Kamal El-Mekki – The Middle Way

Kamal El-Mekki
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the importance of sharia in Islam, its use in pressure and strict rules, and the struggles of a man who never gets around to them. They stress the importance of avoiding wasteful behavior and not overpaying for one's time. The pandemic has impacted their business, including the need for staffing and other staffing related to the pandemic, and their financial results. They encourage listeners to focus on results and not overburden themselves.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa salatu salam ala rasulillah. Meanwhile, earlier he was talking

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about so the lecture is titled The middle way. And anyone who hears this title the middle way the middle path, you know immediately that it was taken from the Quran from sort of Bukhara This is Chapter 143 lots of how to Alice's work ethic a john Martin was a PA, and we have made you a moderate oma, what's up is in the middle. So an oma that's in the middle, it akun Shahada Alana's way akuna Rasulullah alikum shahida, so that you will be witnesses over people and for that the messenger will be a witness over you. So Allah subhanaw taala says that he made our own worse automata What does that mean? It means from a number of angles, we're middle, we'll take the middle

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path and everything are Sharia itself is not very strict, and it's not very lacks the requirements of the deen themselves not very strict and not very lacks, and so on and so forth. You see, for example, in Islam with issues of al Qaeda, Islam is very strict with issues of al Qaeda and issues of belief. And you cannot have dealt in issues of belief. Someone can say I have I'm not sure. And it is, is God one or more than one. Is that acceptable? Not acceptable. I'm not sure if angels exist or not, is that acceptable? Not acceptable, because it's in the Quran it's mentioned. So with issues of athletes that the religion is very strict, then when it comes to issues of film, you find its

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lacks there is room for argument and room for disagreement room for different opinions. And this is of course, how it was intended Danny in but so for example, someone can say I'm not sure. When I come up from record semi I love him and hammered into my hands go here, though my hands go on this side. I'm really not sure about that. So one time I do this one time I do that just until I figure it out. Is that permissible? Is that okay? Absolutely. It's okay, with issues. We can disagree with each other filk wise. And it's not a reason for me to start another mustard across the street is it because just fickle opinion and people differ, and companions, different on issues on Al Qaeda, it's

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we see then, other verses that indicate to us that this must be a balanced religion must be a balanced religion. Allah subhanaw taala tells the Prophet sallallahu Sallam This is uncertain ambia wama also Naka in La maternidad I mean we have not sent you except as a mercy to humanity. So if he sent as a mercy that also shows you that it's going to be lacks that it's going to be a middle path because if it's to this side very strict that's not very merciful. Yeah. And if it's completely loose, that's not merciful either. Because as we'll see, inshallah, as we progress, a lot of problems happen when you don't have details or guidelines or restrictions. People think any if it's

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absolutely relaxed, and there are no guidelines and restrictions, it will be actually very good. It's not good it's very bad for humanity as we'll see inshallah, as

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we see from the Hadith of the prophets of Salaam, again, they give us indication that we are moderate oma, and to be sauce, and I'm sad, but Shiro, what are two and a few? Yes, 00, he said, but should give glad tidings and don't necessarily need to scare people away. Send people away, turn people off. So give glad tidings don't turn people off. Well, yes. sudwala to assume and make things easy. Don't make things difficult. And of course the problem he's the one who came with this Dean, he's the one who understands it best and he described a dino use what else this Deen the religion is ease and not difficulty. He came with this religion he knows it best. He said the religion is easy,

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not difficult. So if you ever find the deen to be difficulty, that means either you're not you don't understand it properly, or you're not applying it properly. Because there's no way you can be sure this Dean is difficult, while the one who brought it knows it best said it's easy. It's not difficult. That means there's something wrong with their application or something wrong with our understanding if that's the case.

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And the bizarre Selim also warned our own of going to extremes and exaggerating and pushing it too much in the religion. Carlos Allah wa salam ala yaku wala Hulu Yakumo Lulu. Lulu is like overdoing it pushing the boundaries and he goes going overboard, going beyond what was required a view for cinema Allah C'mon Kanaka blah, come on Hulu. What destroyed the nation's before you was a Hulu, of pushing it going over the boundaries. This is like the story of the cow we all know from sort of Al Baqarah famous story and it was very simple incident. Any musala salam says in Allah Muhammad Baqarah Allah commands you to slaughter a cow colossian you know what a cow is gonna slaughter one

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law. What color is it? What does it do? Give us more details. All the cows look alike.

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Because look alike pick one

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don't make things difficult. So in the end, a large region says in the end when they slaughtered it for the Baja, one Macedonia, they slaughtered it, but they almost couldn't do it because of the emphasis in explaining the end with a certain color that was given to them. And the more they asked for descriptions, the more it was given to them. In the end, they found that exact cow with a young boy who loved it very much and didn't want to sell it. And they offered him the weight of that cow and gold and some some duration say up to 10 times its weight in gold, it could have just picked any cow you had to make things difficult and the problem said what ruin the nation's before you is

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pushing, pushing it like this overdoing it and making things difficult. So Islam, we're gonna argue inshallah, that Islam is moderate in comparison to other religions. So and then it calls for moderation within Islam itself. So these are the two things we're going to look at. And whenever we talk about Islam being moderate, amongst other religions, the famous and the best, probably comparison is to choose Judaism, because of their strict laws, and they're known for their laws being very strict. And the other one, the other extreme is

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Christianity. There is no fuck, no matter what even there's nothing to know nothing, no details whatsoever to heart or what have you. They don't have any of that. This is some of the examples and when you look at Jewish law, you start to appreciate the Sharia and thank Allah azza wa jal for the Sharia. And if any Muslim ever comes to you and says, the Sharia is difficult, and so many do's and don'ts, that's not the case. alumnado on my module were between examples, Jews and Christians when it comes to jurisprudence, and rulings and things like that.

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The Jews, for example,

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very, very difficult, very difficult to do. So for example, some of the things that have you know, fruits and vegetables that have to be examined carefully lettuce, broccoli, all these things, you have to examine them. Why? Because if there's a bug in it, the bug is not kosher. But for us, we don't eat bugs as Muslims, right. But if you if you crush one up with the lettuce dilemma, like, what are you gonna do, right, but they have to examine and inspect the vegetables like that. You cannot mix meat and dairy and you cannot eat meat and then drink milk for example. Or if you're having no breakfast, can't have milk with cereal and then have like some kind of turkey or some kind

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of hollow meat with it whatsoever sausage, anything like that. We can't mix meat and dairy in some of their views, some of their fuqaha they you can eat fish, and meat either in one meal. And great products made by non Jews haram they cannot consume that either. See how things get difficult. With purification, it's difficult as well. Sometimes you can even purify garment except by cutting that part where there was an adjustment for Muslims you see a much easier correct. And you have to just you can wash it and remove the majestic is majesta in Arabic, and just his physical fully removed and adjusted from the clothing. What if a stain remains. So blood got on your clothing, let's say

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and you washed it and then there's some stain of blood, is that an issue? It's not an issue, because you removed the majority of it. And so on and so forth. We see a lot more relaxed there. If you look at the laws of slaughtering, it's known as the shlita law cheetah. It is beyond strict, incredibly strict. After they slaughter every animal, then they have to run their finger their nail against the knife like this. If in the slaughter process, a small Nick came on the blade, they have to change the knife get another one immediately. For Muslim you can slaughter four or five animals if Nick came on the knife, nothing happens but there's very very strict and the the sciatic nerve cannot be

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eaten and all the adjoining blood vessels near near that nerve can't be eaten. And so it has to be removed. And sometimes it's a difficult process and not cost effective. So a lot of Jewish slaughterhouses just take that part and sell it to another non kosher butcher because it's too much work for them. The fat around vital organs and the fat around the liver cannot be used for cooking for anything has to be get you throw it get rid of it for us, you know, and the fat is the good stuff isn't it?

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They have to separate utensils. So the pots pans dishes that were used for let's say any meat can't be used for dairy later why because they say the pot or the utensil will pick up the status it will pick up the status of any if I put meat kosher meat on it, then it the plate now has picked up the status of kosher meat and I can't put any dairy product cheese or anything on it later on. If I cut cheese with a knife, you can use it later on for meat and so on until you go through another process that makes going to restaurants

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difficult and is

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Not underlined, not the case for us, because we're always at the restaurants, right? So that makes going to restaurants difficult. It makes using dishwashers difficult. You can't because everything's mixing now you got the kosher plate for me with the plate for milk in the same dishwasher. You can't do it like that. stove tops, where you cook can catch and take the status of kosher as well. So now you have to, you know, go through that process to make that any

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ll find out somehow, yeah. And so on and so forth. Working on the Sabbath isn't that difficult. And we don't work on a gym, but we don't work during the time of Juma, right, then you can open your store or restaurant after the Salah. If you open in the early morning before the slots, okay, we're not prohibited, it's a day of rest for us, but we're not prohibited for them. It's prohibited, very difficult and so difficult that they their history is they try to find ways around it as you remember. And in America, in some cities, they would say you couldn't you know, the set the rule of law of the Sabbath is that you can you cannot work on the Saturday the Sabbath. But in your home,

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you can work. So one city they did, they took a big string and they put it around the neighborhood. And they said this is all our home.

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You see, just like with the fishing incident, yeah. Put on

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for the woman not allowed to touch the woman during her menses Yanni touch like this, you cannot touch the woman during her menses and that's difficult. And she's impure. She doesn't sit on your bed, you don't come near her, she doesn't come near you for the whole period of the menses. But of course, in Islam much different than that the problem is seldom. And as noted by I show below on how we do a number of things to show us that that's not the case. In one incident, I actually drank from a container or like a, you know, what would like a cup or whatever container? And then she gave the professor said, No, they won't happen. He turned it to where she drank from, among a few. This is a

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lecture about romance. We would mention this as romantic thing. If it's a lecture about filk we mentioned it because the Muslim drank from there to show that she's not impure during the menses live the Roman society. That's what this the benefit of that incident. But just because you drank from there, yeah. But then you can do the news, the Hadith based on the lecture.

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then the I should describe the problem Karna your new basher

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the FEMA Dune and basically, the the woman, his wife, or one of his wives as is in there is would would like cover and have a garment on and from the waist below should have a garment on, and then porcelain, we would be very normal with her and enjoy enjoy any part of the body beyond that. And why would the President do that some of the wisdoms and scholars mentioned one of the wisdoms behind that is to show the woman that that's not all you're about on your own in dementors color, stay away, don't touch Don't come near the bed. And it's just like how we treat the dog in Islam. So how do we treat the dog in a snap? You don't the dog on your bed? Do you

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bring a dog into a Muslim home, we have a big problem.

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Don't you don't want the dog near you. You don't want the dog licking you. You don't want the dog on your in touching your utensils true or false. So realistically, she has come like close to that status now. But the rustoleum when he's not being any like this with any they can be caressing and touching any part of the body. Anything that's not belly button to the knees during the menses shows you that you can still touch your wife and she's not again, like we say like a dog or something like that. And then we're using the dog as a comparison because that's something in Islam. We never want to touch. Yeah, we're not using the big because we don't see those. Yeah, but in the street, you

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know, someone walks their dog. And they think for some reason you want to touch the dog and they let it come near you. And if only knew what you want to do to the dog, right.

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Now, what are some of the dietary laws and restrictions and Christianity?

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What restrictions right? Christianity, no restrictions whatsoever, no laws whatsoever. And even all the dietary laws that came in the book of Deuteronomy, they canceled it. None of it makes you impure and you can eat, what you want to eat and so on and so forth. That's why when you watch those shows, that guy will just eat anything those shows the guy travels around the world and eats things to just eat anything. Now if you make a show like that, okay, with 100 a Muslim, where are they going to go?

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There's just no way we can go every city that goes this

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or any other Muslim Of course I'm just for.

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So we see then, when you compare Islam to other religions, you clearly see where in the middle path is Islamic law, dietary law or any other law anywhere near as strict as Jewish law. Absolutely not anywhere near as flexible as well actually non existent as Christian law. Absolutely not.

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So in that regard, you can clearly see how we're in the middle. And when you get to see that you start to see what a blessing it is to be in the middle. Because both ways and if one is too difficult, and one is really a stray, when you have no restrictions you're astray.

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I want to give an example to show what a blessing it is to have details. And you know, sometimes people they don't like the fact that they're details in Islam, and it's sometimes you need you meet these Muslims. And you look at what does Islam interfere if they use that word, right? Why does Islam interfere in in you know, little things, what we do with facial hair, women removing plucking eyebrows, what is Allah and go into these things?

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First of all, because our bodies belong to Allah, he can tell us what to do with them. And he can tell us what he likes. And as the slave you have to do what your Lord says, You don't have a choice. As a slave, you do what Allah says. But

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when you recognize when you when you look at the details carefully, you see that details are a blessing. I'll give you an example. Let's just pick one thing.

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All right, let's just pick a warfare. Because a lot of early Christians, when they looked at Islam, they saw Islam has guidelines for war. You know, the do's and don'ts in battle battle, as mentioned in the Koran and everything they said, you know that that means these people just love war. That's all. These are people who love war. Because we, we have our teachings from Jesus, it says, turn the other cheek. Yeah. But these people that have even rules for war, Jesus didn't give us any rules for war, you see from their argument is making it as if they have the upper hand here. And that because we have details, we're the ones who love war. That's actually exactly not that. Because we have

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details, our soldiers have restraint. Our soldiers and Muslim soldiers not talking about any army. Today I'm talking about in the good old days, Muslim soldiers, they had the best conduct the best conduct of any soldiers in human history. Have you ever heard of any narration where a Muslim soldier raped a woman, for example, impossible, or even cut a tree, because we have the guidelines that say, Don't cut trees, don't attack a slave, or a woman or a child, or someone who's just carrying the drums or the water or something like that, or a noncombatant? We don't burn crops or cut trees or kill animals, even if it yes, these animals will feed and give milk to the enemy. We

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don't kill them. So you see the way of the believers because they had guidelines, they had restraint. And they had exactly a clear boundary line that they did not cross when you don't have a boundary line, and you have an unrealistic teaching such as turn the other cheek. Would you have any basically you have very tails? Yeah. And that's why, if you look at it historically, a Christian soldiers were the most brutal and until today, I mean, this is, again, this is my personal opinion, my views and extreme opinion so and if anyone's worried, you can distance yourself from what I'm saying. But until today need the most violent, and even in recent history, the most violent soldiers

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have always been an either Christians and they've killed more people than any other group on Earth. Today, that's a historical fact. But why? How could the people who follow the prophet of peace who says turn the other cheek be killing more people than anyone else? Does that make sense? It's wrong, isn't it? But why then you analyze why? And you come back to one thing, they didn't get enough details. So all they got was an unrealistic teaching. And no society can live like that. Our oma has details and the details made us moderate. Do you see this point?

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Okay, no, I was amazed by that point. I love that point. It's a wonderful point. Our Omar has details and because of the details we can be moderate. There Omar didn't have any details. So they became violent, even though the teaching is peaceful, but two sided can't live like that turned the other cheek. What happens when someone a thief now comes into your house? Your wife sees him he slaps her. What do you tell the honey, turn the other cheek?

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Or maybe you have a second wife? You come here let him slap your son.

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It can't work like that. So didn't have any laws for murder and he didn't know how to deal with the murderer or the thief. Any kind of transgressor of presser. What do you do with him? Just turn that you can't keep turning cheeks? How many chicks are we gonna keep turning here?

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In the end what happens? So they have to come up with their own laws on for any criminal law basically. And St. Augustine was the first who started to write laws for the Christians because they didn't have anything except turn the other cheek. Now you move to Islam, and we saw Selim said nmbu Rama wanna be human, Hannah. I'm the prophet of Rama and the prophet of Mohammed Hama mela, him. Battles. You see the route lamb, lamb is meeting his battles. There'll be meat on the ground at the end arm

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Cut off parts cut off. So why does he say that out of love of battle? It's clear from his city he didn't love battle. So he didn't say it out of love of battle. He said it meaning battle here and in the place of the sword meaning the new capital punishment if need be how to deal with you know the *, if need be the adulterer if need be, there has to be a law. And no society can function without the use of law or the sword really. And when the Christians realized that they started to write their own law, and because they wrote their own law, you have all the brutality that used to occur in Europe and so on. But we didn't write our own law. Allah azza wa jal and in Nabisco, Selim

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gave us our law and that's why it was always moderate and fair and we didn't have brutality in our history. And you guys here when the other day we walked by this What's it was that museum called where there's all the torture

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next to it next to the aquarium next in London I

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a weather something London dungeons I could look at any like, you know, not mean you know, the Muslim you British but Okay, we're attacking the British side of you, not the Muslim side. So you guys had an such a history of murder and torture. And now you have museums to show this is the history of torture we still have and stuff like that severe severe stuff. Why? Because they don't have guidelines, they just had this unrealistic thing turn the other cheek. You see the difference? Now what we're saying, that's why it's such a blessing to have details in the deen, such a blessing to have the how and the and the why, in a religion and those who don't have it, they went overboard

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because of not having it.

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And nobody saw Selim, now within Islam, so now we've discussed Islam, when in comparison to other religions, we saw it clearly being the moderate path within Islam, we have texts that always call to moderation. And the Quran itself, anytime it mentioned something, sometimes it will mention something in a bad light, then it will mention the same thing in a positive light. What happens when you put the two together? You get something in the middle? Yeah. And that's why it's not honesty. And if a Muslim wants to take all the evidence that's against something in the Quran, and just list you that I add without listing the other eight that are talking about it in a positive light, and

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we're going to take some examples and shuttler and they'd be sort of a lot of them said, Hola, como Tanaka own. Hola, como Tanaka own helical Moto, their own three times he said the extremists are destroyed. The extremists are destroyed. The extremists are destroyed. Type. The question is Who are the extremists? Who is extreme.

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And the word extreme now we just throw it around. The anti non Muslim doesn't like a Muslim. They're extreme Muslims. The government doesn't like a specific group. They're extreme Muslims. Muslims don't like the mustard across the street. They're extremists. Everyone is but who is not? How do we know who is extreme and who's not extreme. The scholars say within any realm, within any belief system for the most part and religion, you will find for the most part two extreme ends and extremists over here and an extreme end over here within Islam will have the same situation. We have this type of extremist. And most people don't recognize this. But we have another type of extremist

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as well. So the one that goes overboard and the one that has nothing to do with the deen that's an extremist, isn't it?

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No, yeah, they went to another extreme. Many times people think there's one of you. And so if you have a family, if there's a family, let's say not very practicing, then they have two boys, two sons, one starts to practice and go to the masjid and grow a beard and shorten his clothes. And the other one is, you know, going to clubs and everything. Which one gets the message though the lecture about don't become extreme, my son? Which one? The one that's getting religious right? The other one no girlfriends and clubs and drinking. Is that extreme or not? It's beyond extreme. He never gets the lecture. Because people don't understand that there are two extremes. But if there are two

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extremes within a religion or an ideology or a belief system, or what have you, there's always got to be a middle then. And in Islam. The middle is it's a person. That's the hint. Who is the middle?

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the profits of the Law Center? No doubt correct. No believer ever would say no, he was towards this extreme or the other extreme. And nobody saw Selim was the middle. He was the middle. He was not towards either extreme. So this is now our measuring stick for what is extreme and what is not extreme.

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We look at this chart here. And we look at whatever the incident that is being accused of being extreme. Did the President do it or not? If he did it, that means it's moderate. It's not extreme. If he didn't do it, I mean, you're either going beyond what he did, you're moving towards this extreme. And you really neglecting what he's taught you moving towards the other extreme, and that's just how it is. So for example,

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at one time, there was a, there were these interns that came to an Islamic organization and everything they helped out for the summer. And then at the end, when they were leaving in their final speech, they said you guys are very extreme.

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You don't shake hands with women, man, like is this extreme? Let's go back to our chart. The prophet SAW Selim did he shake hands with women. He didn't

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That means if you don't shake hands with a woman, you're being moderate. And of course, people might ask that what what is an example of going beyond the extreme, we'll get to that example.

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There was, by the way, a very nice an incident Well, it wasn't nice in and of itself any but the teaching was nice. During the Battle of her name, 12,000 companions went out with the Prophet sallallahu sallam, and the missionary cone brought with them the women and children. And they even put them in the in the front lines as well in the battle. So

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you understand the tactic behind that the woman, the Muslim wouldn't want to attack women and children.

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And so enemies are seldom. Then after the battle was over, he found a woman that was killed, a woman that was killed? And could you argue that most likely she was probably killed by accident? Don't you think? Do you think one of the companions would want to kill a woman? If

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if the janitor stopped his sword in mid blow over the head of hand been taught? Because he didn't want to kill a woman with the sword of the processor? lamb? Don't you think that the companions wouldn't want to kill a woman? So you can argue Yes, it was an accident and so on. The problem could have also said it's their fault. They brought the woman and children and put them in the front lines. It's not my fault. But no, the problem was angered. He was angered. He said, Well, like the mechanic had he took it. He said, Well, he this was not near any this woman here was not a warrior. One of those was fighting. So why is she killed is basically what he's saying. If she's not a

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fighter, why was she killed? You see that? And this is going back to your first argument. But I I like this point, I wanted to mention it. Going back to our first argument of having guidelines, and there were no excuses made here. Yeah, and most likely, she was killed by accident, but the problem was angered because this is respectable army, do not injure women or children or anything like that. And I think I must also add this incident of during the Battle of Al qadisiya when the Muslims were facing the Persians. So Rustom is the leader of the Persian army and he comes in, he settles in a village, a Persian village. So the next day the battle or whenever the battle comes, for now, we're

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settling with a village of Persians here. The Muslims on the other side, camped in a Persian village as well.

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So at night, then the leaders of the Persian village they came the leaders, the big shots, you know, old, the elderly, the wise men, the nobles, they came to roost them, and they complained, they said, your soldiers, now they're attacking the village, they're attacking the women. They're taking people's possessions or just by force, they're getting drunk and wreaking havoc in the city. So they're complaining to him, please continue soldiers, they're harming our people.

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And roosters, it is narrated that Rustom said, these Muslims, they deserve to become victorious over us. Because we're camped with our own people. And look how we're dealing with them within justice. Look how we're handling them, and their camp with a people that they don't know that they're not their people. And they treat them so well. So they deserve to defeat us. So what does that show you? It shows you the conduct, very high level of conduct from the Muslim soldiers. And today, of course, when you look at soldiers worldwide, Danny, and

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looking for, I'll pick on the American soldiers that what they were doing in Iraq, and then when when the news would come, some people had the nerve to be surprised all our men and women did that our boys did that. Yes, your boys did that. What were your boys taught in boot camp Tajweed and stuff.

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They were trained and told that they were killers all the time. And they're trained to kill and want to kill and they're told by the drill sergeant, you're killing machines that they're using the worst kind of words to, to fill in their mind that they're killing machines. And then you're surprised when they kill the family and stuff away. But anyway, they would drop in and doing no damn all the time. That's why it's very beat me. Not fat, you cannot fathom why they killed the family. So this is the history of the Muslim soldier in Islam. And part of that was the details and the conduct code of conduct that we had versus those nations that don't have a club. I know we went back to that

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argument. Moving back to what we were saying today, we're talking about now the extremists. We're talking about how the moderate and the middle is the prophet SAW Selim, we have this extreme end, and we have that extreme end. And the problem said the extremists are destroyed.

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with even with issues of belief, we're in the middle, and we've had * and groups in Islam that were at one end or the other. We have the average and the murgia. The average are those people who see that if you commit a major sin, you're a non Muslim, you're a Kaffir. Now if you commit a major sin, but what about Toba? You have to take the Shahada all over again. And we had the murder

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The more Joe say that a man does not decrease and no sin affects the man and all that, and both are wrong. And the middle is that we can you have toboe with the concept of Toba and Islam, the coverage. If you commit a major sin, you're a non Muslim. And one of the this is a true story. There was one of the one of the average, I'm not going to mention the country, but he would be standing around which above the just talking and stuff, then suddenly he's like, brothers, brothers, I just became a Catholic. Then he'll go he'll say, the Shahada, he'll wash, he'll come back dripping wet, dirty chattering and everything then brothers. I just became a counselor. He goes, it washes again

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comes back. And again, he's splitting brothers, because I just became Catholic. And why? because they believe you committed marriage major sin here, you'd become a non Muslim, and he'll get a bad thought, or a carefully thought, for example, and just on that thought, I've become tough. They told me we're going to catch a cold this way near you wet all day and stuff. This is what he believed. This is the wave of the merger. The other extreme, the middle path, you commit a major sin. You can make Toba and a lotto is in the Quran. Allah will forgive, even shift can it can be forgiven as long as you repent before you die and the sincere repentance, you stop doing what you're doing. You have

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the resolve to not go back to it, and you feel bad for doing it. That's it. And no one can come between you and Allah azza wa jal. So even with issues of belief, we have the ingredients for being in the middle. And when people ignore some of the evidence and take part of the evidence, they go to one extreme or the other extreme. With acts of worship as well, with acts of worship, we have a tremendous amount of detail that keeps it right in the middle. So it doesn't, we don't push ourselves overboard and get bored and tired or the act of worship becomes a chore, right? Like for example, even when reading the Quran, Abdullah Machado de la Han, he used to say, read the sutra and

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he said go over its meanings. It's like kind of like saying enjoy it. And then he says something interesting. He said do not let the concern of one of you be the end of the surah you know what that means? Don't let your concern be the end of the surah someone will say I want to read a book on Saturday morning. I'm going to read over Bukhara today. So what happens they put a marker towards the end of a Baccarat and they keep reading really grim than every now and then they stop and they find they go back and see okay, how many how thick they stick Okay, then they read with video then again the grab the pages how many pages they count them. So the concern is what now? The end of the

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surah I want to read the Judo and every now and then they put the see the marker was the juice. Okay, just almost like go back to reading is your concern now? The meanings the message, it just was just going to be over with right.

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And as one of the Michelle said, he said yeah, some people solos over it's like they're in prison. Get up. Sarah microphylla Sinhala, so I can just like you were in prison. They just opened the door. This is for the Lincoln lock out now. And he's run out. He said, Yeah, you sit, sit, make the hammock bed car finish that, you know.

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So with worship, we have the what the scholars have termed the three pillars of worship, which is the love, hope and fear and hope and fear are so essential to keep you balanced. Because too much hope not good. Too much fear, then you lose hope and you give up you do one Sinhala alone ever forgive me. That's the end of that. But when you have that this balanced, you have this details. You can stay moderate, you know, having too much hope you become again, like the Christians very than do too much hope. And there's some of you when you meet Christians and talk to them. They're sure that they're going to gender the very short there's no even doubt about it. And one coworker, she was

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telling me, she said, she said, when I die, I will go to the gates of Paradise, and they will open those doors for me.

00:34:01 --> 00:34:15

Who are you? Exactly? this other guy want them? He's telling me so in Islam, he's a Christian again. So in Islam, you guys, you're not sure if you're going to paradise. But I was very surprised that this concept was said and who's sure if they're going to pair this? He did this?

00:34:18 --> 00:34:35

You sure? Yeah. If you're sure that wouldn't that be bad for you? Brothers? Well, hey, let's be honest with each other. If you were short today, you're going to gender Wouldn't that be bad for you? From outside? I'll be honest with you. If that was me out, it'd be very bad for me. It'd be very bad for me. If Allah told me I'm going to

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walk in here. Am I missing so I'll just push him aside? I'll be like move.

00:34:43 --> 00:34:48

Any of you in here given glad tidings to paradise. So I'm going to leave this Allah stole

00:34:51 --> 00:34:57

I'll be very arrogant. Yeah. My mom's given the hobo number. I'll pull him down. What do you know about Jenna Get out of here

00:34:58 --> 00:34:59

in Alhamdulillah

00:35:01 --> 00:35:19

Once you give up, but you know something does not really show you how tremendously magnificent people the companions were, will lie they're magnificent people and men will be given blood turnings of Paradise more than once and he's a normal person crying out of fear of a lustful What does that tell you about them? magnificent people.

00:35:21 --> 00:35:28

For you told me I'm going to gender What am I gonna cry? laughing all the time telling me I had to go Johanna Am I going to hear

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those people who are going to didn't care, but shows you how magnificent they were? Anyways, the point is hope and fear and the love is what drives you right to worship in love. But the hope and fear keep it balanced. And some scholars even likened it to a bird with the hope and the fear being the two wings that keep that bird balanced. And if one of these wings breaks, what happens?

00:35:50 --> 00:36:24

It won't work. So with worship, and with the problem, we have Annie, he's he's to show people what leveled and how far they can push the worship if I can use that term. So for example, there's a narration about a mother bingeable pergola on her and he used to pray with the process of lamb and then he would go to another people another area and lead them in the Salah. And he's to enjoy and love this a lot. So he would pray long, so he would pray a shot with all of it Bukhara, for example. Okay, if you look at the Baccarat, how many days do we bring in our Torah?

00:36:26 --> 00:36:27

And everyone's

00:36:28 --> 00:36:31

Yeah, so now this is he this Aisha Oliver Bukhara.

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So one of the one time he needs to make this a little long because he would enjoy it. So one day, one of the people was praying behind him his solos long so he left the Salah, prayed by himself, and they're still praying and goes to the process element. He complains about my proper lawn. So when the pasilla meets mad, he's angered with him. And he tells him f a turn and Mrs. f a turn unto Mr. Gianni, you know someone who creates a fitna, someone who will test people, someone who were people down were their patients down you're testing them like not, are you this type of person? Yeah, ma.

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And he instructed them to make it short. Yeah. So mercy and balance always. And we know for example, this the hadith of humble a very famous handle of the companion when he met a worker and he tells him not to handle a handle has become a hypocrite who's done hypocrisy Why? Because when we're with our money at a really really high he tells us about a genuine and not as if we can see them then we go home, then it's money and children and dunya and food and all kinds of other things and a man decreases so he thought this up and down was hypocrisy. And 100 learn the process and let me explain to us that's not the case. Otherwise we would have fallen into that thought as well. So he tells him

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it's impossible for you to stay at this level all the time. And if you stay at that level, the angels will come and shake your hands and walk with you in the streets and it will be impossible you'd be like an angel now well I couldn't he tells him sat for an hour and an hour Yanni sometimes like this and sometimes like that, come on, sir isn't necessarily an hour it means like moment. Yeah. So a moment like this in a moment like that. So there's means there's that means there's fluctuation. We know the hadith of Abdullah nominal blas By the way, who's the timekeeper? I need a 10 and a five that year. Okay. Just I don't know. And so I can wrap it up properly who's our

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But it's not that long. It's not like I have that near. I'm almost done anyway. So but it's like a look at

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the number of hours he got married to to a woman. And when his father came and he to check. So he asked her how is he and she basically explained to him in so many words, that he never comes near me. Why? Because he's fasting all day. And he prays the whole night the entire night. Yeah, apparently and now someone gets married. Would you say brother is very active in the masjid. You know, very active, he's always in the front row, always helping out putting things up getting things set, very and he's passing out the rice and giving plates and everything. If dinners everything is helping them when he gets married, what happens to him Allah may Allah have mercy on him. He was a

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wonderful brother of Allah who he will be missed, like his janazah. Now

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why because Carlos is gone. Now he's disappears. This is the opposite here. A bla bla bla bla bla and he was the opposite. He gets married and instead of you know, being lost in that, he never comes near her. So he's taken them to the process alone. And now we start to see a negotiation happening. They're negotiating acts of worship. So the pastor asked him, How do you pray? I pray the whole night. How do you practice I fast every single day, then the person starts to negotiate with

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Him, they're going to start a new give a new number here. I agree on a different number here, but it starts low. So the largest seller, he tells him so he fasts every single day problem says fast three days a month. How do you go from every single day to three days a month, but the problem is starting low. He said first three days a month, he says I can do more than that. He said, he said fast two days a week. He said, I can do more than that. He said, then do the best fast. The most beloved fast to Allah is the first of Nabila hit the road. He's the first day and have breakfast the next day, so every other day. So they agreed on that, which is half of what he used to do anyways, right? He

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should do every single day. Now we've got every other day. Then he said, How do you pray at night, he said, I pray the entire night.

00:40:42 --> 00:41:15

And then he tells him and he finished the Quran once a month. We use the for unimpaired once a month, he says I can do more than that. He said then once every 10 days, he says I can do more than that. He says then once every three days. And that's the deal that they agreed upon. But what's really amazing is that Abdullah Abdullah asked he later on he becomes an old man. And he says I wish I would have taken the advice of the processor now. Because now it became difficult for him as an old man. But can he stop? Can he decrease? Is it permissible?

00:41:16 --> 00:41:37

This is all on a voluntary anyways. Right? So he can change you can completely stop if he wants to. Basically, I don't want to change it or stop it. Because this was a deal I made with the processor. Now. He looked at it like a deal and an arrangement he made within a bizarre set of them. And now he's he's gone. He's not here to, to renegotiate it. So I'm going to stick and stay upon that.

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00:41:40 --> 00:42:16

So we see. And you see the process of bringing people to be monitored, because in the Hadith. Also, in the narration, he tells us if you do that, your eye will get tired whenever you had enough. So kiyani, you will get bored, even if you get bored, see the wording. So you will get bored of that it'll get it's too much for you. Yeah, maybe we've got energy now is that after a while you have to keep this consistent. So he decreased it because of that. moderation again, or the other narration was very famous of the companions. Some of them they went and asked the wives the person about the worship of the pastor lamp, and they didn't, and they were expecting it to be like severe, like

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incredible amounts of worship never stopped fasting and all that. But the problem always gave a variety in his acts of worship. So sometimes he would fast and they would nourish dances, we thought that he would never stop fasting, sometimes he would not fast for a while, we think he's never gonna fast. Sometimes it's Monday. And Thursday, sometimes it's the the MLB of the month, and on so on and so forth. He gives a variety, so we can based on our ability also to pick from the sooner and do what we can as well to not to overburden us.

00:42:46 --> 00:43:15

So here, these companions when they found this variety, and they found the description, not as severe as they wanted, or thought they would be. They said, well, that's the processor Lem has been forgiven for his past and future sins, but we are not. So one of them said I will fast I never stopped fasting. The other said, I will pray and never sleep. And one of them said, What's the third one? That I will not, I'm not going to marry women. And of course, the one that offends us the most. He said, I'm not going to eat meat stuff.

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We live our middle way. So So what happens, the president goes to them, and he doesn't have the best amongst you. And I know the Prophet of Allah, and I marry women. And I pray and I sleep and I fast and I break fast and I eat meat in the other narration. So he's now he didn't tell him stop what you're doing but he's bringing them back to the middle his way is the middle that's where he brought them back to his way and that's what he mentioned his way. Yeah, people now the when if someone's doing acts of worship to try to stop him, don't stop but just bring it back to the middle. Don't tell me about sleep and don't do that just gently bring it to the middle to the way of the Prophet

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sallallahu Sallam and this is also what is apparent from the Quran Allah mentioned sleeping and getting up to pray right allows you It says that a giraffe you know boom, bada boom whoa fermata man in Africa, Tata Jaffa you know go home and Moto G and my daughter the places of laying down so are lying down. So there would be lying down and then they would get up to pray. Which is any apparent from the meaning of the ayah in the Quran. Okay, in dunya moderation as well.

00:44:28 --> 00:44:59

And you see that Heidi, but you put them together and you see a nice balance. So when it comes to the dunya when it comes to materialism, it comes to clothing, Allah Subhana Allah and the Hadith and maybe saw Selim said that Allah loves to see the effect of his NEMA I thought no matter who is the effect of his Namah on his servants, so Allah makes you rich. He wants to see the effects of that he wants you to have a nice place. A nice car, nice clothing. This is the effect of the Nam Allah subhanaw taala gives you

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But at the same time we have other texts so we don't go overboard and that is our solemn says whoever wears a garment, for fame or for showing off a large region will just end with the garment of humility and humiliation. Basically, why? To keep it balanced, and just to keep it balanced again, the famous Hadith and aloha leyendo, so oricom Allah does not look at your appearances, your external appearances, but he looks at Hulu become more American, he looks at your hearts and your deeds. So we have all these facts, you put it together and you come up with something very, very moderate. It's true. Yeah. And Allah doesn't get any if this person is not wearing designer

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clothing, or he's poor, and there's holes in his clothing. He's not judged by that 100 law. He's judged by his actions and what's in the heart. Someone else can be dressed in the best clothing and very bad in here and very bad an action suit. He told me he's going to gender because of his clothes. No. So it keeps us moderate these kinds of texts keep us moderate with that. I would love to give some advice to the Shabaab to the young men in the audience for the men listening to not overdress religiously, okay, you'll never find any of the scholars do this. And actually, most of the scholars will tell the young men don't do that. Like a young man who were like just ultra and

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you were like a beast and stuff walk around Who are you young man? Who are you like 20 or something? You walk around like you're moved there and stuff. Don't do that. Don't do that. It's not proper and it's not any it can be some scholars it can be the best assura the best assura is like the garment for showing off. Don't do that people overdressed all the time walking around the conference looking full shift outfit you know just put your coffee on and just be sweet and that's it. Walking around

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and serious looks the guys like 21 is like this. Are you like this all the time? Don't do that. I remember one time I gave this yeah I told this young man told me he was wearing like the you know the bishop the cloak on top of this cloak is now big level now. He's got ultra cloak on top of the film walking around. He would get you know the wrap the cloak up like this. I was walking around like he just told me he and I knew him. So I pulled them aside and even a gentle inshallah told him you don't just like this. It's overdressing. And this is how the scholars dressed. He looked at me said the process and you should dress like this. yet but who was the process Allah. He was the Imam

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he was the leader. He was

00:47:25 --> 00:47:33

the biggest if we can call him a shock, of course. But he was the most knowledgeable authority and the Imam and the leader and who are you?

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So you see, so under him. That's advice to the youth. The hadith of being in the junior like a traveler. So not accessing when you're traveling what happens you only take what you need for the trip True or false? If you're driving from here to London, and you see a sign, you know, refrigerators for one pound. What can you do?

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halfway between here in London refrigerators for one pound, would you stop?

00:47:59 --> 00:48:38

What are you going to do with it? tight on top of your car? And you know how small cars are in the UK? How are you going to tell you a fridge? I got a refrigerator on top of that. It's impossible. So what are you going to do with it? Nothing. You only need what you only take what you need for that journey. This Hadith is pushing us away from accessing in little and too much being too attached to the dunya and wanting too much of the materialism. Yeah, Allah subhanaw taala tells us even with eating supanova even with eating a large reduces work Hulu worship 1234 in the hula Habermas, Rafi eat and drink and do not access. Allah does not love those who access notice eat and drink and don't

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access. And now how do people eat now? If you don't fill it all the way to the top, you're uncomfortable. Yeah. You ever see someone when they go to a place and they eat and then they still have like, a space like this big? They look they keep looking? What can I fill this with grape Give me something just small grape? I've got an opening this big. Let me

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then we can think about hamdulillah

00:49:03 --> 00:49:40

now we're sleepy right? But you know something? It's wonderful how when someone is like filling their stomach too much someone says yeah, you know the Hadith, right? Fill, you know, one third for your stomach, one third for your drink one third for the air. And we mentioned this like that's the minimum right? And the minimum is you should put one third food one third water and then leave one third empty for breathing. That's the minimum. That's the maximum and the Heidi. People never quote the Hadith from the beginning right? In the beginning the problem says ma'am Allah. We are unsure room in botany. The human being has never filled the vessel worse than his stomach. Then he says so

00:49:40 --> 00:50:00

Salah has spoken. Luke I imagine you came not sober, sufficient for the son of Adam or a few bytes to sustain him. For in Ghana good if you have to and there is no other way. Then a third for the food. A third for the drink a third for that. That's the maximum and we caught the headache like it's done.

00:50:00 --> 00:50:01

Minimum brother just filler.

00:50:03 --> 00:50:14

filler third for the experiment with this thing why these things are fun experiment with them. I experimented with the hadith of a few bites a day for a while. Needless to say the experiment was a very short one. Okay?

00:50:16 --> 00:50:52

The way we eat now lahoma star Alyssa parotitis says in the Quran in Medina County, Juana Shelton, those who are wasteful, they're the brothers of the shell thing. What deter us from being wasteful. So going overboard in anything in eating and drinking and just being wasteful in anything, don't be wasteful and anything towels, paper towels or law, honey, this is a great opportunity to say this. I've been wanting to say this for years, when people I see and the Muslims Yeah. So someone will just wash their hand and then they'll like take like five towels. How big are your hands into?

00:50:53 --> 00:50:54

They just wash their hands like this, then look.

00:50:57 --> 00:51:28

Then he just goes like this and he throws them dry into the trash. But why waste all these towels? You know, if you use the token very well, after we'll do you can just use two, three maximum. It's possible but we're wasteful in a lot of things. So the dean is bringing us making us moderate even in non worship related activities. And of course some of these activities will affect worship. Everyone who is eating huge huge star in Ramadan and want to turn away knows the difference between that day and the day when you eat very little at one to turn away.

00:51:29 --> 00:51:36

One time I went to a buffet and we ate a lot didn't want to go to prayer. Mmm is reciting maybe it's the last unlucky

00:51:38 --> 00:51:39

ones this time I'm gonna end the

00:51:41 --> 00:51:44

last man four verses Come on now. Make sure

00:51:45 --> 00:52:03

you know Philip and that's why they're elements to this to say this for any for fun purposes. I will be what goes into the button and but not to the table Fatemeh you're not smart anymore when you eat a lot, right? I think we've all experienced that you eat a lot and someone said What's one plus one plus one

00:52:08 --> 00:52:51

in charity, but we're just gonna mention like three or four very quickly in charity, moderation, everything moderation and everything in total israa Allah subhanaw taala says, Alia Dhaka mahalo Latin illa anaka Wanaka bust, Fatah Kodama lumen masura. So do not make your hand like tied to your neck meaning not giving in charity, and don't let it loose 100% either. And then you will sit blameworthy and in severe poverty. If we think there's a balance everything in about in the hadith of Brazil and tells him the man who's giving away too much of his wealth, proselytism and leave something for your children, so they don't become Allah, phoniness, Allah, and he like the burden on

00:52:51 --> 00:53:30

the society now everyone needs to give them It took up the phone and cuff is the hand when you beg you give the cuff to people, you took a fullness. So your children don't become like that either. A balance with everything with sexuality, there's a balance, and it not being restricted, where there's no way out. Obviously there is with marriage and not being loose. And you know, I don't have to go into loose the Muslims are living in the West. You know very well what happens with the loose society, all the kinds of problems that happen in a loose society, praising the processor limit, and this is a great thing and he is a great mental asylum. He even didn't want people to overpraise him.

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And when they came to him, the herbs came to him and they overpraised him and they said you are our seed our best and the son of our best he said law to Rooney, do not overpraise me come out of the nisab no Miriam as the Christian overpraised, the son of Mary, for innama. And I've done for kulu Abdullah rasuna. I am rather I am a slave of Allah, and you're a servant of Allah. So say, Abdullah and His messenger to stop them from overpraising because as you all know, you overpraise it's one of the steps to something being worshipped later on, right? The people of know were the first should an incident ever occurred, over praising the righteous that used to live in the end, after generations,

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they get to be worshipped. So the process the lump stop people from doing that.

00:54:16 --> 00:54:23

And in hating also, we don't go overboard and you can hate something about someone and love him for something else. True or false?

00:54:25 --> 00:54:26

No, no, no love here.

00:54:27 --> 00:54:52

And someone can have a non Muslim and non Muslim parents and they can he loves them. Does it does that mean it's tough for a lot. He said he loves them. That means he loves their shirt as well. Who said that? He hates the chicken. He loves them. They're his parents. And sometimes we'll meet Muslims who will tell reverts, leave your parents leave your mother, right? This happened right in front of me revert was here. And this guy was here. And he's telling him you live with your mother. No, leave her she's America.

00:54:53 --> 00:55:00

Would you get this from? He can hate her ship. He's not like he's not going to church with her. But his mother he loves

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But I will conclude by saying being moderate isn't following the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, and putting things in their proper place, you'll be moderate. And

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following this sooner and the details of the Sunnah help preserve this Deen help preserve this deep. And as soon as choses how to pray as soon as soon as how to take the percentage of physica. So in following, the sooner we're able to preserve the religion of Allah subhana wa Tada. And by putting things in their place, a lot of times people, they just want to take something and put it out of context, or they don't put and don't look at the similar situation. And of course, for sure, for sure. We're not calling for re evaluating Islam, like some of them will today are doing now. Yeah, we need to look at Islam again, in a modern light. You need to look at your intelligence in a modern

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light. This is not intelligent. But sometimes and I'll give you an example. One time I was with a friend of mine, and we're watching a show on YouTube in Arabic and the chef said, because they've been telling me or him Allah had a fatwa that two believers should not speak in the language of the kuffar and two Muslims should not speak in the language of the co founder. So he looked at me immediately this brother looked at me said, you see, don't ever speak to me in English again.

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I said, Yeah, the chef didn't say you can. You just heard him and now you're immediately said, Okay, we'll ask a chef that we both trust, we wanted the chef. And she said, yes, if you tell me how the Fed will like that, but you look at why he gave the fatwa and see if it applies today or not. So he's talking about a time where Islam was the dominant religion, the strong and the strongest force on earth, and Arabic was the dominant language. His argument was, and why would two people two Muslims, two Arab Muslim, specifically, at that time, who live in when Islam is dominant in the world has the upper hand and Arabic is the dominant language, speak the language of an enemy that

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they're at war with? Do you see how weird it is now? And why would you speak the language of the enemy that you were at war with? You love them? Or there's some issue? What's wrong with your heart? That's what he was talking about. Does that mean you can't speak English? But we I think for a lot of us, that's the common language now. Unless you want me to bust out some more to

00:57:20 --> 00:57:22

your left and like, I don't know. You sure.

00:57:23 --> 00:57:25

Can't take your domain resume boo.

00:57:27 --> 00:57:29

And that's about the one of the four sentences that I can say.

00:57:30 --> 00:57:36

All right, botica logical for being an attentive audience. I apologize if I went longer. So long robotic arm Hammad.

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