The Deen Show – DMT Experiences Connected to the Unseen World Of The JINN

The Deen Show
AI: Summary © The Russell Brand, a culture of fear and confusion, has been around for a long time, but has now become a popular culture. The "weirdly-connected" mental health issues that led them to pursue education and eventually become a liberalist have been a topic of discussion. The "downing of belief" and "downing of feeling," which lead to "downing of feeling," have been discussed as potential negative consequences for one's well-being. The importance of finding the right person for guidance and finding a strong faith foundation is emphasized.
AI: Transcript ©
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I like the Russell Brand. Like yeah, you remind me of him a little bit for our audience never heard this term I asked what is this and I Alaska is a DMT derived plant.

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DMT derivative some of the liquid form of DMT usually people psychedelics and new ages and the toad that you're talking about Mike Geist and Mike Tyson. Yeah, he sort of popularized these are all DMT derivative of the term I'm not religious, I'm spiritual do they usually fall into I mean to get to the origin aspect you're talking about?

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It final messengers, Muhammad. peace be upon him. This is our religion, Islam.

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This is the dijo.

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faith of Islam show, welcome to the deen show. The Deen show.

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I sit on a call.

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Alex Abdullah, you got the nice to meet you too. You've got quite a story quite a journey.

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You come from a Puerto Rican background. Your father was also from the Humboldt Park area in Chicago or your mother and father didn't really practice much religion. You took off you experimented a little bit with more psychedelics are second actual pathway. Yeah. But you as we were talking earlier, you looked into many different like almost all the religions that were out there. Yes. Yeah. But you ended up with the

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this kind of like the Russell Brand. Like yeah, you remind me of him a little bit. Yeah, Russell. This new age? They come on ism. Yeah. You tell us about that. How did you go from your parents? Who traditionally Puerto Ricans Hispanic people are more Catholic? Right? Right or so? Tell us about the early years they try to teach you anything about Jesus and then how did you end up experimenting with the DMT is it called you know, the psychedelics and new ages and all the other stuff that goes along with it.

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Said I'm not gonna lie. But I've got two brothers and sisters. This is your brother Hassan Shibly and I'm so excited. So grateful to Allah subhanaw taala to be standing right here at the Dean center that is being established in Tampa by brother Eddie from the deen show. We are so excited that he shows in Tampa to be this hub and center for Dawa not just locally at hamdullah where we can host seminars, programs, our activities, there's enough space for a school gymnasium, masala and a studio that can inshallah reach people globally to share the beauty of Islam. We're so excited to have this established here locally in Tampa. And I want to encourage you all, do what you can to help complete

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this project and make it a reality. And I invite you all to join me in supporting the center and when we get a sadaqa jariya for all of us to share the beauty of the deen with all humanity was set out.

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When I was very young, I grew up in a very secular single parent household. I grew up with my mother, my parents were divorced. So I didn't really have a relationship with my father till I was about 20.

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I had a relationship with my father's parents, my grandparents and they were Christian, but not very practicing not really in the church every weekend. Very sort of superficial Christian. I never went to any of the rituals or anything. And like I said, growing up with a secular mother. She took me to church maybe a few times when I was eight or nine.

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But I think she was very spiritually conflicted herself. She had a lot of worldly sort of preoccupations. Why do you think she took you to the church if she wasn't going regularly herself herself, she was more on a secular I can count on one hand how many times I've been in the church again, I think she was just trying to search for things herself, I think but her own sort of worldly responsibility responsibilities and preoccupations sort of took over and she'd never really became religious in any sort of sense. But those experiences weren't very significant on me. I always sort of had the sort of Western modern view of religion, which is one of skepticism and cynicism, sort of

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viewed religion as a an institution which thought to oversimplify and, you know, boil down the complexity and the mystery of being into a few ideological positions that benefited a few at the top of social higher

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The key that it provided. But, of course, I developed this understanding over time and had a much more nuanced view, who taught you this understanding, because we're taught things, these things are kind of nurtured, they're fed to us, right? I think being a kid, a child of the internet generation, there's a lot more autodidacts a lot more self taught people who just kind of, aren't given much guidance in their own personal lives by their family or friends. And they sort of seek wisdom through the internet, which can be a very dangerous thing. Yeah, that's how, you know, you end up with things like new age, spirituality, and then a sort of proliferation of these ideas. When the

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guidance isn't in the home, or isn't in the, you know, immediate environment, you're going to seek it somewhere. How old were you at that time?

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When I was when you were so called figuring it out what religion is, and who got it? Right, right. I would say I didn't really think very deeply about religion and spirituality until much later in life. So about 15 or 16, certain things started to happen that were hard to ignore. Yeah, it was always very, like politically and intellectually inclined. So I saw the political and the cultural situation kind of take a turn for the worst. Yeah.

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Certain things, you know, in that time, were happening, I felt like the mental health of my peers had really taken a dip

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certain things, I mean, I just refused to continue on this trajectory that I had been told, you know, to seek higher education for the purpose of a better job, when, in my view, it seemed like the higher education institutions were largely to blame for the intellectual decline of the society. A lot of my friends were going off to college and university and returning with extreme ideological viewpoints that they didn't have before attending there, their critical thinking and logical reasoning skills seem to have diminished. And that, you know, like we were saying, that's, of course not the reason you go to pursue education. Go to get smarter, not Yeah. So there, you can see that

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we're getting injected with some other stuff. Right, right. ideology that has kind of become the norm nowadays. Yeah. At least in my age group. Have you heard this term? Woke ism? Of course, yes. What does that mean for like the modern person? Now? Never. How would you define that we hear this term, right. It's, it's a sort of vague term for a sort of political correctness that's become very popular. Woke ism is more associated with the liberal tendencies of the political sphere right now.

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Someone who's woke is going to end up on the left end of the spectrum on most ideas, but also be a little bit more vehement about,

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again, political correctness and things of that nature. Yeah. Is this does that fall into like the whole pronouns? Someone right, would fit that? Right, right. That's more extreme and of what people will call woke. Yeah, sort of the the gender ideology stuff, the pronouns, transgenderism, abortion, a lot of different ideas, I'm learning, I'm learning all these a lot of terms, a lot of these terms, and you are somebody who went towards this, this way of life of

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experimenting with the different plants and psychedelics, how did you end up taking a road down in this direction? Well, I've always felt very connected to my fitrah. My natural disposition, I wouldn't have articulated it like that before, I probably would have said something like intuition.

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I always felt even though I came from a materialist background, I always felt that there was something more to the world.

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It wasn't until, you know, like I said, around the late high school years, when I started to see these things sort of happen. And it forced me to explore a little bit more and look into things that I hadn't previously thought about. I never really thought in terms of purpose or meaning. And around the age of 17, I started to not get along too well with my mother, like I said, from a single parent household. So I went to go live with my grandparents. And I graduated from high school about six months earlier. So so that kind of gave me some time to

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figure out what the new sort of life path would be. Because I was very lost at that time. And I sort of locked myself in a room in my grandparents house and became very sort of creative and introspective, read a lot of material that probably went over my head and probably didn't retain much is very, very above my level, but it definitely influenced me whether it was dusty Nevsky Nietzsche,

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Schopenhauer commu, the psychoanalytic like human Freud.

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All of these things sort of allowed me to develop my own understanding of the world, and most importantly, acquire my own sort of self motivation. And this all kind of led me into what you're talking about the I became very interested in ethnobotany ethnopharmacology

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In the whole psychedelic counterculture, this movement of the 1960s and 1970s is that almost like a just a religion of itself? Certainly not. It's not it's it's like an anti religion it's it's it sees itself as the sort of counterpart to that I started to read people like Terence McKenna Mirchi Belliard.

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A lot of these sorts of thinkers that were, again, part of this counterculture, this movement, which, you know, the 1950s coming out of the 1950s, which were very traditional sort of Christian time in America. Yeah, you have these sort of New Age thinkers that start to integrate psychedelics into their lives. And, you know, from the from the ROM Das is and the later you know, the Tim Leary's and the 90s, and all that sort of movement? And how long did you partake in this, this type of lifestyle? Well, I'm only 23. Now, it's kind of hard to believe when I look back that I've had so many experiences, but I really think a lot has afforded me a lot of these things, and allowed me to

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share these experiences with others so that they make benefit. And Hamdulillah, I think, protected me from a lot of things that I could have fallen victim to, to people who use the term, I'm not religious, I'm spiritual, do they usually fall into somebody's camps? Absolutely. Actually, if you look at statistics in the UK, right now, that's the majority of people. It's something like an insanely false statistics. But I believe it's something like 88% of people who fall into that category would say that they while they don't believe in a religion, they believe in something higher. They believe in some sort of spiritual aspect of the world. And I think that's the sort of

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indicative of the failure of modern science, to provide people with the sort of meaningful system of ideas that they can provide to their lives. I knew a person who went to one of these,

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where they were passing around some of these psychedelics. And as he narrates the story, if I remember correctly, that this was kind of something that was it wasn't something that you had to know someone get invited. And then you had this private group, were of so many people, and then they were doing some kind of

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some kind of rituals. And then he said that he started, it seemed like they were calling on some spirits or he felt he saw spirit. He felt from that he was affected to this day that he would have nightmares and worrying because when he connects it back

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to what he knows now about the jinn and about his slide, he felt like they were calling on the jinn, they were doing some very weird stuff. And then whatever he had, inhaled or taken or smoked, whatever that just also like, took his senses and everything to a whole different level and right.

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Is something similar to what yeah, of course, there's a sort of, I definitely went down, I was very skeptical of exactly everything you're talking about, what is this when I'm painting this picture? What what is that? Yeah, bring to mind when many of the New Age sort of movements that incorporate psychedelics into their sort of practice. They're, they're all very different, but they're sort of amalgamation of all these different religious traditions. And I think when someone says that they're

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spiritual, but not religious. Yeah, they're trying to imply that they've been unable to apply a systematic philosophical framework of reason to their day to day lives. Yeah, this to me seems to be a trivialization of what religion is, it's not a list of philosophical beliefs that you can sort of adopt or exclude. It's, it's, you have to take the whole package for itself. How long were you a part of this? This? Was there

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any any certain things like What was a typical day like for you?

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Which is something about being on a farm for some time? Yeah, I lived on an Ayahuasca farm for a little while I watched a farm. Yes. For our audience never heard this term Ayahuasca What is this and Ayahuasca is a DMT derived plant that a farm that actually derives this plant now? Right? Well, they were they had gotten teachings from the Amazon from actual shamans. Yeah, Amazon, they brought the plant back with them, and they were cultivating it. It's, it's a DMT derivative, sort of the liquid form of DMT. Usually people the most popular version of DMT in America would be like sort of Freebase powder version. But you also had the toad that you're talking about Mike Christ and Mike

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Tyson. Yeah, he's sort of popularized. These are all DMT derivatives. Psilocybin is also very similar to DMT. It's sort of one molecular strain off.

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And they all have similar properties. Definitely different. I mean, to get to the origin aspect you're talking about, there's a sort of, if you look on different trip reports and the different literature that's been compiled over time about these things, there's a clear personality that can be seen with each psychedelic people describe

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Hi, there, I WASC a trip with a lot more feminine, like a motherly sort of spirit that shows you child rearing and nature and things like that. feminine, whereas psilocybin mushrooms is a lot more spacey tend to be more masculine, a lot more alien outer space space. Yeah, this is all sort of vague descriptions. But as you start to sort of compile all of the reports that people have, you start to see commonalities. And I think there's a lot of overlap here with the Islamic concept of jinn coming, were there any kind, okay, you do that. And there are any kind of rituals or things that people say, Well, what are you seeking from there? Are you making any prayers? Are you doing

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anything now that go along with this, or I think a lot of people will sort of

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when they run into these sorts of problems in their own life, and because if you're taking psychedelics for a purpose in you know, for the first you're looking to get something out of it, and what are people looking to get out of it usually meaning and purpose Usually people are at either it's, it's hedonism, and you're just wanting to party, in which case, if you take enough psychedelics, you'll start to realize that this is not a party drug at all. This is a

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I use the term spiritual loosely, because it's not really true spirituality, but it is a sort of tool to tap into what we'd call it all the time. The unseen, it is something so it goes back to the story. And I'm Shane. Right? They were trying this is what he was talking about. Right. Right happen. And there's no consistency really of practice between these groups. And I'm of the belief that, you know, we human beings do not really have knowledge of, of the unseen Yeah, we many of the groups that are practicing, these sorts of things are sort of break offs from very ancient practices that they don't really know what they're doing. They're playing with some very dangerous, very

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dangerous, very dangerous sorts of things and listened to Yeah, because, I mean, if you want to know about the unseen world, open up the Quran, right? Or the Islam is laid out clear, right, right, how to protect yourself exactly from the devil was the demons, the shape, Shayateen, and all these other parts of the unseen world. But now you're over here, having a free for all and playing with it, you liberate big trouble, man, there's a popular quote from Carl Jung said, Beware of

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unearned knowledge. And I think that's a lot of what you know, you get these

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was one of the McKenna brothers that said that you pick up the phone, a psychedelic is like picking up the phone. And they of course, describe it as God. But of course, you're not contacting God on the other side of that, you're contacting an unseen realm and you don't know what entity that could be. So, but there's this overflow of sort of,

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on seeing things that are very otherworldly and very unique. And having these experiences definitely shatters the materialist conception of reality. And I think that's what a lot of people end up doing that they have never experienced any sort of legitimate spirituality in their lives. And then they fall into this whole psychedelic rabbit hole. And they say, this is, you know, this is absolutely legitimate spirituality. But I think a consistent practice over time would show that there is no sort of community or consensus that can be built out of these things. Because it's such an individual process and such an Individual Endeavor, that truth has to be something that many people

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can come to. And because of its very individualistic nature, psychedelics are not something that you can build anything real out of. So how do you get exposure now to Islam? And in the midst of all this? Right, right. And you said earlier, when we spoke that you had looked into all the different religions? Right, right. So then what was it about Islam that stood out from all of the well, we'd say, clearly, our man made religions? Right, right. How did that and it's to me, I mean, it's not, it's pretty easy to recognize the truth, right, amongst all these other manmade religion, but what was it with you that had you even come to exploring Islam? How did you get to that point? Well, I

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think that's where the concept of fitrah becomes very important that if you are connected to your natural disposition, then you sort of had this inclination to seek truth. And when you are met with falsehood, you can have a sort of critical eye and set it to the side and say, you know, this may have some aspect of truth or legitimate spirituality within it. But this is not the capital T truth. And

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I think what a lot of people will do in the West is seek guidance from their own traditional institutions. We Muslims have a small minority in the West, you know, less than 1%. So when you're Western are seeking

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advice from your traditional religious institutions, you're gonna go to the Judeo Christian tradition. And because of the incoherence and the sort of degradation of that tradition, you people are often left disenchanted, and they project that disenchantment to all sorts of

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traditional forms of religion and because of Islams. One Islam is incompatibility with all forms of liberalism, and also its counter. It's sort of countering nature to Judaism and Christianity, people incidentally go to the Far East, and you know, sort of seek enlightenment from the Far East. And this is where you get met with Buddhism and Taoism and certain forms of yoga. And this is where we spoke about modernism, this idea that divinity is within everything, including myself. And I don't think often people are not really aware of the consequences of having a belief like that, that when you sort of adopt this idea of modernism, that it becomes very difficult to

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submit yourself to an external, regular practice or an external being. And it ends up being an amalgamation of different contradictory religious practices that become representative of the individual ego. Yeah, be for people who haven't heard this term modernism, you talk about that person has a part of God in themselves, right, they have a part of divinity, right. And this is sort of very appealing to the Western mindset that's been so isolated, and so cut off from

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every sort of aspect of spirituality, not just the people in the society around them, but also the natural world. So when you come into contact with something like mod ism from Eastern spiritual traditions, it's like a overcorrection, it's a religious overcorrection, an overflow of spirituality, that can again, be very appealing, but if taken to its logical extreme, it ends up being a sort of self worship. And it was email Ghazali. That said, the worst form of shirk was worship of the self. And I think that's what a lot of people have fallen into. I think that's to get back to the whole liberalism and the New Age. Woke ism, political correctness movement, that's

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exactly what all this is just more in a political realm. As opposed to a spiritual realm. People will work out for itself, you know, worship, yes. worshipping the desires, you can see how far people can go. Right, right. That's in the Quran as well. Have you seen the woman who takes their desires as their God? Yeah. besides Allah. So then how was your What was your What was your first exposure to Islam? Was it from a book was it from, from a friend from Muslim? Yeah, I had read the Quran. earlier in life. As I read pretty much all of it, I read the Pali canon and Buddhism, the Vedas, the Bible, everything, but I was reading all these things, not really with a sort of deep

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understanding, just sort of getting through all of them so that I can have a little bit under my belt. And it wasn't until later when the spiritual experiences all started to play in one direction. And

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it was the Quran.

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The writings of the Islamic elements that I was finding in a lot of other literature, as well as people like email, my bizarrely, Rene Guinan was another big one as well with his sort of traditionalism.

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anyone again, anyone who sort of follows that fit in is honest with themselves about about not what they want spirituality to be or not what they want truth to be. But what it truly is for itself will be led to Islam inshallah. Yeah, so now you you have some exposure to Islam, you start reading you read the Quran, you said before it was it was English translation was a good English translation.

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To stick with you what you read before? And then what happened that because you're you recently, it's not too long ago, it's been how long now? But uh, yeah, took my Shahada in November of last year, last year, trying to close two years was my first Ramadan. And I was, I was praying about six, eight months before my Shahada. I was very reluctant to accept many of these things, because of my sort of background, I knew it would be a big social change. It was a big diversion from a lot of the things that I previously thought, but um, again, you read sort of Bukhara, and if

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the when, when Allah speaks about the hypocrites, it is certainly not something you want to be and when that resonates with you when you know I'm a hypocrite, because I know this to be true and I have not accepted it in a public sense. It can become very internally conflicting. So What convinced you that Islam was indeed the Quran was from the Creator? Right? And that Prophet Muhammad was indeed a messenger sent by the creator of peace be upon him is that you actually ended up accepting Islam. It was ultimately the Quran in the Sierra literature, that I think was the sort of final tipping point.

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I had never actually met a Muslim before taking my Shahada never Nope, never met a Muslim and not wanting to dip a toe and these sorts of things. I take it very seriously.

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so humbled. I think a lot every day for opening my heart to the truth and for guiding me to the truth and also allowing me to have the sort of experiential and rational foundation from which I think true faith can be built upon. Yeah. You remind me of the dead Russell Brand, like a younger version. It's the hair is the hair hot and it's a he covers a lot of different good topics. He's somebody we've seen him one time with the Koran, but for someone like you, who has also he seems like he went down that route, hippie, yeah, the new age, new ways and whatnot. But you can see the difference if somebody's insincere, they really want to know the truth. You you you come to Islam,

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like you did, under the law, what we want the best for him also this Russell Russell Brand

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that he have, he also does what you did, I mean, I interview a lot of people. And then I see at one point, they get to a point where, okay, they're seeking the truth, but they have to, there's a very powerful Hadith where the prophet Muhammad is it's Cuzzi Hadith, where Allah is saying that all my slaves are misguided, unless I guide them. So asked me of my guidance for the creator's saying asked me in my guidance, many people are not asking, at what point do you see that you stopped that you asked? How did you ask for guidance? I think the entirety of my religious or my spiritual journey was in asking, it was a deep yearning for truth.

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I just think you have to shed your sort of preconceived biases, and your preconceived notions of what you think is true before you're able to do that, that Allah will put these things in front of you, and it will be a test. You know, are you going to accept this, you know, to be true in your heart? But But are you going to submit to that external practice? Are you going to submit to, you know, putting your head on the floor five times a day, you know, it's, I think that can be very difficult. Malcolm X spoke about this in his autobiography, that can be a very difficult thing for the very

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egoistic culture of the West, that we have such a sort of infatuation with ourselves that it becomes very difficult to lose that and that's truly we speak often about freedom. That's where true freedom and liberation is found. It's, we as human beings are inherently faith based creatures, we don't know enough about the world around us or about ourselves, to operate without a belief in something. So do you feel you can save people a lot of trouble where they don't have to go to the farm? They're experimenting, like you did. They don't have to go through all of these books and everything. I mean, it's like someone took a journey. And someone, it took that person years to get to a

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destination where, as opposed to someone else, here's the map, I can get you there and have or not even a quarter of the time, right? So what would you say to somebody who's thinking about experimenting with the toad? Right? Somebody who's thinking about, you know, going to a different parts of the world to go join a Buddhist, or seminary or whatnot. you've experimented, you've looked into all these things? How do they know that's not the way how do they know is not the truth? Whoo, I would definitely import implore people to seek the truth for themselves. But you have to be willing to, you have to know that the truth has consequences. And I like Omar Solomon's language on

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this, he calls it the allure of narcissistic spirituality, that if you view religion as a sort of view, approach religion in a way that could just benefit your life in a worldly sense, then you're not actually seeking truth and a genuine sort of way, that you have to drop all your all your previous notions of what you think truth may be, be willing to

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come to the truth and whatever consequences it may have in your own personal life, and be be genuine with the Creator.

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And tell me have you were you experimenting all at all we talked about earlier, okay, going back to some of the religions, because many of these are about self worship, but someone will say no, when you have Christianity, Judaism, these would be about worshiping one God. But then you have over here certain attributes that are assigned to God that will go against the pure monotheism and one of the other one is about Trinity, God died for your sins. How did you tackle and wrestle with that? Well, I would also implore people to look into the historical sources here as well. I think in Islam, we come to love the preservation of the tradition is something that really shines as unique when you

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get into the sort of historical study of the religions. In something like Christianity. It's very clear, I think, after the 19th century and 20th century study of Christian Christians themselves went into the Dead Sea Scrolls and all these sorts of discoveries that have shown us that whatever original Christianity was

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And of course, as Muslims, we believe it was Islam. Whatever original Christianity was, it's not being practiced anymore. The entirety of the tradition we have from Eastern Orthodoxy, for example would be from from the Council of Nicaea. On this is around like 350 ad. So this is hundreds of years after the life of Isa lace. And

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you even have logical incoherencies with things like the Trinity. And I don't want to trivialize the Christian position of the Trinity, I think it's a lot more nuanced than what maybe even a lot of Muslims would give credence to. But it certainly you have to twist yourself into a pretzel to try and explain that to somebody. Whereas we have concepts like Tawheed, which sort of dispel a lot of the falsehoods that the simplicity of, of one God, the Oneness of Allah, and the explanation of the duality of the you know, the mind body dichotomy, experience that human beings have that the same sort of dualities experience with Allah, we believe that the Creator is outside of the creation, but

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that certain elements permeate within the creation, like his mercy, like his divine will, like his love. And

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that sort of same parallel happens with our mind body system, there's a clear overlap with this. So again, if you're exploring truth in a genuine sort of way, you would see a lot of these sorts of incoherencies within other traditions, as well as some of the things that they have in common with Islam, that from an Islamic perspective, this would be because they were once previous to the prophet of Muhammad. So

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these would actually be Islam in a genuine sense, and that it was only through cultural manipulation, that they were manipulated and changed over time. Do you feel that now Christians is we're seeing they're getting fed up. And people who fear God who love God, and they're seeing that their church, their synagogue, they're seeing the compromises that are happening right now, even such people as the Pope, and other religious figures are now bending. And saying, certain things are acceptable for what the book says is not accepted. Right? So claiming to be a representative of God, but then crashing, going against the commandments of God, and the Christians are seeing that. But

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then, do you think if and many now they'll go and say, and use how you've even has many Islamophobes and whatnot, say, it looks like I have, I might even give Islam a shot now. Right? Right. Right. But because Islam doesn't bend because it is indeed from the crater that happens in the earth, right? And then many Christians are saying that this is when they look into it, this is actually going like what you said the natural inclination, the fitrah, and fits with it. So are you saying that now, this will be a for Christians watching and other people, God fearing people, people say I love God, that this would be more in tune with their belief on the situation at hand, what's happening with

00:33:14 --> 00:33:20

the sexualization of children? And, you know, the chopping off of good healthy body composition? Yeah.

00:33:21 --> 00:33:34

Yeah, I think the sort of the fact that the Christian tradition has now devolved in sort of degradative to the point that that today is representative of it being a false sort of

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man made religion. We can even see in the the fact of sectarianism that, um, do love. Islam has not fallen victim to the sort of sectarianism and we actually have a deep a deep Hadith tradition about, we are anti sectarian, that we try our best to not differ amongst ourselves, even the smaller disputes we will have. We agree on the basic doctrine, we know we're all Muslims, you can go to any mosque in the world, and you can pray next to a brother and whatever little differences there will be will not be apparent to you especially to the layperson, as opposed to Christianity where you have a multitude of different sects, and they believe it's deep theological differences between

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them. And I also think, to address Judaism for a second, there's a

00:34:23 --> 00:34:39

issue with the ethnocentric nature of Judaism, that it's smaller numbers, that there's there's less Jews that can get outside of that branch because it becomes very difficult to escape being a Jew, when it's seen as an ethnic identity. It's not just a religious label.

00:34:41 --> 00:35:00

As opposed to Christianity, where it's a little bit more abstract, it's a little bit more universalized. And there's a deep theological tradition that I think leads one to sort of end up with the sectarian divide. So in closing now what finally okay, you really

00:35:00 --> 00:35:41

Lies okay the Quran is from the Creator you've done your homework was a difficult was a difficult I mean to you talk a little bit the challenge now suppressing your desire is conditioned over years to follow your desires and really all of this mon ism and you know there's a piece of God and you got to submit to God all this stuff. How did you overcome that that you finally were like was the truth that powerful? Were you just at a point in your life that you were like, I got to do this this is the truth? I mean, and tell me what was God always there in your life was there to crater because when you say God for many people, no, God can be like yourself you think your extract extract, you

00:35:41 --> 00:36:20

know is something like if the man in the clouds Long Beard some people think you know this is God and they run away from this because this concept doesn't make sense. But when you finally understood the towhee, the pure monotheism, that is Islam clearly lucidly defines who the creator is, you are. Because many people get to that point. But because so many external influences family, because of their going to be judged, they feel that pressure, they're like, I'm not having it. What was your state of mind at the time, I think on an individual personal level it the truth was very powerful for me and 100, I think it was a

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bit easier for me to submit to those things after just doing so much research and just getting so far into the weeds with it.

00:36:29 --> 00:36:54

But I think even more important aspect is the community that once you take your shahada, and you see the love that your fellow Muslims have for you, and you go to the mosque every day, and you see the continuity that the Muslims have with one another, it becomes a lot easier. You know, even if you have sort of previous friends and family that can,

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it can be very difficult to deal with consequences of something like conversion, you always will have your community to be there behind you and to seek refuge in Allah. I mean, there's there's no sweeter feeling than being able to put your head on the mat for being able to put your head on the ground for 17 times a day, at least, just the obligatory prayers, it's once you start to do that, I think I would also employ a lot of people to explore the spiritual practices, even before if you feel very reluctant to openly try to explore these things in the actual machines themselves. Do it at home, you know, make dua ask Allah and say Allah's name, you know, ask for guidance, ask for help

00:37:43 --> 00:37:49

put your head on the ground. Also something that I think is a big speak to the whole.

00:37:50 --> 00:38:21

I grew up very secular. So I had this very abstract notion of God. And God was never really in my life previously. But even when I did sort of adopt this whole spiritual, transcendental awareness, it was in a very nature of sense, not natural, that that you want to look to things like the goddess of nature, and you want to look to the earth and worship those sorts of things, which again, like we spoke about earlier, as a form of self worship, because you are part of that natural world, you're part of the creation. But um,

00:38:22 --> 00:39:06

I think if you look at things like Salah will do fasting. I've heard it said that the Muslim is the only person on earth that worships in the way that the primordial man worships. And I don't think that's absolutely true, that if you truly are someone who wants to be in tune with the natural rhythms of nature, and wants to be in tune with the universal law, it would be through you know, these practices that we have in the celestial bodies that determine their times that our prayer times change based on where the sun is and, and are fasting based on the lunar calendar. And where Ramadan is. This following the Sunnah, is what actually allows you to be in tune with the natural

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world around before we conclude. So yeah, I hear all of this

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many times in the years that I've had so many different interviews, and it all comes down to a person being sincere. And I want the audience who's listening because people the the satanic forces of the unseen world, the confusion, the conditioning from society, condition someone like you are in your early life. And here comes Islam. It's so simple, easy to understand. You have a book now revealed over 23 years on memorized by millions. And one of the I know you're fairly new, were you able to now start praying into Arabic and to start Yes, yes, yes. So I might put you on the spot here but for purpose of people seeing like

00:40:00 --> 00:40:38

To put the rest maybe a myth that's out there. Oh, it's revealed in Arabic is one of the miracles of it now and that people like us someone who's ever from a background, that you're not Arab, you don't have any Arab blood, right? But if you are living their time with Jesus, you'd be speaking Aramaic and reciting this in Aramaic, but now the Quran you're praying and then now you also know the meaning but this is something that is a living miracle. And if you can go ahead and recite the opening chapter for us of the Al Fatiha so people can hear this and from there you give the meaning. Go ahead.

00:40:40 --> 00:40:44

Uh, who do bIllahi min ash shaytaan you're watching

00:40:45 --> 00:40:47

Bismillah your Walkman your

00:40:50 --> 00:40:54

Alhamdulillah hero bill. Lamy

00:40:55 --> 00:41:35

ora rough man you're working mad to me. The EU cannot boudoir er cannot Stelling if dinner shit autonomous stoking. Sarah Alta leadin Tawny him ye Lydon, Magoo. Biale him well, DOE nee Amina. This is a miracle, I wanted people to hear it, to go and experience it. So obviously, this is a call this is in there, the meaning of you're praising the Creator of the heavens in the earth.

00:41:37 --> 00:41:38

You are calling

00:41:40 --> 00:42:03

hamdulillahi rabbil aalameen All praises to Allah, Lord of the Lord of All the Worlds mastered the judgment, you alone, we worship you alone, we seek for help guide us to the straight path, the path for those who favor and not to pull those who are in your anger or go astray. So anyone now who's out there confused, they can even make this prayer to God. Right? Inshallah, so this is truly amazing. It's truly amazing.

00:42:04 --> 00:42:46

Hopefully, Inshallah, this can be a benefit for so many millions of people who are out there who are confused, we get them unconfused they can experience some of your experiences. And they can go ahead and come to the path that's brought you. What is it brought to you at the end? What would you say you got from inner peace, inner peace, inner peace? Jedi? I want to say it I want to, I was gonna say I know, I know what you're going to say. Right? Right. Right, this sense of belonging, belonging and a page purpose, purpose. Absolutely. These are all the things that you're seeking. If you're truly seeking a spiritual result, it's, yeah, it's a blessing. I think a lot every day for guiding

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me to the truth and making me Muslim. I asked that he guides all of all of those seeking truth as well. I mean, thank you, Alex Abdullah, thank you for sharing your story with us.

00:43:01 --> 00:43:25

What are glow the salami can not leave without giving you a gift if you're not yet Muslim, and you tune in and see what these Muslims are talking about. And you'd like a free copy of the Quran. Go and visit the deen We'll take care of the postage and everything and get it delivered to you. And if you still have some questions about Islam, call us at 1-800-662-4752 We'll see you next time until then Peace be with you as salam aleikum.

00:43:29 --> 00:43:59

Hungary law brothers and sisters as you can see, we've acquired the property and we're getting right to work and with your dogs and support, we can go ahead and get the masjid and mega Dawa center up open and running in sha Allah. Imagine every person that prays here gets educated and guided to Islam here you will get a part of all those blessings and rewards in sha Allah. What are you waiting for brothers and sisters, you're going to leave it all behind anyway. So go ahead and invest in your hereafter that's everlasting. Click the link below donate right now may God Almighty Allah reward all of you

(From DMT to ISLAM)

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