Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2021 J01-007A Translation and Word Analysis Al-Baqarah 26-29

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the pronunciation of Arabic language words and their use in various context, including "will" and "will". They also discuss the meaning of "ar passion" and "arads", as well as "bringing" in English. The speakers stress the importance of knowing the meaning of "bringing" to settle things and settle situations. They also mention "by the way" in Arabic language and its various meanings, including "bringing" and "bringing."
AI: Transcript ©
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Assalamu alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh who are the bIllahi min ash shaytani R rajim Bismillah Al Rahman Al Rahim, WA Salatu was Salam ala Rasulillah al Karim rubbish. Rocklea Saudi were Sidley Emery, WA Halal rock data melissani F poco Kohli. Allahumma. Jacobi was sadly Sani was thrilled Sufi Mata Colby Amin Yoruba aalameen Lesson number seven Surah Al Baqarah verses 26 to 29. Inshallah we will do the word for word translation first in indeed. Hola Hola. Hola. La yester he not he feels shy on that you're braver he strikes or rather you're braver he presents mesothelioma any example but Rule button Oh mosquito firmer or what folk AHA is above it for unmatched so as for a Lavina

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those who am anew they have believed fire Allah Mona, then they know and know who that indeed it and HELCO is the truth Mitra be him from there, Rob? What anma And as for a Levina those who cafardo they have disbelieved fire coluna then they say Mother What is it that a rod Allahu Allah intended? Be Heather with this method Allah as an example. You live Liu he lets go astray. B He threw it cathedra many wayah D and He guides b He threw it cathedra many warmer and not you will lose he lets go astray be he through it Illa except el Fassi clean those who defiantly disobey and Lavina those who yearn Kaduna, they break the covenant Allah He of Allah mimbar de after me sappy he it's binding

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wire cutter ona and they cut ma what Amala Allahu Allah commanded be he in regard to it on that you sila it be joined while you've Sedona and they cause corruption fee in an early the Earth. Hola Iike those home they truly Aloha see rune are the losers kafer How could duck Fotona you all disbelieve Billahi in Allah, welcome tone while you all were, I'm whatton ones who are dead for a here come, then he gave you all life, some sama then you meet to come, He will give you all death. Soma. Then you hear come he will give you all life. Soma, then la he to him? To Jeroen you all will be returned. Hua. He Alavi is the one who Calaca he created Lacan for you all, man What fee is in an

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hourly the earth Jamia altogether. Soma then is the word isla. He directed Himself towards a summer ie the sky for so well Hoonah then he completed them Sabra as seven summer whatton skies were Hua and he be equally of every che in thing I Limon is ever knowing.

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Let's go over the words. So today inshallah I'm gonna do something slightly different. Previously, I've been showing you different tables with the words and the meanings. I felt a little disconnected through that from the actual text. So I'm going to try something new today. So here I have the Jews open and I want you to be able to connect directly with the words which are in the Jews, because inshallah This will also help you in your memorization, and I hope that this will also help you see how you should be taking your notes. So inshallah I'll be right here so you can follow along, inshallah. So let's begin Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim, in Allah her inner Indeed, Allah Allah, in

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now, as you know is for the purpose of emphasis. So a statement of fact is being mentioned with great emphasis, that indeed Allah indeed Allah lay, yes, the heat. Indeed Allah is

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is not one who feels shy. Now law means not. And yes that he means he feels shy. All right. And you can see over here that yes the he, how do we know that this is he? We have the letter yet at the beginning, which indicates that this is heat. So yes, the heat and the root of yesterday is Ha yeah, yeah. All right. Ha yeah, yeah. And it's the here yesterday is from higher Okay, higher higher means shyness right to feel very modest to feel very shy and is the here on the other hand with the additional letters the scene and the TA, they give the meaning of emphasis. So, it start here yesterday he is to feel extremely shy. So les Yes, the he means he does not feel shy at all

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whatsoever. Allah azza wa jal has no hesitation whatsoever. So he does not feel shy to do what to a believer and means that and you're three but literally means he strikes. Okay. Now the word Yoruba is from bod. Raw bow. Okay, but raw, but, and the word Darb is a very versatile word in the Arabic language. Okay? Literally the word * means to strike. If you've ever taken any Arabic grammar lessons, you come across this word * a lot. Okay, Baba. So, verb literally means to strike to hit, but it's used in so many different ways. And to do BB have a methyl, as it is over here, your three by methylene. To do BB have a methyl is not to strike as and to hit an example. Rather, what

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this means is to put forth an example, to present an example. So indeed, Allah does not feel shy to present an example. Okay, to put forth an example. Now Yoruba, he presents, this is what you're going to memorize. And meth Allah ma. Now methylene is a word that is familiar Alhamdulillah we have done this word earlier. In the examples that were given about the hypocrites, right Metha Lu whom QMF le lady in Urdu, it's called Zarrab. That's the exact same word. Alright. So anyway, methyl is example. But here you can see and by the way through letters of methylene are meme, sir. And lamb. So masala man. Now, man, okay, ma'am, is also a word that is very versatile in the Arabic language.

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Sometimes it gives the meaning off that or what? Sometimes it's used as a question. Sometimes it's used to refer to an object or a person. And it's got many, many different usages the word Ma, you can see over here, right after the word bar, although we have met again, okay? Sometimes it also means not. So it has many different meanings. Now, one meaning, which I want you to know, which is not just going to be applicable over here, it's going to be applicable in many places, but you should understand this very important concept in the Arabic language, that the word ma sometimes comes as a word that is Zen it, okay, as a word that is it. What does it mean? Literally, it means

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extra. Now, of course, every word in the Quran is has a purpose. What we mean by zap it is that it's not to be understood in the literal sense. Okay, you should write this down for yourself. That is it word is not to be understood in its literal sense. Okay, which is why we don't translate it. So here we're not translating Matt as what are that? Okay? Or not? We're not translating it, because that's not its function over here. Then what is the function? What's the purpose of the Zap it word? The function the purpose of the Zap it word is that it gives emphasis, okay. So make sure you write this down for yourself that it gives emphasis. Exactly. This is how it's used at times. And this is not

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just the case with math. This is the case with many words that we will come

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Cross. So every time that I say the word zap it, do you understand that a, it's not to be understood literally and be it's here for the purpose of emphasis. All right? So we have over here Metha Allah ma any example so we're translating the emphasis over here with the word any okay? So indeed Allah does not feel shy that he presents any example meaning whatever example it may be, Allah is not shy to present it whatever example it may be. And even if that example may be off a berubah a mosquito now berubah is a mosquito and it is from the root letters ba alright, but okay. Now in Arabic barreled means some All right, it means some, this is how your rights are it.

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Okay Baldwins some. Now why is the mosquito called barooga because only some of it is visible to the naked eye. You don't see all of it as it is flying or even as it sits down you only see some of it you cannot see all of it. So methyl Amma berubah and the TA at the end is an indication of feminine so technically this is a female mosquito. So Allah is not shy to present any example which could be of a mosquito farmer or what focal her is above it. Now farmer for here we're translating it as or okay. And Matt here means what? So farmer fuqaha for FOCA means above and her means it what is the high referring to her is referring to the Baroda okay. So, whether the example is of a mosquito or

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the example is of something that is above the mosquito Allah does not feel shy to present that as an example, Allah has no hesitation whatsoever. Now, what does it mean by from Alpha what is above the mosquito This is understood in a number of ways. Okay, one interpretation is what is above it meaning in terms off in significance, okay, what is above it meaning what is even more insignificant than the mosquito? What is even more despicable in the eyes of people than a mosquito? So, this is one interpretation. So a mosquito or what is above it meaning in significance? Secondly merfolk AHA what is above it means what is greater than it. So, what is bigger than the mosquito like for

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example, a spider right. So we have the example of the spider in the Quran. So that which is above it meaning in size in greatness, that which is bigger than it and thirdly, this has also been interpreted as what is literally above the mosquito meaning what is literally sitting on top of the mosquito okay, like for example, if there is a parasite that is sitting on a mosquito that is living on it, that would be included in this. So, Allah is not shy to present any example of a mosquito or what is above it in terms of insignificance in terms of size or literally on top of the mosquito. So for unmasked so as for fermions So, okay and Amar means as for so as for Alladhina those who meaning

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the people who which people who have manual who have believed and ama know is from Eman right from Hamza meme noon. So as for those people who have believed what is their response when they come across these examples, their responses that for then All right, Ya Allah Munna they know now yar Allah Munna How do we know that this is the Where did we get the data from? Where did we get the data from? We got it from Yeah, and wow, noon, right. And the route letters are all rain lamb meme, so they know and know who that indeed it indeed what, indeed the example okay, so under who is referring to what the example that Allah has given. So

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They know that indeed it is. Al help. It is the truth. And I'll help is from her cough, cough. So when they come across an example in the Quran, the people who believe they know that it is the truth from who Mitra be him from there, Rob. And this is two words that Rob and him. Now they're about him means they're, and rugby is from the root letters are Ba ba ba. So this is the response of those people who believe they know that the example is the truth from their rub.

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However, what a man and as for why means and

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so as for Alladhina Cafaro those who they have disbelieved. CAFO is from calf, fat and rock. How do we know it's there because of the while at the end. So those who have disbelieved what is their response, their responses fire coluna then they say meaning then upon hearing the example, they say your coluna that it is there because of the wellknown and the the beginning and your coluna is from path while lamb they say man there, what is it that now math means what? And that means that okay, so together Mother, what is it that Allah Allah who Allah intended? What is it that Allah intended behead Emma fella with this as an example? Meaning why has Allah given this as an example? why has

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Allah given the mosquito the fly? The spider as an example? What's the purpose? Any they find it strange that Allah is giving the example of a fly? Or a spider or something like that? Now a rod Allah Who What do you think the main word is when you look at the translation intended? Okay, what word comes to your mind? Wudi do I want irida? Exactly irida intention. All right. So Iran is the main noun and from it is the verb Arada. Arada literally means he intended but who is the pronoun referring to referring to Allah? So Allah Allahu Allah intended and it's from the root letters raw, well then, okay. So what is it that Allah intended with this as an example, be means with meaning

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Why did Allah give this as an example, why not something else. So in other words, those who disbelieve they object they criticize they find fault in the examples that Allah has given. Okay, you will be he cathedra

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now what happens? You will lose he lets go astray. Now UB Lu is from the root letters, bud, lamb lamb. Okay. And remember a bol lien at the beginning in Surah Fatiha so Bala Al is misguidance UB Lu he let's go astray who let's go astray you can see from the capital H it's referring to Allah Rasool origin. So Allah let's go astray. B He threw it through what what is the he referring to? What do you think? Okay, right now the old format is not coming. Okay. So let's focus on the lesson. Okay. So be he through it. He let's go straight through it. Exactly. Example. So through that example, Allah let's go astray who cafiero Many people. Okay. So many people are sent straight through that

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example. But at the same time, why ye D and He guides b He threw it cathedra many. Now cathedral cathedra you can see both words are the same. And they are from the root letters calf, sir. And law. Okay. And what's the root of yesterday? Had dial? Yeah. Okay.

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Yeah. So well, yeah, the behavior theory. So through the same example Allah let's go astray. Many and He guides through that example many. But why is it that some people go astray through that example? Wama and not now you see over here Matt is being translated as

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Not and one way because now you might be wondering how exactly are we supposed to know? If math is what or not? How do we figure that out? You know, rote memorization is kind of difficult. So I want you to understand why math is being translated as not whenever you see an Illa Okay, whenever you see Illa coming a few words after a man then you should know that my means not okay? One man and not you Lilu he lets go astray be he threw it Illa except Alpha sipping those who defiantly disobey.

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So this is one way that you can remember when Ma is to be translated as not. Okay? So the only people whom Allah sends a stray through these examples are who which people, there are people who are alpha sipping. Now l as you know means the right but here we're not talking about an object we're talking about people. So this is why it's those Okay, not ones but those so l those fasciae teen who defiantly disobey and we know that it's plural because of the how do we know it's plural because of the unknown at the end and the singular of alpha sipping is fat sick right? Fair sick, okay.

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So fasciae is from the root letters, what do you think

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fair scene and cough, right scene and cough. So, the only people who are let go straight through such examples are people who defiantly disobey and what is fiscal inshallah we'll talk about that. Who are the fasciae team? They are a Lavina so a Lavina. Okay, this is describing who the FASEB teen are, okay. And Lavina is describing who the faceting are those who defiantly disobey or which people they are those who young coluna they break in Kaduna is from noon cough, Bud knocked and knocked is to break something. So they break the law he covenant of Allah, what is odd covenant promise and it's from the root letters I find her that okay. So they break the covenant of Allah when minbar the

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after me Sakura, he it's binding me sadly he the he is it's a nice app binding and misac is from well sir and off okay. So, without is to tie something firmly Misa binding. So, after the covenant has been bound together firmly after it has been made after it has been contracted after the oaths have been taken, the commitment has been made. Then they break the covenant then they go against it. Okay, so this is the first trade of alpha sipping Alladhina Yan Kaduna para de la him embody Nissa t okay, so this is the first treat secondly way up with our older man Amana Allah who be a useful okay, this is the second treat way or Qatar owner and they cut ya Corona is from cough

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alright Katara to cut so, and they cut Mao what Amala Allahu Allah commanded? Amara you can see the root letters right here Hamza meme bruh. So they cut what Allah has commanded, be he in regard to it and use Salah that'd be joined us Salah while sod, lamb Wassell Hamza tawassul, you might have come across that. So I use Salah you need what Allah has commanded that it should be joined what do they do they actually cut that. So this is the second trade of alfalfa clean. The third trait is that when you've seen a fill out, and they cause corruption in the earth, you'll see Duna from far seen that they cause corruption fill out L L is the old is Earth. So hola Iike those which people which

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people al Fassi teen, right, those who break the covenant of Allah those who cut what Allah has commanded that it should be joined and those who cause corruption on the earth such people home they truly Aloha see rune are the losers How do we know it's the because of the L and class Iran This is the plural of class it from the root letters

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Ha, seen rock. Okay, so those, they are the ones who are truly the losers, there is no doubt about the fact that they will suffer loss. Okay for how can rephrase a question and remember that a question is asked for different reasons. So here this question is being asked, as reproach that how could How could you possibly do that? So kafer How could tuck Furuno you all disbelieved? Now you see over here, tuck Furuno it's you all because of the TA. Okay, that tells us that this is you and we know that it's you all because of the well known and tactful Runa now you know the root letters are calf for raw. So, how could you all disbelieve Billahi in Allah be is being translated as in how

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could you disbelieve in Allah what quantum while you all were now what is being translated as while okay, because and does not make sense over here. There is a question that is being asked that how could you disbelieve in Allah Well, the fact is that quantum you all were um whatton ones who are dead and um, what is the plural of the word may hit?

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Okay, my yet. So, you all use to be ones who are dead. And this is from the root letters meme, while Tao Mote both his death and wet ones were dead. So, you used to be dead meaning you had no life okay. And what happened further here come for this show sequence of events then a here Come, come means you all okay. And uh, here means he gave life Ha, yeah. Yeah. So, then he gave life to you all meaning that he gave you a life. So, you all were dead, he gave you a life. So much, then this show sequence of events, you need to come he will give you all deaths. You need to same route letters mean while

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Okay, meanwhile.

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So then he will give you all death. And this is also two words, right? You need to he will give death come to you all, meaning he will give you all death. Sama then you he'll come, He will give you a life. Again, this is two words, your ye he will give life come to you all meaning he will give you a life. And again from Hi yah yah. Summer than LA he to him told your own you all will be returned again. How do we know it's you all because of the tab. Okay, so Jeroen, you all will be returned. And this is from the letters ra Jeem. Irene rejuran to return. So how could you disbelieve in Allah? How could you disbelieve in Allah? While the fact is that you all were dead? Forever here

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come then he gave you a life. You were nothing he brought you into existence. Suddenly you meet to come then he will give you all death he will cause you to die at the end of your life. Somebody you're here come and then he will not leave you dead. He will bring you back to life. He will resurrect you so much later Jerome and then to Him you will be returned you are going to be answerable to him. So how could you deny the one who made you and the one whom you have to return to? Who are he meaning ALLAH the One who created you. He is a levy the one who halacha he created halacha from the root letters ha Lam cough. He created lecan For you all law means for and CO means

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you will remember the table that I asked you all to write for yourselves of the pronouns. I hope you did that for yourselves. And I hope that inshallah that will help you make sure that you keep looking back at it because knowing the pronouns is essential. So He is the One who created for you all mal what fee is in a li the earth Jamia on altogether, meaning all the things that are on the earth Jimmy are on this is from Jeem meme I enjoy them are also means plural because that means there's a lot of things more than two. So mafia or the Jamia or whatever that is on the earth. All of it. Allah created it like home for you all. And then somebody then is the word isla. He directed

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Himself towards it.

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Now remember that is the lower this word is the lower this is from the root letters seen. Well, yeah. Okay. Now is the word literally means to rise,

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okay to rise, or it also means depending on what's coming after it to settle okay. But when the word is the word is followed by ILA, as we can see over here is the word and Isla Illa literally means two or two words then together is the word Allah gives the meaning of to direct oneself towards something like for example, you turn your attention to something now you go and attend to something meaning that's what you do. Okay, so it's the inner summit then He directed Himself towards the sky. Okay so first he created everything that is on the earth for you. And then He directed Himself toward the sky for so well who knows then he perfectly fashioned them and what it means by perfectly

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fashion them is that he completed them as sub are somewhat now for means then, okay, and so we're now you see, these are three words I'm going to zoom in a little, this is three words for and so wha and Hoonah okay. Now, so where is from seen? Wow Yeah. Okay same route as istilah so well and somewhere is to perfectly fashion to smoothen Okay, for so worker for either luck, right? That Allah subhanaw taala he perfectly fashioned you and made your body proportionate.

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So this is a well and Hoonah Okay, Hoonah if you remember the table of the pronouns HomeNet is used for feminine floral. Okay, so for so wellness, Sabra sama word, why is it feminine because this is referring to summer wet, okay, which is plural. And you can see over here, the TA, the Elif TA, this is a sign of feminine, okay, some are wet, the Tao over here, this is the sign of feminine. Now this doesn't mean that the sky is feminine. And you know, it's a feminine nature and things like that. No, this is just language. I mentioned this to you earlier that every noun in the Arabic language, you know has a gender. That doesn't mean that you know it has those particular feminine or masculine

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qualities. It's just a way of referring to an object. Okay, so far so well honus savasana worth. So He directed Himself toward the sky and then he completed the sky as seven skies. Okay, meaning in seven layers as we learn about it. We learned in the Quran that the sky was just smoke, okay, it was just smoke and then Allah subhanaw taala fashioned it into seven skies, seven layers and we learned in silicon molecule that sub rsmo whatton Three Balko that they're in layers one on top of the other. So, so well means completed them. Well who are equally che in our Aleem and by the way, some are worth as you know is a plural off summer you can see the singular right here, okay. Well Hawa

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and he be equally of every be means of coolly means every che in thing or Lehman is ever knowing, or Lehman is from the root letters Iein lamb mean, very real means knowledge I leave ever knowing. And if you notice, earlier, we did the word le wala whom are there Boone? Lehman Do you remember? at Lehman, what does that mean?

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Ever painful? Alright, good. What about this word? We did this as well, or I'll leave. What Lahoma that one or Lehman?

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Ever Great. All right. Do you recognize something early on? I'll leave when I leave when you see the translation ever. Okay, good. But in the Arabic Do you see something common? Aleem? I'll leave? I'll leave. Okay, besides the 10 win,

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okay, good. They rhyme. I want you to pay attention to how they sound. They rhyme. Now, what's the similarity over here? Now look at this. Fine. Lamb. Yeah, meme. These are the words right? I leave. These are the letters. For LM we have Hamza lamb hear me

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same spelling, is the spelling the same, the only difference is the root letters, right? Almost the same spelling Exactly. Let's look at this. Alright. Law year, me for letters, what's common? You have the year, which is common, okay? And the other three letters are basically the letters of the root. Correct. The other three letters are just the letters of the root. So that means that if you put any other root letters, okay, typically, any other root letters in this spelling in this structure, you will have a very similar translation. Okay? And that translation will be ever dash and the dash will be the meaning of the root letters. I get it. So what I want you to understand is

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that in Arabic we have something called a wasn't

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okay? Wasn't that's the word that I want you to become friends with? Wasn't? Yeah, meme is common over here. But if you look at that meme is actually part of the root. Right? So wasn't is basically the pattern the mold.

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Okay. So think of it as a mold, that you have a mold and whatever that you put in the mold will come out in that same shape. Okay, another root. Good question. How about this? Seen meme? Yeah, I mean, through letters are seen me mind some are means to hear. How would you translate that? ever hearing? Excellent, excellent. All right. Let's try one more. Ba sloughed. Yeah, Raul Bussan. means to see ever seeing Excellent. And hamdulillah Ha, Lam? Yeah, meme Hill means to be forbearing. So Haleem would be ever forbearing awesome. Excellent. So now, do you understand the concept of wasn't?

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Wasn't Okay, good. So, I might use that word now in our classes, and you can Inshallah, remember these examples? Okay, this concept, very important concept to understand the meaning of the words of the Quran. Okay, so let's listen to the recitation. Okay. And then we will begin to unseat

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this middle

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in the Lawhead is dashi de la Riva.

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Bob beam what

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are the law behind

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your movie Kathy? Oh boy. Dv Cathy.

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One I owe the LwV

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anything unless

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the law he knew that he me that he wire up Oh, phone wire.

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Long V.

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See do nothing.

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Hola Inca whom Mufasa own

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gave food. You don't

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need to come.

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La he told Joan. One lady.

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You need me?

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Your pencil

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Wahoo. I mean, Felicia is gnarly.

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