Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2021 J04-054C Tafsir Al-Nisa 2-3 Part 1

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary ©
The concept of "right of the grocery store" is broadly applicable for both men and women, including individuals who are older than their legal age and can manage their own wealth. The law protects wealth for individuals who are able to manage their own wealth and give it to their owners. Consciously married individuals are not prohibited from marriage, but it is not preferable. The importance of women in marriage is discussed, including the need to be mindful of sex and avoid regret and avoid marriage.
AI: Transcript ©
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All right then Allah subhanaw taala says what are Talia Tana and wallah whom and give to the orphans their wealth what are the but the rule habito the hip and do not exchange the bad with the good without the Kulu am wala whom Illa unworldly calm and do not consume their wealth into your wealth if you do that, in Noho Cana Hoban Kabira. Indeed that is ever a great sin. Now typically, it is the closest relatives who take guardianship of orphaned children. For example, if a man dies leaving behind children, then his brother would take guardianship of the orphan children, right. Or let's say the uncle of the deceased, or the father of the deceased will take guardianship of the orphan

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children. So earlier we learned Allah subhanaw taala warns us against severing ties of kinship. And here Allah subhanaw taala warns us against committing abuse against relatives. So you cannot cut off from them, nor can you oppress them, nor can you take advantage of them, especially when they are in a vulnerable situation. So what are two Laietana? And voila, home orphans are extremely vulnerable. So what are two and you all give to the address over here is to the Guardians, right of the orphan children and also the OCR meaning the people who are dividing the estate among the heirs of the deceased, right? That give to the orphans, their wealth, don't take it for yourselves. Don't give it

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to someone else. No give to the orphans, their wealth. Now the question is Who are you, Tama utama is the plural of the word he a team and your team is from Utah, Utah is to be alone. So a your team is a girl or a boy a child, okay, whose father has died, biological father has died. Okay. And they remain your team, they're considered your team until they reach puberty. Once they hit puberty, then the term your team is no longer applied to them. Because the rule is law utama, Varda Tillman, there is no being an orphan. Okay? after puberty, so what actually uttama and wallah home here, the OCR, meaning the people who are dividing the estate off, who are basically carrying out the will or

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dividing the estate of the deceased between the heirs they are being addressed, that gift to the orphans, their wealth, and the Guardians also who have taken guardianship of the orphan children, they are being commanded, that you give to the orphans, their wealth. And what this also means is that once the orphans, you know, reached the age of puberty, and you know, they're old enough, they're mature enough to manage their own wealth, all right, and they are capable of handling it themselves, then you hand over their wealth to them will add to the uttama and wallah home give to the orphans, their wealth. All right, don't keep it and don't say that, no, you cannot manage it,

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you cannot manage it. No, if you see that they're able to manage it, then give it to them. The thing is that on the team is her job, her job is essentially a ban, okay, any when a person is banned from managing their own wealth, okay, there are famous cases where, you know, individuals are not mentally stable or they're not capable of managing their own property, right. So, the law prohibits them from managing their own property, someone else will manage them on their behalf, right. And the reason is to protect them. Because if someone is like for example, a child Okay, a child has a million dollars sitting in his bank account, right, which he inherited from his father, and this

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child has a credit card, this child has a debit card, all right, and now he goes around, you know, carrying these cards, people will take advantage of him, right. So, in order to protect the child, and in order to protect his property, there is a temporary ban on the child and this ban is called harder, okay. But this 100 is not forever, it is only until they are capable of managing their own wealth until they're mature enough. So, what is meant is that once they reach that level of maturity, then give to the orphans their wealth, right give to the orphans, their wealth. So what after the uttama um, while at home, this is understood in a number of ways first of all, give to the

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orphans, their share of inheritance

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Alright, don't steal it. Secondly, oh guardians, while the orphans are under your care, then you give them their wealth as an you spend on them, right from their wealth, on their needs, et cetera. And then thirdly, once they reach maturity, and are able to look after their wealth, they're able to make wise decisions financially, then give them their wealth hand over their wealth to them, there is no longer event on them. Okay? So what actually uttama M Wallah home and notice it is said m y la home their wealth, any it's the wealth that belongs to the orphans. It's rightfully legally theirs. It's not yours. So you don't get to keep it. Yes, you protect it, you manage it, you invest it,

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etcetera, but it's not yours it's theirs. So when it is time give it to them. Well at that a bit done will have either but by you and do not exchange the impure for the pure, the bad for the good. What does this mean later, the bad Duluth model is to exchange to give up one thing and take another in its place. Okay. And hobby is what is impure? Or what is bad? Any bad Why is it bad because it's poor quality? Or it spoiled? It's old. And also Habib is what is haram? Okay, what is unlawful? For example, an apple, an apple is something good. But if you steal it from the grocery store, then this is what that Apple is hubby's for you. It's bad for you. Because It's haram for you. Because you

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stole it. Okay. The opposite of hadith is by you by him is that which is good, good as and it's lawful. You obtained it in a legal way. Right? Or are you well, to means good quality, right. So let's have the better we'll have whatever you have this means first of all, that do not exchange your cubbies property with their pure property. So for example, imagine there is an orphan child who has inherited an entire herd of sheep, let's say from his father. Okay. Now this child is seven years old. Now what happens is Uncle takes guardianship of this orphan child. Now, when this orphan child comes to his uncle's place, he brings with him his herd of sheep. Okay, now this uncle also

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has his own sheep. Okay. Now what does he do? The uncle says, Okay, let's just keep all the sheep in one place. You have 10 sheep. I have 10 sheep. Right? So he says they're all going to be in the same place. Then after some time after three years, okay, let's say the orphans properties being separated, let's say for whatever reason, what does the uncle do he remembers that some of his sheep were very unhealthy and very weak. So what does he do he gives to the orphan his own bad quality, sickly sheep or their children by now and he keeps the good ones for himself. Okay, so well after the bad dental Habiba betta you do not switch your cubbies with their pure. So you bring the orphans

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property and mix it with yours and then you take the good part for yourself and you leave the hubby's for the orphan. So sorry the one Musa you upset Do not substitute a week animal of yours for a healthy animal of the orphans. Ibrahim in no hurry, he said do not give something of bad quality for something of good quality. Okay, and there are other opinions that are similar. Whatever the Badillo, Kabita here, the thing is that the orphan is young, he can easily be deceived. Right. So there's prohibition over here of deceiving the orphan of tricking him that he doesn't realize and he's been duped into taking something cubbies for himself and losing the tube that was rightfully

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his. There is another interpretation of this that do not exchange the bad with the good meaning. Do not take the hubby's okay and give up what is the what is hobbies? Hobbies is what is haram for you. Meaning do not take the orphans property for yourself. Because if you take it for yourself, it is Hobbes for you It is haram for you it is unlawful for you. And what is the you tube is what is lawful for you what is yours? So what is rightfully yours is the tube for you. What is unlawful for you is cubbies for you. No matter how good it looks, no matter what its value is. So do not take the wealth of the orphans left at the federal habito per year. This essentially means that do not take a

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The wealth of the orphans because that is hobbies for you, that is haram for you, impure for you. And if we remember this, that if something is not lawful for me, it is actually impure, and it is hobbies for me. And we would stay away from haram. Any think about it? If someone offers you spoiled food? Would you take it? Would you eat it? Even if they say it's free? You can see the fungus growing on it, would you eat it? Never. If somebody gives you clothing that is soiled with urine, and they say it's free? Would you take it? Never. If somebody gives you a book or a pen, again that is soiled with something impure, would you take it never. So this is the reality of haram Haram is

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hubbies it is dirty, it is impure for you. So don't take it. Then Allah subhanaw taala says well after Kulu and wallah whom Isla Anwar Lika COMM And do not consume their wealth into your wealth. He law gives meaning of Mara, and you do not bring their wealth into yours, essentially, do not combine the orphans wealth with your wealth. Why would a person do that? They would do that in order to consume the wealth of the orphan, right? Because if you mix it up, then you can just take anything. And what you're taking now is something that actually belongs to the orphan. So in this is prohibition of combining one's wealth with the wealth of the orphan. There is an exception, however,

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and that exception is when you combine the orphans wealth with yours, in order to bring some benefit to the wealth of the orphan. And this is mentioned in Susan Bacara Ayah 220. Where's Aluna? Cornelia Tamar, Coyle sulla. Hello, hi, we're into Holly Autobahn Fe one Yukon Walla who Yalom will whoopsie the minute Muslims that they ask you about the orphans property, say Islam for them is good. Meaning if you want to grow their property, if you want to protect their property invested, then that is good. So if you mix it with yours, then that is fine. Because they are your brothers. Right? And Allah knows the corruptor from the reformer. But if you mix the orphans wealth with your wealth, and

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it doesn't turn out to be favorable for the orphans property than that is not correct. For example, let me give you an example. If the Guardian invests the orphans money in some business, okay, along with his own wealth, or let's say, he invests the orphans money into his business, his own business, okay? What's going to happen, his business is going to thrive, because all of a sudden, he has such a huge investment. Right? So his business is doing really well now with the orphans money, okay? This is not correct, because he's using it in order to grow his own money. So, this kind of mixing is not permissible. But if he does this, in order to grow the investment of the orphan, so he treats

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it like any other investment, which means that any profits, you know, that are obtained through that investment he will give to the investor, right, so he will put it in the orphans account. So like this, what's happening, the wealth of the orphan is increasing, because it's been invested into a business. Right. And this is something that's very good. This is something that is permissible. And our little Dylan Warren, who also said that it that you will be unguided, utama hatherleigh Koolau sadaqa, that trade with orphans, wealth, why? So that sadaqa does not consume it. And if you just keep the orphans money, year after year, and you're just giving the cat from it every year, what's

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going to happen? By the time the orphan is old enough to take that money, it's going to be very little, because you've been paying the cat from it every single year. But if you invest it, right, if you invest it into some business, you trade with it, then by the time that you hand it over to the orphan, it has increased in its value in its amount, because you invested it right. So while at the battle habito, bitcoin wallet Kulu and wala Han Illa qualicum Do not consume their wealth into your wealth. If you do that in no kind of Hoban copula. Indeed, that is ever a great crime. Any consuming the orphans wealth is a major sin. It is a destructive sin. Now who is from how bad and

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whom is a great sin? Or a great injustice? Basically, habit is to yell at you

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handled okay. So who is an action worth severe reprimand, any it is a very bad action for which a severe reprimand is deserved. So in no Kana Hoban, Kavita, any This is a severe crime a very great crime for which there will be consequences. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said avoid the seven major destructive sins and all of these sins is what consuming the wealth of the orphan. Allah Subhana Allah says in surah Nisa, verse number 10, that in Alladhina coluna Anwar Alia Tama lunamon. In Numbeo, Khurana people Tony him, now Allah was say, your slowness or euro, that indeed those people who consumed the wealth of the orphans unjustly they're only consuming fire into their

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bellies, and they shall burn in a fire. So the orphans wealth that they're taking unjustly is what it is actually fire for them. And the Prophet sallallahu Sallam also said that Oh ALLAH bear witness that I have issued a warning concerning the rights of the two week once orphans and women any I have issued a warning to people in regard to their rights. So this is a very serious matter the rights of the orphans. That Allah subhanaw taala says we're in gift to Allah to Oct Ophelia tama and if you fear that you will not deal justly with the orphans. And here what is meant by orphans is orphan girls. Okay? So if you fear that you will not be just with them, then phunki Who my parabola

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coalminer Nisa, then marry those that please you have other women meaning marry other women do not married the orphans, okay? And you can marry Madonna with Olathe, Aruba, two or three or four for in Clifton, a letter delu. But then if you are afraid that you will not be just between your wives for Washington, then marry only one Oh Mama, look at a man who calm or those your right hands possess valleca Dona aleteia Rulu and that is more likely that you will not deviate from justice, you will not inclined to injustice. Now in this idea. It's very obvious men are being permitted to marry more than one wife. Okay. But anyway, what's the connection between that and the fear of any not being

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able to be fair with the orphans? Any what's the connection between the first part of the eye and the second How is fearing that one will be unable to be fair with orphans the reason for marrying other women up to four of them at a time. So we learned that Aruba with a little more on who he asked I shall do more on her the same question that what's the connection over here, so I shall do a little more on her explained. She said that Oh, my nephew. This is about the orphan girl who lives with her guardian, okay and shares his property. And her wealth and beauty may tempt him to marry her without giving her an adequate Mahesh, which might have been given by another suitor. So such

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guardians were forbidden to marry such orphan girls unless they treated them justly, and gave them the most suitable manner. Otherwise, they were ordered to marry any other woman. So the address over here is to who? To the Guardians, the guardians of orphaned children, orphaned girls. Okay. And this is a guardian who was not Muharram okay. It's possible that you know, a man dies leaving behind his young daughter, and the only closest relative is who is let's say his cousin. Okay. Now, the father's cousin is not Muharram to the girl. Okay, so now what happens? As she grows older, he has an interest in marrying her. Okay, now I understand you might find this very awkward and very

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strange and very disgusting. Any, what a huge age difference and how is it that a man could want to marry you know, the daughter of his cousin? This is so weird. Understand that not everyone thinks the way that you think right people have different cultural upbringings different cultural values, what may be considered perfectly fine and normal in one culture may not be fine in yours. Right? And that's okay. But just because we find something strange and awkward. It doesn't mean that we should make it haram or that we find something to be okay. It doesn't mean that we make it halal, haram and halal are what Allah subhanaw taala has declared haram and Hala, we don't get to choose that. So,

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imagine a situation like that. Now, if this man wants to marry the orphan girl who was in his care, there is a conflict of interest here right because

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He is her guardian. And if he marries her, then some of her rights will certainly be compromised. Right? Because, first of all, who is to ensure that he gives her a mahalo that she deserves, right? And secondly, any, if he marries her, he gives him a hug to her. And then he also takes it away from her that he can easily be unfair to her in this regard, because who is going to come and advocate for her, and not just her mother to her other rights also? And he's in a position where he can easily oppress her. So if there is some conflict between the two, who is she supposed to go to? Who is she supposed to lean back on? Because he's supposed to be the guardian, right, the father figure.

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So when she marries and has some conflict with her husband, who is she supposed to talk to? Who was going to come from her side and defend her advocate for her? How can he be the Wali and the husband both at the same time? It doesn't make sense. So this is why such men are told that we're in Clifton if you are afraid, Allah toxic Ophelia terminal that you cannot be fair with the orphans, meaning orphan girls that are in your care. And he if you were to marry them, then what should you do? Don't marry them marry someone else. phunki Huma tabela Camilla Nisa, marry someone else and marry 234 Even but stay away from marrying the orphan girls because you will compromise her rights. So

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essentially, over here, the Mahara of the orphan girl and the other rights of the orphan girl are being protected. Right. First, in the previous idea, we learned about the property or orphan children is being protected both girls and boys. Now specifically, the Muhammad and the other rights of the orphan girl are being protected. Okay, so, according to the hadith of eyeshadow de la marinha, such guardians were prohibited from marrying the orphan girls in their care, except if they are fair, okay. So for example, if he wants to marry her, he must be fair to her in regard to her mother. So he will give her for instance, Maha Mithun. Maha methyl is what a Maha that is given to

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someone who is similar to the woman. So for example, other girls in her family, how much more do they get? Right? Or her sister? How much more did she get? Right? So he has to give mod method. Okay. And if he worries that he will not be fair, there's a chance of oppression, then he should not marry her. Instead, he should marry someone else. Okay, you need someone else whom he is less likely to commit oppression against. And this shows us that any situation where there is a chance that a woman's rights will be compromised, any situation where there's a chance that a woman will be taken advantage of right that her rights are not given? Then a man should avoid such a marriage. So for

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example, there's a kind of Nica, which is called Nikka. Sheila. Okay. And although it's called all over passata, okay, which is essentially that a man gives his daughter in marriage, on the condition that the other man gives his daughter to him in marriage, or a man gives his sister in marriage to another man on the condition that the other man gives his sister to him in marriage, understand what's happening, and then neither of the two men have to give him a hug. Now this is not right, because the mod is the right of though wife cannot her brother or her father. So in a hadith in Sahih Bukhari we learned the Prophet sallallahu or incident prohibited such a marriage. Why because

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the woman's right is being compromised. So if you're afraid that you will not be just then then stay away phunki Who phunki Hormel tabela Kamina Nisa, then marry, whom you like among women any go marry someone else, right marry someone else and there's many other women out there Subhan Allah, Martha now with Olathe robar two three and four. Now phunki Houma tabula comm fava This is from thought while Bell same root as the YouTube or thigh Yabba WP woo which is basically to find something good and need to like something. So now tabula calm, what you find good meaning what you like, what is pleasing to you and what is lawful to you mean a Nissa among women. Now, what is intended here is

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the qualities of the women any marry among women, those who possess the qualities that

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You like the traits that you like. And he goes seek that. And this is something very important that sometimes in the name of religiosity we dismiss, we say that, Oh, just look at the religiosity of the other person if he's on Dean marry him, if she's on Dean marry her. And that's it. I know a person has other traits as well, their Hulk and their whole look, their appearance and also their character, their manner. Right. So there should be some kind of attraction when it comes to marriage. Okay, there must be some level of compatibility phunki, Houma, La Bella Camino Nyssa and this is the reason why the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam advised, you know, certain Sahaba to see

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the women whom they were intending to marry any see them somehow so that there is some level of some kind of attraction, right? So phunki Who matava Come in, and Lisa, this is something very important in marriage. And sometimes people will, you know, say to their children that you know, just marry whomever we tell you to marry, and you will not regret and so don't you know, just look for someone whom you like, or don't just expect to marry someone whom you like, and this is not fair. Okay, there must be some level of attraction, you cannot ignore the feelings of a person. Of course, such an important decision cannot be based entirely on you know, looks or what a person likes. This has

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to be a very rational conscious decision. But a person's you know, likes matter what they find pleasing matters. Alright, so phunki Huma tabela co Mina, Nisa, and it is said Mithuna with hula robar Magna Intuos, meaning two at a time or thriller meaning three at a time and rebar four at a time in fours as in for at a time any a man is allowed to marry up to four women at a time. And he a man can have up to four wives at a time, but not more than that. Right, except for the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam, okay. And the rhythm I said, there are five matters regarding women that were exclusively for the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam first of all, the fact that he was

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allowed to marry more than four. Secondly, the fact that he was the only one who was allowed to marry without giving Maha, meaning a woman could have a gift herself to the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam, but this was exclusively for him, as Allah says hottest with a lack of meaning what meaning exclusively for you, and not for the believers. Thirdly, he was not allowed to divorce his wives, nor replace them with other women. This has mentioned total RCEP fourthly, his wives were only for him, meaning no one was allowed to marry them after his death, sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And fifth, that he was not obligated to be fair with them, even though he was but he was not required

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to. So these were matters exclusively for the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam, the reason is that it shows us that it's not allowed for other people. So no man can come today and, you know, claim that because of his religiosity or his greatness, he is going to marry more than four women. No, cannot happen not allowed. It doesn't matter who you are, how wealthy you are, how religious you are, how many how'd you have done, doesn't matter not allowed. This is only for the prophets of Allah who Allah He was. So much now with Allah robar. Now, this is shows us that when a person has some genuine fear, in Clifton, right, genuine fear about marrying a particular person, then they should

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not ignore those fears. When you know that you might not be able to treat the other person with the respect that they deserve the fairness that they deserved, and don't marry them. Go marry someone else. Venky Houma tabela Camila Nisa, Medina with like a little bar. And if you fear that you can't do justice. Don't walk into that relationship. And what this means is methanol with Letho bar, there is plenty of fish in the sea. Right? Go find someone else. phunki Houma, tabela Kamina Nisa, take your eyes off of that orphan girl, and go marry someone else, find someone else. But don't put yourself in a situation where you are very likely to commit oppression where you are very likely to

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deprive the other of their rights. You know, sometimes it happens that a man is, you know, pressed and over and over again to marry his cousin. Right? And he's like, I don't find her attractive. We don't speak the same language. I don't think she can fit into my social circle, for example, he finds that it's going to be very hard. So then you should make that clear, and not bring her into a relationship that she is going to suffer in. Because he does not find her attractive. He's not able to talk to her. He's not able to get along with her. He's not able to socialize with her.

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He's not able to take her anywhere. That's unfair. So speak up when you're being forced to marry someone and protect yourself and protect the other person from any harm in the future. You know, some people say no tokoto Quran Allah, and just marry for the sake of Allah. Just marry. No, we're in halftone if you are afraid, and this fear is based on some genuine reason, then don't walk into that marriage, go find someone else, and you will find someone else in sha Allah, that Allah subhanaw taala says for in Clifton, a letter delu then if you're afraid, if you fear that you will not be just meaning you will not be able to do either between your wives, whether they're two or

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three or four, then what should you do for Hayden, then only one meaning that Mary only one, keep only one wife at a time and not more than one? Oh Mama, look at a man who can or whom your right hands possess and this is referring to slave women. And this means that a man is allowed to be sexually intimate with his slave women. And inshallah we'll talk about that in greater detail later on. Allah subhanaw taala says valleca Adena Aletheia Rulu that is more likely that you will not deviate from justice. Any you will not deviate from being just towards your wives. What is more likely marrying only one. Okay, this is going to protect you from being unjust. So do your best to

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stay away from oppression. Now, one thing I want you to notice over here first of all, at the beginning of the year, it was said we're in Krypton Allah to cassuto and here in a sec for in crypto Allah Daraa de Loup Allah tuxedo Allah Tara drew both basically means that you will not be just right. So what's the difference between this and other Allah tuxedo is from pissed off scene

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and alert ardito is from either either learn either is the act of balancing okay ensuring that a person is giving each their right okay, when you think of other think about like a weighing scale okay. And fist fist is to strive to refrain from oppression okay. And if you think about it, the orphan girl is extremely vulnerable. And the orphan girl is constantly in need of being protected against loan, right. So this is why Allah tuxedo has been said in the context of the orphan girl, that if you are afraid that you will not be able to refrain from oppression in regard to the orphan girls, meaning if you marry them, you will not be able to protect her against Lauren, then don't

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marry her marry someone else, all right, marry up to four. And then for encrypting a letter the law or the law is the act of balancing right ensuring that a person is giving each wife their right. So that's why other is used over there that if you fear that you will not be able to balance properly, you will not be able to be fair between all of your wives in providing for them in fulfilling their rights in taking care of them. Then do not marry more than one. Okay. Why? Because being unfair to a wife, depriving of her rights is haram and what leads to Haram is also haram. Not giving a wife her rights is haram. So if a man is pretty sure that he cannot be fair between his wives, in terms of

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fulfilling their rights and in terms of providing for them in terms of taking care of them, then it is not permissible for him to marry more than one. But if a man is confident that he can be fair, he is able to then it is permissible for him. All right, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he warned that when a man has two wives and is inclined to one of them

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in he deprives one completely, then he will come on the day of resurrection with the side of his hanging down. Any one side of his body will be hanging Guinea it'll be as if paralyzed Subhan Allah. So be careful valleca Adena Aletheia Rulu that is more likely that you will not deviate from justice. So do not deviate from justice. And this teaches us that when something may be permissible, it is MOBA. Okay. But you know that if you do it, you're going to end up committing some kind of oppression.

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Some kind of injustice, then it's better for you to stay away because by doing something MOBA you might end up harming someone

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then that MOBA becomes impermissible for you, because it leads to haram. So something may be completely halal, it is permissible but if it leads to haram then it becomes haram for a person. All right Delica dinner a letter who

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