Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2021 J02-029B Tafsir Al-Baqarah 215

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The importance of spending one's wealth for the sake of Allah is discussed, including the use of questions to act on knowledge and learning by asking oneself. The speaker emphasizes the need for one's own judgment and letting others make decisions based on their own actions. The importance of giving and spending money on one's wealth is emphasized, along with the need for caution and honoring one's parents' rights. The segment also emphasizes the importance of helping people in need and not just giving them money for something they need.
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Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim yes Aluna Canada Yun fugu when they ask you what they should spend, meaning the Companions as the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam about what they should spend in the way of Allah. Now this is something well known that a believer spends all of his wealth for the sake of Allah for the pleasure of Allah in the way of Allah. And we have learned earlier in Surah Baqarah that the muda clean the people of Taqwa those who are successful, ultimately Hone, are they possess many good qualities. And all of those qualities is that women models are Punahou mewn FICON. That out of what Allah subhanaw taala has given them they spend. So when you want to act on
something, when you want to do something, then you begin to have questions. Okay, how should I do this? How much when where, so the Sahaba, the companions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, when they learned about the importance of something, the benefit of something, when they learned that Allah subhanaw taala likes something, they would want to act upon it, they would want to bring that into their actions. So this is why they had these kind of questions, that what is it that we should spend? How much should we spend? Where should we spend on who? So yes, Aluna comanda, UniFi cone. So their questions were for the sake of aesthetic lamp to really learn something so that they
could act upon it. And questions are necessary for the purpose of learning and for the purpose of action. You know, it is said that a su aliveness, fuller in that the right kind of question is basically half of knowledge. And even our best radula horn who he was asked that, how did you acquire whatever you have acquired of knowledge? Meaning, how did you learn all of this? And he said, Billy, sannan, San, all were called in our code. I learned all of this with a or through a tongue that is so old, that asks a lot of questions what Calvin are cool, and a heart that tries to understand and remember a lot, meaning first of all, he asked questions, and secondly, whatever he
learned, he tried to memorize it, and he tried to keep it in his mind in his memory. He didn't just learn the facts, he tried his best to understand them. And that is how he learned he acquired all of that knowledge. But we also know that, you know, asking too many questions is something that is disliked. Right? We learned in the story of the cow, or how the Bani Israel asked too many questions. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam also said that Allah subhanaw taala dislikes for you three things. And one of those three things is Katla to sue al asking too many questions. So what does it mean, then? I mean, should we ask Should we not ask on the one hand, we are encouraged
to ask on the other hand, we are also discouraged. So what's going on? This is confusing. What we need to understand is that asking questions in and of themselves is not wrong. Okay, in and of itself, asking questions is not wrong. Okay. Because we see that the Companions asked questions and these questions have been mentioned in the Quran. What is disliked, is cathedra to sue, excessive questionings. Okay, meaning, asking question after question after question. Now, you may have noticed this in many a hadith that the Companions as the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam a question, all right, he gave the answer. And then the same companions had done what the Prophet
sallallahu where it is and gave another answer, then what the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam gave another answer, and then they stopped. That's it three times three or four times maximum. Right? They wouldn't ask too many follow up questions. Because think about it. Even your child asks you a question you give an answer, they ask a follow up question and you give the answer. They ask another follow up question you give the answer. By the time they asked the third or the fourth follow up question. You're like, come on, figure it out yourself. Right. So what is disliked is cutthroat to swirl. And secondly, what is also disliked is asking irrelevant questions, meaning questions that
don't have anything to do with our money. Okay, with practical life, or questions that show that you're not using your own mind that you're just relying on someone else. You know, for example, a man asked the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that I have a dean out. So what should I do with it? The Prophet sallallahu sallam said spend it on yourself. The man said, I have to he said spend it on your wife. He said I have three. He said spend it on your service.
It is that I have four he said spend it on your parents. He said at five. He said spend it on your relatives. He said I have six. He said spend it in the way of Allah. And in another version we learned the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told him that you know best, meaning, you know, who you should spend on based on who is closest to you what your personal situation is, meaning now, use your own judgment. Use your own discretion, right? So there's a certain point until where we ask questions, but then we stop, we have to use our own mind. And you know what, don't be afraid to make mistakes. Don't be afraid to be decisive to make decisions. Because this is what happens right? We
don't want to make any mistakes. We want to get everything right. So we don't even want to use our own mind. We would rather be told by someone do this do that instead of using our own judgment. So we have to use our own judgment as well. Okay. So anyway, here we see that the Sahaba asked this question and this question is mother Yun feel cone mother what is that which unicorn they should spend? And what is the answer Allah subhanaw taala gives the answer that call Matt and fuck to min Hayden fallin validate will occur Robin will your karma while Moroccan webinars Sybil, that tell them you say meaning you are Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam tell them that whatever you spend
have good of wealth, then it should be for the parents, for the relatives, the orphans, those in need, and also the traveler. So here we see that the answer is given. But the answer is about who they should spend on. What was a question about the question was about what they should spend? And the answer is about who they should spend on. Why is that? So? How come? The question seems to be different than the answer? Or rather, the answer seems to be different from the question that was asked the thing is that the word Mazda? What is that this is a very small word, but it encompasses a lot of meaning. Okay, Mazda, what is that? What is that which they should spend? This includes the
genes meaning the kind of wealth they should spend the other the amount of wealth they should spend, and it also encompasses the meaning of Kaif meaning how they should spend, okay? And when you ask, what is it that I should spend, then you should also know who you should spend on? All right. And we see this even in the Sunnah, that sometimes people would ask one question, and the Prophet salallahu Alaihe, Salam would teach them more than what they had asked for. Okay. And this is the way of a good teacher. Okay. And this is something that you should also practice that, you know, when someone is asking you a question, try to understand where that question is coming from, what that question
is reflecting, you know, for example, if your child is doing their math work, all right, and they can't even recognize what a decimal is. Okay? They can't even recognize what a multiplication symbol is, what a division symbol is, you know, that they need to understand, right, the concept before you give them the answer, right, before you tell them the right answer, or before you tell them whether they got the right answer or not. You also need to explain the concept of multiplication and division to them. Right. So it's possible that your child asked you, did I do this? Right? Did I get the answer? Right? And you see that the answer is not right. And, you know, when they're reading the
question, they can even, you know, say, multiplied by or divided by because they don't recognize the symbol. So it's very obvious to you that they don't understand the concept. So you're not just going to tell them you got the answer wrong. No, you're going to sit down and you're going to explain the concept to them. So this is something we see in the Quran that the question seems to be about one matter, but the answer is very detailed. Okay. And this is because Allah subhanaw taala knows exactly what we are wondering about Allah subhanaw taala knows exactly what we are in need of knowing. So here the answer is not just spend your money know, the answer includes who you should
spend your wealth on. All right. So yes, Aluna comanda unicorn, they ask you what is it that they should
Spend Allah subhanaw taala says Alma and * min Hayden so first of all, the answer is that Matt unfucked on min Hayden, wherever you spend off height, now, hey, it means two things here. First of all, it means wealth. Okay? And the word clade is used for a wealth in the Quran in a number of different places. So one we have read already in total Baqarah verse 180, where Allah subhanaw taala says cootie basilico, either Hello, Hola, como moto in talaga hyaluron l was Leah, that when someone is dying, and they're leaving Chiron they're leaving wealth than they have to make a will. So yeah, right. So hide over there means wealth. Here also it means wealth. We also have
absolutely no idea at verse number eight, we're in the home the whole bill Heidi Lesha did that indeed, the human being is very intense, in his love of hate, what does hate mean over there wealth. So, first of all, whatever you spend off wealth, and what that means is you can spend any amount there is no limit. So you want to know what you should spend, spend off whatever wealth that you have, all right, whatever wealth it is, it could be in the form of money, it could be in the form of food, it could be in the form of clothing, it could be in the form of a drink anything, any form of wealth that you have, that you give, all right. And secondly, clay, it also means good, meaning
whatever you give, should be something good. Now, what does it mean by this, that it should be something good, it should be good in terms of how you acquired it. Okay. So which should be lawfully acquired wealth. Okay, not that you stole something, and now you're giving it as charity. If you do that, then it's not quite. Okay. So it should be laid in how you acquired it. And secondly, it should be good it it's worth when you are giving it. So for example, if you're giving someone socks, let's say, and they're lightly used, nothing wrong. But let's say one sock is missing, you're just giving them one sock. Okay, it's not a complete set, it's not a complete pair, what is the other
person going to do with one sock, in fact, they can't even wear it because the Prophet salallahu, or an incident forbade us from wearing one thing of a pair at a time. So for example, if you're wearing shoes, and you lose one, you break one, and you can't wear it, then don't walk around with just one shoe on, take that off as well. Either both on or both off. So same thing with socks, either both on or both off. So if you give someone you know something that is not good, it's not usable, then it is not mean Hayden. Alright. So it should be good in terms of how you acquired it. And in the condition that it is in when you're giving it Is it usable, is it beneficial? Okay. And also it should be good
in your intention. There should be goodness in your intention. Okay, meaning give happily. So, enough simple EBA don't give begrudgingly. Don't give as if you are doing someone a favor and you are constantly reminding them, etc. You can wear two different socks, that's fine. Okay, so for example, one is black, the other is white. That's perfectly fine. What I'm talking about is only one sock. That is a problem. So Palma, and factum, and Hayden. So it should be good. Why should it be good because Allah subhanaw taala is a YouTube and he only accepts that which is the YouTube as we learned in Hadith, okay, that Allah is good, and he only accepts that which is good. So when you
give something for the sake of Allah to please Allah, then you make sure that it is something good. Okay. So Palma and fepto Min. Hayden, then spend it on who the additional detail over here is that spend it on validating parents, the relatives, the orphans, those in need and the traveler. So, five categories are basically mentioned over here. And if you notice the order, who is mentioned first, the parents, then the relatives, right, then the orphans, then those in need, and then the travelers, right. So basically begin with those who are closest to you. Right begin by giving to those who are closest to you. Why is the traveler mentioned at the end of the list because a
traveler you'll only see him for some time. Right? But you're
Parents they are forever related to you, in the sense that from the moment you're born until one of you leaves the world can eat as long as your parents are around you, you should spend on them, even when they're gone, you should spend on their behalf. So, remember this order that you have to begin by giving to those who are closest to you. In a hadith we learned that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that ye duel more appeal earlier that the hand of the giver is higher, any the upper hand is better, okay? Meaning the one that is giving is better than the one who was receiving. And he said, start with those for whom you are responsible, meaning give spend on others, but begin
spending on those who are closest to you, and then spend on others. And the Prophet sallallahu Erusean mentioned the sequence, he said Omaka were Abeka were Awka were a haka sama at the NACA at the NACA, so, first of all, your mother, and then your father, and then your sister and your brother, and then those who are closest to you, the next closest, the next closest. So what's the rule, the rule is begin with those whom you are responsible for. All right. And then the next closest, the next closest, the next closest? I mentioned the Hadith to you earlier, that a man said that I have a dinar and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, spend it on yourself, right?
Because you are responsible for yourself, though and said, I have to he said spend it on your wife. The men said, I have three he said, spend it on your servant because your servant lives with you. Depends on you. So you spend on your servant, the man said I have for the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam said spend on your parents. He said I have five he said spend on your relatives, et cetera. Right? So this hadith that I just mentioned to you, in this hadith, we learned the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said spend on your wife, right? And then he said spend on your servant, and then he said spend on your parents, right? In the ayah. Over here, we see that the parents are
mentioned wife and children servants etc, are not even mentioned. So does a person not get rewarded for spending on their wife on their children? And what happens when a person has their parents and their wife and children? Who deserves first? Alright? So there's a number of ways in which we can understand this. Okay. First of all, when you see, you know, people in general, any the average person, you see that every one does not have a wife or child. Right, but most people are around their parents. So for example, you know, only a man is required to spend on his wife, right? A wife, a woman is not required to spend on the husband. Okay, so if wife and children were mentioned over
here, then women would be excluded from this idea.
All right. Secondly, not everyone is married, but everyone has parents. Okay. So the idea is mentioned in such a way that it is relevant to everyone. Okay, it is relevant to everyone, or at least majority of the people. Secondly, this idea is about voluntary sadaqa or voluntary spending. Okay? When it comes to spending on the wife, remember that is an obligation a man is obligated to spend on his wife, whether she is in need or not, whether she asks or not, okay? Even if she is wealthier than the husband, okay, the husband is still obligated to spend on his wife. So for example, let's say that both the husband and wife work the wife makes more money, okay, and the
husband makes less money, or whatever money the wife makes, she just keeps investing it she just keeps saving it she just uses it on whatever that she wants and whatever money the husband makes, he has to spend on the rent, the builds, the groceries, etc. And that is how it's supposed to be. Even if the wife has a whole lot of money. And the husband does not the husband is still obligated to spend on his wife from whatever that he has because Allah subhanaw taala has said into to Nyssa 34 That original Comunale Nissa Bhima football Allahu Babu Marla Bharat won't be met and fuck woman unworthy him. The men are required to spend on their wives. Okay, this is an obligation. However,
spending on the parents is not obligatory. Okay.
If spending on the wife is obligatory, but spending on the parents is not obligatory, it is only obligatory when parents are in need, okay? When they are in need when they need financial help. So make sure you understand this, if your parents are rich, they're wealthy, they're independent, you are not obligated to spend on them. But if your wife is rich, you're still obligated to spend on her. This idea is not about obligatory spending. Okay, this idea is about voluntary spending. Now, in general, you should still spend on your parents, even when they're not in need. And it doesn't mean that you are, you know, paying their bills, or you are giving them money to spend, no, you
should spend on them how by giving them gifts, by bringing food for them. And things like that. Begin by spending on them. This is part of Honoring Your Parents, okay. So even if your parents are not in need, you should still spend on them, because this is a part of honoring them. Now, we're talking about spending over here, we're not talking about good treatment, and your son, etcetera, in other ways. Because people confuse the two. A lot of people what they think is that a lot of men, I should say, what they think is that, because the mother is right is the greatest, okay? Then even when their paycheck comes in, all of it should go to the mother and the mother decides how much to
spend where et cetera, and the wife, she gets nothing, she gets nothing. And people have this twisted understanding because they don't understand the religion properly. Okay. One is the hub of beer, Will airson meaning who deserves good treatment and kindness from you? And the other is how could enough aka the right of NEFA meaning who deserves that you should spend on them? When it comes to how could it be? Well, airson then remember that the right of the mother is greater than the right of the wife. Okay. Why? Because when the Prophet salallahu Alaihe, Salam was asked that who among people deserve the best treatment for me, the prophets of Allah who were in Islam said your
mother, the man asked again, who next your mother, your mother, and then your father wife was not even mentioned over there. Right? So what this means is that even when your mother annoys you by asking the same question, like third or fourth time, not that she's trying to annoy you, you get annoyed. All right, you should not yell at her. You should not be rude to her. Okay. But what happens when your wife nags you for the third or fourth time you get into arguments with your wife? And that's fine. I mean, not that you should be harsh to her all the time, or that you should be fighting with her, you should be putting her down. No, that's not right, either. The point is that
your mother does not deserve at all that you are rude to her, you are harsh to her. But with your wife, it's understandable, it will happen. And this is something that we really need to understand because a lot of people especially men, you know, they come back from work, etc. They have their children, they have their family issues they have so much work to do. They don't realize how they're speaking to their mother. Sometimes they are very rude. Sometimes I speak very loudly, and it hurts the mother. It's very upsetting that this child whom I raised is being so rude to me as being so harsh with me, it breaks her heart. And the thing with the mother is that she is probably not as
independent as she was previously, given her age, given her health, she's probably may be impatient with you. So you have to be very careful over there. So remember that the right of the mother in terms of bid and Ersan? Yes, that is greater than the right of the wife. All right. But when it comes to Natalka, when it comes to spending, then remember that the wife has a greater right. Why? Because this is something that Allah subhanaw taala is obligated. And if you think about it logically, any parents generally, they have their own source of income. If they don't have their own source of income. They typically have more than one child, all right, or other means of fulfilling
their financial needs. But when it comes to the wife, sometimes she is entirely dependent on the husband. All right, entirely dependent on the husband because she does not have a source of income for herself. She's not working. Why is she not working? So that she can be a good wife or her so that because that is perhaps what the husband expects from her and
Okay, I don't mean to say that if a woman is working, she's not a good wife. I'm saying that a lot of people think like that. And some men expect that from their wives. Right? So she chooses to stop working. Alright, she does not have a source of income. And if the husband does not spend on her, what is she supposed to do? And a lot of people think that if they're spending on their wives, they're doing them a favor, you're not doing your wife a favor by spending on her, you are fulfilling your obligation to Allah. So this is why the wife and children are not mentioned over here. And parents are mentioned over here, because this is talking about voluntary spending. And
this is not talking about the cat either. That is mentioned elsewhere in sort of October. So first of all parents spend on the parents, and this is something that we all need to think about, even if your parents are not Muslim. Okay, we learned that the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam told a smart little de la Mourinho, that swinley omake, that yes, spend on her join ties with her, be generous to her. And even when the parents have passed away, you can give sadaqa on their behalf. So spend on your parents, but you know, subhanAllah some parents, they're so amazing, so amazing that even when the children want to spend on their parents, somehow the parents end up spending more on their
children. You know, for example, you are working, you have a source of income. And now you're thinking, Okay, I'm gonna buy this for my mom, I'm gonna buy this for my dad, and you think you're doing something so great, you go buy something nice, and then you give it to them as a gift. And then comes, you know, something in your life, something happens and they give you a whole lot of cash as gift, which was way more than what you spent on them. Subhan Allah, ne which shows us that we can never ever pay them back for the favors that they have done to us. We can only try Subhan Allah. So Falun Whalley, then then for the two parents, then will occur between the closest
relatives, and this includes, you know, your siblings, and then you have your other relatives who are close to you. And remember the rule the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam gave at the NACA at the NACA, any begin with those who are closest to you, then the next closest, then the next closest, but it's necessary to spend on the relatives, okay, any sometimes we think that whatever gift we gave our close relatives, you know, five years ago, or six years ago, or two years ago, that is sufficient, and we try to keep count of how much we have spent on them. Don't do that. Be generous with your relatives, and keep giving any this is something that will increase your risk also,
because the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that whoever wants their life span to be increased, and their wealth also to increase, then they should join ties with their relatives. And one of the best ways of joining ties with your relatives, keeping good relationships with them is that you spend on them. And spending on them doesn't always come in the form of giving them cash, it can come in the form of you know, giving them different types of gifts. So a Caribbean and especially if the close relatives are in need, then they deserve that you spend on them. They really deserve that you spend on them. You know, sometimes we are thinking about how to help people in a
far off land. And that's good. But sometimes you don't need to go very far. There are people within your own family who need money for tuition, who need money to buy a new jacket, because the one that they have has become really old. And it doesn't keep them warm. There could be someone in your own family who needs to pay for their children's education. So be aware of what your relatives are experiencing what they're going through, and try to help them in whatever way that you can. So fun and validating will occur Robin then will utama will massaging the orphans and those in need. orphans are children and they deserve that you spend on them. And Messiah keen are people who have
needs and their needs are not fulfilled. It doesn't mean that they have nothing Messiah keen, it's not necessary that they are very, very poor, extremely poor, they have no food to eat. No it's possible that they have food to eat, but they don't have enough to you know pay for. Let's say sometimes you have to pay for an application even right? You have enough for tuition but now you don't have enough for books. So all of this is part of Misaki so while eternal will Messiah keen woman is Seville and the traveler. Now the traveler could be wealthy back at home
All right. In fact, a traveler could also have a whole lot of money with them. But you know that when you're traveling, then you're tired. You don't know where things are, you know, where you can access food from where you can get coffee from things like that. A traveler could have five jackets back at home. But if they lost the only jacket that they brought with them, they are in need of a jacket right now. So you're not going to say Oh, I know they're very wealthy. They don't need any financial help. No, they don't need financial help, they need an act of kindness from you. So Robin is Seville and the traveler who will not a foreign woman Hayden for in the law hub here I leave and
whatever you do have good indeed Allah is Knowing of it. Meaning Allah subhanaw taala knows whatever you spend, whether it is a lot or a little, and whatever you give in what form you gave, why you gave with what intention you give a last panel Tara knows about it. So be mindful of that. That Allah knows where your money is going. And how you are giving