Taimiyyah Zubair – The Beautiful Names of Allah #15

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the concept of "verbal" and its importance in Islam, including the concept of "verbal and compassion" and the use of "verbal" as a means of guidance. They also discuss the history of Islam and its use of resources responsibly, including the creation of animals and people, and the use of guidance and words to inform people about their actions. The speakers stress the importance of showing compassion and consideration when dealing with difficult situations, setting boundaries, and not showing weakness or weaknesses to children. They also emphasize the need for justice and forgiveness in cases of domestic violence and the importance of showing compassion and empathy towards victims of domestic violence.
AI: Transcript ©
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Assalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu

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Billahi min ash shaytani r rajim Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim, WA Salatu was Salam ala rasulillah al Karim rubbish Swahili Saudi Arabia Siddeley emri Washington iraq data melissani of Kahu Paoli, along Matthew Colby was sadly Sonny was through Sufi Mata Colby amin Yoruba alameen

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inshallah, we will continue with our study of the most beautiful, the most excellent Names of Allah exalted and today inshallah we will look at the name of Allah, Allah woof,

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woof The one who is very, very compassionate, the one who is very, very kind to his servants. Now the name or roof or as some say, this is not a name rather it is a sliver an attribute. This name occurs 10 times in the Quran.

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And the name of Allah woof. It is for it is derived from the word rougher and rougher is to show compassion or to show sympathy and pity towards someone. And or woof is on the structure of a rule. So the roof is someone who shows a lot of pity, who shows a lot of compassion, who shows a lot of tenderness to words, another, but there's another word in the Arabic language which is more commonly known, which gives a similar meaning and that word is Rama. Rama is also to show compassion to show mercy to be tender to be kind towards someone. So, how is this different? Remember that refer the word refer actually denotes a more special and more tender form of affection compared to Rama. So,

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that fight is more tender, it is said that it is out akumina Rama it is even more tender than mercy or it is said that the love affair is actually the utmost degree of compassion. It is it is extreme compassion or a lot of tenderness, you know a lot of sympathy. So it is its command. Now, a lot of the linguists they have explained the difference between mercy and compassion or Rama and so even mon Lu, for example, he says that a lot of is actually more tender than Rama, how a person can be merciful, yet stern or firm at the same time. Right? For example, as a parent, you are merciful towards your children. So there are times when you are disciplining them and they're not pleased,

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right, you are trying to discipline them out of mercy for them. And you have to put them in that timeout or you have to, you know, give them a warning. You have to make them do their homework, you have to make them you know, clean up the mess that they have made. And you can see that they're not happy. You can see that they're very upset. And it's quite possible that you are also you know, feeling that discomfort when you are trying to discipline your children. Right. But you you are still being merciful towards them. You take your child to the doctor

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Right and your child is not happy, your child is crying, but you hold your baby, you hold your child firm in your arms, so that the doctor can, you know, give the needle or whatever that they have to do. So, one could argue over here that this is not mercy, but actually it is mercy. Why is it mercy? Because in mercy, what you're doing is that for a greater benefit, you basically do what you have to do, you, you you are Stern, when that is needed, why because you know, that the consequence is good, right, you know, that the result is good, it is something that is going to be favorable and beneficial. Now, this is the concept of Rama, right? And this is why as Muslims, we believe that

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when Allah subhanaw taala, you know, he tests a believer in a servant than Yes, on the outward on the surface, it seems like the person is suffering, but in reality, that suffering is actually beneficial for the slave. Right? It's and we call that a mercy. Why? Because, yes, it appears to be painful, but in reality, it is beneficial for that slave, right? It is something that's going to purify them, it is something that's going to make them stronger, it is something that's going to increase them in their rewards, etc. So, this is the concept of Rama, all right, you could say that it is a very motherly love, right, because mothers, I know in their mercy for their children,

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sometimes they're also very firm and stern right. Now, on the other hand, is a manifestation of mercy that is always with a sense of pity and sympathy. So, you could say that is pure compassion, all right, it is pure pity. So, basically out of refer you do not let any harm touch the one that you are being compassionate towards no matter what the reason. So, this is why a lot of it is explained as the more or the most intense form of mercy. Okay. So for example, sometimes you will see grandparents who are very, very affectionate and loving towards their grandchildren. Right? And because of that, you know, they they they're they're very loving and because of that, you know, they

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you know, spoil the grandchildren basically, they will let them jump on the bed, they will let them jump on the couches, they will let them run around the house, they will let them you know, make a mess, etc. and and their ultimate concern is that the children should be happy. Right. And

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Rafa is such that with it, any that you you, don't you It's different from Rama, in the sense that because of you don't want any harm to touch the other. All right, you want the very best for them. So it is pure pity and pure compassion. And this is why we see that in the Quran. Allah subhanaw taala says regarding the punishment that is given to to the man and the woman who commit Zina is that frangelico Kula hedeman whom me at agenda right that flog them with 100 lashes and then it is said, well, hood can be hemara Fatone feeding Illa and there should be no rush for no pity, no sympathy in your heart for them in regard to the religion of Allah, meaning out of pity and

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compassion for them Do not you know, pardon the penalty? Notice that Allah provera does not say over here that do not be moved by Rama. Okay, rather it is said Do not be moved by Raka because if you're moved by Rafa, then you don't want the the people who are being given the punishment to be punished. Right. But if you're moved by Lima, by Mercy, then what that means is that yes, you acknowledge that this is extremely painful, that this is extremely difficult, but you know, that it is necessary, why is it necessary because that penalty is a mercy. How is it mercy that it is painful, but it is a purification? It is difficult to to watch, but it is a deterrent. So there could be something that

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outwardly seems to be our that but in reality, it is a blessing. And this is why we say that Allah subhanaw taala is Rahim right? He is off and he is Rahim. Now Mr McCotter? He says that a lot of meaning when Allah subhanaw taala shows up for two to a slay

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Then what happens is that that is a blessing that is enjoyable in every in every aspect in every way okay meaning there is no difficulty attached to it right, it is something that the slave will find beneficial in every way possible. And urashima on the other hand could be such that a person experiences pain in in one, you know situation, but then the outcome is beneficial, it is enjoyable. And this is why McCarthy says that Allah subhanaw taala says well after Hong Kong became our Fatone, Phoebe nella right that pity should not should not move you when when the punishment is being carried out. And a loss parents Allah did not say Rama over here because the penalty is in fact a

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mercy for them. Right It is not compassion, it is actually a mercy. So, we see that because of Rafa because of Rafa someone is saved from what is painful, what is what is harmful. Now, we see that in the Quran a lot of times the name of our booth actually comes with Rahim. Right? And this shows us that both names have their, you know, distinct meanings. And together Yes, they intensify the meeting, but they also remind us of the fact that Allah subhanaw taala is an oof right in the sense that he protects us from from harm in the sense that he he gives us that which is beneficial, but at the same time Allah Subhana thought is also Rahim where what that means is that there are situations

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where we need that discipline, right, there are situations where we need that you know, that that that pain or or that difficulty, why for a greater good and what is that greater good, that greater good, could be purification, it could be learning, it could be growth, etc. So Allah subhanaw taala is Raouf and he is Rahim. Now, going back to the meaning of Raouf when Allah subhanaw taala is off, what does that mean? It means that, first of all, Allah subhanaw, taala, protects his slaves from harm, and he is very affectionate towards his slaves, which is why he protects his slaves from harm. Meaning that he that he imposes on us what is manageable, what we can handle, right now think about,

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you know, worldly matters right now, when it comes to, you know, human beings in our struggles, when it comes to, you know, finding food, you know, making our homes etc. Our struggles are,

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you know, easier, way easier compared to those of animals and birds. Right? Think about it, any animals, birds have to migrate every season, right? But Allah subhanaw taala has equipped us with intelligence, he is you know, he has provided us with different, you know, resources, so that we have been able to live all over the earth, in all different climates, and all different landscapes. And, you know, look at how animals have to, you know, go in hibernation in the winter, look at how far they have to travel, how much you know, they have to what, what difficult lives they live just in order to survive. And when it comes to human beings, any Allah subhanaw taala has provided us

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with so much so that we are saved from hardship. We've seen sort of their hedge is number 65, Allah subhanaw taala says an untold Ah, do you not see an Allah Hassan Allah call mehfil out that Allah has subjected for you, whatever that is in the earth. And this is something amazing, you see, human beings any why is it that that our population is is is basically out of control? Any we inhabit every part of the world? And we use so many resources of the world that other you know, that that animals and species are going extinct? Right? It's because Allah subhanaw taala has made everything subjected for us. Now, of course, that means that we have to be, you know, we have to use these

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resources responsibly. But the point is that the entire Earth all of its resources have been subjected for us for our benefit. One full category filled by Harry B. Emery and the ships sail in the water by

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His permission, William C. Kusama and Takara lol on the ilab izany and Allah subhanaw taala holds the sky less that should fall on the earth except by his permission, right. You know like how it is said that there have been multiple mass extinctions on the earth, right and the latest one where the dinosaurs went extinct meaning Allah who are known, but any what is said is that there was something that fell from the sky which caused a mass extinction. So, for so many years Guinea, the world has been made such that we are able to live we are able to not just survive, but as human beings we are thriving on planet Earth. So in the law have been nasty. Laura Ofer Rahim, look at the end of the

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aisle. Allah says that Indeed Allah is to the people been ness, he is not often surely very affectionate, Rahim, very merciful, he is off. So he constantly gives us that which benefits us and he constantly protects us from that which is harmful to us. Then we've seen sort of the natural eye number seven, Allah subhanaw taala mentioned the different animals that he has created. Like for example, horses and donkeys and mules, and it has said what time will Allah come? They carry your burdens, right? Your your bags, your belongings, the things that you if you were to carry yourselves you would get tired. So what should we do? Allah Camila Bella den lanta, kulu belly, Lee illa

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bishopville unforce if you were to, you know, carry all those belongings on your own backs. And you were to travel all these, you know, to all of these distant far off places you wouldn't be able to, to do that except with great hardship. So why has Allah subhanaw taala created these animals for us, subjected them for us so that we may benefit from them? In naraba comme la offer Rahim indeed your Lord is surely affectionate and merciful. And he has pity on us that he doesn't want us to get exhausted and tired. So Allah subhana wa tada has provided us with these means of transportation. And then Allah subhanaw taala is on the move this also means that he has lightened the burden of

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obligations on us so he does not burden us with more than what we are capable of doing with more than what we are capable of handling. Right and this is a reason why when it comes to

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you know Salah when it comes to worship, also any What if a person is unwell and they're not able to stand and pray. It hasn't been, you know, said that no, even if you die, die, but you must stand and pray. No, you're not able to stand sit down, you're not able to sit down lay down, you're not able to fast right now make up the fasts another time, right? You're not able to fast at all give the video. So, why is it that we have been given all of these allowances? Because Allah subhanaw taala he, he is off towards us He is very compassionate. He has sympathy for us. And then when Allah subhanaw taala is a Raouf, this means that he has also revealed guidance for us. And if you think

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about it, Allah subhanaw taala created us upon the fitrah. Right, he took the the lust with us before even, you know we were sent to the world, and then Allah subhanaw taala has created many signs around us. Right? And if Allah subhanaw taala wanted any near Allah subhanaw taala is is not required to send guidance to us any if he were not to send revelation, then Who Who Who Who would dare question him? Right? Who Who would dare you know, argue with him, no one can object to Allah subhanaw taala But still, Allah subhanaw taala has not left us in this world to fend for ourselves. To figure it all out ourselves. He has revealed guidance. So it is said in sort of two headed I am

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number nine. Who will levy Yunus Zilla Allah Abdi iottie mahina hinnat that he is the one who sends down on his slave verses that are clear. Leo regio, kamina Lumet Elan node in order to bring you out of darkness into light. And this is not just you know, from misguidance into guidance but also from from unawareness from ignorance to knowledge, right from from grief, to relief.

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So, Leo Regia coming a little Mattila? No, any the Quran the verses of the Quran are not just verses that offer us information, they offer guidance. They are transformative, they change the state of your heart, they uplift you, they remove grief from you, they make you happier, they provide guidance to you. So such powerful beneficial versus why what in the law have become not at all for Rahim and Indeed Allah is to you all, surely affectionate and merciful. This is Allah soprano todos towards us, that he has revealed guidance he has revealed the Quran, then we see that it is out of his refer it is because Allah subhanaw taala is proof that he preserves the good deeds of his slaves

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even after they die. So we learned, for example, that when the verses regarding the change of Qibla were revealed, some of the companions they wondered that what about, you know, our friends who passed away, while they were still praying towards the previous Qibla? Right, that they were still praying Salah facing the previous quibbler so they wondered, are there Salah? You know, the prayers that they performed? Are they valid? Or they're now invalid? Any what's going on so, but are not the loved one who reported this? And he said that Allah subhanaw taala revealed meaning as as a clarification as a response. It is as mentioned sootel belcarra i 143 that one can Allah Julio Lee

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or even a comb that Allah would not at all waste your faith. And by faith what is mentioned is your Salah, Your Worship that you performed with a man? Right? Why because in the law have been nasty law over Rahim Indeed, Allah is two words, people, surely affectionate and merciful. So he does not waste the good deeds of his slaves, then we see that because Allah subhanaw taala is off, he gives rest bite to his slaves, and does not punish them immediately. Even though if you think about it, the kinds of things we do, what are the below the kind of things we say, in our arrogance in our negligence, you know, in following our desires and our foolishness in our hoffler the kind of things

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we do any technically we deserve punishment, instantly stuff and Allah, but Allah subhanaw taala with his,

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with his compassion towards us, he keeps giving us a rest bite. And he think about it sometimes, you know, as mothers, as fathers as parents as older siblings as teachers, any we get very, very impulsive, in in punishing, right, our children or our students that as soon as they do something wrong, immediately we lash out, immediately we give stern warnings or immediately we give consequences. Allah subhanaw taala is very affectionate towards us. Right? He knows he knows that we forget he knows that we are overcome by our weaknesses, right? Allah subhanaw taala gives us rest bite in sort of the natural eye of 45 to 47. Allah subhanaw taala gives us a warning. He says Amina

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larina Mercado say he at sea for Allah who became will up to those people who who who plot evil things, do they feel secure? That Allah subhanaw taala will will not cause the earth to swallow them any How do they feel secure when when doing wrong things that do they think that Allah subhanaw taala is not able to cause the earth beneath their feet to swallow them? Oh yeah, to whom Allah or other women hate Allah Sharon. Or the punishment can come to them from where they do not even perceive Allah subhanaw taala can cause that to happen. Oh yeah Hunan feet aka lubi him from our home be more jozin or he can seize them with punishment in their column meaning in their turning

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about whether they're turning about in their bed or they're turning about you know going in and out you know going from place to place you know from one task to another one sin to another, you know, scrolling right swiping etc. Allah subhanaw taala can seize them right there and then and they would not be able to escape. Oh, yeah. Who the whom Allah the whole thing, or he can seize them gradually

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have for Inaba come, Laura over Rahim. But the fact is that your Lord is surely affectionate and merciful. So he does not punish immediately. rather he gives us rest bite because he is Raouf. He

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compassionate towards us. Then we see that because Allah subhanaw taala is an oath, he warns us before even we present ourselves for punishment. Many before we do what is wrong and what makes us worthy of punishment, Allah subhanaw taala warns us so that we learn and we stop, you know, our wrongdoing in sort of earlier Amman, i a 30, Allah subhanaw taala mentions the Day of Judgment. And he says, yo Mataji Dooku lunasin ma army, let me hide him, Allah wa I mean, let me ensue. That that is the day when every person will find whatever good they did present, and also whatever evil they did, meaning a person will find every deed of theirs present before themselves, whether it is a good

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deed or a bad deed. And at that time, a person will wish the word doula anabaena how are baina who Emma Dunbar either a person will wish that there was a huge distance between him and his since any a person will want to be far away from their since any not seen with them, not not with them, not not even close to them, this is how much a person will dislike their own sins. So Allah subhanaw taala says where you have zero common law, who enough so Allah warns you of himself, and he you should be afraid of Allah. Allah warns you, Allah makes you fear himself that fear Allah. And then it is said, well load are often very bad, and Allah is affectionate towards the slaves. And he, why is Allah

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subhanaw taala giving this warning because he wants us to fear Him. And this is, and this warning is given. So we fear him Why? Because Allah subhanaw taala is compassionate towards us. Any This is his compassion towards us that he has warned us that he is informed us about that day, about the difficulties about the hardships of that day, and about the hisab the accounting that we're going to face on that day. Any all of these warnings are not just, you know, to threaten us? No, this is out of Allah subhanaw taala has compassion towards us, so that we save ourselves, we stop doing what will put us in danger. So remember that, you know, sometimes people want to ignore the verses of

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punishment that are mentioned in the Quran or the description of *, right? People just want to focus on you know, God is love, God is mercy, you know, merciful, etc. And that's nice. However, Allah subhanaw taala has also given clear warning, he has also given clear threats and these are not empty threats. There is very horrific, you know, description of Hellfire in the Quran, that when you hear it, you need it gives you goosebumps and it makes you shudder in fear. And why is Allah subhanaw taala given us these warnings, because he is compassionate towards us, he he wants us to save ourselves because we are responsible for what we do.

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And then we see that when Allah subhanaw taala is off, he is compassionate towards us It means that he protects us from the consequences of our own mistakes. Any there are times when we fall in error, right? There are times when we make mistakes, sometimes as individuals and sometimes as communities as groups of people, you know, as a family, that when we make mistakes, and you know Allah subhanaw taala gives us the opportunity to realize our mistake and to seek forgiveness from him. So, the same thing happened in Medina at the time of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam where the hypocrites you know, they they spread a false rumor in regard to Isla de la junta where they accused her of you

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know of committing Zina.

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And this rumor was spreading in Medina, right. And it is mentioned in Surah Noor Ayah number 19 and 20 that in the Latina you have buena and Tasha alpha heisha to fillerina ermanno lahoma either be eligible for dunia well,

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that those people who love who want that indecency should spread amongst those who believe then and because of that they spread such indecent talk or they spread such you know, indecent rumors and they're very happy with the with the news that perhaps someone did something you know indecent and they spread such information around or

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This part for heisha uni in decent, you know things etc. They try to publicize it amongst those who believe it has said for such people is a painful punishment in the world and in the hereafter will love your Allah more until later on the moon Allah knows and you do not know. And then it is mentioned in the next day a willow hula frog Lula here la Kumara Moto, and if it was not for for the favor of Allah upon you and his mercy, then all of you would have been punished for what you did. Well anila How to offer Rahim. And the fact is that Allah is Rob Wolf, he is affectionate, He is merciful. So these verses were revealed, and the Muslims realized their mistake, and the people who

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were guilty, yes, they were given the punishment and the rest of the people they learned a lesson. And this lesson is applicable till today, which means that when we when we hear something harsh, when we hear something indecent or something that does not have an evidence, then we should not any spread it around. And even when we find out that someone you know may have done something indecent, any who who employed you to be the town crier, right? Don't spread such an indecent, you know, news around everywhere. And then we see that because Allah subhanaw taala is Raouf, he guides his slaves to the right path. And he increases his lives in you know, in, in reward and in good things. And so,

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for example, in the Quran in surah, Baqarah 207, we learn, I mean, a nasty man yesterday nipsa who that among the people is the one who sells himself why, who sacrifices himself who gives up so much of himself? Why abt amaravati law in order to seek the approval of Allah will law hold on all formulary bad and Allah is very affectionate towards the slaves. Now, this I was revealed regarding

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sohaib roomy rhodiola wherein, who, who when he, when he migrated? You know, he was migrating from Mecca to Medina, we learned that the machete King stopped him, right they prevented him and they said that the only way you can leave is that you give up all of your wealth. And he loved the Longhorn, who did not hesitate he gave it all up and he made his way to Medina empty handed right. So he sold himself any not not literally, but that he he was willing to give up all of his wealth, right and its wealth because of which a lot of times, you know, we through which we determine our self worth, especially men, right. So he did not hesitate giving that up for the sake of Allah and

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Allah Israel, often military berhad are very affectionate towards the slaves. So whatever that he sacrificed, whatever that he gave up in the way of Allah for the sake of Allah, Allah subhanaw taala. And he did not let that go waste. There was immense reward for him, be it Mila and then when Allah subhanaw taala is off, he is affectionate towards his slaves, this also means that He bestows upon them even more blessings when they are in hardship. Any when people are in hardship than a loss, Pendleton is even more affectionate towards them. So instead of the Toba io 117 we learn

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the Khattab Allahu Island maybe you will Maha Gina will onslaught that Allah subhanaw taala has turned in mercy towards the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam towards those who immigrated and to the unsought alladhina terbaru fissara Ursula, those who followed him, meaning those who follow the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in the hour of difficulty mimbar the macadam zero kulambu 43 min hum even after the hearts of some among them kind of deviated any, this is referring to the expedition of taboo, which is described as the the hour of difficulty. It was extremely hard, very, very difficult to go on that expedition. Many, many sacrifices the companions had to make. So if the

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IR begins with le Khattab Allahu Allah subhanaw taala has turning mercy towards them. And then again, it is said so matabele him Then again, he turned in mercy to them in the home be in the hoobie him Roku for him indeed he is to them, very affectionate and merciful. So the companions went all the way to the book, there was no battle, Allah subhanaw taala protected them, but there were, you know, alliances that the Muslims established.

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And it also sent a message you know to the enemy that we are prepared for whatever that you want in We are not afraid we are capable of fighting you. So, so Allah subhanaw taala is very affectionate, these people, he they were in hardship yet they did not, you know, stay back. So Allah subhanaw taala turned in mercy to them, Allah subhana wa tada brought them benefit in this life, and there is much greater reward awaiting them in the next life. So when Allah subhanaw taala is our roof, he is so affectionate to words, the slaves, what are we supposed to do? What is our part? Our responsibility is that first and foremost, we think good about Allah subhanaw taala we should have a

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smooth run with Allah subhanaw taala. You see, sometimes we're so focused on this is not working, that is not working. This is messed up. This is so hard. This is like this. And this is like that. He we're constantly complaining, and we overlook the ease and the blessings that Allah subhanaw taala has given us, right? We should remember that Allah is Allah oof to us. And he think of

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any First of all, if there was any difficulties you're experiencing, that is also out of Allah subhanaw taala has mercy. Right? But compared to the difficulty that you're experiencing, consider all of the ease, all of the blessings, all of the good things that Allah subhanaw taala has given all of those good things you see, earlier I mentioned about how the last panel Tata has provided us the means of transportation, right, the fact that we're able to travel from place to place, now, whether that is happening on a bike, or that is happening in a car or that's happening in a train or a plane, right, any This is Allah subhanaw taala has compassion towards us, but how often we we find

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all the reasons to complain about even the means of transportation. Right? Imagine if we, if the only way of traveling was on foot and imagine if we had to, we have to carry all of our belongings, on our shoulders, any life would become extremely hard. So think good of Allah. Think good of Allah. Allah is Raouf, he is very affectionate. Secondly, when Allah subhanaw taala is Raouf, we shouldn't believe that anything that we give in the way of Allah or we give up in the way of Allah, it is not lost, and it is not wasted. Remember, so haber Rumi, here to give up his wealth in order to make hedra. And Allah subhanaw taala praised him so much. I mean, a nasty man yesterday in epsa, hoopty,

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a multi level load all familiar with that. Any Yes, you know, you're not required to give everything of yours in the way of Allah. But whatever you do, sometimes there are those situations where you have to give up a lot, where you have to give a lot, then any where you do that, remember that, that what you have given is not going to be wasted. It is recorded with Allah. So any kind of sacrifice you're making, whether it is of your sleep, or it is of your comfort, or it is of your, you know, enjoyment, anything you're giving in the way of Allah, you're giving up for the sake of Allah, Allah is that Oh, he is very compassionate. He has a lot of pity for us, a lot of sympathy for us. So he's

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not going to ignore your sacrifice. He's not going to ignore your contribution, your effort. And then when Allah subhanaw taala is off, this also means that we should not take him for granted. Because remember, Allah is Oof, but he is also you know,

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he is also Aziz he is also mighty in in in his punishment, right? And remember when you had little como la Hoon epsa hula load off military bad, Allah cautions you against himself and Yes, he is also affectionate towards the slaves so don't present yourself for for punishment because remember that when it comes to you know the verse in sort of the * where the punishment for legal punishment for Xena as mentioned it is said that you should not have any lotsa you should not have any compassion in your heart while that punishment is being carried out, right meaning don't put yourself in a situation where you are

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not worthy of that rockfort anymore. So, don't take that for granted.

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Then when Allah subhanaw taala is removed, this also means that we should show up for if Allah subhanaw taala shows compassion, then we should also show compassion and this compassion, any we should show it of course to ourselves and also to those around us. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was very compassionate, that instead of the Toba 128 It is said la caja Acoma Suleman unfussy calm it is in our lay humor in it,

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that there has come to you a messenger from yourselves meaning who is a human being like you. And are these really human or little, it is very hard on him, that you suffer any. He does not like to see you in hardship. He doesn't like to see you in pain. How do you Sonali come he's very greedy for you, meaning he really wants Good for you. Bill mininova Rahim towards the believers he has it all over him. The Prophet sallallahu earlier Sunday was all for him towards the believers. And this is this is the quality of a good leader

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of of a successful leader, that Aziz and I lay him out on it and doesn't like to watch you suffer. And think about it. Sometimes. Unfortunately, people who are in a position of leadership or in a position of authority, they like to put others in in hardship. Right. How do you sonar Lake on the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was very eager for them. He wanted good for the companions. And unfortunately a lot of times people who are you in a position of authority in a position of leadership, what do they want, they want all good for themselves, not for the people who are working under them. The Prophet sallallahu early was and it was not like that he was a disease in RNA humor

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and to hadiya sooner aleikum. Bill meaner over Rahim. So showed up for show compassion to yourself and also to people. And this is a sign of the true followers of a prophet. We learn in sootel headed i a 27. About the followers of rissalah his center you need the people who truly followed him. Allah prodata says some finer and a 30 him bureau solina worker Fina very sudden Imodium will attina will NGO that to restart insulin we gave in Gene wodeyar and a few Kuru ballerina terbaru. Who and we put we made in the hearts of those who followed him fatten compassion, what a myth and mercy. So the followers are very sorry, he said those are truly followed him, what did they have in their hearts,

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compassion, and mercy? Even the companions are described in the Quran as a little hammer obeying a home, those who are merciful towards each other. So we need to see how are we towards one another? Do we have sympathy? Do we feel compassion? Do we? Do we sense the suffering or the difficulty that someone is enduring? Or do we completely disregard that? The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was affectionate the followers of Reese are the Sunnah, they were also affectionate. So we should also show affection. But remember that there is a time for

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and there is a time for what does that mean? This means that you see how Allah subhanaw taala is off and he is also below him. right he is off and he is Rahim. So this means that there are some situations where hula hula is needed. What does that mean? That Yes, you want the best for others. But in the time being what they need is a little bit of strictness. A little bit off, you know, sternness why for their own benefit. You cannot be lenient over there. And then there are other times where you have to be, you know, you have to show compassion, you have to show a lot of leniency. So, there is a time for a time and place for Rama and there is a time and place for

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meaning you cannot be compassionate, and pitiful and lenient, at all times in all situations. So what are those situations where we, we have to show Rajma instead of refer.

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Because sometimes we think that, you know, we should be compassionate and that means, don't tell, don't warn, don't say anything, like people do whatever they want. Everything is right, everything is good. No, that's not the case. So what are those situations where we have to be firm

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First of all, in our belief in and our implementation of the hurdled any of the laws that Allah subhanaw taala has revealed. So remember that when it comes to, you know, the legal penalty, the legal punishment for zinna, Allah subhanaw taala says, well as the hood can be hemara, photography, Daniela, that you should not be moved by pity. Right for those who are being punished, sometimes, you know, we do this that someone is guilty of great crimes. And we start, you know, telling people that No, no, we should be compassionate, we should forgive that, you know, there are some cases in which,

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you know, there's no compassion to be shown to the to the criminal, right there there might there may be compassion in the way that you speak. But when it comes to the command of Allah, the punishment that Allah has legislated, who who are we to change that? You know, how dare we say? or How dare we assume that we have more compassion than Allah? Stuff that alone? How wrong of us to even think like that?

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Also, remember that there is a time there are situations where forgiveness, yes, it is recommended. And of course, that is an option that people have, but in other places, any people also have the option to not forgive. Right? So if someone is,

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you know, within the legal system, if they're taking revenge, or if they are carrying out illegal punishment, they are demanding, they're just right, then don't start telling them Oh, show compassion, show compassion. Now, there is a system that Allah subhanaw taala has revealed a law that Allah subhanaw taala has revealed and that law is very just it is complete, it is very balanced. And so in the name of compassion, in the name of pity, don't try to change the law of Allah. And don't try and don't say that is barbaric, or that it is unfair. Secondly, in enforcing discipline, also,

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you know, we, we should be careful, we should be considerate, but that doesn't mean that in the name of pity and compassion, we don't you know, enforce any discipline, okay? So for example, when it comes to the matter of Salah, okay, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam clearly instructed that command the children to pray when they reach the age of seven, right? But then as we know, in the Hadith that is mentioned that when the child is 10 years, all right, and you refuses to pray them fabu right, that then you can also use, you know, some kind of punishment. Right now, some people they have a lot of difficulty in, in understanding this, okay. And they think that, you know, when

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it comes to teaching Islam to our children, making them good Muslims, we have to be extremely lenient and gentle. Yes, you should be, you should be. But leniency gentleness does not mean that we set no boundaries, we set no expectations for our children, because that is actually detrimental for them, when it comes to disciplining children. Right. You know, psychologists say that there's basically four parenting styles, okay. And this is important. First of all, there is that parenting style of parents who are very authoritative, authoritative means that they are Yes, very loving, and very warm towards their children. But at the same time, they also exert firm control. What does that

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mean? That they express love, okay, but at the same time, they set very clear limits, they have rules, and they enforce those rules and they expect mature behavior from their children. Okay. And at the same time, they're, they're very expressive, and they they show their love to their children, they hug them, they, they tell their children, I love you, the children feel secure with the parents, they don't feel threatened, but at the same time, children know that this is what my parents expect of me, these are the rules, right? And

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you know, and because of that children also follow. So, the children of such parents, what happens is that they are more likely to do well in school, they adjust Well, they, they are able to think through the consequences of their actions.

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Another way, the second way of parenting is described as the the authoritarian style. And that is where basically the parents are always exerting authority and their self

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focused on exerting authority that they don't show enough love. Okay? So they're low in, in expressing their love in warmth. So they're cold and they're controlling. And a lot of times, you know, when children say, Why do I have to do this? The answer is because I said, so. Okay, this, this is different. This is different from the first because in the first in the authoritative style, you are letting your children understand why it is important for them to do what they're doing in the authoritarian style. You What you're doing is you're just telling them, because I'm the boss, I'm your parent, I'm your mother, I'm your father, I told you, you have to listen. So the feelings

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of children are ignored, the punishments are strict. And such parents are not openly affectionate. What happens is that such children, they are more likely to feel guilty. They also become depressed, and they may begin to bully other children. The third style is of parents who are very permissive, permissive meaning very, very loving, but no control. Okay? Very few rules or no rules at all, and no consequences. And every time children do something wrong, the answer is Oh, they're just kids. Right? They're still little, and such children who are basically allowed to do whatever they want. And sometimes, you know, they're the permissiveness becomes indulgence. So for such children, what

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happens is that they have a lot of trouble with their peers, they tend to be more mature, they tend to be more demanding. They're more impulsive, more rebellious, more aggressive. And then fourthly, the fourth style is that which is neglecting many parents who tend to neglect their children. And this is basically where children are not shown enough love, right? And no control whatsoever. So basically, parents are uninvolved, and they're uncaring. And children of such parents, you know, they, they likely act in mature, they're lonely and at risk for abuse. They're insecure in their relationships, they're non compliant, they're aggressive, they're more withdrawn. And as they get

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older, they also engage in delinquent or risky behavior. So with the Prophet salallahu, earlier Center, where he told us that at the age of seven, teach children to pray, and then at the age of 10, if they're not praying, there should be some consequences, then this is what this is the first style, right? Be authoritative. Don't be authoritarian that I don't care about you. I said, so you better do this, or I'm going to slap you, I'm going to smack you. Right. And don't be permissive either. And don't be neglecting right because this is going to be detrimental for the children. So refer, compassion has its place. But at the same time, in the name of compassion, don't tell your

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children Oh, you don't want to pray and find don't pray. No. You have to set some rules. You have to set some boundaries. And as as people, we need boundaries, they're healthy for us.

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Also, it is not right to show pity when the commands of Allah subhanaw taala are being violated. When the laws of Allah are being broken openly. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam we learned in the Quran he was off, he was very compassionate towards the companions, but where someone did something wrong, the Prophet sallallahu radiocentre was very stern. He was very clear. So I needed to learn who he mentioned. And remember Allah de la hora, who is someone whom the Prophet sallallahu already said, I'm deeply loved.

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Or you know, the loved one who said that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam gave me a silk

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robe in a full dress of silk, alright. And the intention was not that RDL de la hora, you should wear it himself. Because remember that silk is something that men are not allowed to wear. But men are allowed to, you know, use that silk, let's say for, you know, for selling in order to make a profit, or to give as a gift, you know, to someone, you know, like for example, you know, their, his wife, etc. to where so the prophets of Allah who are his and him gave him a silk suit. And earlier there'll be a lot more and who said that I went out wearing it. And when the Prophet sallallahu were in his in his side, I could see the anger on his face. So the Prophet sallallahu Urdu Sunday was

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visibly angry on seeing our little beloved Mourinho wearing that whole silk dress and so are any of the people who are in who went home and he gave that to the to the women of his household.

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Also remember that where people's religion is being affected and he negatively affected then that is

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Not a place for showing compassion. How we see for example, that a man came to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and he said that a messenger of Allah I do not perform fudger Salah with the Imam because the Imam you know makes the Salah really really long. Okay? And on that the Prophet sallallahu Urdu Sunnah became furious. And the companions of almost rude said the Prophet sallallahu already said was so furious that I had never seen him more furious than he was in that day. And he said that all people, some of you make others dislike the Salah.

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So whoever becomes an Imam, he should make the prayer short. Why? Because behind him, there are those who are weak, there are those who are old and there are those who have needs to fulfill. So where people's religion was being affected than the Prophet sallallahu it was and it was very stern in that matter. Also, we see that when someone's right is being compromised, then that is not a place to show. Pity. I shall do a lot more on her. She's she said that. No, no person. No woman made food better than Sofia Ile de la hora. And he the way that she prepared food was the best. And once she sent some food to the Prophet sallallahu Ernie who was sending him while he was with our Chateau

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de la Mourinho and I shall have the LA Mourinho said that I could not keep myself from breaking it and she was so upset that she basically hit the dish, the dish fell it broken, the food fell on the ground. So then she asked the Prophet sallallahu Urdu said, What is the expiation for that? And he said a dish like that dish and food like that food? He didn't say it's okay. I know you got jealous. I know you got upset. So no problem. No. Yes. You were jealous. Yes, you were upset your emotions are understandable. But your actions you have to you know, you are responsible for them. So the dish that you broke, you have to replace that, right? Because the person whose dish it is any their right

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has been compromised. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was firm over there.

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Also, when people are being abused, then this is not a place for showing pity that the abuser is shown pity. No, there has to be justice, okay, where those who are being abused, they are the ones who are shown pity, not the aggressor, not the abuser. And unfortunately, what we do is that the person who is committing the abuse, we think so good of them, or they must be angry because of this reason or that reason. And we tell, you know, victims of domestic violence, for example, that you know, be patient, you know, be you know, forgive, etc. This is unfair. You know, there is a place to show pity, and there's a place where you where you demand justice. So we learned, for example, that

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one of the companions, he witnessed that someone

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you know, he was very angry, and he slapped his slave. Okay, he slapped his sleeve. And it was a woman, a slave woman, he slapped her on, on her face. So this companions, he said, that I was the seventh child, right?

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any of my father and the youngest of us, we were many children, and the youngest of us, right, he hit a slap in the face of, of my father's female servant. And when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam found out he told us to set her free, he told us to set her free, even though a child or or one of the children, Allahu Allah with the age was at the time he slept, any the slave woman on the face, the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said, set her free, any This is not right, that she has to put up with this kind of abuse, this is unfair, and she should be set free. So what do you think if a slave woman is not to be treated violently? What do you think about wives? Right? And the people

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will, you know, use a verse of the Quran, what baboon and based on that they will go on committing abuse after abuse after abuse. And they forget that there is a particular context to that particular meaning to that. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam mentioned very clearly that you know that the best of you will never do that. So, super so where abuse has been committed, you don't show pity to the abuser. No, that is where you demand justice. So how do we call upon Allah subhanaw taala by this beautiful name on Raouf because

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The last thought it tells us for the rule will be whether we should call upon him by his beautiful names. We see a beautiful dog in the Quran inserted hashtag number 10 all those panthro dimensions will Latina gentlemen bar, the humio colonna that the believers who came after the Maha Julian de and saw this say this is their door so this is the door that especially we should make and what is this Dora this Dora is Rob Burnham Filipina, or our Lord forgive us when he when in alladhina sub akona bill Eamon and also forgive our brothers who accepted the you know, he man before us. Well, after Gylfi Kuru Bina Rila Linda Vina amanu and do not make in our hearts any malice, any resentment

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for those people who believe keep our hearts clean. Do not allow us to, to build any resentment for believers are abundant in the corner over Rahim, our Lord indeed you are compassionate and merciful. So we're asking Allah subhanaw taala over here to grant us that compassion because of which we show forgiveness, we show tolerance and we want the best for for our, you know, Muslim,

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brothers and sisters, community, people of our faith and also people in general because Allah subhanaw taala is off. So we should also show compassion and that is only possible when the last panel toilet enabled us. So we ask Allah subhanaw taala to

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bless us with His mercy and His love. And may Allah subhanaw taala protect us from doing anything that makes us deserve anything other than his offer. And may Allah subhanaw taala create a lot of faith in our hearts also. So that we extend that to those who are around us. inshallah, we will conclude over here subhanak Allahumma behenic shadow Allah ilaha illa Anta stone Furukawa to buoy Lake wa salam or aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

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