Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P07 076B Tafsir Al-Maidah 93-96

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary ©
The Sahaba test is designed to determine who fears Allah and who obey him, as it is a sign of their faith. The test is designed to determine if individuals are able to pray, pray for their faith, and pray for their ability to pray. The test is designed to test individuals' ability to pray, and individuals are encouraged to use their faith to avoid sin and disobey rules of Iran. The test is important for individuals to make a conscious decision and avoid harms from hunting and eating animals. The rules of hunting are discussed, including the allowance for hunters to hunt sea creatures, the definition of "any animal is a creature of the sea," and the potential for hunters to return to their home if they do not follow the rules. The segment concludes with a discussion of the importance of letting people not eat or drink water and the importance of letting people not buy or sell water in Eastern State of the United States.
AI: Transcript ©
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I was a bit lame and a shake on your rajim Bismillah AR Rahman AR Rahim

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lesson number 76 surah. Toma either by number 94 to 108.

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Yeah, are you Hello Dina Avenue or you have believed Leia blue one no Kamala who Allah is definitely going to test you how we che in with something, what thing may not say the off the game aside Sadia, then an animal that is hunted, for example, a deer or some kind of bird that people hunt. So Allah is definitely going to test you through something of the game

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to know who a decom worry mahakumbh

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That your hands and your spares can reach, you can reach that game that animal, literally with your hand, it's so close to you, that you could grab it by your hand. Or you could easily shoot at it with your spear. But Allah subhanaw taala is testing you through this, because this will be at a time when you will not be allowed to hunt. And why is Allah subhanaw taala putting you in this situation? Leon Allah Who so that Allah may know may Hoffa who believe? Who is it that fears him in the unseen, that he hasn't seen Allah, yet he fears Allah.

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That even though it's so easy for me to catch this animal right now, but Allah has told me not to catch not to and therefore I'm not going to Allah is testing that who fears Allah?

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In this ayah basically, the believers are being prepared for a test, primarily the Sahaba but by extension, all of us. Why? Because Allah subhanaw taala has created this life. For what? As a test. Hola, como el Hayato? Leah BlueKai. Welcome. Are you come AXA? No, I'm Allah, He has created death and life so that he can test you which of you is good indeed. So our entire life is what a test in which every single moment we are being observed that do we do good? Or do we do that? Do we obey? Or do we disobey?

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And to remember that some tests are small, they're very minor. Like, for example, you get poked by your pin as you're putting your hijab on. This is also a test that you do good there, or do you do bad? Do you say something good? Or do you say something bad, this is a test.

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And some tests are big. They are major. They are very obvious. They affect your life more than up inward. Like for example, it could be the person that you're living with, could be the kind of money that you're earning. It could be the situation that you're in, in your life, the house that you're living in the children that you have, the spouse that you have. So Allah subhanaw taala tests people through various ways, sometimes through money sometimes through other people, sometimes through a person, circumstances or situation. But the reality is that every moment we are being tested, every moment Allah subhanaw taala is testing us, Leah, beluga calm or ucommerce anomala.

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And here also, a test is mentioned that all believers layer below one como Allah, Allah will surely definitely test you. But this test is different. This test is to see who fears Allah, Lea Allah, Allah, Allah who may or half of who believe who fears Allah. And what does it mean by believe in the unseen, that Allah is in the unseen he hasn't seen Allah yet he fears him. Because who do we fear generally, people? This is why they said that the best car safety device is a rearview mirror with a cop in it.

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So we fear people when we see the cop we drive carefully, and when we don't see the cop, we drive however we wish. Allah subhanaw taala we do not see we have not seen the test is that who fears Allah, despite not having seen him,

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despite not seeing him? And what does it mean by fearing Allah bothers to obey Him, cares about what he has forbidden what He has commanded.

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So this is what the test is going to be about.

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That who

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obey is out of the fear of people and who obey is out of the fear of Allah. Who stays away from disobedience out of the fear of people, and who stays away from disobedience out of the fear of Allah. Because the normal circumstances, everybody's mixed. Everybody is doing good. Everybody's staying from back. And you know, every person believes that. Yeah, I'm a good person. Right? When you're in the masjid, everybody's praying, hey, Renta salah, don't scratch yourself, no matter how much you want to but don't scratch yourself in Salah, because that's not what you're supposed to do. But what happens when you're praying alone in your room? Fajr nobody's watching? How do you pray

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there? When do you pray there? And what manner Do you pray there? So that is a test? Do you fear Allah? Or do you fear people?

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Because those who fear people do good as long as people are there. And those who fear Allah do good, even when nobody is watching them. Even though it is very easy to disobey, even though the opportunity to sin is right before them, yet they will stay away. Why? Because if you're Allah, so Leah and I'm Allahumma, you have will be late.

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Now, this verse is about a particular incident, the Sahaba, when they went for Umbra with the Prophet salallahu, salam, the Wrangler which they couldn't perform, the result of which was the Treaty of her labia. And so many companions went with the prophets of Allah is and it was a couple of 100 of them. And remember that it was a very peaceful journey. They weren't going for a battle.

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But they were going in the way of Allah to worship Allah subhanaw taala.

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And remember that every time you go out for the sake of Allah, no matter what kind of the trip it is, no matter what kind of task you're going to perform, you will be tested, the Muslims went for a battle, but they were tested, the Muslims went for Umrah, and they were tested. So it doesn't matter whether it's very peaceful or not, you know, it doesn't matter how you are feeling you will be tested in the way of Allah subhanaw taala. So that's how this test came to them on this journey of theirs for Allah.

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Now, remember that in Ramadan, when you go for Allah, after a certain point you have to put on your

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and when you're wearing your haram, then there are certain things that you're not allowed to do. Like what?

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Like what? cutting your hair, trimming your nails, these things that you're not allowed to do. Likewise, a person is not allowed to hunt. So for example, he sees a deer five steps away from him, he could literally catch it and slaughter with his sword. You can't do that. Likewise, with an arrow, a person could catch another animal. You can't do that. This is the test. So the Sahaba when they camped somewhere there were so many birds and animals that were within their reach that they could easily hunt. Easily hunt Allah subhanaw taala says Dinallo a deacon worry Morocco. Your hands and your spears will reach the Nalu from dunya Lam nail is to reach ideas hands and remark is the

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plural of the room. Raw meme, which is a spear. So with your spears, you could shoot them. With your hands, you could catch animals which are small. And with your spares, you could hunt animals, which are big. But what was the command that you cannot hunt at that time? Even though it's so easy for you? Yes.

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Why is Allah subhanaw taala putting them in such a difficult situation? Because he's testing them? Do you fear Allah? Or do you not fear him? Do you just care about people? Do you just care about your own convenience? Or do you care about Allah? subhanaw taala. So this was a big test for the Sahaba

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you might think, yeah, so what? They're animals that you can hunt, what's the big deal? The thing is that if somebody knows how to hunt,

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and there is an animal right before them and they can hunt it very easily. You think it's easy for them to keep their eyes away, to keep their eyes down to keep their hands in control. It's not easy for them, not easy for them at all.

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It's like you know how to do something you like it, you enjoy it. But you are told you cannot do it. That's the biggest for you because you have to control your desire.

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Some things don't matter to you, you don't care about them.

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And even though you have the opportunity to do it, it doesn't matter to you why? Because you don't care about it. Like, for example, for some people, alcohol doesn't make any difference. There could be so much alcohol and they're not interested at all. For them. It's not a big deal. All these verses about the prohibition of alcohol like yeah, okay, move on, continue. Yeah, it's understood that it's haram, we have no interest in it, let's continue. But there are some other people who are very, very attracted to it. For them, it's a big, big temptation. You know, it's like, you go to school and for your parents, maybe it's not a big deal. I mean, yes, people are not dressed

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appropriately. Or they may be doing things which are not appropriate. And they're like, Yeah, you should stay away from it. You shouldn't do it. But that I want, you don't get it. You don't get it. If I walk into school with this hijab and Obi? Do you see how different I look?

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Do you see that? Like, what's the big deal? You're a Muslim? You're supposed to dress appropriately? Like, what do you see the challenge over here, the difficulty over here.

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That here are people who are barely clothed, and here I am, and you're forcing me to where and Avaya govern myself from head to toe, don't us realize how difficult it is. She doesn't realize because for her to put on that our via is normal. But for you to put that on, is like suffocating yourself to death.

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For you, it's a big test. But for her it's not a big test.

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So every person has certain weaknesses. And you know what Allah subhanaw taala tests them through those weaknesses.

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The things that you are inclined to things that you want to do, and they are wrong, Allah will put you in situations where you will be able to do those wrong things where you have that chance to disobey Allah, where you have that chance to satisfy your desire.

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But that's the test may harmful who believe who fears Allah, when mom's not there, when dad's not there, when the teacher is not watching, and nobody's looking.

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But who's looking, Allah is looking may have this is the test.

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And, by the way, it's a big deal that a person is going through the struggle. On the one hand, his heart is pulling him, do it. Look, say something, smile, at least, you still don't talk to guys. You don't have any guys on your Facebook, if you don't talk, how will you get to know them? And how will you get married? And how will you have friends? And how will you be one of those cool girls? But on the other hand, the fear of Allah is stopping you that no, I'm not going to. I'm not allowed to. I cannot I have to stop myself right here. This is not appropriate. I have to stop myself right here.

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And when a person stops, this is a big deal. This is a big a big conquest. Literally, it's a big conquest. It's a big victory. A great victory. So may Acaba will believe this is the test. Do you follow your heart? Or do you fear Allah at that time? Do you follow your heart you fulfill your desire? Or do you obey Allah subhana wa Tada.

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So a very, very important life lesson that we learned from this ayah is that Allah will put you in situations when it will be easy for you to sin, when it will be easy for you to disobey Allah.

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You get a phone call, and you're told you have so much money in your bank account. You can get a credit card for this much money and you can have this much credit. And you're like, okay, sure, go ahead. You sign up for it. And then what happens is that you buy things on credit, so much so that you cannot pay for them and you get into this vicious cycle. You can't get out of it, you have the opportunity to disobey Allah. And right there, you need to stop yourself.

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Somebody is talking to you and they're like, Yo, I really believe that you're a good person, somebody from the opposite gender, perhaps. And then they say one or two things, and they just mesmerize you, and you're like, you know, it's so rude. If I don't respond, it's so rude. If I don't have even one conversation, it's so rude if I don't sit and eat with them, you know what, let me go have tea with them or go have lunch with them. And I'll explain to them that you know, trying to be very serious about my religion. So I'm going to stay away from these things and

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what happens one conversation leads to another and leads to another and leads to another. This is how people get stuck in sin. This is how people get sucked into it. What do we think we think well, if Allah gave me the chance to do it, that means I'm supposed to do it.

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If Allah

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got me here. That means it's good. If I do it, Allah has given me the opportunity.

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But you know what? Allah is testing you hear that? Do you stay away? Or do you fall? That's the test may have we believe. So remember, that they see on Marcia, when Allah subhanaw taala makes disobedience easy for a person facilitates it for him. It doesn't mean that it's okay for the person to do it. No, it's still not okay. Allah is just testing you use of right escena was not tested through that woman who blocked the doors. She didn't just close them. She locked the doors, not just one door, but many doors.

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And she told him come here

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to everywhere. She called him to haram.

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And did he say oh, okay, that's what I'm supposed to do. I mean, look, everything's working out in this way. I mean, the doors are locked, and she's in love with me. I'm not she's in love with me, and she's calling me. And it's okay. I haven't been in the situation, maybe this is what I meant to do. He didn't do that. What did he say, Mara, Allah, I seek refuge with Allah.

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He didn't fall over there. What helped him the fear of Allah.

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He feared Allah, even though nobody was watching him there. Because he knew that my Lord knows what I'm doing. Allah knows what I'm doing. He has not allowed this for me. So just because you have the chance to sin, you have the chance to disobey. It doesn't mean it's okay for you. Because sometimes we allow ourselves we say it's not within my control. I've been put in the situation you've been put in the situation for reason Allah is testing the strength of your faith. That what do you do? Because sometimes what happens is that for example, if you're sitting in the car and your brother or whoever turns on the music, and you're like, Well, you know what, what can I do? Like, for me? What

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can I do? Stuff it a lot of stuff. And then later on, you're enjoying as well. So this is a test for you that what do you do? Do you tell your brother, I need to talk to you. But the volume down a little bit? I need to make a phone call. You can make different excuses to turn that off. But you can. But what do we do generally, you know what this is how dunya is this is our life is this people are the real world is very different from what the Quran is. So we have to face it. This is what we tell ourselves, don't me. Allah subhanaw taala is putting you in a situation where disobedience is made easy because he's testing the strength of your faith.

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And here we are allowing ourselves to sin and disobey the sahaba. They didn't allow themselves to sin and disobey.

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They were strong.

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They didn't follow their heart. They feared Allah at that time.

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Allah says for manera Tada Bertha Dalek, then whoever transgressors after that after what? Then he knows what he's supposed to stay away from yet he disobeyed Allah. He is put in a situation where sin is easy. He realizes that this is wrong. I'm not supposed to do it. But he says, Well, if I've been put in the situation, maybe it's okay for me. I think I should do it. Allah is allowing me it's a sign. Hint I should take it I should enjoy.

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So a person enjoys himself follows the heart disobeys Allah Femen era Tada bar, the liquor fella who are there born early, then for him is a painful punishment.

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Not just a punishment of painful punishment. Why? Because this is after knowledge.

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This is after awareness.

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It's not that a person is sinning because he doesn't know because he's ignorant. He's sinning. Despite knowledge despite realization that this is something that is haram there's something I shouldn't be doing. Yet he does it then for him as a painful punishment.

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To the Sahaba they refrained from hunting

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use of isrm What did he said but of besieged knew a horrible either? Yeah, oh, my lord, the prison is more beloved to me. I'd rather go to the prison than commit how long with this woman then make her happy than disobey you? I'd rather go to the prison. Why? Because if a person enjoys himself follows the heart for some time here, then for eternity is what are the

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sometimes you suffer? The Sahaba you think they weren't hungry? When they saw that? Venison before then, when they saw that amazing meat walking before them? You think they weren't hungry? You think they weren't tempted?

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They were traveling, they were hungry, they were tempted. So sometimes when you have to stop yourself, you suffer, you do suffer for some time, and that is a prison for you.

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But remember that this world is a prison for who? For the believer, this is why when he leaves the dunya, that he becomes free. This dunya is like a cage. And when he dies, that has sold us at free, then he is happy

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than death becomes a source of relief and comfort for him in Jannah. But if a person is seeking comfort here, and for the sake of that he's disobeying Allah because he can't suffer for Allah. Then ultimately there is what are the early

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familiarity the Bert the Delica fella who are the early let's listen to the recitation of this

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may fall for believe

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So, basically we see that when a person learns the rules of something, then Allah subhanaw taala tests and this is like when you learn how for Jews then you are tested for its meaning for its understanding. So, the Sahaba they learned about the rules of Iran, and they were tested in their journey of Ramadan.

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So, when you're learning the deen Allah will also test you. It may happen with you that you learn about Hubbard and forgiveness and tolerance and controlling anger. And you go home and one test after the other.

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Over there, we can tell ourselves well, my husband doesn't know what I learned in class today, so I can be angry as much as I want to be.

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But children have no idea about what I studied in class today. My mom doesn't know what I studied in classes or what, but who knows. Allah knows that he's testing you that what you just learned right now, are you going to apply it or not?

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First of all, ask Allah subhanaw taala for our fear, for wellbeing, for being saved from fitna from being saved from various trials. Because these trials can be very dangerous where human beings will become weak we fail

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shaitan whispers I will not stumps. So we failed. So first of all, ask Allah subhanaw taala for protection from big big tests that your Eman is saved. And

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secondly, stay away from all those things that lead you to wrong.

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Like for example, Zina, what does Allah subhanaw taala say about lead takanobu zina don't even go near Zina. A person has the opportunity to look at someone talk to someone look at them again. Ask about them, find out more about them check out their Facebook page, check what kind of pictures they have, what kind of places they go to what they like what they eat. So you have to stop yourself right there. Because if you allow yourself to do one thing, then you will do the next thing and then you will do the next thing and then you will get stuck in this big trap that will be so difficult to come out of it.

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We have all the knowledge and we know everything but wisdom will come and we follow the Sunnah. So if we can learn this and learn the Sunnah, so I was thinking like as you said, like sometimes we are being tested but we think that oh this is from Allah to and we take it as this that will not come only by learning Quran Quran is giving you knowledge but if you want to implement it, you have to see how the Sunnah is how the way of Prophet is and you know the DUA la marina was the versus you know, we're in a battle about

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the knob. So we need to make these one there's Subhanallah for every situation, there's a door and you can only get them from SONET

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through Quran also you learn a lot of wisdom but the Sunnah is the clarification of the Quran, right? It's the application that dua that she mentioned that oh Allah show us the truth that which is correct as the truth as that which is correct that we see it as right. We recognize it as right so that we do it.

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What is okra Diva and give us the ability to follow it and show us wrong as wrong and give us the ability to stay away from it.

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Yeah, you had ladina Manu Oh you have believed lead up to looselay that do not

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have killed a game, meaning do not hunt what and to prolong while you are in the state of

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meaning whether you go for Hajj or Umrah when you are in the State of Iran that hunting is not allowed for you,

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woman Katana woman come and whoever kills it from you, meaning whoever hunts while he's in the State of Iran, he couldn't control himself. Without me done deliberately. He sees an animal and he just cannot help with this as is perhaps my only chance to ever hunt a deer. So I'm just going to do it. So he does it then fetches

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then there is consequence that he asked to give the Kafala what is that there is punishment. And what is that, that for Jezza, then the penalty and desire basically is the consequence for your action, right, the repayment for it's over here gives the meaning of penalty, that the penalty for that is myth Lu similar to malerkotla, that which he killed. So the animal that he killed, let's say it was a deer, then similar to that he has to offer and mininum it will be from who the sacrificial animals grazing livestock. Now from from noon imeem on our arm from the same route and arm as basically the plural and an IMR grazing livestock, domesticated animals that are raised for various

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reasons amongst them also eating. So basically, when a person hunts in Iran than the animal that he hunted, he has to offer a similar animal. As a Farah, he has to offer a similar animal Eska offer means he has to sacrifice for the sake of Allah. So for example, he hunted a deer. So similar to that would be what

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similar to that from the grazing livestock from domesticated animals. Similar to that in size, in appearance is what a big goat.

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And remember that similar means similar in appearance and in value. So you might say, Well, God is nowhere near the value of a deer, but maybe a camel is depending on the value.

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So in this case, what has to be done is that sacrifice has to be made of an animal that is similar to the animal that was hunting. But there is a little bit of confusion over here, right? Meaning that you have to decide which animal a person has to offer in sacrifice. You might say, well, one goat is not sufficient, he should offer three goats for a deer, for instance, so somebody has to decide, Allah says yeah, go movie, he will decide he will judge with it, who the where I didn't mean come to people of justice from you, meaning to just people

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do just men from among you, being from the Muslims will decide which animal he should offer as penalty.

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Meaning it's not left to the discretion of the person who has hunted, but rather to just men who are known for their injustice, they will decide which animal he should offer. And this animal that he is going to offer a specialty, it is going to be heavy and one that is delivered valuable carrabba Hadean an offering because it's from her then yeah, and he is basically an animal that is taken to the hull because it's had earlier he Daya is what guidance which is to go from one place to the other from point A to point B a person was misguided now he became guided a person was ignorant. Now he became learned a person was sinful now he became righteous. So here is what transformation you

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move on from one point to the other from one phase to the other from one chapter to the next in your life. This is what he that is. So her the end is an animal that is offered were in the Haram. So it is taken to the Haram that's why it's called Hadean bailable caribou carrabba. One to reach the Kaaba so basically it will be taken to the halal and slaughtered over there. And what if that's not possible that a person he hunted a deer but now he has to offer? Let's say a camel? That could be pretty expensive for him? What if he cannot afford that? Or let's say it's an animal for which people cannot figure out what equivalent II could offer? Like let's say a person hunts is zebra

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halal, and you're like okay, but similar to that as a donkey and donkeys not halal. Okay, similar to that is a donkey donkey is not halal. So in this case, where there's a bit of confusion, then in this case the person will do kuffaar Often he will offer expiation

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What is the DA mama sacking feeding needy people? He has to feed some needy people. And what if he cannot afford to do that? Or do the Lika or equivalent to that CMN in fasting? Now, how many needy people and how many fasts? That's not mentioned over here, because it depends on the animal that he hunted. So for example, he hunted a deer. And from those people, let's say 10, people can easily consume an entire deer, for example, 10 people can comfortably consume an entire deer. So how many needy people does he have to feed them?

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10 they cannot figure out any equivalent of that animal, they cannot find it they cannot decide. They cannot find anyone to decide. So in this case, he will feed the number of needy people. Which number, the same number of people that can consume the animal that was hunted.

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And if that's not possible, then I do delicacy. I'm an equivalent to that fasts. So he could feed 10 needy people, feeding people, it's not possible that he will fast 10 fasts.

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It seems a little technical. But what does it teach us? That it's not a small matter? It's not something that's very little, that's insignificant. No, it's a very serious offense to violate the rules of

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it's a very serious matter for which are consequences. A person has to offer an animal or he has to feed needy people, or he has to fast but something has to be done. Why Allah says Lea Dukkha so that he will test well, Bella Emery the consequence of his deed wobble from well, Bella Wabun is basically heavy rain, no one had faulted hits. So a bail is the consequence of your sin. You should also suffer our follow him I'm SLF. Allah has pardon for that which has happened before. Seneca it has happened, it's over, it's gone. So whatever has happened before Allah subhanaw taala has forgiven you for that.

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Let's say 10 years before this, where he came down an incident such as this took place, so does a person have to give Kafala for that to know, whatever has happened has happened. Woman either but whoever repeats now after knowing that this is something that's not allowed, yet he hunts in the State of Iran, then fine Turkey Mullah Humann then Allah will take revenge from him. Well, Allah who has Easons on to calm and Allah is Exalted in my the owner of retribution intercom is from noon cough meme and intercom is basically to take revenge retribution. When somebody has wronged you, you wronged them back when somebody has harmed you, you harm them in return. So when a person violates

00:32:59 --> 00:33:20

the rules that Allah subhanaw taala has set, then he's wronging Allah subhanaw taala. So what will happen, Allah takes revenge, and the person has to suffer the consequences, he has to give the Kafala he is penalized. He has to suffer the punishment. And if he repeats over and over again, then becomes a more serious crime.

00:33:21 --> 00:33:51

Or hangman accom it is permissible for you what is permissible slaveholder hurry, the hunting the game of the sea. Meaning if you're traveling by sea, and you are in the state of your home, you're going to the carbon and you're traveling by sea. So can you catch fish? Or is that considered wrong? Allah says no, you can hunt at sea. Why? Why is this permission given that see? Why do you think so?

00:33:52 --> 00:34:11

Because if you run out of supplies, food supplies while you're traveling on land, you can come across a tree that has berries on it. You can come across some people who are also traveling and you can buy food from them. You could perhaps stop by a date palm orchard and you could eat dates over there

00:34:12 --> 00:34:33

when you're traveling by land, but if you're traveling by sea, then tell me where's the next gas station? Where can you stop and get more food supplies from you can't? So that means you have to starve to death. No. This is why the allowance has been given at sea to hunt. Which kind of hunting

00:34:34 --> 00:35:00

of the sea creatures not that a person is standing on the ship and trying to hunt birds. No, you can't do that. By the way those birds I wonder even if they're all Hala. So your handler come Slagle by hurry. The game of the sea, meaning all sea creatures whose molded and and Muskan whose place of birth and their place of living is the sea. They are born there. They live there they

00:35:00 --> 00:35:47

A die there. That's their home, their sea creatures. All such creatures Allah says they are allowed for you to hunt, when in your haram. What are our Mugu and its food meaning the food of the sea? What's the food of the sea, the food that it offers to you. And it's referring to basically dead sea creatures. Dead sea creatures, Allah says there are Mata or Lacan, they are a provision for you, meaning something that has come easily to you. You didn't have to put a net and catch a fish, rather, it just died and is floating at the surface, so you can just catch it and eat it. So what does it show that all sea creatures are halal, you can eat them, whether you find them alive or

00:35:48 --> 00:36:28

dead. Because you cannot possibly say Bismillah Allahu Akbar, when you are catching a fish and slaughtering. Why, because fish when they're caught, they're caught in many, many numbers, then many times it happens and when they're caught, they're not taken out of the water immediately. So what happens is that they might die because of congestion or for whatever reason, they might die within the net. So when you take it out, you don't know which one was alive from before in which one was dead from before. And it's not possible to handle each fish separately. And this is not just something that may be a problem today, but it was a problem always in the past. Even sharks or Halal

00:36:28 --> 00:37:17

whales, squid, all sea creatures, because they are born in the sea, they live there they die there scholars have said that all sea creatures are permissible even though they may be big or they may be small. They may be found dead or alive. Even if they resemble a human being because once somebody asked a question that is a mermaid Hello. First of all, do mermaids even exist? Okay, but people like to ask that question. So they said doesn't matter even if it resembles a human being? If it is a creature of the sea, born their lives their dies there, then it is Hala. Even if it remembers a dog because people called sharks, the dogs of the sea because they have fangs and they hunt and the

00:37:17 --> 00:37:34

cat just like dogs do on land. Likewise, I said even if they may be the pig of the sea, what does that dolphin I don't know why dolphins are so cute. So whatever creature of the sea, it is Hello. And they do not need to be slaughtered properly.

00:37:36 --> 00:38:19

Because Allah subhanaw taala says What were you say the body and Tom Oh Matala calm. It is permissible for you at all to for who will let's say yellow and also for travelers CRR who travelers meaning whether someone is inside of your home or not. It's allowed for all people hunting at sea. All sea creatures are allowed for you to eat or hurry. Mara alaykum Slagle Berry, but haram for you is the hunt of the land the game of the land, until when my doom two huruma As long as you stay in the state of your home. So as long as you're in the State of Iran, you are not allowed to hunt, where on land, you're not allowed to hunt over there. Now there is a question over here. What is

00:38:19 --> 00:38:42

meant by sidle above the game of the land? Does it mean hunting is not allowed? Or does it mean that the meat from the animal that was hunted is not allowed? Because what if somebody else hunts they're not in your home? And they offer the food to you can you eat even though it was hunted, and you are in the state of your hand? Yes, you can.

00:38:43 --> 00:38:47

As long as it was not God for you.

00:38:48 --> 00:38:50

As long as it was not God for you.

00:38:51 --> 00:38:57

Because if it was God for you, then it's like as though you have hunted

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because we learned that once the companion he gave a zebra as a gift to the Prophet salallahu Salam in the area of Avila and the prophets Allah was and returned it. When he saw the effect of his returning the gift on that man's face. He said we only give it back to you because we are in the state of your home. Because the prophets of a lot of sudden thought that he hunted the zebra for who for the profits of a lot isn't because he couldn't hunt it himself because he was in the home. So that's what the prophets of Allah said and returned. On another occasion, we learned a bukata that he hunted a zebra when he was not in Iran, and he offered it to those who were in the State of Iran,

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and they hesitated to eat from it. So they asked the Messenger of Allah salAllahu Salam, and he said, Did any of you point at it? Or help kill it? Did any of you even show the zebra to Abu Qatada? Or Did any of you help him by giving him the spear or by telling him how to shoot?

00:39:51 --> 00:39:59

They said no. So he said then eat and he also ate from it. So these two incidents, what are the teachers that if it was hunted for you, then you don't eat?

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it, but it was not answered for you, the person just hunted for himself. Not specifically for you, then in that case you can eat from it.

00:40:09 --> 00:40:50

What the Kola Hala de la hito, Sharon and fear Allah, the One to Him, you will all be gathered, all of you are going to return to Allah. So fear Him, even if nobody's watching you, because you might feel you're alone. Nobody's looking. You know, for example, in a farm, you're not allowed to cut your nails, but who's gonna keep a check on you that you don't cut your nails? Your hedge group leader, your mom, your dad, your spouse, nobody's gonna do that. You're not allowed to put fragrance on? Who's gonna keep a check on you that you don't do that? Nobody can. You yourself, have to keep a check. And what will make you observe the rules correctly, the fear of Allah that I am going back to

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him what toquilla hala de la de SHA rune.

00:40:55 --> 00:41:38

Now, when it comes to sea creatures, those who live at sea are born there die there, it's clear. They live in water, they can't survive out of water. But what about creatures who live at sea, but they can also survive out of water for some time when they can stay out of the water. Like for example, crabs, turtles, lobster, shellfish, basically, they are in water, but they're also out of water. There is difference of opinion concerning all these creatures. Some scholars have said that they are still creatures of the sea. Why? Because they don't live in rain forests. They don't live without water, they need water to survive.

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They can't reproduce without it, they cannot eat without it. They cannot survive without it. Basically, the estimate needed less compared to other creatures, but still, they need it. So water is a big part of their life. So that's why they're considered as sea creatures. So they're absolutely Hala and others that they know they will be treated as land animals as well, because they live on land, too. And for that reason, you have to slaughter them. But which creatures can you slaughter creatures that have blood? Tell me how can you slaughter? Mussels, shellfish, how can you slaughter it? You can't doesn't even have blood in it. If you get one that's already open, you

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shouldn't eat it. You know that? Shellfish mussels, for example, if you get them when they're open, you should not eat it because it's dead. And it could be very, very harmful. So you have to basically cook it when it's alive. That's a sad reality. But that's how it is. And why because they don't have blood. This is just like locusts are local salah? Yes, they are. Do they have blood? No, they don't. So if a person finds a roasted locust in the heat of the desert, can he eat it? Yes, he can. What if he finds a locust that's alive? Can he eat that? Yes, how will he kill it by breaking it or by doing something that will kill the locust and then he can eat it. So whatever means quick

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means easy means that are adopted to kill that creature that can be done. And they are halal. So there is no harm. So lobsters and all these various kinds of shellfish just relax, okay, and enjoy them because they don't have blood and you can't slaughter them. So the same rule of the locusts will apply on these creatures that the prophets of Allah doesn't allow locusts. And these creatures are also allowed because they're very similar in nature.

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With regards to frogs, the Prophet sallallahu Sallam forbade killing of the frogs. So if you can't kill them, that means you should not eat them. When it comes to turtles. Again, there is difference of opinion. I say when there's so many other things, just enjoy them. Okay, this day away from the gray area when it comes to crocodiles. I'm sure you don't want to eat it. Because it's so scary anyway.

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Let's listen to the recitation.

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00:44:16 --> 00:44:16


00:44:17 --> 00:44:18


00:44:27 --> 00:44:28

miss Luma

00:44:31 --> 00:44:32

when will we need

00:44:37 --> 00:44:37

her the

00:44:39 --> 00:44:41

gun but the Oh go

00:44:42 --> 00:44:45

bomb Kena

00:44:46 --> 00:44:47

Castle Yeah.

00:44:51 --> 00:44:52

I fell in love.

00:44:54 --> 00:44:56

I love woman neither

00:45:00 --> 00:45:00


00:45:03 --> 00:45:06


00:45:08 --> 00:45:09


00:45:11 --> 00:45:12

one is

00:45:14 --> 00:45:15

what her name is.

00:45:17 --> 00:45:20

Rima dome to Houma what the

00:45:22 --> 00:45:25

levee lady don't show

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