Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P30 303C Tafsir Al-Ala 1-6

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the historical context and meaning of the Prophet sallam recitation, including its meaning and significance. They emphasize the importance of glorifying Allah and the need for everyone to be aware of his presence. The speakers emphasize the importance of pride in speech and practicing hada guidance for better self-esteem and a better creator. The use of Subhan Allah as a model for creation and the importance of hada guidance for writing exams and answering questions is also discussed. The speaker emphasizes the importance of learning to trust information and avoiding fear of losing it.
AI: Transcript ©
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Rosa bIllahi min ash shaytani R rajim Bismillah Al Rahman Al Rahim

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Surah Al Arla, Surah Al Arla and Sudha. Last year or two sutras that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam recited very frequently.

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Both are Eid prayers, as well as GemOro. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would recite these two sutras, and if Gomorrah and Eve were combined on one day, he would still recite these two sutras. So total Arla and Soto Varsha.

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We also learned that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Cana Yakata ofii lewrie Sabir his small Beagle Arla, he would recite the surah. In the local prayer, he would also recite the surah in the Witr Prayer. So we see here that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam recited the sutras when in large gatherings he recited the surah in Jumeirah salah, so weekly reminder, sometimes in local salah, but in witted for sure.

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daily reminder.

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The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam gave this surah so much importance. What is the meaning of the surah Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim, sub b hismile, rabbinical Urla, sub B,

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glorify, exalt, this is a command, meaning all you who listens, you must glorify and exalt the isn't the name of who of a big of your Lord, who is our Allah, the highest one the most high. glorify His name, meaning do his the spear? Why? Because he is the highest and glorify Him in what manner that you should worship Him and you should mention him and you should strive for him and you should work in his obedience. Why? Because He is Allah Allah the Most High, none is higher than him. Allah Allah from Rulu Ali is one who is high, but Allah is the highest one meaning there is no one higher than him.

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How is Allah subhanahu with Allah Our Lord, the Most High? Firstly, he is the most high with respect to his being with respect to his that we learn in total me known I 116 that Fatah Allah, Allah who will medical health, exalted high is your Lord is Allah, the true king, La ilaha illa who there is no God, but He, as I mentioned to you earlier, that we need there is the world of the creation. So who is above the OSH Allah the Exalted, He is Allah Allah, or Ramana Allagash is still the most merciful upon the throne. He rose, he is Arla. He is high, meaning he is superior and exalted in his attributes also, how that he's above every weakness and every deficiency and every fault. He doesn't

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suffer from negligence or failure or forgetfulness or oppression. No, he does not need any help, because he is the highest, no sleep and no drowsiness overtakes him, he does not get tired. Nothing weakens him in the sky or the earth. So Sabir glorify Him, worship Him, become His servant work in his obedience. In total Minoan is 17 Allah says, well, Akkad halacha fo COCOM Sebata ik one Hakuna annual Hello, Pilar Faline we have created above you seven levels, meaning look at where you are

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below the seven heavens. And Allah is not unaware of his creation, how vast is his creation? How many are His creatures and he knows every single one of them how why? Because he is our Allah. He is above any weakness. And so it's valid I have 44 Allah says Wilma can Allah Who Leah or jeiza Woman che in for some our word while I fill out there is nothing that can weaken Allah that can cause him failure that can prevent him from executing his will neither in the sky nor in the earth. Nothing can weaken him, because he is our Allah, so Sabir glorify Him. Why should you glorify Him because

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He deserves it.

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Your success is in worshipping Him in becoming his servant. And why shouldn't you when everything is glorifying Him

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as Allah says in surah Al Islam I have 44 that the sub B hula hula sama were to separate we will all do woman fee hin what Imin che in li u sub b Who will be handy.

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The seven heavens the earth and whoever is in them glorifies Allah and there is nothing except that it is glorifying Allah. So aren't you gonna glorify Allah?

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If we don't glorify Allah, if we don't mention his the speed, then we are getting left behind, because even the birds glorify Him, and the angels glorify Him. And if we don't, then we're depriving ourselves.

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It is at that new Harley Salem before he passed away. He advised one of his sons, he said was Subhan Allah he will be handy he meaning adhere to Subhan Allah he will be handy make sure you say it.

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Because for inna Salah cliche, it is the prayer of everything.

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This is how the creation worships Allah. Wabi ha user could help and by it, the creation is provided.

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So if we, if we want to worship Allah, then yes, we performed the Salah, and in the Salah, we do the speech of Allah, but outside of Salah also we must do the speech of Allah. The angels also glorify Allah,

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the carriers of the throne, glorify Allah and on the Day of Judgment also, they will glorify Allah, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would frequently do the spear. He was commanded to do the spear, the most beloved speech to Allah is what? That he is praised and glorified. When a servant says Subhanallah he will be happy. In fact, when we stand in prayer, and when we say Subhanak Allahumma will be Handicare What about aka smoke Allah, Allah Jaya Dukkha wala Illa hollyrock. This is the most beloved speech to Allah.

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Think about it, there are so many different things you say during the day. When

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we talk a lot, right?

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One of the statements that we could say that is beloved to Allah is when we stand in prayer, put our hands in our chest and we glorify Allah.

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This is the sphere that Allah loves.

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And there is nothing that can draw a servant closer to Allah better than the spear. This B draws us closer to Allah how? Because when we say the words of this B when we say Subhana, Allah, when we say Alhamdulillah when we glorify Allah when we praise him, these words of glorification, where do they go? They go, and revolve around the OSH

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and they make sound like the buzzing of the bees, as if they are making mention of those who said them. This is why Allah says for Guney and could come remember me, I will remember you sub behave smarter because Allah glorify the Name of your Lord, meaning glorify Him, do his the spear, Praise Him, worship Him, strive towards Him, live for Him. Because when you will do this be even when you Say Subhan Allah who will be handy or Subhan Allah Subhana Allah be will be handy different forms of the spear. There are so many benefits. One of the benefits is we learned that it is the cure to anxiety, cure to fear.

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In the previous Surah we learned about the natural fear that we can have because if people harming us or plotting against us, Allah subhanaw taala says to his messenger in the Quran, that Welaka dinar Lambo an illegal Sadhguru cabbie, Maya Kowloon, we know that your chest feels tight because of what the people say. What solution was he given? sub B, glorify Your Lord, glorify Your Lord. In another Hadith we learned that whoever gets afraid in the night.

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Do we get afraid in the night?

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Some people are scared to drive in the night. Some people are scared to even get out of their bed in the night in the darkness of the night.

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Or whoever is afraid to spend money.

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Are we afraid of spending money in the way of Allah

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or whoever is afraid of facing the enemy than he should increase in saying Subhan Allah he will be handy. His fear will depart because of it.

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So your fear is overwhelming. You

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It's crippling you what's the solution? Sabir glorify Allah. Because when you will glorify Allah, you're reminding yourself that Allah is most perfect.

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You're admitting your weakness, you're accepting it

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and you are relying upon him. This is how you deal with fear.

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And in the Hadees We also learn that saying Subhan Allah who will be handy This is better than spending gold in Allah's way how much gold even the size of a mountain.

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Maybe we're not able to spend that much money in Allah's way, but are we able to Say Subhan Allah he will be handy that we should be able to do

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saying Subhan Allah is a sadaqa for every limb and joint

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as we learn Hadith when a person wakes up and sadaqa is due for what every limb every joint in the body. So how do you do that? Subhan Allah is a sadhaka when you do they could have Allah that is a sadaqa

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kalima tan, two statements, two words. How are they? Kofi? Phyton Allah listen. Alright, so kiloton filmi Zan hubbie button it over human beloved to the Most Merciful, heavy in the scale and easy upon the tongue, what are they Subhan Allah he will be handy Subhan Allah Hill alim. So here we are being given a command and this command is so direct sub behest model because our Allah

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and if there's one thing we can take from the Quran, even if there is just one lesson we can take, which is that my Lord is the best and I need him and I need to glorify Him.

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Sub be his model because our Allah glorify Him when in the morning, in the evening, in salah, in record, in soju, after Salah before going to sleep, even when going down, what do we say? What do we say? Subhan Allah, even on hearing thunder, what do we say?

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You sub behavoir to be handy while Mala Iike two min FIFA t

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sub b his small bagel Our Allah, Allah the Halacha Fussa were the one who created and then he proportioned. So where the Swier to level something, smoothen it so he created what What did Allah create?

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Everything. So everything that exists is Allah's creation.

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But when Allah created the creation, how did he create it? So where

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he proportioned he leveled, He's smooth and just look at your body. If this flesh wasn't there, if the fat wasn't there,

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then how would we be skin and bones uncomfortable and causing discomfort to others also, isn't it somewhere with this flesh with this fat with the skin, he smooth and us smooth and our bodies. And if you look at it, every single creature, it's as if you know it's complete down to the final finishing touches even. Because if you look at it, the pattern, the color, the detail, everything is so beautiful Allah the HELOC of a sofa, one led the other have a header and the one who destined Gandhara you are the root of the meaning he appointed the decree for every creature he destined a decree when it is to be created, how it is to be created, what it is to do, where it is to go, what

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it's going to eat, when it's going to die, a dog decreed everything for every creature

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before it was created. And then for her. Then he also guided it. He guided every creature. To what to what to whatever that is necessary for it.

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As the winters here, I guess you see birds, tiny birds Subhan Allah How do this survive in this cold? How, who guided them?

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Does this morning I saw a beautiful Cardinal right sitting outside our window. I was like, What is this Cardinal doing outside in this cold? How can we didn't migrate?

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Because many birds migrate to warmer climates but there are many of these tiny small beautiful birds that even live through the harsh winters. How?

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How for hada who guided them, where to find food and how and when and how to deal with the cold wind and the freezing temperatures. How

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How do they function?

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who guided them who taught them instead of comma I have 49 Allah says in Kula che in color canal who be other, we have created everything according to a certain measure for everything is a decree.

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And we learned that Allah ordained the mother of all the creation 50,000 years before He created the heavens and the earth

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50,000 years before He created the heavens and the earth.

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And so far I have 50 Musa alayhis salam said Rob buena Ledi are Thor Kula che in halacha who sama Harada. Our Lord is the one

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who has given every creature everything its form. And then he also guided it,

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guided it as to where it should go, where it will find shelter, what it needs to eat, what it should not eat, how it needs to climb, or how it needs to fly or how it needs to swim. How Heather? I mean, look at the variety of the creation, from the biggest to the smallest and every creature knows what it's supposed to do.

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Isn't it every creature

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even when you look at plants?

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How do some plants know that they have to grow, grow in this way or grow in that way climb on top of something else? How do they figure it out? It's built in hada.

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And for men, for the human being hit is of two types he they have a shot and he they have to feel

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that he has guided as an instructor is shot directed him as to what is good and what is not what he must do and what he must not do.

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And then to feel

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the ability to see that guidance, accept it and follow it. And the Quran is also Allah's guidance, which he has sent

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for people

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when love you've got Daraa for Heather, one lady a hurdle marinara and the one who brings out the pasture Mara RA or India Medora is used for grazing land or

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green fresh pasture. So grass and things like that. Which girl and would serve as pasture for animals of livestock.

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So what lovely Accra JAL Mara Fajr Allah who was a Hawa then he made it meaning he makes the menorah, what without

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And what is its color, like a Hua, very dark.

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Those same green plants, what happens to them? They turned dark, lifeless, dried up withered holes that an aqua was that length are well is used for when plants decay.

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When they decay,

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we all saw in the summer, how trees were full of green fresh leaves.

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And they changed color. And then they fell when they fell.

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Their color was still beautiful. But what happened after rain fell.

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What happened? The color faded, then it one day where I was outside, picked up some leaves with my kids and we put them in the car and I forgot to take them out. Okay, so after two days or so we saw the leaves they had dried up, left a big mess in my car. All right, those same leaves which are so nice and cool and soft and beautiful. Now, what are they

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just waiting to vacuum the car.

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This is a little sad when plants leaves, they begin to die. And as they begin to die, they lose their color. They lose their freshness. And they're basically waste. They're basically like garbage. It is said Husa is also used for the black decaying stubble that gathers on the side of the water on the surface of the water in a flood

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in a flood. So think about this water that has gathered up it will pick up everything in its way right. So leaves, broken twigs, grass, things like that, that dye overtime what happens there right to the surface and they turn black they're decaying.

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That's it. It's waste. It's garbage. This is what's that and further. Wha

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Hello, how are we? When something becomes very dark and intense in its color?

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There's two interpretations of Iowa. One is that it turns very dark as in dark brown, almost black. And that's what happens. I mean, in winter, what do you see? You'll see green fields. What's their color? Dirty Brown, isn't it? You see no green, no red, no yellow.

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All dirty brown, this is Iowa.

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And some have said that Iowa refers to when the color becomes really intense. So for example, as fruits when they become more ripe, the color becomes even brighter. And then slowly it turns into blackness. So for example, bananas when you get them from the grocery store, they're kind of green, yellow. You leave them for some time they turn bright yellow and then what happens?

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That bright yellow deep color some said this is Aqua.

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And others say that No, not this level but black dark. So Fajr Allah Who will set an aqua what's the message here?

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What's the message your connect this with the previous idea? When lady a hora del Marrara for Darla who was her and there is decline.

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Things ever beginning.

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They reach their peak. And then there is decline.

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Senapati Oka Fela Tansa. There are many things that decline in our lives over time. They're things we learn. They're fresh in our mind, so much so that we're writing an exam, and within 20 minutes, we can recall all that information and answer all those questions. But what happens two weeks after that exam?

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What happens? We forgotten it? Right? That information was so fresh in your mind. You were so able to access that information, recall it use it, but after some time you lost it. Rice beak decline, isn't it? Now the fear of loss is very natural. The fear of forgetting is also very natural. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was being given a very precious treasure and what was that the Quran? And he was afraid that he would forget the Quran.

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So when Gibreel would bring him Revelation, the Prophet sallallahu Sena would not even wait for Gibreel to finish reciting, what would he do? He would start reciting with debrief. So Allah subhanaw taala revealed verses in the Quran not once, but several times reminding him that don't be hasty over here. You don't recite when Gibreel is reciting. We will make sure that you remember it, isn't it so, for example, we learn into piano is 16. Lead to Henrik be the signer Caleta jalebi in Alena Jamar, who will Khurana for either Quran Alpha tobira Khurana, Thelma Ignalina Brianna,

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the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was afraid that he would forget the Quran. So Allah subhanaw taala assured him here Senapati Oka, we will make you recite.

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Trust Allah fill out answer, and then you won't forget.

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You see, when you forget,

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you feel so weak over there.

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Because, you know, like when you have to go for an exam, where you can't take a book, you can't take anything you just walk in with a pen. That's it.

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You have to rely completely on your memory. And when you cannot recall

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information that you just studied so hard on you studied for an entire week for an entire month and now you cannot remember.

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How do you feel?

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How do you feel you know exactly how you feel?

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You feel so weak, so disheartened over there that what's wrong? I don't even have control over my memory.

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You feel so weak

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and there are so many aspects of our lives where we are weak.

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Allah subhanaw taala reminds us here of our weakness

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and the fact that we need to depend upon him. So he assured the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, we will make you recite nucleo nucleo Accra is to make someone else read.

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Cara, he read Accra he made him read

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nucleo we will make you read. Otto also means to gather to collect, so nobody will come meaning we will gather it for you. We will gather the Quran for you in your mind for Latins

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So you will not forget, you will remember it.

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Are you afraid of forgetting the Quran

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should be

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we should have this fear because forgetting the Quran is not a minor thing. On the Day of Judgment, a person will come

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and he will be blind.

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And he will say what I believe a hotshot attorney Armel wakad. quintuple 00, my lord, I was able to see in the world how come I'm blind today. And the response will be that a third cut is tuna fantasy to her Funkadelic Leone Mattoon, Sir, our vs came to you, you had them and then you forgot them. So today, you will be forgotten.

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Forgetting the Quran is not something small, not just the words of the Quran, but the message of the Quran.

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It is something that we must remember.

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How do you make sure that you remember you don't forget it? How?

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How do you do that? How do you retain your memory review.

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There is no other way.

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There is absolutely no other way. When you review it, you keep it. When you don't review it, you lose it.

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Because you see, once you learn something, learn some information. If you use that information,

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you have it. And if you don't use it, what's going to happen.

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There's other things that you will learn that will take priority.

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And studies show that when you learn something,

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and if you if you don't use it to basically you begin to forget the information, the most amount of forgetting takes place when at the beginning.

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So one year after you learn something, you didn't use that information, it's just sitting there, you didn't use it, you didn't review it, within one year, you will forget a lot of it and then after that the forgetting tapers off. So it doesn't make a difference. So then what is necessary? Once you learn something, review, review, review, review, don't stop reviewing because when you will stop you will

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you will forget

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and the Quran what is it for? What is the purpose of the Quran?

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Guidance right? Everybody you see a learn more about knowledge is worship. Learning knowledge is worship itself. And knowledge is learned for the purpose of worship. So why do we learn the Quran? Just so that we can be called someone who knows the Quran?

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Is that the objective?

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Why do we learn the Quran just so that we can recall verses off the top of our head and present them and show that we're very knowledgeable? Is that the purpose? What is the purpose of learning the Quran?

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It is to recite it and act upon it it is to worship Allah through it.

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So you keep reviewing and stay connected and keep using the Quran. You will not forget it Sonoko de Oka Fela Danza. And the message that we've been given over here is that firstly, have again trust in Allah.

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Learn to rely upon Allah even with regards to your memory you don't have control over your memory. What control do you think you have over your money then or over your family?

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If you don't have control over the thing which is in your head, inside your head?

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What control do you have on things that are outside of you?

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Money family, children, you don't

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learn to rely upon Allah subhanaw Carioca for Latin sir

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