what a trick also now you thinking that? You know, I got procrastination. Exactly. People think for example, the other day I was reading a news and I'm sure you guys heard about the people that died on the Air France. Yeah, like to throw my 300 people 300 people died. They never probably thought that they're going to get on this plane and not make it back to see their loved ones. Yeah, but one of the things that happened that was surprising to me was a lady that actually missed that flight. Yeah, her name was a forgotten name, but she actually is this is the same lady that missed that flight and two days later, the

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days later, she got killed in a car accident. And this is something when it's your time to die, you're gonna die. You might miss it. You might didn't get on that plane because it was written for you to die that time and that day, and your death was only three days later, she might have thought, well, since I didn't die on that plane, I got a long life to live on. God wasn't good for me, you know, the people mentality they think that I'm not gonna die. And she died three days later in the car accident so we cannot escape death. You know what I mean? wherever you're at, it's gonna catch you it is so do you know any other rappers or any other people that you associated with that

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actually are also dead? We got two of them here. 2523 you got Biggie qaddafi. This is the guy who introduced me to the outdoors. I mean, he introduced me to Tupac qaddafi was my childhood friend. He was one of the members of the outlaws he got killed on to accidentally by little, my little cousin Two months later, after Tupac died, you know, I mean, so

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I think go odb. Yeah, he just passed away a few years ago, overdose on drugs. Another rapper, I think I forgot his name, he found they found dead in the hotel, not even if we will say that the rap was a dime and everybody around us. If we noticed people around us dying every single day. I don't want to have people feel like this is a call to pessimism. I think this is something that we should be optimistic about. There's a better life, definitely, there's a permanent life. Definitely, we shouldn't be afraid to die, we shouldn't be afraid to die. Because we know that if we live in our life, according to Islam, the correct way that the life will be better in the next life. And it'd be

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something forever. This life is only temporarily. So a person that has common sense, a wise person will say for example, if I have a chance to live a better life forever, I'll rather take that life forever than a temporarily life. You know, I mean, this life is only temporarily, who in a right mind would want to get everything and just basically forge the next slide, do all this stuff in his life, that he can lose the next leg that would be forever, nobody in a right mind would take that that opportunity. You know, to me, it doesn't make sense. I mean, we just get caught up in this world here. And like I said, it's good to be the best at whatever you're striving to be a doctor, a

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scientist, or mathematician, you know, but the best husband, the best wife, but again, you have a lord. And if you have the Creator, he's not one who comes into existence. He's not a man. He's not the son. He's not the man. He's the one that created all these things to worship him submit to Him. Only right He created us. He provided for us, man, Allah subhanho wa Taala is the provider for everything that we don't even know exist of creatures in the sea. Like we mentioned yesterday, man, they might be snowing in Alaska, hot in Saudi Arabia, rain in new news in New York City and tornadoes down south in Texas. All this happened with the permission of a law none of this happened

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without the permission of a lot. He blamed it on global warming. But this is happening with the wisdom and permission of Allah. So we just think about sapan and I look at all the fears that Allah does every single day. Every second he brings somebody to life taking the life of a person who's providing for his creature in the sea. He provide for this and he's provided for us he's protecting us, man. It's only right that we worship Him alone, because this he's the one created us. He's the one that provided for us protect us. And all he asks from us backs is that we worship Him alone. For example, it's a hadith where the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that it would be a man

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drummed out of the Hellfire, he would be dragged out of the Hellfire and allow accidents man, he was saying that if you have all the treasures in the heavens and the earth, when you give it up to ransom yourself from the Hellfire, this man will say yes, Allah will say, Man, I actually only for less than that. I only asked you to worship me alone. You didn't access for all the treasures of the heavens and earth. All he acts for most is that we worship Him alone. You know what I mean? And that entails that your prayer, your sacrifice your life, your end is for the Creator, not the creation, Jesus, he was born and he prayed to the Creator. So he's not God that definitely Mohammed's not God.

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Moses, not God the Son. Yes, it's not God. So this is something that it just goes with your very nature is very simple. Let's talk about a few more things before we come to an end. I mean, it seems like you know, people live in from weekend to weekend, and the girl she likes to display and the men they like to chase spiralizer rat race. Yeah. So we don't want these women at the same time. God Almighty, the creator knows what's best now. So now the woman she's naive thinking that okay, this man loves me when he's just chasing the one thing. And the man over here on the other end, this is his target, he'll say and do anything. Take they take advantage of the woman the woman a woman will

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never ever know her rights until she become a Muslim. Because everything else in life is calling the woman to strip her from everything stripper from a respect stripper from a clothing stripper for my sense of thinking to be logical man, the only way a woman would know her rights is due to religion and Islam. And surprisingly, before I became a Muslim, I didn't know that. I thought that this is the way we treat women. I thought that this

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The way a woman supposed to behave, and it's a true story about a preacher man who did it. He did it. He wrote a story about so much divorces happening in America. He's a Christian. And he was talking about the problem of the woman in the West. And one of the things he said is that, in this society, a woman when they wake up in the morning to go work, they beautify themselves, they put all the makeup on, they put the miniskirts on the high heeled shoes, and they go beautified itself with a boss and coworkers. Then when they come home from work, he said, they take all the makeup off, they take off the high heeled shoes, they put they just wrap their hands, a scarf, and they put on

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big sweat pants, and they walk around I was tired is so tired that they have no rights, no energy to even give the husband a rights. And when I read that I said so panela look at the wisdom of Islam and our religion, a woman, when they walk out of the house, they cover the cell from head to toe, they do not beautify the cells for no one. And they walk back in the house. That's when they take off their job and they take off the headscarf in a beautiful yourself with a man. That's when they get to pull it put on the makeup, they put the put on whatever type of clothes they want, that's pleasing to the man. This is the wisdom of Islam. Everything that a lot of us are doing is religion.

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It makes 100% sense. It makes sense and is only for us. It's only the better. So that makes sense. I mean, to be a slave, not to the fashion Are you desires to be modest, to not go outside naked skin tight clothes, and just be tantalizing for the man now he can't he's about to have a heart attack. And you got all sorts of mischief going on. Where you surrender submit to your Creator, you dress modestly and you save all that good luck and start your husband. Yes. And when they go home, that's when they can wear whatever they want. Yeah, and they beautify yourself for the husband. So the religion of Islam is the religion that's for the whole of humanity. This is the only thing that's

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going to help us we don't want to put nobody down. We don't want I mean some people don't know you get used to the culture around you. But if you just use the good old common sense you try Islam that's all we gonna tell the people try Islam. Yeah, and look at a person notice self if you are unhappy, if you depress if something don't feel correct in your heart, and if you feel you have a void in your heart, just try Islam, you know, try to get closer to your Creator, and you will see that your life will become better. He said the word in Arabic but if we define it, surrender, submission obedience sincerely, and in peace to the creator summed up with one word Islam. Try it.

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So the reason I brought this up but the woman in the nightclubs and the men chasing and the woman flaunting is because that's what you were writing songs about. That's what you were and who you are degrading in these rap videos and then you got the woman in the back you know, shaking it and no clothes I will call that the oppression of women. Yeah, unfortunately you got the people that attack Islam and say that we'll press on woman I will say that I used to oppress women because this is the music this is the lifestyle the culture that I was brought up with that I had no respect for the woman Yeah, you have records that man analog if you just listen to somebody's record not I'm not

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telling people to go listen, but some of the words that the people sending a records have no respect for a woman and a woman don't even notice how can you have respect for yourself you dancing in these videos? And he basically the great new to the fullest you know they don't care about you don't care about you? Definitely the more you take off the model pay off debt and that's their mentality take everything off. You will model this is what we tell them. Yeah, but the religion of Islam actually is the religion and it basically give the woman her freedom and give the woman her spaces and amazing thing because you can't imagine how many women will fast for the man she actually fasted for

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the man because she's a model. And she will refrain from eating certain foods so she can lose a little weight. Try faster for the crater. She'll get down and do certain things for that dollar. Why not get down and do it for the creator? Because we love those women. We love the men. We want them to do for them. We want good for them. But there's an illusion. There's something that is confusing to people is life is this life is is not that type of lifestyle. It doesn't it's not a law, your lifestyle. Yeah, I mean, they will put one woman in a video. And as soon as she got a two three years older, she will not be able to get nowhere. She's the next one. We don't need you anymore. Go

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to the next one. And this is a cycle that the way they continue to use these women. I yourself and I'm sure all this is your Muslims do not our want our women to get used? Definitely not Definitely not. And I think this is very important. Any true seeker, any sincere person just uses the good old common sense. We'll see that this makes sense. Definitely, man. Yeah. And we tell people that they listen if you want freedom in life, if you want respect, if you want basically some type of happiness in your life, you have to go to your Creator. He's the one that's in control everything. He's the one. He's in control of the respect. He's in control of the money. He's in control of

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everything. We have to return back to our Creator to get any type of happiness. I know that I mean that that's the truth is very simple. Now tell us what advice

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Do you have for the people now they want good. I mean, most people they want good, they want good, but they don't have a plan. They don't have a system. And there's some confusion out there. Some people just give up. They say I believe in God, but I don't want to follow an organized religion. What do you guys say about this? Basically, one is, um, most people that say that they believe in God, and they just say what I'm doing right? Um, I don't you know, God, understand I'm doing right. And I'm not doing wrong, but who to say was right and wrong. One of the reasons why God sent us prophets and messages is to teach us what's right and wrong. We can't say what's right and wrong

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according to our desires. Some people might say, Well, I'm not going around killing people. I only smoke one one a day. So I'm not that bad. You know what I mean? That's the mentality, most of the people. But the one way we define right and wrong is what God created the heavens and earth to tell us what to stay away from, or what to implement in our life. This is what's right and wrong. And this is why I sent this prophets and messages. And if that was the case, we wouldn't need no prophet and messenger, we can just believe in God and live life the way we want to live life. So it's very important that if a person like we said earlier, man, God created us he know what's best for us.

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Yeah, he knows best for us. So if he sent out a religion in a way of life, and tell us that this is what's going to help us in this life in the next life, then we need to listen to and follow that religion. For example, when you went to university or college, if you have a study, you have a test, and the teacher gives you a book and say, well, you have to study this book in order to pass your test most people will put all they would just go stay up all night studying that book. Our last sentence now move on he sent us the last messenger, he tells us that this is the way we have to live our life this is the ultimate test that's going to help us either go get to Gen paradise, or if we

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disobey Allah and don't follow this book, we can go to the Hellfire so this is the ultimate test in life that we have to follow the way that God sit down to us to follow it's like your boss he said, Look, do a BMC and you're gonna get paid. Yes, don't do your job. You're out of a job. You're fired. You want to listen to that boss. Exactly. You want to listen to them but yeah, but the crater when he says fired? He means the fire to help

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protect us from that. Yeah. Tell us now you do some some speaking you go and you travel all around the world, helping out the youth helping out the people. You know, sharing your story. People want to get in touch with you. Yes. Where can I get in contact? They can reach me for my website to my website, www dot napolean. And they p o l e o n outlawed o UT la w also just launched a clothing line mean clothing? Am I am clothing calm? No. So we wait for the people to holla at me. One last thing closing comments and suggestions that person who's living from weekend weekend hanging out the nightclubs. She wants to impress the men he wants to chase the woman. And you know

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what? Now their conscious is eaten up Adam, they want to do the right thing. What advice do you have for Mr. Vice that for the people that are searching and looking for the right thing, like I mentioned earlier, man, go get an English translation or go to a match if you have any matches in your neighborhood, on the internet, go read about the religion and Islam and read about the biography of the Prophet Muhammad, if you're looking for good, the person, the owner of all good is a law that created the heavens and earth, if you're looking for respect the owner of all respect is a lot. So we have to return to Allah to get some type of happiness to get our life in order. We have

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to follow the life that was prescribed for most from our Creator. So only way we have some type of happiness inside jazak aloha To me, the greater the heavens and earth love awards you want.

00:28:28 --> 00:29:15

And thank you, thank you sincerely. We're here not to judge you. We're trying to help you get things together before you get judged before the day of judgment, because we will all die. And we will be accountable for our actions. And we know there's some confusion, let's say out there. But you could do something very simple. Ask the creator alone to guide you. And then use the good old common sense that he gave you look, if you were trying to find a essay, for instance, that was written by Shakespeare, and then you had 20 of them. And the rest were written by to yours for example, are you telling me you would not be able to find the one written by Shakespeare with all these ways of life

00:29:15 --> 00:29:31

confusion, and the devil shaped on setting up false it out there? You're telling me you're not going to be able to find the one way the correct way? That is from the Creator of the heavens and earth. Don't fool yourself. Be sincere with yourself. Do a little bit of the legwork.

00:29:32 --> 00:29:57

You worked hard to get that PhD. You worked hard to get that high school diploma or even the GED. You can work a little bit to get close and find out who your Lord is. It's very simple. And if you need more information, call the number one 800 662 Islam and visit us here every week on the deen show. Until then, Salaam Alaikum. Peace be unto you see what everyone's talking about.

00:29:58 --> 00:29:59

You find one country

00:30:00 --> 00:30:01

diction it can be from God

00:30:03 --> 00:30:14

but the rational idea the rational explanation is you do your best to give up worshipping guidance. I will never give up spreading this message. You take the necessary steps you don't know if you're gonna live to tomorrow.

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Got to find that urgency to do the right thing right now.

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The reality of life usually doesn't sink in until tragedy comes

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you got a few bad people the media grabs ahold of that and spends it the way they want to

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if you say that you and I believe in Jesus you have stepped outside of Islam you cannot be a Muslim is attended our faith to

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Aedes comb each name everybody sleepy I arrived and asked a lot of thinking me Oh la You see, oh la you know, oh, all the sins I do. A turn to you to forgive my sins

00:31:31 --> 00:31:37

runs away. Oh, guy be

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