Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2021 J04-049E Tafsir Aal-e-Imran 130-133

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary ©
The transcript discusses the theory that individuals can live without food through the ABA and that eating food is a fundamental necessity. The importance of paying back interest on time and increasing principal amounts of interest on a loan is emphasized. The importance of not rushing to things until it is time to pray and not being too cautious is also emphasized. The segment also touches on the negative impact of fearing the goddamn goddamn and the importance of preparing one's mental energy and not worrying too much with money.
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The last panel Tyler says yeah, uh you had Lavina Ermanno letter Kulu Reba Adara fam Mudaraba what the colada La La con to flee Hoon. All you who have believed do not consume interest doubled and multiplied but fear Allah so that you may be successful. This idea was one of the first verses to be revealed regarding the prohibition of riba we have learned intuitive Bacara other verses, which clearly prohibit the consumption, the giving the taking off River, and remember that different commands, especially when it comes to certain prohibitions, they were given in stages. For example, the prohibition of alcohol was not given in one day, it was given over a long period of time,

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meaning there were many verses that were revealed time after time, and gradually, people were weaned off of it. So similarly, when it comes to river, there are numerous verses in the Quran, some are very strong in their prohibition and some are lighter. So do not think that verses that mentioned the prohibition of riba in a light way any they show that it's okay to consume riba know what that means is that these verses were revealed earlier on. And one thing that we must understand when it comes to learning about the calm the commands that Allah subhanaw taala gives in the Quran, we have to take not just one verse on a topic, rather, we have to look at all of the different verses that

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speak about the same topic. Why because Quran is such that you fasudil Barbu Baba, that parts of the Quran explain other parts of the Quran. So, if you just take an eye or two on a topic, and you just extract all of the rulings from that you will have incomplete and sometimes incorrect understanding. But if you look at all of the verses together that speak about a certain topic, and also of course, what the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has said and done, then you understand correctly what ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada has commanded us to do. So here Allah subhanaw taala says that Yeah, are you here livina Amanu letter Kulu Jeeva or you will have believed do not consume River. Now. The words

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letter Kulu riba make it very clear that the consumption of Riba is prohibited because Allah subhanaw taala saying very clearly do not eat river do not consume Riba and then Allah subhanaw taala says a bar for muda AKA a bar for Mudaraba multiplied doubled this is referring to compounding interest okay or rather compound interest any that especially you must refrain from now some people think that this is only talking about compound interest. This doesn't mean that simple interest is permissible no that is also prohibited but compound interest is much worse alright because it is a barafundle Darfur and then look at how the I NS what the cola Hello welcome to flee home fear Allah

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so that you may be successful. So what the COLA is a threat that you better leave the river do not consume it at all. Because fear Allah fear Allah is a threat, right fear Allah's punishment and then it is said in order that you may be successful, meaning there is no success if you consumed Riba. Now let's look at the words of this ayah Allah subhanaw taala says Allah Kulu Reba, Lata Kulu This is from a cold Hamza calf lamb, and Acle is to consume to eat something any Acle washer cherub is drink, and Apple is to eat. Right? So letter, Kunal riba does not mean that do not eat food through the ABA. And you can wear something that you have obtained through the ABA, or, you know, pay for

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something else with money that you have acquired through the ABA. No letter called Riba i can overhear is not just referring to food, it includes any kind of consumption. And the reason why Apple is mentioned is because a call is the main reason it is the ultimate reason why a person earns money. Right? If you think about it, a person can live without a car, a person can live without a higher education, a person can live without, you know, a home, you know, insurance, things like that. But a person cannot live without food. Right? So think about it. If a person cannot get food with riba, which is the most basic necessity then what do you think about paying for other things

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with riba with money that has been earned through the ABA and things like that? So yeah, you Alladhina amanu lotta collude, Riba and the word occult

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It also shows greed because you're just eating it consuming it. You know what you put in your mouth? You eat it right? You cannot share that with someone else you can only share that with someone else before you put it in your mouth. So letter okolo Riba in this is also the greed that people have for consuming Aruba. Anyway lotta colo Reba agora for Mudaraba now above is the plural of their and their from the root letters law the Iowa live is double okay? And a die off means doubles. Okay double Danny something that has been doubled and doubled and doubled again and again. And then furthermore, it has been described as moolah Alpha Mudaraba this is for Tokyo of a golf you need to

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further emphasize above and Medora from the same root dog or infer is that which has been doubled okay you need that which has been doubled that which has been multiplied okay. So a golfer Mudaraba doubled and multiplied, compounded increased many times and above and will Darfur This is describing the hull, the state of Riba the condition of river any do not consume river while it is doubled and multiplied. Okay. Now, this, as I said, is referring to compound interest. Now, simple interest is where a person is just paying money for having borrowed money. Compound interest is much worse because a person has to pay interest on the principal amount and on the interest, right, so it is

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interest on interest. And over time, what happens is that the amount only increases in the amount that a person has to pay off, it increases, it multiplies, it becomes so much more than the original amount that the person had borrowed. Now, in the time of Jamelia, whenever a person had to pay a loan, so the time to pay off the loan came, the creditor would say to the debtor, the creditor is who the person who lent the money, the debtor is the person who has borrowed the money. So the creditor, the lender would say to the borrower that pay now, and he gave me back my money now, or the loan will incur interest. So now the borrower would have to pay him. And if he did not have the

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means to pay him, he would ask for an extension. Right, he would ask for the payment of the loan to be deferred. So the creditor would say the lender would say, okay, but now I'm going to charge you more interest. So for example, you borrowed 100, from me, and I was going to charge you 10 As interest. So you were supposed to pay me 110 back. But now since you're not paying me back on time, I'm not going to take 110 back from you, I'm going to take 150 back from you. Okay, now imagine if someone was in need of 100. So the borrowed 100. And now they have to pay back 110. And they weren't able to do that, they asked for an extension, now they have to pay 150 back. And if he asked for

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more time than the interest would only be increased. So the thing is that such a person would go further and further into poverty. Right. And over time, his ability to pay off the loan would be gone completely. And over time, the interest that he would have to pay on the loan would be much more than the original amount that he borrowed more than the principal amount SubhanAllah. So now what would happen is that over the years, the capital in the principal would become really much more than what the person had originally borrowed. Imagine. Now, let's say if within a year a person doesn't pay off the loan, the amount can be doubled. They originally borrowed 100. By the end of two

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years, now they have to pay 300 By the end of five years, they have to pay 700, let's say so the amount would only increase and we see this today as well. Right where people for example, take a loan, and then they're paying interest on it. And then they're paying interest on the interest. And he they're so deep in debt. They don't know how they will ever get out of it. So letter called riba or Baraha Mudaraba in Surah Al Baqarah. We learned at the end of the surah that we're in Canada Surah 10, Fanelli Ratan Isla may Surah that if the borrower is in some difficulty, then give him some time until he has the ability to pay off the loan that you need. That's not the time to

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increase the interest. That's the time to show pardon. And Allah's Python says over there well until Sudoku highroller come if you are charitable, that is better for you. We need of your part.

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In the loan completely that is better for you. So let that Kulu diba Aldara from Mudaraba what the hola hola hola come to flee Hoon And fear Allah in order that you may be successful and he there is no phala there is no success without Taqwa. And what does the COA mean over here that you leave river that you do not consume it you do not take it. Now, if you think about it, the previous verses were talking about the Battle of Ohio, right? And the following verses again, we'll be talking about the Battle of Ohio. So how come in the middle all of a sudden, there is a verse about the river? The thing is that the Quran is not a book, where you know, things are only mentioned about a certain

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theme. The Quran is a book of hidayah. Right? It's a book of guidance. And when you are reading something about the Battle of Muhammad, for example, you're listening to verses that talk about the Battle of oath. And in the previous verses we have been told that we must observe sub and Taqwa, right patience, and the fear of Allah. When you hear such verses, your heart is soft, right? You want to know what changes you should make in your life in order to receive the help of Allah. And we spoke about how a person must combine material resources with spiritual resources, right? You have to combine the tangible and intangible in a you have to focus on strategy, etc. And you also have to

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focus on your relationship with Allah subhanaw taala if you want to be successful in your endeavors, so you think about your life and you wonder, okay, what changes do I need to make? So this is a very teachable moment. Right? So Allah subhanaw taala is teaching us over here that we should be careful about how we acquire our wealth, because the way that we acquire our wealth affects our relationship with Allah azza wa jal, we learn in Hadith about how if a man has you know, his food is haram, his clothing is haram, any he's been living off of haram, his entire existence basically, is built on unlawfully consuming wealth, then when he calls upon Allah, Why would his doll be answered? Right?

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Why? Any? The thing is that the way that we acquire wealth has an impact on our relationship with Allah azza wa jal. So each person needs to think that how am I earning my wealth? And if my money is sitting in a bank account, for example, then what can I do to ensure that I'm not dealing with any interest? How can I purify my wealth? How can I keep it clean? What can I do to ensure that I stay far away from haram to the best of my ability? And the thing is that earning unlawful wealth, especially acquiring compound interest, this is something that really makes a person greedy, okay. And it shows that a person is so greedy for well, that they don't care about what Allah subhanaw

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taala likes or dislikes. So earning unlawful wealth inhibits a person's ability to obey Allah, because obedience to Allah, what does that require sacrifice and patience, but earning unlawful wealth is the exact opposite of that it is impatience, and it is greed. Right? Where a person is taking advantage of the weakness of others, they're exploiting the weak, they're so stingy, that they're calculating point 05 interest rates Subhanallah that's how they want to increase their money each term. So if a person is living like this, then how will they be able to make sacrifices in the way of Allah? Now if you think about it in the Battle of Earth, what happened? Why is it that

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victory turned into defeat such a huge loss? We learned in Hadith, how the prophets Allah, who are new Salam had appointed the archers, right. And when they saw the women of the machine running away, all right, and they saw even the men running away fleeing, and then they saw the Muslims going towards the battlefield in order to collect the war booty. The Archers said that you know, we should also go collect war booty, alright, they said, Allah Nima, Allah Nima and their leader, or the live and debate of the la hora. I knew he told them but the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told us not to leave until he signs for us. But they were too eager to have a share of the war booty. So

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they left their posts in disobedience to their leader and in disobedience to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and they rushed towards the battlefield in order to collect war booty. And that is how the mushy Keane got an opportunity to make a surprise attack on the Muslims from the side that was left unguarded

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So, what became the reason for their defeat? It was the love of wealth. Who was Herbert duniya? So how about dunya? The love of dunya This is truly destructive. It ruins a person. And if you think about it, yourself also any in our lives in our small lives, you know, for example, when is it that mothers get really angry with their children, when their room is very messy, when they have not done their laundry? When they leave their dishes on the table when they make a huge mess? And they don't clean up? Any? All right? These are things that children need to learn over time. But any Why are we so obsessed with a perfectly clean house that we will ruin our relationship with our children, for

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the sake of things looking nice and things looking good all the time. He we ruin our relationships over the dunya our relationships with our loved ones. And then if you think about it, how much of our time our money our resources goes into maintaining this dunya looking after the things that we love, just looking after them. That's it. How much of our time goes into that? How much of our planning our mental bandwidth, mental energy, also our money goes into looking after the material things that we have. So this is something that is destructive for a person's Iman, a person's Ahmed Salah and it keeps us too busy to pay attention to anything else. So what the Kola Hala come to flee

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Hoon fear Allah in order that you may be successful. And then Allah subhanaw taala says what the Panera Leti or it that little caffeine and fear the Fire, which has been prepared for the disbelievers, Allahu Akbar, look at the threat that is being given over here. It is of Jahannam the fire, fear the Fire allottee or edited caffeine which has been prepared for those who disbelieve Were it that from iron dial down here that is to prepare something, basically, it's from our that our that is number. So you count anyone you're preparing, you count what you have, in order to make sure that it's enough for whatever that you are preparing for. So we're into theory it is fully

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prepared. And this shows us that the fire is already prepared, it exists now. And this threat is being given for what for consuming Ribba for consuming interest, or stuffing Allah. You see, there are numerous Hadith in which we are warned against the consumption of river. And there is one Hadith in which we learned the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was shown the punishment that was being given to the consumer of interest. And the Hadith we learn the prophets of Allah who heard Islam was shown. He was taken somewhere. And he said, We proceeded on until we reached a river of blood, and a man was in it. And another man was standing at its bank with stones in front of him facing the man

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standing in the river. Whenever the man in the river wanted to come out, the other one threw a stone in his mouth and caused him to retreat to his original position. And so whenever he wanted to come out, the other would throw a stone in his mouth, and he would retreat to his original position. And he this would keep happening again. And again. And again, this is the punishment for the consumer of interest, that every time he will want to get out of that river of blood, a stone will be thrown on him onto his mouth, until he will bleed and he will be unable to come out, he will have to retreat further back into the river StuffIt Allah, and he constantly drowning in constant agony. And

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remember that the punishment is always similar to the crime. What is the crime off? Reba? If you think about it, revise what that as soon as a person has the capacity to get out of debt. What does interest do? It puts him right back into it? Right, it puts him right back into debt so that a person is drowning in debt, they're not able to come out of debt, because the interest that they have to pay is so much. So what the cannot allottee or it that little caffeine, so we should all make Toba and we should seek Allah's forgiveness for having ever ever consumed interest for having ever dealt with interest. And we should make the intention to leave it to never deal with it. And

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ask Allah subhanaw taala to suffice you with what is lawful and don't

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Think from these verses and Hadith that it's only wrong to consume interest and to pay interest is okay. No. The thing is that if a person is taking interest today, all right, they will have no difficulty in giving interest. So one sin leads to the other. And we learned that our beloved was Rudra de Longhorn, who said that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam cursed the Akela Riba, the one who eats river the one who consumes Riba and also were more Kyllo, the one who feeds it mean the one who gives it the one who pays it. And not just those with Shanti Devi, it's two witnesses. Subhan Allah wa kaptivo Who and also it's ascribe meaning the one who records such a transaction.

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And this is so unfortunate, so many Muslims, so many Muslims have no idea about the prohibition of this ad. They're going around asking other Muslims if they want to, you know, take an interest bearing loan, and pay, you know, interest in different ways. Subhan Allah, it's like, we have completely forgotten about the seriousness of this prohibition. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam also said, that when Zina becomes rampant, and riba any these two crimes when they become common in a town in a population for a hello B and foresee him or double Allah, then they have made the punishment of Allah lawful for themselves, meaning they're basically inviting the punishment of

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Allah upon themselves. What are you at the villa? So this is something that we really need to make Toba from wealthier Allah who will Rasul Allah Allah come to her moon and obey Allah and the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in order that you may obtain mercy Subhan Allah, do you notice the word look on in these verses earlier we will told that fear Allah so that you may be grateful here, fear Allah so that you may be successful. Now, obey Allah and the Messenger SAW that you may be shown mercy if you want to receive mercy from Allah. And Mercy means that you want to be successful in your endeavors small and big. Then you have to obey Allah and the messenger. And the

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Mercy of Allah means that you have the help of Allah, you have guidance from Allah, you receive reward from Allah, you will receive Allah special protection Allah grants you are off to well being was Sadhguru Illa among Filati mera be calm and rush to forgiveness from your Lord, what Jeanette in and also rush to a Jana a garden. What kind of garden is it our little do has somewhere to well, it is as wide as the heavens and the earth. And this Jana is for who are in that little with the pain, it has been prepared for the righteous SubhanAllah. The word Sadhguru is from Massara from the root letters seen raw rain, and Massara is to go quickly towards something towards a place. And the idea

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over here is that you want to get there before others and you want to be the first not the last. Okay? sudra is to be quick. And we'll Sadara is to be quick in competition, meaning you see someone going fast, so you accelerate even more, because you want to get ahead of them. You want to get to the destination before them. Sometimes it happens, right that you are going on your normal speed, but then you see someone speeding next to you. And you're like Aha, I will show you and then you speed up even more. Alright, sometimes not to put others down. But it's just simple. When you see someone moving fast, you get the energy to move fast as well. When you see someone creating urgency,

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then you also create urgency. So with Saudi Arabia, Isla Molefi Ratan mera beacom. Allah subhanaw taala says you should be rushing to the forgiveness of your Lord, and you should be rushing to Jana. Now, this does not mean that when entering Jana, on the Day of Judgment, you have to push and shove and you have to get inside Jannah before others do. No, this is not the meaning there is no need to push and shove people and try to get into paradise before them because the gates of paradise are actually very, very wide. And people will enter paradise in rows not in the form of a que any people will not enter paradise one after the other. Rather, people will enter paradise in rows, all right

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in the form of a surf any together as a surf, people will enter paradise. And of course it will be different so forth. There will be different roles of people. But the point over here is that the Saudi rule either Jana does not mean that you have to run on the day of judgment to

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To enter Paradise, and get there before others, because if you don't get there first, then others will occupy better places and then you will have no place left, you know, like people are getting onto a plane and you want to get there before others so that you have a good spot to keep your stuff in. No, this is not the case. Masada over here is actually talking about Masada in actions and he hasten rush in doing those actions that bring about Allah's forgiveness. And that take you to Jana. Like for example, a man goes in the masjid in order to pray. Okay, now, the comma has not been made yet. All right, the event has been made, and people are slowly forming rows. So this man, what he

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does is that he stands on the side of the third rule. Okay, even though he sees that there are spots in the first row, and in the second row, he says, You know what, the third row here is right under the fan, or right under the air conditioning vent, or, you know, this just a really nice comfortable clean spot. So I'm going to stay here. This is not Massara Masada IRA is that the man is eager to get a spot in the first rule. Why? Because the best rules for men are the front ones, right? And any men are encouraged to stand in the first row. And if they do not find a spot in the first row, then the second if not the second, then the third, if not the third than the fourth, and so on and so

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forth. Alright, so this is an example of Masada. Now, if a man is eager to stand in the first rule, what is he going to do going to the masjid late? No, he's going to make sure he goes there early. Before others. This is Massara. Okay. What about spending in the way of Allah? For example, someone tells you about a family in need. All right, you and your sister are sitting together and someone comes and tells you about a family in need. And you think, okay, I'll give something but let me see if my sister will give something if she gives something then I'll also give or let me see how much he gives. If she gives something then I'll give the same amount. Okay, so you're waiting for her to

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give first Allah subhanaw taala says Sadhguru what does that mean don't wait for her to give First you give first you set the trend right so this is what Saudi Arabia means when it comes to Salah the other man has made everyone knows that it's time to pray. So you get up first before others Sadhguru So Saudi Arabia means that you do what is good right away as soon as the time comes in as soon as you see the opportunity any without any delay and without waiting for others to do it first. Was Sadhguru Isla Mo Farah to middle of Beco, and how do you rush to Allah's forgiveness? You do that by doing things that bring about Allah subhanaw taala is forgiveness by for example, say a strong

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federal law Alright, seek forgiveness through words or do something good, any good deed because good deeds erase bad deeds. So Sadhguru Isla Mahavira to mirabito and look at how it has been said mafia to middle have become your Rob and you belong to him. He owns you. He created you. He nourishes you, He provides for you and he's the only one who can forgive you. So Sadhguru Illa Mahavira Tim Mira become and then also Sadhguru. To what to Janna. How do you rush towards Jana? Again, through righteous deeds, and he do them quickly without delay and without waiting for others to do them first. In surah Hadith i a 21 also Allah's prime Carter says Samuel KU Isla Mo Farah Team Rubicon,

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WA Jana, race toward forgiveness from your Lord and also raise to Jannah. And then Allah subhanaw taala describes what Jana is Allah subhanaw taala says we're Jen nuttin. I will do her summer work to will have an A garden which is such that our Lu ha It's out of its width is a summer worthwhile out. It is the skies and the earth meaning it is like the skies and the earth. And this Jana has been prepared or it that to deal with the pain for those who are righteous those who fear Allah, those who are conscious of Allah. Now again, you don't need to rush to Paradise because it's small, or because it does not have much room inside so you have to get there before others. No agenda

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is very vast, it is more of us than you can ever comprehend. It is our Lua similar to well art, but you rush to it any why? Why rush to it, because when you delay doing good deeds, then you might miss them completely. And when you delay them, you keep deferring them, you may forget about them. And you may just develop the habit of delaying, delaying and then missing often any, when you do something right away, when you are the first one to do something, and you will develop the habit of doing it right away, then you will never miss it. Or you will rarely miss it. But if you wait for others to tell you wait for others to remind you, then there will be many times when you will

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forget. Like for example, there are two types of people who praise Allah. Okay. One type of people are those who know when it is time to pray. And when it is time to pray, they get up and pray.

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And they also remind others to pray. And then there are others for whom Salah is not that important. They pray, but Salah is not their priority. So yes, the time of Salah has come in. And they're aware, but they're like, yes, yes, I'll get up and pray, I'll get up and pray. And they keep delaying and delaying until what happens. Sometimes they miss it. Sometimes they forget they have to pray. Sometimes other people forget to remind them, or other people don't have a chance to remind them. So don't be of those people who always have to be told and reminded. Please get up and pray. It's lower time. Please get up and pray it's moment of time. Please get up and pray it's Fajr time,

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there's 10 minutes left until Fajr ends, there's 15 minutes left until Fajr ends, there's three minutes left until Fajr ends. Don't be of those people, be of those who do things right away. Do not delay Subhanallah if you think about it, when it comes to worldly matters, things that we like, we compete with one another a lot in the simple thing like driving even some people they're driving, they're minding their own business other people, they don't have the patience to drive behind anyone. They have to weave through traffic they want to get ahead Subhanallah any if people are traveling together any some people are content no matter where they said other people, they will not

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sit anywhere they want the best seat, right? Any if siblings are going together before even they step out of the house to say I called shotgun, right? Any they want to sit in the front. So we want to be ahead of others. When it comes to making money when it comes to getting marks or anything we want to be ahead of others. When it comes to shopping. We want to grab the good deals before others. And sometimes that's because there is you know, scarcity, but other times there isn't scarcity, but we just want to be better than others. We just want a lot of good for ourselves. So when it comes to real goodness, remember that is the goodness of the hereafter. So don't wait for others that they

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will do something then I will do it. No, you will be the first you get ahead of others. And Isla Mahavira Team Rubicon where Jana and Jana Allah's Panther describes it is our Lou has Samoa to elope it's with is the skies and the earth into three Hadith Ayah 21. All those parents are describes Jana as our will do have Carol this summer it will have its width is like the width of the heavens and the earth. And what is this whip in the Hadith we learned in Sahih Muslim that there is a distance any in paradise and you from one edge to the other which one would be able to cover in 40 years needed there yawns a distance from one end to another end of paradise, which one would be able to

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cover in 40 years? That's how long it would take. Now, this idea does not mean that the skies on the earth are the width of paradise. No. What it means is that the width of Paradise is like the skies and the earth because that is explained in total Hadid i are 21 Right. This summer it will up and Jana remember it is above the skies and the earth and it is even bigger than the skies and the earth combined.

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Right the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that when you ask ALLAH ask Allah for for those which is the best and highest part of paradise and above for those is the throne of a Rockman so the skies any the summer What are beneath they're under they're not part of Jana. Okay. And the reason for mentioned the skies and the earth is fourth there should be any to give us an example.

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so that we can somewhat understand how wide paradise is. Now there is a question if the width of Paradise is like that of the skies and the earth, then what about the length? How long is it? Well, the length is not mentioned anywhere. So what that means is, the ruler might say that Janna only has a width. What does that mean? That it is circular? It is a sphere, so that its length is like its width. All right, and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam also said that in paradise there are 100 levels and the distance between each two is like the distance between the sky and the earth. Allahu Akbar. He This is how vast Jana here only Jana is mentioned. One Jana Oh garden. And there

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are Jeanette gardens the highest Jana is Alfred dos. Right. And in this hadith I just mentioned to you there are 100 levels of paradise. Allahu Akbar. So how vast how huge is Jana? Why are we being told about the vastness of paradise? This shows us how huge the reward is, which Allah subhanaw taala has prepared for his righteous servants. So it's as if we are being asked that how much of this prime prime real estate Do you want? Do you want it? Do you want any of it? Would you like some? And how much of it would you like? He there is no limit Subhanallah what happens in the world is if you want to buy any property, any you're given very specific numbers, right? This much acres,

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this much square footage, right? And at times you want something bigger, but you're told, Well, that's not an option. Right. And Jana Subhanallah Jana is so huge. So how much of this real estate Do you want or people? Now the question is, how do you get it? Can you buy it with money? No, Allah says it will read that little with the theme. It has been prepared for those who have Taqwa they are those who are truly worthy of Paradise. Even though others who are not to be described as clean still will enter paradise. Like for example, a person with an atom's weight of a man in his heart will enter paradise eventually, but with the pain has been mentioned over here, because with the

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cleaner those who are truly worthy of Paradise

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