Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2021 J04-048C Tafsir Aal-e-Imran 116-117

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary ©
The transcript discusses the negative impact of spending money on one's children and one's worth, as well as the importance of avoiding spending on one's children and making donations to charity. The speakers emphasize the need to learn examples to relate to the concept of wealth and children, as well as the importance of avoiding spending on one's children and making a donation to charity. The transcript also touches on the negative impact of spending money on deeds and the negative consequences of disbelief, including the potential consequences of spending on one's own worth.
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Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim verse number 116 in the Lavina Kufa rule indeed those people who disbelieve learn toniann home um while home wala hola do home mean Allah He che never will their wealth or their children avail them against Allah at all what Allah Iike us horrible now and those are the Companions of the Fire homefree her Holly Dune, they will abide there in eternally. Here, the fate of those who disbelieve the final outcome of those who disbelieved is being mentioned that their wealth and their children are not going to avail them against Allah, meaning on the Day of Judgment, they will not benefit them at all, they will not be able to save them from the Wrath of

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Allah. And so such people will be the inmates of the fire and they will abide there in eternally. If you think about it, the person who does not believe in Allah or in the Hereafter, their self worth is determined by two things, mainly, their property, their wealth, their net worth, and secondly, their relationships. So this is why these two things become their goal in this life, they become their purpose, their source of concern, and also their source of satisfaction. And the more wealth they have, and the better relationships they have any they feel more satisfied, and it's a reason for them to feel proud. But Allah subhanaw taala tells us over here, that their wealth and their

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children will not save them from ALLAH, any they will not benefit them on the Day of Judgment, they will not be a source of worth of privilege for them, and they will not be able to use their wealth in any way their children also will not be able to rescue them, any their relationships and their property, their wealth will become irrelevant on the Day of Judgment. They will not matter at all, no matter how wealthy a person is in the world. And no matter how excellent their relationships were these will become irrelevant on the Day of Judgment. Now if you think about it, the word that is used over here is learn to near and home learn Tonia never will it avail eluna Tonia, this is from

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line noon yet eluna is to enrich someone to make them rich, you need to make them free of need. So, this means that they will be in some kind of need on the Day of Judgment, right? And what is it that people will need on the Day of Judgment, they will need Allah's forgiveness they will need protection against the fire, if they're worthy of the punishment, then they will need to be rescued from their right, they will need reward they will need a way of entering into paradise, but their wealth and their children will not fulfill that need their wealth and their children will not make them free of need. So they will continue to be in punishment, they will not be rescued, they will

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not be forgiven and they will not be given any reward. Learn toniann home while home Wallah hola Domina Allah He che and if you think about it for the person who believes any their children will be a means of reward and benefit for them in a way because we learn in the Quran that Allah subhanaw taala mentions how he will join the righteous with their parents with their children with their spouses in in paradise. So for example, if a person is in a lower level of paradise, but their children are in a higher level of paradise than what will happen, Allah subhanaw taala will make the status of the parents higher and he will take them to a higher level Subhanallah and if a person

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gives sadaqa today, they use their wealth in a good way. Any with Eman then on the day of judgment what's going to happen it's going to be a means of great reward. So the wealth and the children of a believer will be of benefit to him on the day of judgment because the believer use these and spent these in a good way for the sake of Allah but for the one who disbelieves learn toniann home and while home Wallah hola Doom Minami Allah He che and min Allah He lent Tonia on home min what this means is that they will not be able to save them from Allah, they will not be able to help them against the decree of Allah against the punishment of Allah. So they will want to offer ransom they

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will want to you know save themselves from trouble, but they will not be able to do so in Surah Al Anam is 70 Allah subhanaw taala mentions what in 30

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Aquila Delila, you heard me and her and if it should offer every compensation, it would not be taken from it. Allahu Akbar, and he typically what happens in the world, that if a person is in some kind of trouble, then they use their wealth to get out of that trouble, right or they will use their relationships. Sometimes a person's child or children will advocate for them, they will continue to fight for them so that you know they are set free, etcetera. But on the day of judgment, the wealth and children of those who disbelieve will not get them out of trouble. They will not bring them any benefit into it Sabha io 37 Allah subhanaw taala mentions Wimmer Anwar LUCAM wala Allah do come

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bility to caribou Kuma, Indiana Zilpha and your wealth and your children are not at all ones that bring you close to Allah in lemon Amendola, AMILO saleha except for the one who believes in those righteous deeds, then yes, they will have a good reward because of what they have done and what they have done with their wealth with their children. So Allah subhanaw taala will compensate them generously on the Day of Judgment. We learned in total my ADA is 36 that in Alladhina Cafaro low another Homerville are the Jamia and will Mithila humara who lifted up him in either BM will Qiyamah mad to cook Bella min home wala whom either when any, that indeed those people who disbelieve if

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they were to have what ever that is in the earth altogether, and then an equivalent like it along with that, so that they would offer all of that in ransom, in order to save themselves from the punishment of the Day of Judgment, all that ransom will not be accepted from them and they will have a painful punishment. So this theme is actually repeated in many verses of the Quran we learned earlier in sort of earlier Imran as well that those who disbelieve their wealth and children will not benefit them they will not save them. Why is this theme repeated so many times in the Quran so that a person does not get deceived by the dunya alright, and Allah subhanaw taala addresses the

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believers also into the month ohana, verse number three that Lenten Farrakhan or Himachal wala Ola do calm your kinship your ties and your children will not benefit you at all on the Day of Judgment in total my nephew Khun ini and led to leikam unwelcome wala Allah to coma and decorilla Do not let your wealth and your children distract you from the remembrance of Allah. And if you think about it, many people why do they disbelieve? What is the reason behind their cover? It is their wealth, and it is their children. And a lot of times these two things hinder a person from thinking about you know, afterlife from thinking about, you know, devotion to God, from thinking about mending one's

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relationship with Allah, any a person gets soul immersed in their dunya they're so busy in learning ways as to how they can acquire dunya and then they're busy and acquiring dunya and then they're busy with their children, that they can not really bother to think about religion. They can't bother to think about God Creator, Allah azza wa jal, they can't, they don't want to. So wealth and children will not help those who disbelieve on the Day of Judgment. I mean, Allah He che any at all, in the least not even a little bit anything in the world what happens person is able to use at least some of their wealth or a lot of their wealth to get some advantage, some kind of benefit, but on

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the day of judgment, no, not even a little benefit. They will not be able to save them from the punishment for a little bit even what will Icarus harbor now homefree her Holly dune and those are the Companions of the Fire and they will abide barren eternally Subhan Allah, they are described as the US hub of the fire. US hub is a plural of Sahib and Sahib is a companion and a companion is always with his companion. Right us hub companions are those who are together they have Sahaba right? They have companionship meaning they are with each other. So this means that they will be with the fire and the fire will be with them. Just as companions are so they will never separate

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from the fire and the fire will not separate from them. They will never leave the fire and the fire will not leave them home fee her Holly dune and they will abide there in eternally StuffIt Allah as we learned in Susan Bacala 167 warmer home Bihari Jean Amina now, they will not be at all ones who come out of the fire in certain manner either i A 37 ud Duna a Yahoo Raju Mina na

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Well my home because Regina minha they will want to get out of the fire but they will not be able to get out. So how important it is that we live in this world while knowing the reality of this wealth, and also our children. And he does doesn't mean that we should hate our wealth we should hate our children know what this means is that our wealth and our children should not hinder us from Allah. And we should not become such slaves to them, that we forget ourselves and that we forget Allah and that we forget the hereafter. Allah subhanaw taala mentions method OMA Yun Mucuna he had the hill higher to duniya kammath led the example of what they spend in this worldly life is like that of a

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wind, what kind of wind fee how sled run containing frost. So imagine such a wind or saw but healthier Coleman, Lala Moo and Fusa whom such wind strikes the harvest of a people who have wronged themselves. So what will happen then to the crop to the harvest for a halacha to it will destroy it Wormald Allah Muhammad Allah and Allah has not wronged them well, I can unfollow him usually moon but they wronged themselves. Now, in this is an example is being given and there are many examples that Allah subhanaw taala mentions in the Quran, why in sutra, how should i A 21 laws pantalla tells us that La La homea tougher karoun That examples are given for people so that they reflect they

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think, an unsuitable Anca booth I have 43 Allah's pantherella says regarding examples that were may or Killua in the lolly, Moon, none understand them, except that people have knowledge. So the reason why an example is given is so that a person is able to reflect right? And it is so that they understand the concept in a concrete way in a tangible way. Because an example helps us visualize, it helps us relate. And when we can visualize when we can relate, then we understand better. And not only do we understand we also get to reflect and when we get to reflect then we take a lesson we remember. So Allah subhanaw taala says regarding examples that were may or Killua, a little early

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moon, none understand them, except that people have knowledge. And so some scholars, you know, they said that if you do not understand an example in the Quran, then weep than cry because you're not a person of knowledge then. So it's necessary that we learn what the example is what it means. And we also reflect on the example so here, Allah subhanaw taala says the example of May Yun feel corner of what they spend who spends those who are mentioned in the previous ayah those who disbelieve so the example of what the disbelievers spend were fee had the hill higher to duniya in this worldly life. Okay, now, first of all, it could have been said Phil higher to dunya right example of what they

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spent in worldly life. Instead it has been said fee had the hill higher to dunya in this worldly life, and sometimes the isn't Beshara Corrib any had he this? This is Michelle Dockery a word that is used to point to something that is near, it's used in order to be little something, okay. So the worldly life, of course, is very little and very insignificant compared to the life of the hereafter. So the example of what they spend in this worldly life, and Malyan Falconer whatever they spent, it could be millions, it could be billions. And he Twitter was just bought by Elon Musk for what I don't even remember how much it was sold for. But Subhanallah it was a whole lot of money.

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Right? So May June 15, or whatever they spent any it's sometimes difficult for us to 44 billion imagine it's difficult for us to imagine such a figure, what does that even look like? So the example of what they spend in this worldly life is cometh led him is like that of a wind. Okay, and commercially Rehan means commercially a lucky reason. Like the destruction caused by a wind can like the destruction caused by a wind. So you can put in parenthesis for yourself like the destruction caused by one comma three a lackey the head, okay, and the word RIA means wind. Now in the Quran, typically we see that when the singular is used zere then it refers to such wind that is destroyed

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Active Okay, and when the plural is used RIA then we see that it's referring to winds that bring mercy and rain and benefit. So their example is like the destruction caused by a wind what kind of wind is it fi has slid in it meaning in the wind is slid now said is from the root letters saw rah rah and said means a number of things. First of all, it's understood as Alberto Shaheed any extreme cold, such cold that causes freezing. Okay, not just a little bit of cold but such cold that causes freezing. You know, for example, there's always moisture in the air. Right. Now, in the early morning when you go outside, you'll see some do some moisture on the leaves on the grass. But when

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it gets really cold, then what do you see in the morning on the leaves on the grass, you see frost? Okay, so this is slit. It's not just cool. It is Alberto Shadi. It is extreme cold, it is very cold, freezing cold. Okay, so imagine such wind which is also freezing and it's such wind that causes the temperature to become even more cold. Okay, then secondly, it is also said that sled is actually slow to read the noise of the wind. Okay, ne it is fierce wind, which is not only cold, but it's also very fast. So when it's fast, it's very noisy. Here from the same root is salsa salsa in Altea. Salsa is very cold and very loud. Then it is also said that said is actually thirdly it is said that

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it is soda now it is the sound of the fire. Allahu Akbar. Can you imagine when there's a bonfire or a fire outside in a fire pit, you can hear the wood burning, you can hear the sound of the fire and imagine if it is coming with a wind fire is spreading Subhanallah it's very scary and he just the sound is very frightening and it's unbearable. Fourthly it is at that sled is actually fire itself and he fired that will burn and fifth it is also sad that sled is actually heat such heat that burns the plants and burns the fruit on the trees, any it literally charged them. Okay, so sled any depending on when it is blowing and where the wind is blowing, you can imagine if it's a cold

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climate area, then wind will be extremely cold and fierce and it will cause things to freeze and cause frostbite and burning and in that way, and if you're talking about a place where it's hot, then when the wind blows, it causes burning and the sound is equally frightening. So, think about it now when there is such fierce wind either very cold or very hot. And it is accompanied by loud noise. Okay, so it could be in the form of ice or frost or extreme heat, what would happen to the harvest? What would happen to the crop, it would burn, right? I remember once I visited a farm in Pakistan, and in the orchards actually, the trees were very small. And they mentioned to us that

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just a couple years ago, they actually had a lot of orange trees and because of the weather any some frost or extreme cold, what happened is that all of the trees basically got burned, they got burned. So not only did their harvest get ruined, but even the trees burned any because of the cold and they never recovered. And so they had to plant something else then Subhan Allah so Allah subhanaw taala mentions over here that cometh led hint V has certain imagine such a wind now in which is extreme noise or cold or heat or fire frost ice. Imagine all of that which a saw but how does that moment or solve it it hits it reaches a solid is from solid Woba is lava is to reach to hit the target. So it

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hits its trikes House House is crop, okay or harvest any such fruit or such crop that is ready for harvest. So it hits the house of omen of a people who have lung Mo and Fusa home who have done limb to themselves. Okay, and so what will happen

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Now for a Holika to so it will destroy it. What will destroy what the wind will destroy the crop from her lamb calf hillock is to cause destruction. So now the wind has completely devastated the crop. devastated the trees devastated the entire harvest. But Allah subhanaw taala describes these people as people who have wronged themselves, how is it their fault that the wind destroyed the crop? You see, a farmer has to be very careful and very alert and very attentive towards the weather. Right? When they plant the crop, right? How often do they water the crop and how they protect the crop and when they harvest the crop. And if a farmer is not attentive towards the

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environment towards the elements, then what will happen? Of course, the crop will suffer. Right? So the fault is there's any sometimes you see that people will actually cover small trees or shrubs in the winter, okay, they will cover them with something. Why? Because they know that the tree cannot survive the cold winter. So if a person does not cover it properly, and the small tree or shrub, whatever it dies, then whose fault is it? It's their fault, they should have paid attention, because the world is operating according to the laws that Allah subhanaw taala has created for it. So you can't blame the weather. If you know that it's time to harvest the fruit is ripe, then don't be

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lazy. No. Pay attention and go and harvest. Right collect the fruit. Because if you leave it and it continues to ripen, and then all of a sudden there's frost overnight, then of course the crop is ruined, don't blame or curse, the weather. The fault is yours. So Allah subhanaw taala describes these people as omen vellamo infozone. These are people who have wronged themselves. They were inattentive. And so when their crop got affected by the elements, it got ruined, and so the fault is theirs. Now, let's go back to the beginning of the example, Allah subhanaw taala says the example of my Yun few corner of what they spend fee her the higher to dunya in worldly life. Okay, so whatever

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they spend is essentially not going to benefit them in the hereafter. Right? It's not going to benefit them. Why? Because they spend with cover with disbelief with Schick and Schilke, Billa and coffer. What do they do? They destroy all good deeds, just as the wind destroys a crop, or such a fiery tornado destroys the crop. So now the question is my Yun feel gonna, what exactly is what they spend? What do they spend in worldly life? Well, they spend a number of things, meaning their expenditures are of different kinds. Okay, so first of all, it includes what they spend on themselves, on their children, on their family, on their dependents. Okay. So whatever they spend on

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themselves, their children, their family, all of that is wasted. It's not going to bring them any reward on the Day of Judgment. Does the believer get rewarded for what the believer spends on themselves or on their family, their children? Absolutely. In a hadith, we learned that even the morsel of food that a man puts in the mouth of his wife is written as charity, he's rewarded for that. So what they spend on their families on themselves will become worthless, it will not bring them any benefit. And you know, the other must say, that what this means is it will not benefit them in the Hereafter they will get no reward, but even in the world, it will not benefit them. Any

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sometimes you see this that, you know a person will spend from their Halal income, halal earned money on their children. Right. Then what happens their children, ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada leaves them to feel, to have Eman to do righteous deeds. So the person sees the reward of his effort even in the world. Right. On the other hand, you see someone is spending 1000s of dollars, okay, but with cover on their children's, you know, private education going to school, they buy them the fanciest of cars, they send them on vacations on different trips, et cetera. They spent so much on their children's, you know, duniya but what happens to the same children because they were raised

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on how to arm with cofre, they turn around and don't even see their parents regularly. They don't even show them any appreciation in the world. So, some orlimar say that any their spending will not benefit them in the world even Of course, it will not benefit them in the Hereafter, but even in the world that will not benefit them. So what they spend on themselves and their children, their family, nothing will be accepted, nothing will be rewarded, insulted either i a 27 loss. pantherella says that in Romania Taco Bell Allahu Meenal with the pain indeed Allah only accepts from those of Taqwa. So those who disbelieve are not of the people of color. So what they spend on themselves or their

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children will not be accepted. Secondly, what they spend includes what they spend in charity, okay, in good causes. So for example, they give a big donation to a hospital, they pay for someone's treatment, they give big gifts to people, they help people in different ways, not just people they spend on their dogs on their cats, on different animals, you know, on people, animals, different good causes. So even this will not benefit them. Their acts of charity and kindness will not benefit them. Hatem Abba II was known for his charities and his son actually asked the Prophet salallahu already who said them or the even heard him about, you know, his father's charity, if it would be of

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any benefit and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, No, I shall de la hora as to vote of the Lebbon to dawn for his generosity towards the her judge but the prophets of Allah Who are those that have made it clear that none of it will help him? Why? Because he never did it for the sake of Allah. ensuited for con is 23 Allah's parents Allah says we'll call them na Ilan, Omar, I'm Illumina Amylin Fajr Allahu hubba Aman thorough and he every single one of their deeds will be turned into scattered dust. In surah two Toba if 54 Allah subhanaw taala says Wilma manera home and talkable Amin home NEFA Koto, Illa unknown Kufa robola He will be Rosalie he the only reason why their

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charity is not accepted is because they disbelieve in Allah and His messenger. So when they disbelieve in Allah and His Messenger, their charity is useless, it's worthless. But if you think about it for the believer, every little deed becomes like an act of charity called Luma rufen sadaqa. A good word is also a charity to help someone in need as charity saying Salaam is charity. If a person gives another sip of water, even that is charity, helping someone in a very little way, you know, giving them a rope, a shoelace and even that is charity, helping someone when they are lonely, and they're sad and frightened, that is considered charity. Right? Even planting a tree is

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charity SubhanAllah. Resolving Conflict between people is charity, but any of these deeds and more, if a disbeliever does, it will not help him, it will not benefit him. Thirdly, what the disbelievers spend is in sin in hindering people from the way of Allah. So all of that spending will be useless. And in the Hereafter, of course, it will not benefit them even if they spent millions in spending in order to stop people from the way of Allah or spending millions on something that is sinful, but also in the world. It will become a source of regret and struggle and fall I have 36 of us PrintWriter says in the medina Cafaro Yun Mucuna am wala Han Leia so DUA and Seville Allah indeed

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those who disbelieve spend their wealth in order to hinder people from the way of Allah. Firstly, Yun Fukunaga so they shall spend it so meta Coonawarra lay him has written then it will be a means of a reason for regret for them, some of you will a boon and then they will be defeated. And they will spend and spend in order to hinder people from the way of Allah. But all of that will come to nothing, it will become a source of regret for them, because eventually they will be defeated. I think about how much money the Mushrikeen of Makkah spend in their opposition to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam they spend to the point of bankruptcy, they spent until they had nothing

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left. So what's the benefit of spending in opposition to the way of Allah or in sin? There is no benefit. It's only a source of regret. So, the example of such people is like that of a wind any like the destruction caused by a wind in which is extreme cold or extreme heat, and such wind hits the crop of people who have wronged themselves and

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So for a Holika to their harvest, their crop is ruined. And so the people are deprived of obtaining any benefit from their house, from what they planted from what they had worked hard on, they will not be able to reap any benefit whatsoever. But Allah subhanaw taala describes them as Omen, Lola, moo and Fusa. Home, that they are not victims, so don't feel bad for them. They are deserving of this outcome because they wronged themselves. How did they wrong themselves deluded in the injustice that the disbelievers commit is the injustice of cover of shake right of cover and check that they are the ones who disbelieved in Allah, they're the ones who associate partners with Allah, so

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they're wrong themselves and as a result, none of their deeds will be of benefit. None of their charities will bring them any reward in sudo to node io 39 Allah subhanaw taala says when Medina kifaru are maloom Castle Robin be clear I think yes, Cebu alum anima, Hatter either Jaya who la mia Jude who che, those who disbelieve their deeds are like a mirage. Okay. And what happens is that the thirsty person thinks that it is water. And so he goes towards it, but when he reaches it, he doesn't find anything over there. So just like that, the good deeds, the charities, the kind acts of those who disbelieve will not help them, neither in the world nor in the hereafter. Allah subhanaw

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taala says wamalwa Allah, Muhammad Allah and Allah did not wronged them while I can and Fusa Hermione moon, but they used to run themselves. Allah did not wrong them because as Allah says in surah Nisa, I have 40 in Hola Hola, el Filippo Miss Allah, Allah. Allah does not do injustice even as much as Mithila Daraa the wage of a tiny atom, any even the slightest amount, Allah's Pontarlier does not do any loan. Now the question is, why are their deeds wasted? Why are the charities of those who disbelieve wasted? Why is their harvest burned? Because of their confidence shirk, right there disbelieved, they associate partners with Allah. So they're the ones who are destroying their

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own crop. Okay. And if you think about it, what is Schofer? What is schicke COVID is to deny Allah, right and Schilke is to ascribe a partner to Allah. And in a hadith we learned the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that Allah azza wa jal says this hadith in Sahih Bukhari that can there be any new Adam, that the son of Adam tells a lie against me, even though he has no right to do so? Was shadow money, and he insults me, he insults me he hurled abuses at me, and he has no right to do so. As for his telling a lie against me it is that he claims that I cannot recreate him as I created him before. And as for him, insulting me, it is his statement that I have children,

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that I have a child as the federal law. So think about it, they insult Allah by ascribing a child or partner, they tell a lie against Allah, when they deny resurrection, they deny the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa salam, and then they try to draw near Allah through charity. Will that charity be accepted? No way? No way. It's not going to be accepted until they repent in sort of a Toba. I have 54 Allah's parents. Allah says Wilma manera home and talk about a minimum number Khartoum. Illa unknown ghafar will be Allah he will obey Allah Saudi, and what prevents their expenditures from being accepted from them, but that they have disbelieved in Allah and in His

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Messenger, He imagined if someone insults you, lies about you. And then they're doing different things to make you happy. Will you be happy with the new way? Absolutely not. So when Allah Muhammad Allah, Allah can and Fusa when the elderly Moon Allah did not run them, they run themselves. And the other thing is that those who disbelieve when they spend on themselves on their children, on their family in charity in a good cause. Are they doing it for the sake of Allah? No way. They're not doing it to please Allah. There is no class over there. There is no sincerity over there. And even if they're doing it for God, any there's some element of shit, right? So remember that Allah

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subhanaw taala accepts only those deeds which are done sincerely for him. So just as the wind destroys the crop, their coffin and shake destroys their charity and all of their good works. Woman Linda Muhammad Allah, what I can unfuse a home yoga Remo

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wouldn't. So no one can claim that there are so much to lose. Because some people have trouble understanding that why is it that those who disbelieve their deeds will be worthless on the Day of Judgment? They will not benefit them their charity etc will not benefit them? No, you can't say that they're Muslim. You can't say for them, their harvest is wasted. No, the fault is theirs because they do not fulfill the conditions. So when Allah subhanaw taala does not accept their good deeds or their charities, Allah is not being unfair to them, the fault is theirs, because they insult Allah, they tell lies about Allah, they do not believe in Allah and they do not do any of these deeds for

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the sake of Allah. So Allah is free of injustice. In Surah Yunus i A 44 Allah subhanaw taala says in Hola Hola, yo, Willie Manasa che, indeed Allah does not wrong people at all, at all. So now the question is how do they run themselves, they run themselves by their confidence shake and shake is in the shitcan a woman or limb it is the greatest injustice. And when a person does learn on themselves, this means that they're putting themselves in severe loss on the day of judgment, because when they do cover when they commit Shik, then they're putting themselves in severe loss on the Day of Judgment in great danger on the Day of Judgment. In surah Taha fit I have 50 to Allah

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subhanaw taala says yo Mala Ian for a lolly Mina Mara Vera, to whom the day when their excuses will not help the wrongdoers Wallah Homer Lerner Well I'm so dar they will have the curse of Allah and they will have the worst home. So they wronged themselves by committing Cofer by committing should ensue. Ibrahim is 22 in the lolly, Minella humara daban Aleem, indeed the wrongdoers will have a painful punishment. So, this ayat is contains a severe warning that those who disbelieve their wealth their children will not benefit them, all of their efforts will be wasted. So right now do not be impressed by their wealth and their children. Because the real worth of a person is

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determined after they die. Like our little dilla horn who said that real richness and poverty is after being presented before Allah.

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Any right now, if someone has wealth, it doesn't mean that they're rich. And if someone doesn't have wealth, it doesn't mean that they're poor. No. real richness and real poverty will be determined. After being presented to Allah for he's up for account.

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