Tariq Appleby – Guarding The Legacy Of The Prophet

Tariq Appleby
AI: Summary © The interviewer discusses natural tendencies and the importance of following rules of Islam in one's life. They emphasize the importance of authentic hadiths and the presence of complete chains in church's history. The interviewer also touches on the natural tendencies of people to have a legal opinion and the importance of having a strong biography. They emphasize the need for more studies and examples to clarify rulings and teachings, as well as the history and significance of the Prophet's teachings, including their use of " soon" and the construction of a church during the 20th century. They emphasize the importance of history and Western methods in proving the authenticity of the Prophet's teachings and the need for confirmation from the church.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah R Rahman Rahim al hamdu Lillah wa Salatu was Salam ala rasulillah. Early he was he a Jain Assalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh. Who

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we want. Today, we want to talk about something that is near and dear to each and every one of us. And that is the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, his personality, his character, his biography, his teachings, every aspect of his life. Whether we know much about it or not, every Muslim grows up or when you accept Islam, that's one of the first things that you are introduced to the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, his lifestyle and everything about him. So in this talk, today, I want to talk about four things. The first of these things is that we want to talk about the relationship that we as Muslims have with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in

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light of the Quran.

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What is the loss of a Hannah what Allah commanded us or the US advise us to do? And to say, in regards to Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam. The second issue is we want to ask the question, has the Sunnah of the prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam been preserved, as it been authenticated? Has it reached us safely and securely so that we may follow it? Without any doubt, that's another, that's an issue that we would like to explore. Number three, we want to look at the history of Hadith rejection in Islam, from the time of the Prophet sallallahu, alayhi wasallam and his companions until our time because there have been people who for various reasons have said that

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the sooner is not important, or the sooner does not have to be followed, or the sooner is not applicable in our times, different arguments and different doubts and misconceptions that many people have. And then lastly, we want to focus on some of these doubts, some of these misconceptions, whether they have been introduced by the Muslim community or in the Muslim community, and then also by those outside of the Muslim community, as South Africans and Malaysians, especially because of the influence of British colonialism. We have developed different attitudes in our communities towards this honor.

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Sometimes we have gone to the extreme, where we have rejected it completely, or we've gone to the other extreme, where we reject everything that is not from it, for example, like matters of science. We know science has absolutely nothing to do with the religion and we should only stick to the Quran and Sunnah and we will be saved. And even that is a an extreme position, the rejection of matters that are sometimes known by just logical, you know, analysis and interpretation, even that there is an extreme in the Muslim community where that's concerned. So we'll focus on those matters. Those are the four main talking points today. So let us begin.

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The Muslim and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in the Quran. The first thing is that Allah subhanho wa Taala commands us to believe in Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that Allah subhanho wa Taala commands us to believe in him, that we have iemon that he is a prophet and a messenger that he receives revelation from Allah subhanho wa Taala

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that Allah subhanho wa Taala has seen him as an explainer as a teacher, as a mercy as an example. This is what we as Muslims must believe, about the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, where do we find this? We find this in the Quran, Allah subhanho wa Taala. Allah says in Surah two are off in verse 158. Allah says Kalia, you are not in neo rossano la de la comme Jamia and levena humo. Kusama YT, will al La Ilaha Illa Who are you? He will you meet? For me in ob la hora su li and below Mila, you know Bella Heba kalama T, what B Oh, La La Quinta. Allah says, say overheard

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that the clay to the people over hammered and say, oh, people

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say to them that I indeed I am a messenger to you from Allah subhanho wa Taala. I'm a messenger to you. I and what is a messenger? A messenger is a person who brings a message. It could be from, you know, from FedEx, it could be from what's it called? Yeah. postcard, you know, it could be from the South African post office, but that person comes to your home with letters and what you don't really like bowls. So a messenger someone who brings you something you might like it or you

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might not like it, but the Prophet is a messenger. He's bringing something the Quran and later we'll see is also bringing us in Sunnah is bringing us his own teachings, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and levena homolka somehow it will out but before that Allah says, I am a messenger to all of you, meaning Oh people, not Oh Arabs.

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That's, that's an important point. Allah is telling the prophet to declare to people, to Arabs and non Arabs, is telling him to declare not only to the people of the Arabian Peninsula, but to people outside of the Arabian Peninsula. And we will see that we will look into the biography of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, that after the Treaty of Philadelphia, he sent letters to the leaders of Egypt, and other parts of the Arabian Peninsula, to the emperor of the Byzantine Empire, and also the emperor of the Persian Empire. Why? Because of this ayah and other ayat with it with a similar meaning, I am a messenger to all of you, okay? Then Allah says that he is the one to whom

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the heavens and earth belong to, he is the one that none is worthy of worship except Him, and He gives life and he causes and he causes death, he causes people to live in to die, then Allah says, So believe in Allah and His messenger. So believe in Allah and His Messenger, he is a newbie, a person who receives revelation from Allah subhanho wa Taala, a person who knows matters of the unseen, who knows the future, that which a lot reveals to him, as we will see, a lot makes it very clear in order to Elgin, that the Prophet only knows that those matters of the unseen which Allah has revealed to him. An example of things which the Prophet doesn't know of, is when the hour will

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be, when will the hour happen?

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The Prophet was asked this question by Gabriel alehissalaam, who came in the form of a man, I don't know when it's going to be you don't know when it's going to be. And these are the two closest creations of Allah to Allah, yet they do not have this kind of knowledge. So this is a clear command in order to have that we believe in Allah and the messenger, he is a Nabi is a euro zoo, and then he is also me, meaning that he is illiterate, he cannot read nor write. Now, you might ask, why are these particularly special characteristics of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, they are special for many reasons, one of them and the most obvious of them is that one of the first claims

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of his enemies. And the first attacks was that Oh, Mohammed, you are writing this down yourself, or you are having it dictated to you. Now that's okay. If you can write, then you could write this down anything dictated to you. But this is not the case in what the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam will read, I want you to remember this point, because we will need it later. They were very, very few people who knew how to read and write in Makkah.

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During the time of the Prophet salallahu, alayhi wasallam, the science or the development of writing and reading, especially writing in the Arabian Peninsula was not as advanced as it was in China, or in Persia, or in Greece, or in Rome, or other parts of the world. It was still at a very, you know, early stage, but we will see that Islam is going to be the pioneer of change in this regard, that the Prophet is going to encourage writing is going to encourage the development of, of schools and educational policies. And this is going to be something that Muslims will just build on from generation to generation, until the time of the Abbasid dynasty, when we have a library that

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comparatively speaking is one of the biggest libraries in the in the Muslim world, only to be destroyed in 1258 when the Mongols invade the Muslim world. So Islam places a premium and a focus on learning, reading and writing. And we'll explore that later. The second issue is that Allah subhanho wa Taala orders us to obey the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam that Allah has made obedience to the Prophet obligatory. You can't say as a Muslim, that Oh, Mohamed, yes, I believe in you. But I'm not going to obey you what you want me to pray? No, sorry. I believe that you are a prophet, but I refuse to to follow you. Well, I don't want to do what you tell me to do. But if we look at what

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Allah tells us in the Quran, listen carefully to this ayah Allah says,

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may Rasulullah, falcoda alpo. whoever obeys the messenger has obeyed Allah, then Allah continues, and whoever turns away, so then we have not sent you as a guardian over that person.

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So don't spend too much time trying to convince these people that they must have

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You know that they should believe in you and then obey you.

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command them to obey you, and to believe in you firstly and then obey you. And if they turn away, then that is not your responsibility you have conveyed the message. This isn't sort of to Nisa, in Isaiah 80. So whoever obeys the messenger has obeyed Allah point number three, that Allah has made obedience to Mohammed and to Allah obligatory as well, that the ayah I quoted before, was specific, that whoever obeys the messenger has obeyed Allah. Point number three, is that Allah orders us to obey Him and to obey the messenger and those in authority over us which I'll get you. Allah says, Yeah, au Allah Vina man, oh, la, la, la, la, la soon, we're all miming. Oh, you believe those of you

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that possess a man, obey Allah and obey the messenger, and those in authority over you. So Allah uses the command lt through twice, once for himself. And once for the messenger. He doesn't say obey Allah and the messenger. He says, obey Allah and obey the messenger. And then when it gets when Allah gets to those in authority over you, he doesn't command us again. Why? Because our obedience to our political leaders is contingent on the obedience to Allah and His messenger.

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If our prime minister or our president, or our king or al Khalifa commands as to abandon the five daily prayers, are we obliged to obey Him? No, we are not. If he is us to destroy our massagin and to get rid of them they are not needed in this community must Jeeves should be converted. Now let's maybe destroyed was too harsh a word. He wants us to convert our massages into community walls and to abandon pray they in? Do we OBEY Him in that? Of course we do not. So he's our obedience to our leaders are contingent on the obedience to Allah and His Messenger, okay? Then Allah says, and if you differ in any matter in anything, then return that method to Allah and His messenger. If you

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have a difference of opinion, take that difference of opinion to the book of Allah, and to the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Now I'm going to avoid using the word sunar, until I get to four to have this lecture. And there's a reason for that. Because I want you to think about what it means when Allah says, obey the messenger. How is it applicable to you and me?

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In the year 1437, or 2016, we are sitting in Malaysia, how does this ayah apply to you and me? How is it applicable?

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So you can say, Well, I have the Quran, but I am not so sure about the sooner. I've heard some things about Bukhari and Muslim and I've got a few doubts there. I've got the Quran and hamdulillah I've got it translated into many languages. And I can go online and I can see it. But I've heard some doubts about this sooner, so I'm not so sure. So just think about how it's going to be possible for you to follow these ideas that I am reciting, without access to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam today, because we haven't met him anyone. Please raise your hand if you've met the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam. You have not?

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May Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us to meet him on the Day of Judgment. So this,

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Allah subhanho wa Taala continues, and he says, so if you differ in a matter, turn that matter back to Allah and His messenger. But then Allah says something that must give us, you know,

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pause and food for thought. We need to just listen very carefully. Allah says, and believe in Allah obey Allah and His Messenger, and those in authority over you. And if you differ in a matter, take it back to Allah and His Messenger, if you believe in Allah, and the last day,

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if you believe in Allah, and the last day, you will take a matter that you differ in anything that you have a disagreement about, you will take it back to the book of Allah, and to the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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And that's that the this pause for thought that we need to just, you know, just listen, what does that mean? Our belief is contingent, it is conditional upon the fact that we take methods that we differ on, we're not talking about war failure. We're not talking about the economy or methods of macro economics. We're not talking about matters regarding whether or not we should build a new international school or you know, on this side of the highway or that or whether or not we should adopt certain health policies in our country. We are talking about religious matters.

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Specifically, this idea is general it could be applicable to all matters of of our lives. But the first thing it must go back to is matters of belief methods of actions of worship, all of that needs to go back to the Quran and to the Sunnah. Today, there are many debates in the Muslim community matters that affect our security methods that affect our daily lives, our marital lives, all of these things. The first place we need to go back to is the book of Allah. And the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, or rather, for now let's just say we need to take it back to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam later will ask, what does it mean to take it back? We shall

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be taken back to because the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is not amongst us. I can guarantee that each and every one of us here as Muslims, if we had a an issue that we were doubtful about, if we had something that was bothering us, and that we needed clarity on and the Prophet was alive amongst us, each and every one of us would go to him sal Allahu alayhi wa sallam for clarity for an answer. jasola Allah, O Messenger of Allah, I've got a question. I need to know the answer. You're also not telling me what I need to do. would we not do that?

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How would we do it now? How are we going to do it in our time.

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Then the third thing that I want to talk about is accepting his decisions and his rulings accepting the decisions and the rulings of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So Allah tells us in solitude, Nisa in is 65 for an hour because, you know, you have chemo cash, FEMA shadow Robaina home, and by your Lord, Allah takes it takes an oath by himself, that we do not believe meaning they do not believe until they make you an arbitrator and a judge in all matters that they differ in. Now, the reason why this ayah was revealed was that zubayr and another man from the unsolved from the inhabitants of Medina, the original inhabitants, they had a debate about the property and the

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water supply to the to the farms. So they went to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam to for arbitration, they wanted the prophet to judge in this method jasola we've got this, this argument between us which who have who amongst us is right, who's who does the heck belong to? So the Prophet said, it is for Zubair.

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And so the man said, y'all also a lot is this only because he is your cousin,

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that you are not being phased is what he is saying, You are being biased, you're also a law, you are being biased, because you have judged in favor of him because he is related to you.

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And I want us to ponder about what that means for us as individuals. How many times does something that the Prophet said or did or taught come to you and me and we find an excuse not to follow it?

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It's not applicable in our times, it does not make sense. It's not logical, it's not rational. We have maybe this idea was only applicable to those times. Maybe it's abrogated, we find a you know, a million different, you know, lists of excuses why we cannot follow this now, why it's not applicable to me, though this is only applicable to Arabs or no, this is only applicable to people living in the seventh century. Or maybe the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam only meant this for that person that was you know, being spoken to at that particular time. doesn't apply to me and you so Allah subhana wa tada revealed this ayah regarding this incident, none of you, I swear by myself is what

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Allah is saying. By your load Oh Mohammed that people do not believe until they make you a judge between them.

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Famous or avena what they disagree on Somalia doofy unfussy him How did you then after you have given your ruling over Hamlet, they do not find in their in their hearts any dislike for what you have judged. When you said it's it is for Zubair if he's supposed to bail.

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It is not for anyone else. They're all fine in their hearts any hesitation any reluctance That is why Allah continues, be medical data while you sell LIMU, Taslima and they submit they submit with a complete submission complete

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and it's difficult for us. Sometimes our ego does not allow us to submit ourselves to the the teachings of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam.

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We find that excuse we have is hesitation there's a reluctance I can understand and everyone understands that if you do not understand the Hadees properly. Let me give you an example.

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I sat in a football once. And the man said that we must stop quoting these are Hadith about camels and cows and sheep and chickens and eggs. There are people who go to Juba early. If you go in the first hour, you will get a camel. And if you go in the second hour, you'll get a cow or at the end, the third hour is a sheep. fourth hour. It's a chicken and in the fifth hour, it's an egg. these are these are ridiculous, is what this man said, on the mimbar in a Juma

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now without understanding without understanding

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without knowing any background without knowing the Hadeeth yourself. It's a bit difficult to accept that idea isn't it? So Hello, where are we? What's this? Like? Who's gonna where's the cow gonna come from? You know if I go in the first hour no one's bringing a cow to be in the masjid isn't it? If I leave the masjid is there going to be a cow that's tied to my car over camel. So I'm going to put an egg on my roof. That's not going to happen. So this hadith makes no sense. That's because people are ignorant of the Arabic, just the basic. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Man not all huffy, sir, I feel oola fucka and Cora raba by the method, that whoever goes in the first

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hour, it says if he has sacrificed a camel for the sake of Allah, meaning that this is a person who sacrificed a camel for the sake of Allah gave its meat and it's hide for the sake of Allah as charity, you will have a reward equal to the man who slaughtered a camel and sacrifice it for the sake of Allah. Does it make sense now, the Hadith is not problematic. Now. Now you want to go early to Juba. Because perhaps you do not have the money to sacrifice a camel. So instead, you go to the masjid early, you get the same reward as a person who sacrificed a camel.

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So now you can submit yourself because you've understood it properly. And as the as it is, it is it is mentioned that the cure to ignorance is to ask, I don't know, you're a doctor, you are an engineer, I have no experience or knowledge of this matter. What do I need to do? I'm sick, what medications should I take? I go to a doctor. If I have questions of Hadith, who do I go to? I go to a scholar of Hadith. If I have questions about the stability, and the structural integrity of my home, who do I go to an engineer? I don't go to an island for that. Check. I've got a problem with my roof. What advice can you give me? We don't do that. But when it comes to the religion every Tom

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Dick and Harry has an opinion. Everyone's an expert now. Everyone has studied for 20 years as written 20 books. Let us be very honest, that because just because I'm a Muslim does not mean that I am qualified to give legal opinions, Islamic opinions. Just because I mean, just because I live in a home does not mean that I can give fatawa about you know engineering. Just because I use electricity does not mean that I am now an electrician. So just because I'm a Muslim does not mean that I am now a hadith a scholar of Hadith, or a scholar of fit. We don't accept this. Think about think about a person who's a doctor. Okay, that person studied for six to eight years, then had to do an

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internship, which in most countries is about two years, then that person is licensed and allowed to practice medicine. And if the person wants to specialize, the person will have to study for two to four extra years before they become an ophthalmologist or cardiologist etc. Now, imagine that I read three books on you know, medicine and anatomy. And then I open up a general surgery around the corner would you come?

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Would you come and you know, would you allow me to examine you and to prescribe medication? Would you allow me to do to to do operations and medical procedures. Now you weren't.

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So we must ask ourselves who is qualified to discuss these matters? A point that I will come to a little bit later the vanilla hytera Point Number four, that following the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam is a key to unlock love. Listen to this ayah we Allah subhana wa Dallas's will encounter a boon Allah for Debbie Rooney, your beaver qumola while you're Phil aku backhoe well ma Hua foto Rahim. So early imraan an ayah 31 Allah subhanho wa Taala says, say say oh Mohammed say to the people that if you love Allah if you love Allah, Tabby only follow me. We spoke about obedience. Obedience is not etbr

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Paul and etbr are two separate things. Let me explain what Paul is, please bring me some water or bring me water now. That's a command and if he does it, then he has obeyed me, okay. But when the water comes, and I drink it like this, one step, two steps, three steps, if he does exactly what I do, now, he has followed me Is he drinks with his right hand, and he takes three small steps. That is it the bar at bar means to follow in someone's footsteps is to do exactly as they do, it is not only to obey, obedience is one thing. And if the bar and following is a totally different thing, so if you love a law, then follow me and Allah will love you. Allah will love you. Is there a person

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sitting here that does not desire the love of Allah subhanho wa Taala because the love of Allah guarantees, guarantees gender. If Allah loves you, what could your possible destination be, can only be gender. If Allah loves you, then he is going to guide you, Allah subhanho wa Taala is going to facilitate your path for agenda for you. So no, there is not a single person or a single Muslim who doesn't want this, so follow me. The question that must be answered, though, is that this ayah was heard by our bucket and Omar and the prophets, wives and others, my

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pleasure and his mercy be upon all of them, they heard this ayah so for them, it was applicable. We are loving 14 3700s and hundreds of years after the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, how are we going to get the love of Allah? How are we going to achieve it?

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What is what possible? What ways what means? What sources are available to us so that we living now can follow the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam closely to follow in his footsteps? What do we have a question that must be asked and answered. Lastly, point number five

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is that Allah tells us that the Prophet is our role model. He is our perfect pattern. And our excellent example.

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What's the role model? We have different role models today. Our children have different role models. We have Cristiano Ronaldo, everybody wants to look like him. Everybody wants to dress like him. Okay, so I'm only using a man your sisters do not. Do not feel that I've leaving. I'm, you know, ignoring you. But we have these role models. We want to dress like them speak like them. We want to play a sport like them or act like them, or sing like them. These are all models. We are trying to emulate them as much as we can. But Allah is not telling us to emulate anyone but the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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So Allah says in the Quran, la casa Candela confy rasulillah. He also has Anna lemon kana yo yo la Leo Mel. Here was a Corolla her Cathy euro Sultan.

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Allah subhanho wa Taala tells us this is an ayah 21 you indeed have

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meaning you as Muslims, you have an excellent pattern, a perfect pattern, a role model and example in Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam.

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If you are looking for someone to emulate, then there is no better person unless he is also a tune hacer una is an easy is the perfect example. He is the best example to follow. No one has a better, a better example a better character for you to emulate the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam. Now move is he an example to for the one that wishes to be successful? On the day of judgment, the one wishes to meet Allah and who wants to be successful on the day of judgment on the last day and who remembers Allah frequently? That person will find that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is an excellent example.

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So I've only touched on certain matters regarding the Muslim and the Quran, and the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, or to put it another way, what is the relationship of the Muslim to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam from the Quran. We touched on five methods, number one, that we must believe in Mohammed sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Number two, that obeying. The Prophet is obeying Allah. Number three that Allah has commanded us to obey.

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him to obey Allah and to obey the messenger. Number four, that we must accept his decisions and his rulings. Then number five, or number four other, that we must follow him, that Allah will love us at number five, that there is a perfect example in the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam for those who wish to meet Allah, and the last day and wish to be successful on that day. The second part of our discussion is now about the preservation of that example.

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Or that legacy.

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If we are commanded to obey Him, to follow him to love him, if all of these things are obligatory upon us, then where are we going to find this? How are we going to obey the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. So, let us begin Firstly, by defining certain key things, certain key words that we will need, number one, let us define the word sadhna. The word sooner in the Arabic language means a path, or a method, a path or a method, good or bad, you have a certain method of making coffee, and your family doesn't like it. That's your Sunday in making coffee. So it doesn't necessarily have to be that way. We use the word linguistically or in you know what, it's what it's what its original,

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meaning that it has to have a positive connotation. So the word tsunami means a path or a method, whether it's good or bad. But what does it mean to us as Muslims? What did it mean to Muslim scholars? So the technical definition is that the word sooner refers to the prophets, actions, and his statements, and his tacit approval

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and his physical appearance, his character traits and his biography. Let us begin with the first one. The prophets actions.

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The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, when he would stand in the night pray, he would pray until his feet would swell. That's an action and he would cry, and he's crying would sound like a boiling kettle. That's how he would cry. So that's one of the prophets actions. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would drink with his right hand, the Prophet would eat with three fingers, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to like to do everything on the right hand side, first, he would start with the right hand side, he would sleep on is right, the Prophet would clean his mouth, like use a toothbrush, or in this case, a miswak, he would use his right hand. All of those things

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are examples of the prophets, actions, the prophet through the Jamaat with seven stones, actions, actions, that's the first number two the prophets statements, we are all familiar with the Hadees. in Albania, all actions are only judged according to their intentions. None of you truly believe until he loves for his brother what he loves for himself. And they are literally 1000s of other examples that we could use. That's his statements. Number three is tacit approval.

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And a sub no Molly, Claudia Allahu anhu said that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to see us perform to Raka of Salah between the Azhar and the karma of mercury, and he did not order us to do it. Nor did he forbid us. He didn't. He didn't tell us no. And he didn't say that you must. He saw us doing it, and he just left it like that. So that's tacit approval, so it falls under the sun. So even though the Prophet himself did not do it, nor did he command it, we know from the fact that he remains silent, that it's okay to do

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asthma. The daughter of Abu Bakr, radi Allahu Allah, she said, We slaughtered and sacrificed a horse during the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam.

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And that's all she said. What is she? What is she implying? She's implying that it is permissible. It is permissible to eat the meat of a horse. Because if it was how long the Prophet would have said, So, some Allahu alayhi wa sallam, he would have said something. So that's tacit approval. What about the Prophet's physical appearance, we know that he had a full beard, we know that he was neither tool neither too tall nor very short. We know that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam had a whitish complexion with a reddish.

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If you want to call it a tan, let's call it that in either head, very straight hair or very curly hair, but in between, some have translated this as wavy. We know that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam when he passed away, he only had between 13 and 20 gray hairs in his beard

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on his head, if only we could have that year he whiny at the age of 63. Wouldn't that be beautiful? In fact, in my case, if only we could have here.

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But we move on, let's not, let's not digress too much. So that's an example of the Prophet's physical appearance. What about his character traits? We know that the Prophet was generous. We know that he was very shy, we know that he was very brave sallallahu alayhi wasallam. So part of the Sunnah, is to talk about the prophets, character traits. What was he like, as a man? What was he like with he's with his children? What was he like with his grandchildren, these are also aspects of this. And then lastly, the biography of the prophets of Allah. And so now there is a big difference between Hadith literature, which I will define literary later, and the prophets biography, because

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Hadith literature is very random. We have a chapter on the prophets purification, then we have another chapter on the prophet SAW Allah, then it's it doesn't go in any particular order. Some people might try to arrange it, according to, you know, the methods of fic. And, you know, legal rulings, some people might try to collect it in terms of virtues. The Prophet said, you know, the spoke about these matters. And,

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oh, he spoke about the year after, or he spoke about the signs of the hour. So that's very different from my biography, because a biography normally starts with birth, talks about early childhood, it's very chronological in that order, okay. But even that is part of the Sundance. Now we come to something that's important.

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That's the Sundance. But what is haddish? Literally, the word Hades in the Arabic language means one of two things. The word Hadith either means it is the opposite of khadim, which is old, so Hadeeth would be new, and Cody would be old. So today, we still use this in Modern Standard Arabic. When we talk of something like an iPhone, we will say, the geohazard Heidi is a modern, a modern gadget or a modern appliance. So Heidi in this in the way we use it today, not in an Islamic you know, connotation, it means something new, something modern, but it also linguistically means something which is spoken of something which is narrated speech, if you will, a narration, like I could tell a

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story. And if we go we could say, for instance, that the Hindus have at the Romans and the Persians, they have creation with staph Hadith about the gods and how they gods were, you know, created and developed, etc. That's a hadith because it's a story. It's a narrative. But how do we as Muslims define it?

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most scholars use the word Suna and Hadith interchangeably as synonyms. I'll say that again. Even though the word Hadith has that meaning the meaning of a narration, or the meaning of something being spoken about. Most scholars of Islam use the two words Suna and Heidi interchangeably, like synonyms. But there is a slight or a very careful distinction that needs to be made. The word howdy technically really is an individual narration about the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. The Prophet said that all actions are only judged according to intentions. That's a Hadith, a very specific narration, whereas the Sunnah, the word Sunnah, refers to the prophets teachings as a whole

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as I defined it earlier, he statements actions, etc, etc. Okay, so, the next thing we need to do now is to ask ourselves

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how was the Sunnah of the Prophet as we've defined it? How was it preserved?

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How do we know that what is attributed to the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam? How do we know that it's authentic? How do we know that it's that it has been preserved? There are two main ways two major ways in which the Sunnah has been preserved. And this is the same way that the Quran has been preserved. These are the same ways I should say.

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The Koran was preserved through memorization, and a written record at the Sunnah has also been preserved in the same way.

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Now, before I get into the technicalities, and we discuss this in more detail,

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after what we discussed in the first part of this lecture,

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if you were sitting in the company of the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, I want this to travel back into time.

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They settle back in time, all of us are sitting in the masjid of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. It is the year

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00:40:03 --> 00:40:07

it's the year 627. The prophet SAW the light SM died in the a 632.

00:40:09 --> 00:40:45

It's the 627 628 you choose a number before 632 but we are sitting in his muskets on the Lahore alayhi wasallam. You have read these ayah that I quoted earlier, and many, many other is like it. So you sitting there, and the Prophet speaking, let's say that he is speaking, and he is mentioning a dream that he had last night. He says last night I was I was I was I was asleep. And two angels came to me in my dream. And they took me on a journey. And they showed me certain things. Now if you sitting there and you hearing this speech,

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when you go home,

00:40:48 --> 00:41:04

and your wife or your husband or your children, or your employees or your servants says sense to you are your friend you meet a friend who wasn't there and he says, you know, today I missed the profits. Please. I wasn't there this morning or this afternoon? What did the Prophet speak about today?

00:41:06 --> 00:41:08

What would you say to that person?

00:41:09 --> 00:41:15

Sorry, brother. That's not important for you to know. You don't need to know these things. Or would you say to him,

00:41:16 --> 00:41:23

next time make sure that you there? Or it's only applicable to those who were there? What would you say to them?

00:41:25 --> 00:42:06

What would you say to a person who wasn't they? in the company of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. Okay, let's fast forward a bit. It's the 650 the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had died many years ago. Someone who never met him at all. Someone who grew up in Turkey or in Damascus. He never saw the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam he says, You You met the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam or verschil Allah. Amazing. I can't believe I met a companion. Tell me. Can you teach me something? You know that the Prophet said? What did he do? How did he pray? How did he perform is Waldo? No, my dear brother, that's not for you.

00:42:07 --> 00:42:43

You don't need to know these things. It's only for us the Sahaba you don't need to know about these will do know when almost speaking about will do that for me. And for other companions like me. Know you people do not need to know these things. Okay, let's say you tell him you tell this Tabby, a follower of the Sahaba. You tell him that this is how the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam before these Waldo. Okay, the Sahaba all die. Let's fast forward. It's the 115 There isn't a single Sahabi left on the dunya

00:42:45 --> 00:43:03

Not a single. I've changed the dates now to the end date. So bear with me. So now we that let's say that we in the 700 none of the Sahaba are alive. Or they were I don't have access to anyone. I live in Basra. The last Mojave is in Kufa or somewhere even further.

00:43:04 --> 00:43:33

So someone who didn't meet a Sahabi and who didn't meet the prophets, Allah La Jolla cinema, of course, comes to me and says, Oh, you missed a Sahabi Oh, subhana wa. I can't believe how lucky I am. Tell me how did the Prophet perform his widow? No, brother, that is not for you. That is only for us. We were lucky enough to meet the Sahaba. Do you see how ridiculous the sounds? You all sitting there?

00:43:34 --> 00:43:36

asking me what the point of this is?

00:43:37 --> 00:44:02

Isn't it natural? Before we talk about the technicalities? Isn't it natural that every subsequent generation wanted to know about the man that Allah commands us to believe in? That Allah commands us to obey that Allah subhanho wa Taala commands us to love and to believe in and to follow and to take as a role model? Isn't it natural that every Muslim in every subsequent generation would want to know about him?

00:44:04 --> 00:44:44

That's just gonna be natural. Even now. You want to know about him? You want to know what he looked like? What did he do? What did he what what was he wearing? What do you like to eat? Well, I can tell you that the Prophet loved to eat the shoulder part of an animal. He loves to eat the shoulder part. Now, of course, does it mean that you and I must go to the butchery later and only buy the shoulder part I refuse. When you invite me is when you invite me. I refuse to eat anything, but I shall depart if you invite me. Because I want to follow the sooner. Of course no one says that. Okay, but if you want to emulate him, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and you have the opportunity to

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eat from that part of the animal then you should do so hoping that Allah will reward you because you're implementing that I have my own love me because I'm doing what Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam did.

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So now let us get into the technicalities. We said it is

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record and preservation.

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The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam entered Makkah, and he conquered it with very little fighting and opposition. After this, he gave a hookah,

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a man came to him after the goodbye and said, O Messenger of Allah, write down for me what you said,

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write it down, because you know, I'm going to go back to Yemen, this man was from Yemen. And I would like to be able to go back and you know, and refer to what you spoke about. The Prophet spoke about many things. So the Prophet said to boo, Leah bisha. Now, before we talk about that, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam ordered that the Quran be written down, so the Quran was being written, the Prophet would have sessions, and he would say, today Allah has revealed these are yet okay, you write these down, read them back to me. And they would be read back to the prophets of Allah, Allah will send them to make sure to validate, and to make sure to have absolute certainty that what was

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being recorded was accurate. So there was a process already in place during the lifetime of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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But they will also examples of the Prophet writing that tax like the saqa, rulings down for the Sahaba. So he when he would say governance, he would tell one of his scribes to write down that zakkai is compulsory on so many camels on so many cows and so many sheep on so much gold and so much silver, this is what you need to collect. And this is what you must avoid, that was written down. And many Sahaba were also writing down certain things that they considered to be important from the Prophet salallahu, alayhi wasallam, on whatever they could find, we know and

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the or a few references that are used in preparation for this talk, that are available in English. And so I'll mention them now. And I'll remind you about this later again. But for this discussion that we are having now, on the writing down of the sooner, I would like you I would like to refer you to an amazing book. It's called studies in early Hadith literature studies in early Hadith literature. It is a PhD thesis that was presented to the University of Cambridge by an Indian scholar called Muhammad Mustafa of ami, or on the cover of the book, mmm as

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an Indian scholar wrote his PhD and it is a very detailed discussion about the preservation and the writing down of the Sunnah, from the earliest period in Islam, and it also contains a discussion and a refutation against some of the arguments of European orientalist against the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he has another book called A History of the Quranic text, which is another important book, because we even have orientalist attacks against the preservation of the Quran. So don't be surprised, if you wish to take people away from their religion, cause doubts in their texts, make them believe that they cannot rely on the religious texts, and then you will

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slowly see them move away from it. Because if I can't trust it, then I can't follow it. So this is what they have done. But Alhamdulillah Allah has always placed guardians of the Sharia in every single generation. And, you know, this is the 16th this PhD. So please refer to this book for more information about what I'm talking about. Now, we have defined so now we have defined Heidi's we have spoken about the natural inclination of people to want to convey the the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, his teachings, every aspect about him, not only not only his legal rulings, but also his biography, his battles, etc. Now, how do I know what is the definition of a Sahih Hadith

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and authentic hadith? Why do I want to do this? Because you didn't come here today to do a class in Hades sciences. But I want to define this and I want to give you the definition from a historical perspective. So let's discuss it.

00:49:16 --> 00:49:22

Let me give you the Arabic first. Morrow who allowed Lu Tama bhakti.

00:49:24 --> 00:49:56

Okay, Thomas bhakti, and myth Li Illa monta who been raised issue those in wala in Latin called the HA, that sounds very long, but I want to break it down slowly and historically. So firstly, what has been an authentic hadith Sahih Hadith is that which has been narrated by reliable trustworthy narrators, people whose biographies or or glowing people that can be trusted.

00:49:58 --> 00:49:59

Let me ask you this.

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local doctor

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is one of the most qualified people in ophthalmology in Malaysia. He studied locally, when he went to the UK, he did a four year specialization. Then he went to America for two more years. And he did. And he did a another sub specialization. So now he is a person that specializes in retina surgery, Marsha a lot of our code. Now, that's beautiful, right? So technically he is qualified. But what if I told you that this person is guilty of murder?

00:50:40 --> 00:50:41

Will you go to his

00:50:42 --> 00:50:44

to his office now?

00:50:46 --> 00:50:54

This person is the most qualified person in Malaysia. If you need ice surgery, this there is no better man or woman.

00:50:55 --> 00:51:09

Okay, but if I told you that this person is guilty of murder, or this person has been accused of murder, or this person has been guilty of mass fraud, or this person has been guilty of sexual harassment, would you go to such a person?

00:51:10 --> 00:51:52

Very, very unlikely. That's for your eye surgery. So, of course, when someone tells me that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam said, number one, I want to know did you meet the Prophet? Like if you are therapy and you meeting a Sahabi for the first time, the first thing I'm going to ask is, do you meet him? Okay, excuse me, this person here. Did he meet the Prophet sallallahu yesterday? Yes, he did. What about did he meet? Yes. And then you get testimony that yes, this man has met the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam. Okay, first problem solved. But the second problem is trustworthiness. What do I know about this man, though he prays five times a day is in the masjid,

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he's honest, in his business dealings. We don't know anything bad about him. Everyone speaks well of him. Mashallah, what a glowing a glowing biography. Okay, so now we have added someone who's pious, someone righteous, trustworthy, he has all of those characteristics. Okay. second condition. He must be thermo adoptee, he must be accurate. Because you can have a man that's pious, you go to the local Masjid. And you see this man. Mashallah, what a pious man.

00:52:23 --> 00:52:25

The man gives the football on Friday.

00:52:26 --> 00:52:34

After the football, you go to this very, very pious, reliable, trustworthy man. You ask him, What did the Imam speak about in the hood?

00:52:35 --> 00:52:37

To be honest, yeah, he, I have no idea.

00:52:40 --> 00:53:20

He's pious, he's trustworthy. But he has, he has no memory. Did you write down anything? No, I didn't write down anything either. Neither JVC memorized. nor has he written down anything, something else to think about? What if he has written something down, but it's completely not what the mob spoke about? Oh, it's very different from me. You know, sometimes you make sure to add notes. I'm sure this has happened to you at school or university. You make sure 10 notes and then you go back and then you play the recording again, like so for HANA law, what is going on here? Like the what I've written and what the professor spoke about are two different things. It happens. So

00:53:20 --> 00:53:33

not only does the person need to be pious and trustworthy, but the person needs to be accurate. Either this person has an accurate memory, or this person has an accurate written record. Okay, now we've taken two conditions.

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The third condition is not really a problem for the tab you're in, isn't it? So if you one of the students have one of the companions, and you meet a Sahabi, and he said, The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Hello us, there is one person between you and the Prophet is that that's there is no problem there. I'm trustworthy. The Sahaba is trustworthy. And he's telling me the Prophet said, Okay, no problem.

00:54:01 --> 00:54:45

But now, if you go back another generation, so now I'm from the therapy, I met, a person who met a Sahabi, who met the prophet SAW the light, so, okay, so now I'm in the third generation. So now I need to know more. I need to know that my teacher myth, the Sahabi, and that the Sahabi was in fact so happy who made the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. Now I understand. Okay, the question I want to pose to you now, how many people are there between Imam Al Bukhari and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. What is the shortest chain of narration? Between Bukhari Imam Al Bukhari and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam.

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00:54:52 --> 00:54:59

One of the shortest is nuts in Buhari is that he would narrate from a person from whom they're living

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An example of this is all the rage from Kuta Eva and Eva will narrate from Emma Malik and Eva Malik would narrate from nastier and nastier would narrate from Eben Omar who would narrate from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. How many people do we have?

00:55:16 --> 00:55:22

For between the Prophet? And Buhari we only have four people.

00:55:23 --> 00:55:36

Let me ask you another question. So we want we want clarity, because it's easy to talk about, oh, the sooner wasn't preserved and it wasn't compiled. But ask yourself this question. How many of you met your great grandparents?

00:55:38 --> 00:55:41

None of you have, you will have the Rila.

00:55:42 --> 00:55:45

How many of you met your grandparents? Let me see a show of hands.

00:55:46 --> 00:55:51

Do you discredit anything your grandparents tell you about their parents?

00:55:52 --> 00:56:10

And your grandparents? The data did not meat they own grandparents. They're very likely right? So if I say that my father told me that his grandfather told him that his father told him. No, no, Papa, you will you lie. That's not true.

00:56:11 --> 00:56:55

That's not true. My great grandfather never said that. Absolutely. No. Would you deny that? Now imagine that's my family. That's a single individual. That's a man who was a welder in Cape Town. We're not talking about a welder in Cape Town, or a man living. You know, in a company in Malaysia 100 years ago, we are talking about Muhammad Sallallahu, Alayhi, wasallam 1000s of people narrated from him and 10s of 1000s of people that are aged from them, and hundreds of 1000s of people that aged from those people. You tell me the sooner I found it, you know, wasn't preserved. There was no, there was no motivation, no desire, in any one of those generations to continue teaching about the

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Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, logically, None of this makes sense. So let's come back to this issue. So the third condition of an authentic hadith is that there must be a complete chain of narration also called and is not or a Senate. Okay, two words you can use interchangeably is not or Senate. A Senate is a chain of narrators. I heard from my father who heard from his father who heard from his father, that is a salad. Is that clear? That's what a signer is. It's very, it's very clear. So every Heidi has two components, a salad and something called a mutton. A method is the text. The Prophet did this. The Prophet said this, that becomes our method. So you have a mutton and

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you have a salad. That's beautiful. Now let's move on. We have only discussed the first component which is the sunhat reliable trustworthy narrators, accurate narrators with great memories or great books. Number three, they must be a complete no breaks. Because if I say that I heard my great grandfather say, that would be a break in the chain. Why? Because he was born in the year 19. Oh, he died in the year 1915. And I was born in the year 1980. Did I meet him? No. So if I say he said, then there's two possibilities. One I'm lying. or number two, I heard this from my father or my grandfather, but I cut them out, which is something we'll come back to later.

00:58:26 --> 00:58:50

I don't feel the need to tell you that I heard this from my father who added from his father who added from his father, just say that my great grandfather Harry Appleby said, Okay, so coming back to this. The fourth condition of inauthentic ID is that there must be no con no contradictions with that which has already been narrated, whether it is the Quran, or the authentic Sunnah.

00:58:52 --> 00:58:53

Is that clear?

00:58:54 --> 00:59:11

So the fourth condition for me to say that a hadith is authentic, is that there must be no contradiction in it whatsoever. So for instance, if I find a hadith that says that the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam that the Prophet conquered Makkah in the 10th year, was when I say to a hadith like that,

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that's wrong. That's a mistake. Someone made a mistake that because everyone else is in agreement that it happened in the eighth year, is that clear?

00:59:22 --> 00:59:41

So no contradictions like that. And number five, that there must be no hidden defects. And a hidden defect is the following an example of a hidden defect that is going to cause us to have a few reservations or perhaps would cause us to reject the habit completely.

00:59:43 --> 00:59:46

I say that my great grandfather died in the 1950s.

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00:59:49 --> 00:59:59

And my grandfather was born in the year 1907. My grandfather says that I heard my great grandma had my

01:00:00 --> 01:00:08

Follow the same. So Abdul Malik says that he heard Harry say, is it possible that Abdulmalik heard Harry say something?

01:00:10 --> 01:00:10

Is it possible?

01:00:12 --> 01:00:24

Yes or no? So how old would my grandfather have been eight years old? Seven or eight years old when his father passed away? But the possibility exists? It's very likely. Okay. Okay, no problem.

01:00:25 --> 01:00:38

But what if my grandfather was born in the year 1914? And he's great. And his father died in 1915. And he said, I heard my father say, Is that possible?

01:00:39 --> 01:01:00

Now, that's the kind of defect that is going to affect our, our belief. And that's only one example. There are many other examples, but I'm gonna give you this one. As a concrete example, if someone says, I want a person who was born in the year 52, after the Hydra, if he says, I heard the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam say,

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do we have a problem? Yes, this is more than 21 years after the Prophet sallallahu Sallam died, this is going to be a problem. So the scholars of Hadith have paid careful attention to all of these matters. And if a hadith fulfills these five conditions, three of them we have to have, we have to have a complete chain of narration, trustworthy, reliable, narrators, pious etc. And number three accurate narrators. And we have to we have to avoid these two things, contradictions, and these hidden defects. If we have those five things, then we can say that this is an accurate authentic report from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. Okay. So now we know that the Sunnah, has been

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preserved, it has been preserved in writing, and it has been preserved through memorization, and we might add one, but that is a bit would require more study and more examples. And the third one is the practical implementation of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

01:02:09 --> 01:02:11

Or, to say it another way,

01:02:12 --> 01:02:55

I witnessed reports or people following what the Prophet did, let me put it in an example. I'm so happy. I saw the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam perform Salah a certain way. So what do I do? I don't go home and write that down. Okay, today, I saw the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he was facing the Qibla. Okay, number one, point number two. He raised his hands and he said Allahu Akbar and his hands were facing the Qibla and his fingers were together. And then I heard him say our Oh, the library Tanya regime, or no. Yesterday I heard and he said he made another hour before he said, it's the other. And then he said, the bus mala and no one does that. No one would have done

01:02:55 --> 01:03:12

that. Rather, they saw him do it. They heard him do it. They heard what you were saying in the Sala and they were doing it as well. And then other people saw them doing it. And so it got passed down like the other like the karma and so many other things in the deen you and I

01:03:13 --> 01:03:18

most of us know how to pray. Not because we read a book.

01:03:19 --> 01:03:26

Not because we watch the lecture, but because we saw other Muslims pray Our parents or people in the masjid isn't it? So?

01:03:27 --> 01:03:29

That's the reality of it.

01:03:30 --> 01:03:49

Many of us Yes, we have lent we have gone to classes where the chef or the mom or the dad, you know, pointed it all out to us but for most of us many extra aspects of the deen were were things we saw and then we followed later, when we had the opportunity to study we could now study. Okay.

01:03:50 --> 01:03:59

Before we move on to the third section, I want to point out something What is the relationship between the Sunnah and the Quran?

01:04:01 --> 01:04:04

There are three categories here, number one,

01:04:05 --> 01:04:28

that the sooner confirms and emphasizes what Allah discusses in the Quran. An example of this would be the heat. If Allah commands us to worship Him and worship Him alone in the Quran, the Sunnah gives us more, you know, numerous examples and analogies and stories about this issue. Let me give you an example.

01:04:30 --> 01:05:00

A man came to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and he said yeah, Rasul Allah, what is the best deed? What's the best deed? And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that you worship Allah and you do not associate partners with him and then after that, that you be good to your parents. And Allah says exactly the same thing in the Quran. Work although buka Allah tabuteau illa Yahuwah bill Wally Dany aksana and your Lord has commanded he has legislated that you worship him and him

01:05:00 --> 01:05:19

alone and that you do not have that you are good to your parents. So the sooner confirms and affirms and emphasizes the rulings in the Quran number two, the Sunnah, explains and gives details to that which is general and unspecified in the Quran examples so Allah

01:05:20 --> 01:05:30

these no record in the Quran, have a detailed description of the Salah, or a detailed description of Zechariah or the the Hajj or any other matter

01:05:31 --> 01:06:07

that we require a detailed you know how when do you start What time does it start? How many Raka should it be? Do you make ruku first and then sudo? What do you recite in your Salah? All of these methods are not known from the Quran alone, we require the sooner so the sooner explains number three, the sooner provides us with rulings that are not found in the Quran examples, the impermissibility of the meat of a donkey a domesticated donkey To be more precise, it is not permissible for you to consume the meat of a domesticated donkey. Temporary marriages

01:06:09 --> 01:06:19

are not permissible, clearly forbidden by the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, it is not permissible for a man to go to a woman and say I like you very much I would like to be married to you for a month.

01:06:21 --> 01:06:55

This is not permissible in Islam. Then another example of this would be the fact that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that it is not permissible for a man to be married to a woman and her paternal or maternal aunt, at the same time. You can't join between a woman and her art. This is not permissible. Do we find this ruling in the Quran? No, we do not find it in the Quran. In fact, let me stop here for a moment. There have been those in the history of Islam that have allowed a man to be married to his granddaughter

01:06:56 --> 01:06:59

because they say that it is not found in the Quran.

01:07:04 --> 01:07:05

And I want you to think about

01:07:07 --> 01:07:48

the the danger of this kind of interpretation. because firstly, number one, it goes against the meaning of the ayah and sort of to myself, because when Allah subhanho wa Taala says and your daughters II don't this is the the ignorance of the Arabic language that is widespread today. When Allah speaks about daughters and, and and fathers, etc. He's not only talking about your actual daughter, but your daughter, his daughter or your son's daughter, those are also in the Arabic language attributed to you as your daughter. That is why it's permissible for me, even though my father's name is Mohammed for me to call myself toric, Eben Abdul Malik, because he's still my

01:07:48 --> 01:08:18

father, even though he's my grandfather. In fact, a famous name that you are all familiar with. Might even humble. His father's name is Mohammed. But everyone knows him as a hermit even handle of the his grandfather. And they are numerous other examples like this. So he stole my father, even though he isn't my immediate father, my actual biological father, he's my grandfather, my father, this father. Do you understand? So we'll talk about this when we talk about those who reject the Sunnah. So

01:08:19 --> 01:08:36

we've now covered two things that I think are vitally important. We've looked at this our relationship with the Prophet based on the based on the Quran number two, we've looked at the preservation of the Sunnah. Now, let us draw our attention to the history of Hadith rejection in Islam.

01:08:38 --> 01:08:39

I want to talk about four groups.

01:08:40 --> 01:09:19

Three of them, you might say that they have ceased to exist. And then one of them remains very active in the Muslim world. The first of them is the coverage. Who are they? When did they start? What are some of their beliefs? So let's begin the coverage or a group that came about during the period between the year 36 and the year 40. And then they developed and grew into many other different sub six after that. What was the problem? What was the issue? Why did they start?

01:09:21 --> 01:09:47

Firstly, let me define the word coverage. The word coverage is the plural of the word hardy G. And a hardy g literally means someone who has left the obedience of a political leader of a ruler, if you will. So a rebel. So a hearty G is a rebel. So therefore the coverage of rebels. Okay, how did it start? You know, in history that there was a

01:09:48 --> 01:09:56

conflict between Aleve and Vitaly, or the law of wind, and what are we or the law one, we're not going to go into the details.

01:09:57 --> 01:09:59

We can't we don't have the time and this is not the scope.

01:10:00 --> 01:10:10

discussion but we need to understand where these people came from. So during the Battle of Syfy between where we are and Lee radi Allahu anhu. And upon all of the Sahaba

01:10:11 --> 01:11:01

during that battle, the followers of Albion lifted up the Quran and said, We Are we want to we want to arbitrate using the book of Allah, we want to stop the fighting, and we want to come to the negotiation table. So they, those two groups, they appointed arbitrators from each group. And they arbitrated and they came to certain conclusions, they will follow is amongst the army of I leave now be a polyp that were very dissatisfied with this outcome. And they accused I leave Nabil Talib, and while we are and everyone involved in that arbitration process as being disbelievers, all of you have left the fold of Islam because you have preferred the opinions of men over the book of Allah.

01:11:01 --> 01:11:05

Listen very carefully, this argument or other this

01:11:09 --> 01:11:53

accusation, this accusation is going to be used over and over and over again, throughout Islamic history. You are not worthy of being obeyed. In fact, you have left the fold of Islam, you are no longer Muslims. And so therefore, because you are no longer Muslims, we only need the Quran. We don't need the Sunnah, because you gave us the sooner and if you are disbelievers and untrustworthy, then we can't accept this on the Sunday is unacceptable. We will not touch it with a 10 foot pole. Koran only. Don't give us so now we don't want that because the link between us and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is now broken because you are all Kfar.

01:11:54 --> 01:12:34

So these people do not believe in stoning the college don't believe in stoning. Number two they do not believe in wiping over the hoofs. Number three, they do not consider that a person needs to fulfill certain conditions a thief needs to fulfill certain conditions before his or her hand will be amputated. So even if a thief was to steal a bread, they would amputate his hands because the sooner explains what is meant by stealing in Surah tilma ada or Sarah Kawasaki Falco, ADA, Huma, the male and female thief, amputate their hands, if they steal.

01:12:36 --> 01:13:16

So that's the ayah in the Quran. How should we understand this? Ayah it's quite general. So if a man steals a bread cut off his head, if he steals one of these water, you know cups cut off his hand, where should we cut it off while according to the Arabic language, their hand starts at the shoulder all the way till the tips of the fingers, amputate them from the shoulder, that interpretation is valid. If what if you left 100,000 ringgit laying on this table and you walked away? Or you left your car unlocked with your laptop in it and 500,000 ringgit and I came and I stole it, would my hand be executed my hand be amputated for that as well? According to them, yes, because they don't

01:13:16 --> 01:13:19

follow the sooner the sooner says number one,

01:13:20 --> 01:13:25

that the money that is being stolen must be from a secure location.

01:13:26 --> 01:14:06

So if you leave it out in the open and it is stolen, the person will be punished but not will not have the capital or corporal punishment of amputation applied to him or her. Number two, the money must reach a certain a certain amount. So if someone steals a bread, this is of no consequence. The sooner also says that if there are no mitigating circumstances, the person is you know, very hungry, starving, wants to feed his family then he stole the money or he stole the food, even in that case, his hand will not be amputated. All of this comes from the Sunnah. So now we can understand the issue of amputation, etc. But they don't apply that they don't wipe on the hips either because it's

01:14:06 --> 01:14:24

not in the Quran. So they rejected the sooner Why? Because they rejected the first link between us and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. That's the whole outreach, some of the theological beliefs just while we are on the topic. They believe that any Muslim will commit a major sin has left the fold of Islam.

01:14:25 --> 01:14:59

If you lie, and you know what, paradoxically or ironically, I should say, is that some of the most reliable directors in Hades have been from the coverage those groups have coverage. who accepted the sooner Why? Because they believe that if you lie, you leave the fold of Islam so they don't lie. So they have become some it's ironic that these are the groups some of them not all of them because they were many of them. Okay, they were many everybody wanted a piece of the pie because being a hottie g later became a means of

01:15:00 --> 01:15:27

Collecting wealth, you just start a new army and you read the Muslims because you don't believe they are Muslims. So now you consider them to be too far, you can read the villages and towns. But that's like I said, this is it in and of itself a different topic, coming back to the coverage. So one of the theological beliefs is that anyone who commits a major sin has left the fold of Islam. That is why today in our times, people will label ISIS and Al Qaeda and any other group that happens to have and again,

01:15:29 --> 01:16:03

as to make this clear, groups like Al Qaeda and ISIS, and groups that follow that extremist methodology, they are not monolithic, meaning they don't all adhere to the same ideology, because you're gonna meet the guy that joined them. And he's gonna say, No, I don't I believe the Muslims are Muslims, they just misguided if you interview another guy around the street, and he's gonna say no, all the Muslims are disbelievers. You understand, it's very dangerous to make these blanket generalizations. We have to be very careful with this concept. But generally, the karate is considered anyone who left the fold of Islam, I mean, who committed a major sin to have left the

01:16:03 --> 01:16:45

fold of Islam. And this seems to be a general belief amongst people like ISIS and Al Qaeda and others, they have different reasons, different interpretations. I personally believe that all of them are incorrect there that that is very misguided. But that's the, that's the perspective. Okay. And Alhamdulillah, we, we have seen that in the past, even Abbas rhodiola, Juan was able to convince many of them to join the Muslims again. And they were they came back to the army of Alibaba, Alibaba De La Hoya. And I'm sure that if our scholars and our art and our students of knowledge was to debate what to debate with these people, then many of them would come back to the center again,

01:16:45 --> 01:17:09

okay, so that's number two, the second group would be the Shia. Now, it's almost Ashura. And I'm sure many of you know what happens in the world of the Shia on the day of Ashura on the 10th of Muharram. I would love to spend the time talking about Karbala, and to talk about other matters related to that, but let's not get into that discussion.

01:17:11 --> 01:17:46

This year, the word she literally means partisans or help his supporters. So in fact, when this this debate, and this conflict happened between Lee I shouldn't call it a debate, because that makes it sound very, you know, like it was just a mere discussion. But the conflict between Ali and what happened. They were supporters of Elliot supporters of salvia, and they were known as the Shia of Alli, and the Shia of what are we, of course, today, when you think of the Shia, you think of those who have who have a,

01:17:47 --> 01:18:15

a love and allegiance, a extreme, you know, affinity to alcohol bait, you know, and what is what what would be a little bit according to their definition, would be Ali, fathima, Hassan and Hussein. And according to the twelvers, meaning this is the majority of Shia today, like in Iran and Lebanon and Pakistan and other places in Iraq. This would be the descendants of Hussein or the Allahu Akbar. But the Shia, let's talk about them.

01:18:16 --> 01:19:07

Of course, they do not believe most of them do not believe in in the validity of the khilafah and the leadership of abubaker and armor and Earth. They believe that Alibaba Vitaly rhodiola, one was supposed to be the prophets rightful successor and his offspring. That leadership of the Muslims is defined and restricted to IE Hassan Hussein and others, and of course, the Shia I have divided amongst themselves based on this issue, because the Israelis, they don't they follow a different language than the the 12 is okay. But what do they all share? They all share a belief in the annual date that leadership is restricted to them. And they extremist amongst them to like the 12 is they

01:19:07 --> 01:19:16

believe that all of the Sahaba except a handful of POS stated after the death of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. Do you see a pattern here?

01:19:18 --> 01:19:53

What is the similarities between the collage and the Shia? I don't believe in Abu Bakar was a Muslim. I don't believe it. Omar was a Muslim. I don't believe in any one of these people were Muslims. He said Ali, Fatima, Hassan and Hussein make that even as solid and below and Mr. Ebony acid and these people were the only Muslims who remained after the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam as Muslims, all of them apostate all of them all of your code. So can I accept anything from them? That they narrate from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam? Absolutely not. What occurred?

01:19:54 --> 01:19:59

If our back and says that the Prophet said or did anything, I don't believe he's a Muslim to begin with. How can I

01:20:00 --> 01:20:44

If anything from him, so they share the same characteristic that the college had. The Sahaba are unreliable, unacceptable, we can't take that from them. Also later, the Shia much later centuries later, they would develop a definition, like the one I gave you earlier of a Sahih. Hadith, except that they would add the following model while we'll add Lu, Tama, Bob T, a, she A o l, e, mommy and Miss Lee, and the rest of the definition. So they added one thing to the Sunni definition of a Sahih Hadith, and that was that the person, every single person, in the Hadith, in the chain of narration must be from the Shia.

01:20:46 --> 01:21:14

And so they only accept Hadith from people like them. So that means that everyone else is rejected. That's why because it does not matter. In those circles, Muslim doesn't matter and all other books of the Sunnah, because none of those books fulfill that condition, having every one of the narrator's as a GA, in fact, there is a scholar from Kuwait, who says, this definition, these conditions are not even found in the books of the sheer.

01:21:16 --> 01:21:21

Like, if you were to take this definition and apply it to the books of this year, then it wouldn't even be applicable.

01:21:23 --> 01:21:50

Like most of the ideas would not fulfill the very definition of an authentic hadith. Okay, so that's the Shia they rejected, the sooner that was the reason they couldn't accept anything that came from a particular direction, a particular source, then number three, the third group would be I'm not going to call them more Tesla, I wrote down more Tesla, but I'm not going to say more Tesla. Why? I will say this,

01:21:51 --> 01:22:07

that every group that has ever existed in Islam, that has given preference to the intellect over the text of the Quran and the Sunnah have either completely or partially rejected the sooner

01:22:08 --> 01:22:18

some of those groups included the more Tesla, the word Etisalat or more, Zilla means those that have separated themselves from the Muslim community.

01:22:20 --> 01:22:47

We could spend time talking about how they got this name and who were the founders. But like I said, these groups have one thing in common. We can call them philosophies, we can call them scholastic theologians, we can call them people that are, you know, masters of logic and Greek logic, etc. But we're not going to say that, that that will require an introduction and a historical, you know, analysis. Let's just focus on this.

01:22:48 --> 01:23:30

People in the second century, started translating the books of Aristotle, and Plato, and Socrates, and other philosophies, whether they were from the Greek world, the Mediterranean world, or from Persia, or from India, we had now all of these books and these people had different philosophies, they had different ways of proving the existence of Allah, different ways of talking about the prophets and the angels, etc. They had many of them a very logical approach, many of them would, you know, focus more on a metaphorical figurative interpretation of the text to, you know, to the exception of a more literal interpretation and example, angels are not really a creation of a law

01:23:30 --> 01:23:46

made from light, having specific, you know, duties and physical characteristics. No, these are people that possess great, you know, character, they are pious, or to put it a different way. These are enlightened, enlightened individuals.

01:23:47 --> 01:24:29

This is what is meant by the Old and New Testament accounts of angels. Angels are not really angels the way that you and I understand it as Muslims now, but rather people that have reached, you know, like Buddha status, people who have become enlightened because that's what the word Buddha means, the enlightened one, you know, you've reached the stage of enlightenment, now you've become a Moloch, an angel. So, these these people now sort of looking at the sooner and the sooner has certain things that it discusses our use two examples. I won't elaborate very, very long on these matters. But let's think about why this is problematic. Let's start with something that I'm sure

01:24:29 --> 01:24:37

you've all heard of. The fact that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that if a fly falls into your drink,

01:24:38 --> 01:24:54

that you should immerse the fly completely in the drink. Then you must remove it, and then you should continue to drink because the fly has a disease on one wing and the cure on the other.

01:24:55 --> 01:24:56


01:24:57 --> 01:24:59

This Hadeeth the two

01:25:00 --> 01:25:08

Modern sensitivities and sensibilities rather, sounds a bit sounds a bit difficult to accept. You know, like

01:25:09 --> 01:25:39

I mean there's like so many problems with this I mean logically why why would you do that? What a fly and is this this disease on the one wing and and is a cure the other animals dip it completely every year to drink it. Most of us would not drink it, am I right? Even if even if we have no problem with the Hadith, we'd be like waiter excuse me, there's a fly in my in my key in my in my coffee. Okay, that's what most of us would do. So the question is, what is problematic about this hadith?

01:25:40 --> 01:25:51

In fact, criticism against this hadith started very, very early. You think it started in the so called scientific age in this 15 1617 hundred's now,

01:25:52 --> 01:26:08

the criticism of this hadith started in the first and second century of Islam. What nonsense is this? You must dip the fly in your drink? No, that's unacceptable. That's not why would the Prophet even say something like that? That that's ridiculous. I don't accept this hadith.

01:26:10 --> 01:26:12

So you have two options now.

01:26:13 --> 01:26:57

Because if you examine the the sun out of the idea, it's authentic. It goes back to the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam everyone, all the conditions are met. So why does this Hadeeth not make sense? Okay, I've got two options. Number one, I they say that I reject this idea because it it, you know, it is in contradiction with my intellect. It doesn't make sense to me, or to my sensitivities, or sensibilities, I should say. Or my second option is I reject this Hadith, because it is narrated by only one person. And I believe that for a hadith to be acceptable, it must be narrated by five people 10 people they differ amongst themselves, some of them say 15 some of them say 30. But it

01:26:57 --> 01:27:15

cannot be narrated by only one man, it must be narrated narrated by many. So, they developed a principle the differentiation between mutawatir and I had to simplify mutawatir is that which has been rated by many and are had is that which has been rated by few.

01:27:16 --> 01:27:27

So they say that what has been rated by a few we reject and what has been rated by many we can accept. Now, what if we told them that this hadith has been narrated by many.

01:27:30 --> 01:27:40

Now we have to develop another, another issue another tool? Because we can't accept the Heidi, what is that tool interpretation?

01:27:42 --> 01:27:59

See what the prophet is actually trying to say here regarding this hadith is x, y and Zed. Do you understand? So this was the either complete rejection, I don't accept the Sunnah at all. And we'll come to that in the last group, or, or you're going to say that

01:28:00 --> 01:28:38

the sooner needs to be reinterpreted in another way. But today, we don't have that problem. Why? Because it has been scientifically proven that the Hadith about the fly and the different issue about the wing as been proven at the University of microbiology, or the Department of microbiology at the University of passim. In Saudi Arabia, this experiment was done before this and again after this, what they did was, they took flies and they placed them in petri dishes with purified water. In the first set of petri dishes, they immerse the fly completely, and then remove them. And in the second set, they only immersed one wing and not the other and then remove them. Then they put that

01:28:38 --> 01:29:11

those cultures in storage and they kept them there for 10 to 15 days, then remove them. When they examined the petri dishes in which the fly had been immersed completely. They found that bacteria had grown but only bacteria that were known to be to be to be useful. And when they examine the petri dishes, which contain you know, which the fly had not been dipped into completely, they found that it was filled with things like salmonella and other and other harmful bacteria. What do we learn from this?

01:29:13 --> 01:29:20

One What did we say? fall out of bacala you had you had chemo kaffee Masha rabina, who,

01:29:21 --> 01:29:39

by your load, oh Mohammed, they do not believe until they make you an arbitrator in that which they differ upon. We should have accepted this immediately and not waited waited for the 20th century to tell us that the Prophet spoke the truth salallahu alayhi wasallam. Now

01:29:41 --> 01:29:45

while having said that, they are a Heidi that have been fabricated,

01:29:47 --> 01:29:59

there have been many and then hamdulillah Allah has given us earlier ama has given us scholars who have differentiated this for us, but just listen to one of them. What are these fabricated howdy so that you could see

01:30:00 --> 01:30:24

Any Muslim with you know with an apple would be able to recognize that this was not the Sunnah of the prophet SAW Allah Allah was and this could not be his words. Listen to this hadith even though Josie Rahim Allah in his book Elmo at he records a hadith the word moto means fabricated Hadith. So the chapter of the book tells you all you need to know. And I have funny stories regarding this book, but I'm not going to mention them now.

01:30:26 --> 01:30:51

He records a hadith that a man said, and he brings a long chain of narration all the way back to the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam according to this man or these men, said, Allah created a horse. And then Allah caused the horse to run. And then the wolf sweated. And then Allah created himself from the sweat of that horse.

01:30:54 --> 01:30:56

Is this a hadith?

01:30:58 --> 01:31:07

Did the Prophet say this? Why are you reluctant? My dear brothers and sisters, this should have been a unanimous scream of No.

01:31:08 --> 01:31:42

The Prophet Mohammed said these words. So some some of these fabrications can be known only from hearing them. You don't even need a degree or three to in Hadith to know, then they are more, they're more subtle methods that require more study. So we know that this is not true. I said I was gonna give you two examples. Let me give you the second example. In Bukhari, and Muslim and others. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, that the sun goes and make sujood at the throne of Allah every day.

01:31:45 --> 01:31:51

The sun goes, and makes two Jews at the throne of Allah every day.

01:31:52 --> 01:31:57

Now logically, logically, what do you think of this hadith

01:31:59 --> 01:32:05

sounds like an impossibility logically impossible? Does it make sense to me? Is that what the prophet SAW was a means?

01:32:07 --> 01:32:07


01:32:08 --> 01:32:30

does the Prophet mean that the Son has arms and legs and a forehead and knees, and then goes and makes you do the way you and I makes you do to Allah five times a day, at the throne of Allah, while at the same time it's daytime somewhere else in the world? Way is the sun at the time. It's daytime in California, when it's nighttime in Malaysia.

01:32:31 --> 01:32:37

So this idea doesn't make sense on many levels, isn't it? So? But what does the Hadith imply?

01:32:38 --> 01:32:48

You are so focused on what doesn't make sense here. What is the Prophet telling us? That every day the sun needs permission from Allah to rise to sit every single day?

01:32:49 --> 01:32:55

That is not a figurative interpretation? Why? Because the word sujood means submission.

01:32:56 --> 01:33:12

that the sun is subservient to Allah subhanho wa Taala and another is the Quran Allah tells us that everything in the heavens and the earth makes you do to Allah, whether they like it or not, does it mean that they making to do the way you and I understand it? No.

01:33:13 --> 01:33:29

But they every one of us is subservient to Allah we rely upon Allah we need a lot whether we like it or not. Whether we you know, willingly or unwillingly one that we are subservient to Allah subhanho wa Taala. Okay, so now,

01:33:30 --> 01:34:23

the Buddha can remove the water Zilla people on that point in that particular in that particular mold. They reject the Sunnah because it contradicts their intellect. Okay. And today, we have a fourth group that developed at the beginning of the 19th century in India and what is today Pakistan, and then found its way into Egypt. And it has found its way into almost every single Muslim country and non Muslim country. That is the movement of the Quran only movement, or as they call themselves, Koran, what Vicar or Al Quran, Yun or in English, the Quran, ists. So this is a group that was started by say, Ahmed Khan, okay. And he died in the, at the end of the 19th century

01:34:23 --> 01:34:59

1895 if my memory serves me correctly, and this was a person who worked very diligently to spread the idea that we as Muslims only need the Quran. Now, I asked you, do you think that this man was able to draw upon centuries of Hadith rejection literature or not? The answer is, yes. He had many people to rely upon in the Muslim community. And then he had a second group to rely upon and that was the orientalist. orientalist means a Western scholar or he

01:35:00 --> 01:35:39

Because we have orientalist in Japan and other and China as well, but any scholar who studies the east, it's religions, its cultures. But it's a term that when it is used now it is a person who specializes in the study of Islam, any aspect of Islam, Islamic legal thought, Islamic philosophy, Islamic politics is like Hadith is one of the specializations in Orientalism today, and they are many there are many factions in many camps and many groups amongst orientalist as well. Like you have people like huddled matsuki from the University of Leiden, who has done amazing work, we're lucky. We make two out of it by two eyes, and Allah guides this man to Islam. You have people like

01:35:39 --> 01:36:11

Jonathan Brown, who is a Muslim, he's a young Muslim American, who's got a PhD and he did his PhD in hygiene studies. his PhD was studying the canonization of Bukhari and Muslim or to put, let me give you his thesis question, how did Bukhari and Muslim gain the status that it has in the Muslim world? That's his thesis, and that thesis is expensive. It's $200. Anyway, I digress.

01:36:12 --> 01:36:52

So Jonathan Brown, Alhamdulillah is a Muslim, and he has many lectures on YouTube, and some of them are in defense of the Sunnah. And I, I would recommend that you watch some of them. In some of them, he speaks in depth, because he's coming from a Western perspective. I come from a traditional, you know, perspective, I studied at the University of Medina in Saudi Arabia, you know, I studied locally in Cape Town. So I come from that, you know, we we read Buhari and we read Muslim and we do the books of the Muslim scholars. He comes from the background where he reads, the books of the orientalist, those that were in support of the sooner those who were, you know, between criticism

01:36:52 --> 01:37:10

and support and those who openly reject everything. In fact, there are many orientalist who say that there is nothing authentic in the Sunnah. All of it is fabricated. Everything that Muslims believe about Mohammed sallallahu alayhi wasallam is a product of later generations. Okay. Let us come back to the colonists.

01:37:11 --> 01:37:22

I don't want to talk about all of the proofs yet. The doubts the misconceptions. That's the last part of my discussion today, I want to talk about why this developed.

01:37:23 --> 01:38:10

We said the word Tesla and those who follow them, they rejected this sooner because it contradicted with the intellect isn't itself. Now part of that tradition is going to become science. And by the 18th century, what happens? We have the Origin of Species by Charles Darwin, we have others who have written on different topics before he went off to him. Now we have a problem with religion, whether it's Christianity, Judaism, or Islam starts to it seems as if there are many contradictions between it meaning science and religion, one example. The Bible says that this world is no older than four or 5000 years old, geology, biology and many other many other subjects from the from the earliest,

01:38:10 --> 01:38:40

you know, before Darwin already, people knew that the world had to be much older than that. So you had now a problem. As a Christian, if someone comes to you and says, you know, the Bible is wrong here. The Bible says that the earth is no older than this 6000 years let's just use a number is no older than 6000 years, but I know from geology that the world is millions, if not billions of years old. So now the Muslims also seem to have this problem. But I asked you about Allah,

01:38:42 --> 01:38:43

the Quran

01:38:44 --> 01:38:58

and the Sunnah. Is there anything in it that you could say with absolute certainty contradicts science or rather let me put this in a better phrase established scientific fact.

01:39:01 --> 01:39:16

Because I read an article a few weeks ago, that to floss is not recommended anymore. In fact, studies now show that flossing has no as no particular you know benefit for your dental health.

01:39:18 --> 01:39:23

I was devastated by will fell apart. What am I been spending all this time and money on?

01:39:24 --> 01:39:48

Okay, so science can change studies can change, what was what was an opinion yesterday, can be you know, can be contradicted today, but established scientific fact like gravity and other things. Does the Quran and Sunnah speak of these things in a contradictory manner. Now many people have accepted Islam because of what Islam says about geology or embryology or other issues. Okay, so

01:39:50 --> 01:39:59

say Ahmed Han and those who came after him and those who lived with him and were contemporaries of him in India and later Pakistan when it when it was separated from India. The colonists

01:40:00 --> 01:40:10

Those who believe in the Quran only. I want to focus on something else. Besides the issue of contradiction between science and intellect, I want to talk about the issue of class and culture,

01:40:12 --> 01:40:13

class and culture.

01:40:15 --> 01:40:22

When I go and study at a, an American or a British University,

01:40:23 --> 01:40:28

I'm a South African, I'm a Malaysian, I go overseas to study, get my higher education.

01:40:29 --> 01:41:08

What do you notice in this community, your community and mine? Mine is no different from yours, that those who study religious studies have a particular social class, and those who study at more prestigious universities, or more specifically, those who studied medicine, and accounting and finance and mathematics and physics, etc. Those people have a different social class, isn't it? So? Let me give you a personal anecdote that will clarify this, I was on * Lena, and a man was speaking to me was a principal of a high school in Cape Town. And he said to me, do you have tertiary education?

01:41:12 --> 01:41:13

And the question was loaded.

01:41:15 --> 01:41:37

Why? Because if you are studying at the Islamic University of Medina, it means that you are not qualified to study anything else. You are not intellectually capable of studying anything else, that you don't have the mental aptitude, intellectual ability to go to university and study physics or mathematics.

01:41:39 --> 01:41:50

People like you only have the opportunity or the ability to go and memorize the Quran and learn Hadith and Sunil fifth and tafsir. Such is what becomes you.

01:41:52 --> 01:42:16

I want you to, to internalize what I'm saying and ask if this is the reality in our in our community. Listen to that email, what an idiot. It's because he doesn't he hasn't studied science and mathematics and physics, he doesn't know the reality of the world. What an idiot. This guy knows nothing about, you know about the sciences. He's not an intellectual is not an academic.

01:42:18 --> 01:43:02

So, this is what he has developed in the Muslim world today. We you have people are educated. Trust me when I tell you this, that there is absolutely nothing wrong. In fact, it is highly encouraged, that we allow our children to study any science that is beneficial to them, and to the Muslim community, whether it be medicine, or geology, or anything that is of great benefit. In fact, if children were to ask me for advice before they enter high school, or university, share, what do you think I should study? I will give them two words of advice. study that which is permissible as study what you love.

01:43:04 --> 01:43:12

Two simple things. You want to be a doctor, be a doctor because you want to be a doctor, because it makes you happy because you are fascinated by it.

01:43:14 --> 01:43:15

If I want to be

01:43:16 --> 01:44:01

a car dealer at the casino, oh, no, brother now now, you know, even though you love it, you know, you can't you know, it's not permissible. Okay. So if it is permissible, and that child or that student loves it is fascinated by it is passionate about it, then go ahead. I am not you're not yet criticizing worldly knowledge. What I am saying is that there is a gulf between the trilemma and the academics and so called intellectuals in our community, the professionals, if you will, there seems to be this culture war going on this class war with it is clear to you and me or not, but it does exist. I had the opportunity to spend a few months in Cambodia and in Thailand. And the I wasn't

01:44:01 --> 01:44:46

shift parekh. I was just a tourist. I had the ability to stay back and go to the masjid. And to watch this unfold in those two countries. And I could see it, it was obvious to me before I didn't it wasn't that clear. But this is coming back to this. So said admin card and others like him, they believed that the so called scholars, those who study Hadith, those who teach Hadith, these people didn't understand science. So they will not at our level. And that is another reason why they didn't interact with those are an AMA. They didn't take bait doubts. They didn't go to a an expert in Bahati and say, you know, Chef, I don't understand this. Heidi, please explain it to me. No, no, no.

01:44:48 --> 01:45:00

I, me. I am the one with a PhD in physics or mathematics. I will tell you what this hadith means those people know nothing. You see the danger. Yeah. This

01:45:00 --> 01:45:25

is a massive problem. This ship isn't good. This is the this is the other problem. You don't find any mom, have you ever seen any mob in Malaysia get onto a member and say, I am the greatest authority in this community on matters of physics, medicine, biology, geology, and all all ologies out there. If you have any questions come and ask me. This doesn't happen, but the opposite does.

01:45:26 --> 01:45:52

So yes, they have, they have doubts, they have misconceptions, and I'll come to that shortly. But we should not lose sight of the fact that there seems to be this Gulf, it still exists between those who have a worldly education in different sciences and those who are those who are schooled and educated in Islamic Studies, okay. Then obviously, we must not neglect

01:45:53 --> 01:46:06

the influence of British colonialism and also of missionary work on this, because the British wherever they went, and every colonial power or any imperial power throughout history,

01:46:08 --> 01:46:17

one of the weapons in subjugation and colonization as being what is an Arabic called fire Rick that should divide and conquer,

01:46:19 --> 01:46:21

divide and conquer.

01:46:22 --> 01:46:56

Let us separate between the intellectuals in the community and the professionals and the religious class, let us separate between the poor and the educated, let us separate between the HANA fees and the shafia is let us separate between those who have wealth and those who don't. Okay, let's make sure that all these people never ever work together. And it it was very successful in India, it was very successful in other parts of the world. I cannot speak for Malaysian history. But I do know that in South Africa, it was what they did.

01:46:58 --> 01:47:09

Let's get the COI against the cause. And the cause are against the Africans, and the African is against everyone else. And then there was a separation between the British and the Africa and is

01:47:10 --> 01:47:28

it worked. Sometimes it led to bloodshed. Sometimes it led to people wanting their own independence and autonomy, which also led to bloodshed. And today, we are still living with the legacy of that, even now, more than 20 years after democracy in South Africa. So now we come to

01:47:30 --> 01:47:33

the last part of this discussion. What evidence?

01:47:35 --> 01:48:16

What proof? Do those who reject the Sunnah have those who reject the Sunnah? What evidence do they have? I want to talk about seven. But there are many other doubts. Let's talk about the main ones. Number one, the Quran is sufficient. Allah says in the Quran, that we have left nothing out. Every single thing has been mentioned. Everything that you need to know is that Allah describes the Quran as being mubi. Clarifying clear and ambiguous, doesn't need any external explanation. It's absolutely clear TBR the licola cliche clarifies everything

01:48:18 --> 01:48:29

on face value, these ayat seem to bring an end to the debate. We don't need the Sunnah because Allah clearly says that the Quran is enough.

01:48:31 --> 01:48:32


01:48:33 --> 01:48:38

well Kamal salata tohsaka so to load

01:48:39 --> 01:48:48

and establish the fray, and pay the zakka way are the details. Oh, you reject the Sunnah from the Quran.

01:48:50 --> 01:49:06

point me to those ayat in the Koran who show that that showed me how to pray in detail in detail. Remember you said the Quran gives me details it as we have left nothing out, show me how to pray

01:49:07 --> 01:49:22

while you pray fudger time and then you pray a third time and then you pray at sunset. Okay. And then how do you pray? Well, you face the public because Allah says in Surah Baqarah Allah said that, okay, how do I start my prayer?

01:49:24 --> 01:49:25

Nothing sorry.

01:49:26 --> 01:49:33

What do I decide? Well, anything from the Quran? How much though? Well, as much as you want, okay, what do I say my Roku?

01:49:35 --> 01:49:59

I don't know. I'll think of something. Right? What about my sujood? Do I stand up from Roku? No, because the Puranas he has a point. They do not go up. They don't come up from Roku. They go straight into sujood and they only make one such that many of them only pray three times a day. Because this is the understanding of what is in the Quran. Remember, they don't use the Sunnah

01:50:00 --> 01:50:13

at all, they don't use any Hadeeth literature whatsoever. In fact, I am surprised that I want to ask the question, even though it doesn't answer this doubt, where do they get the profits biography from?

01:50:15 --> 01:50:18

They can't put it together from the from the Quran can they?

01:50:19 --> 01:50:31

Okay, let me share this with you. The Quran tells us the Prophet was an orphan, okay? The Quran tells us about one or two or three or four battles, her name, but

01:50:32 --> 01:51:00

some of these battles are not even mentioned by name. Okay. What else does it tell us? Give us any information about these wives and their names know, his children and their names? No. What about the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam. And we know how he would go to war, like, what would he do before? You know, was he was he even at the battle? Or was he like, you know, in the 10, somewhere behind, they don't have any of this information in the Quran. All of this has come to us from the same literature that gives us Hadith.

01:51:01 --> 01:51:06

The same system that gave us the Prophet biography is the same system that gave us

01:51:08 --> 01:51:14

Howdy. It is the same system that gives us the reasons of Revelation. Here's another example. While we're on this topic.

01:51:16 --> 01:52:02

Dr. Jonathan brown mentioned this in one of his lectures and I never thought about this before until I listened to this, he says that, you know, these people they have so many contradictions and inconsistencies. But then he came across a translation by a for honest, an English translation, in which he said that I will only rely on the Quran to interpret the Quran. Okay. Dr. Brown thought, wow, I look forward to this. Okay. So he's reading his reading, everything looks okay. It's like wow, this guy's actually doing it until he got to Surah Pooja della, we're almost speaks about v how Allah vena cava he Runa those that do the How to the wives.

01:52:03 --> 01:52:12

When he explains it, and he says, it is when a man says to his wife, you are like my mother's back. We did he gave that interpretation from

01:52:14 --> 01:52:15

from the Sunnah.

01:52:17 --> 01:52:34

Because there is no other way of doing it because the literal meaning of the words the heart, if he was to go only according to the to the Arabic language, it would mean that those who support the wives, they will not be able to touch them until they feel slaves a slave.

01:52:35 --> 01:52:43

So if you support your wife, the penalty for supporting your wife is that you need to free a slave. That doesn't make sense does it?

01:52:44 --> 01:53:18

So, you can see why it is important that we go back to the authentic Sunnah. So that we can firstly understand why these ayat will reveal what was the context what was it about Who was there? And also there we can rely on the prophets interpretation of these methods himself, okay. Now, the idea that they use is from circle and verse 37. They say the Quran says Mahabharata nephele Kitab. Eman che, we have not left out anything in the book. What is the book referring to they say it means the Quran. But the context

01:53:19 --> 01:53:48

of the ayah does not refer to the Quran, it refers to the preserved tablet because the beginning of the ayah speaks that there is not a creature in the on Earth, or a bird that flies in the heavens, except that Allah subhanho wa Taala has written down everything on it, nothing has been left out, we have left off nothing from the book. So what is it 32? Yeah, nothing has been left out of the preserve tablet, everything has been mentioned there.

01:53:50 --> 01:54:03

So here's a principle that they do not follow. Any deviant group in Islam follows this principle. But I want to talk about, I want to say the opposite. First, before I get to the principle.

01:54:05 --> 01:54:06

None of us

01:54:07 --> 01:54:33

should formulate and develop a belief or a series or a set of teachings, until we have completely examined the Quran and the Sunnah, and understood its meanings in full. Because if you're going to take an ayah out of context, to prove your, your belief, or your to prove your theory to be true, then all of us can do that.

01:54:34 --> 01:54:59

I can do it if I wish to establish my own political authority, or I can instead I can use it to establish my interpretation of something in the religion. If I were to say that we only have to pray three times a day, I can do that from the Quran. If I want to say that, you know Salah is only that we raise our hands in the air and make dua to Allah. I can prove that from the Quran as well. You don't need to pray five times a day. You don't even need to do recurrency juice. You just have to raise

01:55:00 --> 01:55:45

Heads You don't even have to raise your hands just Allah forgive me allows I've prayed and you can do that merely based on a a literal interpretation of the Quran or an interpretation that's based on your whims and fancies. an arbitrary interpretation, okay, so they say the Quran is live nothing out we say that your firstly your understanding of the ayah is incorrect. The Ayah does not speak of the Quran, it speaks of the preserve tablet, and number two, which is a very, very important is Allah subhanho wa Taala tells us when Zelda alayka vichara li to obey iannelli nassima lucila alayhi salatu wa * is 44 if I'm not mistaken, Allah says And indeed We have revealed the remembrance to

01:55:45 --> 01:55:58

you Oh Mohammed, so you can clarify to people that which has been revealed to them. So if the Quran has clarified everything, why does the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam have to clarify anything?

01:56:01 --> 01:56:06

is unclear. What is the Prophet have to clarify anything? If the Quran says I've clarified everything

01:56:08 --> 01:56:45

that this ayah makes no sense this ayah has no meaning that we have revealed the remembrance to you O Muhammad, so that you may lead to be eagerly nassima lucila Allah him so you can clarify to people what has been revealed to them, and we know we've discussed this before Salah, zakka Hajj, these details matters, where do we find how to do them implement them? Where is the clarification, it's in the sooner it's in, it's in the sooner number two, they say that the sooner is not revelation, the sooner is the prophets personal opinion. It is personal. And they mentioned examples. They say when the Prophet came to Medina

01:56:47 --> 01:56:49

when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam came to Medina,

01:56:51 --> 01:57:27

he saw that the people were artificially pollinating the plants. They were taking the pollen from the male trees, and then they were they were shaking it over the female tree, they were attaching it to the female tree, artificial pollination. So the Prophet looked at it and he said, you know, maybe it will be good. If you don't do this, you know, why don't you just why don't you just allow the sooner of Allah to take its course, you know, within when birds bees, etc. So they didn't they they they did it and they stopped that artificial pollination. Now, what do you think happened?

01:57:29 --> 01:57:34

That year, that harvest, that date harvest was much, much lower than the previous years.

01:57:36 --> 01:57:45

So they came to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he said, Yasuo Allah. You know, a few months ago, you told us to not do this, and we followed your advice, and this is what happened.

01:57:47 --> 01:58:24

Okay, so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam explained a very, very important principle to us. He said, that when I come on you, you are obliged to obey. And when I prohibit you, you are obliged to refrain. And if I like, if, in this case, I've given you advice for that, since it's optional, why, and tomorrow, I will be Moody, dounia calm, you are more knowledgeable of your worldly affairs. You're a doctor. If I commit to your surgery, and I tell you, you know, maybe you shouldn't use, you know,

01:58:26 --> 01:58:28

this particular you know, medication.

01:58:30 --> 01:58:55

And then you say, Okay, I lost, you know, if I, if I was, if I was knowledgeable, then you can follow my advice. But if I have no background in medicine, you'd be like, okay, no, you know, I'm the expert here is ocular O'Hara, but they, this answers the question. They thought that they should follow him Salalah alayhi wasallam and follow his advice. Why? Because they had the understanding that everything he says is revelation.

01:58:56 --> 01:59:13

So the Prophet had to make a distinction for them. When I combined you and prohibit you, that's what you have to follow. But when I advise you, that's optional. Maybe you should marry this person. And that happened in the lifetime of the prophets. All right, so he told a woman to bury Osama bin Zayed.

01:59:14 --> 01:59:21

Did she have to marry him? No, she also understood that it was optional, the prophets advising me this use another example.

01:59:23 --> 01:59:27

at the Battle of burden, the prophet chose a particular place to camp.

01:59:28 --> 01:59:36

So he said, O Messenger of Allah, is this revelation from Allah? Or is this your opinion?

01:59:38 --> 02:00:00

Now they learned the lesson now, it's been a year or two, they understand that there is a difference between what the prophet tells them is a command or a pro he bishan and what is from Allah and what is his opinion? So, the Prophet says, No, this is a this is my opinion, I believe that this is the best place to camp. So the man who was an experienced hobby in warfare you

02:00:00 --> 02:00:38

said jasola it's best we don't campaign This is not a good place to come. So you say that also Allah, we move the camp from here to the high ground, we camp on the high ground, and we fill all the welds down here so that our enemy has no access to water. Did the Prophet say no, no, no, I'm the Prophet of Allah what this is unacceptable. You will you will follow me and obey me. The Prophet was making a distinction. Allah says in Surah, najem warmer yo Paco and in our in our in our ue you have, he does not speak from his desires. Rather it is revelation revealed.

02:00:39 --> 02:01:23

The Prophet Mohammed does not speak from his his words and his fancies. So we need to understand the ayah in those two examples that I mentioned to you. When the Prophet says that this is Quran, this is what I have commanded you to do. This is what I prohibit you from doing. That is revelation. But when the Prophet says, I think you should marry Osama bin Zayed that's not really revelation is it? We should come here is that from Allah? No, that's what I feel as Mohammed even Abdullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, okay, now, we can clearly see that the prophets actions, he is tacit approval, he statements, all of these things, or revelation from Allah, how to perform our Salah how to pay our

02:01:23 --> 02:02:05

soccer and every other thing that we have discussed thus far. Is that not revelation from Allah. Did the Prophet decide he wants to pray five times a day, that he wants to pray in the manner that you and I are praying now? Did he decide that if you have five camels, you must give one sheep as aka? No, he did not that is from Allah. But it is debatable whether or not it was his personal preference to sleep on his right hand side, or whether that was a combine or advice from Allah. Do you understand? That's a debatable must Allah, did the Prophet take it from Allah that He should start combing is that it inside of his of his head? That's debatable. In fact, one of the scholars from

02:02:05 --> 02:02:18

Jordan chef, Lashkar Sulaiman ashtar, has written a book his thesis, it was on the actions of the Prophet sallallahu, Alayhi, wasallam, and the legislative Wait,

02:02:20 --> 02:02:53

meaning all of the actions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. How do we understand them? Like if the Prophet started combing his hair on this side? Does it mean it's compulsory for you and me to comb our hair the same way? How are we supposed to understand the actions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And a few 100 page thesis was written on this must Allah or this issue? You understand? So I'm going to give you three references at the end. In fact, let me give it to you now before I forget, I gave you one already.

02:02:55 --> 02:02:56

What did I call it?

02:02:57 --> 02:03:18

Studies in early Hadith literature, okay. By Mohammed Mustafa al album. Number two, the authority and the status of the Sunnah BY JAMAL Deen zarabozo, the authority and the status of the Sunnah by jamala. Dean's are a bozo is an American scholar.

02:03:19 --> 02:03:49

I told you that Mustafa album he is an Indian scholar. And then we have chef Mustafa Seabury. And his book is called the Sunnah and its role in Islamic legislation. Now together, these three books are more than 1000 pages, I recommend the following, if ever you debated with a person who rejects the sooner or has doubts with the sooner come to me after you have read these three books.

02:03:53 --> 02:03:54

Why do I say so?

02:03:55 --> 02:03:58

I spent two weeks with an atheist in Thailand.

02:03:59 --> 02:04:06

So we were debating Of course, you know, one cannot help to debate these matters when you have two people like this in a room.

02:04:07 --> 02:04:13

So he said to me, what literature Have you read from the atheist camp?

02:04:15 --> 02:04:17

I said the nun.

02:04:19 --> 02:04:22

Then he said how can we debate I've read many books on Islam.

02:04:23 --> 02:04:26

I've read the prophets biography as well. I've read the Koran.

02:04:28 --> 02:05:00

And you have read nothing from the atheist literature. So that very day I went with him to a secondhand bookshop in Chiang Mai in Thailand. And I bought God is not great by Christopher Hitchens, and The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins. And I wanted to by the end of faith by another American Sam Harris, I think is his name, but I didn't have enough money. So I restricted myself to these books. So I went home and over the next few days, I read the books I made notes and then I came back to

02:05:00 --> 02:05:06

My my colleague, my roommate, if you will, and we debated the verse, Allah and you.

02:05:08 --> 02:05:45

And I felt that I have done myself a great service. By doing that. I found the book by both books to be very weak in the representation of religion to begin with. In fact, Christopher Hitchens has one chapter on Islam, and he only has four references at the end. One of them is from a Muslim and the others are not. How can it be said that you have given a fe view? In fact, most of that chapter is based on his personal experience, coming back to our discussion, the sooner is revelation. So whenever you debate with someone,

02:05:46 --> 02:06:01

don't get into the debate first. Tell them to go and read these three books first, have a very clear understanding not based on websites and YouTube lectures, but a study of what you're debating, then you will come back, and we can talk about it again.

02:06:03 --> 02:06:17

Because it makes no sense to debate with an ignorant person. It doesn't matter what the debate is. Imagine you are a doctor and I come to you I am totally ignorant of medicine. doctor tells me thorak you have pneumonia, though, Doctor, you are wrong.

02:06:18 --> 02:06:25

The symptoms I have do not correspond with the symptoms of pneumonia. What is the doctor gonna say to you?

02:06:26 --> 02:06:29

Well, where do you know this Web MD?

02:06:31 --> 02:07:11

I read the whole article, Dr. I believe myself to be an authority on this issue right now. And this is exactly what's happening in the Muslim community, and what's happening between communities. People read a few articles, if you short booklets, and they consider themselves experts on the matter, and they feel they can debate every issue. And that's problematic. Okay, so let's come back to this, the sooner is not revelation. And we have seen that the sooner is revelation, which now obviously, after you prove that the sooner is revelation, you have point number three, the sooner was not preserved. And I think that we have proven not in the most comprehensive way. But I have

02:07:11 --> 02:07:17

given you the building blocks of that argument that the sooner has been preserved.

02:07:18 --> 02:07:42

that there were two or three main ways a written record memorization and practical, practical implementation, or for lack of a better word, practical emulation, people were following what they saw of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. So we know that number four, Islam calls to unity, but the sooner causes this unity,

02:07:44 --> 02:07:50

the Koran, if we were to follow the Quran alone, we would all be unified as Muslims.

02:07:51 --> 02:08:19

I can, I can answer this in many ways, but I'll only answer it or we will discuss it in this. The Quran is have divided amongst themselves into at least three main camps. They are those that pray twice a day, those who pray three times a day and those who pray five times a day to three you pray five times a day Alhamdulillah May Allah reward your mind and increase your mind my brother, or your brother, let me just make sure.

02:08:20 --> 02:08:24

He says he prays five times a day right by Allah grant, you gentlemen.

02:08:25 --> 02:08:31

May Allah God Baraka in the lives of your parents, you pray five times a day. Wow.

02:08:32 --> 02:08:33

It's beautiful. Okay.

02:08:35 --> 02:09:20

So the very people who say that the Koran calls us to unity, or themselves this united and another historical fact, made, the people who have gone against the Muslim community have been the people who have rejected the Sunnah, the khawarij, the Shia and the word Tesla and those who follow them, of the people, those people who have rejected the sooner and have refused to use the sooner as a source of Islamic law or any in any other you know, aspect and facets of life are the ones who have caused the greatest disunity in this ummah. Yes, Mr. Abu hanifa says you put your hands under your navel, IBAMA, Shafi says above your navel, does that mean that the Muslims are going to kill one

02:09:20 --> 02:09:21

another based on that?

02:09:22 --> 02:09:59

No, yes, the Muslims have gone to extremes in these matters are these fake issues. But that doesn't mean that we have spoke each other's blood on the scale that we see today based on our rejection of the Sunnah. They are interpretations. They are different ways of looking at it, and they are there's human nature. But then there's absolute this unity. The worst this unity is when people excommunicate others from the religion. You are no longer a Muslim and neither are you and neither are you. That is the real, this unity that we need to be need to be aware of.

02:10:00 --> 02:10:20

Of all the second worst, you are not guided. All of you are not guided I alone am guided. And that's another characteristic of the Quran only movement where they believe themselves to be the only ones guided and the rest of the Ummah, a bunch of backward fools.

02:10:21 --> 02:10:36

And I bought the I'm quoting verbatim here, I'm not even giving you, you know, an exaggerated interpretation, backward fools. No, no another one more misguided than his family's donkey.

02:10:38 --> 02:11:08

That is a person who follows this more misguided, more ignorant ladies families donkey, you see the issue of class education, you will notice that most of the people who follow this movement are highly educated people. You're not going to find a man who dropped out of primary school who considers himself to be from the Quran only movement. They're going to be highly educated people because they think that by following the Sunnah, they have gone

02:11:09 --> 02:11:27

there they have gone backwards. They have regressed, they have abandoned you know, in the intellect if they follow the sooner right let's we only have three more to do and we will conclude number five. Following the sooner means that you will turn away and reject the Quran.

02:11:29 --> 02:12:13

I asked you by Allah, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, ballyhoo and YOLO are conveyed from me even if it is one ayah the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said whoever reads one letter of the Quran, then for him is 10 good deeds. The best view are those who study the Quran and teach it to others not only is recitation with everything about it, we did we learn this from what from the sooner so how is following the Sunnah, turning your back on the Quran. The Quran says Aki masala do we not pray five times a day? Do we not pray in specific times in a specific way? How then have we turned our back on the Quran? The Quran says failure tofu bill Beatty Atif. Let him do tawaf

02:12:13 --> 02:12:38

around the Kaaba, do we not perform tawaf and we turned our back on the Quran? The Quran says that Allah has made how long for you? Adam, I'll make that our demo. McKinsey's admitted to a demo. alakmalak in zero allies made how long for you blood, and he's made how long for you? The Mater, carrion, and he's made how long for you the flesh of the swine? Do we not implement that in our lives? How have we turned our back on the Quran?

02:12:41 --> 02:12:42

We follow the Sunnah.

02:12:43 --> 02:12:56

And by default, that means that we follow the Quran in every aspect of its recitation, memorization, and all of its laws and its beliefs. Because like I said earlier, the Quran and the Sunnah,

02:12:57 --> 02:13:09

they, they, they, they need one another. There's a symbiotic relationship between the two. In fact, I didn't want to quote this but I think it's necessary so that we can also clarify something.

02:13:10 --> 02:13:13

Very early scholars they say that the sooner

02:13:15 --> 02:13:20

the Quran or the Quran is more in need of the sooner then the sooner needs the Quran.

02:13:21 --> 02:13:38

Now, I don't like that statement. Even though many great scholars of Islam have made it I prefer to say what even might even have been rocky my whole life said I would say the Koran clarifies and the Sunnah, explains and clarifies the Quran.

02:13:39 --> 02:13:48

That previous statement seems a bit harsh, seems you know you feel you have something in your heart against it. But the statement of your mathematic others is

02:13:49 --> 02:13:59

that the Sunnah, explains and clarifies the Quran, that's a more that's a more acceptable beautiful statement. And that's what we said earlier.

02:14:00 --> 02:14:25

The Quran confirms me The sooner confirms the Quran explains the Quran or gives us extra information, which we also consider to be revelation number six, following the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam is restricted to his following the Sunda is restricted to the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, of course we reject this wholeheartedly. Because then there's no point in you and me being Muslims right now. This whole lecture is pointless.

02:14:29 --> 02:14:30

The whole lecture is pointless.

02:14:33 --> 02:14:38

Everything we've just been doing for the last two and almost two and a half hours as being for nothing.

02:14:40 --> 02:14:59

everything we know about the religion, everything we do, we're gonna pray also later, a specific way we don't need that because it was only for the Sahaba only they needed to pray five times a day in a specific way. Only they needed to give one sheet for every five camels only they needed to, you know, throw the Jamaat art with seven stones only. They

02:15:00 --> 02:15:02

You and I, the deed isn't applicable to us.

02:15:03 --> 02:15:04

There are two things.

02:15:06 --> 02:15:09

Allah said, the first II quoted today said,

02:15:10 --> 02:15:36

say, oh people, that I am a messenger to all of you. The Prophet died before Islam reached the Persians. And before it reached the the Indians, or later what we become the Pakistanis and the Afghans in respects. And the Greeks and the Romans, and the people living in what is today, Scandinavia and the rest of the world. So was the deed restricted to the people living in his time now,

02:15:37 --> 02:15:43

so this argument, you know, like, why are you even debating this issue if you don't? And another another thing

02:15:44 --> 02:16:04

about Surah rhodiola Rahim Allah, what are the what are the and he said, when you see anyone criticizing this early generations, like the Sahaba, they know that this person which is destroy destroy the religion, because if he's able to destroy that first generation, then he has destroyed the deen completely, because the Quran and Sunnah has already come to us through those people.

02:16:06 --> 02:16:46

If you look at the coverage, and the Shia and others, the Sahaba, they are left they left the fold of Islam, we can't trust them. Tell us the dean. Now you can say whatever you want. based on religion, we don't need the Koran and the teachings of the Prophet they don't exist. Because we've lost that first link. Our interpretation of the religion can be any interpretation right now. So the fact that the sooner isn't applicable to all times, is rejected by the Quran by the sooner by the age of the Muslims, and is rejected by common sense, and is rejected by the fact that we are still debating this issue in 2016. So therefore, the life of the Prophet must be relevant to our times,

02:16:46 --> 02:16:49

Karbala perfect example before I conclude

02:16:51 --> 02:17:04

those people who reject the sooner they shouldn't even have a problem with this Holocaust that you know, that happened that time we Why are we bothered with Kabbalah now, you can see that saying that, you know, the obeah dynasty

02:17:05 --> 02:17:22

hundreds of years ago, we don't need to bother with that we live in now in the 21st century, we deal with our issues here, that we don't do we, because we know that what happened in the past affects us now. In fact, George Orwell, in his novel 1984, he said the following

02:17:23 --> 02:17:30

those who control the past, control the future, and those who control the present, controls the past.

02:17:31 --> 02:17:47

And our history, our past, has come down to us through the internet system, our history as being passed from the time of the profits of the virus to our time, using the very system that has preserved the Sona and the Sierra.

02:17:48 --> 02:17:58

So I want you to think about what George Orwell said, I asked my my kids, they're between the ages of eight and 12 in my my closet, Aris and I asked him what it meant.

02:17:59 --> 02:18:04

I learned a very important lesson as a teacher Do not ask complicated questions to eight year olds.

02:18:06 --> 02:18:45

Asking them the meaning of George Orwell, you know, in a very in a political novel, that is not the best time, but then we will we will learn as we as we go along to end off number seven, they say the Quran was preserved and the sooner was not. And I think we have demonstrated in part two of this lecture that the Sunnah has been preserved. Just you are too ignorant to understand that you're not even taking the effort. Okay. There have been many orientalist from a language I'm using them as Muslims. We don't even need this. But sometimes we know we need that extra confirmation. So there have been orientalist in the 19th century who believe that more than 90% of Buhari is authentic.

02:18:47 --> 02:19:18

More than 90% he doesn't come from our background doesn't come from with our understanding. He's using complete Western historical methods to prove the authenticity of Buhari and he's convinced that more than 90% of course, we believe that now 100%, you know, or 99.9, depending on the debate among scholars of Hadith, but the issue is that that is something remarkable which means that whatever is in that 90% or more that he mentions, and the other books is also reliable by default.

02:19:19 --> 02:19:39

But yet we have Muslims and I put that in, in you know, in quotation marks who believe that the Sunnah has not been preserved. And one last final point here, and that is to say, the very system that brought the Quran to us is the system that brought the sooner to us to reject the one is to reject the other with no difference between them.

02:19:41 --> 02:19:43

And that is something that they do not focus on.

02:19:47 --> 02:19:56

Quran was written down, the sooner was written down, the Quran was memorized, the sooner was memorized, and the sooner has something extra. That is practical implementation.

02:19:57 --> 02:20:00

A Practical passing down of what

02:20:00 --> 02:20:19

The Prophet said What did the Prophet did this? This is how he walked. This is why this is how he would speak at the Juba, he would raise his voice and use you know, he's he's Nick veins would stand out. It says if he was, you know, inspiring an army before battle, that was the that was the Prophet squid body. We know that they saw it. So they told others.

02:20:20 --> 02:21:02

I mean, they even went as far as to point out the fact that, you know, the prophet was speaking so loudly that the veins in his neck were popping out. That's how detailed we know. We know how many haze he had in his period on his head when he died sallallahu alayhi wasallam Are you telling me that So preserve the Quran, every every vowel, I don't mean the written vow, who, who all love who had not only is that a grammatical imperative that has been passed down from the Sahaba to the Tabby in until this day, so when my teacher tells me that if I say Cornwall, Ah ha, ha, that's wrong. It's not only because he can see it written down in a most half, because he didn't hear that from his

02:21:02 --> 02:21:45

teacher in that way. And his teacher and his teacher, all the way back to the prophets of Allah, they were set up and the sooner has been passed out. In that same way. I will conclude with that by de for myself, and you? Is it Allah subhanho wa Taala makes us of those who believe in the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam May Allah make us of those who obey Him who follow Him who go back to his Sunnah for arbitration in the matters that we differ in. May Allah subhanho wa Taala make us of those who memorize his Sunnah, those who understand it, those who implement it and those who teach and explain it to others. May Allah make us guardians of the Sunnah. May Allah subhanahu wa taala

02:21:45 --> 02:22:06

grant us to be resurrected with the prophets Allah La vida he was allowed by Allah make us of those who will drink from the pool of the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam on the day of judgment and May Allah grant us to be with him agenda tool Farah dos de como la Hara to each and every one of you Baraka la vehicle was Salam alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

In this talk Sheikh Tariq discusses Guarding the Legacy of the Prophet Muhammad SAWS.

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