Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2021 J01-009B Word Analysis Al-Baqarah 44-48

Taimiyyah Zubair
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The speakers discuss various topics related to the meaning of words and their usage, including "bringing," "will" in Arabic language, "will" in English, "will" in Arabic, "will" in English, "will" in Arabic, "will" in Arabic, "will" in English, "will" in Arabic, "will" in Arabic, "will" in Arabic, "will" in Arabic, "will" in Arabic, "will" in Arabic, "will" in Arabic, "will" in Arabic, "will" in Arabic, "will" in Arabic, "will" in Arabic, "will" in Arabic, "will" in Arabic, "will" in Arabic, "will" in Arabic, "will" in Arabic, "will" in Arabic, "will" in Arabic, "will" in Arabic, "will" in Arabic, "will" in Arabic, "will" in Arabic, "will" in

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00:00:00 --> 00:00:56
			then it is said at up Munna do you all command ah this is a question okay. And remember a question
is not always to demand an answer sometimes a question is also for the purpose of reprimand. So,
this is that type of question A Morona do you all command that Morona is from Hamza meme amor amor
to command to give an order. So do you all command a NASA the people bilberry with the righteousness
meaning do you tell people to do good things bilberry be with and l meaning the and beer, beer is a
new word. And this is from the root letters ba rah rah beer is piety righteousness, any kind of good
deed it is said that you know from the same root as the word bottom bar is land as opposed to sea.
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			So land you know there is so much variety, not just kinds of soil but types of growth types of life.
So Bear is not just one particular kind of good deed but any kind of good deed. So you tell people
to do good things. What can Sona and you all forget then Sona noon? Seen? Yeah Nursia to forget NIS
yawn forgetfulness. So you all forget how do we know it's you all because of the TA TA means you and
the well known at the end gives the meaning of floor so and you all forget and Fusa Calm yourselves
and first, okay, this is the word comb is pronoun unfocus means selves. Okay, and it's the plural
off knifes okay naps naps means self Okay now I've seen myself my soul so unfocus selves and
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			forsaken yourselves so you command people to do good and you forget yourselves we're unto them while
you all and Tom This is a pronoun plural and you all that Luna you all recite by the way Infocomm
route is of course known for seen okay so that Luna you all recite you all recite this is from ta
lamb. Well Tala yet Lu to recite. So you all recite al Kitab. The book, meaning you yourselves
recite the book, okay? You command people to do good, and you forget yourselves meaning you don't do
good yourselves, while your state is that you recite the book, meaning you know the Scripture, a
fella Turkey Loon, then will not you will understand. Again this is a question which has been
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			translated as will fermions then law means not a fella dark balloon, will you then not understand?
Don't you get it? dark maroon is from moraine cough Lam. Ryan Coughlin Arkell Arcana is used for the
intellect the mind. Basically the Word gives the meaning of tying a knot. Okay? Or making a
connection. Remember the Hadith where the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told that men error
call her what our can Iraq call, tie your camel. Okay, and then put your trust in Allah because the
man did not tie his camel. And he said I just, you know, put my trust in Allah. My camel will be
here at one go anywhere. The Prophet sallallahu Erlandsson him said no, you should first tie your
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			camel, do your part and then put your trust in Allah. Okay. So aeroclub same route to try to make
that connection. So this is what there are colors, right? When you understand something, you've made
that connection. And now it's tied to your mind. Right? You've understood it. It's tied. There's
connection in your brain. So if Allah Tarkanian then will you not understand what's there you know
and you will seek help the root of what's there you know, we have done this route earlier iya can
our Buddha yakka Ness Therrien right we seek help from same route but that was fair in Medallia
right necessary we seek help. And this is very imperative, right? You all seek help, okay. I mean,
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			wow, noon is the route. So you all seek help, meaning seek the help of Allah, how? By doing
something doing what biz somebody through the patient's summer sod ba Ra. Sabra literally means to
hold something back hubs to detain something to not let it go. And summer is to detain oneself,
okay, meaning To control oneself to not allow oneself to do what is not appropriate. So the
submarine was there in a submarine
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			seek help through patience was Salah and through the salah again through is implied over here even
though there is no b Okay, there is no b but it's implied because of the WHA so Biss Sabri Wabi
Salah it, but the language is such that extra words are not included because that makes the kalam
heavy. Okay, that makes a speech heavy burden some redundant So the summary was salah, so seek help
through the patience and through the salah. What in the hat and indeed it's indeed it's indeed what
this hat is feminine. Okay? It's not in the who now Saba is masculine word. Okay and so that is
actually a feminine word. How do we know it's feminine? Because of the TAT at the end? This is a
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			sign of feminine so we're in the hair. What is it referring to now? Solid Okay, meaning seeking help
through Salah is indeed luck hubiera tune surely ever great and indeed it surely is ever Great. Law
means surely. Okay. And Kaviraj This is from the root letters calf Ba La kabhi is great Kavita
feminine have that? Why is the feminine being used because it's going to be consistent with the
other pronouns with her and also because it's referring to Salah So indeed, it is surely ever great
and great doesn't just mean great in size, but great can also give us a sense of very burdensome,
very difficult. Okay, so great in difficulty in law except So Salah is indeed very great in
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			difficulty in law except our Allah upon Aloha, Shireen those who humbly fear so it's very difficult
for many people, except for those who humbly fear Allah, Allah Shireen This is a plural of HA shear.
And ha shear is from the root letters Ha, Sheen Iein from the word who sure and who sure as you
know, we talk about who sure in Salah right who sure gives the meaning of humility and not just
humility, but also stillness. Okay, stillness and humility inshallah we'll talk more about what who
sure is, so Salah is indeed very difficult, except for those who humbly fear Allah. Okay. Who are
Allah Shireen? They are a Lavina those who Yahoo noona they know now your Winona, this is from the
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			root letters or law known known. Now the word one, okay. One in Arabic basically means to think to
assume now to think can give the sense of you're not sure you'd think. Right. So I think I had my
coffee already, right? I think meaning you're not 100% Sure. Okay. And at the same time, it can also
give the meaning of being certain, right? I think that you are unhappy, I think meaning I'm pretty
sure. So lung is one of those words that gives opposite meanings. Okay. And this is with regard to
many words in the Arabic language that they can give completely opposite meanings depending on how
they're being used. So YOLO Nona means they think okay, but remember that when the word lung is
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			followed by an NA okay and not a no means indeed then one unknown means to know for sure to believe
to be certain. Okay, so a Lavina Jago Nona. And now home yellow Nona Anna who means they know that
indeed they so here we're not going to translate the Aluna as they think we're going to translate it
as they know. So those who know that indeed there will be moolah who once who meet Robbie him there,
Rob, now Maluku, this is actually Mala Kona, okay, well known is a sign of floral, but because
Maluku wants to meet Rob, be him there love this is together a kind of a phrase. Okay, that's the
easiest way that I can put it. So Mullah Cora beat him together meters of their verb, meaning
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			they're going to meet their rub. So that's why the noon is dropped. Okay? And moolah. Cool. This is
the plural of the word, moolah pin. Okay? Now, moolah pin. This is from the root letters. Lamb cough
Yeah. Lucky or means to meet someone. moolah pin
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			is one who meets someone. Okay? So they know that indeed they will be ones who meet their rub. And
they know what and to whom and that indeed they okay this is connected with yellow Noona. Okay? They
know that indeed they lie to him to who, to their rub. They are going to lodge your own they're
going to be ones who return by Jeroen is a plural of with RA, Jared. Okay from their letters, la
Jeem. I read your to return so they know that they're going to return to their Lord, these are
Aloha, Shireen then it is said Yemeni Islam II or children of Israel or the Karuna Mati you all
remember my blessing allottee that which an arm to I truly blessed are they come upon you all, we
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			did these words earlier one knee and that indeed I the Yeah, TN means I, I forgot to come I gave you
all preference. Now for level two, I gave you a preference How do we know it's i because of the
football to two and football two, this is from the root letters. Fair blood lamb. Okay, follow.
Follow means favor, which is why football to first has been translated as I favored. But for Lulla
Isla together gives the meaning of giving preference over someone. So I gave preference to who to
you all are allowed over over who allow them in the worlds. So remember this favor that I gave you
preference over the world's meaning over the people of the world's people of your time or Alameen Al
00:11:49 --> 00:12:51
			hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen we have done this already. Leung is the singular rain lamb. Me what the
cool and you will safeguard yourselves from while off here. This is also an imperative Yellowman a
day. So safeguard yourselves from a day. Which day is this? This is a day on which law not what will
happen. lethargy is enough soon, a soul will not suffice or not sin, any soul. Now touches he
touches he is from the root letters Jeem ze Yeah. Okay. Now Jezza means reward or recompense. Okay,
but Jaza I'm Jazza arhaan is to suffice another because technically, you know, when you give someone
a reward or recompense, then what are you doing? You're sufficing them, right? You're freeing them
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			of the need of something else. So here lethargy is enough. Soon, no soul will suffice, or enough sin
any soul. I'll tell you more about this during the seat che en for anything, meaning, no soul will
suffice any soul for anything, no soul will come forward and say, you know, I'll take your
punishment. You can take my reward, no person is going to come do that. No person can come forward
on that day and free another off some neat. Well are you Kuba lumen Hersha Farah so this is one
thing about the Day of Judgment, Willa Jacoba lumen Hashkafa, wala and Nora and you can see over
here naps. We did the plural unfocus earlier this is a singular form. So Allah Akbar Allahu Akbar Lu
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			is from cough ba lamb Kaboul to accept right when people get married. I accept. So la Jacoba Lu, it
will not be accepted minha from it from what Ha is referring to naps. Okay, it's referring to naps.
So, it will not be accepted from any knifes any soul shifa tone, any intercession. Shiva is from the
root letters sheen for Alright, was chiffre. Well, what, right? What is odd and Scheffer is even
even number. So the concept of Shiva of intercession is that a person is alone, and another person
comes to their aid so they're no longer an odd number. Now there is an even number. So there's two
now, and this person that has come forward to help him basically intercedes for him, meaning
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			advocates for him. So, no advocacy, no intercession will be accepted from any person Wallah and nor
you have to mean her alone. You have to mean her alone. Any compensation will be taken from it you
know, this is from Hamza ha that a hada to take you huddle it will be taken this as a passive verb.
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			it passive verb because you can see it will be taken. So it will not be taken minha from it from who
from any nups from any soul I don't own any compensation or though this is from the root letters
either lamb now either also means justice so what is the concept of justice that what a person
deserves they're given right they're given exactly what they deserve not less and if you're really
being just then you don't even give more than what they deserve because if you give more than that
more is coming from someone else's right so it's justice All right, the loan is compensation meaning
an amount that is equal to someone's worth okay, that will be like a ransom for them so it will set
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			them free so no compensation will be taken from it from any soul well our homie on saloon and nor
will they be helped you in saloon is from known solid rock this is also passive young saloon they
will be helped. If it was young saloon, then it would be they help Okay, young saloon they will be
helped. So welcome in saloon and they will not be helped. Now let's quickly look at the feral amor
that we have done today if we go back to the beginning. I am number 40. You have any slot in let's
look at the feral amor the imperative commands. Okay. The first one is with Kuru you all remember,
and you can easily tell from the exclamation mark with Kuru near materiality and Anton alikhan Whoa
00:16:40 --> 00:17:44
			full This is also fairly common and fertile her Boone This is also fairly common amino you all
believe and then we have letter Kuno This is no heat but technically a kind of a command of a
prohibitive command. But same category will add to cool no do not be well I touched the rule. And
then we have Fatah Cooney. We have again well at lb su all right and we have WhatsApp to MU What a p
mu. What are two word Kuru. Okay. And then we have Westar Ino. All right. And then we have again
with Kuru. Okay. And we have what the code. So, yes, the words are many. Of course, in the lesson.
There's a lot of homework I understand that. But if you see, if you recognize this pattern, I will
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			fall with Kuru for her boo, amino Latta Kuno Lata Chateauroux taco lateral B. So recognize this
pattern and make the connection with the root letters. All right, then what's going to happen? All
you need to do is put the meaning of the root letters in that pattern, you all remember, you all
fulfill you all fear, you all believe. So this way, memorization of the lesson inshallah will become
easy. So don't try to do rote memorization. Because you will not be able to, you know, apply that in
other places of the Quran. When you understand the text and you memorize the translation, then
you're able to retain and you're also able to apply the knowledge that you have learned. Inshallah,
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			any questions?
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			I see one question the root letters for what the code is, well Coffea okay, what the code well
Coffea and the TA is there. This is actually
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			you the code, okay. This is technically if you break down the word this is what the word is you
tackle the term is there as an additional letter, just like in NES Therrien okay, because this is
from the wasn't the pattern and it gives a certain meaning to the root letters, but it will call
this is difficult to pronounce. Okay, so within the language the Arabs you know, this is what they
would do that if a word was difficult to pronounce they would ease the pronunciation Okay, so it's
it the cool All right. Okay, does the yeah in Benny mean mine Good question. It does not mean mine.
But very good question. This is Bonnin Okay. Bonnin is the plural off even. And the known the noon
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			has been dropped because it's Bani Israel eel, children of Israel. There is an off over here. Okay.
So to make that connection, the noon has been dropped because it cannot be a Bernina Israel
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			Okay, so similar to moolah, cool or be him moolah Hakuna, the noon was dropped. So this is how the
language works when there's a certain connection between two words and Inshallah, I will talk about
this connection, but at a later time, then what happens is that the noon the sign of floral that is
dropped is what the whole different from the word Taqwa. No, it's not different, what the call is
just imperative. It's a command and Taqwa is the noun. Okay? Yes. How far is translated sometimes so
sometimes then then shows a sequence. All right? And so does not show sequence. Okay. Young Sarunas
passive, young saloon is active young saloon, they will be helped young saloon they help meaning
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			they give help to others. Is Khalil on the same wasn't as our Lamia so it is good. Is soft field is
soft field is the name of the angel which Angel not the Angel of Death? Is Raphael is the one who
will blow the trumpet. Is there an extra tap in and you all do not purchase? If it is extra than why
let us through good? Because if not all the tie Yes, it's not part of the route. What I mean by the
word extra is that it's not part of the route. The tie is coming from the wasn't from the structure
of the word and it's thought or means to purchase. Okay, if you remove the tag, and you just have
Shinhwa Shadia Yeshua that gives a different meaning.
00:21:39 --> 00:22:05
			Okay, all right, and hamdulillah let's listen to the recitation of these verses and then we'll begin
to proceed Bismillah Yeah, Bernie straw Isla Guney Amati allottee and numb to our econ 104 B D O
VBR. D for more e i felt horrible
00:22:07 --> 00:22:08
			what will be
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			the upper limit
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			what if you
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			want to still be
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			Shop body
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			while the masala
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			Zeca go mob walking I mean
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			that lol kita
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			I fella talking you know what stay saying oh this video slot
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			for Shane Alladhina
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			be here
00:23:24 --> 00:23:26
			yeah very
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			cool when young Letty Andrade
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			lung to whom Allah Allah I mean what wo woman did is enough soon.
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			was ruining her chakra onto
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			her don't mean