Taimiyyah Zubair – The Beautiful Names of Allah #31

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary © The importance of Islam's "by the way" and "hasina hula ecrows" concepts is discussed, including the meaning of risking, trusting oneself, and forgiveness. The speaker emphasizes the need for gentle behavior and strong image of oneself, as well as avoiding extreme behavior and not just being kind to oneself. The importance of forgiveness and strong faith in oneself is also emphasized. The speaker discusses the negative impact of the Prophet sallama's actions on society, including their use of force and disrespectful language, and highlights the need for gentle training and proper handling for animals. They acknowledge that behavior can be temporary and that animal behavior can be temporary.
AI: Transcript ©
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Salam or aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

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are other Billahi min ash shaytani r rajim Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim, WA Salatu was Salam O Allah sudi Hill Karim rubbish rocky Saudi away a Siddeley emri Washington iraq data melissani Yahoo Polly. Alarm along my dear Colby was said that listen he was sleuthing at the Colby amenia but I mean,

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inshallah, in today's class we will study the name of Allah of ryfylke. Rafi is a very beautiful and a very excellent Name of Allah as are all the names of Allah fella who a smell Hausner, to Him belong the most beautiful, the most excellent names. And the name of ryfylke basically means the kind friend or the one who is very gentle. And in Hadees, we learned that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he described Allah the Exalted as ryfylke. And we see that this name is not mentioned in the Quran, but it is mentioned in the Sunnah. And we see that that the name ryfylke actually is mentioned in many a Hadees. So for example, in one Hadees we learn about how a group of

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Jews came to see the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. But when they came in, instead of saying a Salam or Aleikum, they said a samurai Lake so they kind of played with the words a Salam or Aleikum means May peace be upon you a Salam or Aleikum with the lamb Salaam. But when you remove the lamb and you say a Samar la calm, right, it sounds like a cinnamoroll Aiko, but it's not actually a Salaam or Aleikum and Assam arlequin means may death be on your meaning may you die so it's the exact opposite right Salaam meaning May peace be on you and Assam meaning may death be on you may you suffer and may you die, etc. So I shall deal on more on how was with the Prophet sallallahu

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alayhi wa sallam at that moment and she she heard it and she understood what you know those people had said to the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam so she got extremely angry and she said that Bella la como SAML well learner, rather may you have Sam and may you have the curse of Allah as well. Meaning she got really upset and she she she was very unique. She She showed her anger right through her words and the prophets of Allah Who are your son when he heard her talking like that? He said Yara Isha. In the Lucha ryfylke on your Hebrew rifka Phil emrakul Li, er o r Isha Allah subhanaw taala is revealed. He is kind he is gentle, and he loves gentleness, risk in everything in all

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affairs in all matters. So in this Hadees, we see that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he described Allah subhana wa tada as a field. So the field is not only a name of Allah, but it is also an attribute of Allah. And we see in this Hadees, that Allah subhanaw taala loves to see this attribute in his slaves as well. And this shows us how important the quality of life the quality of gentleness is. We seen the other Hadees that the last words that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said before he left this world, he made the DA Allah humble fairly we're how many were Hackney Bill rafiqul Allah, that Oh Allah, forgive me and have mercy on me and bring me to the

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highest companion. And there is different understandings of what Allah fuchal Allah is and one understanding is that it is referring to Allah soprano carta. So what is this quality of riff? And what exactly does it mean and how can we incorporate it in our lives? Let's look at that. So first of all, let's look at the meaning of the name ryfylke. So remember that ryfylke the name ryfylke means someone who is Kathy Rif meaning someone who shows

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A lot of riff and what exactly is riff riff is to be gentle and easy. So it is the opposite of harshness. And it also means to be deliberate, gradual, slow, and civil. And it is the opposite of hastiness and aggression. So think about it. First of all, risk is a lien What is he meaning to be gentle, to be easy going to deal with people in a very gentle and easy way? Not that, you know, a person is being difficult with people and harsh with them, and very, you know, rude and mean, no, it's, it's to be easy and gentle. Alright. And the second aspect of risk is to be deliberate, you need to do things slowly, gradually, and when you do things slowly and gradually, you are, you know,

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being civil, basically, you are not showing aggression, because when a person is, you know, being being rough, and, you know, being hasty, then what happens is that they're grabbing things and seizing things quickly and roughly. And it looks very uncivil. Right. So, risk, the other aspect of risk is to be deliberate, gradual, and civil. And lift is also to benefit or assist someone, all right, to to benefit or assist someone.

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So, to bring nefer to bring height to another, and this is why we see that the word mid Fuck, right mid fuck is used for the elbow, because you use your elbow a lot, when you're resting when you are, you know, even working, so middlefork is the elbow All right. So, so, these are three implications of the word that if

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to be gentle, to be deliberate and slow, and to bring benefit and to assist someone and lift is the opposite of sorry, risk is to be gentle then in one's manner and dealings. So, it is linnell gennep alright meaning in the way that you are interacting with people, your your disposition, your mannerism, right, that is very gentle. So the way that you look at people, the way that you talk to them, the way that you address them, the way that you correct them, etc, all of that is gentle. And the other aspect of risk is, is is to be gentle in one's actions, alright, meaning that a person is needs, that a person is tidy, not noisy, and rough, and, you know, almost coming across as

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aggressive. In So, rift is both in, in, you know, it's intangible, and it's also tangible, right, it reflects in your tone, and it also reflects in your body language. Right, it reflects in the way that you walk in the way that you drive. And also in the way that you, you move around in your in your house, right in things that may be, you know, not perceptible by the eye, but, but they are felt, right they are, they're experienced by people. So, rift is gentleness, it's, it's a very, you could say, a holistic concept of gentleness.

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And we see that the word ryfylke is also used for a companion, meaning someone who is with you while you're traveling, and also someone who is with you, after you, you end your journey. And you will notice that, you know, some people, especially when you're traveling with them, they're extremely courteous, alright, very caring, very gentle. And you will see this even on the road that when you're driving some people in the way that they're driving, you know, they give you away, they they they listen they acknowledge the fact that you gave the indicator you want to you know change your lane. So, they will slow down or they will speed up in order to give you space and other people they

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will not give you space. In fact, God forbid if you know slow down a little bit or if you are trying to you know change your lane, they will show aggression, right? So ryfylke is someone who is your companion in your journey. But then when you when you become friends with someone in your journey, because of their kindness, their gentleness, their courtesy, what happens is that even after afterwards, after your journey is complete, you you keep in touch, right? So in Surah two

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Nyssa is 69 we learn that women use their ala rasulillah for hula ecom or alladhina anomala who are lay him, meaning the beginner will slip the Pina will show her that he will slowly hain or Hasina hula ecography that whoever obeys Allah and the messenger, then such people will be with those whom Allah subhanaw taala bestowed his favor upon and Who are they? They are the prophets and the truthful and the martyrs and the righteous. What has Suna Allah eco Fuca and what excellent companions they are. Meaning what an excellent companionship This is off, you know all of these people, because a person who will be as alone the messenger than he is with such people in the

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world. And if not physically, at least in their, in their belief, and in their behavior in their lifestyle. So in the hereafter also, after the end of the journey, right through this life, in paradise in the final destination, there will be Rafi kohana Allah aka Rafi, Allah Majora and I mean home.

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So you understand the concept of risk now, right? That it is the opposite of roughness, it's the opposite of rudeness. It's the opposite of harshness opposite of hastiness, right off of aggressiveness. And this is why it is such a beautiful quality. Right? You will see, for example, that,

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that, you know, some people in the way that they handle even children, they can be very rough, and other people in the way that they're handling, you know, even the most heavy objects, they have a tendency to be gentle. Right to give regard to the fact that yes, this object may be, you know, lifeless and yes, I'm not attached to the things of the world.

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And I'm not going to, you know, worry over, you know, losing the things of the world. I'm not gonna I'm not so overly attached, but I will still handle with care and handle with respect because Allah is refused and he loves Rif. Allah is kind and he loves kindness and gentleness, so gentleness towards everything. So gentleness is not about whether the other person deserves it or not. gentleness is about risk is about what you choose to do, how you choose to behave.

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In our heads, we learn about how this man came and said to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that I am a Bobby right, I am a doctor, I can I can cure you. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Allah, Bobby, Allah is the one who cures. But under Rajan Rafiq, you are just a person who is Rafiq, who is very kind and gentle. Right, who is very helpful, who wants to, you know, bring benefit. And this is how we see that good. You know, doctors are, for example, they don't heal you, they don't have the power to heal you. But they have the ability to bring you, you know, some kind of benefit how in the way that they listen to you your health concerns, in the way that they assure

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you in the way that they give you options in the way that they are very supportive. They're not judgmental, they're not rushing, you know, because they want to be done with you so that they can move to the next patient and the next patient, you know, so Roger, and Rafiq, right, you are a helpful, kind, gentle, friendly person. Right? So this is the concept of roof. Now, when we're talking about Allah subhanaw taala, that Allah is a field, then what does that mean? This means that first of all, Allah subhanaw taala is kind and gentle, and friendly towards his slaves, meaning he is a lovely leaf. And he does not have to be kind and gentle and friendly towards his slaves,

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because he does not benefit by being kind towards us. And if you think about it, we don't necessarily deserve that kindness, I mean, the way that we behave, the way that we commit sin, the way that we do things that that are, you know, in complete opposition to, to the command of Allah, right, and we make these mistakes knowingly and sometimes unknowingly. Sometimes it's an accident. Sometimes it's out of habit, sometimes it's out of haste. But we know how, you know how many times we do things to displease Allah subhanaw taala. So we can

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ever say that you know we deserve Allah's kindness and and gentleness, yet he is kind and gentle towards his slaves. How that Allah subhanaw taala forgives his slaves when they seek His forgiveness Allah subhanaw taala accepts their repentance when they repented to him. Allah subhanaw taala loves his worshippers, meaning people who worship Allah, who worship only Allah. Allah subhanaw taala loves them. Right in the livina Ehrman, who were Amina suddenly had CAGR Lula who Mirage man who would Allah subhanaw taala loves people who believe and who do good things. Allah subhanaw taala accepts their good deeds, and Allah subhanaw taala helps his slaves, Allah subhanaw taala is his

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kind, right, so kind and gentle, that the world that that he has put us in is such a secure and peaceful place for us. Right in the sense that we feel secure in in this world, that we're not always concerned that oh my god, there will be an earthquake any second. And we Allah subhanaw taala protect us, the times when we do experience such things that when there is a sudden earthquake, right when there is, you know, a storm, when there is lightning, when there's Thunder when there is you know, a really fierce wind and things like that, they make us realize how Allah subhanaw taala has given us a safe place to exist to live in. This is Allah subhanaw taala has kindness towards us.

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Right? And if you think about it, in the Quran, you know, when when the wind is mentioned, you know, it's it's mentioned about how the wind brings the mercy of Allah, the wind brings good news, and wind breeze, honey, it reminds us of the gentleness of Allah subhanaw taala. This is out of his gentleness that he sends a breeze, right? That the wind is not always harsh, because if it was always harsh, imagine how difficult our lives would be. If the sun was blazing hot, then our existence would be impossible. If it was extremely cold at all times, then again, our existence would be impossible. So this is Allah subhanaw taala, his kindness towards his slaves, all of his

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slaves, that He has given us a place to live, which is where life is possible. Yes, there are, you know, tests every now and then. And there are challenges every now and then. But they also remind us of what a beautiful place This world is. And when we suffer some, you know, difficulty, then it gives us a chance to reflect on ourselves that perhaps this is the outcome of our own deeds, right? Because Allah subhanaw taala does not change a blessing which he has given to his slaves until they change what is within themselves. Allah subhanaw taala blesses his slaves, right. And, and, you know what, when that blessing changes, that's because we did something, we did something to have that

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blessing removed from us, right.

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And we see that part of Allah subhanaw taala, his kindness and gentleness is that he comforts his slaves. And he he doesn't have to, but he comforts his lives. We see for example, the story of the mother of Musa right on Mimosa, that when she put her child, her baby in the box, right in the taboos and she put that box in, in the river, you can imagine how afraid and how worried she was for her child. And Allah subhanaw taala says over there, well at the hoffy will at zenni and do not fear and do not be sad, why? In Nell la Zoo who la ke where Jerry lumenal, mousseline, we are going to bring him back to you. And we're going to make him one of the prophets, one of the messengers. So,

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look at how Allah subhanaw taala comforts it this woman, right who is worrying about about her child. So Allah subhanaw taala is kind towards the slaves, he cares about our feelings, he is compassionate towards us, he is gentle towards us. And then when Allah subhanaw taala is raffia secondly, this also means that he is deliberate and forbearing right meaning towards his slaves.

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Meaning that he is not hasty with his slaves, he is not hasty in dealing with his slaves, who is hasty, who is quick and you know to respond and impulsive, right, who is impulsive? Someone who is responding from a place of fear from a place of scarcity mindset, right and we are impulsive, we are quick to respond because we are afraid, right? We are afraid of loss, we are afraid of losing control, we are afraid of missing out on an opportunity. And Allah subhanaw taala is free from such weaknesses. You know, for example, when we

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instantly you know, the child poor child makes a mistake is not even done making a mistake, right. And we start yelling and shouting from the other side of the house. And we start, you know, taunting and criticizing and crushing their, their confidence, their morale. Why? Because we want to make sure that our children remember, I'm the boss, right, that they need to listen to me, we are so afraid of losing control, that we don't even think before we speak to our family members, we don't even you know, question our opinion, our judgment, right, when we are dealing with our family members. So, Allah subhanaw taala is free of such weakness, he is a he is the EverLiving he is

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right the ever able. So, he does not have to be hasty, right, he is not hasty. So he is deliberate. And he is forbearing towards his slaves. And we see this, that Allah soprano thought even a creates things in stages, he brings things into existence, how in stages, and he causes things to change gradually, as well. If you think about it, the sudden, you know, on and off of the light switch, that Imagine you are in a room, it's bright, and all of a sudden somebody turns the light off, and it's pitch dark, how disturbing and upsetting that is. And when you are getting comfortable with the darkness, all of a sudden someone comes in turns the light on, again, How upsetting that is, right?

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Allah subhanaw taala does not put us in sudden darkness, and he does not, you know put us in, in light, suddenly, we see that the transition right of the night, into the day and the day into the night, it is so gradual, so gentle, we see the transition into you know, different seasons, from summer to winter. That also is gradual, that after summer, you got a few cold days, you know you experience autumn fall, right and then there is winter, because your bodies need to adjust, your mind needs to adjust. If all of a sudden, from 40 degrees, it is minus 40 decrease, life would be extremely difficult. Our bodies and our minds would be in a state of shock. When a person

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typically, you know when when people leave this world, we see that sudden death, it causes shock to the family members. And but but when death is gradual in the sense that, you know a person is unwell, they're sick and their sickness you know is not going away, then you know you kind of get get used to or you kind of accept the fact that someone is going to leave. Right? So Allah subhanaw taala he brings about change gradually and this is part of his kindness and gentleness towards us. Because when when someone is brought out of one situation and thrown into another situation suddenly that that sudden shift is extremely difficult to accept.

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Right? It's it's very difficult to adjust to. And you know, for example, if if there is a child who is you know, sleeping comfortable, all of a sudden you pick that baby up and put him in the bathtub. It's literally hard, right? A child is busy playing in their own world. They've built this you know, imaginary world, and all of a sudden you pick them up and you say shoes on an outside, right or or or leave this and start your homework. That sudden shift is very difficult to adjust to. So this is not the way

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Have Allah subhanaw taala. And we should also be careful, right? Give give your children for example, a warning that you have about 15 minutes and after that we're going to go, you see the clock, the hand is on, on three, when it is at six, we're going to leave. Right? So give them a warning, because sudden changes is difficult to adapt to. And it's it's really tough. It's it's contrary to the way of Allah subhanaw taala in Surah to calmer Ayah number 49 Allah subhanaw taala says in Kula Shay, in Hello Connor who be cuddle, indeed, we have created everything according to a certain measure meaning and one of the interpretations is that according to a certain measure,

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meaning with with determination, right gradually, and also in a certain measure, that it is predictable. And when things are not predictable, that is where people become afraid, and they they become resistant. We see that when it comes to the creation of the skies and the earth. Allah subhanaw taala tells us about how he created the skies and the earth in six days. He could have created in an instant, couldn't, right, but Allah subhanaw taala created the heavens and the earth gradually. And Allah subhanaw taala has the power to create things in an instant to cause things to change in an instant. And he does that. Absolutely he does that, but not in every matter. Right? Not

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in every matter why? Because if that was in every matter, things would be very difficult for his creation. And Allah subhanaw taala is ryfylke towards his creation.

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And then we see that when it comes to even the revelation of His his Deen the revelation of the Quran, Allah subhanaw taala did not reveal all of it in one day, we learned in sort of israa I have 106 vocal and and for our canal who that put on we have, we have divided its revelation, meaning it was not revealed inside you know it at one more in one instance, rather for a canal who Lita Cora who Allah nursey Allah MOOC thing in order that you recited to people over a long period of time. Right? So the Quran was revealed over 23 years. Why? Because when commands were being given gradually, it was easy for people to accept, easy for people to, to, uh, to adapt to.

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So, Mr. katabi, says that in the Lucha reveal, con Indeed Allah is Rafique the words of the Prophet salallahu alaihe salam, they mean that Allah subhanaw taala lays a be a jewel, he is not hasty at all. He He does not you know,

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act impulsively. This is not the way of Allah He is laser be a jewel and Rama katabi says that someone who fears death is hasty. And Allah subhanaw taala is a Hey, so he does not have that fear. I will call to be says that you have belief that Allah subhanaw taala loves Rif. What this means is that Allah loves that people should not be hasty you hibou Terkel Arjuna, Phil armel will move that people should not be hasty in in what they're doing, and in all of their affairs. Because when we're hasty, then we create problems for ourselves. And hastiness comes from a from a scarcity mindset, that there's very limited opportunity, and, and therefore I must react now, it's now or never, it's

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all or nothing. So, this is not the way of a loss problem through and also Allah subhanaw taala is

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deliberate, he does not,

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he does not punish immediately. So he is a heli, he is forbearing. And we see that, you know, people are disobeying Allah subhanaw taala. Yet Allah subhanaw taala does not inflict his punishment immediately encircled curve I have 58 we learn what are Bukola furuta Rama, lo you a hidden Bhima Casa su large Jelena Humala either that your Lord is forgiving, He is merciful. And if you were to seize people, meaning punish them for what they are earning, he would have hasten the punishment for them. He would have given them punishment immediately. But that is not the way of Allah Allah subhanaw taala

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Gives time to people to realize their mistake to stop to change their habits to repent to seek forgiveness. So we learned in sort of the referral con is 70 that certain major sins are mentioned. And then it has said in them and tab what I'm unaware amela I'm an unsightly that except for the person who repents and believes and does righteous deeds for Allah aka you but did Allahu say he asked him has said that, then Allah subhanaw taala will change their sins into good deeds, Allah Akbar, any This is the kindness of Allah subhanaw taala how gentle and easy going he is with his slaves, that he does not inflict punishment immediately. He gives them time so that they can realize

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their mistake and they can repent. Think about Holly didn't believe rhodiola Mourinho there was a time when he fought against the Muslims. Right? There was a time when he fought against the Prophet sallallahu Urdu said I'm in the Battle of budish. And so many companions were, were martyred in that battle. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was so sad after that, right. But then there came a point when Khalid Ibn Walid became rhodiola horn.

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Right, he became a companion of the Prophet salallahu earning center. And he was given the title of safe Allah, the sword of Allah. So no one was able to kill him in battle. No enemy could kill him in battle, he died in his deathbed. Subhan Allah. So Allah subhanaw taala is a field. And you see, this is this is the real meaning of, of being friendly towards someone that you you're not quick in judging, you give space you give time, you're not quick in, in taking revenge. You see, one of the reasons why our friendships get destroyed is because we don't give space to our friends. We don't give them space to heal, we don't give them space to calm down, we don't give them space to grieve.

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And we immediately jumped to conclusions that oh, you know, he's being rude. She's being you know, She's ignoring me, she's being like this, she doesn't care about me, etc, etc. And because of that, we we respond aggressively, and we ruin our own relationships.

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So Allah soprano, tada, he is Rafiq, so he gives time to his slaves to realize to turn back and then he forgives them. And Rafiq also means that he is a giver of ease, meaning he gives ease to his slaves, because remember that one of the meanings of lift is, is to benefit someone. Right? And to and to and to give something that that is a means of ease for them. So Allah subhanaw taala facilitates things for us. He does not make things hard for us. You see, there are some people who, who really want you to struggle. And they won't be easy with you at all. Right? They, it's, it's almost like they want to see you suffer, right? So for example, some professors, they're so

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difficult, they will give, you know, lengthy assignments, test after test, and what's the what's the worth of the of the marks 3% of the total 5% of the total, right 2% of the total, you're working so hard, right? But then they make the entire process so difficult for you. So it's almost as if they want to see you struggling. And what you get at the end is not equal to the effort that you've put in. Right? Allah subhanaw taala he creates ease for his slaves. And, you know, a person might wonder, well, there's also a lot of difficulty in life. Right? And we see that some people their difficulties are, are, you know, at an extreme level, they're tested very severely. But you know,

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what, Allah subhanaw taala is still out of fear. So He rewards people in proportion to their effort to their patience. So the greater the difficulty, the greater the effort, the greater the patience, and that means the greater the reward. right because Allah subhanaw taala has a show called he's also very appreciative. So of ryfylke means that he gives ease to his slaves. And part of that is, for example, that Allah subhanaw taala has made the Quran easy. Allah subhanaw taala tells us in sorbitol comma verse number 17 that why

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Laconia, Southern Elko annalee victory, for helping with the kid that certainly we have made the Quran easy for remembrance, meaning to learn a lesson from and to remember its teachings to memorize it to understand its meaning. Right? Allah subhanaw taala has made the Quran easy.

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And we don't understand the ease of the Quran until we see how difficult it is, for example, to even read through the Bible, any you have to have a whole lot of patience and a whole lot of determination in order to even read through one chapter one book. It's not not only boring, incredibly but also incredibly difficult to understand. And very inconsistent. Any, it's it's difficult, it's complicated. The Quran is not difficult, it is not complicated. Every person no matter what your level of knowledge is, even no matter what what level of maturity you have, you can still benefit from the Quran. While aka Dr. Sonal annalee Vickery, Allah subhanaw taala has made the

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Quran easy for that they could, then we see that Allah subhanaw taala is of the field he gives ease, how that the law that Allah subhanaw taala has given us is easy. We learned in Sultan, Messiah 28 that you read the law and you have foreign come? Well, holy cow insano very far, Allah intends to lighten the burden from you. Why because the human being has been created weak, Allah subhanaw taala knows our weakness, he is the one who created us. So he only gives us commands that we are able to follow, he gives us instructions that we are able to observe, these commands are not impossible. And then even then insert the Hubble is 16 we learned that the cola must apply to fear Allah as much as

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you are able, because in certain conditions, we see that things are completely beyond our control. We're not able to, to you know, do anything. So for example, if a person is is unwell, right, they're in the hospital there, they're in a bed right there, they're recovering from anesthesia, for example, and their family is not around because especially in these days, right? You your family, your friends are not allowed in the hospital with you. And in that state you have to pray because it's time to pray. Well, you can barely sit up How are you supposed to make wudu so there's the option of tandem right? And you can barely sit up How are you supposed to you know, go up and down

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and Salah you can pray line down. Right? So this is what this is the ease that Allah subhanaw taala has given us in certain hedge is 78 return woman gr La La comfy Dini, man how much he has not created any difficulty for you. In in your religion. And by by difficulty, it doesn't mean that that that following the religion is very simple, there's no challenges, well, there are going to be challenges. And each person is going to have their own journey. Right? What may be easy for one person may be difficult for for another because when it comes to ease and difficulty, it's all relative. Right? But over all, what is meant is that the deen that Allah subhanaw taala has given us

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the law that Allah subhanaw taala has given us it is practical, it is doable it you are able to live by it. And you're able to do well. You actually have the ability to do well, you know, when it comes to certain careers, certain studies even there are some people who are very good at you know, certain subjects. Why because their brain works that way. You know, they have they, they have a headstart. They are personally interested. And they, you know, they they love studying that and they and they do really well. And there are other students who really struggle, right really struggle, but they have to do it because their parents said you have to be a doctor. You have to be an

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optometrist, you have to be an engineer, you don't have another option. They don't want to be in that program, but they're being forced to be in that program. And they're struggling every day because of it. Right? So we see that when it comes to studies, you know, some people have a good chance of succeeding, and other people don't. It's not just about how much effort you're putting. No, because one person might be putting in a lot of effort, but they're still not getting

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The results, right? Because they just don't, their mind just doesn't work that way. They're not able to grasp the core concepts, and they're not able to do well. But when it comes to Deen, when it comes to the religion of Allah, remember, every single person has a chance of doing well. Every single person, even if a person has a disability, right, even if a person is not able to speak Arabic, even if a person does not have, you know, a great religious background, every person has the potential, the opportunity, the chance to do well. Matt Well, Matt jarlath really confident in how much the prophets of Allah who are new send him said in the Drina you sir on indeed the religion is

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easy. We altered instead of the Baccarat 185, you read the law who become will use surah, Allah once is for you, when are you ready to become universal? Allah does not want difficulty for you. Why? Because Allah subhanaw taala is a ryfylke. And remember, our faith is also a friend, right? Someone who's with you in your journey. And then also after the journey, your friend, your friend is someone who cares about you. So this is how we should think about Allah. Allah cares about us. Allah does not want to put us in difficulty. The difficulty is not the goal. Ease is the goal. And this is why we see when it comes to fasting in the month of Ramadan. If a person is not able to fast because

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they're traveling, they're sick, they can make up those fasts later. Why? Because difficulty is not the goal, putting us in hardship is not the goal.

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Allah subhanaw taala is of the field, he creates ease for us. So he does not burden us with more than what we can handle later you can leave alone Epson Illa was aha and even when he puts us in some trial, right, with that trial, he also gives us ease in namale are three you throw in namale or three Yusra with difficulty is an ease, and with the difficulty is another ease, meaning the difficulty is one, but the ease multiple, there is more ease than difficulty, because this is the way of a most surprising product.

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And then also when people are are striving to do good, Allah subhanaw taala especially creates ease for them. So we learned in sort of calfire number 16 that when the youths when they left their people, and they went and hid in the cave, they said were you hate luck come in, only commit fucka your Lord will prepare for you from your affair facility, Allah will create ease for you. Yes, it's hard. But you know what we're going to do what is within our ability, and Allah subhanaw taala will create ease for us that Allah subhanaw taala did create ease for them. So when Allah subhanaw taala is a ryfylke, the kind, the one who is friendly, the one who is very gentle, then what should we do?

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We should first and foremost believe that Allah subhanaw taala is kind, Allah subhanaw taala is friendly, that Allah subhanaw taala gives ease. We should not think that about Allah, we should think good about Allah Subhana Torah and then we should also expect is from Allah, we should have hope in Allah because Allah is of Rafiq, what do you expect from a kind friend, that they're not going to abandon you write? You know, you, you trust them? You believe in them, you love them, and you know that they're not going to disappoint you. We put so much faith in people that we don't put that faith in the last panel Tada.

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So look at the US horrible curve, right? They said, Yun sure la cumbre buco Mira Mattila you hate la come in and recommit, right they they said it out loud, they said this to each other, they reminded one another, that almost a penalty will create ease for you. So, these are things that we should also say to ourselves to each other, in order to remind ourselves that Allah help is there. And then when Allah subhanaw taala is undefeated, then this means that we should also be kind and gentle, in the words that we say that the actions that we do, in you know, in dealing with, with with the people that we are related to, that we are interacting with, and also, we should be deliberate and

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slow, right, by slow I don't mean lazy by slow I mean, don't always be hasty and rushing. Why? Because we've learned in holidays that urgenda hastiness is from shaitan and part of hastiness is to respond.

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To answer to react impulsively, right? That when we feel the urge that you know what I have to say this right away, I have to do this right away, I have to teach them a lesson immediately. No, you don't have to, less thoroughly you can be more ciphered You don't have to teach everybody in the world, the lesson that they need to learn, you can take a moment, you can think about it, and you can see what the best way of responding to them would be.

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you know, we learn for example, in the Quran about or by the rock man, that the M Chanel or the Honda, they walk upon the earth gently. So gentleness is is is an entire lifestyle. Right? It's in the body language, it is in the words it is in, in the in the in the gaze in the way that you look at people in the way that you teach. And also, we we should seek forgiveness from Allah subhanaw taala for our harshness for our impulse for our impulsiveness for our hastiness our rudeness, our roughness, our impatience, our aggressiveness, right, we should seek forgiveness from Allah subhanaw taala because we learn that Allah is revealed and he loves it, if so, if we are acting contrary to

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risk, we are doing what Allah subhanaw taala does not like, so we should seek forgiveness from Allah subhanaw taala because there's a few things that I'm going to mention in the next few minutes. And I'm sure that as you will listen to them. And while I was preparing this, I you know, I felt like

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you know, there's there's such a beautiful standard that the last panel Tata has kept for us, right that Allah subhanaw taala wants for us that we should be gentle. And so often, we resort to harshness. So it really made me realize that that things need to change, right? behavior needs to change. And as you listen to this, and as you reflect over yourself, and you may feel like oh my god, I'm so different from this, ask Allah subhanaw taala to forgive you seek forgiveness from Allah because Allah is a Luffy.

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So, remember that when it comes to lift when it comes to gentleness, it is it is extremely important. Why is it important? Because it is it is a characteristic of Allah soprano, Tatas, special slaves. Okay? Remember that gentleness riff is important, if you could please move to the next slide.

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riff is

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just the importance of risk. So lift is a characteristic of Allah, soprano, Tatas slaves, special slaves being the slaves whom Allah subhanaw taala loves the slaves who have a special status near Allah, who are close to Allah.

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Because Allah is Rafiq right? So the people who have this then such people are appreciated by Allah, in a hadith return, that inner delay any atom in a hill or any sort of become kubu everybody saw the hate that our last panel Tata has certain vessels among the people of the earth, and the vessels of your Lord are the hearts of his righteous servants. And the most beloved of those hearts of those vessels are which ones Eliana her What are the those which are the softest and the most gentle? So a heart that is soft, a heart that is that has gentleness in it. Then such a heart Allah subhanaw taala likes that Allah parent Allah loves that. We see that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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was very gentle. In a hadith we learn what can Allah Haman Rafi call, he was very merciful. And he was revealed he was very gentle and kind This is the companions described the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in the Quran is said that for the Mount Rushmore to mean Allah healin tala who is out of Allah's mercy that you were lenient, you were soft and gentle with people. It is a character. It is a characteristic of the people of Jenna, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that the people of Judah are of three types. And one of them he mentioned was Julian Rahim on rappi kulu. kalbi liquidly, the Kaaba, one Muslim world urine Rahim and a merciful man who is Rocky, we'll call

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it who is very soft hearted towards Xu towards every relative and every Muslim. And we see that when it comes to you know, gentleness and softness. We think that

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Yes, this is a very feminine quality, right? Women are supposed to be like that. But men know they have to be harsh and aggressive and super assertive. And sometimes also come across as, you know, mean and rude and loud, because this is how men are. If you are a, you know a confident man, you should come across as very, you know, harsh, someone who is not afraid, someone who can say anything, someone who can do anything. And this is contrary to the teachings of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam

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of the people of Jenna is who? A man Allah jewel. All right, Roger, this is not nisswa this is Roger. All right, man, who is Rahim, who is merciful there are people called soft hearted, toward who toward every relative, including your child. All right, and your sister and your knees and your nephew and your grandma, and your uncle, and your brother. And we're Muslim, kind towards who softhearted toward every Muslim.

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And then we also learn in another narration about how the most superior servants of Allah, on the day of judgment of them will be emammal, Nura de Lune raffia con, a leader who is just and gentle.

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And this is also a trait that brings a characteristic that brings Allah subhanaw taala is forgiveness. In a Hadees we learn about a man who was forgiven by Allah. Why? Because he was silent. He was very easy to deal with. He, he wasn't difficult with people, how is he easy to deal with either bar silent, either status settlement, when he sold something very easy when he bought something very easy. And sometimes we create so much difficulty for people where we spend so long bargaining and arguing and then making things difficult, even for the cashier that please put my things like this. And please this and what about the discount for that? And what about this, and

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what about that any we make things difficult, even for the poor cashier, right. So either buy or sell and either store or sell and either other seven, right? Any in every way that person was easy to deal with. And so Allah subhanaw taala, forgive that person. The risk is something that brings goodness, sometimes we think that, you know, if we're very easygoing with people, if we're gentle with people, if we're friendly with people, then they're going to take advantage of us will, we're never going to be able to get things done. However, the Prophet sallallahu earlier said and said, that when Allah intends good towards the people of a household, then other holla Allah, he would

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refer, he puts gentleness, among them. He puts gentleness in their household. And this is so important for us to remember. Because sometimes I think the only way of getting children to listen to you the only way of getting your spouse to listen to you, the only way of getting your

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you know, parents or whoever listened to you is that you are a bit cold, distant, you know,

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a bit there, there must be a little bit of strictness. A little bit of harshness, maybe, right? Why, so that people will take me seriously. Otherwise, if I, if I'm too gentle, if I am gentle, they're not going to listen to me. So part of that is that we raise our voice, we make our tone, very harsh, and this is contrary to Sunnah. And it doesn't bring goodness, you receive goodness, when you show gentleness. We also learn that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said in the Lucha fiocco, new Hebrew rifka were Euroclear and lifti Allah subhanaw taala is gentle, he loves gentleness and he gives because of gentleness, mela, European alone,

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what he does not give because of difficulty, meaning when people are difficult with each other harsh with each other, they don't receive certain blessings from Allah. But when they're gentle with each other, they actually receive

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rewards and not just reward but help and guidance from Allah subhanaw taala. You know, for example, you could be having a you could be struggling with disciplining your children. Right. And this is an issue that I think is present in every single household. No matter how adorable no matter how good your children are, there are matters that you struggle with. Right? It could be the matter of their homework, the matter of their you know, their cleaning their room.

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regardless of their age, I'm sure there are things which you struggle with. And sometimes we think the solution is to be hard to be harsh, right to be very strict, and it doesn't bring any benefit. What it does, what harshness and strictness does is that it creates a wedge a gap between you and your children. And over time, that gap actually widens, right? it widens. So much so that even when your children have grown up, and they're adults, you know, as much as they want to be good to you, it's very hard for them. It's very hard for them, they may want to forgive you, and they may already have forgiven you. They may not have any grudge in their heart for you, but they still feel like

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they don't have a connection with you.

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They just don't understand you. And you don't understand them. So they, they're living with this feeling of I wish I could I could be more you know loving more friendly with my dad with my mom. Right? This happens. And this is not coincidental. This is because we raised children, with what with harshness,

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and we and we, we create a distance. We learn that when when a person is gentle and easy going they receive ease from Allah subhanaw taala also,

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in a hadith we learn that be easy or forgive and then you will be forgiven you will be shown ease and it also brings beauty in a hadith we learn Maracana riff, coffee, Shea in Cocteau, Illa Xena who gentleness is not present in anything except that it makes it beautiful. When roeselare and che in Illa Shanna who and it is not removed from anything except that it makes it ugly. Right and another had these weird layer Kunal whole coffee shy in English and when the LA had a few Can you help head so basically

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the roughness harshness, rudeness makes things ugly, makes situations ugly, and Rif gentleness on the other hand, it only makes things more beautiful. And rift is something that always works. It is it is suitable in every situation. So whether you are you know, working with people there are employees working under you, or you have your family, your children, your spouse, whoever. Remember, just remember that gentleness rift is always appropriate. It is always appropriate It is always fitting the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said in the law you Hebrew refer Phil Emery Cooley, Allah subhanaw taala loves gentleness and all affairs in all matters. So whether you are

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disciplining your cat, right, or you are teaching your child, or you are trying to convince your spouse, or you are, you know, talking to someone who you know who you think is not understanding you, right? in every situation, gentleness is possible and gentleness is appropriate.

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And it brings the help of Allah. Because think about it, if Allah is sort of faith, and he loves risk, then what do you think? If you are displaying a behavior that Allah loves? What do you think you're going to get from Allah? You're going to get his help, you're going to get ease. And if you're showing the opposite, then then what do you expect? Right? And this is why it is a big deal. It is a big deal. It's not, you know, and it's, it's not an ordinary matter that we can ignore. We can say, Oh, I'm not a gentle person. This is not for me. Maybe my mom can be but I'm not the type. No, it doesn't matter whether you are the type or not. This is something you have to strive towards.

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Why? Because the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that whoever is given his share of gentleness, then indeed he was given a share of goodness. And he being gentle means being able to receive a lot of goodness. In another Hadith we don't whoever is deprived of gentleness, then he is deprived of goodness. So now the question is, who is it that we should be gentle towards? Who is it that we should show refer to show refer to yourself? Be kind and compassionate toward yourself in the way that you speak to yourself in the way that you treat yourself? Be a good companion to yourself, like your own company?

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Right, this doesn't mean that you are, you know, in your own world, right? No, it just means that the kind of things that you say to yourself are respectful. Even when you make a mistake, you don't condemn yourself. You don't. You're not, you know, so you're not dismissive of your needs. Right? And you are helpful to yourself, you're not destructive, you are encouraging to yourself. Right? So be gentle, first and foremost, toward yourself Exactly. With the saying things like, I'm so stupid, I'm so dumb. I'm really slow, right? I, you know, I'm like this, I'm like that negative things about yourself. This is this is not risk to yourself. So be kind to yourself. Secondly, be kind and

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gentle, especially towards your parents. And, you know, we discussed earlier about how if, when parents are harsh with their children, this creates a distance between them, even if that's your case, that you feel like you have no relationship with your parents or your relationship is not healthy at all. still be kind towards them. You have to do your part. Right? Remember, risk is not about being kind to someone when you believe they deserve that kindness. No, it's it's not about them. It's about you. It's about what you how you choose to respond for your own well being because what you do affects you before it affects other people. How you talk, how you react affects you

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before it affects other people. So be gentle and kind and loving and respectful towards your parents. And even if there isn't much that you can do, you can still make the offer them. Right, whether they are alive or they have passed away. And then we see that gentleness is also towards the spouse, right? The person that you are living with. And we see that men especially should be gentle with their wives, especially because the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Hey, you know, complied only, the best of you are those who are best to their wives to their families. It begins with this, this relationship first. And it's sad that this has to be said, but it is important that

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men should especially Be gentle with their wives. And this means gentle in the way that you speak to them in the way that you

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you know, talk to them in the way that you you communicate with them and even in the bedroom. Right, there should be gentleness, not harshness, and roughness, to the point of injury, and pain. We learn that, that, you know, some women were, were being we're on camels, and under shell one of the slaves of the Prophet sallallahu earlier said him he was you know, driving those camels really fast. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, that slow down, right, be gentle way heavier, and gesture. So kobilka worried you you know, you're you're taking your driving glass vessels, right? So be considerate. And sometimes men are not considerate of their wives feelings at all, in the way

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that they will make fun of them the way that they will mock them, you know, the way that they will say things directly indirectly, any there's gaslighting, any, it's it's very hard, it's very hurtful to even hear such things. That you know, sometimes a woman's feelings, her her passions, her, her work, her you know, her goals don't even matter in the relationship. Right her wants her likes or dislikes don't even matter. The entire relationship is centered around the man, his his needs his job, his wants his desire, his this his dad, and the wife is just, you know, something on the side. What about her? Is she not a human? Does she not have a right to you know, have goals have dreams?

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And, you know, be able to fulfill them? Or is she supposed to just ignore everything and sacrifice everything and compromise and everything until she becomes a shell of a person? Right? So this is this is something that men especially need to pay attention to. Are Chateau de la Mourinho said that.

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Sorry, Jabba radula Mourinho said that the prophets of Allah Who are you sending was Roger Lin Sutherland was very easy going men, either how we had to share kabara her early when something was presented to him. And he when someone asked him for something, he would, he would fulfill it and he wouldn't make a big deal out of it.

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All right. And even when his, you know, wife, Michelle Dillon Mourinho if she was ever upset with him, the Prophet sallallahu or Islam acknowledged her feelings, right in our head, these we learn about how, you know, he said to her once that I know when you're happy and I know when you're upset, she said how he said, When you're happy, you say, now want to be Mohammed, right by the Lord of Muhammad. And when you were upset, you say lower a bit Ibrahim, by the Lord of Ibrahim. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he, he would recognize that she is upset and he acknowledged that, and he would not condemn her for being upset. and gentleness again, it should be with children

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as well. And this is well known, but not just your own children, but the children of other people as well, because children because of who they are, they deserve to be handled with care and gentleness, little babies and the way that we pick them up and the way that we put them down the way that we change their diapers and the way that we put them in the car seat and the way that we pull them out and the way that we walk with them. They deserve a gentle touch. The last panel tada Forgive us, in the Hadees, we learn that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was once leading the people in prayer. And when he went into such the Hassan and Hussein both of his grandsons, they climbed onto

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his back. Right. And when they climbed onto his back, the Prophet sallallahu wasallam had to get up from the center. So what did he do? He gently he gently held them, alright,

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then Rafi con, right, very gently, he held them until they slid down. All right meeting until he put them down on the ground. And then what I'm referring to, so he held them gently, and he put them down gently. And when he went into surgery, again, same thing happened. So two times, he held them gently, he put them down gently, and after the Salah, he made them both sit on his on his lap, and a blu ray and I asked him that Shall I take them to their mother and the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said, No, let them be here. So gentleness and handling children, and also love them, show love to them gently right because sometimes we become so out of control that we start pulling their cheeks,

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right and we start rough handling them and they get annoyed, they get upset, then gentleness, also with relatives, because in a hadith we learn in the law, how you see can be in the Hadith.

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Allah subhanaw taala instructs you to be good towards your mothers, right? And then with your fathers and then will occur up for a club, then the one who is closest to you, and the next closest to you, meaning depending on how close a person is to you.

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They deserve more gentleness, than gentleness also towards co workers, people who are working with you,

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and also people who are working under you, because we see that anessa de la Mourinho, he worked with the province he worked for the Prophet sallallahu, reducing them for so long. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam,

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Willa barley, you shake and Cocteau. He never criticized me for anything ever. He said I shall do Mourinho said ma letaba. The Prophet sallallahu Urdu said I'm never hit anyone, right? end with his hand, neither a woman nor a servant. And even when it comes to an enemy, Allahu Akbar, someone who is actively trying to hurt you. Right, either verbally or physically, gentleness with them as well. We see the incident that I mentioned earlier about how I shall do more on how I got really annoyed with that group of people who, you know, said Assam or they come to the Prophet sallallahu Sunnah. And the Prophet sallallahu Urdu said I'm sorry, Dr. Shah, la COVID are lucky but you better be

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gentle, and be warned against harshness and vulgarity.

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And in the you know, the incident of ba if

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how the Prophet sallallahu aurizona was given the option that if you want gibreel said if you want I will crush these people between the two mountains and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said But aren't you and you love him in our syllabi him rather I want that Allah subhanaw taala should bring out from their from their descendants. Maja would Allahu la you should it could be someone who will worship Allah only and not associate anyone with him. And then finally gentleness should also be shown to animals whether they are writing animals or they are pets or whatever you need livestock

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Just because they're animals, it doesn't mean that we treat them as if they're nothing as if they have no feelings. We learned about the rhodiola and who he was to have a camel, alright, and he named that camel the moon. And when people would ask him to borrow his camel so that they could, you know, use the camel for transporting their things, etc. He would advise the viewer instruct them that don't load my camel with, you know, so much weight because he's not able to carry more than such amount of weight. In he he would he would instruct people to deal with his camel appropriately gently. We see that the Prophet sallallahu earlier send them gently you know he would

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pass his hand gently over the face of the horses so they man early said I'm also we learned that he did that. His story is mentioned in the Quran. And in Hadees we learn about how the Prophet sallallahu Urdu Some even instructed people that they should cut their nails before milking an animal. Because of the nails are long, it's going to hurt the animal. This doesn't mean that every single time you have to do it. No, you have to make sure the nails are decently short, right not long that they are hurting the animal and the Prophet sallallahu earlier said I'm advised by shuttle de la marinha to be gentle. When training her camel. in Hades we learn just how the system is in

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that a camel on which no one

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you know had set before no one. It was an untamed camel that was given to a shuttle de la Mourinho and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told her Yarra Isha are lucky because Allah He has over gela or Isha fear Allah And what if they have risk Be gentle for in the risk of because gentleness lumea coffee Shea in Cocteau, Eliza? No, it is not present in anything except that it makes it beautiful. Well, I'm use Armand Shea in court to Illa Shana, and it is not removed from anything except that it makes it ugly. So be gentle, even when training your camel. And sometimes we think that when we're training animals, we can beat them, we can punish them, we can be harsh with them.

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So we have to be careful about this as well. And even when it comes to slaughtering animals, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said for us, you know, that be be excellent in doing that, meaning do it swiftly properly, so that the animal suffering experiences the least amount of pain possible. And when it comes to writing on animals, again, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he said in the La demonaco with Ana De Fuca new Hebrew rifka, Allah subhanaw taala is gentle, he loves gentleness way a lobby and he's pleased with it where you are inwardly and he helps people when they are being gentle manner you're in your own, and he gives the help which he does not give

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over their harshness. And he said for either or Kim Tim had to hit the web Bella Rajma. So when you are writing these mute animals, meaning animals who are not able to talk to you are not able to tell you that you're hurting them. Then for NZ Lu her manners Zilla ha, then treat them in the in the proper way, and make them sit in proper places.

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Any, don't, don't just deal with them. However you want to be considerate, and that is all part of showing risk. Finally, the last section insha Allah, how is it that we can call upon Allah subhanaw taala. But before that, remember that the matter of risk is a very serious matter. This is not an option because the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Madara and he said that all Allah cause distress to him who has any charge over my people and causes them distress? Meaning any person who has authority over anyone from the oma of the Prophet sallallahu, or any sudden, and this could be your own children as well. This could be your own wife. This could be your own husband, this could

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be your own family, if you cause distress to them, that the prophets of Allah who are his enemies, Dora is against you. And what is that Dora that Oh Allah cause distress to the person who causes distress to the people of my oma that he has charged over?

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And the ultimate another door that Oh Allah be gentle to him who has any charge over my people and is gentle to them? So when we show harshness, we

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Create difficulty. That is what we receive. And when we create ease when we show compassion, when we are gentle and easy going, then that is what we receive. Well Allah subhanaw taala guide us, the Prophet sallallahu ala Madara in his, his final da was Aleppo. fiddley or how many will Hackney before phaco Allah forgive me Have mercy on me and bring me to the highest companion and this Torah, in the prophets, Allah Allah Who are you selling made, we can also make this door up, but remember that this is a door that is to be made at, you know at the time of death. So a person can make this door with the intention that you know Allah whenever you cause me to die, then forgive me and have

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mercy on me and join me with the with rafiqul Allah and rafiqul Allah can be understood as of course as Allah subhanaw taala and others have said that this is actually referring to the highest companions meaning the best companionship, which is the company of the prophets and the truthful in the martyred and the righteous in the high levels of paradise. So you can also make this thorough and the other thing is that you know, when you realize how important and how beautiful gentleness is and when you recognize your own personal deficiencies, whether it comes across in the form of impulsiveness, or, you know, harshness rude rudeness, then seek forgiveness from Allah subhanaw

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taala and ask Allah subhanaw taala to guide you to the best of deeds and the best of manners Aloma Dini, the arson in a flock the arsenal armel Arsenal o'clock and ask Allah subhanaw taala to protect you from sale our malware sale a HELOC because it is only with the tow vehicle loss penalty that we're able to make these changes in ourselves. inshallah, we will conclude here for today so Chronicle lahoma will be handing a shadow Allah Illa illa Anta esta Hiroko at Lake wa Salaam Alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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