Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2021 J03-037A Translation Al-Baqarah 275-281 Tafsir 275 Part 1

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary ©
The transcript describes various examples of behavior and emotions that cannot be explained in a straight line, including a woman who wants alcohol, a woman who wants alcohol, and a woman who wants alcohol. The importance of giving thanks to those who obtain wealth is also discussed. The speakers discuss various topics related to religion and wealth, including recitation, statement, and news stories. They emphasize the importance of maintaining proper inventory and prices for gold and silver jewelry, as well as avoiding fraud and returning old damaged jewelry. The speakers also emphasize the importance of hand-to-hands exchange for a better price and emphasize the need for proper currency and delayed payment.
AI: Transcript ©
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Salam alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh who are the bIllahi min ash shaytani R rajim Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim wa Salatu was Salam o Allah Saleh al Karim rubbish Rocklea Saudi Wei a silly Emery Wahoo the rock that are melissani of poo Kohli Allahumma Nickleby was sadly Sani was lol Sophie Mata Colby Amenia herbal al Amin, lesson number 37. So little Baqarah verses 275 to 281 translation and levena those who, yet colonna they consume a Reba the interest level not your co Munna they stand INLA except comma, just as your como he stands a lady, the one who yet the hot Burpo who che Tano the shaitan beats him senseless men by means of a mess, demonic possession Raluca that be under Home

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is because indeed they Kalu they said in nama indeed only L by your own the trade myth Lu is same as a Riba the interest What a * Allah Who and Allah has made lawful Albania the trade will have Rama and he has made unlawful a Riba the interest from Andhra who so whoever it comes to him, or Furman, so whoever Jet A who it comes to him Maori Latin and admonition men from rugby his Rob Fanta ha then he seizes, fella who then for him, man is what Salah for it has passed, what Unruh who and his matter. Ila is to Allah He, Allah, woman and whoever either he returns for Allah Iike than those of us who are companions and natty of the fire whom they fee her in it Holly dune will be ones who

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remain eternally em help Allahu Allah destroys a Riba, the interest where you will be and he causes to increase a solder pot the charities will Allah Who and Allah land not you Hibou he loves color every khalfan in extreme disbeliever or extreme in great a themin very sinful, inner indeed Alladhina those who are mono they believed were Emmylou and they did or Solly hurt the righteous deeds were accommo and they established a salata de Sala we're at a wall and they gave us Zika Desica LA home for them a drew home is their reward are in the with Robbie him there Rob Walla and know how often fear or lay him will be upon them well and nor whom they Yeah, his unknown they will

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grieve. Yeah. Are you hurt? Oh Alladhina those who am a no they have believed it the coal you all be conscious of or you all safeguard yourselves from Allah Allah whether it will and you will leave man what Bucky Yeah, it has remained men of a Riba the Interest In Kuntum if you all truly meaning are ones who believe for in then if lamb tough are low, you will do not do for the no then you all be informed, be helping of a war men from Allah He Allah who are solely he and his messenger what in and if doba tome you all turn in repentance, Fela calm then for you all who also is capital and widely come of your wealth. Land not totally Munna you all will wrong wala and Nora to lemon you all

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will be wronged. We're in an F Kana there is the one who possesses a certain difficulty for no libratone than a delay Isla until May Saara a state of ease one and that does Sudoku you all forego as charity. Hi urine is better law calm for you all In Kuntum if you all truly tharla Moon you all know what the call and you will safeguard yourselves from Yeoman a day to Gerona you all will be returned fee in it ILA to Allah He Allah. So Medan to Wafaa. It will be paid in full Kullu every nap since Sol Mao what cassava it earned will home while they learn not yield Lamone they are wrong. All right. Let's listen to the recitation of these verses. Elena kulula. Reba

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Boom we're ready to show you on Miss then

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God Oh

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what I had

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one at the family

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Oh law

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in Hello

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Miss sada

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hola hola Hey buku like a

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saw your hand do you want alcohol Musala

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love them

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don't beat him more powerful

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oh yeah

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double *

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meaning that

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we have been

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mean Allah you all us only why is that

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totally Munna to

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Ghana door salon to

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to meet our level

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what's up?

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Joe levy here in a lot

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Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim Allah Vina yet coluna riba la yaku Munna Illa Kumar your como Ledi. Yet the Humberto who shaytaan Amin el mas, those who consume interest cannot stand except as one who stands who is being beaten by shaitan into insanity. Alladhina yet Kelowna Riba, this example is of those people who consume River and river, as you know is interest usury and it is a forbidden matter it is a major sin. Now this example we see is mentioned in the last part of sootel Bacara. And the command that is being given over here is one of the final commands to be revealed to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam There are reports that mention that this is one of the final matters

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regarding which revelation was given to the Prophet salAllahu alayhi wasallam and this matter is the prohibition of riba in the previous verses Allah subhanaw. Taala encourages those who believe to spend in his obedience to spend for his pleasure and several examples are given to clarify how we should spend what we should spend. We are taught to give from pure earnings and hubby's impure earnings or what is bad is condemned and those who give consistently in obedience to Allah azza wa jal are praised and they are promised a Jonah Aleem a huge reward. They're promised forgiveness of sins. And in this verse and the following verses we learn about the fate the outcome of those people

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who deal with interest who unlawfully obtained the wealth of people that there is severe punishment for them, there is punishment of * for such people. So we see a clear contrast over here, that there are those people whom Allah subhanaw taala loves because of how they obtain their wealth and how they use their wealth. Those people who earn their wealth lawfully and they spend it in the way of Allah, such people will be free of fear and regret in the hereafter. Allah subhanaw taala loves such people and He praises them in these verses. And the opposite of this group is of those people who oppose Allah who openly disobey Allah who earn their wealth in an unlawful way.

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By committing oppression and such people, what will their condition be in the hereafter that they will not be able to stand properly even on the Day of Judgment, they will only stand like someone who is beaten by insanity by shaytaan. Any like someone who is possessed by the devil, someone who has gone insane who was not able to stand, this is how they will be on the Day of Judgment. Imagine the fear and regret of these people on that day. So, Allah subhanaw taala says here Alladhina yet coluna Riba, those people who consume interest remember that Riba is the opposite of sadaqa riba literally means zyada it is from the root letters raw bear, well, rub wa we learned earlier, Rob,

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what is a raised ground? So Reba is the increase on one's wealth? How does a person increase their wealth by taking from people by exploiting them by taking advantage of their need? Sadaqa which is the opposite of riba apparently, decreases one's wealth, right? When you give your wealth to people, those who are struggling, those who are in a time of need when you give them from your wealth, apparently your wealth decreases, right. Zeba opposite of that, apparently, wealth is increasing when a person is charging interest when a person is taking interest. Allah subhanaw taala tells us in Surah, two room I remember 39 That woman Tatum, Mareeba Leah boo Fe M Wiley Ness, Fela your bore

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in the law, woman, potato, Monza cat into the donor watch Allah, for Allah eco hormone mulberry phone, that whatever you give, for interest to increase within the wealth of people will not increase with Allah meaning on the surface it seems like with riba you are increasing your wealth, but in reality, in the sight of Allah, your wealth is not increasing. In contrast what you give Inza cat seeking the face of Allah, those are the multipliers it is those people whose wealth is truly increasing. So Riba, it is called riba because on the surface, it seems like wealth is increasing. In reality, it's not increasing in the sign of Allah in the hereafter. It's not increasing, but

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according to people, all right, near them, it seems as if it's increasing. So this is Riba. And what is mentioned over here is Alladhina. Yet coluna Riba, those people who consume who eat Riba and yet Karuna is from UCLA UCLA Kuru Hamza cataflam is to eat, but remember that the word akl is not limited to eating your solid food alone, a kill is also used for consumption in general. So for example, a person may drink something they obtained through the ABA or they may wear something they obtained through the Riba or they may live in a house or drive a car or wear gold jewelry, which they obtained through dibba. All of that is included in yet coluna Riba and eating especially has

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been mentioned over here because what does eating signify greed? Right? So those who greedily consume and take River and the fact is that those who receive labor, then certainly there is a level of greed in such people that they are greedy for that increased percentage, even if that percentage may be very little, but they're greedy for it. And eating also has been mentioned, because the main objective of you know earning money is what so you can put food on the table. And also a large portion of your earnings go into what? into your groceries. So Alinea, Kelowna, Reba, those who eat Riba remember eating over here doesn't just mean eating ribeye in the form of food, but it includes

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any form of consumption. Now, like I mentioned earlier, rebar means as the other right. So, what is the definition of rebar how is it defined that ABA is Melosa it all right, it is the increased wealth that comes about as a result of lending once money okay. So basically it is to make more money, how by lending it, so it is the profit that one makes on a loan, all right on a loan. So it is defined as Kulu Kerbin Giovanna fun for Hawa ribbon, okay. could look have been meaning every loan, Jeff enough fun that draws a profit for Hawa ribbon, then that profit that a

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additional amount that increase that is riba Okay, so every loan that draws a profit is riba it is interest. And Riba is of many different kinds that are Aloma classified in three categories. So there's basically three types of Riba. The first type of riba All right is riba agile, okay Reba, agile, agile as in term. So, it is the interest that is fixed on a loan, okay on lending a loan. So, for example, a person lends a loan under condition that more will be returned to him. So a person lends $1,000 on the condition that 1200 will be paid back to him when the loan is due. All right, so he gave 1000 And he's taking back 1200. So you see how apparently the money has increased All right,

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and that increase the 200 the Zap it, what is that 200 It is the Riba All right, it is interest. So this is called riba agent and this is the most common and most prevalent form of Nouba. The second type of Riba is called Riba and NESEA. And a NESEA means to defer. Okay to delay. So this is similar to riba allergen but there is a slight difference and that difference is that a person lends a loan, all right for a specified time. And when it's payable, the debtor asks for an extension, okay. So, for instance, a person person why lends $1,000.02 person Z, all right. And he says that returned my money to me within six months. Now, what happens after six months, person Z comes and says, I don't

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have the money, I need another month, all right, I need another month, please, I don't have anything right now. So, a person why says fine, you can take another month. In fact, you can take two months, three months on whichever time you want, but then you have to give me 1200 In total, all right. So he charges interest now, when when there is an extension, okay, when the debtor asks for an extension and this is also something very common these days, some student loans are like that, that for example, you have two years after graduation to pay off the entire loan and if you pay it off, there is no interest that is charged, but if you extend So, if you take more than two years, if you

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want another year, if you want several more months or whatever extension that you ask for then you have to pay interest. So the interest is only charged after the extension All right. Visa bill is also like that, if you pay the visa bill, when it is due no interest is charged, but if you do not pay on time, then what happens? Interest is charged so this is the Riba and nisi okay and NESEA which is the river of delay of deferment, okay, when you ask for an extension, the third type of Riba and this type of Riba is not commonly known because it is only mentioned in the Sunnah. All right, and this type of Riba is called riba al fadul. Okay, follow means surplus, right? And this

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type of Riba is specific to two things. It is specific to currencies, and secondly, foods that are sold by weight, or volume. All right. Now there's a hadith in which we learned that Bilal will de la Mourinho and this hadith is mentioned in Buhari that Bilal Radi Allahu Anhu brought some Bernie dates to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and these dates are, you know, good ones, more expensive ones. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he knew the financial condition of Bilello de la hornos. So he asked him, Where did you get these from? Subhanallah de la noir and who replied that I had some inferior type of dates and I exchanged two SAR of that SAR is a measure of

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volume. All right, I exchanged two SAR of that for one Tsar of Bernie dates. So what's happening? He exchanged two SAR of inferior quality dates for one Tsar of superior quality dates. All right. And he said I did that so I could serve them to you O messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and the prophets of Allah who earlier said and replied, a wah wah, or you know libera or you know, libre, he said, this is definitely Riba. This is exactly what Riba is. Don't do so. And he said, If

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You want to buy a superior kind of dates, then sell the inferior dates for money and then buy the superior kind of dates with that money. All right. So what is it about and follow the rebel follow is basically when a person adds to the amount of what they possess, all right, how? By exchanging one item for another item of the same type, but of different quantities. All right. Now there is a Hadith in which we learned the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that there have been the hubby will fill blood to be filled but he will baru Bilbo riba share it'll be share Ed with tomorrow be temporary, while mill herbal mill Hey methylome be method Sawa bissa yiadom beard that gold is to

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be paid for by gold meaning sell gold in exchange of equivalent gold and sell silver in exchange of equivalent silver sell wheat in exchange for equivalent wheat barley for barley dates by dates salt by salt, all right. So there's six commodities that are mentioned here. And these six commodities are mentioned in many a hadith All right, and these six commodities are called um while Raba Ouija alright meaning they are those specific commodities, which have to be bought and sold in a certain way to avoid interest. All right. So, the Prophet sallahu alayhi wa sallam said with regard to the six commodities that like for like equal for equal and payment being made on the spot, what does

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this mean? This means that when you are exchanging these six commodities like for like, Okay, so for example below the law Mourinho he was exchanging dates for dates, right? He wanted to give the dates that he had to get the other dates all right. So when you are selling or buying these six commodities, like for like, okay meaning the same kind of goods for the same goods. So gold for gold, silver for silver dates for dates, in Hadith also, what is mentioned is barley for barley, wheat for wheat, and salt for salt. So these six things, then remember these six commodities can only be bought and sold with two conditions. Okay, with two conditions. What are these two

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conditions? I want everyone to focus on this right now and then inshallah we'll talk about the one who gives interest and other matters. So, what are the two conditions the first condition is that it has to be equal for equal the Prophet salallahu alayhi salam said, so what be So, meaning the weight or the volume has to be identical, it has to be the same. So for example, you cannot sell a greater weight of inferior quality gold jewelry, for lesser weight of superior quality of gold jewelry. Okay. So for instance, if you have a gold ring, that is three grams, for instance, okay, three grams of gold, but it is old, right? It is crashed or it is bent. There's wear and tear, it's old, all

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right. Now, you will go to a jeweler and you want to get a new gold ring. All right. And what do you do you give Him you give the jeweler your ring of three grams and next change you take a gold ring of two grams, all right, this is rubber, this is rubber. Because the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told us that it has to be Salah visa equal for equal when it comes to these six commodities, it has to be equal for equal you're engaging in exchanging gold for gold, then it has to be of equal quantity or equal amount. All right, the second condition is it has to be as the Prophet sallallahu oralism said and Hadith yet and be at hand to hand meaning it has to be on the spot exchange, the

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exchange has to be immediate, it cannot be delayed. So for example, same ring, you go to the jeweler, and you say here is my ring that weighs three grams. And next week, you can give me a new ring weighing three grams. All right, next week, liar juice. This is not permissible. Why is it not permissible? Because within a week, what's going to happen the price of gold can increase or decrease, right? And these six things are such that their market value increases and decreases sometimes in the course of one day significantly.

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and sometimes you know because of demand of certain food products or season etcetera, there can be a huge difference in the value from morning until evening or from one day until the end of the week. So be as six commodities when you're exchanging like for like, than two conditions equal for equal, and secondly, hand to hand. All right. However, the Prophet sallallahu lucidum also said, he said that for either gonna have a tabula or snaffle phobia, okay for short term either cannot yet and be it, that if these classes differ than sell as you wish, If payment is made on the spot, so when not like for like so, for example, you give your ring of three grams in exchange for a ring made of

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silver. All right, a five grams, so three grams of gold to obtain five grams of silver. Is that permissible? Yes, it is. Yes, it is. Why? Because you're not exchanging gold for gold, you're exchanging gold for silver. All right. So what is the condition now the only condition is hand to hand, meaning a deferred payment is not allowed in the sense that if you're going to exchange gold for silver, for instance, you cannot make the payment one week later, you have to make the payment on the spot. Why? Because again, over the course of the week, etc, what's going to happen, the value is going to change, the market value is going to change. And that difference, all right, will be

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river. So for example, if the jeweler is taking an extra one gram of gold from you, then that difference is riba that one gram is a river. All right. Now, what if I fuddle is prohibited? Why because it leads to exploitation, right? And it is something that can lead to interest. Now the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam also said that if anyone gives more or asks more, okay, so for example, you are going to the jewelers, and you want to just give away that old damaged jewelry that perhaps doesn't fit you anymore, you don't mind giving it away for a lesser weight of gold in exchange, even that is wrong. All right, even that is wrong because the prophets of Allah who are

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new Salam prohibited giving and taking in such a transaction. Both are guilty, the Prophet salallahu alayhi salam said, the receiver and the giver are equally guilty. And all of these Hadith that I've quoted here are from Sahih Muslim. Now, practically speaking, how does this apply in our daily lives? Because, you know, a person might say, well, we don't exchange dates anymore. You know, we don't exchange barley and things like that. The thing is, when it comes to gold jewelry, or even silver jewelry, a lot of women are unaware of this, a lot of women do not know how to sell their gold jewelry lawfully and buy newer jewelry, in exchange in a way that is lawful. So practically

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speaking, if you are exchanging, for example, an old gold ring for a new one, then remember the rule is it has to be at the same weight, even though yours is old, and the jewelers is new. Right? Even though there's a huge difference. But when it comes to gold, and silver, this was currency at the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. All right. So you cannot sell four grams of gold for three grams of gold. So how do you buy a new ring with an old one? How do you do that? You do that by selling your old gold ring for the current market value in exchange for cash. So for example, you go to the jeweler, and you ask him, How much would you pay for this? All right, and he says, you

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know, by weight today, this is the rate of gold. And since this jewelry is broken, it's not really salvageable. We're just gonna have to melt it and you know, et cetera. So I would say it is $2,000, for example. All right, so you agree to that price and he gives you $2,000 in cash. All right, now you have the cash. Now, you can go around the jewelry store, and you find another gold ring, which is one and a half grams of gold, for example. All right. And on that is also a stone, it's not solid gold, there's a stone on it. And that ring happens to be $2,000 for instance, so you can pay cash and buy that ring. So this is how you buy and sell gold. If you are selling gold for gold than it

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has to be equal weight. It doesn't matter how old one is our fancy one is what shape or form it is. You go by weight. All right. And if there is a difference

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It's in the weight, then you have to sell what you have for cash. And then you purchase what you want with cash. All right, this applies to gold and silver. It does not apply to diamonds, or stones and things like that it only applies to gold and silver. This is the proper way. All right. What about currency? Because I mentioned Gold, Silver dyrham is gold coin. This was currency at the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. A person might say, well, we don't use gold coins, silver coins these days? Yes, but we use cash and currency. Because golden silver was currency. The same rule applies to currency today. All right. So for example, if you want to buy 1000 US dollars, okay,

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for 950 US dollars, would that be permissible? No, it is not permissible. Why? Because the currency is the same. Okay, why would a person do that, for instance, two people, one wants $100 bills, all right, and the other one has loose change or old builds, and then exchange their bills, basically, so that, you know, the person can have the exact builds that they want. So in that exchange, you have to make sure that both parties get what they gave, even though now the bills are different, but the total amount should be the same. There shouldn't be any loss on the part of one end gain on the part of the other person. All right, it has to be same when you are exchanging bills. But if the

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currency is different, okay, if the currency is different, then yes, you can buy 1000 US dollars for 1200 Canadian dollars. Absolutely. You can. All right. But what is the condition? The Prophet sallallahu earlier said and told us that when the commodities are different, all right, then there's only one condition which is hand to hand. Okay? Meaning the exchange must be hand to hand on the spot, there should not be any delay. So for example, you ask your brother, you're traveling to the states, you ask him, Hey, do you have US dollars? And he says, Yes, I do. And you say, Okay, I want 1000. And he says, Okay, I'll give it to you for 1200. Canadian, and you say, okay, so you take his

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1000 US dollars, and you say, oh, I'll just give you your Canadian dollars, like three days later, you cannot do that. You have to give him the Canadian dollars. Now. Why? Because three days later, it's possible that the value of US dollars and Canadian dollars is the same, right? So three days later, you might say, Well, no, I don't think I should give you 1200 I should just give you 1000 Because the rate has changed. So it's not fair. All right, you have to make the exchange on the spot. All right, you cannot delay the payment. Another example is of gift cards. Okay? Sometimes what happens is that, you know, a person has a gift card from, let's say, Toys R Us. All right, they

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have $100 gift card from Toys R Us, and they're not gonna buy anything. They don't need to get anything from Toys R Us. So what happens now that gift card is just sitting with them. And it's this money that is just stuck, right? So they say, how about I sell it for $70? And somebody says, Sure, I'll buy it off of you for $70 Is that Riba? No, it is not Riba. Why, because that gift card is not cash. It's not currency. Okay, if it was currency, you would be able to use it anywhere. But a Toys R Us gift card, you can only use in that toy store, you cannot use it in your grocery store, it doesn't have cash value, right it only has value at that particular store. So you can sell it for a

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lesser or greater price. That would not be river. So in summary, rebel funnel is what when a person exchanges two commodities of the same kind, but different weights. All right, different weights or delayed payment. This is a double funnel. And to avoid the double funnel, what are we going to do that when we are exchanging two commodities of the same kind and remember, this isn't just any commodity these are specifically six things all right. And based on that the rhythm I have said that these six things are what gold and silver is currency, right? And the other foods dates barley, wheat salt, these are what these are foods that are sold by weight or volume. Okay, so any food that

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is sold by weight or volume, if you're exchanging like for like, then you have to make sure that you're

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Selling equal for equal and you're selling hand to hand. However, if you are not selling these commodities for like for like, it's not a like for like exchange. So for example, you're selling gold for silver or barley for dates or salt for wheat, one currency for another, then the only condition is that the exchange be immediate right hand to hand, and you cannot take from the seller what he's selling, and tell him, I'll pay you in a week, no, you have to make the payment there, all right. So, this is Rebel follow and I hope that you have at least taken the practical aspect from it, there is a lot more detail to it will follow. And of course, this is not a class on the fifth of

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you know, rebar and things like that. But for practicality purposes, I really wanted to mention this because many, many women are unaware of this matter, they will go to the jewelers, they will exchange their old jewelry, which is of inferior quality for a greater weight of superior quality jewelry, and like that they are consuming interest. So this is something extremely dangerous, we must be aware. And if you would like to read up on this, you can read up the section on Riba in the book ninhydrin Muslim, right? It's an English and it's very helpful. So inshallah you can benefit from that. Now, one thing I want to make clear is that by delayed payment, I don't mean any kind of

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delayed payment is not allowed. It is for these six commodities specifically, okay, specifically, that is not permissible. So for example, if you go buy a sofa, it is for $1,500. And the seller tells you you don't have to pay me on the spot. You can, you know, pay installments, as long as you are paying 1500 It's fine. All right, delayed payment is permissible. You can, you know, have a tab at the restaurant, grocery store, you know, things like that. It's permissible, but when it comes to these six commodities, then these rules apply.

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