Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2021 J04-053B Tafsir Aal-e-Imran 187-189
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Then Allah subhanaw taala says, What is 100? Allah Who? Meetha Kalinina Otto kitab. And recall when Allah took the covenant of those people who were given the Scripture, what was the covenant? Let obey he No no holiness, that surely you will indeed make it clear to the people. Meaning the knowledge that you have been given you will make it clear to the people will attack to Munna who and you will not conceal it. So did they fulfill their covenant with Allah? No, Allah says for Nevada who were avoiding him, but they threw it away behind their backs. They went on in their lives as if they never made that covenant, they did not fulfill that covenant, they did not make that knowledge
known to people they did not clarify to them. Instead, they hid it. And what did they do was thoroughly Heath feminine kalila and they purchased with it a petty price, meaning they gained something off little value something of this world by giving up the verses of Allah by giving up the covenant that they made with Allah by betraying Allah in the covenant that they made with him for bit Samaya Sharon and wretched is that which they purchased, meaning whatever they gained up this world is evil. It's not going to benefit them. Now here Allah subhanaw taala reminds us what if and recall when and he was caught in a hot Allahu mythique and we felt is from Walther cough. mythique
is a covenant. It is not just any promise it is Allahu Shaheed, and he is a very strong promise. And he is a very strong covenant, fledge and from the same root as the word without, without his a rope with which you tie things up. Right, and when you tie things up, you tie them tightly. So Meetha is a covenant that has been strengthened with oaths. Okay, it's been strengthened with oaths. For example, the two parties involved have taken oats in order to show their commitment to it. So it's a commitment, a pledge, a promise that you intend to fulfill, because you're taking an oath and when you take an oath, that means you are all in your committed you mean it, that you are going to
fulfill it. So Allah took the meat out of the people who were given the book, meaning the Jews and the Christians. What was the covenant that led to be you know, no holiness, that surely you will indeed make it clear to the people will attack to Muna who and you will not conceal it that to be you know, know who this is from via noon began to make clear and talk to Mona This is from Katana kinsman Kafta. Meme to conceal. So this was the mythique from Allah, that whoever has Aryan whoever has knowledge is obligated to let it be known. Man Cana are in the human element waterbar Lee and you'll hero who you need, this is the covenant that you will make it clear to people make what clear
to people it is referring to them, okay, that you will make it clear and you will not conceal it. So this is the covenant that whoever has knowledge is obligated to let it be known. He's not allowed to conceal it. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam gave a clear warning. He said man so we learned earlier in Fatima who will do my Yamaha piano TV German menar whoever is asked about knowledge and conceals it, then such a person will be bridled on the Day of Judgment with reigns of fire. Can you just like a horse is if there's rains on him, imagine a fire on a person going around his mouth around his head stuff that Allah who the person who is asked about knowledge, but he
conceals it. You know Earth man or the Longhorn who knows the Hadith in which we learned that this is an Behati he wants made wudu and then he said Allah or Hadith oh come Hardison, Lola Ayrton Mahad, desta como that I'm going to tell you about a hadith. And if it was not for an ayah of the Quran, I would not narrate that hadith to you. Anyway, I'm only telling you about this hadith because of an ayah in the Quran, which I am the Quran in surah Al Baqarah verse 159. In Alladhina, Yocto Munna and Zelle nominal Burkina tivol Huda mimbar Dima Jana hula Nassif Kitab Hola, Erica Alana Mala? Well, I know when will let you know that the people who conceal what Allah has revealed,
have clear evidences and guidance after Allah has made it clear to the people in the book, honey, these people conceal the book of Allah, they conceal the truths of the book of Allah. Then such people, Allah curses them, and all the creatures can
system. So as Manuel de la hora Noah said, if it was not for that I would never narrate that this Hadees to you. And then he narrated the Hadith, the Hadith about for person performs will do properly and then they offer Salah in Jamara, then Allah will forgive their sins. And a Buddha will the Longhorn who he would narrate many a hadith. And some people actually criticized him for that. So a Buddha did not have a horn who said that people say, a Katara, Abu Huraira, that Abu Hurayrah narrates a lot. He said, Well, Lola, a attorney vikita biLlahi, Mahad does to Hadith and he said if it was not for two verses in the book of Allah, I would never narrate a single Hadith. And he called
it the same idea, as the one that earthmen with Lauren who quoted and the other ayah, which is in the same passage of sort of Bukhara, which gives the same message about people concealing the knowledge that Allah has revealed. So it is because of such verses that Abu Abdullah who are and who narrated what he knew, and he was afraid of committing the crime of concealing knowledge. So Allah took a covenant from the Children of Israel, that you will not conceal knowledge, and that you will definitely make it clear to people. There's two things here, let Towba you know, when I talk to Mona who, first you will make a clear, and second, you will not hide it. What does it mean by this? Isn't
it the same thing? You will make a clear you will not hide it, meaning you will inform people? No, it's two different things. How is it different? Let to be you know, know who you will make it clear to people means that you will tell them even before they ask, you will tell them even before they ask. So for example, someone explaining to people about the meaning of a verse in the book of Allah, someone explaining to people about how the prophets of Allah who are Islam used to pray salah, how the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam made will do or what the rules of zakat are, or the rules of the hara, et cetera. Okay, let's go by, you know, know who you are going to clarify it, you're going to
make it clear, even before people ask, and then we'll talk to Munna who, you're not going to hide it. When does that happen? This is when someone asks that if someone asks, then you're not going to conceal knowledge you are going to tell them and concealing knowledge can be in different ways. One is that literally a person conceals it. Okay? Any they don't tell people about what the truth is. And then another way of concealing is to distort the truth to alter it, to change it. Because again, when you change it, when you distort it, you're not actually conveying the truth. So you are in a way, hiding the truth without the kimono who, so they were obligated to do these two things, you
will make it clear to the people and you will not hide it. If you think about it, what is it that causes people to conceal the truth, the people have knowledge, sometimes it is the fear of people, that they will not like it, they will laugh at me, they will get upset Subhanallah and there's a hadith in which we learn that a person should not be prevented from the Haber of people. And he because of the fear of people to say what is true. And he when a person knows what the truth is, when a person has witnessed it, when a person has heard it himself, then the fear of people should not prevent him from conveying it.
Now, this idea is actually a very strict idea, you can say in regard to the people of knowledge, and it shows the responsibility that the people of knowledge have, it is a severe warning to them in regard to their responsibility. You see, when Allah subhanaw taala give someone a favor and privilege, he honors them. Right. And with that honor, comes great reward in the hereafter by for example, if a person has been given the favor and privilege of knowledge, yes, they have the honor. Now they're a person of knowledge. And now when they benefit personally from that knowledge and they benefit others with that knowledge, then inshallah they will have so much reward in the hereafter.
Right? But in contrast, if they neglect their responsibility, what is due on them, then remember the punishment is severe compared to the punishment for the same action for those who do not have that privilege. And he for example, if there is a person who does not have the same level of knowledge, all right, and they make a mistake, and they end up doing something that is clearly against the teachings of Quran and Sunnah, but it's coming from the
place of ignorance, will they be punished? Okay, perhaps depending on the nature of that sin of that violation. But if that same violation is committed by the person of knowledge, then the sin of the knowledgeable person is greater, and therefore the punishment will also be greater than, for example, Allah subhanaw taala honored the wives of the Prophet sallallahu earlier set them right in different ways. And Allah subhanaw taala tells them in the Quran that you are not like any other women, and Allah subhanaw taala tells them that if you do good that Allah will give you double reward, privilege, honor, more reward. And he also tells him that if you do something evil, than
your punishment will also be double. Right? A leader of a people is supposed to be obeyed, but if he cheats them, abuses them, then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that there are three people whom Allah will not speak with, or purify or even look at, and for them as a painful punishment. And one of them is who, a Malik, Kedah, a line leader, and he's someone who lies a lot to his people. So with a privilege comes great responsibility, and with the privilege of knowledge also comes a great responsibility. And if a person does not take this matter seriously, then the consequences are very severe lead to be you know, no holiness. Well, I talked to Mona who. So Allah
subhanaw taala took this covenant from the people who were given the Scripture Alladhina Otto kitab. Now there is a question who are Albena Otto Kitab it is basically any every time you read this Alladhina Otto Kitab it means people who are Jews and Christians, right, but some are Allah ma say Alladhina Ozel kita This is not limited to them. This applies to all those people who have been given knowledge of the book which book scripture Revelation, the book that Allah has revealed. So this includes they say, the people who have knowledge of the Quran, the earlier map of this ummah, they also have a huge responsibility and they come under this mythique law to be you know, no hula
NASCI Wallah talk to Munna any, by extension, they're also obligated to convey any the person who has knowledge has an obligation to convey and having knowledge means that a person actually has knowledge not assumption. Okay. There is a difference between knowledge and assumption. Knowledge is when you know for a fact about something and assumption is when you think when you're not sure, this responsibility comes with knowledge. That will be you know Nolan NASCI will attack to Munna who, now how was this covenant taken from the People of the Scripture that you need the Jews and the Christians if it is referring exclusively to them, and it definitely refers to them because it has
mentioned how they through the covenant behind their backs. So how was this covenant taken from them? It was taken from them through their prophets. Okay, so Allah, Allah zenity, roeselii him and led to be you know, no holiness, you will clarify it to the people, it refers to all of the knowledge that was given to them, which includes the knowledge of the book, and all of its teachings, including the descriptions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. But what did they do? Allah subhanaw taala says, finnabair who were all the holy him, but they threw it behind their backs. Nevada, who Nevada known by that, Nevada is to throw something away. Why? Because you're
leaving it, you don't want it anymore. You're throwing it away, you're leaving it you know from the same route is actually the word Nabil Aviv is that you leave dates in water for a long time. And by longtime mean like several hours, like for example, you leave it overnight. So what will happen, the taste of the water will change because the dates will really soften even the seeds will really soften and you drink it the Prophet sallallahu alayhi salam would have it regularly. But one thing is you have to make sure is that if you leave it for a very long time, then it can basically turn into an intoxicant, so you have to be careful don't let it reach that point. So a safe you know time
is overnight. Okay. or 10 to 12 hours and really depends on humidity temperature. So this is what Nabil is right a newbie this called Nabhi the because you leave the dates in the water for a long time, long enough that the taste of the water changes. Okay, so never though they left it in eBay through it, and why did they throw it
because they were leaving it, they abandoned the covenant. And when you throw something far away, alright, you leave it, and then you go away from it, then you don't think about it, you don't talk about it. It means that you don't want it in your life anymore. You want to live your life as if that thing no longer exists. So this is how they treated the covenant of Allah. They pretended like it did not even exist. Fenerbahce whoo hoo, wah, Allah, Who do you love what is the Florida the HUD back, and he threw it behind their backs, and they just walked away. This is how they abandoned the covenant of Allah, they stopped making the knowledge clear to people, and instead they concealed it,
and washed, it all be feminine kalila and they purchased through it something of little value, Allahu Akbar. And this is referring to how they changed the sacred knowledge that was given to them, they altered it, right? They hid parts of it, they changed parts of it, why in order to gain feminine colleague and something of little value. And that is where leegin Subhan Allah and he, they changed the book of Allah, they changed the law of Allah in order to gain worldly benefits from people. So for example, if a wealthy person came to them, and asked them about a certain matter, they would tell the wealthy person something that the wealthy person wanted to hear. Why, because
that would make the wealthy person happy. And then he would give them some gifts. And so they change the love Allah to please wealthy people, in order to gain something of their wealth, feminine Catiline, Forbid, semi or stone throne. So how evil is what they purchase, because they essentially gave up what is eternal, for what is temporary, right, they gave up the privileges, the rewards of the Hereafter, to gain what the petty things of this dunya and this barrel hasura Any What a sad transaction for some Irish Thongloun What a terrible thing they have earned and when they gave up their alcohol, for the sake of worldly gain, what did they get? Then we learned into the booklovers
159 that such people who conceal knowledge, then Allah curses them, and all the creatures curse them, for the sun is thrown, okay, they got something expensive from the rich person for giving him the fatwa that he wanted and they changed the law of Allah for that, but then what the curse of Allah, the curse of all the creatures, a stuff that Allah you know, for the scholar, the person who teaches others good things, we learn in Hadith that the ants and the fish pray for him, but we learned in this idea of suited for kala 159 that the one who conceals knowledge that all creatures curse him whether he had the villa, so with knowledge comes a huge responsibility, whatever that a
person has knowledge of they should convey it and you see when you find people in need of knowing something, okay, then it is your duty to inform them and if someone asks you about something, again it is your obligation to answer them and sometimes it can be very difficult to do that difficult as in difficult on the knifes but it is your responsibility. If Allah has given you that knowledge then you have to make it clear you cannot selfishly keep it to yourself. Then Allah subhanaw taala says latter seven Alladhina for Hoonah Bhima Atal, where you have buena au Madhu Ramallah MIA for aloo filata SubhanaHu beema Bhima Faza T Minella other walang Martha will Aleem la dicer banana never
think if you remember I mentioned to you earlier that the verb letter Savannah has two objects right? And he do not think about so and so. Such and such. Right? So two objects the soul and soul and the such and such the person about whom you're thinking and secondly the thought that you're having about them. So there's two objects. So what are those objects here the first is Alladhina for Hoonah Bhima atta where you have buena and your model Ramallah MIA for
the people who rejoice in what they have perpetrated and like to be praised for what they did not do. So don't think about these people. What should you not think about them? Fella types of unknown Bhima Faza demeanor either that they are in safety from punishment and he never think that such people are safe from punishment, meaning they will serve
li be punished. Well whom either one Aleem Okay. Letter seven. Do not think ever, about a Lavina. Yeah, for Hona those people who rejoice those people who are very happy, you're for who knows from for follow her. What are they happy about Bhima ATO. They're very happy about what they have done. They rejoice in what they have committed. Now the word atoll utter, Hamza Taya utter means he came. Okay. But sometimes the word utter also means he did farla. Like in the Quran, Allah Subhana Allah mentions were lengthy yet 13 Alpha hisher those women who commit for hisher. So yeah, Tina over there means they commit any they do. So they're very happy with what they have done. They're very
happy with what they have done with what they have committed. If you think about it, a person does get happy when they do something. Right. Like for example, when you clean the kitchen, you're happy about your accomplishment. Right? And especially if it's something good, like you helped someone, then you feel you feel happy. Right? You helped your mother, you helped your sister, you feel happy afterwards. Right? If you give sadaqa you fast you pray. So being happy about doing good things is not wrong. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam also said that man salah, who has an heir to who was to say he or two who for one moment, the one who is pleased with his good deeds, and is upset by
his bad deeds is a believer. So this means that being happy and doing something good is actually a sign of iman. Right? So then what does he mean by of Rohan Habima ATO who rejoice in what they have done in what they have committed. This is referring to the wrong things that they have done. Any they rejoice when they do something wrong. They're very happy when they manage to do something wrong. Like, for example, the people of the book in Medina, they would, you know, be little the Prophet salallahu alayhi salam insult him and lie to him. And they would rejoice over that. Like, for example, they would say a samurai Lika and they would laugh. And they would say Loreena. Right.
And they will laugh, they would have a good laugh on saying something like that the Prophet salallahu alayhi salam to insult him. So they would rejoice over their lies their mancora their gouffre yard thinking that they had succeeded. Right. So this is what the idea was revealed about those people who rejoice over the wrong actions. People who get happy when they insult someone, when they humiliate someone, when they abuse someone when they steal someone's property. When they take advantage of another. They lie and they get away. They cheat and they get away they don't get caught. Alladhina Francona, Bhima ATO. And this IO was also revealed regarding the hypocrites who
would make false excuses in order to remain behind from jihad. All right, they will say things like, Oh, we're very busy. We can't afford right now. We're not Well, I have too many responsibilities, so we can't go. So they would remain behind from jihad. And when they managed to remain behind, they would rejoice by consider the Toba i 81 Allah subhanaw taala says fatty * mahalo fauna. Bhima Cardium Killa, for Rasulillah. Those who remain behind rejoiced in their staying at home after the departure of the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi salam, can you imagine the prophets of Allah who were listening in the Muslims, imagine all of them are marching out of Medina. And as they go,
the hypocrites who lied, who gave false excuses and remain behind, they rejoice that all finally 100 Allah, we don't have to go 100 Allah, we're here now. Nobody can make us go Hamdulillah we didn't have to go. Now, the funny thing is that when the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam returned, they would go to him and fake apologize. Okay. And if some of the hypocrites would offer excuses before the departure of the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam, and some would not even bother to do that they would just stay behind. And when the Prophet salallahu already said would return, then they would go and fake apologize. We were so busy, we couldn't even you know, seek permission to stay behind. And
the prophets of Allah who ordained Salam, he would actually accept their faults excuses. He would just say okay,
If and he would leave them be he would not say anything to them. So again, they would be very happy thinking that they had tricked him and that they had satisfied him with their explanations. So Allah subhanaw taala says, Lata Serban Alladhina for Hoonah Bhima ATO and he these people who rejoice over their sins, their lies, their pathetic attempts to deceive the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam, never think that such people will be saved from the punishment right now, okay, they got away, but they cannot escape Hola. And this is something that we all need to think about as well. We should never ever be proud of our sins. We should never boast about the wrong things that we have done in
our ignorance and foolishness. And he sometimes people do that they talk about their past, as if they were telling you know, about their accomplishments. No, of course, if it's for the reason of giving hope to someone, then Okay, you tell them but don't talk about your sins proudly. And happily, there should be a sense of regret. There should be some humility. And if we ever end up, you know, doing something wrong, we should not be happy about that. You know, for example, if you lash out at someone, angrily, don't be happy about that. Don't boast about it, that I gave them a piece of my mind. Finally, no, this is not something to boast about. That you lost your temper
Alladhina for Hoonah Bhima ATO those who rejoice over their wrong actions. This is not the way of the believers.
And the second crime of theirs is where you have Munna a Yama Dooby mela Lumia photo and they love to be praised for what they have not done. Any, the hypocrites would love to be praised for what they did not actually do. So when the Muslims would return from jihad, okay, now the hypocrites really liked it. When people praise them, that all you intended to go for jihad, then you wanted to go for jihad. But you couldn't go, you were so sincere in your intention. May Allah reward you for your intention. Any This is what your Mudumalai here for. Right? They wanted to be praised for what they did not do. They didn't even have the intention to go in the first place. They never wanted to
go, they wanted to stay. Right. And then they weren't sad about not being able to go. So they wanted to portray themselves as you know people who are very righteous who are very dedicated, who would certainly go out for Jihad if it was not for such and such genuine reason. And there are people who actually have a genuine reason and we learn in the Quran in numerous places that they are excused, right? But people who don't have a genuine excuse and they just use lies and false excuses in order to stay behind and then they want to be praised afterwards. Where you have buena your model Ramallah Mia follow, Allah says regarding them fella Tarceva, no, again fill out our seven no any. So never
ever think about them, that they are be Mufasa demeanor either, that they are in a place of safety from the punishment Mufasa is from farewells ze foes is success, to attain something that one desires. And when a person is in danger, what is it that they desire to escape? So mufasa is a place of success by escaping meaning you escape the danger, and now you are safe. So never think them to be in a place of safety, from the punishment. No, they will definitely be punished. They are in great danger. They got away with their lives in the world, but they can't get away from the punishment in the hereafter. And right now in the world, they portrayed themselves as very righteous
and very dedicated, whereas they haven't done a thing. And on the Day of Judgment, their reality will be exposed, and they will be humiliated, and they will not be saved from the punishment. We learned that what one even how come he sent his guard to even a basketball de la hora and who to ask about the meaning of this idea. Because when he recited this idea, he thought to himself that we're all like this. We are happy with what we do. And we do not mind being praised for good things that we have not done. Right. Like for example, if let's say your sister cleans the kitchen, all right. And then she goes to school. Okay, and your mom comes home
And she sees you in the kitchen. And she says, Oh, thank you so much. No, you didn't clean the kitchen. Right? But you're getting the credit of cleaning the kitchen. Do you like that free credit
of cleaning the kitchen without having done any work? Of course you like that? Now, of course you tell her that No, I didn't do it. But you love that praise, right? Even though you didn't do anything, but you do like that praise, you know that you're not deserving of it, but for a moment it did spark some kind of joy in you. Right. So this is very natural. So Marwan was concerned that, you know, all of us are like this. We are very happy when we do something. And we'd love to be praised for things that we have not done. I mean, we want people to think good of us. So then he was worried that will all of us be punished. So even our best radula horn who said that this verse is not about
you. It is about the people of the book. And like I mentioned, it is about the hypocrites. In a hadith I will sorry, the 100 of the Allahu Anhu reported that during the lifetime of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, some men among the hypocrites used to remain behind when he went out for ill as well. And there will be pleased to stay at home behind Allah's Messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and when the messenger of Allah says Allah who already have sent him would return, they will put forward false excuses and take Olds wishing to be praised for what they had not done. So this ayah was revealed. And even our Basara de la Mourinho, he also said that the Prophet salallahu Alaihe
Salam called the Jews and asked them about something, and they hid the truth and told him something else. And by telling him something false, they showed him that they deserve praise for the favor of telling him the answer to his question. You see that they were giving misinformation they were lying. But now they were standing there, waiting to be thanked, and waiting to be praised for the favor off telling him the answer to his question. And they became happy with what they had concealed. Here for Habima a toe. So lying and being fake. Remember, this is something that only increases a person in loss. In a hadith in Sahih Muslim we learn that he who makes a false claim to
increase his wealth, Allah will only grant him decrease in if someone lies in order to increase his wealth. Like a person is selling something and they say, By Allah, I bought it for 20 and I'm giving it to you for 22 whereas in reality, he only bought it for five. Alright, so he's using lies in order to increase his wealth, Allah will only grant him decrease. And just like that, if a person lies to make a fake persona, portray himself as what he is not, then this will actually only increase him in decrease in loss. blumea Zero Hello inocula. In another narration, we learned that he who claims to do what he has not done is just like a person who wears two robes made a falsehood.
Now, what should you do when someone praises you for what you have done? The you should take that praise gracefully, right? You should be grateful to Allah. And at the same time, you should ask Allah subhanaw taala to grant you sincerity and to pardon you for what people don't know like the dua of Abu Bakr al de la hora. And the gist of the DUA is that Oh ALLAH forgive me for what they don't know make me better than what they think. And don't hold me accountable for what they're saying. Basically, the gist of the door is that make me better than these people think I am. And whatever of mine you have concealed from them, my sins, my faults that they don't know or love,
forgive me for that. Right. So this is how you should respond to praise that comes your way. Now, what if you are praised for something you have not done? Or for something that you are not, then first of all, remember, it's not your fault, if people misperceive you or they just assume certain things about you, okay, you are not responsible for the assumptions that people make unless you are actively doing something to give them a reason to form those assumptions. Okay. However, you should also make things clear to them, okay? Like for example, if someone praises you for cleaning something you did not clean for cooking, something you did not cook for giving something you did not
give for making something you did not make. Alright, then make it clear that Oh, I didn't do that. Right. And if praise comes your way without you seeking that praise, then as long as your intention was not to seek that praise, then you're not at fault.
Okay, that is as we learned Hadith it is wish to Ardila it is just good news that comes quickly to the believer. There is nothing wrong with that Falada Savannah home we Mufasa demeanor either Willa Hamada will Aleem and for them will be a painful punishment. Why? For their lies and for their fake personas, you know the way they don't do anything but they love to be praised for things they have not done. They just want people to think good about them. And this is something very dangerous, wanting that people should think that I am a very righteous person. I am a very good person, that I'm a very knowledgeable person. And in reality a person is a hollow on the inside. This is very sad
way to live one's life. And this is a sign of hypocrisy shows that a person is not sincere to Allah a person is not sincere to others a person is not sincere to themselves. May Allah subhanaw taala protect us. Then Allah subhanaw taala says well Allah he will go somewhere where he will Earth And to Allah belong the skies and the earth will Allah who are equally che and kadhi and Allah is over all things competent in this ayah is basically rejection and complete negation of those people who said that Allah is fatigued, that Allah is poor, and we are rich, what a lie they have uttered, because well Allah he will cause some out you will ought to Allah belong the skies and the earth and
Lilla he means only to Allah and when Lin law he is coming before it will go some hour to a lot. It means it belongs only to Allah exclusively to him. Right? Alone is everything the kingdom of the skies and the earth the ownership of everything is with him will allow our coalition codeine and Allah is over all things competent. And he imagined he owns everything and he has power over everything and he's able to do everything. This is who our Lord Allah is all right let's listen to the recitation of these verses learn to obey Allah be it
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