Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2021 J03-042C Tafsir Aal-e-Imran 28-29

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the definition of " believers" in the Quran and stress the importance of not being attached to anyone who attempts to interfere with prayer or exercising religious practices. They also emphasize the need to show concern and concern for one's life to avoid potential harm and avoid potential harm. The speakers also address the limitations of actions and the potential consequences of doing so.
AI: Transcript ©
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then it is said Leia taki will mute me no no caffeine. Oh, Leah, I'm in Donal Momineen. Let not believers take disbelievers as allies rather than believers. Here, Allah subhanaw taala is giving a clear prohibition to the believers. And this prohibition is that the believers should not take the disbelievers as allies. Men don't mean rather than the believers, meaning instead of the believers, the believers should only take believers as their allies. They should not take disbelievers as their allies. And this prohibition is very clear lay yet tahith They must not take they must not adopt who I'll move me known the believers who should they not adopt al caffeine the disbelievers they should

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not adopt them. They should not take them as what as Olia as allies, Min dune and Momineen instead of the believers any they should not leave the believers and take disbelievers as their allies. Now there are many verses in the Quran that teaches the same thing. For example in Surah Nisa, I 144. Allah subhanaw taala says Yeah, are you Alladhina amanu letter daffodil? Cavatina? Alia I'm in dunya mean all you have believed do not take the disbelievers as allies instead of the believers in total Matt ADA I have 51 year are you a Latina Amendola, Duffie Dhulia who the one Nosara Olia battledome Alia about all you have believed do not take the Jews and the Christians as allies they are in fact

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allies of one another insert Allah Imran i A 118 Yeah, are you Alladhina amanu data Duffy do butanna to Mindy Unicom all you have believed do not take us intimates those other than yourselves into Montana, Iowa nine in Nayeon. How Kamala who I need ladina kata no confit Dean. Allah forbids you from those who fight you because of religion and expel you from your homes and aid in your expulsion, meaning ALLAH forbids you that you should take them as allies and our low home and it is said Romania to Allah home for Allah ecomo Bali moon, whoever takes them as allies then they are wrongdoers. And if the believers take the disbelievers as allies, then such believers are doing

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something clearly wrong. So all of these verses make it clear that taking disbelievers as Olia is something that is not permissible. And the fact is that the believers heart should be dedicated to Allah alone. Right? And what that means is that when you love Allah, you love whom Allah loves, and you love those who love Allah. And if you are genuine, in your love for Allah, that you could never take someone who doesn't even believe in Allah's existence or Allah's right to be worshipped alone. Such a person, as your friend, how could you? If you are loyal to Allah? How could you adopt someone like this as your friend? Now imagine, if someone doesn't acknowledge the existence of your family,

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they pretend like your family doesn't exist, your loved ones are not even there. They don't mention them. They don't ever want to talk about them. In fact, if you mentioned them, they mock, they criticize any you know that this person is not your friend, you would not be close to this person, you would not even go near them. So if our heart is sincere in love for Allah, then we could not take Allah as enemies as our close friends. We love Allah. And so we love what Allah loves. We love whom Allah loves, and we love those who love Allah. So lay yet to him there is an absolute prohibition over here. So the believers should not take al caffeine and caffeine over here includes

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all those who disbelieve whatever their religion may be, whether they claim they have no religion, or they have a religion, contrary to the religion of Allah, whatever it may be. I'll Cafe includes all of them into the majority law. I have 22 Allah subhanaw taala says let that you do call me you know in a villa he will Yeoman Fe you are doing a man had de la hora Sula, you will never find a people who believe in Allah and the Day of Judgment, loving those who oppose Allah and His messenger. And if someone clearly is in opposition to Allah and His Messenger, and you believe in Allah and the Last Day, then you could not love such a person. Now, what does Olia mean? Olia is a

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pourer for Willie. And Willie is basically someone who is very close to you. Linguistically speaking, Willie is someone who's close to you. And the word wali applies to

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Who? A friend. Okay, but not just any friend, a close friend, a friend that is turned to in a time of need a friend from whom support is expected. Someone who supports you, someone who helps you. And this relationship is such that, of course, if they're going to help you, you're going to help them. If they're going to be there in your time of need, you're going to be there for them as well. If they're going to be there for you in your time of need, you're going to be there for them in their time of need. So, a wellI is a close friend, right? Well, he is also a guardian. Okay, a guardian. And he is someone who has authority over you. Do not take them as ollie up means that first of all,

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do not entrust your affairs to them, taking them as your leaders so that they have authority over you. And you go, Yes, sir. Yes, sir, to them all the time in every matter. And this doesn't mean that you cannot work with a non Muslim or foreign non Muslim, you can because they don't have absolute power over you. And if ever they try to exert that where they're trying to prevent you from prayer, or they try to prevent you from exercising your religious freedoms, then you must leave that situation. Okay. Otherwise, you're just being a pushover, and you're accepting them as someone who has authority over you and who can dictate what you do and the choices that you make, and they're

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coming between you and your Lord. You know, for example, if there is someone, you know, who tries to come between you and your family, you and your loved ones, you don't let them do that you cut them off. So just like that, if there is someone who is trying to come between you and your Lord, then you don't let them do that. Secondly, Olia means that do not take them as such friends that you love them with your heart. Do not make them your close friends, whom you become emotionally attached to whom you deeply love, whom you depend on whom you unconditionally support. Because if you do that, if you become emotionally attached to them, and if you unconditionally support them, if you deeply

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love them, then what will happen? You will obey them. When they tell you to disobey Allah, you will support them in doing things that displease Allah. And it's possible that you also help them against Muslims. So lay a toughy the remote meanwhile, Katharina Olia min, Donal macmini, and it is admin, Dawn and Momineen. Other than the believers, any Why are you so desperate to adopt disbelievers as your close friends? When believers exist, you have them and it's, it's very normal. A person needs to be around other people. Absolutely. But do not attach your heart to someone who rejects Allah. And yes, you live with them. You may work with them. They may even be family, they may be

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classmates, they may be you know, people that you end up spending a lot of time with. But you must always be on guard. All right, you must always be on guard any, do not let them influence you. So that you begin to think like them, you'll begin to talk like them, you'll begin to dress like them. And you say oh, we're all the same. And you forget about Allah and the limits that he has set for you. So when I mentioned that you may live with them, you may work with them, you may be on good terms with them that is not being prohibited. That is mentioned elsewhere in the Quran and the Sunnah, we're not prohibited from being good to those who disbelieved from, you know, working with

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them, et cetera. That is permissible, but it has its limits. We have to be careful. And we learned in the Quran, that in Jannah, some people will say in Surah, two two is number 26. In paradise, some people will say that God who inner corner Kaaba Luffy Lena Moshe 15, they will say, Indeed, we were previously among our people, fearful. We were among our people. And our people over here can be our family or our community, the people who you know lived around us, the people who worked with us, etc. But we were fearful, fearful of what fearful of displeasing Allah. That's how we lived our lives from an Allah who are Elena will will corner there was some home so Allah conferred favor upon

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us and protected us from the punishment of the scorching fire. This is what the people of Paradise will say. So, this ayah does not mean that when you see a non Muslim

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If you don't acknowledge their existence, or that you don't ever study from a non Muslim professor, or that you don't work in a business owned by non Muslim, this is not what this ayah means. And what this means is that you do not attach your heart to them. And you must not accept them or support them unconditionally. You don't let them come between you and your Lord. Especially when believers are there. And subhanAllah some Muslims prefer to hang out with non Muslims. There are muslims around but they say no, we don't want to hang out with the Muslims because there are two Desi there to this, there are two that min Doonan won't mean a believer must be friend Allah and those who

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believe into the mat ADA I have 55 and 56. Allah subhanaw taala says in nama Wali, you como Allahu wa rasuluh, while Latina ama No, indeed your true friend, is Allah and His messenger and those who believe they're your friends, they're your real friends. And think about it. If someone does not believe in Allah does not believe in the hereafter, then as nice as they may be, their worldview does not align with yours, it does not align with yours. So yes, there is some human connection. Okay, there is, you know, empathy, there is compassion, there is cooperation and good matters with them. All right. But trust and love and advice, and closeness can only be with someone whose

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worldview aligns with yours. Otherwise, either you have to compromise or they have to compromise. And I would say even when it comes to therapy, the person has to go for therapy, they must prefer to take it from a Muslim therapist, someone whose worldview aligns with yours because then half the time you're explaining to them about what Islam is and why you think the way you think, and why you believe what you believe. And they cannot fully help you. Unless and until they can understand, you know, what your belief system is? Because Islam is not just about do's and don'ts. Islam is also about how you think what you believe. And he a huge portion of our faith is related to our manual

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Kulu actions of the heart. Right. And what are the actions of the heart feelings, thoughts, thinking beliefs. So let me know and I'll Katharina Olea Amin Doonan wrote meaning and you see friendship, it leads to love, it leads to attachment and you are with those whom you love. All right. You are with them in this world. You are with them in terms of how you think, how you behave, places you choose to go things you choose to do. And in your final outcome also you will be with them. A poet said that do not ask about the man but ask about his friends because a friend follows his friend. So if you really want to know who someone is how someone is, you want to see who their friends are. So

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layer mineral caffeine or Olia min Doonan, what we need. And in this ayah Allah subhanaw taala is defending the believers Allahu Akbar and he are there no believers left that you have to side with the disbelievers. You have to take them as your friends and sometimes Subhanallah people begin to oppose believers in support of disbelievers will mania for Al valleca fillet salmon Allah Heafy che in INLA and Dr. Coleman home to CA and whoever of you does that does what takes disbelievers as his friends instead of the believers. Then such a person for laser than he is not mean Allah He fish eight what does this mean? Mean Allah He some orlimar have interpreted this as min Deen in Lehi, and

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he's such a person does not belong to the religion of Allah in any way, fisheye in in anything in any matter at all. Other and I must say what this means is fillet salmon with a Attila he fishy, then such a person has no friendship with Allah No. And if you befriend the enemies of Allah, then you are no longer friends with Allah. So this is a clear warning that whoever takes the disbelievers as allies, then such a person is doing something contrary to what Allah has demanded from him. Such a person is not on the path that Allah has demanded from him. Such a person is not among the righteous slaves of Allah. Like the prophets Allahu alayhi wa sallam said, when Mala Shefali Samina

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when Allah Shah Felice Amina, then such a person is not all of us being here.

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Not like us, he's not of our way. So if someone takes the disbelievers as your friends instead of the believers, then they have nothing to do with Allah's religion. They're not on the path of Allah. They're not among the righteous slaves of Allah. And this is true, because eventually you become like your friends. Hey, I'm sure you've noticed how your language changes, your expressions change, your habits change, depending on who you're hanging out with. If you hang out with someone who drinks a lot of water, you end up drinking a lot of water. Right? If you marry someone who drinks coffee every day, then what's going to happen? Even if you're not a coffee drinker, there will come

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a point where you will start to drink coffee. You may be someone who does not like to eat out. But if you marry a foodie, then what's going to happen? You're going to be interested in different foods as well all the time. Your spouse influences you why? Because of proximity, you are around them, you're with them. So a Welly someone who is close friends with you, they're going to influence you your speech, your manner of carrying yourself the things you choose to do, the places you choose to go to, even the way that you dress the way that you dress. So we may have our there Lika Felisa mean Allah hippy shade in LA and the Duck Woman home to car, there is an exception, Allah subhanaw taala

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mentioned and what is that exception, except when taking precaution against them in prudence Illa except and that the code that you safeguard yourself into you must take them as allies. Why in order to safeguard yourself, men home against them, against to against the disbelievers to cotton, a safe guarding to cotton in a true safeguarding any except in the case where you fear for yourselves from them meaning from the disbelievers. So you must take precaution. Okay, and take the disbelievers as allies. Now, this is an exception, okay, not a general rule, but an exception. And this exception is that when a person has genuine fear, okay, genuine fear in regard to, for example, their life, okay?

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They're a wealth. So for instance, there's fear that there's, you know, someone will kill you, or beat you, or in your wealth that someone will steal your wealth or something like that, then in this case, a person has to protect themselves against the shot against the evil, right. So then, in such cases, the person will take or Muslims will take disbelievers as allies. And this is why any, you know, like, we learned a Buddha radula horn, who he said that we smile in the faces of some people, although our hearts curse them Subhanallah this doesn't mean hypocrisy. This means that we know that if we express what we truly feel about them, and we were to avoid them get away from them, our life

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would be in danger. So we have to smile in their face. Okay, we have to smile in their face, even though we don't want to, we don't want to so this is just as a way of precaution for protecting one's life, wealth, family, etcetera. Alright, so here, a show of friendship is permissible. Okay, this doesn't mean deception. Deception is not allowed that on the surface, you say, yes, yes, we're friends, and then you actually harmed them. That is not permissible. And we learned in the Quran, that if you must, for example, break a treaty, then break it openly. Allah so up, and he openly, do not deceive. Even we learn in our history about how, for example, if Muslims were on, they had a

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peace treaty with an enemy, for example, there is going to be no war for a certain duration. They weren't even allowed to prepare for war during the peace treaty. And if you're going to prepare for war, you're going to do that after the Treaty is over. Not before, because that is deception. So we learned in sort of the natural eye a 106. Allah's pantherella says man Kafa BiLlahi min by the Imani Ilam and Oklahoma call Boomsma in Erbil Eman workingmen, Shahabi, Kofi Sodre. And Farley and one other woman Allah, wa Omar Darlene, whoever disbelieves in Allah after his belief, except for one who is forced while his heart is secure in faith, but those who willingly open their chests

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disbelief upon them as wrath from Allah and for them as a great punishment. So you see the exception in that aisle also, except for the

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One who is forced, right? So similarly, when you fear some real harm, then you can show friendship. All right? You can show friendship without letting that enter your heart. Okay? Outwardly You show friendship, but not in your heart you don't make any space for them. So in that anteater comin home to call and men who means men cheering him against their harm, when you have little Kamala Hoon, epsa and Allah cautions you against himself. Allah warns you against himself, you had the you had Allara The heavier the heavier it is to warn, to frighten to caution. So Allah wants you to fear him, and he don't take this matter lightly. What Allah will mislead Unto Allah is the return the

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destination your return is to Allah. So he who does good will receive good and He who finds evil then you should not blame anyone but himself. When you have little Kamala, who nappsa while Allah Hill mercy and this ayah reminds us that we should fear Allah, any some people think that you know, God is all love, only love so don't talk about you know, fearing Allah. No, there must be a balance the things that Allah subhanaw taala has made very clear we must fear Allah in regard to those matters. Don't take those matters lightly. Then it is said called say into full Matthew so duty come out to the Dooku er Alam Hola. into full if you can see half a year is the route if you can seal

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Matthew sudo recon what is in your chests so the plural of Saudi out to do Who are you reveal it bad al well Yarlung Allah Allah knows it. Allah subhanaw taala instruct his messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to tell people to convey this message to them, that if you people conceal what is in your chest, or you reveal it, Allah subhanaw taala knows it all. Because Allah knows everything. As he has perfect knowledge. He knows the apparent and the hidden, the public and the private. All secrets, even Mr. Throw the Longhorn who said well are your family he che Omen our medical, nothing of your deeds is hidden from Allah in South Dakota, Iowa to 84 Also we learned what intermedial

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mafia and physical auto for who you has, it can be Hitler because Allah knows about it. Now, Matthew saluti come what is in your chests, this is the heart, right? And this is where the thinking happens or the feelings happen and intentions and ideas, planning, all of that happens there. So whatever your ideas are, whatever your thoughts are, whatever your intentions are, Allah subhanaw taala knows about it. And if you reveal any of that, again, Allah subhanaw taala knows about it, no matter what it is, Allah subhanaw taala knows it Yarlung Hola, Wei R la Moon MEF is similar to my fill out and Allah knows whatever is in the skies and whatever that is in the earth. And He knows what is in your

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chest and he knows whatever is in the skies, and whatever is in the earth will law who are locally che encoded and Allah is over all things competent Allahu Akbar no matter what it is Allah subhanaw taala has put it up prevails there is nothing that is beyond his power our power is limited right when we start doing something we reach a limit where we can no longer continue at times right we reach our limit we fail we stop we get tired well Allahu Allah Cooley che in Cadiz

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