Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2021 J01-018C Tafsir Al-Baqarah 125-129
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What is journal beta Muthiah butterly NASCI. We're Amna and mentioned when we made the House a place of return for the people and a place of security. Now, this verse in the following verses are talking about the Kaaba, right about the when the Kaaba was built, who built it, and what was the purpose, etc. Now, the first thing we learned over here is that Allah subhanaw taala has made the Kaaba as a mythology NASCI were unknown, okay. And remember that the first house of worship that was ever built on the face of the earth is the Kaaba, okay, we learned in the Quran in a while abating will the early NASCI Lella Rebbeca. The first house of worship that was placed, you know, for the
people on earth is the one which is in Bucha meaning MCCA Okay, meaning the Kaaba. So it is said that the angels are the first ones to build the karma. Okay. The money Salam built it after the flood of Noah Heiliger Salam, Ibraheem Alehissalaam rebuilt it. Okay. So, you know, there's this concept among the Bani Israel eel that the temple is basically the Temple of Solomon, right by through Noctus or beta mock. This is not the first house of worship. Where did Ibrahima Rissanen go for worship? Where did he perform the rituals? Any vital muchness the Temple of Solomon was built hundreds and hundreds of years after Ibrahim alayhis salam. So what was the holy land at the time of
Ibrahim alayhis salam. It was the Kaaba and the area around it. And the Bible also actually makes a reference to it in multiple places, but specifically we learn in Genesis chapter 12, that after the covenant, that Abraham built an altar for the Lord. Okay, meaning Ibrahim alayhis salam built a place of worship. All right. And what is this place of worship? We see that this is the Kaaba. So Allah subhanaw taala mentions that the House of Allah the Kaaba, was methodically Nursey were undone. And even before Ibrahim are a synonym, it is a myth Abba. Okay. Different prophets of Allah worshiped Allah over there. And as I mentioned to you after the flood of new honey, Salam Acaba, was
damaged and so later on Ibrahim re, Selim was instructed to rebuild it. But the nature of the garba is that it is a mutha any, it is so attractive that people come back to it again and again. And this is very interesting. You see, there are many tourist spots all over the world. All right. And, you know, you have in your bucket lists, you want to visit the Grand Canyon, you want to see the Niagara Falls, you want to see, you know, different wonders of the world, different parks, different mountains, different lakes, different, you know, oceans, etc. But, you know, once you visit them, okay, it's nice, it's great, but, you know, you move on to something else, you know, these places
are not such that you visit again and again. I live about an hour and a half away from Niagara Falls and Niagara Falls are beautiful, absolutely beautiful. But I don't go there a lot. I only go there when you know, somebody's visiting and you want to show them the Niagara Falls? Right? You know, it's just something that you don't go to again and again, even though it is so beautiful, but the Kaaba, what is there at the Kaaba that attracts people? And why why do we go to that place? Is it the food? Is it the views? Is it the weather? Is it the quiet? No, it's not any when it comes to the views, you don't have lush green mountains or are there any the landscape is so barren? Is it the
food? Not exactly? Is it the quiet? Not exactly. So what is it that makes the Kaaba so attractive that people come back to it again and again? It's because Allah subhanaw taala has made the Kaabah Emma Thaba its nature is that it is metabo for the people. They want to go back to it again and again. And you know, when you go for Hajj you go for Allah sometimes the journey is very difficult, but you still want to go back. You still want to go back and you know, do it right. Do it better. Do your own law better. You know, so this is a blessing that Allah subhanaw taala has put
But in that place, and then that place is also unknown, a place of security, a place of safety. And it's been like that since always, in sort of the Brahim i 37. We learn Ibrahim already salami da fragile have either come in and as he thought we lay him that oh Allah make the hearts of people, you know attracted to them meaning to the people who live near the Kaaba. And in Switzerland Caboose is 67 Allah's parents dimensions are what Amuro unnatural Nehalem and Armenian Do they not see that we have made the Haram, a safe place a place of safety elsewhere also, Haram is described as Holloman ammunition, a place where that is not just sacred, but also a place where people are safe.
Now, even at the time of the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam, we see that you know, the Arabs in general did not live in peace, any there was war, there was bloodshed, you couldn't travel safely. That's why people needed alliances, they needed protection of, you know, chiefs, tribal leaders, etc. Because otherwise you your property were in danger. So anywhere in Arabia, basically people were rated, they were attacked, they were killed. But when it comes to the Kaaba, when it comes to Makkah, people were safe over there. So much so that if a person would find, you know, the murder of his own father, in Makkah, he wouldn't touch him. He wouldn't do anything to him into an alley Iran
is 97. Allah's pantherella says woman de holla, who can eminent whoever enters it is safe. So Maka, the area around the Kaaba is supposed to be safe. And you feel that safety, right? That literally you could go at 2am You could be sitting outside at midnight and you feel safe. And when Allah subhanaw taala has declared that place to be safe, that means that we must respect that sanctity. And this is the reason why those who violate the sanctity of MCCA their life is not safe even in Makkah, meaning if a person commits a crime within the vicinity of the home, so for example, a person commits theft a person harasses a woman, for instance, any he will be punished in Makkah. I
remember once I was in Makkah, Verona, and I decided to go for tawaf, right after load, or ASA, it was midday basically was really, really hot. And as I was leaving the hotel, all of a sudden, you know, there were alarms and security, you know, people coming out. So I just stood on the side and I saw a huge crowd gather right outside, and this is hotel at the time was very, very close to the cargo. And there was a circle of men basically. And a lot of security guards and police and a young men was brought in the center of that crowd. And he was lashed publicly, and he that scene I cannot forget. And why was he lashed publicly, so close to Mr. Haram. Why? Because he had harassed a woman
inside in the mall. He had harassed her so he was caught right there and he was punished right there. Any Allah subhanaw taala has declared that place to be I'm in a place of safety. So we're all supposed to respect that and if someone does not respect the sanctity of that place, then that means that their own life their own honor, will not be safe in that place. So what is journaling and beta mutha leanness, he will Amnon and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam also said that Allah, not people, but Allah has made Makkah sacred. So it is not permissible for any person who believes in Allah and the Last Day to shed blood in it, or to cut a tree in it. There's a hadith in Sahih
Muslim. Why is security needed in Makkah so that people can worship Allah peacefully? You see, if you know that you are in a place that is not safe, then how can you pray peacefully? How can you sit there for hours and recite Quran? Or how can you make Dora when you're constantly on guard, so security safety is a blessing and it must be respected? What who me Mikami Ibrahim mo Salah and take the standing place of Ibrahim Ali Salam as a place of prayer. And I mentioned to you the two meanings of this. We learned that after the wife the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam pray to Takara by the Macomb Ibrahim. So this is a part of Umrah, a part of Hajj, which is why if you're not
able to pray immediately within the vicinity of Nakamura
him you pray as near as you can, right within the huddle. And imagine now if I hear this and I'm stood in some places and showed servitude to Allah or he stood in this particular spot and built the Kaaba, well what does this show us? This shows us that Allah subhanaw taala is very, very appreciative. Ibrahim Ali Salam stood and built the caribou and Allah subhanaw taala preserved his footsteps. Allah subhanaw taala honored those footsteps so much that we are required to pray in the place where Ibrahim or listen I'm stood to pray in the place where Ibrahim already said I'm worshipped Allah, ne it could have been any place right Allah subhanaw taala instructed us to pray
those two two cards anywhere. But he chose that it should be the place where Ibrahim and his son I'm stood. Why as an honor for Ibrahim, Rani Sadam as well. And this shows us that when you strive in the way of Allah, Allah subhanaw taala will not waste your efforts. Allah subhanaw taala is very, very appreciative. You know, sometimes you work so hard and people don't even realize Allah subhanaw taala knows the effort that you're putting in for his sake. Right. This is why we should make our intentions for the sake of Allah. Why are hidden our inner Ibrahima is Marina and the hill RBT. And we instructed Ibrahim and his Marina that both of you should clean my house. Now clean the house.
Notice the word the HERA. The Hora includes two types of cleanliness, physical cleanliness, and also spiritual cleanliness. You know, for example, when you make wudu do you make wudu because you were very dirty, like you've got dirt on your arms, you've got filth on your face or something is that what you make will do no, you could be very, very clean, you could have just showered right but you make will do for spiritual cleanliness. Right? Any it's purifies you of your sins and it prepares you for Salah. So when Allah subhanaw taala instructed them to clean the house, this means that Allah subhanaw taala order them to clean the house of Allah physically that there should be no
impurity over there, no physical impurity over there and also that there should be no spiritual impurity over there. What is physical impurity? Physical impurity is you know, understood. You're in faeces, etc. When it comes to spiritual impurity, you're talking about idols. Okay, so Tahira Beatty, meaning there should be no idols. Okay? No idol worship, no idolatry. Worship should be dedicated to Allah alone in that place. And secondly, that place should be physically clean as well. Okay, now, the hero Beatty who has been commanded to clean the house of Allah it is Ibrahim Ali Salman is married earlier, he's
cleaning the house of Allah is something rewardable Okay, it's not just a chore, it's not just a job. This is an act of worship.
And yes, some people have to take on this responsibility to maintain the cleanliness of the house of Allah. But this is something extremely rewardable We take it for granted that you know, we go to the masjid the masjid is clean. But, you know, especially these days where massage would have to be sanitized. In addition to be cleaned. You know, that means that the massages now have another expense. So this is an honor. If Allah subhanaw taala commanded Ibrahim * Marina, it is time to clean his house. Then if we can contribute financially even to the cleanliness of the masajid. Right? Or their sanitization for example. This is an honor this is something greatly rewardable And
in particular, it is said clean the house litho a phenol Aki Fein will rookery sujood the wife is mentioned first because the left is an act of worship that can only be performed at the Kaaba, then Iraqi calf is mentioned earthy cough is an act of worship that can be performed only in a masjid and lukari sujood these are people who pray you can pray anywhere. So clean the house for them. Why? Because they deserve that when they come to the Kaaba, they find it clean. Right? So the attendants of the masjid are the guests of Allah and they must be treated with respect and part of respecting them is that the place should be cleaned because when a place is clean, you feel welcomed. You want
to stay there you want to come there and clean the house for them. Why so that they can worship Allah easily if it's dirty, how can they pray over there? The filth, the smell, will prevent them from who show
are in there Ibadah and clean the house. Oh Ibrahim is married because it befits you to clean the house of Allah. So cleaning the masjid is a noble work, alright. So if we cannot participate in cleaning the masjid physically ourselves, then we must do so financially. We must have a share in this noble work. So Pahala Beatty, the thought if Inverlochy Fein were lookers sudo. And this also shows us that the Kaaba is for this purpose for the purpose of the love for the purpose of erotica for the purpose of Luca and sujood. You know, sometimes people will go to Ramallah, and then they will go for Salah, but then they will, you know, skip a prayer or two, so that they can shop, right?
And they will bring all their shopping, and they will show each other and then they're talking and they're feasting. I mean, it's fine, you eat, you talk, et cetera. But realize that the primary the main thing you do at the Kaaba is that you worship Allah subhanaw taala. And we should not be of those people who defile the masjid, who make it dirty who leave filth. Then in the next day, we see Ibrahim or it is sometimes Dora is mentioned, what is the caller Ibrahim Rob Berger and Heather bellenden. Armenian and mentioned when Ibrahim alayhis salam said, Oh my Lord, make this a secure city. Ibrahim alayhis salam is leaving who had your and his son is married in Makkah, a barren
desert, far away from any population. There is no one over there. And this is the reason why when Ismar either in Islam as a baby when he was really thirsty, his mother hudgell ran from heel to Hill, looking for someone anyone anything so that she could find some water and she could save her child. So now there was no one who lived in Makkah. So Ibrahim Ali Sinha is making Dora that era make this place a safe place better than Amazon.
This is something that should make us think that our our masajid safe spaces where people feel safe, where people feel welcome. Where people know that they're not going to be harmed. Their property is not going to be damaged. You know, people this is well known you don't wear nice shoes to the masjid because they're gonna get stolen. People feel, you know, threatened when they go to the masjid because they know they're going to be attacked, they're going to be criticized for the way that they're dressed or the way that they're sitting or the way that they're talking or the way that they're praying or the fact that they're there. We have to really be of those people who welcome
others into the Masjid. Not those who turn people away. So Ibrahim Arneson, him is making dua for the security of that city. And then he says what is a hello Amina Thammarat, and provide its people with fruits, give them food, okay, and sort of Ibrahim i a 37. We learned Ibrahim Ali Salam said Robina in the skintone into reality, beware the lady these are in in the vertical Mahatma, that our Lord, I have made some of my children live dwell in this valley, which does not grow anything. And the only thing that's special about this place is that it is near your sacred house Robina Leo Kimo Sadat, our Lord, I have made them stay over here so that they establish prayer, they worship you,
federal of either Tamina Nassetta we lay him therefore make the hearts of people turn to them. Put the love of my children in the hearts of different people what is zuccon and provide the minister Marathi from the fruits learn law Mukesh Quran in order that they may be grateful. So he makes their offer here that what is a homeopathic Emirati when Eminem in homebuilder that provide them with sustenance. And this shows us that there is nothing wrong in asking Allah subhanaw taala for sustenance, making dua to Allah for sustenance for your children for your offspring. Because if you don't have sustenance, if you don't have, you know, a source of livelihood, how exactly are you
going to live? You know, it's well known that when people are not able to find food in a given place, they emigrate, they leave that place, they go elsewhere. Now, the area around the carpet does not grow anything. So how are they meant to live? If they don't find anything here, they will leave. So Ebrahimian Islam is making dua to Allah you give them sustenance. And isn't it amazing? You go to Morocco, literally you will find any type of food. I remember the first time when I went for umbra. No, I think it was the second time. Anyway, I went from Pakistan, right. And in Pakistan, you only get fruit in its season. So for example, strawberries, you will not find them in the winter. You
will not find them in early spring. You will only find them in summer.
literally there's only a few weeks when you will find strawberries. And you know oranges for example, citrus fruit you will find in the winter, not in the summer mangoes you will find in the summer, not in the winter. And I remember when we went for Omura you know, we're amazed at the fruit. The fact that there were strawberries right next to oranges, right next to, you know, mangoes, et cetera. Any that was fascinating for me, and such good quality fruit. Now, people will live in the West. This is something very normal that you have this year round. But a place like maca, a place where nothing grows, where you know that everything is being brought in from outside.
This is truly a miracle. So what is a homeopathic Emirati provide its inhabitants with fruit, but Ibrahima Assam specifies that give it only two min Eminem in home villa, he will Young will ask it only to those who believe in Allah and the Last Day. So basically, you can see that you know, in the previous thought that he made women Zulia t that make my children leaders as well, Allah subhanaw taala said, My promise is not for those who do wrong. So now Ibrahim or ASAM wants to apply that same rule over here, that worldly blessings also only for those who believe in Allah. Right? That's what he says. But Allah subhanaw taala responds, Allah woman kufr offer all material who kalila that
whoever disbelieves I will grant him enjoyment for a little I will let him enjoy the fruits and the good things of this world for a little time. Some of the rural Isla Darby now and then I will force him to the punishment of the fire will be said mislead. and wretched is the destination. So first of all, we see that Ibrahim or Islam is asking for security and food for his children. And this shows us that it's not wrong to seek these things or to ask Allah subhanaw taala for these things. And then we see that when Ibrahim is and I'm asked for leadership for his children that Allah subhanaw taala made it clear that it was not for the wrongdoers. But when he asks for worldly provision,
Allah subhanaw taala makes it clear that that is for everyone. All right. So this shows us that guidance, leadership. This is something that Allah subhanaw taala gives to those whom he loves. But when it comes to dunya when it comes to worldly things, this is something that's given to everyone. Okay, so prosperity, worldly prosperity, remember, it is not a sign of piety. It is not a sign that Allah subhanaw taala is pleased with the person and so little Israa 20 Allah subhanaw taala mentions Kula knowmad to her Hula, hula in Arabic, that we extend worldly blessings to all these and those meaning these people who believe and those people who don't believe all types of people from the
generous bestowal of your Lord Womack cannot author or have become a Hezbollah and the generous bestow of your Lord is not limited. Any worldly blessings are not limited to only those who believe and who are righteous and who will be Allah. No worldly blessings are given to everyone. However, these blessings are clean, they are little, they are limited, and they are for some time only. Alright, so in a Hadith also, we learned that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that no one is more patient than Allah. They ascribe children to Allah, yet He bestows upon them health and provision, and even those who associate partners with Allah, Allah subhanaw taala provides them
Okay, so if someone has worldly sustenance, it doesn't mean that Allah's Pantheon is pleased with them. And when it comes to the punishment of the Hereafter, we see that it's described as some Thoreau who then I will compel him. I will force him to the punishment of the fire and it is evil destination, because no one is going to willingly go to *. They will be pushed and shoved into the tour i A 13 Wheeler Neoma you the owner Illa natty Johanna Madera, the day that they will be pushed and shoved to the fire of *, whatever. Yeah, the villa. What if you're thorough Ibrahim, we'll cover it. The middle beta is Marino Robina tackable Mina and mentioned when Ibrahim was
raising the foundations of the house and with him is married was also raising them. And he Both father and son were building the Kaaba and they were making dua that our Lord accept this from us in the contessa mural or Lehman Did you are the hearing the knowing into other hedge I in number 26 Almost pantherella mentions what it but what Natalie Ibrahima McKenna debate when we
prepared for Ibrahim the place of the house, okay, meaning Ibrahim alayhis salam was directed he was guided to the place where he had to build the Kaaba. Okay. And like I mentioned, your Pharaoh indicates that the foundations were already there. So Ibrahim, listen, I was not the first one to build a car but you only rebuilt it. And what's amazing here is that both of them are building the Kaaba and they're asking Allah subhanaw taala for acceptance. This is so beautiful. First of all the fact that father and son both are doing this beautiful task together. All right. Again, when you believe in something, when you love something, you want it for your children, and you must include
your children in the different things that you do. You know, for example, when you volunteer at the masjid take your children along, when you are you know, at the masjid, for instance, is rolling up the mats or, you know, picking up things or doing anything involve your children, because when you involve them, then they also believe they also learn that this is important. So Ibrahim Christendom is not building the Kaaba alone his son is building it with him, include your family in the work that you do, don't exclude them. And then look at his doll Robina, Taco Bell Mina, our Lord accept this from us. Any they don't take it for granted that their effort is being accepted. So, you see
one is that we are doing something good, okay. But then, as we are doing it, we should also be concerned about the acceptance of our efforts. Okay? Any don't just assume that the fact that you prayed your Salah has been accepted, the fact that you gave so the players of the CLA has been accepted and you will be rewarded for it. The fact that you went for Hajj, the fact that you went for Umrah, the fact that you you know gave someone good advice, the fact that you gave someone a gift, etcetera, don't just assume that that good deed has been accepted. Be concerned about the acceptance of your good deeds. And that means you ask Allah that Allah, Allah accept this from us,
yes, you should be hopeful, you should be hopeful you should not fall into despair. You should not think negatively about Allah. But at the same time, don't become arrogant. There should be that sense of humility, that fear. And when you have that humility and fear, then you make sure that your intentions are pure, and your efforts are more beautiful. But when you just assume that, you know, my prayer has been accepted, my good deeds have been accepted, then you stop caring, you stop striving, you stop purifying your intention. So Robina dockable Mina, this is a dua that we should also make that our Lord accept this from us. And they say in into Samira, Darlene, indeed, you are
the hearing the knowing you hear our doors, you know, our wishes, and our efforts have been our jar Allah mostly Maynila aka our Lord, make us Muslims in submission to you. Meaning make us such people who submit to you who surrender to You were minzu reacting and this is amazing. Any already of our humaneness marine or anything was sent and they are in submission to a lot. They're building the car, but they're not building their own mansion. They're not building a house so that they can live there. They're building a house so that people can come there to worship Allah. They're already in submission to Allah. But still, they ask what your Allah mostly mainly luck, make us those who
submit to you. What does this mean? They're basically saying, make us those who consistently submit to you, right now we are in submission to you, for we don't know about, you know tomorrow about how we're going to be two years from now, you know what state we're going to be in at the time when we die. So don't assume that just because you're doing something good right now, you will be like that forever. Because the state of the heart changes. people's habits change, people's behaviors change. So gradually, this change happens that people don't even realize, you know, a person is so consistent with their salah. And then what happened six months later, eight months later, they're
barely praying. The person is so consistent with the recitation of the Quran, but a year later, they're so different. They have not recited the Quran and so long, a person feels so close to Allah, so conscious of Allah, and then two, three years later, so different. We see this people change over time. And change is fine. But the one change we don't want is that we are no longer those who submit to Allah. That's why we should keep asking Allah subhanaw taala Robina would your Allah muslim AMI Luca, right now I'm in submission to you. Keep me keep me as someone who
All submits to you. Woman the RIA Tina on matomo schemata luck and from our descendants a Muslim nation in submission to you So Ibrahim in Islam is making dua that your of love from our children from our descendants let there be an entire nation that will be submissive to you. And this is Ibrahim anise Marina. Listen, I'm making dua. So here basically there is a message that bunnies slight eel are not the only nation from the children of Ibrahim. There's also bunny Ismar eel, and from among bunny Ismar evil there is the last prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa salam, what Eddie namond se Cannella tuba Elena and show us our rituals, ways of worship and accept our
repentance turn in mercy on us in the cantata wobble Rahim. Indeed you are the Accepting of repentance, the Merciful. We learn in pseudo national ID number 120. Allah subhanaw taala mentions Ibraheem Alehissalaam that inner Ibrahima cannot own Latin, conical Allah Ibrahim and his surname was a nation basically, he did the work of a nation and he was someone who was devoutly obedient to Allah, devoutly obedient and look at his concern which are Allah mostly Maynila keep me in submission to you.
So this is something that we should also ask Allah subhanaw taala for that he or Allah strengthened me in my Eman. Improve me, you know, make the better. Don't be contented with how you are or how you were, strive to be better. And ask Allah subhanaw taala for help. What have been our birth fee him Rasul Allah Minho our Lord and send among them a messenger from themselves who is making this doll both Ibrahim is married early, he was Sena making law that a messenger should be sent in their offspring, a messenger from them. Okay, meaning from the children of Ismar eel Alayhis Salam, and this messenger should yet Lou I lay him i attic, he will recite to them your verses where you are
limo. Makita we will teach them the book while hikma he will also teach them the wisdom we use a key Him He will purify them in the controller Aziz will Hakeem Indeed you are the Exalted in Might the wise. Now the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, that enter Dawa to be Ibrahim I am the Dora of my father Ibrahim, meaning I am the answer to his dog. You see this throughout the day, Brahim or his Salah made over here that send a messenger in my descendants, who was that messenger? It was the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, because this is exactly what the Prophet salallahu Urdu sent him did, he would recite the verses of Allah to the people, right? We have so many reports about how
the prophets of Allah who are his and recited a passage of the Quran before people, all right, and then he also taught people the Scripture, right, so many companions directly learned different sutras from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And he didn't just, you know, give them the knowledge of the Quran or the knowledge of its verses, and leave them to figure it out on their own. He taught them the meaning. And he also taught them ACHEMA how to actually follow the law. And then he purified them as well. Look at who they were and what they became, how they were, and who they became with the leadership of the prophets of Allah who really he was, you know, like that young man
who came and asked the Prophet sallallahu early said, that give me permission to commit Zina. The Prophet salallahu alayhi salam did not punish him, did not shame him did not reprimand him. And he asked him, Do you have a mother? Do you have a sister? And he said that would you like someone to do that with your sister? Would you like someone do that with your mother? And the man said, No way, not at all. And he said that other people also don't like that, you know, somebody should do this with their mother or with their sister. So because in that society, I mean, people had a lot of leader to the prophets of Allah who already sent him used an analogy that would help that men
understand that Zina is not something nice. So look at how that young men and he came asking permission to do something wrong and he left with his heart changed us a key him the Prophet sallallahu rzM purified them. So he literally changed their hearts, and this is the dua of Ibrahim Raisina so in toto dumar ayah, two to three, Allah subhanaw taala mentions who will lead the birth of Il Amina Rasul Amin home, that he is the one who has sent among the unlettered people a messenger from them yet who are laying him it he who recites to them His Verses, we use a key him and he purifies them we are limo. Makita ball Hey,
Man, and he teaches them the Book and the wisdom will encounter woman called Lulu field Allah Allah morphine. And before that they were in clear error meaning before the messenger SallAllahu early and sudden came they were in clear error. And look at the door of Ibrahim alayhis salam that indica antelope disease or Hakim, indeed you are the mighty the wise you are able to do that. And you are the wise you know when the time is best. So yes, Ibrahim is and I made this dua and it wasn't accepted the following year. No, it was after several 1000 years that Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was raised. So these verses, what do they show us? They show us that Bani Israel alias Allah
subhanaw taala chose them Allah subhanaw taala bless them. But this is not unconditional. This is not absolute. And they are not the only nation from the progeny of Ibrahim Arneson and there is also the progeny of Israel or the sinner. Ibrahim already said um, didn't just pray for Bani Israel. He prayed for Bani Israel as well. And Ibrahim our listeners concern was not just you know, that my children should have ownership of land and they should be, you know, Kings etcetera. Know, His concern was that his progeny should have divine guidance, and that there should be a messenger to teach them when they forget to teach them when they don't know and to purify them. So this
assumption that the Bani Israel il have that they are the best and that they are the chosen ones and they are the absolute leaders of mankind. This is a false assumption. Ibrahim on his sunnah he prayed for all of his progeny, not just one segment, but for all of his progeny. And Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam who is the answer to the DUA Ibrahim Rai Sinha. He was sent as a messenger to all of mankind not just to a certain race, or to a certain tribe, but for all of mankind. And this is why it's essential that a person believe in Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, otherwise, their Eman is incomplete. And if they leave this world without believing in
Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam then as we learned earlier, that such a person, no intercession will benefit them, no one will come to their aid because they do not fulfill the conditions. May Allah subhanaw taala grant us all sincere faith may Allah subhanaw taala make us all submissive to him. And may Allah subhanaw taala enable us to follow the footsteps of Ibrahim Ernest and to want guidance for ourselves and also for our children. I mean, Inshallah, we will conclude over here Subhan Allah whom will become Nick I shall do Allah Allah Allah and stuff Hirokawa to booty Lake, wa Salam o Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh