Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2021 J03-041D Tafsir Aal-e-Imran 19-22
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then it is said in the Diener in the law he al Islam, in Nadine, indeed the religion or in the law near Allah that it is Al Islam. It is Islam. In Medina. A Dean is from the root letters dal yeah noon. And Dean basically means he set up to hold someone accountable. So Maliki Yeoman Dean means medic Yeoman, he set up a dean means he's a sovereign of the day of his out of judgment of account. So, why is religion called Dean because Dean is actually a set of a woman and nowhere he commands and prohibitions that Allah has given and about these commands and prohibitions, people will be held accountable, there will be hisab about these commands and prohibitions. We will be asked, Did we
follow how much so in Medina, indeed the deen the religion, you see, the word Deen itself shows us that the religion of Allah is not to be played with it is not such that we are negligent towards it, that we say okay, I'll do whatever I want. And whatever I find difficult, I won't do. No, this is something that we will be held accountable for, we will be asked about. So for example, when it comes to the five daily prayers, this is not something that you do if you feel like it and leave if you don't want to know this is something that you will be held responsible for, we will be asked about our daily prayers, and from that, not just our salah, but also we're fasting, also our Hajj or
Umrah if we are able ours a cat, right? The way in which we earn money, the way in which we spend money, the kinds of things we say the kinds of things we think, Alright, the way we dress, from every little two big thing, what we eat, how we eat. So in a dean, this is Dean, all of this is Dean and all of this we will be held responsible for now in Edina or in de la near Allah and what is meant by near Allah? Is that what is accepted what is remarkable in the law, meaning the only religion that is accepted by Allah is Al Islam. This is why Allah subhanaw taala told us and sort of earlier in Milan I 85 that were May a bit delayed al Islami dienen Falaya Kabbalah min Hua Hua,
Phil, Akira timolol ha serene, that whoever seeks other than Islam a religion meaning if a person seeks a religion other than Islam, following your Kabbalah mean then that religion will never be accepted from that person. And such a person will be of the losers and the hereafter. So Allah will not accept any other religion from a slave at all. Allah only approves of an Islam he does not approve of any other religion. So this teaches us that Islam and other religions are not the same. Islam is the only religion that is accepted by Allah, approved by Allah, pleasing to Allah and all the rest of the religions are not accepted by Allah. They're not approved by Allah, they're not
pleasing to Him. So if a person brings any other religion on the Day of Judgment, it will be rejected. And Al Islam Islam is from seen la meme, literally to submit to surrender. And Islam is to surrender to who to Allah. And as the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, as slim to slim, and when you surrender, then you are secure, you are safe. So safety, in this life in the next life is in submission to Allah. When you surrender to Allah, you are safe. If you resist, if you reject if a person avoids if a person tries to run away from Allah, then they're not safe. There is no safety for them in this life and not in the next life either. And remember that Islam is the religion that
no honey salon taught that Ibrahim and he said I'm taught that Mussolini's Annamarie surrealism Sylar, and he said I'm who they are listen I'm so Korea is an all of the prophets of Allah. They brought the religion of Islam in total Bukhara i 132 We learned well we'll sabia Brahim obey anyway or Coble Yeah, Bunny yet, in the last love Allah como Deen. Ibrahima is Cinna ner Coburn ism each of them. They advised they instructed their children at the time of their death that indeed Allah has chosen the religion for you. Falletta Mutanda Illa anti Muslim also do not die except while you are Muslims. So what is the religion that Allah has chosen for you? It is the religion of submission to
Allah of Islam. So remember that the religion of all of the prophets of Allah was Islam in total buckle
I 133 We learned on quantum Shuhada it helped re our cooling mode. If Caudalie Bernini matar Bulunan embody Iacobelli Salam asked his sons at the time of his death, that what is it that you will worship after me? Follow? Naboo Isla haka. They said, We will worship your God, what EDA Abba IK and the God of your forefathers Ibrahim, what is married what is help and that God is illa huwa Hida one god one a hula hoop Muslim moon, and we are Muslims in submission to Him. So the religion of Ibrahim Rani Sena of Ismar elearning Sinha, is how are the Sunnah was the religion of Islam. We learned that the Queen of Sheba, she said into the novel I have 44 that will Islam to Mara Suleiman Lillahi
Rabbil aalameen. And I submit with Sulaiman to Allah, Lord of the worlds so as salam to I surrender, even for our own, he understood this, yet he rejected in suit units is 90. We learned that when he was about to drown, he said, what I mean and Muslimeen I am of the Muslims, I am of those who surrender to God. So Subhanallah how shaitan plays with the minds of people, that today, there are those who are Muslims, yet, they think, or they say that all religions are the same. They're just different paths to God. And they're all good. Now they're not all good. The religion of Allah is One, it is not plural. And there is only one Deen that Allah has revealed. And the religion of no
honey Suriname is the religion of Muhammad salallahu Alaihe Salam is the religion of Musa and it's anime is the religion of Saleh and he said I was a religion of rissani sunnah. And is the religion the only true religion until the end of time. In a hadith we learned the Prophet sallallahu Arneson him said that the prophets are like half brothers, okay, having the same father but different mothers meaning that their religion is the same, which is Islam submission to Allah. And yes, the laws the shitty eras, they varied a little bit. So for example, the shittier that Musar Islam was given many things are different from what the Prophet sallallahu Urdu Senna was given into it my
either I have 48 we the only coolin Jarl Nam income Sheraton women Hajah. And he for each OMA, Allah subhanaw taala gave a particular law. So yes, there is one religion. And the laws did vary. Over time, any different prophets were given different laws. Why? Because those laws were appropriate and fitting for their time. And remember that each Prophet was sent to his own nation only, but the prophets of Allah, whoever it is, and it was sent to all of mankind, and the shadow era that the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam was given that shit era is until the end of time. So this means that Islam does not need a revival or revision, and it does not need to be revised. It does not need to
be changed, it does not need to be updated. All right, because it is until the end of time. This is Al Islam. And in a hadith we learned the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said it is a Hadith in Sahih Muslim that by him in his hand, my soul is any one of these people, and he mentioned the Jews and the Christians and any Jew any Christian who hears off me and then dies without believing in my message will be among those who go to *. So remember there is only one religion, one Deen that Allah subhanaw taala will accept from people and now it is the law that Muhammad Sallallahu Urdu Saddam brought and this law is Naseeha it has abrogated all the previous laws and it is not going to
be monsoon. It is not going to be abrogated. It is not going to be changed. In a dinner in the Llahi al Islam warmer Tel Aviv Alladhina Otto Kitab in Nam embody majra homeowner Elmo beryllium Boehner home now I mentioned to you that from the beginning the religion is is Al Islam, right so if the religion of no harness Anam is a religion of Ibrahim Al Islam is a religion of masala sinner is a religion of Rhys Irenaeus Anam. Then how come there are the Jews and there are the Christians? How come this division? Well, Allah subhanaw taala explains to us that woman and not tell Alpha they differed if Jennifer from Karla amfa If the laugh is to differ to be divided. So who different
Alladhina Otto kitab. Those people who are given the book, they did not differ, meaning they only differed in them embody merger of motoring except after knowledge came to them. So they only became divided after knowledge came to them. How Why did they become divided? Boolean? Vina home
Out of outrageous behavior against each other. Now, who are the People of the Book? Who are those who are given the book, they're the Jews and the Christians. The book of the Jews, which they believe in and follow is the Torah and the book of the Christians, which they believe in and follow is the mainly the indeed even though they also believe in a Toba, but they believe that the law does not have to be followed, right? That's a very simplistic statement, but in essence, that's what it is. Now, these scriptures, these books, the Turati in G, even the Injeel, was sent to the Bani Israel in right through ESRD center. And otherwise also, remember that majority of the prophets were
sent to the Bani Israel. So they are a Lavina O'Toole kitab. Now they were given the book, yet they became divided. Right? So the Christians are not like the Jews. Jews are not like the Christians, even though we are through * keytab so this division happened when mimbar the merger, a home we're after knowledge came to them. And this shows us that the coming of knowledge creates if the laugh, okay, the coming of knowledge, at times, does create division. How? Because some people will accept that knowledge will like it will follow it, and some people will not. So now, before people were the same now what happened once knowledge came a huge division. For example, in recent times,
we have seen how the knowledge of certain vaccines or certain illnesses, has created a huge division among people. Right before everyone was the same, or at least somewhat the same. They were united they were together until there was no problem of Coronavirus. Right, families met one another. There was no issue. Everyone seemed to be on the same page. Life was simple. And then came the virus. So some people said this is a hoax, this is a lie. And other said no, this is actually a disease. Then came the vaccine, more FTF more division among people. All right. There were those who said yes, we just go take it, protect yourself, protect those around you. And then there were those who said no
way. No way. There's going to be a chip in you and then they're going to track you and then they're going to do something else. And literally sometimes in the same family you have people have completely different opinions. Some are so pro vaccines and some are so anti vaccines. Right? So this is just a small example, the coming of Aden, the coming of knowledge creates division. All right, and we have learned about this and so little Bacara verse number 213 That can innocent will Metohija people were the same one nation and then as people became misguided, what happened? Allah subhanaw taala sent Prophets and the prophets broad good news and warning. So some believed in the
good news and the warning, and they were upon the truth. And then those who did not believe those who rejected they were different. So now the nation is divided into two groups. So the same thing happened with the people of the book. They were given the book that told us and they were all upon the Talat until Allah subhanaw taala sent recently Sir, who brought the INJEEL and now what happened, a huge division inserted by Hina Iowan we learn lemmya Cannella Dena Kufa, Roman ELive Kitabi will mushy Kena Moon fat keen, had that to him Wilbur Hina those who disbelieved among the People of the Scripture and the polytheists were not to be parted from misbelief until they came to
them clear evidence. Now, what is the clear evidence? Who is the clear evidence it is the messenger of Allah has a clear evidence, Kaymer ylim came. Not everyone believed in the prophets of Allah who already husana those who believed in the evidence came into light, and those who did not believe remained in darkness. And so now there isn't enough. So we're mostella for Ladino auto Kitab in Lamin verde manager, a homeowner ill after knowledge came to them. And why did they become divided? How could they become divided by him buying a home out of outrageous behavior against each other Boolean from Bell lane? Yeah, bully rebellion, or outrageous behavior. Basically bully is for
example, the word bully is used for very heavy rain, any rain that is almost damaging, okay, Baja is to cross elimite. So this is what Bali is when people in their jealousy or in their bias again
And someone, their dislike for someone they crossed limits the act on impulse, they crossed limits, and they commit transgression. This is bully, and bully is in the form of rejection. It is in the form of, you know, arguing with one another fighting with one another causing harm to one another. Okay acting on jealousy acting on arrogance acting on animosity. This is all Billy so Burnham Boehner home vino over here means against one another, any towards each other, acting outrageously towards each other. So any they did not have a reason to become so divided, especially after they had knowledge. So this division is a direct result of outrageous behavior, people acting on their
base whims, their base desires, their arrogance, their jealousy. And as they acted more and more on such negative feelings than what happened, they crossed all limits. And they went really far in their division. And we have seen I mean, if you study basic history, Christian history, even any how much injustice, just these two groups have committed against one another, the Jews and the Christians, how much and any, it's shocking, that especially when they're supposed to be so similar to one another. And he apparently the same book, they believe in the same prophets, same God, yet they committed such oppression against one another. So here we learned that Allah subhanaw Thrice
criticizing their ft laugh in three ways. First of all, it is mentioned that they were given the book they were Alladhina, Otto Kitab, they have the book The Talati in gene, yet they have done ft love and how terrible this is that a person has knowledge of the book. They are people who have been honored with the book with the Scripture, yet they fall into division. Secondly, it has been said, they have been given an 11 bar the merger of motor oil, and this is a time of the truth. And you see, for example, in the Prophet sallallahu, Arrhenius, Adam came, they knew they recognized Him they knew the truth of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, yet they rejected him and as they
rejected Him, what happened? They became even more divided. Alright, in surah baqarah ayah 146 Allah subhanaw taala says a Latina Latina who will Kitab Yardi foreigner will come ARD funa Obinna home, those people to whom we have given the book, they recognize the Prophet sallallahu Sallam just as they recognize their own sons. They didn't fail to recognize him. They knew him well enough, I do commend him left Hormonal Health when we are in the mood, and indeed a group of them a party of them conceal the truth while they know. So they disbelieved in him Salallahu Alaihe Salam in spite of him. So the fact that they had read him and yet they did it, they laugh, this has been criticized
over here. And then thirdly, it is said that they did this out of buggy, their jealousy. And really, they were jealous of the Prophet sallallahu earlier said that how is it that an Arab could be a prophet and the people of the Book, the Bani Israel either they look down on the Arabs so how could they believe in a prophet who was Arab? And that to the last prophet in sort of Bukhara I have 109 Last month, it says with the cathedral Mint Hill Kitabi lawyer will do Nicole mimbar the mannequin cathedra has said the manner in the unfussy him mimbar the motivation Allah who will help their jealousy is mentioned in certain Nyssa 54 Amir Sedona NASA dilemma Tahoma Longmen fogli are they
jealous of people for what Allah has given them of his favorite? So this is their jealousy, their animosity, their outrageous behavior? And in this is actually a warning for us? Because the people of the Book Yes, they did what they did, they're doing what they're doing. But the Prophet sallallahu Ernest and a motto warned us that we will follow the footsteps of the People of the Book, too, we must be very careful, because sometimes, you know, our ft love Subhanallah the way Muslims have if they love the way Muslims differ from one another. It's amazing how people will be sitting around the dinner table. Everything's good until something of the religion has mentioned. And as
soon as something of the religion has mentioned, then people start labeling or you are Wahhabi, you are Sunni, you are a Sufi you are this you are that you are Braley and as if these labels are insults, and then before it used to happen around dinner tables now online Subhanallah the way
Muslims will chew out one another literally attack one another insult one another mark at one another he the concept of brotherhood it's become very superficial or it's become very limited to certain spaces for example you see someone clearly from a different school of thoughts different math have maybe different fit you know people will sometimes not even acknowledge their existence they will not make eye contact they will not say salaam or if they say salon they're very rude or they're very you know reserved, this is not right, this is not right. Do not use these labels to create divisions, these labels are for understanding that okay, for example, if someone is a shaft
very okay, they have studied the shaft terrific. And that is what they practice. Alright. It doesn't mean that just because someone practices Shafi Fick and you practice Hanafi fiqh, that you think that you guys are now enemies to one another, and you can never see eye to eye and you can never sit together you can never eat together and you must insult one another and you must be cautious of one another. Be a little open minded recognize the differences? Absolutely. There are differences we cannot pretend like there are no differences. There are differences, absolutely there are, but those differences are not for the purpose of creating division. Okay. There are many aspects of the deen
in which for example, we see at one occasion, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam gave the Companions a certain instruction, okay. And that group of companions, basically, they understood the instruction differently. So one group did one thing the other group did something else. And the prophets of Allah who already have some did not censure them, okay, because both acted based on what they understood. So do not use these labels for discrimination and for division. And at the same time, it's necessary that you do not use these labels, or do not use them in preference to the label of Islam. Any don't identify, for example, to identify as a Hanafi, for instance, must not be
greater than identifying as Muslim. Okay, these labels, Hanafi, Shafi, Sufi, Salafi, or whatever, these are secondary, they're not your primary identity. Because the fact is that, even if, for example, you say that you're Hanafy. While there are many things within the Hanafi school of thought, which, academically speaking, they would be considered weaker opinions compared to some opinions and other schools of thought. I'm just giving an example. And I'm not attacking the Hanafi school of thought. I'm just saying that just because you have learned and you practice the Hanafi school of thought, it doesn't mean that the Hanafi school of thought is perfect in every way, and
it's everything. No, there are flaws, and there are excellent points. And you must recognize that the problem is when someone identifies for example, as Hanafy and they will reject everything else, everything else, even if you know what the opinion of their school of thought may be weaker, when in fact, the great scholars Imam Shafi Imam, Abu Hanifa, these are scholars who said that if you find a hadith that contradicts my opinion, my fatwa, then throw my fatwa throw my opinion, and hold on to the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and here we are, in defense of certain labels, we will reject the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. So, do not use such
labels to create division. And this is the reason why other any we don't use any of these labels, we respect them. And we respect you know, the fact that people will have different backgrounds different understanding, and at the same time, we agree that we will always give preference to what Allah subhanaw taala has said and what the Prophet sallallahu Sallam has said and what the people of knowledge have set and the people of knowledge, yes, their opinions will vary. So I get this question a lot, especially from this class, that which method do I identify with or which method I teach or anything like that? And this is my answer to all such queries. I do not feel pride in using
any of these labels. Appreciate all of the great aroma
And although we try to benefit from all of them, and we don't want to use any such labels to create division, so, the people of the book they became divided like this and really if you look at for example, within the Christians how many different different denominations there are different types of, you know groups. So we don't want that. Allah subhanaw taala says woman yet for bat la vie for in the LA City URL herself. This is such a huge warning, Wilma yet for and whoever disbelieves be it la the verses of Allah the signs of Allah for in the LA City or Cree sab then indeed Allah is Swift in the account. He sometimes in defense of their own group, okay, people will deny the Ayat of
Allah, people will deny the verses of Allah Subhan Allah and there are those among Muslims who will do this. And what kind of Islam is this that in defense of your group, you look down at or you reject or you refuse to consider an ayat of Allah and either Allah has revealed in his book. So this is a warning for in the loss and here at ASAP indeed Allah is Swift in the account. So do not get deceived by the dunya. Because the day of resub is not far Allah is severe, severe is from seen Lorraine surah is swiftness to do something quickly without delay. And Allah swift in the account, this means two things. First of all, what this means is that Allah subhanaw taala will bring the
account very quickly, meaning the day of the account is not far person might say, Well, it's been 1400 years since this idea was revealed. How come the day of judgment has still not come? If Allah swift in the account, you see, a person's judgment begins when when they die, their piano begins when they die, there is reward or punishment, even in the grave. So don't get deceived by the dunya by your life that you think you have a lot of time in the world you don't. The Day of Judgment is not far the day of death, in fact, is not far. And remember, Coloma atin for Karim, anything that is coming that is on its way that is certain is in fact near. It's not far. Secondly, for in Allah
cerebral Herceg. Allah is Swift in the account. This means that the time that Allah will take to do his job is not long Subhan Allah in this world, what happens if there is a particular case, you know, a crime takes place or a big scam or something, and you find out that case will be judged, etc. When six months later, one year later, two years later, there's a delay. And then when the case begins, then sometimes it can take up to a month or even longer for the jury to come to a final verdict. In the law city are in hisab Allah does not take long to hold the creation accountable. In fact, we learned that Allah subhanaw taala will hold all the creation all people accountable in the
same day. And that same day is not even, you know, all of it, rather just a part of it. Insert for Conejo. 24, Allah subhanaw taala says us herbal Jannetty OMA Eden credo mas the Quran will Arsenal mappila the companions of paradise that day will be in a better settlement and better resting place. So pneumophila mappila is the place of a doula and from this ayah the Anima extract that the people of Paradise will be in Paradise by the time of play Lulu, Lulu is afternoon nap. So basically, by that time, he is I will be done. Imagine, this is just a couple of hours, Allahu Akbar, this is Allah subhanaw taala is perfection that he is able to hold people accountable and take the account
of all creatures very quickly. Because Allah subhanaw taala does not need any time to think to weigh the different sides, let the jury deliberate etcetera. Know Allah subhanaw taala is city or ASAP and this is because he is perfect, his knowledge is perfect. And the amazing thing is that Allah subhanaw taala will not just hold people accountable in general terms. Rather, we learned that when he sab will take place people will be held accountable for the little things even for example in sort of extra io 36 We learn in a summer, while bizarro world full adder kulula Iike can earn who Missoula, indeed the hearing the sight and the heart about all those one will be questioned. Allahu
and he will not just be held accountable for what we did, but also what we heard, what we saw Subhan Allah and
hisab will be of people of Qian and we learn in Hadith, even animals. In Allah, Allah cliche included, any, when we think about Allah subhanaw taala his actions or his decisions, we make such a huge mistake, we compare him to the creation, and this is why we dare to object and we dare to criticize. And Allah subhanaw taala is not like his creation, He is Allah the only one worthy of worship because he is perfect, just as he is able to listen to the doors of so many people at once he is providing the creation at once he is doing so much at once for him to hold people accountable quickly. That is not hard. That is not difficult, for in hard dukkha and then if they argue with
you, who who argues with you, this is the people of the book The Jews and the Christians or even the machete Kuhn the polytheists, or all of them or any of them, if they argue with you and how Juca This is from the root letters how GGmBh Maha jet to argue. So they argue with you meaning about your deen about your religion, fecund then you say a slum towards your heel, Allah He woman it Tobon then you say that indeed I have submitted my face to Allah and whoever has followed me they also have submitted their face to Allah. So if they argue with you about your deen that no no your deen is not right you should be on our deen then don't give any importance to what they say respond to them by
saying that look, I have surrendered a slim to seen la meme I have surrendered. Wedge he my face, what he while Jim has the root and your face is what your being the most honorable part of your bodies, your face you put that you Lord that before Allah and your face, any all of your faculties are there behind your forehead is your brain, your ears, your mouth, your eyes, any your knowledge, right all of that is centered around your face, and whatever the face will do. So for example, if your head goes down, then the rest of your body will also follow. Alright, so I have surrendered my face to Allah, completely woman it to Baron and also those who follow me, it Tibetan This is a
tyranny. It Avara he followed by rain is the root and it tuber I nee see the customer under the noon. That means me. So whoever follows me they have also surrendered their face to Allah. And this is the sign of the true follower of the Prophet sallallahu Urdu said, who is a true follower of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, the one who has surrendered his face to Allah, the One who has submitted to Allah. And this is the religion of Ibrahim alayhi salam, the religion of Musar list and the religion of ESR is set up all the prophets of Allah, wa cordially Lavina Otto Kitab al omanhene. And say to those people who are given the book and to the omanhene, who are the Amin, amin are the
Omi people. This is from the letters he comes up me mean from the word own. Okay, oh me, this is Nyssa to own Okay, for example, you say our our OB, who is Adobe? Someone who is from out of right, Yahoo de meaning someone who's from your hood, okay, Pakistani, okay. So Ma Li, so this is Nyssa to the country, the nation, the people, so me is the one who is related to the OEM. Now who is the OEM is mother. Okay, now, OMA Yun are the Gentiles, that the non Jews, and specifically it is the Arabs. Why? Because Alladhina Oton kitab. They were given the Scripture, the only Yean were people who did not have a scripture, the Jews and the Christians had the Torah the Indian, the Arabs, on the other
hand, did not have a Scripture. They had an oral tradition, not a written one. Okay, even though they follow the teachings of Ibrahim Al Islam is Maria Salam, right was a prophet sent to them still, they were omegan compared to people of the book because they did not have a written tradition, and otherwise also, literacy, reading and writing was something uncommon among the Arabs. Now the one who did not read or write was attributed to the mother. Why? Because in Arabs when something was rare, they attribute it to men, because there were many women and men were fewer. So just like men were few. Those who could read and write were few and dislike women were many those
who are unlettered were also many. This is one opinion as to why and Amis called me. Others say that typically when a person you know learned to read and write, that would be a man, women
would not typically learn to read and write. They were unskilled. They were unlettered. And so someone who was not able to read and write was called a me. Okay? Or they were called Omi in relation to the condition in which his own brought him forth. Okay? And he didn't really learn anything except for what his mother taught him. So this is omy. Anyway, the omanhene are who? The Gentiles or the Arabs, the Gentiles specifically the Arabs. Okay, so almost parotitis has said to those who are given the book and to the Amin Aslam tone, do you also render Have you all submitted to Allah? Do you also submit to Allah like I have submitted do you submit your face to Allah like I
do for in a slow mo than if they submit for Cadet though then indeed they have obtained guidance later though from had Alia than their upon guidance were interval low and if they turn away, they do not surrender their face to Allah for in numerological below, then indeed, only your responsibility do upon you is the obligation to convey Albula Albula is from Bella McLean to convey and this is consolation for the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that will Prophet you can only convey and that is all you're required to do, and all that you will be held responsible for. Because now you can live for love nipson allows you do not have the capacity to force people you're not obligated to
force people to Allah will not ask you whether you force them or not, you are only able to convey right so Allah will only ask you about your obligation to convey Did you fulfill that or not. So focus on what you are supposed to do for a numerological below. Wala who proceed on billary bad And Allah is Ever seen of the slaves are very bad as for Allah, Allah, Allah is ever watching his slaves. He knows what they're doing. He's seeing their actions. And this is good news for the one who has surrendered. Allah is watching you. And this is also a warning for the one who has turned away. Allah is watching you. Then it is said in the medina Karuna vi Attila indeed those people who
disbelieve in the verses of Allah. Cofer is to reject and ayat of Allah here include both the konia, the ayat, the miracles, the signs that occur in the cone in the creation, and they also include the cheriya meaning the verses that Allah subhanaw taala has revealed. So those who disbelieve in the Ayat of Allah who will reject them, they refuse to accept them out of pride, or they reject in spite of them, they reject on the basis of stubbornness, or they do took leave the belie Secondly, way to learn in the beginning of the lady how they killed the prophets without any right Allahu Akbar there is no killing of a prophet with right ever here be lady help without right is mentioned to show what
a terrible thing this is to kill a profit when you never ever have the right to do that. And basically a reality's being stated over here ruling is not being given. Okay? So they kill the profits without any right and the killing of a profit is something terrible, because a prophet of Allah is the best and the purest of his people. Right? And he religiously, morally, the prophets of Allah were the best of their nations. Their o'clock was the best. Their morals were the best, their actions were the best their manners were the best. So if anyone disliked a prophet of Allah, to the point that he's daring to kill a prophet of Allah, this is innate only shows how blind these people
are, how arrogant these people are. So we have to run in the beginner video ad hoc. Now there is a question, How could people killed the prophets of Allah?
Is it because Allah did not help his prophets? No, Allah subhanaw taala does not abandon his prophets, Allah subhanaw taala did not fail to help his prophets. But he allowed this in some cases where the prophets of Allah were killed by their people by their enemies. And Allah subhanaw taala let that happen. Why? To honor his prophets, with shahada with martyrdom. And remember that no human being is going to live in this world forever. Everyone is going to depart sooner or later. Right? So if someone leaves this world, through shahada, then they've made it they're successful. So when you look at work to learn and a beginner be Ladyhawke, don't think like How could Allah allow this? Why
did this happen? Allah is just Allah is Rahim Allah is Allah O Allah is Hakeem Allah Azza Aziz
Allah is Able to protect his prophets and Allah subhanaw taala did. And there were times when Allah subhanaw taala did allow them to experience hardship. Not because Allah's parents are failed to help them, no, but Allah subhanaw taala wanted a higher position for them a greater reward for them and those who killed the prophets of Allah, their crime is not forgotten. It's mentioned over here and then in a second way Aqua Toluna, Latina Munna bilkis Lemina nurse and they kill those who order justice from among the people. So three crimes are mentioned. First. they disbelieve in the Ayat of Allah Khurana then they killed the prophets yuck to Luna begin, then. Yuck to Luna, Latina Muna,
misdemeanor nurse they killed those among the people who order justice. Three crimes are mentioned over here. So those who commit these crimes for but shouldn't be or that have been at him give them good news of a painful punishment. Now the killing of the Prophets as mentioned and after that the killing of those who order justice is mentioned. And those who Alladhina Munna bilkis Domina Nance who command justice among people, this could be anyone, any among the people who commands Justice, okay, this could be someone who is Muslim, someone who is not Muslim, even because there are individuals out there who advocate you know, justice, but we see that there are people who do not
like them, and they will kill them, they will try to inflict harm upon them. Subhan Allah. Now, the three crimes that are mentioned over here, I want you to look at the word Yech, Furuno, yuck to Luna, right, the two young children and one year karuna, these are all verbs. And they're all of Medallia tense, which is used for present. But if this is talking about the people of the book, right, they did it in the past, they killed the prophets in the past. So why is this mentioned in the present tense? Because even when this IO was revealed, they were continuing on this behavior. They rejected the Quran, they rejected clear signs. And yes, they tried to kill the Prophet
salallahu Alaihe Salam, not once, multiple times, multiple times they tried to kill the prophets of Allah who doesn't. They tried to poison him, they tried to throw a huge boulder on him in order to kill him. They waged war against him. And it didn't stop with the death of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, after the death of the Prophet salallahu Islam, they continue to try to kill those who command justice. Right? So we have incidents from Muslim history even were great people who command justice, like a judge were killed by someone because he did not like what the judge said. And this is something we see today also, that those who believe the followers of the prophets, and
those who command justice are not liked by many people. And those people don't just stop at their dislike, no, they will go and try to kill those who command justice. Now, three serious offenses are mentioned over here, each of which is terrible. And there are three serious consequences serious punishments for these crimes. And each of these consequences is very serious, very terrible. What's the first one The first is from a shithole Embera they've been Aleem, give them good news of a painful punishment. Tell them now that they will have a painful punishment. And give them good news. This is sarcasm. Give them good news. Second, hola Iike Latina habitat are maloom fifth dunya will
Accra, hula Iike dos Alladhina are those who have it that are maloom their deeds are nullified, they're wasted, they have become worthless, how better is the route and her bolt of deeds is when they are wasted. So there will be no good outcome, no reward whatsoever, no benefit, and our man is the plural of our mind. So heavy thoughts are maloom for dunya will ask you in the world and in the Hereafter. This is a second consequence second punishment and the third punishment, woman Loma Nazarene and they will have no helpers at all. And Ramallah whom they do not have. So this means two things. They have no helpers. Now, so this means that in the world, if they do have some helpers,
sooner or later those helpers will abandon them. And there are many times when such people find no helpers, no one to cooperate with them. And in the Hereafter, especially, they will have no helpers whatsoever. Goma luminosity NurseLine as a plural have now slid and the second punishment that is mentioned over here, that their deeds will be nullified in the world and
in the Hereafter, this means that whatever good they did in the world will bring them no benefit in the next life. So any effort of theirs in the world will bring them no benefit in the hereafter. If they give any charity, if they tried hard to perform certain rituals, Allahu Akbar and they, you know kept ties of kinship, other good deeds all wasted in total for con i a 23. We learned what Kaduna Isla murmee Luminor emmalin Fajr Allahu hubba annemun thorough and we will regard whatever they have done of deeds, and we will make them as dust dispersed dust that is dispersed any How can you collect it? And how can you make anything with it? It's finished, ruined. So this is the outcome
of who those people who reject the verses of Allah who killed the prophets of Allah, and who continue to kill those who command justice among the people. And who are these people? They are those who refuse to surrender to Allah, who refuse to submit their face to Allah, who oppose the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam refused to accept his Deen out of Bali out of jealous animosity. May Allah subhana wa Tada. Guide us all. Inshallah we'll conclude over here subchronic Allah humo behenic A shadow Allah Illa illa Anta Astok Furukawa to LA was Salam alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh