Taimiyyah Zubair – The Beautiful Names of Allah #29

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary © The speakers emphasize the importance of appreciation and appreciation for one's work, as it is crucial for men to fulfill their part in their efforts and not just rewarded. They also touch on the emotional turmoil experienced by individuals working on assignments and the importance of honoring others. The conversation is a personal development between two speakers, with the first speaker introducing the concept of "we" and discussing the importance of learning and self-awareness in helping entrepreneurs and businesses succeed. The message is that learning and self-awareness is key to building successful businesses.
AI: Transcript ©
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Are we

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okay are you all able to hear me now just want to make sure just give me a thumbs up if you're able to hear

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okay perfect but handed in

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our other Billahi min ash shaytani r rajim Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim.

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Today inshallah we will be looking at the names of Allah the Exalted a shacket and a shikou. These Beautiful Names these most excellent Names of Allah occur several times in the Quran, we see that the name of shatkin occurs two times in the Quran and the name of shellcode occurs four times in the book of Allah and the name a shack it means the one who is appreciative and a shark Who is the one who is very appreciative meaning Allah subhanaw taala is the one who greatly appreciates and values, his slaves, their efforts, their good deeds, so he does not belittle their efforts and he does not waste their efforts at all. Allah subhanaw taala tells us in sort of good Baqarah verse number 158,

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that woman totowa are higher on for in Allah has Shakira on the idea that whoever does something good voluntarily, then Allah subhanaw taala is appreciative. And he is knowing in Surah Nisa I 147. Allah subhanaw taala says, What can Allah who Shakeel on the alima, that Allah subhanaw taala is appreciative and he is knowledgeable meaning he's fully aware of what you do. And in the beginning of the verse, in fact what is mentioned is that why would Allah punish you?

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If If you are grateful and if you believe so, Allah subhanaw taala appreciates your amen Allah subhanaw taala appreciates your gratitude and your efforts. So Allah has no need to punish you. When the name of with regard to the name of Allah shockula that is also mentioned several times in the Quran I mentioned earlier that it is it comes four times. So in sort of far played a number 30 Allah subhanaw taala says via Wi Fi or home Adora home way as either home in fugly in her phone Shaku that Allah subhanaw taala will fully reward people and He will give them even more out of his favor because he is forgiving and he is very appreciative and sort of father I have 30 for the people in

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Paradise, they will say in our banner love a foreign shock or indeed our Lord is surely Forgiving and Appreciative. Instead of the shoulder I have 23 we learn that in the law has a foreign shock or indeed allies Forgiving and Appreciative and in sort of the Harborne is 17 it has said, well Allahu shakugan haleem and Allah is appreciative and very forbearing very tolerant. So we see that this name occurs many times in the Quran. So let's look at the meaning of the word sugared first because a shacket and ushiku both mean, the one who does sugar. Now, when we talk about sugar, generally we're talking about gratitude, right that it is us the recipients of Allah subhanaw taala his

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blessings and favors, who should express gratitude who should feel gratitude who should acknowledge the favors of

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Allah subhanaw taala so when we think about sugar generally we think about the concept of gratitude or thankfulness. But the word sugar doesn't only mean gratitude and thankfulness, sugar is actually that the the literal meaning of the word is a loo. It is when something becomes manifest, it is when something becomes visible, and it also means growth and increase. So for example, the word shaqab is used for a tree when it produces its sheki and what are sheki Shaheed are the twigs that that that that's that come forth from the stem, meaning the new emerging branches, or or twigs. Likewise, Shakeel also applies to the tiny leaves that that begin to grow under the bigger leaves. So, when

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you see growth on a tree, you describe that as shocker, right, it is very evident that the tree is now growing, it is increasing, right and as it grows, it becomes even more visible, right, the new leaves are a sign that the tree is alive, it is a sign that the tree is growing. Likewise, when animals like for example, cows or horses, when they eat, and the effect of eating is visible on them, meaning you can literally see their stomachs, you know becoming bigger, or you can see them gaining more flesh. And you can see that in animals very quickly, that when they're when they're sick when they're unwell, they look extremely lean and fragile and weak right. And as they begin to

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eat more properly, you can see that that that there that they look better. So the so the effect of good nutrition, the effect of food becomes visible on the bodies of these animals, right. Then we see that the word Dabba to Shaku Shaku is used for a cow or an animal, that is sufficed by little food even meaning you give it a little bit of food, because that's all you have, and it survives, it still produces, you know, enough milk. So, this is the concept of sugar, sugar is to be pleased with what is little even meaning to be happy to be satisfied. And to appreciate even the little that is offered, even the little that is done. And secondly, sugar is also to praise and commend someone for

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the good that they have done. And sugar is also to acknowledge and recognize the good that someone has done and then let it be known. So the concept of sugar is not just about offering gratitude, sugar is also to notice and appreciate the little things, right? Sugar is to praise and appreciate someone for the good that they have done. And then sugar also is to let that effort let that goodness be known. Right. And part of that is to reward the one who has done what is good. Now sugar on our part as human beings of course, this is something that we have to do, we must do that we must offer gratitude, we must show gratitude to Allah subhanaw taala for his because his blessings are

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too many. Right and when we talk about sugar on our part, we're talking about acknowledging the blessings of Allah admitting that Allah subhanaw taala has truly blessed us and then not just admitting that or feeling that but also verbally expressing gratitude, right, thanking Allah subhanaw, taala and hamdulillah and then not just you know, verbally expressing, but also through our actions, right, we show that we are grateful for everything that Allah subhanaw taala has given us and how do we demonstrate that, that that attitude of gratitude, we demonstrate that by by being more obedient to Allah by by doing good things for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala so this is sugar

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on our part, but here a shacket a Chicago these are the names of Allah. So how is it that Allah subhanaw taala does sugar remember that sugar on the part of Allah the Exalted is appreciation. So when we for example, translate the name of Shaq and we don't say the one who is grateful we said the one who is appreciative right the one who is very generous in his reward.

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Right. So, a shacket, a show called when we're talking about Allah subhana wa Tada. Yes, he is Cathedral sugar. And what that means is that Allah subhanaw taala, approves and rewards a great deal. he approves the good deeds of his slaves, and He rewards a great deal. Meaning the reward that Allah subhanaw taala gives is massive, it is huge. You see, when you do something, you know, for example, even at work, right, you're you're doing your part, you're doing the work that is asked of you, what are you compensated for, you're only compensated for what is in in your contract, right? What is in your contract, that, you know, you will get a certain amount of pay for, for the certain

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work that you're going to do. But if you do anything extra, right, or you you put in, you know, a great amount of effort in doing your work properly and well in in the best way possible. That effort is not always acknowledged, you may be working overtime, you may be working on the weekends, right? You may be tired, you may be tired, and you're still working, you may be unwell and you're still working, right, you may be spending from your own pocket to get your work done. But all of that is not necessarily recognized. So we know this really well, that the compensation we get from people does not always match the work that we are doing. It does not always match the effort that we have

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put in right, no matter how much compensation No matter how much reward we are given. Right? We wish that there could be more, right? We at least believe that you know we deserve more. When Allah subhanaw taala rewards his slaves, that reward is massive. It is huge. So much so that in Jannah, Allah subhanaw taala will ask his slaves, right Allah subhanaw taala will tell his slaves that asked me for something right. And the people will say what more can we ask for? When you have given us such and such and such meaning people will run out of wishes, people will run out of things and rewards to ask for and Allah subhanaw taala well a Dana moseyed he says in the Quran that with us is

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even more Allah soprano, todos rewards are unlimited. So, a sharkoon is the one who rewards much. And then a shellcode is also the one who forgives much because part of appreciating someone's efforts is to overlook their errors and not to you know, focus on every little you know, slip and mistake, right. And you will notice that, that certain professors For example, when they're marking your assignments, some are very generous, right, they appreciate the fact that you have understood the concept they appreciate the fact that you have done your research, they appreciate the fact that you submitted your you know assignment on time, they appreciate the fact that you have put the word

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count you have you know, use the used a good legible font, etc. And you know, little little mistakes, they they they will ignore them right they will point them out, but they will not necessarily cultural marks for every little thing. And you see that there are professors who who are literally looking for you know a reason to to to give you less marks. So, people are of different kinds, Allah subhanaw taala he is a Shaku. So, he forgives a lot, he forgives much, Allah subhanaw taala is a shackled So, he gives large reward for even the small deeds or few deeds of his lives and inshallah we will discuss that more.

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Then we see that a shocker also means that Allah subhanaw taala gives growth and increase to the efforts of his slaves. And as shockula is also the one who multiplies the rewards at meaning he doesn't just give one reward for one good deed but he gives multiple rewards for one good deed. And he doesn't just give the reward once he gives it over and over again and in the hereafter. in Paradise, he will not just reward his slaves once, but he will reward them for eternity over and over and over again. So this is a show called a shacket. The one who is appreciative. Now she has authority explains that Allah soprano product is a shacket and usher code and this means

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That Allah subhanaw taala is the one who appreciates the the little efforts of his slaves even

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that Allah subhanaw taala is a Shakir and usher code, meaning he appreciates the early the little, the few the small deeds of his slaves provided that they are sincere. Meaning when you do something for the sake of Allah soprano tada with sincerity, then the reward that Allah subhanaw taala gives is a thoroughbred Josie any huge massive reward. And when you compare that to your effort, what is your effort? What is your work? What is your deed? It is something so small. For example, you said Subhan Allah, right you say Alhamdulillah one calima right? Like it had these weird

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two words Kelly Martin, which are her FIFA turn Island lesson, right, which are very easy on the tongue, but they are subpoena attend filmyzilla they're very heavy in the skills. And what are those two words? Subhan Allah he would be handy. Subhan Allah healer Ali. Right? So what you say is just a few letters, a few words, right, put together, that's it. But the reward for that is what? That these words are heavy in the scales, and the scales that Allah subhanaw taala will set up on the Day of Judgment, these skills are massive, they're huge. So imagine words like Subhan, Allah behind the sapan Allah had Arlene they will be heavy in the scales. Right? So this is the appreciation of Allah

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zildjian that he accepts even the little right the small efforts of his slaves, efforts that we don't always have to exert much effort you know to do. You recite the Quran you just say any flub mean for every letter, you get rewards multiple rewards. So this is a shocking a shackle, that he appreciates the little things that you do even secondly, shackles are the explains that a shackle is the one who pardons many since we are for I needed caffeine, it means zella any the many slips and errors and mistakes that you make Allah subhanaw taala overlooks a last panel turn of pardons, he forgives. And then the last panel tada does not waste the effort of those who do good, how often we

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feel in this world, that our effort was not appreciated, or that effort or that our effort was wasted, right, that we didn't get much out of the effort that we put in Allah subhanaw taala does not waste the reward of those who do good. And then Allah subhanaw taala multiplies the rewards many times over without count and without account, what does that mean? That the the amount of reward that Allah subhanaw taala gives is such that you you cannot even quantify it, you cannot even begin to number and count it it is it is too much to count. And then beena, he said, Allah subhanaw taala gives reward without account even. And one of the interpretations of that is that without holding a

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person accountable for his sins, so Allah subhanaw taala, a shacket a Shaku, He rewards,

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he gives reward, multiplied, right, and then He rewards with various kinds of rewards. Any he doesn't just give one kind of reward, the reward, but he gives is of multiple kinds, multiple levels, and He rewards with reward that is immediate, and also reward that is delayed. So for example, when a person does something good, he is rewarded for it in the world, how, for example, there's immediate, you know, sense of joy and satisfaction for for doing something good, right, you feel happier, but then that's not it. There's also delayed reward, which is much greater in sha Allah in the hereafter. And all of this, Allah subhanaw taala does, even though he is not required

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to give us any reward. You see over here, Allah subhanaw taala is a Shakira Shaku, he gives He rewards, he multiplies, he forgives, he he increases, right? And he does all of that. Even though he does not have to. He's not obligated to he does

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Not always any anything at all, yet he appreciates the good that we do. And if you think about it, any good deed that we are able to do, how is it that we are able to do it, we are able to do it with his trophy, right? That he gives us the thought, the ability, that realization, that willingness to do something good. And then he puts things together for us, you know, our circumstances, everything he gives us. So feek He allows and he enables us to do something good. And then when we are doing something good, he helps us, he helps us reach the end. And then on that he gives us reward. How generous how appreciative is Allah azza wa jal

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so in so the Shura, I had 23 we learn Allah subhanaw taala says, women, ye pathetic has an attorney, nosey dilla houfy, her husana that whoever does anything good, then we will give him even more, we will increase goodness in it for him.

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And what does that mean? This means that when the servant obeys the Lord, when the servant obeys Allah subhanaw taala when a person follows the commands of Allah Subhana Allah subhanaw taala appreciates that servant even more. How? How is it that Allah subhanaw taala appreciates his slaves? We see that first of all, Allah soprano thought is the one who gives the servant the ability to do something good. This is a last panel Thomas favor on us that a person wants to do something good, he just has this, he just has that thought or he just takes that first step. Right? And what happens Allah subhanaw taala gives that person the ability to do it. You know, for example, you hear about

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the you know, the rewards of giving charity, right? And instantly you think that you know what inshallah, I'm going to give charity and what happens you are actually able to give charity, how were you able to do it, because Allah subhanaw taala is the one who helped you, Allah subhanaw. taala is the one who gave you the strength, the opportunity, that realization. So Allah appreciates his slaves, how, first of all, by giving his slaves the ability to do good.

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Secondly, when a person intends to do something good, Allah subhanaw taala rewards him for that also, any your reward begins from the moment that you intend to do something good when you have that near Allah subhanaw taala appreciates that so much that he begins rewarding you from that moment onwards. And I had these we learn about how Allah subhanaw taala has told his angels, that when my servant intends to do something evil, don't write it. But when he actually does it, when he commits the sin, then write it as one cent. And when my servant intends to do something good, just intends, then write it as one good deed. And when he actually doesn't, then write it as 10. So the reward is

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multiplied when you actually do something good, but the reward begins from the moment that you, you make the intention.

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And at times, it happens that you make the intention but you're not able to actually, you know, do what you intended, but the reward is still preserved. So for example, we learned in the Quran about how a person who leaves his house, right in order to make hedgerow in order to immigrate, you know, in the way of Allah and what happens, a person dies on the way he never makes it right to the to the destination that he was intending. And all this panel thought assess for the worker or a Jew or Allah, his reward is, is mandatory, right meaning Allah subhanaw taala will certainly reward this person.

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We see that in a hadith we learn about how when a person makes the intention in the night to pray pm late to get up in the night later and pray voluntary Salah but what happens he ends up sleeping through until budget, right? So in Hades, we learned that his the reward for what he intended is recorded for him. So for example, you go to sleep in the night making the intention that you will wake up for the hadoo and you will pray you you intend that you know what, I'll wake up 15 minutes before fudger so that I can get to Lockhart in at least two right? I will do to to carve out and I will just recite you know one page in each in each record and then I will do my width. All right.

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You make that intention

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and what happens when

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You wake up, it's actually fudging already. The reward of those teutul God is recorded for you. Why because you made that firm intention to perform pmla but you weren't able to, but Allah subhanaw taala because he is appreciative, he will still record that reward for you, he will still reward you for your intention. And and had this we learned what can a normal solder cotton either in the rugby and the extra sleep that the person got? That is a charity for him from his Lord, meaning that is a loss of primal Tardos gift to him.

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So this is how appreciative Allah is that he appreciates the slave from the moment that the slave makes the intention to do something good. And then Allah subhanaw taala appreciates the effort of his slave, how that when the slave is doing something good Allah soprano tada assists him, Allah subhanaw taala helps him or her right, that, that Allah Subhana Allah makes it easy for him, Allah subhanaw taala sends him the help that he needs the right people, right, that that he needs, so that a person is able to complete it, a person is able to accomplish it, right. And then when when the person completes, you know a good deed when a person is doing something good. Then Allah subhanaw

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taala is appreciated. So he praises his slave in the highest assembly, where before His angels, Allah Akbar, anyone a person is doing something good for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala striving to please Allah, Allah subhanaw taala is so appreciative of the efforts of his slave, that Allah subhanaw taala praises his slaves before His angels. And there's that beautiful Hadith in which we learn about it that how Allah subhanaw taala calls angels up and tells him that such an such slave of mine is striving for my approval. Right? And I love him, so you should love him and jabril makes that announcement amongst the inhabitants of the sky. So the angels also begin to love that person.

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And then that love is is placed among the people of the earth also for that person. And this is mentioned in sort of medium is 96 where Allah subhanaw taala says that in alladhina amanu was a middle slowly had saya Gerardo Allahumma Rahman would that indeed the people who believe and do good things they're doing good things are not perfect, right? They're doing they're they're trying their best. Allah soprano tada on recommend the Most Merciful is going to appoint a certain with a certain love for them. Meaning he is going to make such people lovable, he is going to give them love, right? In the sense that he's he's going to create love for them in the hearts of people. Right?

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And, you know, Love is Something compassion and you know, that closeness with people that something that we all want. Loneliness is incredibly hard on us. feeling abandoned is incredibly hard on us. But the people who do good, who believe and do good, look at this, Allah subhanaw taala is so appreciative that he is a ajuda homearama Rahman with the he puts love for them in the hearts of people. And also, of course, in in the angels. And there's there's a beautiful story about one of the one of the great scholars that someone asked him in the morning that that that hap that that How are you doing? Right? Okay for us by? Right. How has your morning been? or How did you begin your

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day? Right? Like we ask people, how's it going? Right? So he said that I have begun my day between two blessings. Right? And I don't know which one of them is greater or better, right. The first is that Allah soprano tada has concealed my sins, right? That any I have made mistakes, Allah subhanaw taala has concealed them. Right? And that no one no human was a witness to my sins. So no human can embarrass me for the mistakes that I made. And this is a huge blessing of Allah. And the second is that Allah subhanaw taala has, has put love in the hearts of people for me, right. So and that is such love which I could not have won just with my efforts and with my generosity meaning

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Allah subhanaw taala has, has given me the blessing of being loved by people, which is why, you know, you are asking me how how it's going, if you didn't care, right? If you if you didn't care about me, why would you ask me? So who put that feeling in your heart for me? Allah subhanaw taala did. So this is the appreciation of Allah subhanaw taala that when you are trying, when you're doing something good, then Allah subhanaw taala praises you. Allah subhana wa tada

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increases your rank, even in the eyes of people.

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And then Allah subhanaw taala does not belittle any good deed at all. He sometimes we belittle our good deeds, right, we belittle our efforts, we we think that, you know, we're not good enough, or that what we have done is not good enough. And yes, of course, no matter what we do, of course, it is little, of course, it is not perfect, no matter what we do, no matter what we accomplish. But remember, Allah subhanaw taala is a shack in a shikou. So with his appreciation, the little things that we do become enough, it doesn't mean that we don't need to do anymore. No, it means that our deeds increase in worth, because Allah subhanaw taala appreciates them. It's not us. It's the

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generosity of Allah subhanaw taala it's not us, it's the appreciation of Allah subhanaw taala our deeds on their own, yes, they're nothing, they're insignificant. And when you compare, you know your deeds to, to what the possibilities are to what you could possibly do. Of course, what you're doing is never enough. It could be better, right? But when Allah subhanaw taala appreciates the effort of his slave, then that effort becomes enough. So we learned in Surah Nisa, I have 40 Allah subhanaw taala says in the law, her lair Yoli mommy's collar the law, that Allah subhanaw taala does not wrong, even even miss colada, even the weight of a tiny particle, meaning Allah subhanaw taala does

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not ignore it. Right? Allah subhanaw taala does not belittle it, Allah Subhana Allah does not disregard it. Right? Almost pannacotta does not reduce its its worth Subhan Allah, the tiniest particle even meaning the most smallest, the most signal, you know, in insignificant of your efforts, even Allah subhanaw taala does not ignore it. What in Turku hasn't that time you block if and if that tiny particle is a good deed, unless penalty causes it to increase? Allah subhanaw taala multiplies it. So yes, in your eyes, or in, in reality, that deed of yours may be extremely tiny, may appear to be worthless, right? Because of its size or because of its impact. You might be

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thinking this is never going to make a difference. But when Allah subhanaw taala appreciates that effort, look at it, it multiplies, it grows. And Allah says were you Tamil Nadu agilan are Lima and Allah gives from himself a great reward.

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So we have in Heidi's, can eat so many beautiful examples of how the last panel thought it appreciates even the little efforts of his slaves. in Hades, we learn about how,

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you know, there was a person who was walking right on a path and he found a branch, right? And he saw that that branch, you know, had thorns on it. And every time you know, someone would pass by it, they would get hurt, right? And he was afraid that you know, when people will will go from here they will get hurt because of this thorny branch. So what did that person do? He just picked it up and put it on the side. He just moved it from the way and in the Hadees we learned for shuck out Allah hula who, so Allah appreciated him for it for Allah for Allah who, and Allah forgave him because of it. No Akbar any small deed which Alo item if the person even realized he was doing something so

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major, he just picked up a branch from the way and moved it so that it wouldn't bother people. And Allah subhanaw taala appreciate it so much that the last panel tada forgave that person for it.

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Right? You recite one letter from the book of Allah and what happens? Hasina is written and what is his Sunnah are Ashleigh right as the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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rebt said that it's it's 10 times, right 10 times the reward. And then we see that Allah subhanaw taala appreciates the slaves for the good that they're doing, how that he gives them immediate reward. Where, first of all, in the heart, that when a person does something good, that a person's heart is filled with light, the news, right? And Amen, faith increases, right? There is delight, there is joy, there is contentment, there is happiness, there's that feeling of,

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you know, feeling light, right? feeling relaxed, right? feeling happy, any, this is a, this is something amazing, right? That, you know, for example,

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if you were to, you know, do something good. Like, for example, you recite even a page of the Quran, that will bring you joy and satisfaction, that watching 100 videos will not bring you.

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Right, so this is the appreciation from Allah subhanaw taala, that instantly, you feel better. And then the that reward is also experienced by the body, right? Because your mood affects your physiology, right, your physical state. So because you're feeling happier, you're feeling relieved, you're feeling emotionally satisfied, what happens is that you have more energy, right, you feel more active, you find more strength in yourself. And then that that appreciation of Las panatela also shows by by rewarding you in your circumstances, how that you you have more ease, you have more, you know, a blessing in your time, for example, right, more more Baraka in your risk in your

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in your provision in your sustenance. So, this is all from the show could be appreciation of Allah subhanaw taala. And then, part of this is that Allah subhanaw taala gives the servant the ability to do even more good. This is part of appreciation from Allah, that when a person does something good, Allah gives them the ability to do even more good. And this is one of the rewards, right? Which is why you know, the the scholars say that if you want to see whether your good deed has been accepted or not, see if you are able to continue the good that you did. Because if you are able to continue it that means that your good deed was accepted and if you're not able to continue it, then that

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means that it was not accepted. Because Allah subhanaw taala is shackled, he's appreciate he he's appreciative right in the Quran we learn when Medina jaha do feanor learn of the unknown sabula that the people who strive in our way then we will guide them right meaning Allah subhanaw taala will give them even more ability to do good. Alright, for a moment, Arakawa, tapa will set the pibil Hausner faster New Year Cyril who will use that whoever gives and whoever is, you know fearful of a law right and the personnel to believes, then what happens then what will happen Allah subhanaw taala will facilitate Allah subhanaw taala will make easy, right the path of of ease for him meeting

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Allah subhanaw taala will enable the person to do even more good.

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This is from the appreciation of Allah azza wa jal and then Allah subhanaw taala prepares even greater reward in the hereafter. Any the reward doesn't just end in this world. For the believer. It's just the beginning, right the reward begins from when from the moment that a person intends makes the intention right. And then when a person completes it, then a person is given the ability to do even more that a person receives immediate reward. But then guess what, there is even better reward awaiting in the hereafter. Because Allah subhanaw taala is extremely appreciative. So we learn for example, that if a person says you know Subhan Allah Alhamdulillah I mentioned this

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earlier, but how the reward for seeing one kanima right one statement is so much La hawla wala quwata illa Billah What is this a treasure from the treasures of paradise? Can you imagine liahona La quwata illa Billah when you say this you get a treasure in Jenna kinsmen Clozaril, Janna and how desperate Are we all right, to to to have treasures in the world.

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Allah subhanaw taala gives a reward that is much better in the hereafter. And then the reward that he gives is his manifold. Right in sorbitol anom iO 160. We learned Mangia a bill hesson at the fella who are sure I'm Sally, that whoever will bring a good deed on the Day of Judgment, you will get 10 times it's like 10 times it's like, and it's not just 10 times in Hades, we learn about how every good deed of the child of Adam is multiplied for him up to you know, 10 times to 700 times. And we'll love you, Laurie for you fully mania Sha, Allah subhanaw taala multiplies the reward for whomsoever that he wants. So, this means that, you know, no good deed is insignificant near Allah

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azza wa jal, which is why the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told us that save yourselves from the fire, even if it is with half a date, can you imagine, have a date? meaning you're eating a date? Right? You break it in half, you eat one half yourself, and you give the other half to the person sitting next to you. Because that's all you have at the moment. And that could shield you from the fire of * have a date? Isn't that amazing? It's not that, that half a date has the power to you know, that itself has the power to protect, you know, it's, it's not that, that that fruit, it's not that piece of fruit, it is because of the sugar, the appreciation of Allah subhanaw taala

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that that half a date will be enough to save you because of the appreciation of Allah. Right? The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Do not be little any good deed even if it is you smiling in the face of your brother. Right? And these days, because, you know, people are home most of the time. And you know, we are stressed out we have work to do. We are annoyed and irritated because we don't have our own space. We don't have our own time. Or, you know, we feel that like we are stuck and things are not working out. It's Pamela people are going through a lot of difficulties and each person has their own trial. Some people are losing their job. Right? Some people are getting

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stressed out about you know how they're going to pay for their rent, etc. peep, everyone is struggling in one way or another. So we see that at home, even we can do good, the prophets of Allah who are to sediments advising us, right? That don't be little any maruf any good deed, even if it is smiling in the face of your brother. Right? Why? Because that good deed, if Allah subhanaw taala appreciates it here. You're so fortunate. You're good then. Right? We learn also about the person who was going somewhere. And he found or in another Hadees we learned that it was a woman, she found a dog that was extremely thirsty. Right? So what did this person do? They went down into the well,

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right and they brought water out in their shoe and they gave it to the thirsty dog right and then had these we learn fast checkout Allah hula who falafel Allahu Allah subhanaw taala appreciated this act of generosity of this person. And Allah subhanaw taala forgave him. Right Allah subhanaw taala appreciated him and Allah subhanaw taala forgave him. And another Hadees we learned about how if a person gives even a date fruit, right as charity from from their pure lawful wealth, then Allah subhanaw taala will accept it. And the last panel title will cause it to grow until it will become like the size of a mountain.

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So the reward that Allah gives is amazing. It is massive, it is huge. It's multiplied, right? It's much larger compared to the effort that you have put in.

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Right? And then the reward that Allah subhanaw taala gives is way better, then your deed right the reward that Allah subhanaw taala gives is way better than even then then the deed that you performed. Right. So for example, you're making will do right and what are you doing essentially you are washing yourself, right? Maybe you are, you know really reflecting and you are asking Allah subhanaw taala as you're making will do your Allah wash away my sins, right and you are hoping that you know as you are washing your hands, all the sins that you've committed with your hands are falling off as you're washing your face. You know the sins that you've committed with your eyes.

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your mouse etc. They're washing off. Maybe you're thinking about that maybe you're not. Right. But you are making Voodoo properly. Right as the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said, for us to build for us bill, meaning the person does will do really well, thoroughly, properly, making sure that every part that needs to be washed, is washed thoroughly. Right. And then after you make will do you say, a shadow Allah ilaha illa Allah, or under Mohammed Abdullah, he was Sulu, that's all you say. And so often we say this without even thinking, right? Because it's just a habit. But the Prophet sallallahu wasallam said that when a person says this, after making proper will do 40 hekla who have

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Weber agenda, that is the mania, the all, you know, the eight gates of Paradise are opened up for him.

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And he any, what did you do? You just washed yourself? That's all you did? Right? Maybe you were distracted? Maybe you were having a conversation with someone, you just washed yourself up in order to pray. That's all you did. And you didn't have to put in much effort to wash yourself, perhaps, right? Some people have to put an effort. Other people don't have to, right? You don't have to go take water out of a Well, you didn't have to go heat the water up. You just went to the washroom, you know, turn the tap on and easily washed yourself. Right? Perhaps you didn't even have to,

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you know, exert much effort in turning the tap on because Mashallah some places, you know, it's all automatic, right? So, it's possible you didn't, you did not exert much effort, but you did what you were required to do. And Allah subhanaw taala is so appreciative, that he opens the gates of Jenga for you, for you, for you, washing yourself.

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This is the shocker. This is the appreciation of love. In another Hadees we learn about how, when a person helps another believer how that he removes, you know, some some difficulty from him. Right? That you see someone is, is really struggling, right? They have a khumba they have a you know that they're extremely anxious, they're extremely worried. And all you do is that you go and sit with them, and just give them a hug. And you don't tell them or Don't worry, you don't belittle their concerns. You just give them a hug and you you just give you know, say a word or two of comfort. That's it. And they feel so much better because of that. You do something like this. The Prophet

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sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said nefa Salah who aren't who could butterman Cora Bo will PM, Allah subhanaw taala will remove an anxiety from this person, from the anxieties of the Day of Judgment. You help someone today, almost a panel title will help you on the Day of Judgment, you'll bring comfort to someone today alone will bring you comfort on the Day of Judgment. And if you think about it, is there any comparison between what you know stresses people out in the world compared to what will stress people out on the day of judgment? Is there any comparison? There's a huge difference? What stresses us out in the world? it's things like I haven't done my assignment. It's things like I

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have a lot of work to do. It's things like you know, I'm not sure about what to cook, right. It's these little little things that bother us that that make us anxious that worry us I'm not belittling any, any, you know, cause of concern. But what I'm saying is that these are worldly issues. And sooner or later we get over them. Right? But the the troubles of the Day of Judgment, they're of a completely different level. But you help someone out today Allah will help you out on the Day of Judgment. The Hadith continues. And you know, for example, it says woman settled on Muslim and cetera hula hoop dunya when a pharaoh whoever conceals a Muslim, Allah subhanaw taala will conceal

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that person in the world and in the hereafter. you conceal someone's fault, right? That you you happen to see someone doing something wrong, and you go and privately advise them, and they understand and they Thank you, you know, thank you for pointing that out. They seek forgiveness from Allah, and they, you know, fix their their situation. You did not publicize their faults, what will happen Allah will conceal your faults in the world and also on the Day of Judgment. So really, the reward that Allah subhanaw taala gives for what you do is way better, then your deed, way better, then you know, the effort that you have put in

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Allah subhanaw taala appreciate the slaves even more how that when the servant leaves something for the sake of Allah, then Allah subhanaw taala gives him What is better.

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so appreciative right? You leave something for the sake of Allah. And Allah will give you something much, much better, the famous Hardee's right, that the person who you know leaves fighting, right there is a fight there is an argument it's turning, you know, violent and you realize that this is not getting anywhere. And you just back off you say, I don't want to engage in this quarrel in this fight. And even though you know that you are right, but you you leave it for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala what will happen? Allah soprano throttle will give this person a house in the middle of Paradise, right for you wasapi agenda. This is the reward that Allah gives to the person who

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leaves something for his sake, for the sake of Allah. Right. And then when a person spends something for the sake of Allah, Allah subhanaw taala gives him even more in total abakada iron 261 we learn method alladhina Yun acuna, Amala homefree, Sabina lay comm utterly held

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that the example of those people who who spend their wealth in the way of Allah, it is like that of a seed. Right? The seed, what happens it grows, and this grain right this green, it grows into seven spikes and each spike has 700 grains. So one grain turned into how many 700 so when you spend something for the sake of Allah, Allah subhanaw taala, will give you even more, not just in the Hereafter, but also in the world. Right?

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And there's so many examples of this, so many examples of this. That then we see that when the servant takes one step towards Allah, Allah Subhana thought is so appreciated that Allah subhanaw taala walks toward that person, right? in Hades we learn that that whoever takes a step towards Allah, and there's different versions of this Heidi's right you know, that you take a step toward Allah Allah will take 10 steps towards you walk to a level run towards you. Right, this is the appreciation of Allah azza wa jal so in total answer, it's sort of sort of insane i a 22. We learned a las panatela says in the Heather Canada come Joza and we're kind of sorry, ucommerce Kula, that

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the people in paradise will be told that this is your reward and your effort has been appreciated. Your effort has been appreciated. You're sorry, right? But you did what you could. And Allah subhanaw taala, that the rest Allah subhanaw taala he is, he is rewarding you with more than what you could get yourself.

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And also part of almost protaras appreciation is that when the serpent is grateful, then Allah subhanaw taala gives that sermon even more, right, what is the other than a bookworm? Let in Shackleton let us eat and come if you're grateful I will give you even more. Part of our last panel Tardos appreciation is that when when a person makes a mistake than the last panel, tada forgives him, and we see that good deeds erase bad deeds, right? That for example, you you make a mistake, you don't even realize it's a minor mistake, what will happen you go and pray Salah your Salah, erases the the the sin that you committed the mistake that you committed. And we see that part of a

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loss Panthers appreciation towards his slaves is that even when a non believer does something good in the world, Allah subhanaw taala compensates him for that in the world, not in the hereafter because that person never intended the hereafter. But in the world, Allah subhanaw taala will give that give that person something or the other as we learn in Hades. Now we see that the name of Allah, a shakeela Shaku these names, we see that first of all they come in the Quran with the name of a food that Allah subhanaw taala is a foreign shockula right it is paired with the name of a food

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and this is mentioned in multiple verses you can see some of them on the screen. And when you see that Allah soprano part is appreciative. And he is forgiving, right this combination is you know, it comes in the Quran so many times what does that mean? It means that Allah subhanaw taala is ever generous towards his slaves. So if they make a mistake and they seek His forgiveness, almost proliferative forgives them. And if they do something good, right, no matter how little it may be a last panel tala accepts it, and he and he and He rewards them generously for it. So he is a full forgiving

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And he is shackled. He forgives the mistakes. And He rewards generously for the efforts that people make. And then we see that the name also comes with the name Eileen, that will kind of level Shakeel and Lima that Allah is appreciative and he is ever knowing, meaning Allah soprano Thera knows the slave the servant, fully, right? You see, when when you are doing something, right, something that is important.

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You know, people don't necessarily see your entire condition, they only see the end product. They don't know what internal struggles you experienced. Right? When you were doing that work, you know, for example, you may be doing an assignment, right for school, and you're having an existential crisis, right. Because of that assignment. It's possible that you become so anxious, so nervous, so worried that you start to doubt your abilities, you start to doubt your strengths, and you start to wonder why am I even doing this? Is it even worth it? Should I even do it? Is this even my, my strength? am I wasting my time? Am I good enough for this? Right? you're experiencing such immense

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emotional turmoil that your professor is never going to know. They're never going to find out? Alright. And it's possible that you have spent your entire day working on that assignment. And what do you get? A 60%? A 70%. That's it. Right? Because human beings, they only see the end product, they don't see your entire situation. They don't know your entire situation. Allah azza wa jal is Shaku and Eileen. He knows our condition. He knows our feelings, he knows our intentions, he knows our efforts, he knows our you know, the struggles that we have experienced the hunger, the fatigue, the lack of sleep, right? Everything that we are going through in order to do something good, almost

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penalty knows that. So then what do you think? How is the reward from Allah going to be when Allah is not just check it but he is also Aileen. He knows he knows every effort that you've put in. And then we see that the name, these names also come with us, specifically shellcode comes with the name haleem as well. haleem is the one who is forbearing very tolerant. And if you think about it, when we're doing something good, because we are imperfect, because we are weak. You know, we have our errors, we have our deficiencies, and otherwise, also, the kind of things that we do any, if we're talking about it, you know, from from the point of justice, yeah, we are deserving of punishment,

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perhaps. But Allah subhanaw taala is forbearing. So he does not give punishment immediately. He gives us a chance, he gives us some time, so that we realize our mistake, we seek forgiveness, or we do something good. And Allah subhanaw taala is shackled. So he gives so much reward for the little good that you do that that reward erases the sin. So Allah is chacun haleem, appreciative, and forbearing so when Allah azza wa jal is so appreciative, what are we supposed to do? We are supposed to, first of all believe that Allah is appreciative, that Allah is the one who appreciates our efforts. Allah is the one who pardons, right, he forgives, he does not belittle any of our efforts,

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any good deeds that we do. And part of that is that we believe that we are worthy before Allah subhanaw taala, that our efforts are not in vain. You know, we should have good assumption about Allah subhanaw taala and, and part of that is that we believe that we are worthy sometimes we, we, we, you know, constantly condemn ourselves that Oh, I'm not good enough, not good enough. This is useless, this is going to be wasted, right? This sin that you committed, washed away everything of yours. You shouldn't even bother trying. Because you keep making mistakes, right? You no matter what you do is not going to be good enough. You know, we should be very careful in the way that we talk

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to ourselves. Remind yourself Allah is appreciative. I am worthy before Allah, my efforts are not in vain. Elias shall code and he is highly Alessia code and he is a full of

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Shaku and he is rd. So I have to do whatever I can do. And the rest, I'm going to leave it to Allah, when Allah soprano part is so appreciated, this means that we should exert our best efforts for Allah as well. how hard we try to please people, right to impress them to, you know,

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you know, it make them believe that, you know, we are worthy and we try so hard we put in so much effort, if gust server, you know, coming, or if we have to, you know, goes, we're working in a new place, we want to make sure that people think I'm a good person. Right? And, you know, it's fine that you want to make sure that you know, you're doing your work properly, etc. But, uh, see the difference between the creation and the creator? Right? Any people? Yes, of course, you have to do you know, your part, whatever is expected of you, you you do your part, you fulfill your commitment. But what about your commitment to Allah? Right? How is your effort when you're doing something for

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the sake of Allah? Right? So exert your best efforts for Allah or zoologia because it's only, you know, worth it over there, that you give your best in the way of Allah. So it's about Ayah 13. We're told, here Manu, Allah that Buddha, chakra, work or family have doubled in thankfulness to Allah soprano.

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And then

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upon Allah subhanaw taala is appreciative. This means that we should of course be grateful to Allah subhanaw taala. And how was that we should feel sugar in our hearts, we should express sugar with our words and we should also do things in order to please Allah, soprano Torah out of gratitude for Allah subhanaw taala. And remember that when it comes to the reward for different good deeds, right, for a lot of them, Allah subhanaw taala mentions in the Quran, that Allah will, you know, give to whomever He wills or whatever that he wills, right?

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Or, or there are many things for which Allah subhanaw taala mentioned in the Quran that he will give, you know, whatever he wills. So, for example, Allah says, yo, Zuko, Manya Shah, he provides sustenance to whomsoever He wills. Even when it comes to forgiveness, Allah says yo filoli Mejia Shah, he forgives whomsoever He wills when it comes to accepting tober Allah subhanaw taala says somewhere to the level mimbar de danika Allah Masha, Allah will accept the repentance after that from whomsoever that he wants, right from whomsoever He wills. When it comes to the removal of difficulty, Allah says, I actually formatted the Runa ilahi insha. Allah will remove that difficulty

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from you if he wants, right, it's up to Allah, if he wills but when it comes to the reward of sugar, Allah says what's a nudge is a shocking, we will reward those who are grateful was a yeji Zilla who shacking Allah will reward those who are grateful. So when Allah is so appreciative, we should be extremely grateful to Allah subhanaw taala. And then part of this is that we should also appreciate the efforts of people, right, then we should thank them. Because in our heads, we learn that whoever is not grateful to people is not grateful to Allah. Right? So when Allah appreciates his slaves, then why should we not appreciate his slaves? Allah does not benefit from his slaves, we benefits,

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right? We are the ones who benefit like for example, if someone gives us a gift, if someone

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you know gives us a good word of advice, if someone helps us, right, then we have benefited from them. So appreciate the efforts of people. If Allah appreciates, then why should we think so highly of ourselves that we think that appreciating our children or appreciating our spouse or appreciating our you know, family is beneath us? How arrogant could we be to even think like that? Finally, when it comes to calling upon Allah subhanaw taala by these names, then the The main thing is that we should be asking Allah subhanaw taala for the ability to be grateful to him, right? Because when Allah is so appreciative, then we can do nothing but thank him in return, and no matter how much we

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thank him, it's never going to be enough. Never. Right? So we ask Allah subhanaw taala for the ability to be grateful. We see for example, in sort of the normal aisle 19 house with a man or his cell and he made or B zero need an escort and aromatic allottee and Anantara layyah were allowed either

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Yeah, but Oh my Lord, give me the ability enable me to be grateful to you for the blessings which you have bestowed upon me and also upon my parents, and also after every Salaam as the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam taught more either on the long run home that he said more either by Allah I love you.

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And, and he said, well like any that were hymnbook by Allah indeed I love you and he repeated this. And then he said, I advise you O'Meara that do not leave saying after every Salaam Alaikum Irene near Allah the clicker will surely cover her scenario by the tick, that Oh, Allah helped me to remember you and to thank you and to worship you in the best way, meaning after every Salah make sure that you say this, Allah Irene, nee Allah the clicker, was shook Rica, where her scenario by the tick because the fact is, that we cannot thank Allah enough. And we cannot do anything without the tofik that Allah subhanaw taala gives us in another Hadees we learned about how one of the

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companions should that they've been asked the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told him that OSHA dad when you see people collecting gold and silver, then you ask Allah subhana wa tada for this and he taught him a dog. And part of that raw is that what? Luca shukran aromatic, that Oh Allah, I ask you for gratitude for your blessings Give me the ability to be grateful to you. So this is something that we should be asking Allah subhanaw taala for and we should remember the favors of Allah upon us his appreciation and be an Ask him to make us grateful people, people who are grateful to him and people who are grateful to those who are around us to be able to see the blessings that He has given

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us. I mean, so inshallah we will conclude here for today so Chronicle lahoma will be handing eyeshadow La Ilaha. Illa, anta stuff federal court or to buoy lake was salaamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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