Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2021 J03-036E Tafsir Al-Baqarah 271 Part 2 and 272

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the history of Islam and emphasizes the importance of focusing on what is giving, not just the amount. They stress the importance of purifying one's intentions to become better and to make their intentions stronger. The speaker also advises not to spend too much on oneself and to focus on what is giving, not just the amount. They stress the importance of purifying one's intentions for their benefit and making their intentions stronger.
AI: Transcript ©
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Why you kufuor I'm convinced a ye T comb, and he will remove from you all some of your sins. You can't fill any Allah will remove from you some of your sins when, when you give sadaqa and especially when you give sadaqa secretly, Allah will remove some of your sins. Now the word you cut through is from Kapha Cafaro you cafiero is to cover to conceal and go follow them is to conceal a sin, all right, and not just to conceal a sin, but Kufa is to any unknown the sin or know the sin. You see there is the concept of a belt with respect to good deeds, you're about to have good deeds is that the good deeds are canceled out wasted, right? Like for example, a person gives charity

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follows it with money and react, what's gonna happen there charity is an old, it's wasted, right? There is no reward. Now, the opposite of the rebel is that feed that feed is off sins. And what that means is that the sin is removed, it is canceled out. All right. So you caffeine or uncommon CRT calm this teaches us that sadaqa is a FARA, any sadhaka cancels out sins, just as other good deeds cancel out or remove sins. For example, when you make wudu than what happens your sins get washed away. When you make the cut. Again, your sins are removed. Likewise, when you give sadaqa than what happens your sins are removed from you they're canceled from your record, they are an old any they

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no longer carry any weight, you will no longer be responsible for them. Allah subhanaw taala will remove that burden from you when you cut food or unconvinced the article and say you act is the plural of the word. So yeah, from the root letter seen while Hamza evil deed. So Allah will remove some of your sins from you notice it has not been said all of your sins, okay means a year taken. Why? Because in this is a slight encouragement that keep giving, do not think that the sadaqa that you gave five months ago is enough to remove all of your sins, you need to keep giving. All right, in this is an indication that we should not consider our sadaqa to be enough, we should keep giving

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more and more. We should keep purifying our intentions even more. We should keep making our sadaqa even more secret until all our sins are expiated for so are you curfew are uncommon. So he article in a hadith we learned the Prophet sallallahu alayhi salam said in this hadith is in Behati, that a man's trial regarding his wife, children and neighbors is expiated by the prayer sadaqa and doing what is right. Okay. And what it means by a man's trial regarding his wife, or his children or his neighbors is where a person falls short in their duty towards them. Okay, for example, you see people who are closest to you, you know, one theory of domestic violence, I'm not saying domestic

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violence is okay. But what I'm saying is that one theory of domestic violence why it happens is because of proximity, okay? Any just because someone is close to you. All right, it means that they will suffer at your hands. Okay. And of course, there's extreme situations, but you can see how if you're in a bad mood, or if you have a headache, you have a headache, you're not even in a bad mood, you have a headache, and your children are acting like children do. Okay? They're making noise or they start bickering or you know, with one another, they do something, you know, doing rough play, whatever, what will happen because of your headache, you will get annoyed. All right, and eventually

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there will come a point where you will yell at them, your own children. So just because your children are close to you, all right, they will suffer at your hands, they will get hurt. This is not an excuse, or a justification for harshness, or for rudeness or for inflicting harm on others or even for abuse, no way. But this shows us that when people are close to us where they benefit from us they also suffer at our hands. Sometimes we realize and other times we don't even realize inadvertently, we cause harm and hurt to people who are closest to us to the people who deserve all the love and admiration and support from us, but we end up hurting them. And sometimes we don't even

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realize, for example, the Hadith Allah mentions your neighbors, right? Your neighbors you don't intend to harm them. You don't intend to annoy them. But what happens just because

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You live next to them, you inadvertently cause harm to them. You know, for example, I'm teaching from home right now, earlier in the day, I realized that our neighbors were mowing their lawn, and I was really hoping that they would be done by the time I begin class, because the noise would be, you know, difficult to bear while in class. So it's not that my neighbors are trying to harm me. No, it's a Saturday morning, and then Saturday morning, people tend to their yards, and if that's what they want to do, that they're allowed to do that, but because I live close to them, you know, I am going to suffer to some extent, because of them and vice versa. Alright, vice versa. So, when these

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things happen, and we have hurt the people who are around us, inadvertently, we have harmed them, we have annoyed them, we have brought them discomfort, then there must be something to remove all that burden, all that sin that we have accumulated, right. So the Prophet salallahu alayhi salam gave us good news. He said that all of this is expiated by what by Salah by sadaqa. And by doing what is right, so when you cut fuel or unconvince a article when you give sadaqa then what happens, your sins are removed from you, Allah is the One who removed sins. So while you can feed our unconvincing article, in a hadith we learned the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that in a sadhaka

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lotfy, or an LE her Halal Qubool that sadaqa extinguishes the heat of the graves from its inhabitants. And this shows us that there is heat in the graves there is punishment in the grave. Right? So how do you protect yourself from that punishment from that tribulation in the grave? We learn Hadith through sadaqa. So this shows us that when we give sadaqa we are preparing our graves for ourselves. Right. And also this teaches us that we should give sadaqa on behalf of our loved ones who have passed away to bring them ease in their graves. And another Hadith We also learn that a sadhaka to tooth fatale hottie Atacama youth we all met on now that sadaqa extinguishes sins just

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as water extinguishes fire, Allahu Akbar. So this teaches us that, you know, there is a sin that you know, you do. You know, for example, you know about a certain trait of yours because of which people around you get annoyed or their life becomes difficult. Or, you know, that there's, you know, a sin that you committed this morning or yesterday or in your youth and, you know, the reminder of those sins, just recalling those sins, it's very heavy on you. So give sadaqa where you can feel or uncommon say or take home. We also learn in a hadith that sadaqa to surgery, don't feel heard about Rob that giving sadaqa secretly, okay, what it does is that it extinguishes the anger of the Lord,

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any, Allah subhanaw taala will no longer be angry with you, when you give sadaqa secretly and you see, especially when you have sinned secretly, then give sadaqa secretly and if you have sinned openly, then give sadaqa openly All right, so when you Kofi run con men say tickle, wala who be mohtarma Luna Habib and Allah of whatever you do is fully aware. Allah subhanaw taala is fully aware of whatever that you do. So give and in this is encouragement that gives her the call whether a lot or a little in this is encouragement that gives a Dhaka openly and secretly and in this is also a warning that Allah knows what you do. Allah knows all the sins that you have been committing that

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you're committing now and you may not be aware will Allah who be mad Dharma Luna hubby and in this is also a warning that check your intentions? Check your manner gives other COVID Sincere sincerity in Surah Toba Iowan 21 We learn Willa Yun Fukunaga, cotton cellulite and wala kabhi rotten and at the end of the ayah it says that Allah will any a good deed is recorded for them for what? For spending something small or big. Okay, so give small charity, big charity and as we learn at the beginning of the aisle give sadaqa openly and privately in sort of faltered I have 29 Allah's panel Tara says in Alladhina yet Luna Kitab Allah will come Salah will unfuckable me Mara's apna whom said

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run wala Nia 10 Your unity Jonathan land taboo. Those people who recite the book of Allah established Salah and spend out of what We have given them secretly and openly

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They are the ones who look forward to a trade, the profit of which will never ever any fail. This is a trade that will never bring any loss to a person. In other words, any This is certainly beneficial investment, what is among other good deeds giving sadaqa secretly and openly in Surat Ibrahim i A 31 Allah subhanaw taala says O Leary bad the Alladhina amanu say to my slaves who have believed tell them that they should up masala they should establish Salah where Yun Fukami models of Nahum Simran Wallonia tun and they should spend out of what We have given them secretly and openly in public and yet to Mullah by your own v you are lucky lull before a day comes in which there is no trade and no

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friendship, any give secretly and openly. You see, sometimes we hesitate, giving sadaqa or we change our mind, because people are watching, because people are there because people will find out. Don't let the presence or absence of people affect your actions. Stop worrying about people and stop worrying about what people say have said might say, don't care about people. Because like I mentioned earlier, there will always be those who criticize, if you give a lot they say show off if you give little they say Allah is not in need of this. If you give secretly so that they don't find out they say, Oh, he's so stingy never gives. If you give openly so that they find out they say want

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to show off. If you don't give again they will say stingy, there is no way that you can satisfy the Shailene among people, really. And we see that the hypocrites at the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam they criticized all of the believers the rich and the poor. Anyone who gives her the they criticize them in Surah Toba is 79, we learn Alladhina al Missoulian motto weariness and Mininova sadaqa those who criticize the contributors among the believers concerning their charities meaning those who bring a huge contribution. What do the hypocrites do? They criticize them that Oh, what a show off? He's giving 1000s openly What a show off. And then what leadin Elia gtuner, Elijah

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the home, they also criticize the ones who find nothing to spend except their effort. So we learned in Hadith about how, you know someone would bring a handful of dates and hypocrites would criticize Allah is not in need of this handful of dates, meaning this is useless, this is not going to make any difference, you might as well not give. So the hypocrites this is their way that they criticize the rich and the poor, those who give a lot and those who give little. And then we see that they even criticize the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam in Surah Toba 58 Women who may ill Mizuka this other part among them is he who criticizes you in regard to the charities. So, in this idea, we

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learned that we should give for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala without care of any commentators, any spectators, you know what people might say, Give give anyway and this will actually bring you sincerity. This will actually purify your intention even more, because you are choosing to ignore what people are saying when people might say and you focus entirely on Allah azza wa jal and his pleasure and you give and this is what sincerity means. Then Allah subhanaw taala tells us lay Sarah Laker who their home Lisa it is not a Laker upon you meaning it is not your duty, it is not do on you it is not your responsibility to do what who their home their guidance, it is not your job to

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ensure that people are guided what I can Elia de mania shot, but indeed it is Allah who guides whomever he wants, guidance is in the hands of Allah, it is not in your hand and Huda home yeah, the both of these words are from the root letters had Alia who that guidance. Now how is this ayah connected to the verses about charity? There is a context behind the revelation of this IO. If at our best we'll deal with Mourinho, he reported that among the people, meaning among the Muslims, there were those who had relatives who were not believers, any they had non Muslim relatives, all right, relatives who were Mushnik or relatives who were from the binocular ala banana lead you

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neither were Jews, and these Muslims would not spend on their non Muslim relatives. All right, they will not be generous toward them, and why in a way they wanted them to accept Islam first. All right, that if you accept Islam, then we will give you otherwise we won't. Okay, so Allah subhanaw taala teaches us

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stet it is not your responsibility to guide them to ensure that people are guided and then you only give sadaqa to those who are rightly guided. No guidance is in the hands of Allah, you have to give regardless of you know what the spiritual state of people is. Now this requires some clarification. First of all remember that za cat is a cat is for the Muslims from the Muslims, there's only one category which is for non Muslims inshallah we can learn more about that later on. But in general, remember that zoo cat is for who for Muslims, from the Muslims because the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that the cat will be taken from their wealthy and given to their poor. So a Muslim

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gives the cat therefore a Muslim receives the cat, okay. But when it comes to voluntary charity to low work sadaqa that is for everyone. Because in Hades, we learned there is reward for giving charity to every possessor of cupboard liver, meaning every living creature basically, whether human or animal, and even when it comes to humans, it doesn't matter whether they are old or young, from your race, or a different race from your country or another country, they're Muslim or not, it doesn't matter when there is a human need. Okay, then you must help fulfill that need. All right. And we learned that when the mother of a smart little deal more in her, she came to visit her after

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the sort of who they be. And at the time, her mother was not a Muslim, she was still a Malika she expected some financial help from her daughter. And so a smart Allah de la Mora as the prophets of Allah who are it isn't about what she should do in the Prophet sallallahu where it is that I'm told her that she should spend on her mother. And yes, her mother was a non Muslim at the time. So this means that you don't have to ensure the Islam or the piety of the one you are giving sadaqa to. Okay, you give sadaqa to someone for whose benefit primarily for your own benefit. Okay, so that you get reward from Allah subhanaw taala. And yes, you also give in order to help alleviate or fulfilled

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some human need. All right, in total inside aid, we learn Wildberry monotaro. Marla who beam is Kenan way a team and what a Syrah the people of paradise, the righteous, who are they, there are ones who feed who give food in spinal love for it, to who to the one in need to the orphan and to the prisoner. Okay, and who would be a prisoner with the Muslims who would be brought in as a captive, someone who's not almost them, someone who's an enemy to the Muslims, right? So giving them food means giving charity to them. So this is permissible. In rural Montana, I ate Allah subhanaw taala says lay and how come Allah who are in Medina Lemieux? Call to confer Deen? Well, let me offer

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the DuCommun dare come and talk about Rohan. What took Seto lie in Allah herbal Monkseaton that Allah does not forbid you from those who do not fight you because of religion and do not expel you from your homes. Meaning Allah does not forbid you from being righteous toward them and acting justly toward them. Indeed, Allah loves those who act justly. So what does it mean by being righteous toward them? That you are generous to them you spend on them? Okay. Now, some people, what they say is that I have seen this where they will for example, ask a child, are you muslim before giving him charity? Are you muslim? And you will say yes, okay, read the kalamar to me, recite Surah

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Fatiha first recite Surah AirFloss first recite the surah first tell me this first, tell me that first. And finally, when the poor child is interrogated about Islam, then he is given five rupees or $5 or whatever. This is not correct that you set Islam as a condition. No, you do not set guidance as a condition for sadaqa. Certainly, you can encourage people, okay, but you don't set that as a condition that oh, if you're not Muslim, I'm sorry. I'm not going to give you if you don't know the Kalima, I'm not going to give you if you don't pray five times a day, I'm not going to give you this is not correct. In a hadith leader. And in fact, this hadith is in Behati, that a man said that I

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must give some sadaqa and he went out with the sadaqa in this was in the night, and he put it in the hand of a thief. So he was eager to give sadaqa secretly, right and he put the Sudoku in the hand of the first person he came across and that person happened to be a thief. So the next day people said that someone gives her the car to a thief. So the man said, Oh Allah all praises yours, I will give you the target. So he went out with the sadaqa and this time he put it in the hand of an adulterous. Now what happened the next day again, people said that he had given sadaqa in the night to an adulterous The man said, Oh Allah praise is yours. I gave it to an adulterous I will have to give

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South Africa. So he went out with the sadaqa and put it in the hands of a rich man. The next day people said that so the had been given to a rich man. So the man said, Allah praises yours I have given sadaqa to a thief, and adulterous and enrichment. Right? Now, the man was really worried that what's happening? Maybe my sadaqa is not being accepted. So then someone came to him and said, Your sadaqa to a thief might make him abstain from stealing, what you gave to the adulterous might make her abstain from her fornication, and what you gave to the rich man might make him reflect so that he will spend out of what Allah has given him. So you give and you don't know what good Allah

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subhanaw taala will bring out of your charity. So you see how the man was told that your sadaqa will prevent the thief from stealing the Zania from committing Zina. It will encourage the rich person to give so you give an Allah will bring good out of your Santa Pola Kena La Jolla diminisher. It is Allah who guides whomsoever he wants, right? So you give and don't interrogate people about their Islam or their hedaya their commitment to Allah, their commitment to Islam give and perhaps because of your generosity, people will be eager to learn about what Islam is right? They will be eager to emulate you they will be eager to do what you're doing. So what are kin ally idemia Shah? It is

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Allah who guides and of course what is meant by guidance over here is he Daya tofield because of course the prophets of Allah who where it is and then was sent as a guide meaning to convey all right, so you have to convey the message but you cannot force people to accept in Nicoletta demon bapta. Right. One I don't we come in Hayden Foley unfussy calm and whatever you spend min height and have good meaning any good thing you spend fairly unfussy calm than it is for yourselves. Now, this teaches us two things. First of all, this teaches us that we should focus on what we are giving, okay, what we are giving, sometimes we are overly concerned about who we are giving to are they

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Muslim? Are they like this? What are they going to do with it? No, look at what you are giving, you know, sometimes Subhan Allah, we are giving 25 cents to the person who is begging for money at the traffic light. Okay, and we start judging that poor person that oh, he's a drug addict is homeless because he does drugs. All right. And because he drinks alcohol, and because he commits crimes, and does this, and he does this, and he does this, you are so overly obsessed about his mistakes. Have you seen the amount of charity you're giving 25 cents $1 $2. Honey, focus on what you're giving, and stop being overly concerned about the actions of people leave that between them and their Lord. And

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you focus on what you are giving, try to purify that give it in an excellent way, give it in an honorable way, and give it with sincerity so that it brings you some benefit. So sometimes we judge other people, whereas we should be judging ourselves. So we're not going to communicate and first of all, focus on what you are giving, make sure it is good. And something is good when it's of good quality and also it's given with good intention. Secondly, we learned that whatever we spend, then fully unfussy come it is for yourselves it is for your own benefit. So keeping the context of the idea in mind, this shows us that even if a person has non Muslim relatives they should spend on

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them. All right, of course, they're not eligible for as a cat, but they're always eligible for sadaqa and other gifts. All right. Likewise, if you have neighbors, if you have friends, coworkers, classmates, you know people that you around, and yes, they are not Muslim, or they're not practicing Muslims or they are, you know, openly committing certain sins, you can still give them something and you never know, through your giving. They might be guided. And when you give something it's for your benefit. First and foremost, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that every Muslim should give sadaqa every Muslim Okay, ala kulli Muslim in sadaqa this hadith in Bukhari so the people ask

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that what if a person has nothing to give? The Prophet sallallahu or in Islam said he should get work and earn something and give sadaqa the people asked What if he cannot get any? Any What if a person is not able to find any work? Or he's not able to make any money or even if he does, it's not sufficient for himself? How can you give sadaqa the Prophet sallallahu already said he should help someone troubled by it.

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Eat, they said, If he cannot find anyone, he said he should do what is right and refrain from evil that is sadaqa for him. Right? In another Hadees, we learned in the morning charities do from every bone in the body of every one of you. So you have to give so focus on yourself, stop obsessing over other people, and whether they are worthy or deserving or not. Focus on yourself. Because sometimes, you know, we have such a bad habit. We give so the clip to someone, and then we want to know what they did with it. Did they actually use it? Did they sell it? Did they fake their need before us and now they're, you know, taking advantage of what we gave them and et cetera. Don't worry about people

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worry about yourself, you need to give her the cover your own benefit, or my don't feel common Hayden Foley unphysical. Woman don't feel cornered in lab Tila or chilla. And you do not spend except seeking the face of Allah. Allah don't feel corner Illa except if the HA et de la bella Ania, to seek what he loved the face of Allah. Now this is Hubbard, all right, you do not spend except to seek the face of Allah. But in this statement that we are being informed off is actually a prohibition that beware, don't choose spend except for the sake of Allah. Be very careful. Okay? Don't choose spend except for the face of Allah. And in this statement is also fin up praise for

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those who spend for the sake of Allah, that you spend seeking the face of Allah, this is admirable, this is excellent. And this is exactly how you should give sadaqa. And you see what is mentioned over here, you spend seeking the face of Allah, you know, when you're doing something, anything, sometimes the faces of people come to your mind, right? Like, for example, you are doing something and you know that your mom would like it. And you think of your mother and you can see her mother's face and in your head, right? Or you think that you know, if my grandmother saw me doing this, you'd be very happy and you think of your grandmother's face, you can see it in your head. And this is

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very normal, that when you think of someone you see that in your head, right? Here we are being taught that when we give something we should do it, seeking the face of Allah, we have not seen the face of Allah. This is a privilege that Allah subhanaw taala has reserved only for his righteous slaves on the Day of Judgment. Right. This is a reward that the believers will receive a privilege and honor that they will receive in the hereafter. So we are being given a goal over here, that purify your intention, purify your intention, give only for the pleasure of Allah, seeking his face, striving for that moment, when you will see Allah and Allah will be pleased with you. Don't you want

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that. So if you want that, then keep giving and keep purifying your intention. Stop focusing on people that they should become better, rather focus on yourself that your intention should become better. Now, sometimes, you know when we are giving sadaqa it feels like we are wasting our money, we're losing it, it's going away. It's not going away. It's being saved. Right because when you give you're giving it for yourselves meaning you will find it with Allah and you give for the face of Allah with sincerity that means you will certainly find the reward for it multiplied many times over on the Day of Judgment. So spend with sincerity right? Because remember Allah subhanaw taala does

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not accept any deed except that which is purely for his sake. Right. And we learned in sort of the room i a 38 for RT the portable haka, who will Myskina webinars Sybil that give to the relative his right and to the one in need and to the traveler that Lika hyrulean Medina UD Duna which holla that is better for those people who seek the face of Allah Allah eco humble monthly Hoon, and it is those who will be successful. In a hadith we learned mental sadhaka be sada Katyn et la mochila huitema. Allah will be her the halal Jana, whoever spends in order to seek the face of Allah and ends on that end from the beginning to the end his intention is sincere for the sake of Allah. Then he will enter

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Jana walmartone feel calm in hiring and whatever you spend of good another indication spend good things you will delay calm, it will be fully repaid to you well into Latin Lamone and you will not be wronged the word you have fun is from wildfire with that is to give in full so whatever you give, then it will be fully repaid to you any when you give for the sake of Allah it's not going waste

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To even when you give half a date, a piece of a date, it's not going waste Allah subhanaw taala will compensate you. Right. Whoever does something of the Latin, Chiron any, an atom's weight of something good, he will see it. Right, there is no injustice. And this teaches us that when you give sadaqa than sadaqa does not reduce your money. The Prophet sallallahu earlier said I'm setting my Nakazato Nakatomi Mel sadaqa does not reduce wealth, what reduces wealth is wastefulness. What reduces wealth is labor. All right, sadaqa does not reduce wealth, it actually increases wealth. We learned in a hadith that Mefa taharah Julian beberapa, yet when you read to be her sletten Eliza,

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the hula hoop via cathedra, that there is no person who opens a door of gift giving, meaning he intends to give gift. All right, why, what's the intention? The goal over here is to mend ties of kinship, mend relationships, join them, then what will happen? Allah subhanaw taala will open the door of increase Guthega abundance for that person. And when you start giving to your relatives, Allah subhanaw taala will increase you in abundance Subhanallah so if you want to grow your money, if you want to have Baraka in your money, then start spending on your relatives, people who are close to you and relatives doesn't just mean that you know, it's only your blood relatives. But you

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see people who are close to you end around you all the time we'll see your wealth, who see your money, you will see your food, who will see your stuff going in and out in spend on them, those who are close to you. And we also learned that when we give something we are actually saving it for ourselves. We learned a hadith that I shall aglow woman who mentioned that they slaughtered a sheep once and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam asked that what remained of it because the meat was sent, you know, different portions were sent to different people. So he asked my bookie I'm in Harare Chateau de la Horan has said that nothing except the shoulder the Prophet sallallahu sallam

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said everything has remained except for the shoulder Subhanallah any what you have kept for yourself and you're going to consume it you're going to eat it that's going to finish but what you gave away what you spent, that is secure and safe with Allah. You will find it with Allah when you meet him. You will find a comp it will be repaid to you in full before we continue, let's listen to the recitation of these verses. And then we'll continue

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this Mala l told you to solder

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he was too full to

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miss a year long remarked on Luna kabhi liaison ego holder

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law Delia

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123 boom in the fiery work

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