Taimiyyah Zubair – The Beautiful Names of Allah #32

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary ©
The Bible explains that Hasib Alaysha is the person who takes care of others, gives advice, and marks them. The importance of forgiveness and standing for oneself is emphasized, along with the need for people to trust and believe in Islam. The need for patient and acceptance in achieving success is emphasized, along with the importance of acknowledging and embracing one's own limitations.
AI: Transcript ©
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Assalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu

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Are we the Billahi min ash shaytani r rajim Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim wa Salatu was Salam O Allah Rasool e Hill Karim rubbish Rahi sadri were silly. emri

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melissani Yakubu Kohli. Allah homedir Colby was said that listen, he was with him at the Colby I mean you're a Brahmin in ChildLine today's class we are going to study the name of Allah and Hasib al Hasib means the reckoner or the suffice or the one who is enough who is sufficient for his slaves. And also Hasib means the one who calls people to account the one who holds them accountable for their deeds. Now, this name and Hasib is mentioned three times in the Quran. We see for example, in Surah Nisa, verse number 86. Allah subhanaw taala says, in Allah Cana Allah Cooley Shea in her siba that Indeed Allah is Ever Hasib over everything, meaning he's he he has kept everything in a

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certain count. So he is able to count everything he knows the number of everything. And then we learn in sudo Nisa, verse number six worker fabula, he has Seba and sufficient is Allah as Hasib meaning as one who will hold people accountable. And then we have in pseudo to have a number 39 Allah subhana wa tada says Waka fabula, he has Seba again that Allah is enough as Hasib meaning as one who will hold people accountable. And then we see in the Sunnah as well, in a beautiful Hadith in Sahiba. hottie and it's a it's a Hadith, which teaches us something very important. In this Hadees we learned that there was a man who who praised another man on his face, meaning he began to,

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you know, really praise him in front of him. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said way, haka authority, Rupa Sahib ik water you, you have broken the neck of your brother, meaning when you praise someone on their face, then what happens is that you, you're actually working against them, you are not really helping them you are, in a way working against them. Why because your praise might corrupt their intention. And your praise might make them think that they are perfect, and that they don't need any improvement. So it doesn't mean that we don't praise people at all, but there should be a limit and there should be you know what, when we, when we do praise people, then then

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there should be a certain way in which we praise them, we should not glorify them on their faces, so that, you know, they begin to think extremely highly of himself and they begin to feel arrogant, and their intention becomes corrupt. And then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam said that if, if one of you must praise His brother, meaning if you must praise someone, then you should say Sibyl katha worker, I think such and such, like for example, I think that you have been working really hard. I think that you have really paid attention to detail over here, I think that you have, you know, you have given all of your effort to this particular thing. So say I think Sibel don't pass an

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absolute judgment that you are the best, right? Or you are gorgeous or you are like this or like that. And then and then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that what has cebula that his Hasib is actually Allah, meaning Allah is the one who gives who has the right to give final judgment on people. We don't have that authority to to make that final call and to put these labels on people and to you know, and to say that this one is the best and this one is the worst etc. This is not our, our place. What has Cebu, Allah, Allah is the one who will hold people accountable because he is the only one who knows the reality of people. So we see that this name is mentioned in the Quran

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and it is also mentioned in the Sunnah the person

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sallallahu Urdu send them also described Allah Allah azza wa jal as Hasib. Now let's look at the meaning of the word hasid. first before we go into the meaning of this name with regard to Allah azza wa jal now when we look at the word hasi First of all, remember that the word Hasib is mincio and mobile aha meaning it is a word and its structure shows the form of the word shows that there is hyperbole here. So, Hasib is the one who is ever attribute ID with with the word that can come from the root letters have seen basically, so, basically the word can be derived from one of three words that meaning the source of the word Hasib can be one of these three words and what are these three

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words The first is hey SAP, so, Hasib is one who takes his job All right, what is ASAP ASAP is to count all right to to count the number of things and it is also to clarify the worst of those things. So, this is why the word hisab is also used for for taking account because when you take account of something, you know of someone for example of the answers that they have given right, you are not only counting the numbers, right, you are also giving a certain mark, you are also giving a certain number to each question, right that the student has entered in, in their test. So, you are by giving those numbers by giving those marks What are you doing? You are saying that the students

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effort is worth this much, right? It's 80% or it's 90% or it's 98% or it's 50% etc. So, he said means to count to number and also to calculate and to clarify the worth of things. And so, has he been one who who takes account the reckoner and the one who keeps count secondly, hasid can also be derived from the word has sub alright and has sub means literally it means the worth or the value of something. And the word is used for nobility, all right. So for example, it is said that, that has sub is a shuttle for sabbat it is the the dignity or the nobility, that someone has because of their ancestors, right because of their lineage because of their blood. So hesa is a person's is someone's

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worth, their dignity, their honor. Why? Because of who they are. And this can be because of someone's lineage because of whose child they are because of what family they're from, or because of the status that they hold in in any given you know, society or in a given place. So Hasib is Lou has up meaning the one who has a lot of Hassan mean the one who is characterized by a lot of respect and honor and dignity.

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And then thirdly, the word Hasib can also be derived from the word has an has is sufficiency. So, it has said has book a meaning this is sufficient for you. All right, this is enough for you. So for example, if a student is reading before the teacher, and the teacher says has booked this means this is enough, you can stop now. Alright. So Hasib is one who is sufficient and one who gives what is sufficient and when it is sad to someone that has Siebel kulla that your Hasib is Allah, like we learned earlier that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that has Cebu Allah that Allah is his Hasib, then this can mean one, one or four things. It can mean that has Cebu Allah meaning Allah

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knows what you are doing. Okay, because Hasib is who one who counts well, and one who calculates and only someone who knows is able to count right? For example, if you don't even know

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you know the the things that have to be counted, you You are not you are never going to count them. So, counting something implies that you have prior knowledge of

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Those things. So has Siebel Kala means first of all that Allah knows you all right. Secondly it has said that has Cebu Kala means that Allah has power over you. Allah is able to, you know grasp you are able to, to give you what you what you deserve for what you are doing. And then has Cebu cola also means that Allah is enough for you, that Allah will help you, he is sufficient for you. And it also means, fourthly, that Allah will hold you to account. So it has a number of meanings. And this is why when we're talking about the name, Hasib, we can see all of these meanings, you know, expressed by the name, Hasib, it doesn't just mean that Allah is one who will hold people

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accountable, but it means,

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you know, a number of things. So, for example, she hisar the he said that Hasib is the one who knows his slaves, he has knowledge of his slaves, and he is sufficient for those who rely upon him.

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And he recompenses his slaves with good and evil according to his wisdom, and according to his knowledge of their deeds of all of their deeds, their minutus smallest deeds, and also, you know, that their deeds which are very obvious, so, because he has knowledge of them, he is able to recompense them with exactly what they deserve, and he is sufficient for them. And she has already also said that and Hasib is the one who is a repeat, meaning the one who watches over his slaves, because again, you cannot hold someone accountable until and unless you know what they're doing. Right. So he watches over his slaves and he is going to recompense them for their deeds with His

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justice and his favor.

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And he said well Hasib is the one who is sufficient for his slaves in their worries and their griefs, meaning when people are Ailey when people are hurting when people are said, they are worried, they're afraid that Allah is sufficient for them, in that situation of theirs. And he is especially sufficient for those who rely upon him. Because Allah says in the Quran, whoever relies upon Allah than Allah is sufficient for him, meaning a level suffice that person in in his affairs in his matter, meaning whatever, that the person is struggling with Allah subhanaw taala will be sufficient for him in that regard. So, these are some meanings of the name has seen. Now let's look

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at them one by one. First of all, when Allah subhanaw taala is has saved this means that he is one who keep one who has kept count of everything, unless he saw kalasha. So there is nothing that exists except that it has a number of near Allah except that Allah subhanaw taala has numbered it he has counted it. He knows about it. We learned in Surah Nisa, verse 86. In the Lucha Cana Allah Cooley Shea in hephzibah, that Indeed, Allah is over everything it has seen, meaning he has a he has counted everything and he has preserved everything. So he has preserved the deeds of his slaves. Our deeds are counted, they're numbered, meaning they have been preserved. Whether those deeds are very

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small, very minute, they appear to be very insignificant, or they are significant. Right. Allah is Hasib over everything meaning he has enumerated everything we learned in Serato DJ in verse number 28, that was a halvah be my lead at him, what I saw coolessay in other that Allah has encompassed everything that is with people and what I saw Kula Shay in our other day and he and he has enumerated everything in number, meaning everything is counted with him. There is nothing that is ignored. Nothing that is left out. We learned in sort of medium is number 93, that in coolamon, vissim are worth he will only in active Romania I Buddha, that there is nothing, no one in the skies

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and the earth except that it will come to Earth.

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Man as a slave, meaning everything is a slave before Allah, it is owned by Allah. In the next verse, it is said nukkad. So home, certainly he has, he has enumerated them, he has calculated them, where are the humor at the end he has numbered every single one of them. So, everything is accounted for nothing in this existence is lost is random is an accident, no. In Surah Taha, verse number 52, Allah subhanaw taala tells us that mousai salam said layyah lilu Robbie, Willa Yun, Sir, my Lord does not make a mistake, nor does he forget. Allah does not forget, we forget what we did what we said what we thought, but Allah subhanaw taala does not. So we learned in Surah magetta is six saw

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hula when a su Allah has enumerated all of it, and they have forgotten it. And this is so true, we forget the things we have spoken, we forgot the commitments that we have made, we forget, you know, the words that we have said. But just because we have forgotten, it doesn't mean that they don't exist. Asahi Allah, Allah has enumerated all of them, he has preserved all of them in total ambia I have 47 we learned that on the Day of Judgment, the scales will be set up right. And then it has said fell out to lemon of some shade. And no no soul will be wronged anything any in any way whatsoever, not even the least bit. So much so that we're in Canada with Karla had the team in her

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deli in Atlanta beat her that if there is something that is the size of a mustard seed, we will bring it forth we will bring it for something as tiny as a mustard seed Allah subhanaw taala is able to bring it forth, Walker Fabiana has he been insufficient? Are we as a counters, meaning Allah subhanaw taala will hold people accountable and the account that he takes is sufficient because you see sometimes it happens that you go to someone you go to one you know accountant and you know they calculate your taxes and they give you such a huge number, right? And you say no no, no, this this person may have made a mistake, let me go to someone else, right, you go to someone else and they

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they calculate your taxes, they give you a different number. Right. So people have different ways, right? And people make different errors and people you know they use their their their biases, their faulty judgment. And so, the results that people give are not always accurate. The calculations that people make are not always accurate. But what are Fabiana has he been what Allah has numbered what Allah has listed, and what Allah subhanaw taala gives, there is no error in that whatsoever. And so, Allah is the is Hasib meaning he has kept count of everything, including our deeds, the smallest of them, and the most insignificant of them, and also the most hidden and discreet and private of those

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deeds, and also those deeds which are public, those that are good and also those that are bad. We learned in a Heidi's that Allah subhanaw taala says this hadith is in Sahih Muslim, that all my servants, it is your deeds that I am that I am preserving for you are ously halochem and then I will recompense you for your deeds. So he who finds good, let him praise Allah. And he who finds Other than that, then let him blame no one but himself. So all of our deeds are being preserved. And remember that nothing is being left out, because we learn unsuitable calf verse number 49, that, that when the book of deeds is going to be laid open pit some people will be afraid they will say

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yeah, we let her know Malley had Al Kitab Lai, you are the guru salir Ratan wala Kabir Ratan in our saw her that what is with this book? It doesn't leave out anything small or big. It has. It has encompass it has enumerated everything. Everything you see sometimes there are certain remarks some comments that we make some gestures that we make

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we don't we don't think that they're a big deal or that they're very significant or certain things we do without realizing how significant or you know, they may be. But it is because of those deeds. Because of which, you know, there can be such a huge difference on the Day of Judgment for that person. For example, we learn the story of that woman who, who fed a thirsty dog, right, who fed water to a thirsty dog. And Allah subhanaw taala appreciated that deed of that prostitute. And Allah subhanaw taala forgave her. Right, we learn about how once I Chateau de la Mourinho, I know she was a bit upset and feeling jealous, and, you know, she, she, she made a hand gesture, to, to point to

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the short height of one of her co wives and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam remarked that, you know, this is something so bitter, that if it were put in a huge body of water, it would change its taste, right? That even though it seems to be just a gesture, but it is actually very, very bitter. And this is something that we really need to pay attention to. Because sometimes, you know, we say things, and there are small words, right? Or they are they're small gestures, you know, some body language, but it is these little little things that can hurt other people so much that they get fed up, they reach a boiling point literally that they cannot handle that they cannot tolerate us

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anymore. So, be careful about even the expressions, you know, that you use, even the small words that you use to to correct people to point out people's mistakes, every mistake does not have to be pointed out every you know, thing does not have to be highlighted learn to overlook the errors of people.

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Because the the book of deeds is such that it leaves nothing out. Because Allah subhanaw taala is Hasib. And well, while this is something that, you know, should make us very careful, it makes us afraid, at the same time, this is something that also inspires hope in US gives us a whole lot of encouragement, because nothing at all is lost, right? every deed is counted, even the smallest of deeds are counted. There's a beautiful narration in which we learn about how

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to mama Daddy, once someone visited him and to me with daddy La Jolla Mourinho, he was he was cleaning out the grain, that he was going to feed his horse, all right. And he will he was cleaning it out. He was he was sifting, sorting it by hand. And you know, when you're doing it by hand, you have to pick out all the pebbles and you know, the tiny grains of

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you know, the tiny pebbles, etc. You have to pick them out by hand. It's very tedious job to do. So he was doing that for his horse. So the person who was visiting him asked him that, you know, why are you doing this yourself? What Why don't you have someone else do this? Right? And, you know, yes, it is very unusual to find a man a very important man doing something like that. So anyway, he said, that I heard the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam say that there is no Muslim who sort of cleans out the grain for his horse, right? And then he feeds it, except that he will be rewarded for every grain that he feeds his horse, every grain, every single one of them allow a kebab? Any, when

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you're sorting it, right, it's, it seems it can be so annoying, right? That I have to touch every one of them or go through so many of them, but you are rewarded for every single grain, every single seed. And, you know, sometimes we get really fed up with with work, which is of this nature, tedious and you know, time consuming. It requires attention. And we feel like you know, we could be doing something else instead. And there are some things that we have to do. They're part of life, right? And these are chores, and they're boring, all right. But if you're doing it, you know with the right intention

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Even if, for example, you are cleaning out such food, you know, you know, for example, rice for two to prepare for your family, right so that you can prepare it and feed your family. That is also a good deed. Imagine if you're being rewarded for feeding a horse, don't you think you will be rewarded for feeding your own family. Of course, in sha Allah, Allah subhanaw taala does, you know Mercy is vast. So every grain is counted, every effort is counted. In another Hadees, we learned that if somebody keeps a horse, in the way of Allah, and the only reason why the person has that horse is so that he can use that horse in the way of Allah to do things for the cause of Allah.

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And he does this with a man in Allah. And he does this with hope, belief in the promise of Allah, then that person will be rewarded on the Day of Judgment for what the horse ate, and what the horse drank. And also for the dung and the urine of the horse, Allahu Akbar, what does that mean? That means that you kept that horse and of course, you had to, you know, spend from your pocket to feed the horse, to provide you know, fresh water to it. And then you went when you're keeping the horse you also have to clean you know, the area that the horse is, is you know, staying in etc. So, every moment that you spend taking care of that horse, you will be rewarded for it because you have that

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horse for the sake of Allah or zildjian right. And likewise, you know, for example, if you have a car or anything a phone, that your intention is to use that for the sake of Allah, then yes, use it for the sake of Allah, right. But then also realize that whatever time energy resources you are putting into it, they are not being wasted. Every single thing is being counted. It is being recorded, it is being preserved. Every step that you take in the way of Allah or zildjian. Right? Even that is something that a person is rewarded for in a Hadees. In Muslim Dharma, we learn about how when a person is making the wolf is walking around the Kaaba, right, he's making pull off. Then

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for every step that he takes, right, Mal refer Allah Julian cardamon, Walla, WA Bara, a person does not lift up a foot, and he does not put it down. So every time that he lifts it up, and every time that he puts it down, so basically, the fact that you are, you know, stepping forward and the fact that your foot is you know, landing and sometimes really taking a step even requires so much effort when you're making pull off, right. But for that, we don't in Hades in La kuchibhotla, who are Asheville has set 10 good deeds are recorded for that, were hooked on who actually will say he and 10 sins are erased, while roofie Allah who are shrew dollar jet and 10 ranks are raised for that

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person. So, when a lie is Hasib, this means that nothing that people do is wasted by Allah or xojo as long as a person does it for the sake of Allah in the way that is pleasing to Allah, then every deed is preserved, nothing small is ignored. And at the same time, we must remember that when, you know when we when we do something wrong, let us not think that it is going to be forgotten or ignored or it's it doesn't matter. No, every deed big and small matters, because Allah is Hasib. Secondly, when Allah subhanaw taala is received this means that he has measured everything and he gives to people to his slaves, what is beyond their ability to measure and count. Now, Allah soprano

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tada has counted everything, and he knows the number of everything. Right? And he has determined the worth of everything. But that, that that ability to count that ability to calculate is beyond us. And this is why we're told for example, instead of bacala 212 Willa who yelled was Zuko mania Sha will be lady Hey sab that Allah provide sustenance to whomever he wants. Without any measure. Be lady Hey sab without any measure any that measure

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is beyond the ability of people to to count or to, to enumerate to understand any we are not able to, to count the blessings that Allah subhanaw taala has given us but Allah subhanaw taala knows the exact number of things that he has given us. Right?

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We're interviewed do near mica lucky laughter So, if you, if you try to list the blessings of Allah, you wouldn't be able to count them, you wouldn't be able to number them that this is beyond our ability. But Allah subhanaw taala knows, right because he is Hasib. It's beyond our ability, not beyond but not beyond his ability. And when Allah subhanaw taala says that He gives without his sab, this also means that he he gives in such a way that that that that is so generous, like someone who does not fear being called to account Spence you know, for example, if you're given some money and you're told go by this and that, then you are very careful, because you have been entrusted with

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that amount of money and you only use that money for the things that you have been asked to purchase. right because you know that when you go back, you have to give a receipt, right? You have to file for a claim.

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However, when there are no restrictions, then how do you spend you spend without care you spend generously right you you spend without any fear that someone's going to question you about your your your spending decisions. So it implies extreme generosity, right. So believe me he sab also means that almost panatela gives

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you know generously and belated his ultimate means without people expecting it. So truly the blessings the gifts of Allah any they are beyond our ability to to count and number them in sort of zoom out a verse number 10 Allah subhanaw taala says in memory you were for sabi Runa eduroam be lady Hey sab that indeed, the people who are patient will be given their reward without any measure. Any they will not be able to to count them. They will not be able to count the reward. They will not even be able to to remember all of it because it's so much in the manual for sobre una adelong believe it he sub in sort of Lafayette I have 40 we learned Manami let's say you attend Fela you

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desert in Lambeth, Lucha. Whoever does something evil, that he will not be recompensed, except when it's equivalent, meaning a person will only get the equivalent of the the bad deeds that he performed. But in contrast woman army they'll slowly hand whoever does something righteous men record in a 1/3 whether that person is a male or a female, but there is one condition where Who am meaning they must be a believer for Allah aka the hallucinogen netta then those are the people who will enter Paradise euros upon a feasibility ASAP and they will be provided they're in without any measure. Aloma Dr. Lemon home. Thirdly, when Allah subhanaw taala is has seen this also means that

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he will, he is the one who will hold people accountable, meaning he is more hasebe the one who will call people to account. So we learned in sort of the last year that in elaida iava home indeed to us is their return all people will return to Allah azza wa jal we are going back to Allah and then it is said some inner Elena hisako then it is on us meaning it is our duty incumbent upon us necessary due upon Allah that He will take their hisab he will hold people accountable.

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And yes, every single one of us even though we are so many, so many, but it is not difficult for Allah to hold people accountable. Instead of the Lafayette is 17 we learn a Leo method user could learn fcmb maca Sabbath today, every person will be recompensed for what it earned. lel milliohm there is no injustice today in the last 30 or hisab Indeed Allah is swift in taking the account. What does it mean by that, that Allah is swift in taking the account, meaning it is not difficult for Allah to hold people accountable. It is not difficult for Allah to to ask people

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to question people about their deeds. And if we have to, you know, for example, as, as a parent, even when you have to manage so many things related to your children, there are things where you fall short, there are things where you say, you know what, I don't care, I can't keep an eye on everything. Right, I do not have the capacity to hold them accountable to hold them responsible for everything. So there's so many things that you ignore, you let go off, and you tell yourself, I have to pick my battles, because you only have so much capacity. Right? And, and the other thing is that there are times when you get exhausted, we the tired, so, or we have our, you know, our biases that

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we develop over time, because of which the way that we that we check things, you know, it changes over time. So a lot of times what happens with people is, for example, a teacher, when she's marking papers, write test papers at the beginning. Now, she's being very strict and towards the end, you know, she becomes very lenient because she sees that, oh, everyone struggle to understand this question. Right? Or at the beginning, very lenient, inviting in, she's getting really frustrated, that How come you know, most of the people did not do well, so then she becomes a little vengeful, so she's not fair anymore. And she might be getting tired and bored with all of that, you know, test

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paper checking. So we have great difficulty in holding people responsible. right in, in taking account. Right, it's a very tedious thing to do. It requires a lot of attention, a lot of focus a lot of calculations, and we get tired of that. And if we have to, you know, check a few things, it gets tiring. Imagine any, Allah subhanaw taala, he will hold all people accountable, he's able to take the hisab of the entire creation, and take the hisab of every deed of theirs, every single deed of theirs. And people live lives of what 50 years, 60 years, 80 years 120 long time ago, hundreds of years. Allah Akbar in the law has said he earned his sab Indeed, Allah is swift in taking account,

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it is neither difficult for him to take people's account, nor does it take him long. And we think that the hisab the Day of Judgment is far but it is not far. We learn in subtle ambia the first verse, Equatorial belly nursey Hey Sabu home, the peoples Hey sab, their accounting is drawing near, it is very near in sootel anom is 62 we learn some Maru do it Allah himolla whom will help Allah Allahu wa who asaro has been that they will be returned to Allah, Who is their true molar, unquestionably, To Him belongs the judgment. He is the one who has the right to judge people who are a sororal has Sabine and he is the most swift of those who call people to account.

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And Allah subhanaw taala is able to take herself of every little deed and he's able to question us about every little deed he's able to give us what we deserve to compensate us for every action of ours. You see in Surah Tunis at verse 86,

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Allah subhanaw taala says what either who you to be to her yet in when you are greeted with a greeting meaning when someone greets you, when someone says Salaam to you, right? They say hello to you. Then what should you do for how you then you should greet them back? How you should return the greeting in what way be sent them in her with a greeting that is better than it. So for example, someone says a cinnamoroll they come to you, you say Warlick, mussalam we're a hematoma. All right, you add an end and may the mercy of Allah be on you all do her or at least return it. Meaning if you cannot say wailuku salaam wa rahmatullah you can at least say why reconciler, right at least return

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it. And then it is said in the law, how can Allah militia in hephzibah Indeed, Allah is over everything he has saved. He counts everything and he's able to hold you accountable for everything he is able to compensate you for every deed of yours. And this is something so important for us to remember. You see when you when you just say Assalamu alaykum, right? We learned in Hades about how

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When you say assalamu Aleikum, you get 10 good deeds. But when you say a salaam aleikum, wa rahmatullah you get 20 good deeds. And when you say a cmrra como rahmatullahi wa barakatuh, you get 30 good deeds, right. So, Allah is Hasib, right? Meaning he he, he notices and he knows about every effort of yours, right? Every, every single deed of yours, and he's able to compensate you for every deed of yours. And also we learn that when Allah is Hasib, that that he he is one who will hold people accountable. You see, there are certain positions that people have, where there is no one above them, right in the sense that typically, you know, in different systems, there's a hierarchy,

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you have to report to someone, someone is able to come and question you, someone is able to come and tell you what you did is wrong. They can hold you responsible, right? Or there's a system to keep people accountable. But then there are certain situations where a person is at the top right, there is no one who will come and hold him responsible. And one situation where this happens is, for instance, in the Quran we learned in Surah Nisa, verse number six, regarding the property of the orphans, right? That if there is an orphan child in your care, and you are taking care of the orphan, and you're also managing the property of the orphan, when the orphan grows up to be an adult

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and us you see that they are able to manage their own wealth, then you have to return their property to them. Right. And then at the end of the verse, it is said worker forbid he has Seba, then sufficient is Allah as Hasib and one of the interpretations even Cathy's said that what this means is worker fabula him or her cbrne that Allah is sufficient as Hasib meaning he will hold you accountable? That How did you manage the property of the orphan who was under your care? And did you actually return everything? Did you actually hand over everything to the orphan? Or did you hide certain things? Because when an orphan is supposed to be a child, right, and and a child doesn't

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know what you know what property he owns, and what it's worth is, he he might not remember right, the things that he inherited from his father, and you know, that and you may have hidden some things, you may have changed, you know, the names of certain owners, etc, you may have, you know, not returned everything. But Allah subhanaw taala knows, so, what can fabula he has Seba, this is a reminder that even when there is no one to question you, Allah who will question you. So, don't think you can do whatever that you can. Don't think that you have absolute authority. And sometimes we see this, you know, in families were, you know, certain people because of their, their position

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in the family, right, they have such a hold over the entire family, that they can do whatever they want, they can say whatever they want, and they can treat people they can, you know, abuse and exploit certain individuals however they want. And there is no one to question, right? For example, if the man of the house if the father if the husband is abusing his wife, insulting her in front of his children, right, and there is no one to come and stop him because who will? Right? Who will nobody else in that house in that family's able to come and challenge the father? Right? And who is it that they complain to? Do they complain to his brother? Well, what if he doesn't have a brother?

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And what if, you know all of his siblings are also afraid of him? And what if you know, if there is no one else, who can knock some sense into him? So, in such a situation, you know, people become blind in their power. So they become blinded by their power. So, we must remember what fabula he has Seba. There may not be it any person who can hold me responsible, but Allah will hold me responsible worker fabula he has Seba.

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And sometimes what happens is that we, you know, we live a double life, where to the outside world we come across as someone who is, you know, very religious and very, you know, someone who's very active in the community, but in the house in the family, there's abuse, that

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you're committing Allah subhanaw taala warns us and sort of Bukhara verse 284 that Lila emf is somehow worked you were Mirfield were in Tobu Murphy and fusi come out to who you have sim can be Hilda file purulia share where you are the Boo manjusha that to Allah belongs whatever that isn't the skies on when and whatever that is in the earth. And if you reveal what is in yourselves meaning your secrets if you expose them to people, or you don't you conceal them. Allah is able to hold you accountable you have Sibyl can be healer. And then it is up to him he can forgive you or he can punish and Allah is Able to do all things. So have fear of Allah.

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And also we learned in Hadith that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that there is no one among you except that Allah will speak to him on the Day of Judgment. And there will be no interpreter any no third individual there to to, you know to interpret, Allah will directly speak to you. And then the person will look ahead of him and he will see nothing and he will see directly in front of him and you will see the fire.

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So this is this is a warning that you will be held accountable, Allah will question you, until the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that whoever is able to save himself from the fire, he must do so even if it is with a piece of a date Bishop Peter I'm writing and if that is all you can give in charity, give that but save yourself from the fire because Allah will hold you accountable.

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And we learned that Salah is the first thing that Allah subhanaw taala will question us about and we learn in Heidi's about how if Salah is good and he if a person passes their Salah test right then everything will be fine and if Salah is not good, then everything will be will will will not matter.

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Then when Allah subhanaw taala is an Hasib The one who the one who takes his up remember that Hasib also means that he is enough in and of himself, because remember that it also means sufficiency, right has made sufficiency. So, Alessi meaning he is El caffee right, he is sufficient in and of himself, which means that he he has he is Lou has a right in the sense that he is Al Karim he is noble, he is unreal fear he is exalted he is perfect, right meaning that he is independent of all we depend on things we depend on external things for for dignity and status, right. And our status our you know, respect depends on on certain things, and it is affected by certain things, right, which

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is why, you know, people get so afraid and, and if someone

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you know, falsely accuses them of something, they will take them to court because you're damaging my reputation. So, Allah subhanaw taala is a Hasib meaning, he is perfect in and of himself, he is independent of all so no one can bring him benefit, and no one can cause him any loss.

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Then when Allah subhanaw taala is an Hasib This also means that he is sufficient meaning he is sufficient for his slaves. And this means that the slaves, the people cannot be independent of Allah. Right? He is enough for us means that if we have him, then we're fine. And if we don't have him, then we're in trouble. So when Allah is has he This means that, that there is no independence from Allah. And nothing at all can be substitute for Allah. And when Allah subhanaw taala is sufficient for his slaves, remember that this is in two ways. First of all, he is sufficient for his slaves, any for all of them. So they exist because he created them, they live because he he provides

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for them, right? But then there is a special way in which Allah is sufficient for who for those who believe in him and those who rely upon him, and those who seek His help and those who are conscious of him. First and foremost in this category are the prophets of Allah.

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So in sudo, to buy a 39, we learn that Allah subhanaw taala praises a Latina you believe una de sol, Atilla those individuals who convey the messages of Allah and these are the prophets of Allah, while Shona who and they fear Allah. Because when when you're conveying the message of Allah you, you know that people are not necessarily going to accept it. They're going to have a hard time even listening to it. But the fear of people does not prevent them from speaking the truth. They fear him. While I have shown that I had an Illa Allah and they don't fear anyone except for Allah. worker fabula he has sia and Allah is sufficient as Hasib, meaning as a Pfizer. So he will suffice them he will

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protect them, he will be enough for them. We are inserted and fellow 64 year are you an OB who has spoken law, all Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has book Allah, Allah is in a for you. Allah is enough to protect you, to guide you, to save you, woman in Tibet, our communal movement he and Allah is also enough for who for those who follow you, among the believers. In sort of the Zoomer i a 36, we learn at a sulla who be caffeine or Buddha, is Allah not sufficient for his slave, he, of course, Allah is sufficient for his slave. And it's because of this reason, that the companions at a time of great danger, they their hearts were filled with confidence. We learned that right after the Battle

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when the companions were wounded, they were injured and they were really sad. At that time, they received news about how their enemy might be coming back in order to attack them. And so

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they they gathered up together, they'd responded to the call of the messenger sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And they went to, to pursue the enemy in that state of, you know, hurt and physical exhaustion. And they said, has been Allah who were Nirmal, were killed. Allah is enough for us, has been Allah, Allah is enough for us. And when they said that, Allah subhanaw taala says about how they came back with with the blessing of Allah, and they came back home completely safe. lamium says whom Sue what Tibet, Rudy, bueno Allah and they pursued the great favor of a law. So they won. Right? And even our best little deal on where and who said about how,

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you know has been Allah who and ml Joaquin is a statement that Ibrahim alayhis salaam said when he was thrown into the fire by his people, all right, imagine his own father was of those people who threw him into the fire his entire nation, right, everyone decided to catapult him into the fire. Hello Akbar. And he said Hassan Allah who inherited wiki, Allah is enough for me. And the companions also said Hassan Allah who in here my lucky. So we should also say this, when we are afraid, when we are worried when we are feeling anxious, remote, this is this is like an affirmation. Right? This is telling yourself that you're not alone, that you have Allah and Allah, if someone has the help of

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Allah than Allah is sufficient for him.

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And we learned in sort of the thumbnail course number three woman yet the walk killer Allah Allah He for her husband, whoever puts his trust in Allah than Allah is has Woohoo, Allah is sufficient for him, enough for him. And you see, sometimes people are, you know, planning behind your back in order to harm you in order to betray you. And you may be able to defend yourself from danger that is visible to you. How on earth are you supposed to defend yourself against those who plot in secret to harm you? right against dangers that are not visible to you, that you don't even know about? So in total and file is 62, we learn what he you redo the ruca for in the Hezbollah. If these people whom

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you've made a treaty with the Treaty of peace with if they intend to deceive you, that on the surface, they're making a peace agreement with you. But then because you're not preparing for war, they're going to come and attack you. The intention here is to deceive you. Then remember for in the Hezbollah, Allah is in a for you, Allah will be sufficient for you, who will levy a year there can be no sleepy, it is he who who helped you who assisted you will move money and who assisted you through the believers. So help comes from Allah. So

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worker fabula he has Seba sufficient is Allah as Hasib

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and then when Allah is hasid This also means that he gives what is sufficient he gives what is sufficient because remember Allah has calculated everything he knows everything a shumsa will come out will be his man, even the sun and the moon, right they they run their course according to a precise calculation, the night and the day, the difference in the in the changing seasons, the months etc, all of this is according to a certain calculation. So, any everything is accounted for and Allah subhanaw taala gives what is sufficient, he watches over you and he is more aware of your needs than you are. So, put your trust in Allah Allah Hasib. Now when Allah subhanaw taala is Hasib.

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What is it that we should do? How can we worship Allah through this name? Well, there are so many beautiful ways the first thing is that we must believe that Allah is Hasib, we must realize that Allah subhanaw taala is enough, that who will kaffee Leary by D, he is sufficient for his slaves. And this means that we remind ourselves that I can never be independent of Allah. There can never be a moment in my life where I think I don't need to look. I don't need to think about him. I don't need to care about you know what he likes for me what he does not want for me. Any there is never a moment when we can think that I can do without Allah I can live without Allah I can survive without

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Allah. That's not possible. So, we must remember this fact. And remember that Allah is Hasib, right, he gives what is sufficient and he is sufficient for his slaves.

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Because sometimes, you know, when we hear about tragedy or loss, for example, we hear about, you know, a young mother passing away, immediately Our hearts are filled with compassion for the little children. Right, that we we think that Oh, those, you know, her children were so little, they they need their mother and the mother has passed away. So remember, that Allah is still Hasib workout fabula, he has ceiba, Allah is sufficient, right? And if you notice what fabula has he by this, this is mentioned in the verse which is about orphans, right, that Allah is is sufficient for them. Of course, that loss is very painful, but remember that those children are not going are not neglected

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and abandoned. Allah is there and Allah is more merciful to them than their mother could be. He is the one who who gave them the mother in the first place. He is the one who put mercy and love in the heart of that mother in the first place. And if that means is gone now, Allah Hasib is still there. Secondly, when Allah subhanaw taala is Hasib let us not be proud of you know our status or our hustle our lineage, whatever place that Allah subhanaw taala has given us whatever worth we have in society, whether that worth is assessed by you know our fame or our money or you know, the things that we own, the influence that we have, let us not be deceived by that. Because in Hades we learned

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the Prophet sallallahu Urdu seven said woman a be here I'm a no la Musa there be Hina scible the person who is made slow by his actions will not be speeded by his genealogy.

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Yeah, that the person who is excuse me, the person who is

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who is made slow by his actions will not be speeded by his genealogy.

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And that means that if a person's excuse me, sorry about that.

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Sorry, I'll just repeat the Hadith the Prophet sallallahu earlier said I'm sad woman up for a be here I'm a little lamb use Ruby, he noticeable that a person whose actions are slowing him down, then his lineage is not going to cause him to get ahead. All right, meaning that just because you have a certain place in society, just because you have a certain worse near people that they look up to you because you're very beautiful. They look up to you because you're very famous. They look

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Up to you, because you were from a very important family, they look up to you because you were very rich, right? Or that you you're a graduate of a very famous School, where that you hold a very fancy position, you have a very fancy title, you drive a super fancy car, right? Whatever it is that you have, right? That's not going to take you forward on the Day of Judgment. What's going to take you forward on the Day of Judgment is actually your deeds. So the hazard the worst that almost panatela has given you through material things. Don't be dependent on those and and don't be arrogant about that. And if you ever feel arrogant about that, remember that Allah subhanaw taala is the one who is

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has saved who who is truly worthy of

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you know, of the highest status because he is either he is the Holic and he is the one who is perfect, and we are not. We learn about how Allah subhanaw taala gives the example of the wife of new alayhis salaam and the wife of Luth Allah, his Sunnah, that both of these women, he they were married to prophets of Allah, but their marriage did not save them. Why? Because they themselves did not believe they themselves did not do what was required. So your status is not going to save you. It's your Eman and your effort that is required. And then when Allah subhanaw taala is has he we must also hold ourselves accountable because there is no escape from his app. This is something that

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Allah subhanaw taala has warned us about Allah Spano Tata has promised us that he will hold us accountable and while we hope that we are of those people who are not held accountable for our deeds, well what if we are held accountable for our deeds, so don't just you know have this you know, assumption or have good expectation of Allah, that, that he will, you know, do his job and year zero for you, but, but because of that, don't think that you can do whatever you want. Be be disciplined, and be honest with yourself, right has Cebu and full circle cobbler unto herself, that that hold yourself accountable before you are brought to account. And I shall deal on more on her.

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She asked the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam about the idea for Sophia you have several hisab in your sila, that there will be an easy hisab for someone right and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam explained that this is just out of this is just people you know their deeds being displayed right? them being brought before Allah, but the person who is new Petia the person who will be interrogated that Why did you do this? And how come you did that? The person who is interrogated on his account yelich that person is ruined. May Allah soprano try to protect us. And remember that now while we are alive is the time to work without account. Any right now we can do

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whatever that we can't there's no limit. And tomorrow after we die, his only account without work.

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Or the it'll be a long horn who said something like this? He said for in the leiomyoma alone? What are his up? Today? There is only ama you can work all you want and there is no account. Right? What are then he saben when I'm ill and tomorrow, it is only herself only accounting and no work tomorrow you will not be able to do anything. So do what you can, right now. Don't just form an assumption about yourself that, you know I'm forgiven. I'm a good person. I'm a righteous woman. I'm a righteous man. So I'm fine. No, don't just make this judgment about yourself that will because I've memorized the Quran, I'm fine. Because I pray five times a day. I'm okay. Because I wear the hijab,

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I'm okay. No, don't, don't form these judgments about yourself. Right now, focus on work on Amazon. And there is no limit to what you can do. So do whatever that is within your capacity and keep increasing in your deeds in your good deeds.

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And also be conscious about your shortcomings. Be aware of them, recognize them, acknowledge them and seek forgiveness from Allah soprano thada for those mistakes, don't turn a blind eye to your own errors. Right? Just as we are very particular about you know a scratch now we're phone. We're so we're so finicky, that the phone should not be scratched, right. Some people are so particular about their house that everything should be in perfect order.

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Order everything should be you know should be looking perfectly clean. right all the time beautiful arranged, right? We're so particular about these things we must also be particular about our actions take responsibility and seek forgiveness from Allah subhanho Pardo Abubakar de la Miranda was one scene holding his tongue in he was visible that he was very upset with his own tongue. And remember that your loved one who asked him that What are you doing? And abaco de la Mourinho said that this is something that takes me towards destruction, any my own tongue is something that drives me towards my own ruin, right. And he realized how he would fall into error because of his own tongue.

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And we must also realize that that it is that it is our own words, right the things that we say with our own mouths, that lead us towards you know, towards trouble.

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And this also means that we should not undermine any, any good deed, right? Because when Allah is Hasib, you don't know for which deed, you know, you may be

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punished or you may be rewarded, so, do not undermine any deed, we learned about a man who was called to account and it was found that the only good deed he had done was that he was easy in his business dealings with people. So he used to instruct His servants to be easy with people who were in difficulty. So Allah subhanaw taala said, We are more entitled to do that than he is. So forgive him the jawas who are a new part in all of his misdeeds, so we don't know which deed will save you. Then when when Allah is Hasib, we should also in our part, our job is that we should refrain from constantly judging people. Allah is the one who will hold them accountable. Right? That is Allah

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soprano, todos you know, role to play. Our job is not to judge people all the time.

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We learn in sort of the Lord, I have 40 that for enamal a call Bella where Elena ASAP, your job is to convey and it is our duty to hold people accountable. hisab is what Allah subhanaw taala does. All right, he has the right to do that. This is not our place. And sometimes what we do is we keep counting the number of errors that people are making. We keep counting the words that they're saying, you said this to me yesterday in the morning and then in the evening you said this and then later you said that and then after that you said that and screenshot of this and screenshot of that, and a proof of this and a proof of that any we have not been appointed as managers over people as as

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individuals to hold people accountable. This is not our part. Right? learn to forgive, learn to pardon and overlook the mistakes of people for that kid innama antem with that kid, yes you should remind people right however less than or lay him be most likely you have not been appointed as a manager over them and deal with people on their apparent any even if someone lies to your face. And this happens sometimes your own children lie to you. Right? You ask them did you make well do they say no? And then you go and check the sink? Is it even wet? Is there any water in there? right and then you check their you know you keep touching their their clothes and their arms and their face

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and their hair and inside their ear to make sure that they actually made will do any if the child is saying he did make will do than just accept that. Even if you have a strong feeling that he's lying. We have been told letter just sessile while at the hacer su do not spy on people do not eavesdrop do not pry into their personal affairs. The Prophet sallallahu already said and warned us. He said I have not been ordered by Allah to search the hearts of people or to cut open their bellies. I have not been ordered to do that, that I look into what is really in the hearts of people that I cut open their bellies and see what is it that they ate? No, this is not my job. And the Prophet sallallahu

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Sallam said that if you search for the faults of the people, you will corrupt them. You will corrupt them. Because that barrier off you know how Yeah, that exists between you and another person, even your own child when you insult them and you say no, you're lying to me. I know you're cheating. Right? I know you did this. I know you did that. When you when you remove that veil of

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of hire of dignity, then you are basically giving them the license to the permission to continue with their mistakes, right? Because now they know that you know, right, they know that you know, and they know that, you know, you can't do anything about it or you you only have limited power like, what are you going to do? Can you really force them you cannot. So, sometimes you know, that your own child is doing something wrong. But if you pursue their faults, then remember the warning of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam you will corrupt them or you will merely corrupt them. And the thing is that when you pursue the faults of people, you automatically put them on the defensive,

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when you put them on the defense on the defensive people will try to do anything to protect their dignity. And sometimes that means they will also lie and sometimes they it means that they will also cheat you more, they will start hiding from you even more. So, protect them by not investigating their faults all the time.

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And when a lie is Hasib, we should also perform the deeds that lead to paradise without account with earn in the Hadees about how 70,000 people of this oma will be

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admitted into paradise without any ASAP and of their characteristics is that they don't they don't believe in in in evil Omen, right and they do not

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you know brand their bodies with fire right any of this was a way of treatment that that people would use and they do not use Rukia Rokia which is which is shaky, right which contains words have shipped, and they put their trust only in Allah soprano part. And in another Hadees, we've learned that about how this number is not just limited to 70,000 there is one group that will enter like that. And then more groups as well. That will enter Paradise without hisab. In another Hadees we learn about a man about a slave. Alright, a slave mum Luke is someone who is owned by another doesn't have much liberty, but when he gives the hug of Allah, when he gives the right of Allah and

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he gives the right of his moheli, right of his of his people, and he is honest with them, he he does what what is asked of him, then he will enter Paradise, la he sobre la he without any herself. So sometimes really, you know, your position is such that you don't have much authority, you don't have much control. But you honestly do your part, you honestly do whatever that is within your capacity. And you make sure that you do your Subbu you make sure that you are beautiful to Allah, so you do your best, right. And then

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we also learn about that woman who came to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and she she had a certain disease and she asked the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that please make God for me, that I am cured. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said in Shi t Daro to Allah, if you want, I will make dua to Allah for you, to cure you. What in shitty for speedy, and if you want, you can be patient, whether he sobre la ke, and you will not be held accountable for your deeds. And that woman said by US Bureau, I will be patient whether he sabar in a year, and I don't want that I should be held accountable for my deeds. So, you know, there are certain health conditions that get

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prolonged, right, year after year goes by and you look back and you realize it's been 15 years, since I have been suffering with this condition. And it is difficult, extremely difficult to live with, with you know, such impairment, right or such pain in your body. And, and it could be of different types. But we see from this Heidi's that if a person is patient patients does not mean you're not doing anything to to, to help yourself like you're not taking medication. Of course you take medication you do whatever that is within your capacity to comfort yourself. But you are patient over the decree of Allah, Allah, this is what you have, this is what you are testing me

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with. And and I accept it. Any I'm not displeased with you. I am not upset with you. And I am not, you know, angry and I accept this as your decree and you are patient over it and you are patient over the difficulties that you're facing because of that condition. Right. Like for example, if a person has a you know, has a condition where

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You know, for instance, they their foot is constantly swollen, their their leg is constantly swollen and they don't know what's going on and no doctor is able to, to figure out what's happening. Right. And you you are patient over it. And years go by 20 years go by 25 years go by, you are not able to walk much you're not able to, you know, go go to a park, you're not able to walk on a beach, you're not able to hike on a mountain, you're not able to go skiing, you're not able to, you know, have fun with your family. When you go you're just sitting on one side Heaney, when we see people with the with such conditions, sometimes we are the ones who are experiencing such conditions. But what do we

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learn from this, that this woman said, but a spirou? I will be patient while our hisab early? Yeah, and I don't want any hisab either. Yeah, Allah because I'm being patient. I accept this as your decree. You please don't hold me accountable for my my errors and my mistakes, I mean.

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Now, finally, how can we call upon Allah subhanaw taala by this beautiful name, there's so many different ways. First of all, when Allah is Hasib, and he is sufficient for us, then we should express our reliance upon him by saying Hassan Allah who and their Melba key, just as Ibrahim alayhis salaam, said that, and the companion said that we should also say this when we are in any difficulty, we also learn instead of to Toba, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is told that if people turn away from you, than you should say, has to be Allahu La Ilaha Illa Who are they he talking to whoever Bullough surely that's sufficient is Allah for me. And there is no god worthy of

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worship, but Allah on him, I put my trust, and He is the Lord of the great throne in an Irish and we learn about how we should say the seven times in the morning and seven times in the evening with that narration is you know, it has some weakness in it, but, but besides any, this is a statement that the Prophet salallahu Urdu center was told to say. So there's no harm at all if we if we say this regularly as well when we are feeling alone when we are feeling abandoned by people has to be Allah, Allah is enough for me. And also, when Allah subhanaw taala is Hasib, he will he will hold people accountable. So we asked Allah subhanaw taala to forgive us on the day that he will take his

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job. So the Dr. Ibrahim A Salaam robina fairly well you validate here with me Nina, yo maya como haisa Our Lord forgive me and forgive my parents and forgive the believers on the day that the opponent hasaan that the hisab will be taken. And we also learn another law which is reported in most of them but in the road to becoming a learfield with a sub, that Oh Allah I seek refuge with you from the constriction from the difficulty of the day of ASAP. You see when you are being questioned, interrogated Why did you do this and why did you say that and how can you did this? It's very heady, it's it's suffocating. And this is why we ask Allah that Allah protect us from the

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suffocation of the of the day of his job. He there is no escape, but it's so difficult to be put in a position where we're we're going to be questioned and interrogated. So Allah Maha siboney Hey sabun yesira this there are also that Oh Allah, give me an easy account. An easy account means that the deeds are simply displayed and that we are not interrogated mailflow supermoto, forgive us and make this easy for us in shallow conclude over here subchronic Allahumma will be handing a shadow Allah ilaha illa Anta esto Furukawa Tobu la wa salam o Alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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