Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2021 J01-014D Tafsir Al-Baqarah 84-87

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary ©
The Hanukkah season is a time for abuse and abuse, with individuals killing each other and dying gradually. The history of abuse and abuse includes the implementation of Islam and violations of covenant laws. The importance of believing in the Bible and denying false accusations is emphasized, as well as the negative impact of giving people too much information and not giving too many punishment. The speakers stress the need for strong attitudes and language in court, as well as the potential consequences of language in court.
AI: Transcript ©
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then it is said what is a hardened me Theca comb and recall when We took your covenant and what was his covenant that let us speak on a demon a comb, do not shed each other's blood, what are the what did you know and Fusa comb or evict one another from your homes, some curato. Then you acknowledged what under the shadows while you are witnessing. Now we see that in the book of Judges, which is after the books that were given to law to basically right. In the book of Judges, we learn about how you shot really his Salam, remember, Musa alayhis salam passed away and then right after him, you shout out to his Salam. He was the prophet and the leader of Bani Israel. And you Sharla Islam he

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led the Bani Israel to capture Palestine basically. So after the battle of Jericho, we learned that you know, gradually the bunny is slightly had power in the land. But then we see that there is a pattern that follows. And what is that pattern is that the bunny is through you worship Allah, right? They are dutiful to Allah, they uphold the covenant of God. And you know, they are things are good, but then they fall into idolatry, or they are not loyal to God, they don't abide by the covenant of God. And what happens? Their enemy attacks them, and they suffer at their hands, then what happens? God sends help to them through a judge, hence the book of Judges and there's six major

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judges and six minor judges, under the leadership of that judge, you know, the Bani Israel eel are basically called back to the worship of God, they become loyal to God again. And, you know, basically they are rescued from their plight, right? So you can see the pattern of, you know, downfall, all right, because if they're not abiding by the covenant of God, and then when they have a judge, they have a leader, they return to the Torah, and they return to Allah. And so they have a victory again, but by the end of the book of Judges, we see that one Israelite tribe is fighting another. Okay. So part of their abandoning of the covenant is that they fought one another, and they

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took one another as captives. Okay, so they're unfaithful to Allah. Allah subhanaw taala delivers them, you know, because of their unfaithfulness to the hands of their enemies, people repent. They have a judge. And then under the leadership of that judge, they're brought out of oppression. But then, you know, they fall again into unfaithfulness. So the cycle is repeated over and over again. And by the end the state of Bani Israel are so terrible that they're fighting one another. They're taking one another s captive. So they're being reminded of this that look, We took your covenant that you will not kill each other. You will not expel yourselves from your homes, you acknowledge

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that you were witnesses to this. And again, this is not just for Bani Israel. This is also for us. Okay. When it comes to the life of a Muslim, we learned in a hadith that all of a Muslim is sacred upon the Muslim his blood, his wealth and his honor. So shedding blood of an innocent person is a great crime in the sight of Allah. And we learn in Surah Nisa 93 that we're Maniapoto Minamata Amidon, whoever kills a believer deliberately fudges that who Johanna McCauley then fee her. His recompenses Jahannam *, where he will abide eternally will help the biller who are lay Allah will be angry with him. When Alana who Allah has cursed that person who are Adela who are either been or

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Lima and Allah is prepared for that person a great punishment. In the book of Exodus chapter 2013. It says You shall not kill. So first of all, not kill who not kill your own people. And you will not expel the second clause over here is that we'll have to do not and Fusa community Ericom you will not expel your own people from their lands and your own people as in the Bani Israel in and if you think about it, expelling someone from their home, okay, somewhat random. I say that this is worse than killing people. displacement of people. Illegitimate evictions. This is worse than killing people. Why? Because when a person is killed, okay, he's killed, right? His life is over. But when a

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person is displaced from their home, what does that mean? They're constantly being tortured. And displacement of people doesn't just come with a single act of oppression. There are so many injustices that are coupled with displacement. So let's go to Luna and Fusa como la torre Juna and full circle, you will not expel your own people from their lens. Now we see that, you know, in the book of Judges, we see that this happened historically many times that they did kill each other they did it

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spell their own people from their homes. But even at the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam because you see the bunny is slightly lower all in the Promised Land when you shot a salaam he captured Jericho. After that they were in the Promised Land. So how is it that the bunnies slightly went into the diaspora? Right? Because every time they went against the Covenant, the wrath of God descended upon them. Right. And so some of the Jewish tribes, we learned that they ended up in Arabia, they were settled outside of or in Medina. All right. And these tribes were been an elite been okay, no carbon calleva. But Arab society was such that in order to survive, you had to make

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alliances with other tribes, you couldn't survive on your own. So we learned that bone elite and benoquin Lokar they made alliances with the OC tribe of Medina. Okay, elsewhere Arab balloon elite binocular, ala were Jewish, they made alliances with the Oestreich. On the other hand, bacchanal car they made alliances with the huzzah Raj tribe has Raj are who Arabs again, but no cleaner car Jewish. So what happened? There was the Battle of broth. Okay, between the Osen Huzzah, Raj, and this was a few years before the Prophet sallallahu. Already, Sam came to Medina. So what happened? The Olson has Raj, they're going to war. These are Arab tribes. But now what happens is that the

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allies of OHS come to assist them and the allies of hazards come to a system. So what's happening Oh, son hazards are fighting against each other. But also balloon elite are fighting against benoquin car, but no Karela are fighting against binuclear new car. So what's happening, some Jewish tribes are fighting against other Jewish tribes in the Battle of broth. So what's happening now they're clearly violating the covenant that they made. So this wasn't just at one occasion that they violated this covenant. We can see this throughout the book of Judges. But also, we see this at the time of the Prophet salAllahu alayhi wasallam. So it is sudden the next idea that summer and Tom

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Hart will let you talk to Luna and for a second, then you are those same ones who are killing one another, you're killing your own people, you're fighting against your own people. You're raising weapons against your own people. What do you do in a hurry, come in come and do it him and evicting a party of your people from their homes, and he you are clearly violating the covenant that you made with the law, the law, why don't I lay him Bill is me? Well, you are the one and while doing this, you are cooperating against your own people, and you are committing sin, you are disobeying Allah and your community. congression are the one who are committing injustice towards your own people,

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any people of your own OMA people of your own nation, what do they deserve from you that you kill them? That you expel them? No, they deserve that you side with them, that you support them that you protect them, not that you support others against your own people. So there's clear violation of the covenant that you made with Allah. And then it is said we're going to come Busara to do home and if they come to you as captives, you ransom them. Okay, because they were required to ransom any Israeli. Basically, we learn, for example, in the Bible that if there's a Hebrew slave, he can only be a slave for six years. Okay, after six years of service, he has to be set free. And there's other

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commands in which they must be set free in the Jubilee, meaning in the 50th year, so there's that concept of a Jewish slave cannot remain a slave for life. You have to set him free. Okay, so we're going to come to Salah if they come to you as war captives, you ransom them, you pay money to set them free, whereas the fact is that Whoa, Mohammed Aleikum is Roger home, it was forbidden to you to expel them in the first place. You weren't allowed to expel them in the first place. You weren't allowed to fight them, to go to war with them, to capture them. You weren't allowed to do that. So you see what's happening first, they fight their own people. Why? Because they have made alliances

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with other people. So in order to support their allies, they fight their own people. They take them as captives, and then they ransom them. They pay heavy sums in order to set them free. So it is said if I told me no, no be bothered. Kitabi what I'm gonna be about do you then believe in part of the Scripture and disbelieve in part, this is the main thing over here that you pick and choose things that suit you. You follow those things you do those things and things that don't suit you your worldly benefits. You don't care about those commands you violate

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them. So essentially, you believe in part of the Scripture and you disbelieve in other parts of the Scripture. Whereas you don't have that choice that you pick and choose. submission to God means worshiping Allah subhanaw. Taala means that you follow everything that Allah Subhana Allah has commanded you. So the bunny is slightly yield, what were they doing over here two clauses they were violating until they were observing. Alright, so when they were asked, especially the Jewish tribes in Medina, when they were asked that, why do you fight them and then pay the ransom? They would reply, because we have been commanded to ransom. And they would be asked, Why did you fight them,

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then they would say, because of the fear that our allies will be humiliated. So if you think about it, you know, ransoming your own people, paying heavy sums to set them free. Any seems like you're so generous, you're spending so much money, this would bring them fame and praise. So they did those things which brought them the attention of people, which brought them fame, and things which, you know, brought them the approval of their allies, even if that meant fighting against their own people. Again, they violated those comments. So, in essence, what were they doing? They were believing in part of the Scripture and denying a part of the Scripture, how are they denying part of

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the Scripture by you know, with their heart, because if you believe in something, then you will respect it, you will acknowledge it, you will follow it. And they were denying in their action as well. They were clearly opposing what the book said what the scripture said. Remember that real Eman is it crop with Kaboul and Iran. Any you acknowledge something and you accept it, and you surrender? Not that you acknowledge and you accept and you don't surrender you do whatever you want? No, real faith is that you acknowledge you accept and you surrender. So if I took me No, no be bothered Kitabi with UK Faloona be proud. So those who do this Allah subhanaw taala says, for mergers out

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will may have argued Alikum income enough is you and Phil higher to dunya. Then what is the recompense for those who do that among you except disgrace in worldly life, meaning people who are not loyal to Allah, then they will suffer humiliation and disgrace in this world, meaning they will be dishonored in the eyes of people as well. Any you do this in order to gain fame and respect in the eyes of people, but in reality, what's going to happen is that you will be dishonored in the eyes of people as well in worldly life. And then what's in the hereafter Well, Malkia Methuselah, duna Illa Asha did on the Day of Resurrection, they will be sent back to the severest of punishment

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when Allahu Bula fit in our matar Malone and Allah is not unaware of what you do. He knows exactly what you're doing. Hola, Iike, Medina shutaura will hire the dunya will Accra those are the ones who have bought the life of this world in exchange for the hereafter. Meaning why is it that they were, you know, adhering to part of the Scripture and rejecting part of the scripture for worldly gain, whatever suited their worldly benefits, they took that whatever did not suit their worldly benefit they left that so it was their love of dunya. So it is said these are people Yes, they have purchased worldly life in exchange for the hereafter. Fella you have for foreign homeowner or

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dabbawala, homie and so on. So the punishment will not be lightened for them, nor will they be aided. Now, this is what the Bani Israel we're doing. Right? But we need to think about ourselves as well. When we learn the Quran when we learn the teachings of Islam, we should always have that attitude that Samara now we're Aparna we hear and we obey. Not Samir. Now I will say now, we have heard and we will disobey. Our response should be the response of the companions that he or Allah, we will hear and we will obey whatever you have commanded us, we will accept it, we will follow it. You give us the strength, you give us the ability, we should have that willingness. This doesn't

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mean that we are perfect in our action. No, we all struggle, we all have our challenges. But on the inside in our heart, at least we should have that realization that you know, yeah, Allah, I want to be you. I know this is something I should do. You give me the strength and you ask Allah subhanaw taala for strength. And when you ask Allah subhanaw taala and you do your best you are given the ability. This is why we're taught to say Dina Siddhartha Musa team and every Salam so we should never have this attitude that he I know, I know. But I don't care. I do things differently. I have a different lifestyle. I have a different way of thinking. What you think you are better than Allah

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you think you are better than Allah's judgment than Allah's decree?

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So, those people who are so arrogant that they pick and choose, they say we here and we disobey, then look at the outcome in this world, they will never gain respect, even in the eyes of people and in the hereafter there is severe punishment, and that punishment will not be reduced, and they will not be aided. So, I acknowledge your weakness before Allah. Okay? Don't come arrogantly don't say I know what I'm supposed to do and I will do whatever I want. Okay, you don't tell me you don't advise me. We should not have that arrogant behavior. We learning to return Nyssa Iowan 52 that in the Lydian Eric fauna Villa he will also Lee where you read Luna and youfor recombine Allah he will also

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Lee that those people who disbelieve in Allah and His messengers, and they want to discriminate between the lines as messengers, how were coluna note middleby Baldan Wanaque FUBA that they say we believe in some messengers, and we don't believe in others, while you read on a toughie. lubaina Danika sebelah they want to make their own way basically, hula eco humble cafe owner help car. Those are the real disbelievers. Were our terminal carefully Naira dabba Mahina and we are prepared for the disbelievers a humiliating punishment. And he these people are not believers. Real faith is that you accept and you surrender. You hear and obey not that you hear and disobey, not that you say I

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will do whatever I want. No, we have to do what Allah subhanaw taala wants us to do. We don't pick and choose. Then it has said well occurred attain our muscle Kitagawa phenom embody Hebrew soul, and we did certainly give Musar listen and Atolla and followed up after him with messengers, meaning after mozarella salaam, there were always you know prophets that were sent to the Bani Israel. Right? Especially we see in the Bible itself in the book of Judges in the book of First and Second Samuel and then in the book of you know, Kings First and Second Kings. This is basically who the stories of prophets that were sent to Bani Israel. And these are prophets like you sha Allah His

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Salam ileus Ernie Salam Eunice Ali Salam that would early Salam Sulaiman Ernie his Salam zakat era his Salam ye Haley's Salam, any There was never a time except that there was a prophet among the Bani Israel eat. Right. And why were these prophets sent to Bani Israel to remind them of the covenant that they had made with Allah, to bring them back to the original teachings to bring them back to the Torah, to remind them of the Promise of Allah. So what happened? Every time a prophet came, and the bunny is thrown at you, he that the words of the prophet that were brought out of the difficulty that they were in, but then as soon as things were good, you know, they went back to

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their old ways. So what a phenom embody he Bill Russell, what are attained are a sudden ammonium will begin at what a year, the National Bureau headquarters and specifically recently cinemas mentioned over here that we gave reset the son of money and clear proofs, which were clear evidences that showed that he was not a liar, that were clear that he was indeed a messenger of ALLAH, any evidences that could not be ignored. Think about how he was born. Think about how he spoke as a child. And especially we learned here that he had the support of Gibreel. And this was especially in the way that recited his salaam spoke not just the miracle that he performed, but also in the way

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that he spoke the way that he preached the way that he advised Bani Israel and he spoke in a way that could not be ignored. And if you read about you know how reciting Saddam spoke to the Bani Israel eel, how he advised them, you know, openly any these words are so powerful. So what a year dinner will be rowhill Kudos of Aquila magia a cobra zulum And remember that it is 37 was the last messenger that was sent to the Bani Israel okay meaning from the Bani Israel to the Bani Israel so it is said that every time but is it not that every time a messenger came to you be my allowed to Hua and Phu Kham with what your souls did not desire is that bottom you were arrogant for failure

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can Cadabra Tolman a party of messengers you denied what photoconductor Luna and a party you killed. So we see that with the covenants also what was their attitude? They did what they liked, and they opposed what they wanted to they basically picked and chose whatever they liked and they abandoned of the Covenant whatever they did not like when it comes to the messengers of Allah. Anytime the messengers of Allah told them something that they did not like that oppose their desire. They denied the messenger. Why did they you know, think about it big

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he'll do hair on his sternum when it comes to restart his son. Um, they did not believe in him. Why? What was so difficult about restarting Sam that they did not understand that they could not accept? It's what Rizal has said, I'm told them he pointed out their faults to them. He reminded them of the covenant of Allah. And that's something they did not want to adhere to. So first they rejected him and then they attempted to kill him. Right well fed he conducted alone but they did not kill him, as we learned in the Quran warm up but then Who? Who? Yaquina they did not kill him for sure. So Will Ferrell conducted Oh, now notice over here for the Concord debitum A party of the messengers you

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denied. This is the past tense Well, funny conduct alone, and a party you kill Doctor alone. This is present tense, this is fair and Melania. It is not what video can cartel tone, rather a party you kill, because they attempted to kill it. recyling is Salam, right. And at the time that this IO was revealed, they attempted many times to kill the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa salam as well. At one occasion, they attempted to throw a huge boulder on him so that he would get crushed by it. They violated the treaty that they made with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and then some of them openly waged war against him. Then we also learn about that woman who poisoned in the meat that

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she brought to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam any they attempted to kill the Prophet sallallahu Reyes and many times, so for your Kabataan warfare recon, duck to loan.

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Now here, the bunny is sly eel are basically being reprimanded, that it is your desires that prevent you from believing in the messengers from listening to the messengers from adhering to the book. It's mainly your desires. And this is something again, that we need to think about that sometimes it's not that we are ignorant, we know exactly what the Quran says, We know exactly what the law of Allah is, you know, for example, being good to parents, very clear, very, very clear. There's no doubt about that. But why is it that a lot of people find it hard to be good to their parents, it's their desire, their desires, prevent them. So remember that there's two diseases of the heart, two

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main diseases of the heart that prevent a person from guidance and what are these diseases it has doubts, and then secondly, desires, doubts, lack of conviction, desires that are healthy, that are permissible, and then there are desires that are unhealthy that are impermissible. So, which kind of desires is this? These are desires that make a person so attached to the world, that a person does not wish to obey Allah, okay. So these are desires that contradict the Command of Allah in sutra causes, if 50 We learn woman Allah lumen Manitoba Hawa, who will be lady who doesn't mean Allah, who can be more astray than the one who follows His desire without guidance. Any desires in and of

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themselves are not evil. But when desires oppose the guidance that Allah subhanaw taala has revealed, that is when they become problematic. And when a person pursues such desires, then there is no doubt about their misguidance into Assad i a 26, we learned that I would listen to him he was a king, a prophet, Allah subhanaw taala told him while at WL Hawa do not follow the desire for you will look at and to beat Allah because it will mislead you then from the way of Allah. So here we see that the main problem of Bani Israel was that every time a messenger brought them something that they did not like, told them something that oppose their desire. They were arrogant, so they

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rejected the truth. They rejected the messenger and in their pride, they went on denying the messenger completely. And some messengers they even attempted to kill them. They tortured their messengers, they persecuted them, they killed them. So it's very clear that they killed Yeah, he already has sent him they killed Zachary early his salah, and they also attempted to kill recently his sunnah, and this was talking about Bani Israel.

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