Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2021 J01-012B Word Analysis Al-Baqarah 67-73
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What is now another story and recall when kala Musa Musa alayhis salam said from the root letters cough whoa lamb likoma he to his people calm as you notice from the root letters cough well meme and who are his people the bunny is slightly What did he say to them he said to them that inna indeed Allahu Allah yet modal como he commands you all yet Moodle from Hamza meme gra amor command so Allah is the One who is commending you all on that third Baba who you all Slaughter from the root letters that the HA the the Bihar is all from the same root so you all slaughter Bacara a cow Bacara I don't think it requires any word analysis it just means you know a cow is a cow. So Allah orders you to
slaughter a cow God who they said who said the money is right yield set of wild man. They said do this is a question okay. That does he do the you okay? That the video take you take now us? Okay. Do you take us from the root letters Hamza Hall, then do you take us whose work in mockery ha ze Hamza? Remember, at the beginning of Surah Baqarah. When we were learning about the hypocrites we learned that they said in nama national Musa hizzy own we were only mocking ones who are mocking. So who's aware? This is the main noun mockery. So they said, do you take us in mockery? Meaning, are you joking with us? You're telling us that we should slaughter a cow? Are you joking? Allah Musa alayhis
salam said are all do I seek refuge of Allah? He said, I seek refuge arraign while there are all the below him in a che plan, have a dream. So here he said, I seek refuge Billahi in Allah and lest Hakuna I be cough well known men among Al Jazeera Helene those who are ignorant. Jaya Helene plural of the word J. Hill, from the root letters Jeem hat lamp, meaning I beg Allah to protect me from being among those who are ignorant. May Allah protect me, May Allah save me from being of those who are ignorant. Who is he talking about? Who are the Jaya Helene Jehane? Are those who would make fun of others, right? Or who would make fun of people or you know, trick them or play with them
basically, while using the command of Allah or while using the name of Allah. So this is ignorance. Now what is ignorance Jehan is of different types, one type of gehele one type of ignorance is to literally not know, to be ignorant means to not know to be unaware to have no knowledge. All right. Another form of this ignorance is that a person knows something, but it's actually false information. Right? So they think they know but again, they actually don't know. And then another type of ignorance is that a person knows yet they don't act by that knowledge. So they're behaving ignorantly. And if you were to ask them about the information, yes, they know about that
information. But in their behavior, they're showing ignorance. Okay, so he said, I seek refuge with Allah lest I be among those who are ignorant Kalu they said cough while lamb or the rule, the bunnies slide said, Oh, the rule you call upon, or the rule is from the root letters that are in well, Dahlia the rule is to call someone okay to call someone. Now when we make dua, what are we doing? We're calling Allah, right. We're calling upon Allah. We're talking to Allah, we're asking Allah for help. Right? We're asking Allah to give us something. So they said, Oh, do you are Musa alayhis salam you call upon Lana for us meaning on our behalf Rebecca your Rob stuff it Allah look
at how they distance themselves from Allah. They say you call upon your rub on our behalf. Why you begin so that he makes clear you begin is from the root letters ba Yeah, noon. Okay, by an means clarification or clarity. So you begin, he makes clear, Lana for us. Now what here it is, what the cow is. Any you ask Allah to make the cow clear to us, because we don't understand what kind of a cow we should slaughter. Allah. He said, Musa alayhis salam said in knihu indeed he meaning indeed Allah. And you can see from the capitalization that it's referring to Allah azza wa jal. So most artists Anam said that indeed he meaning ALLAH your Kulu he says again cough Well, lamb that
In the hat indeed, it's it meaning Bacara tune the cow. So indeed the cow is supposed to be a cow, which is land neither fatty alone very old final is from the root letters for little blood, okay. And it means very old. Now, the word fuddled. Ah, okay fuddled is to make an incision in wood. Okay, basically something solid, so you're making an incision in it. And when you do that you were basically trying to break it because it's too hard that you can't break it very easily. So, you have to make an incision you have to, you know, make some kind of a crack some kind of a cut in it, so that you can break it from that point, right? And also when you make an incision in wood, okay, even
if it's for the purpose of carving, for example, what are you doing through that incision, you are reducing the volume of that wood, right? So fatfield is used for someone who is old, okay? Why? Because they have cut, meaning they have crossed their youth, okay, and now they're old. And what happens in old age is that literally your body begins to reduce and deplete not just in its strength, but also you know, people lose a couple inches of their height. So, this has failed. Okay fuddled that is used for someone who has become old or very advanced in age. So this cow is neither very old, while a big con and nor young. So free from these extremes. Now the word because is used
for a virgin, or someone who has not had any children yet. Okay? Especially when you're talking about a female any it should neither be very old nor should it be a baby. Okay. So what kind of a cow it is, it is our one, it is middle aged, and are one from the root letters is well known, is used for an animal like a cow or even a person that is off middle aged. They're neither advanced in age, nor are they very youthful, very young. So basically neither young nor old. So when you're talking about a cow that is like this, neither very old nor too young. It has to be are when you're talking about a cow that is somewhere between three and four years of age. bein Adeleke between that
between what between five and because for I lose so you all do fair Irene lamb you all do this as an imperative mozarella cinemas telling them you all do man what took maroon you all are commanded Hamza mean Roy is the root because in the Lucha Moodle calm Allah orders you. So now do what you are commanded and stop asking questions. Just do it. God will they said Will the rule in Arabic You call upon for us to rub you by Ilana so that he makes clear for us now what Loja is its color. Lone lamb well known loan is color. So we want to know what color the cow is supposed to be. So Carla musante Salam said in New York colo Indeed, Allah says that in her Bacara tone indeed it is a cow. That
should be Sephora. Its color should be Sephora. Sephora, from the root letters solid for raw. Sephora is used for yellow color. Okay, some say that, you know, for example, especially when you read this instruction in the Bible, typically in the English language, the word red is used as a translation but the Hebrew word actually is a DOM, okay, which is used for like a brownish beige color. Okay. And if you think about it, beige, brown red, any you're not talking about blood red, you're talking about some shade of you know, red or brown or chestnut basically, especially if you're using it to refer to a horse or a person. And even the word Adom is used for water that has
become you know, murky, brownish, or lentils so it's not red as in blood red, okay, it is golden saffron. Okay, that kind of a color. So in the hubba cotton soft rock, and then it is further described fell pero lo NUHA. Intensely yellow in its color. Okay, felt there is from the root letters foul cough rain and fall here it is used to describe the brightness of yellow. Okay. Like for example in English who said jet black, right? You don't say jet red. Okay. You say pitch black. You don't say
To blue so just like that the word fat pair is used to describe the brightness and the depth of the colors of rock. Okay, so it's intensity so fat appear on low Noha any in its color it's intensely yellow really golden saffron and it's a color that the Saru it delights seen. Rah rah Suroosh delight, pleasure happiness. So it delights who are now leading those who look so anyone who looks at this cow and they see the color of the cow immediately they will find it pleasing. Okay, because you will notice how certain colors you know if they're really bright and the brightness any it's almost unpleasant like for example, bright yellow typically, like for example a fluorescent yellow
it's not very pleasant, extremely bright orange any it's almost disturbing you want to look away, you can't bear the brightness. So the southern led naledi implore love now lit norms law is the root the one who looks so the beauty of that color pleases those who are looking follow they said oh the rule you call upon law now for us Rebecca your Rob Ubay Yelena he so that he makes clear for us what it is. They said we're still not sure about what kind of a cow it is. They said in that indeed Al Baqarah the cows notice this is Bacara and earlier we learned the word Bacara with a Tamar buta alright Bacara. Now Bacara is used for singular, okay, and Bekah is is some gents okay? It's some
jeans meaning it's a generic noun, which can be used for masculine feminine singular or plural, anything. So here it means cows. Okay. So indeed the cows, the Shabba or Lena, they appear similar to us. Any we're still confused, all the cows are similar to us there are so many of them. And we have not been able to find the right one. So you further clarify what kind of a cow it is. Now the Shabba is from the root letters sheen back, huh? Okay. And the Shabba is when something appears similar to another, it resembles another looks like another. So the cows all of them look the same to us. Okay, basically what they're saying is all the cows look the same to us. So we need more
specifications, more details. And they said we're in there and indeed we in If Shah Allahu Allah wills, if Allah wills we will be LaMotta don't surely want to obtain guidance law means surely and methadone is a plural of the word mu D. Okay, mu D. We have read this word earlier in solitary Baqarah. When I can no more Dean regarding the hypocrites. They're not ones who obtain guidance. So here the Vini is what you've said if Allah wills we will obtain guidance, we will find the right cow and we will slaughter it. Allah you know who your Kulu Musa alayhis salam said that indeed Allah says that in the hubback Ratan indeed it is a cow leather Loulan land not the loo loan tamed from
the root letters that lamb lamb remember the word Villa will duty but are laying him with the letter. So villa is what humiliation. So the loan is someone who has been subjugated. Okay, someone who has been controlled, basically subdued. So when you're talking about an animal that has been subdued, you're talking about an animal that is tamed that is trained for some work subjugated to some work. So this cow should not be tamed okay it should not be subdued for labor and if a cow has been subdued for labor what does that mean? It means that either it plows the land it's working in the fields or it is being used to irrigate the lens okay. So it is specified that love alone it
should not be tamed so that it to theory or it plows the land to zero theta. Well rock now to zero is an interesting word throw your theories to upturn. So, basically what happens in tilling the land is that you are digging it in such a way you're scratching the earth in such a way that what was underneath okay it comes to the surface and what was on the surface goes down. So you are stirring the surface of the earth. So to Cyril are the plows the land Willa and nor the spill healther it waters the fields thus be seen off. Yeah, you remember the word is the sky
Oh what is this all Musa so well at the spill health it should not be account that waters the fields health is used for land that has been prepared for cultivation or land on which there is crop and the word also is used for crop itself. So you're talking about the fields okay whether they have been prepared for cultivation or there's already crop on it. So it should not be such that it waters the fields. So what kind of a cow should it be? It should be Musa Lemma and health is from the root letters however the cow should be Musa lemma was a lemma one that is kept sound seen la meme Okay? Islam submission Salam safety. Alright, so Musa lemma one that is safe and sound any it's not
deformed it doesn't have any impairment it doesn't have any disease it's not bruised you know it doesn't have any kind of blemish on it. Okay, we'll set a limit on lash Yetta and then it is further specified no blemish at all she had to is from the root letters Well, Sheen Yeah. Okay and what she is a mark that is you know of a different color than its background because if it's the same color then it's not a mark it's going to get blended with the background. So last year meaning no spot fee * in it. So for example in a cat you have a white cat with black spots on it, okay cow you have a brown cow with white marks on it white spots on it right. So last year to fee her means two things
First of all, it means that it should have no colored spots on it Okay, meaning the color of this cow should be completely solid one color okay, one color so no spot at all. Secondly, last year to fee her means it should have no blemish at all. Any for example if it got injured once upon a time, so now there is a spot on the cow on its skin that doesn't have any hair on it right so that would be a blemish Okay, that would be a spot so it should be spotless in terms of color and it should be completely blemish free and he no defect whatsoever last year to fee her Kalu they said I'll Anna now l n is from the root letters Hamza well known and means time and L and this time meaning now
Jetta you have brought Jeem yeah Hamza Jetta means to come which is why you can see the word come over here, but when the word is followed by B it means to bring not just to come but to bring so they said now you have brought a help the truth okay help off off is the root for the Baja so they slaughtered it same word as above and tell us about who you slaughter here though but who finally they slaughtered that about her when I can do and they almost did not we have read the word here caddell Berco The lightning almost so here Macedon they almost did not so my means not so they almost did not yet alone they do meaning they almost did not slaughter the cow. Why? Because while
if you think about it such a cow would be first of all very very difficult to find and then secondly with all of these questions one after the other any they were almost not going to do it they were almost going to continue with their questions What if and when another incident Katell tomb you all killed off the lamb Cottle to kill meaning one person was killed nipson A soul so you killed a soul you kill the person for data Tom then you are accused one another Fidella dome is from the root letters that ra Hamza okay. And basically does is to push to ward off okay, something away from you to avert so what's happening is that you in a dispute, people are warding off blame from themselves
okay. And who are they throwing that blame on someone else? Alright. So Fedora tone basically means you accused one another okay you exchanged accusations fee hat in regard to with in regard to what the murderer well Allah Who and Allah Milani Jun is one who brings out her regime. Now what quantum you all have been tucked Timon you all are hiding calf to me
Whatever you were hiding, meaning the reality of you know that murder that happened Who killed that man why they killed him? Allah who was going to bring that out for cola so we said Elodie boohoo you will strike him blood via strike him meaning the person that was killed the slain men be broadly how with some of it some of what there's two opinions about this some have said it's referring to the cow the cow that was slaughtered and others say that it's referring to a part of the body of the slain men. Okay a part of his dead body. So it rebou will be barley ha and then what happened inshallah you will find out Catholica thus your he Allahu Allah gives life to her yeah yeah is the
route Allah gives life to Al melta Those who are dead plural of the word may yet okay my yet one who is dead from the root letters meme while tap Mote death may yet one who is dead and Mota those who are that this customer is under the yeah okay well you recommend he shows you all the raw Hamza yet is the ropes Allah He saw URI he shows Okay, so Yuri he shows comb you all at his signs plural of the word Yeah, he shows you His signs Laura LUCAM so that you all dark alone you all understand rain Coughlin alright long lesson I'm sure you're tired everybody stand up where you are. Take a sip of water stretch maybe and let's listen to the recitation quietly as you freshen up Bismillah or even
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to learn
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to fee Allah
to mourn
brivo will be the only guy that he or she loves.